The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 18, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    " T l,WJ(llJHW"WMP'Jlp.!lH,rWT"''
1 V f"tJL'Tr"W --r
Leaders of (Ik niiihW, Mt every
xil.crc women who realize lln: It...
porlant. part shoo play in tlio toi
lette mo wearing K-l Shoes. Dls
tlnrtlvc in design, the beauty of
these .shoes In compelling. Perfect
In fit, their comrorl Is grateful
mid appealing. lulppendo.Mltt
inann (-lioes for Full arc simply
Widths AA to K
tfl.lll) to .-.)
See them here.
"Tin: anon that xi:i:ns xo hhcaicixo i.v
Hub Dry Goods Company
list lands oiiirirai
m;oADy.v piiop.:rtv owxions icoakt
I That Mayor Couple was not plonao i
OLCXTAHH.V HKSIGXS TO T.1103 wIth tho voto wn8 vcry cvl(,ellt ln hl TO 1'AV MONK FOR HALT1XO
FP COXTHACTIXO WORK iI,exl ,nlK' 10M "llvo wivu "''I IMPHOVKMKXT
appointment, but It Is puroly optlona.
.Stormy Session In Coirncll AVhe
.Mayor's Appointment Is Defeated
Reconsider ICnglnocir Refuses
Hack Taxes and Again
Sc e Clear Tltlo Central
Ave. d'Vado Xot AduptL'd
Asking that thoy ho allowed to
pay nil hack taxes and expenses
Corner llrondvray and Central Avciiuo.
IMiouo :kii.
''' '."Ann: ViUl, T
llK American Leu;,,..,,.
...l.l. . .1 .. . ...I II. ' . ....... '"' " WM.....OI.O 1rjW vim . ,. -1
ivnii mu, Kuuiuui:... ..a iu """"" I'rire of Milliner i.och up miring .,,,,. ,..,, auc,.0 fronl tho tv ,....., . ,. . --;. ri n .
,next appointment shall be. Till l illttl.vnXortl, Front Street !,.. wMtth ...nv had ..rartlc.illv in. .,...,.,, ....'" llm "'' leas, I?
does not mean that a local ninn wl I ir...i.w.tri..,r Vim. m,..( . .. tro ln order n. .. "!i-
....,,.., ...... ...... ...... .....
bo selected. I feel that you nro
....I... .. .. . ........ I t'rotniit nf tlin Morth Front street
lolling uio mailer oi i. iiiiib.... i ........ fr.. tlio ellv rminnll. And ll.n m... " 1
title, Hurnmii
I'leslly Lapp
fore the city council
' ' .oiiiwi.un ivcrp m order a
Hosswlnklo and Mra. , tsroundii, also ,os 0n tk 1
were last evenlnB be-,ndolph!n ns well. an,lrfi
And thore-'
w . . ...... . ... iinrii in rnv !iiiiiiMi. juii i ntint. rri. n
"Wo aro not," put In Duncan For.Irope ,y owners aKa.nsi mo re- - , " .r ', 'Z. L" 3 "".., .2
piankiiiB of tno tnorougnraro irom - - ,u,ul i "-hiuh ioiiow: 'i
or, Copplo urged upon lilm
strongly to reconsider his i
"The nn named by Mr. Klmbal Io1ock uv.nuo to tho city llmtt.bono 'l-L
i... 1...1 an ,Mf., l.. nninas roJiilteil in boosting tho cost ry lines of u hat Is known as At
....u ...... . ,.,... ,.- - - , ,....., . . i"l.nnnland",
in inniii niiniiT it 11 iiiiri'iiiii. cm
Mtflinl If wfitllfl Itnl'n linmi 111 ttui
This morning hoforo Mr.
Gormoml took tho train, re- I ginocrlng," protested D. L. Rood. "II t ,Ilom n,)0llt
turning to Ilosoburg, May- 'ought to ho a cood man."
"Woll, wo have other business nn
wo'ro not getting nnywhero by yell
first place. Tho ralso In tho price
of lumber Is given as tho cause.
stand of last evening. He ng nt each other," declared Dunca' Tn0 bl11 wna Ill8t -'vc'"K awarded
waa asked to wait a week
hoforo making a further
answer. Mr. Gertuond has
an engineormg otnee in to roject
Hoschurg at tho present l claimed
"If I bring boforo you tho nnino o
n (innllflod man, you have no rlgh
liltn," tho mayor ex
to HJoniulst and Company at tho
rnto of $1.43 a foot for 27(18 foot
of planking, this to bo done In
Tho council decided
It will take tho enllro forco, tho city
engineer and tho city attornoy to
stialghten out the muddle.
Consumed by Tuxes
Speaking Tor .Mr. Hos.iwlnkle,
Judge Hall said that his client for
merly owned laud on north Dread
time. His recommenda
tions wore signed by tho
mayor, the council and tho
city recorder of that city.
Ho also had strong gov
ernment nnd forestry sor
vlco reconunondatloiu.
Mr. Ferguson spoko again. "Sur
wo hnvo. Tho chnrter gives us tha
Wwitlici'-vano ShUcIich About
council petitions and property own
crs protesting In writing and orul-
Other .business was taken nn and 'V 8 wo KalllHt standing tho en-
half nn hour later I). h. Rood had tiro expense of tho unlocking. A
chnnged his mind and moved that tin ""successful attempt was ntndo to
voto bo reconsidered. Gcorgo Cook eel tho county court to pay half
ori'Kii .ma in: nv committkk ox
kaimioai) ('i:m:iiuatiox
KuggestloiiN Can I to Scut to llio
Times Officii Contest Open
To All
Tlioro is a chance to win n prl.o
by making a good suggestion In
connection with tho railroad car
nival. Three prizes have been of
fered by (ho cmuiultteo. Implies
can bo sent to tlio Times office ami
seconded It nnd tho voto thon stood tl,u um 011t of " Marshflold road
w. H. Oldloy has rosiffnod ns nlly Wt)l KerKUHOn nnd Kimball voting nu ,l,x-
K.VI'KCTKI) TO XO TI)l'IIM: l"1noor- HlH resignation, to till:
effect May 1, was road boforo th
council last evening ciml accepted.
.Many Make liHiilres If Plan Cat- Mnyor Kt Ai Coi)plo tlorc,U)OU ap
lies urncer would come neio
and tho romaludcr of tho council np
proving tho appointment.
Kor Wlevkly Drills
pointed Mi II. Germond, formor'yj pmceodlngs stopped Itno tho room There was but ono bid rocolvud.
white cedar and payment to bo'way, ,t lost It bocaune of non-pay-
jmado within 00 days. munt of taxes and slroct assess-
At tho time tho project was Mr3t hionta. Ho Is now willing to .pay
considered thoiv ranio Into tho ,, everything with tho ponnltlos.'to
ti g;il n securo n clear title to the
"There Is n question whether or
not the man has uu absolute legal
right to redeem," said J. T. Urand,
cllj atlornuy.
'(ll, I am In favor of working
out some way ho HiIh man can
get lil.i property hack," was I ho
opinion of Harry J. Kimball.
1'iopjity Lines in .Muddle
"Hut tlioro Is a question, too, of
property linos," said Mr. ilrnnil.
Mrs. I'leslly Lapp also wanted a
'SiVcet In Dangerous
flie council took tho aland that
Hut tho city fathers had reckoned tbo city bad no other alternative
without thoir man. Mr. Germond jbut to plank the street because of
who had heard tho latter part of tha Us present dangerous condition.
Sntlonnl I0i j
Hoston: ifl
.IloBtoii.Phiin.iei,,,,, n
At Now Yon,- ' rtMfc
. Now York-llrooklyn, .i ...J
'At I'ltUbiirg:- Cl
Pittsburg ...
Cincinnati . .
At Chicago: -
CI. Louis '.'.'. '.'.'.'."
, AiiiiTlcnu lnmic
At St. Louis:
St. Louis
Chlcnuo ""
'(II Innings.) '""'""',
At Dotrolt:
--... ti
fClovelaiul ""
,At Washington:
Hoston j.. 'j
'" iinutif iiiia: .
I lilluilelplilii-Xow York, n!j.
mastsiiu: in:n:Kii
In the Sunday jum. ri.j
Knslslde tlio Xol, i i,.,in,..
nnd throw an asphlxlatlng bomb Into "And I thought wo published It somewhat similar arrangement to . ' ,c ino iSo' "III baseball ta
I h llfltl ftifilht t.f.. ..11 I .a
tho council chambor. too, In tho newspapors?" laughed that naked by Mr. Uosswlnkle. "I . '""" ''si(ie, tne icore U-
Councllmnn Handol. jlmvo four acrea of ground on .orth i , " T,, vW ni
Hut his satisfaction waa short llroadway." she said. "I would . . "" nR l0ll("v:
city engineer at Rosoburg, to th
Cousldornblo comment grcolod the ,nr0i , ft r08llllant 8torlIiy Hca
n lillilllii.iiitiniil iliat tt t m.. .. tl
"''' "" "" ' slon tho nppolntment was turneil
forwarded for tho securing nf n nn- down l.v n vot of tn iwn. x.nuJ
v,.i ...miin ,.,........ r... (-. i... in tun i...i,,., .i,r.. ,vna .. ,.....' my application. Now under no con lived. "Suto wo tllil.i' put In City Mike to get the city to lake part of ''l,,HM,ul" EiiW,
m iiiiiiviii i ui.ii'tiiij iw i vwiin nan tnu uiviiii.k iiiuiu i.iiQ l luiuh' '
Pieelpltales a (Jas llomli
Ho said, "Gentlemen, 1 wlthdra
From cxprcHslous on t
tho pnpor will aeo tflat they nro believed tlioro will be
properly placed.
Tho prizes off') rod nro nn follows:
lfi.00 for tho best slogan to bo
used during the rnllrond celebra
tion. fi,00 for the best nnmo for tho
railroad celebration.
ift.OO for the best practical stunt
to bo atnged during tlio celebration.
Think of something original and
send In your suggestions to Tho
Tlms nnd you may got one of the
I be street It u ' Hlilorntlou voto favorably passed 'ahleratlon will I take tho position IKocorder Ilutlor, "and there were jit for tho back taxes nnd
, whereupon Mr. Gormoml being thou J lnow l,,cro ",118t ,,c 'arty coopora n lot of contrnctors up to look tho keep tbo rest."
no difficulty ) t rnf' ', .... linqHin.. ,i,nnl. itlon botween n city onglneor nnd tlio "intter over nnd thoy wore nfrnld No further net Ion wns tu
lug tho council for Its notion tint C0Hncll. Agnln I nsk you to plenro to bid on It. 'iho fact tlieru Is lint ,t lio matter and It Is being Investlr'
statlnw oiiiplmtlcnlly thnt ho could ,lro ni- ,m,,,' ' ,l0 ot fol ll"t'0e m Ib. !n " way tlle r,lllU "'.mH"'!- I '
in filling tho ruuks.
it tno present pinn is carried out. ntntlnia onmbntlcnllv
and Charles Hall, who took up tho'not consider tbo plnco inasmuch ns w,thl" 4r ""'nutes you could entirely the advertising."
mutter In Portland, boltoei thnt It ! there) would probubly not bo coinnloto' clmnR0 y0llr m,,nlB.M Walt Too Long I'or .Morf.'y
Iv'i'ri tun
lot mu " A. Vat
Tat man
I'nrlilljolriii u-i.u ili'.m l. n !..- ' I"1 "MO
ham to move his steam shovel amli1'"81' K' VtUn
iken in
will bo, a naval officer would bo , harmony.
sent nero from Portland once a weok
to drill tho mou. It Is expected thnt
definite word on tho torpedo boat,
Tlioro woro loud protests. "Why Hugo QUHti of ti,0 Ci A smith ,0l"lpnint through tho city to the1
l!ml Hujq
Has Hoeii Most Competent
"Wo nil of us roirrot vorv much
thnt Mr. niillnv anon fii tn tonvn nq . "M niiHwor woulil bo the Biimo in ,iU loiiKth of time always taken In
.... .. ... . -., - . , rf - ... ...... v , . .- -
iihkihi for Uoos Hay, will be received declared Mayor Copplo after tho II WCC1" S!Ua 'Mr- oermona..
wiiniu n weox.
w. u. Doct.'LAs iti:-i:Li:cTi:D to
Aiinuiil Election Held Last Kvenlng
Hon I'lslur llccomes Xow Sec
retary mill TreaHiirer
W. U. Douglas was unanimously
re-elected to tho prusldency of the
Mllllconm Club at tlio annual elec
tion held lu the Club rooms Inst
evening. There, were nbout r0
iiioinbora of tho orgnulzatlon pros
nt nnd they voted sovornl rovls
Ioiih In the by laws of the order.
13. K. Jonos was elected vice pros
Idont nnd Hen Fisher, sccretury
y I
drilled that thoy can niakJ tho trip, ' up his work voluntnrlly
" -.I i
not tako a weok to reconsider?" asked , .(.,ii vnr.u iniii ii.., ..... ,.ir ! waterfront, llo will itav nnv ilam-. ' "" "
C. IC. Powors.'' Im,i,,. ..... r..... .... i, i. ,... ,.f r.ues that lllnv ichiiII tn Itui utmnlu "ri' "a!0
- . , i t ii ill ii inn if ii. l iiiti iiunn ! --- ....- ..., ....... v . ,, (ajv.ifia
I " " 'I IIIOUUMI. It.H.l.
.... .. . , 'I MClllif
w 11111111111' v uy .aiK q Q
which to acmo up witn tlio con-. T() ,1U chambor of Comnwnen vi i. ,.,.....
-- imrjin
' l 1 1 ...( I uti. .. AW. (JOOK IllOVeil lliai IHO UDllOlIU ,.rni.(r,ru " lln nvnlnlnn.l llint tlin.-,.
,. .r,.. ....... .w... .... .!..... ..u lai .... ' --- I .mn hliuil IUI II. mnillll III KO 111111111 I. Irlnlil
ii July the U. S. S. Marblehoad, going Into another lino of endeavor,"10"1 of tho mayor staiuL It waH 80mo street work done way with any Improvements In tho ultv 'mmhIii
jBtatloiod in Portland for tho naval. whoro tho recomponso will probably im88C(l wun 'rgiison aim Kimuau m(.k jou nd that tho contract- ,mrk ,,oy Iimy wh rivinill. I ,, ,.,.
'mllltln. will ko on hor nniiunl rrnlHo.'ba Brentir Hun. wn pnn iftvn nu votliiB no. "I can't chango my mind orH nro atm Wttit11K for tbolr nion-li,...l..... .1 .'. ......"
' - . ,,-.-- ...-.... .. -,.,.-.... . nuii;iv 1 11111L uin iiiiiiv 11111111 1111111 iiiianini
ably alio will ko to AhiHka for work dm .....i... n.n I .- , .u ,::V,,,,
II J n I hi UL Alls H two wlHjkH or ,,olten TI, Proposaljwo Imvo Kreat conflclonco In IiIh ttbll-.,bn"; ' ( 4 "Wwn tho matter first enmo unM Htroet comtiilttco or tho romu-IK '
H'hHIIU Mr Hlin hi Mn It. in unvn il Pnm iint. ,,.,.... 'i. .i ...i i t. . ...iJ Tho mnyor conrirnied tho appoint- tii.i a ti niiiiv. hu. nn.,innn. t .. ... .. . ,,,m'v
IIUIIIII III-. Mill! ULUU " v"w ' vw. ..,,.,.; w w utm jiiiihuiuiit ami nu in Kl)iu& """ ' m -w -......, . C(y AMnrilOV Hrnili! nvnlnnml IT.n-l . Ti.i... Win-
nifinr. i .i i. .
' ' .. FtLlIlllllt!! Illlf I'll ML III &l
... i. . .. .1 . 1 . . .. if 1 ritniiifrtii ifnni ninnit rtii t .
iiriiiiiir iinrn niinnrn nm Mnritin. rnt vn tinn im nintni ., n uiiuiu jm, .viiuiiiviit nnoi. iuninnr mil Lnnn tin unirn i.i
--...... .. u. w ....,...,,, .. hi v fVIJ lUIIILIIIIIlll IT 11 HI ,. - ........... ... n . "I' "" lirillir II ll I' lllllllHil llllln itHi.m...lI.k.--ir.....l .r . t 1 1..1. .1 t ' '.. .. ... r favor " rnnllod Mr. noriiionil. Riionk. .i... . ........ .... ..... ... . ' " i :'".' niuiuny 1110 i.ooa mver
:;r ::"T,U rr "" rr:" ':"1 ii-,,oNorti,uk.r.
mu nuns 111 vuicnins xvorKCU vai- i.iui ui .u. . xiuiinuim xvub uioii renu. ," .. , ,. ,,-.. . , ' "v " " "' .v..w.,.., ,nct Iimu ,, B:l(( . R . . .. f ..
. . . . . iiiiuiiini. ' Mi. 11111 eniiiiini i.iiiMi.rniii ..... 11 1 ,-... ..... ....v.. ....-.
on tho nutter of securing n 10 the council. .',..,..' ..'..;;, ;.,...."..."'" !tl( not l)o taken until tho' team was Merchant and R.
a .-! i ...... 1.. 4. . m m n nil I. u 111UIIIILI.L ill nui ini. nu i L T 1 iriniiikL inikii -
01 navni iniiiun. Adjutant immmihn .u. u. uerinouii . . ..... ..... " . ..... w,.,, u .monoy has bon nctuallv collnetn.l. i i,nn.. ii. Kmur. i
...1.1. . ... ... .... .. ...1 1 i.. .... .. oukii oor aiior niai' 1. . . .... . ..... .. . - w ........,.-,
ivuiio inn 1101 iuiiico ins. i navo looiiou ovor 1110 rucommen - - I A proposii cm oi somo ivj He has the nroiulao of
terms lu saying there was "nothing datlons of Mr. Gormoml," said Dun
tlcally endorse n navni militia for, thore nro local men as well qualified
g". Mr, Hall was surprised tlio , enn Forguson, by wny of the oponlng lQT PIIIC P C HCIlfilC i80""1 '" ul,K()tllcr too much, uo
r day in Portland to have liltn Bitot. "His papers nro good, nil thnt W I M 71 M I V L ll LllulJlllj iCor'""K to 1"0,0lt' owno" who
; up the matter and oiithualas-j could bo asked for, nut I fool that D,uu' u'"- ' U,,UU,HU eppoared last ovynlng boforo tho
i. In i ttiu
u front that tho time Is not yet rlpo to ball anno played at North Lake
hue, Wl
Countv inin WIIrciii. 2ml base: Den Ftttr.
feet nlong homo parts of llith street Judge Watson nnd Dlstrltt Attor-'tni !. ns, n.dmien.ihortitoj
mill t reinsurer, with .1. Albert Mat- KVAXCKI.IST APPI.IICS Til KM TO
and whom wo' should first consider.
Wo ought to try thorn out."
, "Try them out." ejaculated B
know thnt this Is no plnco to bo try
ing out men "
S'uI'h for I A. HiilncN
L)iTi:m:its ox strkkts ai-tkic j. w.
Illldonlmiiid said 'thnt
MIDXIOIIT MUST KXPLAIX "this would mcuii a grado of lb
uey LHJeqvlst that no oxpondituro
of money will bo made wltliout
first giving tho city duo wurnlng.
To i:iitip (he Police
Tho council nulhorlz'id tho pur
chasing of "honest to goodnoss"
Wn ....n ..III..... ... !..... '
1 U IIU tlllllllK LU lllll If ......... I. ..I.. . ... . .
M, Forguson. don't yo, Officer, Have nig,,, ,o As, The.r . ,s percent grado and less of a U Z.mZ Z d
son, Walter Hullor nnd R. M. Jen
nings, triutooa for tho coming year.
Thero woro many matters of nun
lutorost dlsniBsrfd at tho mooting.
On tbo 28tli or thin month tho Mil
llcoina Ladles aro to give a party
for the mon of tho Club.
SKIItT AXI) ciinteii
Tho funeral of tho late Hrlco Colo-
lack Thompson, the Singer (Ji eat l.v
Pleases (he CoiigiV'iatlou With
Ills Select ions
(Itev. II. II. FoHkott) .
nnslness Lately Sonr. Have Re- jcut so that wo will bo nblo to
si'ntiMl the Questions
have a bnck entrance to our homes.'
them lu their
..f!nn,i .!-. ,M1M,mH,.A c,lt llk0 t,,, ono Proposed looks, i,..,.,.,.,,.,,
IHM.n.'o ., n.l. ....!.... I .1.1..' .... r. .... jw. ...... Ill, nonnl ' I
..I,.....', ,",,''. r'T, T . "'... ."lfc"0 yn'' 0t7,, Soll' rly, " ,;: :::;,, .,. .. ..... two feet l being ...ado In
v,, ,.,.., . ,vmNIII iiimorillllg ,r y0ll nro trnvollng about . " ,
has put In his application. Ho is a,tl0 ,. nvpnues n ,ho wco Bim.W 1 .nrsday nfto
dress-up on stato
ns n c!iang of somo
nnd with Frank Smith anJ Ft
Vnllor In tlio field. The nlm te
tho North Ulicra was: JaiCov
am ti Mngeo, lmttory: Jack JlowroUf
ilmsoj Hestor, 2nd bBe: Carbon. W
hnso: 1 4. Magee, shortstop; sod SteU
Iclinor nnd tlio McCiilloch Irotkmc
tho flold. There as a jood troiJ
mighty good man and worthy of con-,I0lira nml ,B mn wlth ,,rlB,,t,,0,1r
i. ..i.. ci.mcIoi. nf Vnrth DtDd,Ui)
action, but .....?, .... . .,,, ...... . ,,. o..a..n..,i...i ih tuttuti'l
r...nnn.. f " . vi'iuii ii.w- mini liuiill niioj" iif - ,
ftornoon In nl ., .v. ... ... ... .. ... .... imnmAl Wl
to 12th street nnd nmkn "..: " " ' " ' " "" !., miw . - JlMl
..... ., ...i...... ....... i.iini. ... .. . .... f.....i. .Annnru kv
I,l,..ll ii.. .. .,. . i i , '""," " ". '""" " " """" nnrannnl liii.niili.mlnn " ""'""""""Ig II HllIua.H)Ill WOO K Oil UI1IIS wnOi "
Idor. to... llohasnot ludmuchlo,Bhlnlnir 8ttu. 0 , bl , b()Som no rjonni luioatlMitlon. niJo f not ! lcggor. Orohs will par "
o with paying, I'll admit, but for , , u on Hia B,10Ill,or aml Hormnn Larson asked permission will bo ! S and told the court he eipKtri
m.108 nnd drainage, ho can't ho beat makoa l8 ery URW01. ,,, I)0 to i f up n corrogatod Iron garago bro t ,l ' U0 ' ,",,. w,,fornU.
nn, speaking of Fred A. Haines lt gontIjP. ll0 Untloman.y or woman-1?" N Tonu- w,l,,, l"t f,":8omo two ,., tl wo , 1 lave to Act ,, ws aken when a
lo has done mom almost than any ,..,....., ,, ..,,. ..u ...., .. .,.. "'"'t3- Nio mnttor was referred ',.. ,... . . APl,n ".,.:. .... irvrtSI
Forty singers and a congregation I mu spoaklng of Fred A. Halnoa.'., .,01,k. i.q oantlenianlv
- .. . .. I . . .!... I . .. ' ' ,.-- - r
ii :i.riii tifiiiiai u'na n umtMi piwhttw tin miu iimiit mnra n ntnar i inn nw
r' ?1 II (tflfXll VIV til tl . .. 1W- IIIUIII IIMMWDI. 111 tlllj
for .Monday night.
.lank Thompson, tho "canny Scots- map
,.u ...m ..u.. ,. uu,,, , , b t , t, h And""",;- "" """", ,""D "" elapso under any coiislderntlon ho- 'wns i.rosonted 1' Grohi. WW"
'nneau with, hocuuso of necessary Sinister said tlmt ne nu w""
eth away wrath."
man will l.a hold at 10 ... .... to- "'"" w,,s "l l,,H ,)0sl """ ,M0 '"""'"-I ' ' " ro" UQ mo wa'- ",t8i For, thero Is a stntuto on tho City ' , """" " '. """'". " n.a.ia- , , .,ro(.CCll1. ' -. " .,., Attorne, UijWlitw
. I ....... ...!.. tLnllvht ItljltW
and tho Hulldlng Inspector.
.m I . . . ... t -.i .1. t. ... . . -. ---, . ...v .vv. ! l. ,. ...... II -. .. .1 il.. . .
morrmv fm... ii... vxmim.... ,.i his so.o. "i.oru uoi snowing respect to our fei- !... , ,.. rtat n,. ..M..o '"" l,,c "' mii..ieu mo est.-
---.."'. ....... ...v .......... . ......... i. ........ u. u. .. u ........... ...... .j. ...... a. ...l
-..I. .a.. .. . ..1 . .. ------ -. .
Citv Attornnv n.-nmi nini...i l... t-, ' Min. cni.i 'im tl.oueht It hJt
-" " "- llll ....ItlllUI Oti.l. --- ...llj
iho tnii sontonce bang over wm
'"" . .. IW.m nffr
b afflteu to. i-'
innlo nf VI 1)n l rT AH I. I.
ii . .. u ii i r - i.n i'I'iiiii ii oi iiii.r iuiiii.ii.i in 11- in v iiu.i.iii. .ltiaa it -. 1.1 m. ji iiiuiu bi. !. inr .... ii.i.iiir
ino u. a. It., the Koi.b of Veteran , "" " """ - ".'-. i"" v -ie.lng about on tho streets aftr hour . , " ,. ' ' "" h positive there has boon n lcnl va-
nnd tho .SpaulHl,.A,orln.n War vet- " ",u,,s,l" ' " , tlroiy." io Bnll. muy bo eil nbout tll0,r llBllloM,of sewer along tho west lino of .. l00 q a
erans will all attend In a body. ww" ' Kood-natured, compelling! Want U to f.Vt. HeM Man ftm t,,rotll( 1f thop Ox,.la.mtloi, rollt ,root ,ur,50t ,A1" of street mad who , sec
r -J. J....II., that never comes off. Kv- "Gentlemen," broke l Mayor Cop fB. to oxplulnMhe Hotel d Crtff dqrI ,,fl ' nco to tho buy ; J J J
ICOIiT. W. SWA.VTtl.V. loiylioily loves Jack, and his n..u- pie, speaking emphatically, "My oroi ....... . ' ,. ' ,eI1IImrurv ,,,, " "l,t"- ! "dlnanco cov- .. 8U" oll,s,,, ' clt "
llll.l.K HUH MIII'K,
(Tradimto Chemist.
Because we have the most
lin-to-tlatc stnnk' nf nhnml.
illustlus ami uoop-sklrts! Thero ,1-J
cals in Coos Co. Your jres-,no,l,,"K ,,ml w"1 m'p 'ou t0 8,,M
. ,. ipatbUo with young people toduy,
cnptions aro filled as the Doc- nko just tiuniiing about what you
did when you we.o thoir ago. .
naho.1 In song aro a very Important purpose Is to got a mini whom I bc-,,.oon,
factor Ii. tho campaign, llo is n llovo is host niuillfiod for tho noslt i i ..i m. ,....i.. -ff.n- i.n ..-..
imivij lll- (4 if) tit uwili: H ii n (141x1
erlng this work
At tho sumo tho ostlmoto
iii.ii. i am urn lolling porsona. irienil troublo. lie has nut thn fiuentlnn In
si. Ill miter Inln II. i ninllni. ni nil " . .... . . Wtt8
tor writes them, and hy a
graduate chemist, twice
checked, insuring to you the
-Ploudld loader.
Other Man's Vfeiv
"liel tho otlior man's viewpoint,"
mild the KvaugdHst, "and then you
eau hoglu to lino right,
"It Is easy to throw mud nt tho
Kills today boiauso of their dros3; I have seen mucli of his, xvonc
but. mother, dour. Just think huw.j Hosoburg. Ills paving Is good nnd s necont peoplo go to bed, generally
jou were toxKud out fifty years iiRo'uro tho sowers lie has built." i, -ai.i. .-iint ..nvnnn h.'.. u t.,.l
Alter Lighting SjMoiu f0 tUo 8trMts after midnight Is lla
"Thero Is another angle to tills; iJo ,0 i)0 nuostlonod. If wo don'
matter that maybe you gentlemen ar know them, its our buslnoss to as
not conversant with," said Mr. Cop-thorn thoir business and wo Inlon
pie, spoaklng' again. "Mr. Germoifl t0 do It."
Two Ways To Open Street.
rprt . i . .
of $200 for a sower on Fifth street .. ' " "1IH 3trot. an bus been
i.ini-iinM-ii, .1 sooins ovlilcut that
adopted and an ordinance '
i . uiiivr lino UIO llllllier III llll, vmv.o-nl ninn ln illil nni bnnw l.nd ......,.,w , .,, ..uuinrr .
10. G. Porhani was nresont and wa T , , ,,! . V h".8 lmaapil. ,,wo cb or procedure nro open
iv. u. Ionian, was and wa 1)eeu robuffed with words to tho of-' , ... . , ,, to tho council, ntunolv for tlm ellv
called ..pon by tlio Mayor. Mr. lWTcct iat llB tlloIr own buslneB3 wnatt ' IW SlilewMk condem n root or to av for
ham said: "I have bee,,,,tedMl lo To lljorqutot nnd company went llw m ... J " Tot IrlvlZl tZ
with Mr. Gormond for soveral yoars ,) tho point itho bl(1 for tlio building of a side nbuttl.ur 7 ,T0","'8 tho
I have seen mucli of his. wor.c a warning Is given by Chief Carter ww,k a,0"K tho eaat ,lno of aOT0 lug to lve ?ITI ZZ "" Wl""
cti i.t ......... n...... . n.. "" " """ "l uiuuwiiy,
o..vv., ...,,.. i .- viun..l l.llll nail nvo- 1 I !,,. , ..,.,.
nnoB. Tbo dlstanco Is -188 feet and' J,; ' 'V0'1 3tnU,,, thnt C' At
tho cost 40 cents per front foot. 'j TL" " 0Wnv front'" f
Dean and Hrown asked for and . '. " f ?" '1 Al,el'so vne,
"Wo hobble u Iioijo to keep him
on the ranch and hobble a girl (o
I keep bur off the street curs.
Long Tongue Had
MA 1 rill t. lflllL.lii lu lli.i mntm.icf
OCSt pOSSlble results. If yoil liobblo of modern llfo. Never push
......... ....... i ........ .i ..i ... . .... .
Wnnt thn hod fill nt 71 Mne '""""" ""," "' ' mauer, ... uua is now miner con jtl.e funeral of tho lato Hrlco Col-
...... ...w ww. w..,, ... , , miu , now i .nv aro. k ve a e Hour Instniul
is, enthusiastically behind tho move-,'
nieiit for municipal ownership or tbo ATTKXTIOX, SOXS OF VKTRRAXS
lighting and water systems, in order
... leuuco our nixes u is necessary You aro requested to moot at tho1
lor us to out somo method cf Chamber of Connnerco Wednesday
i..uui.i-i..K ,eiU....e. mo mailer re morning nt 0:45 to attend in a body
Mil- HUH u-ni.l.l i. ......... . ...
were given an extension of .10 days , , , "". K voauway
for tho compl.tlon of n.olr sidewalk ' "Jroot ,nrov,net Is paid
along (ho east lino of Front atroot
vldlng thoy appeal '" 'J
court, causing lond and eip".
legal proiedtiro
Tlir. .. ...
from Commercial to a point 1 2S feot ,.. ., .. ""' 0Vcr II,UU
,. . . v mo new nroflln i i.rn..ri, i,nfi-
uioro nas noon an unuvold- ,)l0 ,ouno,
a bio delu
;of n shove.
I'lio unroallty or ovory day llfo
ket Avenue or Phone 141.
THE PENSLAR AND NYAL ,s nU(tI,0" flu,,("" "'t cripples our
Store for Quality Chemicals'" Z . , , , ,
"Hut the greatest battle wo fight
Ci , T ft I with our own indecision, and
dWalUOH Lflllff VO. l'craitlnatloii. Nothing comes tint
IL II nliuritlltii aiiitaxttilik i ittiH .tl.i
71 .MUIKKT AVK. . .... v " " "' ' Vvt
Tho mombers of tho 0. A. R..
tbo Sons nf Vetorn in nn.l tl, o.... ..
ti . ,., ' losierilay ho wis brought to the
ish-Amerlcan War veterans will' Marm, ,., .. ". ...?L. ..
Commander meet tonlglU t P. G. Rorton's of- tlo.i 'of tbo ankle va tc have i 2 n
fll'n ill 111:1 kn nrrniii.nnmi.l .. rv.. "a kj iiuiu iim.i
I .....:.- ... "" w-iinail3 today to find out xvlmthnr nr
sldoratlon nnd in n short tlnio will bo man.
ooioro you lor action. , pt t HORTON
"Our contract with tbo light com
pnny runs for two years yet. Th's
wouiu not outer Into tho matter, how ny Week Service Thero will oration Day when a big celebration not It ., l , u
over, If wo deeldo to buy ,tho ills l. a service ln the Episcopal Church will to held. . uiokqii.
trlbutlng system." Jtlils evening at 7:'J0 with an ud-
I.i the vote Harry Klin dress: -Thon began ho to curse "and
ball, Duncan Ferguson, n. L, Rod to swear, saying. I know not tho
ami Gcorgo Cook voted ngalust Mr. Man."
While playing with his son on tho
ranch at Ton Mile lako Poto Mine-
R'U In some way twlstod Ills ankle.
night rrom Oakland, ir sl.o arrives
Jn all probability sho will said to
morrow afternoon.
The tug Gleanor, of Gardiner, was
lying down at Empire this ariernoon
and expected to got away on tho tide
vvHU a barge for the Sluslaw.
The Christian BWerhJ -"
ror nn nrton.oo.1 session at t
.,.. InninrroiV and IU "r"
". . .-... n,BnilrfrlO"
L lii tho evening i" i -
dirroront ramlHes. ,
Public Service
Fred G. Buchtel
Republican Canaiww
' mu pn,nrH is my Pl
," '....hrflWi.
and your guaranty -
maln finfld.
. .. noripc.. l!"
Republican rniH-v -;yi
L. ' ' i