'HH'W 1 1 pwippwiinni iy, 1 1 ) i' ts "flTfflELL Joooooo think y.i'i Hl to m lM rcdy-for-servlco clothes In j our hI'o jiiiu stylo, know until '' in not iiimlo ... r.lll'11 HC IT Dill " , ami ti".t mil- ii"i I'""1" Ihlc by l',osc """r-'- Xlm Houso of Kiiimuii- tlslt mido l" l!.m "" .hdmcr. .nw S Mill J FIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1916-EVENING EDITION FIVE DREVife I Is probable Hint an organization will no effected at that tlmo. V9 O to $30oOO G UP The Hoinme of Goodl Clothes Kottli llf'"1 Marshflold BUY FRESH HOMEMADE ail and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. IJrop Central Avenue THE WEATHER REPORT Ur AnsoctitiM rnrt la Cow nay Time,.) Last Rate Toiiuutow. Tomorrow la the last dato that candidates for county positions may fllo their can- .dldncles wth the county clerk In Co- iiullle. The date for the state offices cloned on the 1-Uh. After tomorrow evening, however, It will bo lmpoE slhlo for party candidates to got thoT names on the ballots. OREGON Showers In tho west, fair In tho oast tonight; Wednesday probably fair; westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending nt I: 13 a. m Apr. IS, by RonJ. Ostllud, special government Motoorolqsist: Maximum 50 Minimum 41 At 1: 13 n. in 42 Precipitation 30 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 101G 70. ci Precipitation same period last year CI. 32 Wind, Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Tuesday 4 April 18. Sun rises nt 5:13 and sets at C:4G. Going to California. K, v, Davis tho "loggers' sky pilot," Is In tho city. here today from tholr ranch Coos Klvcr. on BAND BESURHEGTED IROLLO PATTERSON was down on 1 tin At llllpmiia Mi In titntitit. rni ' .., fj """' TRUSTEES CHAMHER YIIUKHII', CLARENCE GOULD eamo down from his logging camp above Allegany this morning. OK COM- MERCK GUARANTEE UOO 'Mil. AND MltS. FRED ADSEN, o T( lie Given At Unto of Jj!."0 Month Expert Reimburse- nieiit fioin Cclchintloii Fund Trustees of the Marshfleld Cham- Coos lllvor, were down today 1 1 ber of Commerce have voted to re-, a shopping trip. ttore tho Coos Hay band. Thoy 1 jwlll guaranteo $200 at tho rnto of' EMERSON, of Illuc llldge.'lfiO a month for the niuatclnns, , Aie Heliem-slng Play Tliebo nio strenuous days for tho high Bchotl 'seniors. Many of thorn ,nm inin,n t W. O In tho cast of tho senior play to la wns Moro today looking nfter son i organization to be made at once, glvon shortly. It Is to bo "Whotf business matters. The trustees stated they expect to Happened to Jones," a ccreamltii; ;lo reimbursed for this sum from comedy. Tho play Is being coached '' A- LIL.IEQVIST has returned from Marsliflold's share of tho railroad by Miss" llJoulah Stobmi. instructor fin English and German. Master Eggs In Vogue. Now Is tho lllll.l U'linil nil itnml fnt.l.ltn In.. l..i riegg8 for tho kiddles. It is reported ithat the brush about the city Is filled I with rabbits, all sorts of bunnies, In fact thoro will bo no end to tho Eastor I ..!. ,li, ...III l. - ... . iip ""' "in uo lounu nuoui next Si'iiclay. And It is Bald, too, that many of them will bo all colors, de- splto tho fact tho Germans aro not shipping any moro dyes to this coun- I i try. Many Are Registering This is pos itively tho last dato for registering no nns ueen uistriijutltig literature n s estimated that botweon l.CO-J nt Powers camps, and loft today for. una 1,000 persons havo registered tho meeting of tho adjourned term celebration fund. at Coqulllo yesterday. The action was tak-11 after Hon Fisher, nt tho last meeting of tho O. C. SETHER, of Glondato, who has Chamber, outlined tho matter, atat been In tho city for a few days, re-Ing the musicians woro willing to1 turned homo today. organize for $i0 a month and ask- lug that this sum bo guaranteed MERLE STEM MERMAN, of Coos them. lllver, was among tho out of town Inasmuch as tin celebration Is visitors this morning. 'coining In July tho trustees said , (they fool It neccsanry to havo a JUDGE HAMILTON, of Rocoburg. Is hand on hand. They did no: state, expected hero Friday to take 1111 however, as to whether or not tho some cases In tho circuit court. iband will charge tho regular rates ', , Jfor their playing during the days A. J. MENDEL returned on the trn't of tho festivities. ' 1 yesterday afternoon from a hur Ladies have you examined the new suits we are receiv ing daily, and most of all the big saving of from 33 1-3 to half tho price on every suit. All the latest styles. Lndlcs Hulls timiiulsli effect uoith double (lie ptlce. Wliol pop 1!ii and I'V-nrli sci-V.m. .11.01) $V2.r,i) $ll.7r, Look ill thee, examine tho KoimIm, cotujiaiv tlieiu Willi dIIkth nt iloubte tho pihc. .Vtii.r.o, .VI I 7r, $tj.r lleie Is a Damly Ulue I'opllu Sufi. White lliaitl trimmed Mjlt, flair lioltim. ijl'J.'.no value, price $18.50 Tho latest In coat unilli hair tho price more 93.1)0, $7.10, SIMX),, iiiiti.no. Examine tlicsc, try lliciu mi ami nee the woi'kimiuslilp. ri0o'at0rS ifeF Low Prices mmt l ' ' ' vrii ut mm Next Door to Postoffice JrCfUanHI We Lead Others Follow HviRBI rled business trip to Portland. M. 11. GEItMOND, formerly city on glncor nt Hosoburg, has boon In tl 3 OT 0 BUNS tho south. Piles Awarded. Thoso Mho won prizes nt tho Owl inasquerado woro as ,follows: First prize for ladles, Miss Emma Ilngqulst; comic costume for Indies, Miss Loulso Ilnnlow; first prlzo fpr gontlomon, Joo Schott; com ic prize for gentlemen, D. McDounld. Takes Hoarding House. Dol Saun dors, formerly of Coos river, has tak on tho Erlckson bonrdlng houso nt within tho neighboring district, or nn estimated threo-qunrters of tho full voting capacity. It Is expected this will bo the genoral average over tin county. Yesterday Judge Ponnoc rcglstored -IS voters. His offlco I opo'u this evening until nlno o'clock lion Fisher and J. T. Ilrnnd also ro jiort heavy registration. KMitS. E. W. SULLIVAN AND MIS EVELYN JUSTEN wont over t Coostnn t Ilia ninrnlntr .... n ,.lo H Heil.'llUll II IW (J.'llMIl M ----- . " S. ... ....... or a day or two. Looking for n Friend. In a lotto addressed to tho "Mayor of Coo llunker Hill and will assume charge' i?y" ,iat8 C,om0 ft, "W 'r' a " the tenth of May. Alox Erlckson! )N C Lyt n ot tho ,Morco J,oto1 BICYCLE TIRES Day Thorn From Vh. Wo CfmrKo Nothing to Put Them on Your Who.'l ' MARSHFIELD CYCLERY and wlfo who havo conducted tho miiiico win go on incnr rnncn near 'iMnrnliflnlil R OYAL Melro TONIGHT Pictures Present the Douvcr, usklng If nnyono knows tli whorcnboutB of Waymond F. Wll' lams. Siio says that ho left thor Boino six or olght years ago and wa lnnt ltnl rilii ti inrt 11 OL Tii Mi y Comes in. Moro thoa "nw . , .... . .a vorv anxious to sccuro lnfnrma Hon as to h!ii pruuout address. city for sovornl days on business. KNfiLIHH CUSTOM OX JOOI Fill-1 DAY (J I t()VS IX FA VOIt yi TKIS mm Wi 3a flj 5 k?' i mMJL ABBm A. 'A. DOWNS has returned Portland whoro ho has ibeon Bomo tlmo and probably .will ro main ncrc. loo owners of vehicles havo until their annual taxes Into tho gouorr.l fund of tho city. Troro remain many othor owners who hnvo not paid. A list of thorn Is bolng prepared. Somo Kof tho persons woro sent up yestor- 'day to pay tholr dues. KIIch Will Perform. Next Sunday morning Is tho tlmo nnd tlio-North iHond ball grounds is tho placo for tho. engagement of tho (Kilts' nlno (vnnMln donn c.4o HAM i with tho aggregation of tho "Alfalfa h. ib oajj ouii viauui )Qj(8i f10 inniiagors of each team havo ngreod mutually on nn eutranco fco of $1 each. " X PERSONAL MENTION : J II. M. KENNEDY of Hoodspcrt visiting on tho bay. la C. W. MEItCIlANT Is now employed nt the Courtonay mill. RELIEF OPERATOR LARCON lino loft for Uakor whero he will ho for a couple of weeks. Ho ban been n rogulnr operator horo with tho Western Union for nbout two yoars. Lnrtfo Tiro .Shipment. Tho Marshflold Hardware Co. liaj Just rccelvod ono of tlio largest ship ments of McOraw tires Dunlop Non-Skid over roeolvod In Hih city Thes6 aro high grado and high quality tires nnd you'll find tho prices right. Call and talk tires with us but no tlrcsomo talk. CARD OF THANKS alily I'll- 111 N'.ii'y Eiciynue In MhihIi- fleld Places u Special Order non Hot croga blinsl Hot cross buns! rcf If your daughteiH don't llko 'em Hut them for your sons Ono a ir:iny, two a penny! Hot croHH buns! Hot cron.1 buns will bo a1 fonturo on tlio table of numerous Marsh flold people on Friday, tho good old English custom of eating thorn on Good Friday being still observed by many. Tho custom does not find so many adherents on Cooj Hay as In tho cast, but neverthe less It Is coming more and moro Into favor and Marshfleld bakers are preparing to handle a larger demand this year than before. Lust year tho ontlro aupply was ex hausted boforo noon, so It would bo well to placo your order early if you do not wish to bo disap pointed this season. '.V '?' X NEW TODAY VI FOR RENT t .W:? J i ?$ WANTED Pnxltliiii by exp.'ilennsl '.,,.., .. .. i'wi hi'i.ii (iwni i' iiriiiiHiii'ii i'iiii f 2U.D0 mouth, or wilt sell furulturn on reasoublo ternm. Phone l.tli-R. iiteuograplier. r.l!7,. City. Phono 1I8-.I. Ilox VALLI in the dramatic sur prise "The High Road" One of the worlds greatest social questions answered in a very satisfactory manner. ENTIRE CHANGE OF VAU DEVILLE, Johnson & Fowler. New songs, new dances. ADMISSION Lower Floor 15c Balcony 10c Tomorrow night Irene Fen- wickin "THE GREEN CLOAK" "lAlnmn., I W!nl ' ?. "UIIIUH ctllU ge The most daring pic lUfe ever made. To Meet Tinnoi rout A moetlng of (tho commlttoos from the North Rend nnd tlio Marshflold Chnmbora of Com morco to tako up tho matter of form Jug n Tax Payers loaguo will he hold in North Rend tomorrow ovoulng. It TIIURH-i ROUERT ROWRON Is In tho city from Doluinr on a short visit. F. O. LESLIE Is over from Coqulllo today, again calling on tho trade. W. II. SMITH wns down on a shopplne visit this morning from Coos Rlvor CHESTER E. CAREY Is In tho city from Allegany on logging buslnss. .MR. EDWARD MOELI.ER and son visited at Coqulllo for soveral days To tho many frlonds whoso kind ly words or sympathy and thought rul acts during tho Illness nnd death of our little daughtor Ruth Ircuo, in a measuro lightened tho burden of our sorrow wo oxtond our heartfelt thanks. May Uicy find frlonds as good and true when grief comes. MR. AND MRS. F1TZPATRICK Powers, Orogon, April 10, 10 IC. FISHEKMKX ATTEXTION It, 0. GRAVES wns among tho lognl visitors nt tho county seat yoslor-day. II. E. ltqUERTSON, of Allognny, was among tho visitors In tho city today. PHONE YOUR ORDERS DAY for HOT CROSS RUNS and KASTER CAKES IMiono ItiH Special .orders receive Mid careful Attention. A. ANDERSON was among tho Nort'i Lake visitors In tho city tlila mom lug. Coos Ray Ico and Cold Storngo Company, of Marshflold is prepar ed to buy any quantity of fresh flounders, smolt, perch, ling hali but and sole. For prices, inqiilro at the -offlco. Dr. I. O. Vniiglinn, Dentin, Room 2, Fii-Nt National liauk building FOR RENT Finest furnished hpls. Ill Marshflold. , Freo heat and water. $i.'l!. no up. Myrtlo Arms. FOIt SALE Shetland pony, bug gy nnd hnrniMS, complete, ami In good shapo. Pony Is per fectly gontlo and city broke. Will rldo or drive. Prlco for vuitlro outfit, ?iri.oo. phnuo r.oir., Gladys Nichols, Emplro, Ore. FIRST CLASS hhaie: at tlio Lady Hur ker Hill. e.H nnil hair iiiIn iiicr Shop, Run- Wash Good jTft O I S. L. WILLIAMS Is over from Myr- ... . ji ,,,., . ,, tlo Point looking aftor somo to vv "dvu a djiuiuiu oluo business. nf n 410 cfnnrlnrH linnc nQ VI 1411 U U(i4IIMUI II IMIUU UW prompt V t TIMES WANT ADS i wu RESULTS 1 4 l"1"1 WMJ Marshfleld Bakery Second Strwt Phono IU8 l' OBLE THEATED TO-NIQHT RAFin-Y FIRST Marhliflcld's Flio-1'roof Theater , ('0"1 J,slc and tho Finest Pictures in tlio WoiM aai A "ISOX ELLIOTT' COMPAQ ' in tho 4-act Comedy Drama (,,T M) PAID FOR" .Vaudeville nrfd pictures botwon nets rs open 7 o'clock Pict. res start nt 7:15, Play starts S:1C. Children 1 Oc; Adults 25c Join1 "l U S"W COME EilRIA FOR THE REST SEATS mm . ?nnow' XimrP Lou T.lloKen In "THE EXPLOROU' Para mont Biwelnl. IKwv- vioi. ; that Allen In "Til I J WHITE SISTER." Tho play created a sensation all over the world. Announcement In nn endeavor to further Incrcaso our service to tho community, Mr. G. A. Hugoy a graduato or the Pharmacy Department of Oregon Agri cultural Collego has boon em ployed. Mr. Hagoy Is an tx port proscription man. With two registered phar maclsts in charge, your pro ocrlptlons can not bo given moro caroful attention an where. Urlng your proscriptions to "The OWL" clai'de piper ami rainiiywora well as all the new and popu ll- Ittl weaves in this season's wash goods and all at prices that are as attractiva- as the fabrics. We invite your inspection of the following: Devonshire Cloth, Wnite and Colors, per yard. 20c Romper cloth for the kid dies outfits per yard J 5c flPtea cloth per yard ,20c 7 ol.yr Ginghams per yd. 25c S'lk Ginghams per yd. 25c Silk Tissue per yard .25c Mercerized Poplin per yd. 25c Flaxes. 25c and 16 2-3c Baach cl th per yard ...25c' Filet cord per yard . 40c, Dress Ginghams, per yd. 15c, 12 1-2c and 10c. o SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY North Rond Mothers' nnd Teachers' Club at a o'clock In Contral School hulldlii';. Alpha Dolphlan Society of North Horn! at tho public library. WEDNESDAY United Rrothren Ladles Aid of North Rend enter tnlu Union Aid 'at Presbyter ian cliurch. North Rond D. M, C. Club with Mrs. Roy O. Drain nrd. Priscillas with Mrs. L. Cl.rlsteiison in Hunker 1(111. THURSDAY Dahlia Club with Mrs. J. E. Cooley In Euglawoud. North Rond Episcopal Guild with Mrs. Georgo Stophonson. Alort Club with. Mrs. Jounlo Laiidrlth on North C003 River. North Rend Junior Sowing Club with Clara Kehno. FRIDAY Klunoy Club party at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Rergren in North ll'iud. ! I FOUND $ FOl'XI) Lady'H Ioiir handled inn brclla. Owuor may get same at Tlinoj offlco by describing prop erty and paying for this notice. X WANTED WANTED (Jenenil housekeeping by experienced girl; Phono (2C-R, 1'OR RENT Modern bungalow; Hltmm heat; also apartment with five heat and walor. Phono 47-L, .1. C. SvAiiisoii. FOR RENT l'lunlxhed rooms, 1)7.1 So. Surenth street, phono II l-It. FOIt RENT, Cheap. I, 1 niiit:N room Apartm'ts. Rroadway Hotel. FOR RENT Furnished Apis, la O'Conuoll building. Phono 113.-L. FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot nnd cold wntur, bath. 853 Third at. FOR RENT Modern five-room lien. gnlow on 1-th and Commercial streets, $12.50 pqr month. Apply Going, &. Ilarvoy. , i ,iCi FOR RENT. ROOMS, r,()e to $1.00 Day;- j j $2 to $7S Week; Ilousekeep. I lug Apt., ijtH mo. up. Free j j bath. Llojd Hotel Apt. I WANTED Siandlnavlan gill for giiioral boaidlng houso work. Phono 388-J. I'OUXD Jolil liuiiued hpcctncles. owner may havo article by paying for this nd rt Times offlco. REND jour CLOTHES EARLY to avoid Faster lush, .LY DOYLE, Phono '0. Iluy Ihfl r Kuiiltnry t AT THE HOTELS t Chandler Hotel Louis J. .IrHt'h, Sau Francisco; S. L. WllllaiiM, Xlyitlo Point; W. G. O ! Kmoi-Bon, Illue Ridge; S. M. Calk- Ins. Portland; F. V7. Davis, Port- ( land; E. T. Willis, San Francisco; A. A.JMni, San Francisco; Plillllp 4 Daggott, Tacoma; E. Htono, Chi- cago; II. E. Smith, Portland; F. McTaggart, Portland. 4 St. Lnw'.'eiicu Hotel C. W. Stanloy, Portland; Jay Richards, Sumnor; L. A. Johnson, sou, Rluu Rlilg; Mr. and Mrs. Frod Alison, Coos Rlvor; W. II. Kolloy, RvuiUport; Robert Row ion, DMmar; W. II. Fuuitott, Port land; G. R. linker, Portland; Mrs. William Wlllard, Rosoburg; Char los I. Moore, Ilrownsvlllo; Frod .j X FOR SALE X FLUFF RUGS mailo from old air pets. Address Fluff Rug Co., Eu gono, Oro. FOR EXCHANGE Soven room nuid. om houso, full cemont b.isamont, wash trays, olcctrlo light, gas, five mlnuto stroot care sorvico In Port land, rout brings 7 por cent on in vostmont. Will trado fo Coosl Ray property and tako auto In part paj incut. Address "II" caro ot Tlmoa. FOR SALIC 1 registered HolMelu bull. 1 year old. Call Jamos Laii drlth, :103 x 8. . IIARRER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP Must soil barber shop In Hunk er Hill, Marshflold un account of death. Good proposition for good harbor. Apply Frod Milter Mnrshftold, Orogon, Routo -, Ilox I. mapped Tip Hodges, Ilaudnn. Tup mid llolsiini llread Haiiltury I'oiiil Stoio. TJbby Coal, !?..)( ton. Phono TX. IXTERXATIOXAL FLFID DIP TIim Great Antiseptic Germicide nnd Dlslnfot nnf, for LIvo Slock, iilds In tho pioveiitioii ot con taglou and Infection. Wo Frank I). Cohan Deliver Immediately. Bunker Hill Dep't Store iW. H. Dindinger & Co. Vl.no Gallon THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono 1MIH Wo Deliver Immediately at tlio ' Itliiuco Hntlil A. Anderson, North Iiko; N. O. Watson. Coos Rlvor; W. 11. Smith, Coos Rlvor; Wj. I. Ruttum. Alle gany; Sam Wilson, Illue Rldgo; J. 'A Smodliorg and wlfo, ltOHoliurg; M. S. Herring. Lim Augolos; S. A. Giiswold, Coos River; C. Lnudor bee"., Rairlou. i l.loj (I Hotel Emll Tahnusnn, South Inlet; R. L. Hat tlo, llandon; II. E. Wymaii. S.in Frauolcco; Gray and Glhbs, Portland; II. M. lllhby, llakur; JuuS r'tlra, Powers; G. R. Ilakor, Port laud. Rroadway Apartment and Hotel I Tho following havo taken apart mints hero: M. R. Gormond, Roso burg; J. R. Juiisou, Horkoldy; , Clara Sprnguo, Roodsport; Jewoll Fpraguo, Roodsport; J. II. McCrao. Corvallls; F. L. Charmnrd, Port land, Mr. nnd Mra. E. A. Rnymoud, Portland; S. J. Spraguo, Ruotlsuart; .Mrs C. H. Pattorson. Guidluor; Miss L. J. Pattorson. Gardiner. FOIt SALE Entire fiiiiiMilngs of tho Anderson looming-houso, also riistaurcnt oiiulpuioiit; center ot Inmlnotu district. Will sell cheap for cash. Lease given on building If doslred, Mrs. Thus. Anderson, Raudoii, Orogon, FOR SALE Good grado lloMoiu yearling holfors; 1 roglstered Hoi stoln bull, C mo. old. II. W. San ford, Suinuor, Ore., Phono 3103, FOR SALE Four cows, t! heifers, 1 bull; roitlstorod Ayerslilres; all seloi'tud stock from Puuno'a Calif, nnd Wash.'s bust herds; heavy producers, Wrlto Rox 80, Gardi ner, Oro, FOR SALE Ono rliihsy icgl.stcrcd Jersey 'mil calf, whose i1;iiii milked II, KKt poiindi In ten mouths. AUo rows and l.ulfcrx, nil registered Mock. Wilto to F, A. 8ACCRL Marshfleld, Oregon. $ 0 SELLING GOODS The big problem In selling .' goods Is getting the customer Into lie storo. Coos Ray Times ads will help you solve this problem. ft f SI m V ' -i ' f ! A v : M ., 1 I ..Afawii ... .... nMtoiJL- liittitiMir tr 2-kj- -- ttlriMA. w -K J 1A. -JL tr-V -X.'.-V '-ftaV , 4 IvJ Phone 32