(1 "" " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1916 EVENING EDITION FOUR -n r -. ,' i . -- - -- - COOS BAY TIMES H. C. MALUM!, Kdltor and Pub. OAN K. MALONEY, News Kdltor Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos Conntj of Marshflelil strong will, I)t wouldn't you liatc to be married to one. Ciinuieu mi uio I'osluirne ol MurttU I Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails second-clais mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES Ono yoar $6.00 Pnr month 60 Oil, MVl "Though mnrrlcd llfo got mitclt abuse It la no joke," said Slater Tim courtship Is the orungo Juice The castor oil comes later." An lndopondent Republican nows papor, published every evening ox copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tli rWH liar TIiiip" I'liMUltlttg Cn. COOS MAY A LEADER A boy Imagluus that It must be fine to bo n man nml not have to explain to your mother why you aro out so late. Hut later on the boy gets married and has to do more explaining to his bou'3 moth er than he ever did to his own .mother. I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS Minister Describes Beauties of Railroad Trip to Coos Bay w Dr. A. L Houseworth, Physician and Surgcus Offlco: Irving Hlock. Offlco hours: 11 to 12 . m.i I nnd 7 to 8 p. in. Phones: Offlco 1-1.1-J; lies 9 U i-ia-L 1 1GURHS printed Int ho iiowh col umns of thin Issue Bhow tho amount of lumber shipped front Coos Way to Can Francisco bay rcr IIIU JIWJI. lll"l ir... .. w ... !clovon million foot. TIiIb Is .lmoct oa nituh fir nnd Bpruco lumber as wra ou may not bo nblo to hlro or brtbu ti Coos Day umu to do a fool thing. Hut you can always got him to do It by daring lilni to do It. UITI NO In tho April Issuo ot tains nnd ilillls everlastingly groon Tho Oregon Churchman, th? and often crimsoned by tho spray official organ of tho Eplsco breaking over tho prcclpltnto roeir, pal Church In Oregon, tho Vlcnr it soqucstored nnd peaceful valleys wit i Mnrehricld 1ms tho following to say, their flocks and herds, suroly u regarding tho now railroad: 'have In It all a moving picture tint There is much to report that 13 ono cannot soon forgot. ' " encouraging nt St. Mary's Mission! What n halm that Journc Mill Lo Dr. H. M. Sn3W Pnrdiiijer. Tho few remnlnhig da; 5 to tho tired and busy I'ortlandlto-, Eyo, Ur """ Throat Specialist ... .... . ... .... ... , nr.uopu irinvnuti nro rniiltl v tmsn 112 when tliln 11.11B who will wond their way 10 1111.11 uoo.-..a . " . -. J of our great ntatc can nny longccj Forest of Anion to loarn ano- tl'3 bo tormed "nn Isolated section." glories of the ulmplc llfo near to Tho vicar In ohargo at Oardlnor, Nature's hoard. As tlieso already wlto has for nearly six years pait; ovor-Joyod.. pilgrims near their Jour endurod tho hardships, ind uomc- noy's end, they fancy they can hear tlnacs tho perils, of bench travol, hail with ovor-lncreaslng distinctness tl'J J. M. Wright Phono 188-1-IJUILDING CONTItACTOIl Estimates furnishoil on request Phono 830-L Rooms 200-201 Irving lllock. i,il. MATT1B 11. SHAW. Physician nnd Surgeom I'iiouo U30-J. TODAY'S ADVICE shipped from all otiior portB on tl 0 Mll.in.. .,,.,, Pr.clflc const to tho same place during ,, " "" 1 2 that period. Tho redwood ; shipped "Z you should Join, ensures cravings; then sonio friend who needs tho coin 1 Will borrow nil tho savings. JOHN FERGUSON from soven ports to San i-rnncloi- for this half mouth was comctnin over nino mllllmi feet hut this ng gregnto of shlpmontH of rcdwoo from tho soven ports wns not ns much as tho fir nnd spruco shipped from Coos Day alouo. Such a uhowlng ought surely to bo encouraging ti this locality and with tho lun:bor buntness looking up on tho Pacffla ! "tn t) iml nAnlnliiltl tir lu,m' ?""" , ,, ''" -, After a Coos Day girl learns that going lo got ts slrnro of ho Pro ch6 n Ja ..CTl0ImMIS.. nml t0 Cc0 portly which Is suro to follow. , tho unalloyed pleasuro on his l'tut sound of tho waves 83 they l.it upon' H trip to that point of riding both way itho shoos. tuo oiisorvation fiction of tho Then, ns tlio" "stung by 1110 spier. G. Butler CIVIIj ENOINEKH Uoora 304 Coko Dldg. Phone 146-J Ilesldonco Phon 3fl3-L. AKCIHTKCT Ilootni 301 and 302, Cake Dulldin Marshflold, Oregon; 1 Ono reason why a Coos Day woniun knows thnt a man hasn't nny oonso Is, becauso ho Imagines giving a baby things to' cat Is tho way to feed It. J the vorlrs greatest rattle shocked at tho largo number of common Ignorant people who llvo on Coos Day. on work train, and within a week cc! dor of soma hidden thought," tlu so regular traffic ffn bo started. j mighty Pacific bursts full upon tho'r 11 p pi, ji This will moan moro frtquont son vision. Wo wonder wltat moro God V'''5.C. vires nt St, Mary's iiiIbsIoii, nnd tl could have dono to enrich tho Bcene,1 ylcnr Is already planning many goo I and wo further wonder why this, things for our faithful congrecatloa garden upot of Oregon has so ions there. 1 been kept a Jowel treasured In n May It bo said lioro Unit tho now locked casket. I railroad Into this section will not only, But now, ns tho doors aro throws .bo of Incalculable benefit to us, but wldo open, this vision of beauty it will reveal to tho people- of Ore which wo trtiRt, will bo a joy for gon visions of beauty that they lial over, will belong not only to the sou not dreamed of. Ono may find scor-'nnd daughters of Oregon, but to a I cry moro ruggod nnd grand, but non thoso who sluUI como from nfnr.' more picturesque nnd beautiful. Como u n B0l ' Nearly tlto wholo courso traverse I .y the now road Is diversified T,yW0Bl' 0,,n u B,iau ,J0 ,0 Brcot l"m. .tho wonders and charms of nature. w tl10 ro'ul welcoming nplrlt ot Winding rivers, tranquil lakes, monii-t tho Golden West YOU ICXOW HIM TIIIO world's greatest battlo, tut q nt V01 dun, lias now lasted 05 days, with loi;os so fitupondoia that tho mind cannot grasp tho slH nlflcaiiro of tho Igurcs, nnd yet tiiotcrHis weekly wngo no plcaaitro brings, Is 110 proRpcct of, nn end to tho sail Ills llfo Is filled with sorrow; gulnary conflict. H linn been glveIIo goes In debt todny for tilings out, though perhaps without nuthon tltlty, that tho Germans nlono liav lost 200,00 men In killed, woundt!.! Ho can't pay for tomorrow. Arthur Peck says a moral and missing. Thcso flgurts maj; awakening is wlien you hour tho havo boon exaggerated, though 1111 jnlnrin clock In tho morning ncd got questionably tho fdaughtor lir.u been l without cussing It. tronioiidous, tho Germann for tl'V " most part representing tho attacking' A C00.1 Dny woman tried to mako forces. Dut In nny ovont It Ih poi- lior bread easy ot digestion by put hapn eafo to say that n quarter of 1 ting two dyspopsln tablets Into tho million of 111011 would not rovor tt.o dough boforo alio baked It. locscs of tho ns days conflict. KIRK'S KOLUM Kdlted by I- It. KIUK :. RIloy It Is 1111 nwful sltuntlon to co'i tomplnto, and moro awful to rcallzo Hirw Ilinrn lu nminiannllii .1.1 (... ui.ir mini Mtuiu ,n iifi'iii uiui iiu ii unfulj a 01 n cousauon or uio mucuoriRS. t WITH THE TOAST : 1 AND THE TEA X $$ 4 (iOOD KVIJNIXd To add to tho rouourvoH of one's llfo think how much that nn)aiiB! To add to tho3o things that mako uit moro at homo In tho world; that help guard iih against oiiuul nml ntagiia tlnn; that Invest tho country with now lutorust and on tlcemont; that make ovury walk In tho flolds ar wondu an uxcui'siou Into a Innd of unoxbauBt(l jtrouHiinu; flint mnko tho rolurnlng BUUBOI1B fill US With OXPCO- tntiou and delight; 'tliuV, mnko svory roil of ground like tlio pngo of u hook, In which now mid Htrango tblimu may ho road; in short, those thlugj that help keep iih froBh and mmo mid young mid mnko us linmuiio to tlio Htrlfo mid lovor of tho world. John Dur-roughs. tiii: iikst of mfu Not till tiro's boat U cooled, Tlio head long ruuh slowed to n qulot pauo, And o-ry purblind passion that has ruled Our nolulur yoars at Iwitt Spurns us In vain, and, wgury of tlio nico, WJo enro no moro who losoa or who wliu All, npt till all tho htt of scouts past Tho bait of llfo boliis. Wo all like to sco tho Btlugor Bttlllg. ' TIIK M.MIi OIllHIlt iiousi: Tune, "Tho Old Oaken Ducket." How dear to my heart nro tho scones of my childhood When fond recollections present thorn to vlow Tlio church and tho storo, und tho school In tho wlldwood, And nil tbo loved spots that my Infancy know. Last summer I wandered ugnln to tho village, Dut found not 11 neighbor old, or I1I3 spouso; Tho Htroets woro deserted, tho farms needed tllliiKO Tho town had boon klllod by tho mall oritur house. Tlio vlllago had viiulshod whou morchaiitti woro ImiiUhed, Dut 0110 louo survivor, uh scurod us a rabbit, 1 found, niul tukod why tho vlllago wiib doad. 'Tho town got tho lunil-ordor cataloguo habit, 4 And that was what killed It for- I ovor," ho said. llfo that for Dut tho world whluus whwit Such bono of trivial gain ,, rulod iih Uos Drokon amid our childish toyg, thou Wo win to oir rgntrol. Wo mall ourlvo to and thoro rlsu Upon us from tho vast mid wludlofet holglits TI1030 dleauor tliought tliat nrn unto tho soul Wluit HtniH aro to tho nlitbt. Spetator No pll- "It wa not n war, opldupilo or , IilBO, tooiuan a Invasion or robber s otirouso; Tlu uiouuy that should havo da- volopml tho village, Was all sunt away to tbo mall- urdor liotiso Tho money wo earnod lmro nov )r retiirnud bore, Whon onco It wiu sent to tho innll ordor hoiiBo. Sslectod When tho world Is kind of twisted Nothing's right It sooms to you, And every thing gots In a tnugib I moan Just tho things you try to do, Whon you start out ' tho mornlnj And It lasts all day and night, Everything you seem to tncklo You find It's wrong and novor Igltt. "ion get to fcollng pretty blue "When ovorythlng goes wrong, You even find fault with tho birds Seems tbcro's sadness In their song, Dut Just keep up your plugging And hooii n chnnco you'll sco, Just say, "If I want things bettor Well, I guess U'h up to mo." Then yon kind ot tnko now llfo And you work with a hotter will, Dut when you start you find tho hoodoo Just n hanging round you still, Then yon cny It won't Inst always I'll just stop and lot It bo, Dut mill f 1 oxpect things hotter "Well, I bucks It's up to inc." ' I always mnllo whon I sou suushlno Thou-tho things ncem bright and Ky. Dut when thoso dark nnd dlsm'ul clouds Got klnd'o started on tholr way, Tho tilings toko on another Into And it iiinkou mo' say "oh, geo" Dut It sconia If 1 would chango tlvsm Well, I gucttfl tt'g up to mo. I fool llko donr old Lincoln said Whon wnr wns raging high, When ho stood boforo old Gettysburg And could not liolp but sigh, Ho says "this war Ih dioudful Suoh tilings should never ho" I must get In and hustlo For, I guoas It'a up to mo. Now I oo Hint Proaiilont Wllion Has grown rlrod of Villa's ginuo.y And lias sont 1111- army down thoro Just to so If lio'll grow tamo, Wilson told our soldlor lnddlos They must never lot lilm be, V'or nftor nftor all that villain's dono Well, I giiosa It's up ti cio. 't NEWS OF OREGON X ! ALDANY Uov. O. II. Young, pa3tor of the local Daptlst church was elected moderator of tlio Con trol Dnptist Association. SALK.M Charles K. l.ockwood of Portland Is filed us u candidate for tbif republican nomination for Pres ident of tho United States, us "Ore- gon'3 Fnvorito Son." SCIIOOXKU TILLAMOOK rOUTIiAXI) AND COOS DAY SAILS FHOM I'ODTLIND i:vi:uv ti'ksd.w l"Olt lM'OHMATlOX PIIOXH 278 TO.M JAM IIS. Aut., Owiiii Dock LA GUANIJi: Thu money Is ready for tho building of a big can nery which will bo established ns soon as a sufficient supply of veg etables Is assured. dry'wood ut Campbell's Woodyard Korth Front Street Phono OS-.I TIME TAI1LE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOII CAR Leave , Loavt Mnrshflold North Bend 0:45 a.m. 7:00 a.m 7.4C a.m. 8:00 a.m 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m 0:15 a.m. 10:15 n.m 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m 11:30 a.m. 11:45 n.m 12:60 p.m. 1:15 p.m 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m 2:46 p.m'. ' 3:00 p.m 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m C.40 p.m. 5:56 p.m C:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m MMIWMMIIMAMMWHMIMaVMm WEAVING All kinds a spec- MIMVAUKEK-FrltzGovson.nro-i'alty. MrS. W. W. NaSOn, 680 r - - - --r prlotor of tho, Hotel Doll, was found guilty ot violating the prohibition law. DAKEIl -In three mouths Dr. A. for his mlno Koohler has .received $12,000 antimony org taken from four miles fro.ui Uio city. 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated i: Hot Water. TriuiHlcnl, 7."5c ilny; st.OO Per Week. Apait mollis, SlH per month. Kveij- thing furnished. Phono :t(l,1. L. .1. .H'KTK.V, Proprietor. MEUIULL The city council wants to Ivuo bonds for construction of n water system which will fur- uluh tiro protection at leust. MEDFOUU Tho Medford Concert Hand has boon organized und is supported 'by ;buslne3a. organiza tions ot tho city. POUTLANO Hobort Powers, pro prietor ot u cleaning und pressing establishment, found guilty ot vio lating tho prohibition luw was fined $100 nnd sentenced to 100 days In Jail. PA in: TEX CENTS City Limits North Dcud, no nn commutation nn U TICKETS, ? 1.7.1 ZU MurMificld-Xurth Dead Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from G a. in., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to Em pire threo trips a day. C'OHST A KIXO, Prop. ASTORIA Tlio tonth niinuul soj- blon of tho Orogon Detail Merch ant's Association will bo hsld ut Astoria April 25, 20 and 27. ALDANY Joseph Stricklor, uod TO yours, fell into tho flroplaco of his homo ami was burued to death. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer ASHLANDrTon thousand pouud3 of mohair has bon bought nt 40 conts a pound by a Portland firm. , POIITLAND Local business men plan a 1 1 ado o,cursiou to Walla Wulln and Ynklnia Valley. COTTAGE GHOVU -Frunk Woe ruff has biwti oloetod chief of tho Cottngo Grovo flro dopiirtmout. iffT I9UGENE Liquor suipiuonts to Luu county lmvw BP'tlually Iih roast T since January first, in Mnreh 2,0: S quarts having boon shipped. IlAICKIt Antimony oro whTbh w;s nianhood, jdtniipod In tho bunluoas suotjon of tlq I city yonrn ago, is now being taken oi 5 and sold. ' L Vlrttio U Its own re-ward and honesty Is tli host pulley. Dut If Auuiiulas luid boon a tr cltlzon h would nhvo boon forgot ten tho day ho dlod. A GUANDia Union county per. p'lo will vote on tha quotion of I w suing 1100.000 of IVfc por cnt roa ' boiuU. Tlmos want nds bring results. Wo till protend lo mturi.1 lEV. B. F. BENGTSON, -..i-L.nl. I N ' Sni-dUli Liitliyrnii Minister, Ucs. Ideuco UIM Illglilniul Ave. Plinuo admire a III, l I ;5 THE DALLES Mrs. Thomas Uui fy who had .1 hard tlmo making both ends moot during her rcsldenco in this city, haa fallen heir to $50, left by relatives In Jraland. THE WHITE IS KING Of nil Soiling Machine Now located at 256 Market ate. West. Phono 1D3-J. Wo havo also got big bargains In all kinds ot used maehlues. All machines fold on easy payments. PHONE 122 FOR DRUGS Immediate Delivery rain or shine The Red Cross tamMkm Pharmacy SALEMSonator Durton ot Ohio Is to bo 1 blot speaker ut n banquet, given by tho Sons- ot tho American Devolution. SAVE MONEY by ordering tlio famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1,00 Lump coal, ton $.1..lo Or hull tou of both.. $1.75 1). MUSSOX, Prop. Phono 18-.T or lenvo orders nt Hlllyei's Cigar Storo First floe iw viaoo STR. BREAKWATER SAILS APRIL 20 M i 1 North Pacific Steamship Co. ' Smith Terminal Dock. Drroct Sailing tu Eureka, San Francisco, Santa Barbara . Los Angeles, San Diego, F. A. KILBURN April 18 1 ! ;cnt (capital Otficors-J. W. DENNETlV'Presldont;' JAS. H. FiiJ President; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DBMbMi I. Leo Drown :; Phone tli'J "PDISCUIP'I'IONS riltST." El'GENE-r-A total of 11,501 voter ot nhoni 4.2Ti3 nro women havo reg lot . red In Lano county nnd a few, hundrod moro will bo registered. ' SALEM About CB0 loganborry, growers were preejit nt a nieotlntj vhen ui Marlon county Association was formed and decided that they loiild not soil tho product for loss than tlire cent3-n.ound. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phono 3171 I : POUTUVNO It Is proposed to luio a baud coucort limited to or fa'iUatlous outsldo the stato durln;; tlto Hosv (Fostlvl nrovlded twolve b 11 l.i 1 an bd Induced to enter. ; Low Cost Hiah Efficiency COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS! SOUTH COOS HIVI2R DOAT SEUVICE LAUNCH EXPItESS leaves Marslifield every day 8 n.111. Leaves head of river ut :1:!10 p. in. STEAMED ItAlXDOW leaves head of rlveh dally nt 7 a.m. Leaves Marshrteld nt 2 i.tit. For charter apply on board. HOGKIIR SMITn, Props. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S- Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL Don PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agenf OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Uorst ii King. Lento Mnrshfield nt 7 n. ni nnd returning leaving from Kmji, 8 n. 111. Leave Mnroliflclil ut i 1 n.m. and returning leare So' '! Slough i 1 p. in. Lenvd Mnrshfield nt fj p. ,, aDd M , lenvo Soiitli Slough nt . 111. '' .1 Ah Tit fnllnliln AL.i.i . . . istracts ssstn coos ',AY'a Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshflold nnd Coqulllo City, Orogon. General AKeiitn Knstntdo nml SciiKstackcn'.H Addition. Special attention paid to nsscsKiiicntH nnd payment of tain, HKXItl SEXGSTACKKX, JliinnRer. GRAVEL' Wo aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In nj faiDtlt'u troni pllo In our yard or In airload lots, nt following prlcN: Krom pllo on ground, J2.?B por yard. Carload lots, taken from can, 12.00 per jui Ilotall Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite FosOfieo. Hiuit IH, tatements For the month of March are now ready. Depositors are requested to call for them at their convenience, Tr10 IT n nai me riFit iaoo: Jg OF COOS BAY affety Pluas Servnce ir?i oae QBIHtt9MVHKAijSWBMV?r!3MESflBtfS?Sf3K9HNHE!HflMKfiBBHVBH a 4 Oldest Hank In Coos County IMiiMUlied 18i Flanason (1 Bennett Bank k' MurMifleld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 IXTEItEST !IIH OX TIME AND SAVIXOS "JfJJ? Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. II. PJtjb, President; It. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. 'L,,': Assistant Cashier. Flanagan Bfennetfc Bank OF MYHTLK POINT Capital $25,) Cashier. BemieU, Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 5,0 , Officers J. V. BENNETT, President; TOM T. BE'S President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; DLNN- TON, Treasurer. . 3 ;A Tho Only Trust Company In tljo Stiito, Qutslde of Portian , Organized Under the New Iiaw. '3 1 1 11 1 1 'I EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings m like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front 1 I