THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1916-EVENING EDITION THREE 1 w r winnrl I Burl WM "v ' 1 I fed &N G& 3 1 Hi llll HU CvpnilitUittScltiIfae &Mua Varsity Fifty Five A Regular Suit for Regular Fellows art Sohaffner & Marx young men designers created these suit hits; they express the youth ful idea. But all men can wear these suits; you're young enough, no matter how old you are if you only think so. Variations to please every taste $18 and up pay $25 if you can Clothes Purchased at this Store Kept Pressed Free of Charge Woolen Mill Stores MARSHFIELD :: :: NORTH BEND The Home of Hart Schafmer & Marx Clothes fl3i P.S! B Jm i brevtti ? PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Not a Bear Steak BUT A STEAK THAT'S A BEAR That's wh?.: we give you when you ask us for a choice steak. All our meat is selected with care and kept clean and sanitary. If you order here you will not be disappointed. Palace Meat Market N. I). OSWALD. riionu -lon.j. Central Avo. ROYAL TONIGHT 8 hi:i:i.s or pictuhes MeUru,, V,. Pictures-Actual and M of nIT,,Kt'n nt ' V 3 ck mm ' uhowin aU tl10 Principal JJett I,, tho Mexican Revolution 8nod , Mexlco nml ,ator ram " W- General cv,R t AT THE HOTELS Chandler Hotel O. C. Hamlin, Denver Hill; Ver lln Parker, Eugene; Nell ailflllnn, Coos Diver; Audrey Hryant, Coos Diver; J. W. Harrison, San Frnn cl3co; J. H. 1. Mason, Ban Fran Cisco; Roger D. Levy, Portland; O. C. Sothor, flioiulalo; J. F. Snnk ey, Portland; G. E. Johnson, Port land; 11. L. Hall, Portland; C. F. Dolner, Portland; W. A. Mead, So- nttlo; K. 11. Kills, Portland; Louis J. Zlracli, San Frnnclsco; George II. Davis, San Francisco; A. W. Rut- terworth, San Francisco; J. iE. Turnbull, Portland; W. Mack, New York; F. S. J" ;lo, Cofiulllo; C. II. Williams, Po. -nd; S. M. Calkins, Portland; Georgo A. Datcson, Port land; V. 0. Hlndmnrali, Hatisor: D. II. Dosa, llandon; P. S. Shallon- burgor, Chicago; Miss L. J. Pat terson, Gardiner; Mrs. E. J. Pat terson, Gardlnor; Mrs. C. II. Pat terson, Gardiner; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Smith and son, Coqulllo; Frod W; Davis, Portland; II. U. Marks, Tacomn; II. Trautnor, San Fran cisco; L. 11. Gllbcrtson, Portland; J. L. Standefor, Portland. St. Lawrence Hotel Miss Evelyn Juston, Willanch In let; L. It. PInnrd, Portland; F. II. Green, Portland; Mrs. I. Montgom ery, California; Mrs, C. Iloutln, lEmpIro; F. Kuster, Soattlo; Nor- Iman Kough, Coqulllo; Jack Willlts, Coqullle; Hnrry Grover, Coos Div er; D. Anderson, Coqulllo; Frank Thorson, Coos DIv6r; L. II. Paul eon, Portland; P. Dalar, Reaver Hill; Low F. Prlco, Sumner; Dort Englom, Camp 1; II. M. Kennedy, Deodaport; John Lowe, Dolmar; Charles A Anderson, Dalmar; Ed Anderson, Doaver Hill; Albert Stlfler, lloavor Hill. Lloyd Hotel Jack Stora, Powors; G. It. Rak- or, Portland; Tom Marvls, North Rend; Chris Nolson, Allegany; V. Nowols, Powors; C. W, Matson, Catching Inlet; Walter McLetod, North Pond; James Slieehan, Deav- DUX VOl'D DICVCLE by a J or Hill; Olaf Fisher, Proaper; J. A. j Smith Motor WJseol, attached iMellqvIst and family, Portland. THE WEATHKD REPORT Illy Anoclittd )'ftn to con n Tlmrt OREGON Showers to night; cooler In the east; Tuesday probably air; wluds becoming westerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItKCOD!) For the 24 hours ending at 1:411 a. m., Apr. 17. by lien J. 08tllnd, special government Meteorologist: Maximum 01 Minimum ,ir At 1:13 n. m n Preclpltntlon 411 Precipitation ;i2 Precipitation alnco Sopt. 1, 1015 7G.27 Precipitation sanio period last year (11. ,12 Wind, Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Monday April 17. Sun rises at r:l l and sets nt G: in. t born : ?$ IJODN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry Hull of Dlvcrton, April 3, a daughter. Want to Do Cltlcn. Sovoral poi sons wero in tho circuit court today making application for naturalization papers. Fishing DoiUh Out Tho Coob Day bar was ninooth yesterday and many fishing; boats went nut during thd day. Not Many nt Dench, Tlioro wore not many nt tho beach Sunday. The day was not cortaln as to weather and besides mnny of thn Sunday ox- cuiHloulsta wont north on tho rati road. MOBLE THEATER SAFETY riDST Mnrsliflcld'H Fire-Proof Theater Good Music and tho Finest Pictures In Uio World Tho screen debut of tho crowned monarch of tho stnge, "ROHERT MANTKI.,,-Tho world's mns omlnont Drnmntlc Stnr In tho start ling nioikrn drama, "THE DLINDNESS OF DEVOTION" )y Dox Ingram, A stirring nrrnlgnmont or Society's sins. Fox Pictures aro always good Seo thorn every Monday. "SKI.IQ TRII1UNE WEEKIY"- Tlio nows weekly that covers tho orUl. ' ANTHONY'S ORCHESTRA Lower Floor, 15 cts.: Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. Tomorrow Night "THE EDISON DRAMATIC CO" Eight poo Pie In "lloi'GHT AND PAID FOR." Sovon reels of Pictures One show only Pictures Btnrt at 7:15; play atarls S:inThreo hour show. Ad mission 25 cents for tuliUs 10 conts for Children. Kb Grass Coming Up JaniB Landrlth who wns hero from Coos Rlvor Raid that tho grass Is coming up nnd tho cows aro now producing moro milk. Ho now milks 3I nnd expects to In cronso to 42 bcoro tho inoUth Is over. Launch In Shipped. Aboard tho train for Coqulllo this morning wns tho largo gasoltno launch Denver, that for Rovernl years Iiiih been tho property of tho Denver Hill Com com pnny. It hns been sold to G. T. Grn ham nnd wns delivered today. Quits tho Vessel. Tom Hnydon who for n long tltuo past haa boon oiler on tho Adollno Smith, haa re signed his position. Ho will how ovor contlnuo his study of liinrluo en gineering preparatory to later tak ing examinations. Sunday School OrKiml.i'ri. A good qulllo for court open'lug this morn ing. W. U. DOUGLAS left on tho morning train for Coqulllo on court busi ness. EARL POWELL wns among tho vis itors nt tho county seat this mo'rn 1"S. I ARTHUR PECK wont over to Co-1 qulllo this morning on legal bust-' uess. ' A. J. DA1LEY and wlfo wero up esterday from their homo nt Gold Deach. CITY ATTORNEY J. T. DRANI) was1 called to Coqulllo today on legal business. MISS EVELYN .1USTEN of Cooston wiu visiting a friend hero over tho week end. JOHN C. KENDALL returned on the morning train from n week end visit nt Powers. SUPERVISOR F. A. GOLDEN went to Coqulllo thla morning on school business. MR. AND MRS. J. L. SMITH and son. of Coqulllo, wero visitors hero yesterday. HUGH DARCLAY returned todny af ter spending tho week oml with friends In Coqullle. WILLI A.M GARRETT nnd wlfo spent tho week v;nd In tho city from their lionio nt Powors. O. C. SETHER, of Glendnle, Wash., Ih hero on tho bay ngnln, looking after some properly Interests. MRS. E. J. PATTERSON, Mra. C. H. Patterson, of Gardiner, was among tho visitors hero yester day. COLONEL R. II. ROSA relumed yesterday to llandon, nfter nt t "tiding Hie port meeting In Eu gene on Friday. PETER LOGGIE, of tho Port of Coos Day commission, returned Saturday ovenlng from an of ficial visit to Eugene. WHY IT PAYS To trade at the J. C. Penney Store. First of all we do not ask you to pay two profits, simply a small profit, an honest one. We have but ONE pricethe same to day, tomorrow and all the time, no double faced price manipulating goes here, we believe in dealing on the square with the public, no juggling of prices; honesty Honest values, Honest prices. A comparison of quality will convince you Ladles Corsets 70, 08, 1.11), 1.(11), 1.08 Ladles Ho3o to, 112)6, -", !", T Ladles union underwear 1 U.", .ll, (II), 118 Ladles vests, no sleoves HUH, 10, IU'4, II.", 41) Pillow Slips 8 un, 10, 126, -I Sheets, full slzo ill), 71), Hit, I) l .Mens Fancy Suits 't.IM), H.OO, .(), Men's llluo Sorgo Sulta o.lio, 12.B0, 1 1.Trt Mons Spring underwear . . . .; !, 71), 1)8, l.!K Mens work sox .' n, 8 J. icv n: Mens dresa sox , 10, 112$, U." Mens nnd Hoys caps , at, ill), 41), (II) While handerchlofs rc Originators 2j cfo,,,-, We Lead of Jiy-JZey0 Others Low Prices "' ' ' i " m Follow Next Door to Postoffice II Y GO TO LUKES TRAIN TO NORTH LAKE CROWD ED WITH EXCURSIONISTS rMi Piovo Elimlw, Curing Little for Files Week End Dates I'rmo 'Tlielr l'opiihully a There woro dozuna of persons aboard tho !:yo train ye3torday morning for North' Lake, vnilora VERLIN PARKER, of llandon, ro-golng up to spend 11 few hours on turned Saturday from Eugeno 'Ton Mllo lake. This was tho first whoro ho was called last week excursion this aeason, round Irlji by the Illness of his mother. JUDGE JOHN S. COKE roturnod from Gold Deach on Saturday ev ening mid this morning wont bnck to Coqulllo on court business. MR. AND MRS. O. W. I1RIGGS re turned homo Sunday evening from llandon whoro they wont to attend tho wedding of their sou, Stnnloy HrlggB. C. E. NICHOLSON, of tho Cold ator ngo company, canio back this morning for n wook end trip to tho Coqulllo Vnlloy. G, C. SCIIROEDER loft this morn ing on tho train for Port- rates bolug In effect yestordny. Long before train time tho lino In front of tlio ticket window ex tended through tho waiting room and onto tho platform, So woro tho ticket Bailors hurrjed that when (i man proseuted himself, ask ing for a ticket to Kansas City, lio was told such a thing wan not possible nt tho time. Fishermen returning from tho lakes last evening declnrcd that tho fish cured little for files yesterday, hut grnbbod well at tho trolls. Many people camo down to North Lnko from Tompleton and tho sur- laud. Ho Is going to his oldjroundlng country and tlioro wns n homo In Idaho, but expects to ro turn hero again. MR. AND MRS. JOE MAST of Myrtlo big time at the summer resort with a diversity of attractions. I iTW vtvttw wvTvwvvvy Pdlnt, wero hero this week ond,i cnP PCMT 9 VOIt RENT NMl 1'iirnMuMl Flat $2!LG0 mouth, or will sell furulturo on reasonhlu terms. Phono Din-D. t NEW TODAY X WANTED (leueral lioiisckcopln by experienced girl. Phono 42G-R. WANTED Scaiidlnulnii gill foe gvMiornl boarding houso worlc. Phono :tS8-J. t : FOR SALE I'Ll'I'l.1 HUGH niado from old car pets. Address Fluff Rug Co., En gono, Oro. 1 FOR E.YCILN(DJ evni room mod. oru houso, full cement basomont, wash trayH, electric light, gas, flvo 'utluiito street caro sorvlco in Port land, rout brings 7 per cent on In vestment. 'Will trado fo Coob Day property and tako auto In part payment. Address "II" caro ot Times. returning this morning with their ltttlo 'son who camo over to have a phco of bono taken from his nrm. DEPUTY GAME WARDEN THOMAS mado a trip up Coos River yester day. Ho says ovorybody seoins to hnvo nccurcd illeonscs, ho has found no violations and haa mado 110 arrests this mouth. FUNERAL OF MRS. HOLMES HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON VOIt DENT Modern Ining.iJow; Hteam heat; nlso apartment with froo heat and wntor. Phono 47-L, J. C. SwniiBon, FOIt DENT FiirnMicd looms, 075 So. Soventh street, phone Ill-It. sized Sunday school was organized Scrvl ('omliirtnl nt Homo of Son yestordny nt North Lnko by tho Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, of tho cruiser Life Lino. W. J. Howard, of Hnusor, wns elected president, with Mrs. Chnrlcs St. Dennis, socrotnry nnd Mrs. Joo .Magoo, troaBiirer. In North Demi and Diirlal in .Marshrielil Thn funeral of Mrs, Lauroun Holmes wn3 held Sunday afternoon .. . .. ..L.lnnl. a. .It Hn.tlntinn et I 111 - 11 uiuun ui lliu iuniii.u.u U. her son, It. C. Ilolmos In North Ilond. Tho services woro conduct ed by Rev, A. S. Illsey, pastor of tho Mothodlst church and tho bur ial was at tho Odd Follows come- SIM.' THE TRUTH CiJi P'eturoa present Albert nj 1 S tl10 fc'rea,Qiit or American V, . T a"Ioiiioii.- A atronui mi... lni.,,,mlt'lo ambition wins - "uverslty. 5 reels. I In les3 than 5 minutes; makes I 100 miles on 1 gal. gasollno. j First half dozen sold on 10 days j I frco trial, also guarnntocd by j I factory; n freo trial rldo, cat- j aloguo, HtQrature, prkoj, etc. j I can bo had of C. A. Pendleton, j Coqullle, Oro., Agent for Coos j I county. j 'land; F. R. Matthews, San Fran- 4 . cisco; L011I3 Fallgron, Myrtle Point; '" '-',1. J. Hodson, Coos River; S. A. iGrlswoId, Coos River; Peto Peter son, Powers; J. Dompsoy, Dolmar; lllauco Hotel Ira Johnson, Coqulllo; Thomas Wasson, South Inlet; P. Grubbs, Portlnnd; Frank Wallace South Inlet; Sam Wilson, llluo Rldgo; C. Doran, Eugene; F. Fowldr, Emplro; P. G. Olson. North Rend; Mlkoj Coming I'ioiii Siimner.A nunibor of tho K. of P. from Sumner will como to Mnrahfiold tonight on n special boat, hold n short meeting att0,.y jn .Mnrshflold. tlio .Marsiirioiii lougo and uion go to North Demi to attend n K. of P. meeting tlioro whon tho second de gree will bo conferrod upon Candl Into Dandlo. VOIt RENT, Cheap. I, U ami !J room Apartm'ts. Drondwny Hotel, I-'Oll DENT c I'liriilclieil AptH. In u'conneii iniiiuiug. I'hono Vi-, Detiiriiliig (o Portland. Roderick Macloay, who has boon at Doguo Riv er looking nftor tho pponlng 01 mo salmon fishing season thero will pass through Marshflold this week on his wnv linniA In 1nrt1iiml. Aftnr InolilllL' noak, Portland; J. F. Jamos, Port- I ,,, ., ,,,,. M,r mr tn,. days ho will go back to Weddorburii and bo on his estate there most of BICYCLE TIRES Uuy Them From Us. Wo Charge Nothlnj; to Put Them on Your Whoel MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Dan Short, Coos River; Jako Farso, Sumner. tho summer. Starts Work Today. Tho dredge! Tho mlulator read n short ob ituary of tho Ufa of tho deceased. Mrs. Holmes' Maldou namo was Laiirona Sutton and she was born at Chagrin Falls, Ohio, Nov. 20, 18.17. With tho Sutton family alio moved to Ronton county, Minn., nfter tho Civil war nnd It wns thero that uho met and married Condon C. Holmes on Sept. 1, 1870. Tlioro wero two children, Rush C. H0I11103, of North Rend, and n daughter, Miiinlo Holmes who lied In 1800. About 1888 the family moved 1 to Walla Walla, Wash., and Mr. Holmas died thero three years Int er. Thirteen years ago Mr. Holmosl FOIt II ENT Newly furnished mod ern bungalow good location. I. S. Kaufman. FOR DENT Furnished flat, hot and cold wntor, bath. SC3 Third fit. FOR RENT .Modern Nvimiioiii hi'ii galow on HRh and Commorelul strocts, 12,50 por mouth. Apply Going & Harvey. I FOR DENT. I j ROOMS, rOc tn $1.00 Day; j j $2 to tjir. Week; lloiihekeep- j I lug AptN,, $8 1110, up. l'rco I j hath. Llojil Hotel AptH. I lOlt KALE I u'glMrml HoIhIoIu bull. 1 year old. Call James Lait drlth, :io:i x 8. DAItllER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP Must sell barber shop In Dunk er Hill, Marshflold on account of dmith, Goad proposition for good harbor. Apply Fred Mlllor Marshflold, Orogon, Route 2, Uox I. FOR SALE Eutlio furnUhliigH ot tho Anderson roomliig-houuo, also restaurant oqiiipuieiit; center ot busluosa district. Will sell cheap for cash. Leaso given on building If doalred. Mrs. Thos. Audersou. llandon, Orogon. ROOMERS AND HOARDERS Ap ply 229 So. Rroudway; rates roajonublo. FOR SALE Good grade II0M0I11 yearling hulfors; 1 roglstered Hoi stein bull, G mo. old. II. W. San ford, Sumner, Oro., Phono 3103. FOR KALE Four rWH, tl heifers, 1 bull; registered Ayorslilres; nil selocted stock from Panne's Calit. and Wnsh.'a host herds; heavy producers, Wrlto Dux 8(1, Gardl nor, Oro. T. J. HOAIFH low Admission ,r r'x, inc. T(MORRow NIGHT ff a. n. noiaiNi Mnhflnlrl fAINT AND DECORATING CO. Ftlmte Furulibcd Dalcony, 10c Phoan 14t-U. Mrhfll(l. Oio 1?'?'" vl In uiaer j 'The High Doatl." SCHOONER TILLAMOOK PORTLAND AND COOS DAY MILS FROM MARSHFIELD THURSDAY, APRIL HI. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 278 TOM JAMES, Agt., Ocean Dock lloavor started work taking out the, . . . . , . .. . shoals In Hnynos Inlet. Tho wntor ,0 Nor,h ,)olul Hllortly uf,or U(U was so low there tho other day thtc,t ,)U(, ,Jcoa Btar,0ll I ,....,.,..".. ...... .. ..., MrM iioinioa Had Ijcoii In poori ma .MtmBuuKor ii.i.i.iku uiu ........ eft,U fo,. nwy yflarg n1(, QW, i no oioupor uroijiiii i immy uiwwi-, .,., ... Bllffor.i R.rnu f. i lug out thn kg boom at tlio Porter mill. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo has It at 81.CO and 1st, 1010, BLANCO The Public Service Hotel l.i.u lust lifi tliiiriini'lilv riMinvnt Jed, and opened to tho public March, TOM T. UENNETT was nlso a legal t PERSONAL MENTION t $ paralysis. A second stroko was the direct cause of her death, Sha joined tho Methodist church early In life nnd beramo affiliated with the North Rend congregation in 1007 and was a faithful member. Mftrtn w. ... --..u .iasiornfBPo . ""taftnW : vm, ,,.,. . ml. Phone 227-J. w the win .v.iiBHuio viows ""oaso.,,. id'Moran r:B''t nt Mnd- .i -"' aru lli $2 cash per load. Garbuge remov- en. Each and every OEV. B. F. BENGTSON, Swedish Lutliferuii Minister, Hcs Idenco 201 Highland Avo. Phono ,.,.,.. f II... r..,.liiw.l VISIlor III Wio lou.iiy rai iiniuy. rt f HirVM1IITl i sirA tn Ci- of this old hostelry aro. five t l- -1' "'"" "" '" '" ployment bureau, f.eo sowing room. qui"- O.I niornJnB to attend court. Information bulletin mid kind Heat-; "" "-'' ' l"","i "' "" inont. Tho putionage of tho public lon Ascribed by lecture. THE ROYAL tur M'o Utfst nml luwt Is solicited. HLANCO HOTEL 227 North Front street Phono 1 1 l-L. Mnrbhfleld, Oiefcim wont over to Coqulllo this morn lug. WILIjIAM VAUGHAN wont up to Rqedsport this morning on business. Dr. D. C. Yaiighau, Dontlt, Doom ii, First National Dank building FISHERMEN ATTENTION Coos Ray Ieo and Cold Storagolj Company, of Marshflold Is propar-I in m l I I eu 10 uuy any quaiiiiiy u irvsui flounders, smelt, porah, Hug hall-1 but and sole. For prices, Inquire i PRESCRIPTIONS Ro suro nhnut ycur pre scrlptlomi. Unless your phy Hlrluu's proscriptions aro properly filled his so. vices Jo you aro useless, liv r'irr bo on tho safe sldu let us fill your proscriptions er time Wo uso oul) puii, fresh drills thoiouahl) test ed mlstakefl uio ImposAlblo with our doublo ehocklni; systoin. You pay iiothln" extra for this uuparallilcd norvlco our prlcos ar- mort jeasouablo -so you might Just as well bo poa'.tlwly leitaln about your proscrip tions and drugs, at THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono 208 Wo Deliver Immediately VOIt SALE Ono classy icglstercd Jersey bull calf, uhoso dam milked ll,-i 1(1(1 pounds In ten month. Also rmiH and helfciw, all reglstereil stock-. Wilto to 1-'. A. SACCIII, Mamlifleld, Oiegiiu. 1 X , FOUND X 101 M) L.uly'H long handled iiiu- hifllii. Owurr may get same ut 'llnioi orfiio by iki rlblng prop- I illy and paing for this notice. 0 (J WANTED X I IlAlllllAA4Aim41dl44M4i WASTED Housekeeper for man and wlfo. Apply 'F" Times office. FOUND (.'old ilmiunl hectarlc8. owner m.iy have nrtlclo by paying for this ad nt Times office. FOR TRANSFER AND RTOHAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FREIGHT AND RAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono I Oil Residence Phono 1.1-J Maiket Ao. and Waterfront I at tlu office. 01. DENNETT SWANTON went to Co-