B THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1916 EVENING EDITION TWO - n COOS BAY TIMES A. C. MALONKY, Kditor unci Pub DAN K. MALONISY, News Editor Official Paper of Coo Count) Official t'aper City of Mursliflold PORTS OHEAMIZED PETITIONS MEOGY allluluU ul Hie loolointo a I Alulbli (told, Oregon, (or trnnsnilBHlon t LOCAL OVERFLOW $? peter louche elected chair- curls oroiis gets friends t RnRW f , Sin.V PLEA TO COURT ?$ I'O jia.v ok .meeting ix hug en i tbrauKh tho mails m second-cIaM JOHNSON Horn to Mr. and Mrs. jAi,k K,,r Xo "''" I'wwiiUiko of mall ninttor. SUUBCIMITION RATES Ono year $6.00 Per month GO Au Independent Hopubllcnn news paper, published every evotilng ox cept Sunday, and weekly, by The Onnn Itnr Tlini-u I'tiltllHlitu v Co 1 ADOPT LOCAL COLORS I' might ln n good Idea vIiun con- A. A. Johnson, of North Eighth Btroet, April 17, a 12-potiml huh. This In tliu flrat child. .Money From Sale O. nnd ('. LiiiiiIm Convicted Rootleggoi Asks Thai Three Months .lull Sentence IJo Suspended Asking that his jnil torni of three J Permanent organisation of conat months ho cut off,, or suspended ports was affected at tho meeting during Kootl behavior and oxpluln CON'ltAI) To Mr. niiil MrH. W. .T Conrad, or this city, Saturday oven- or uirlous port representatives held ,,,,B ll13 willingness, under these Ing, April If,, 111 1(5, a daughter In Eugene on Friday. No de'flnlto circumstances, to pay his fine or weighing seven and ono hair percentage of the money derived :!no nml "ot Xa nI"1U!l1 lM0 ,;a8l' pounds. Tho ini.hor and llttlo from tho snlo of O. mid C. lands ChtiH "robs, convicted hootleggor. daugliler are doing very woll and wilt ho demanded by tho dlfreront WUH a,,out "l Nortl1 ll01ul tl,ls luo1'"" tho daddy had a broad grin that Oregon ports, R3 anticipated, lies- l,IB w,th u l"-'1"10" mtor to he pro- spreads from ear to ear and till olutlons wero passed calling upon ,B mui l0 l,lu court. niderlng tho matter of decorating day long has lieen traveling about tho ports to furnish funds to send I UI""8 "" sentenced io pa u tho Coos Hay cities for tho ra: - with a box of clgara under his arir. a man to Washington, 1). C, to flno of :r, nn,l 3l,(!,ul ll,re,s months road celebration to decide upon some work for tho best Interest of tho '" J11"' ,1U nPimuioii. no nan loin Bchomo of ador ent and follow It1 porta in connection wltlt this money. llls ri'lomla that now he wants to g. throughout. Why not adopt Coos Ha colorH and uso them exclusively In- Btead of a conglomerate mass. Tho result of such a plan would bo highly social calendar to California and that he was Iiant- 'IIIOMO AltellllllltF I Peter Loggle, of tho Port of 01" lllt ln ,1,s """tonco f'"" wore IIOS'IIAV ,ffniw llnv wtm nlnrlml nlmlriiinti. Bunil OlllOrH. T'rogress Club wltlt Mrs. I. H. Cushmaii, Port of Slualaw, I U was 8nl(l ,n N'orth 1,cni1 tIl'H nrtlBtlc and effective. These sumuj H. II. Coroy. jvlco chairman; and J. 11. Christie, mrtning nu peutton was noing wett colors could nlwayB ho used on tho Alpha Delphian Club with il'oit of Unipuun, secretary. No s'Knoil. Miss Myrtle Downer. treasurer was chosen. Tito ropre PROFESSIONAL DIRE6T0R occasions whim decoration of tlio, city was demanded. Somo npproprl-i nt,o colorH could easily bo derided upon and dot orations could all be fol-, lowed out with that color sehuno in viow. l'orhaps groon and bluo would ho n good combination, green to i-up-j roHunt our forests and bluo to rop- rcsont tho water. May bo tho dairy- men would think that thcro should , bo somo yellow to represent tho Aid of North Mend ontor htttlor and tho chooso. Whatovor, tain Union Aid nt Prcsbytor milght ho tho choice It would bo an , Inn cliurch. oxcollont Bchonio to have Coos flay colors and tilwnys make theni predoin- Inato and use them for tho firct tlmo , nt tho railroad celebration. Wo have local color whon It comes to decorat- Incr. Small trees which ran bo easily , Jirociitrod would ntako )i beiuitlful Dr. A. L. Housoworth, l'liyslrliiii and Surgeo Office: Irving Mock. Office hours: 11 to 12 . in.; 8 U I iind 7 to 8 p. m. I'lionra: Offlco 1I!NJ; Hcs., 148-L I. M. Wright Phono 188-1 IIUIMjIXO COXTKACTOH RcUmatci furnished on roq.icit Or. H. M. Shaw Hje, Unr mill Throat Hpechillnt (21.ASSMH KITTKD Phono ICIO-I. Jtooms iEOO-aOl Irving (Hock. il. MAITin It. SHAW. IMiyslctnn nml SurKcoii I'liotie !t:tO-.l. H G. Butler CIVII, KNGINKKIt (loom 304 Coko Bldg. Phono HB-J Residence Phnnr 3fi.'l-L Was Kiiouit i Tho government special agent who was in tho city looking Into thoj opcrntlotts or Will nml Dick Pnter.l Bcna of S. A. 1). Pttter, several years' TU10SDAY sentatlvoa at tho meeting wero I'et- UrriOEn OMIU IU flHVC North Jlcnd Mothers' and or I.ogglo, Coos Hay; Colonel K. SECURED MUCH EVIDENCE Teachers Club at 3 o'clock )!'. Itosn, Handon: I, It. Cushinnn, In Central School biilldln'. jliaiiB I'otoraon and I. K. Jnckson, ' Sporlal Agent on Puter Cum llcio Alpha Delphian Society of Slualaw; and .Wlirron Heed and Ten Days llefoie I'act North Ilend at the public ,.!. H. Christie, or tho Port of IJmp- Ilbrary. itin. It. 1). Compton, reprcsonta- WKDNKSDAY lllvo of tho ports of Tillamook, No- Unltod Iliotliren Ladles 'hnlum, Newport and Toledo vii3 'lircsent, hut had no credentials. ) A i An minimi innntliur nt Mm 1'nrl I ! representatives will bo held tho ''K- w "'o city for ten days bo- Leavo first Monday In April of each year. Another Meeting Inasmuch na all tho ports woro W. G. Chandler AKCIIITKCT Itooun 301 and 30, Cok Uulld'ui Marahfiold, Oregon. DRY WOOD ut Campbell's Wooclyard Xortli I''ront Street 1'lione DH-.I PORTLAND n en First I .OU Class STR. BREAKWATER SAILS APRIL 20 ". North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. D,,w Sailing Eureka, an Francisco, ?;nlJ Barbara Los Angeles, San Diego. F- f KILBURN April 18 '" Ci' 't'Sllixi Ag( rnt . INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL Dm PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL nn K C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE uorst KIiiac. l.ino Mar.slificld nt 7 n. in., nml returning leaving frnm r , 8 n. iik Leave Minefield at II .,. and returnln.. L . Pf,,t mmigli tc I p. in. Leave Mnrulifluld nt r, n. n. nnil " Wllti I Imiiv,. RiiHih HIoiikIi nt O p. in. Ktinil TISIK TAIILK WILLAMKTTH PACIFIC MOTOH CAH Loavi Projbytorlnn Ladles Aux iliary with Mrs. Kva (1am n.lll. North llond D. M. O. Club with .Mrs. Hoy O. Uraln-ard. Prlsclllas with Mrs. L. not represented nt tho mooting of .i'rldny a second meeting lias boon called for April 21 at Eugene to tako further action regarding tho foro anyono know that a detecllvei Mnrshflold was on tho trail of tho case, and lt G:-1G a.m. Is said that ho must luivo gatliurenj 7.IG u.tn, a good deal of Information. 8:4C a.m. Tlio IMttor boys operated horo as 3:45 a.m. ngents In a scheme to secure O. tuid , 1 0: -I C a.m. O. lands. For n foo of ?lr llioyj 1 1 :30 n.m. street decoration and woro formerly Cl.rlstonsen In Hunker IIIIlI Kraut latub nml to decide then i;;0"1'1;. !'lr,,VU?ITy8, ,mlI!,;' ' ,!5? !! I!! utiod to oxcollont offect. Wo hnvo TIIUItSDAY our own flowers also. Anything that Dahllu Club with Mrs. Is characteristic or tho placo and dls-J ! K. Cooley In Knglewood. tlnctlvo will make an Improaslon, wllli North llend KplHCopal bo talked about by visitors and holp, Qulld with Mrs. (loorgo advortlso Coos Hay Mr what It Is, S(ei'henBon. whether or not to sond a delegnto a tender to purchnso KJ0 acres or 1 1 D p.m. O. and C. land. 2:15 p.m. Mil. i..l .. .. i'ln Vnalilni!lnii. " """ '""" 1 lunuer llll'yi i A telegram was sent to Senator mh wo",,, " . rcf,,801 llla rnl1-' ?:" p,m' roan company niu iney would luslK u uu ,,,, upon a record being mndo of tho ten- "l" V.m, different from most other places. Ocorgo IO. Chnmbcrlaln, informing 'him of tlio organization and Its pur- Ipnso nml asking him If a hearing i North Horn) 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m 9:00 a.m j 10: in h.m 11:00 a.m j 11:4ft a.m 1:16 p rr 2:00 p m i 3:00 p. in 4.00 p.m ft: 15 p.m 0:55 p.m Abstracts i?rs Title Guarantee & Abstract Comp Mnrshflold nnd Contillln City. OmLmn Genera! Agents ICimtiMo nml SiMigstaclccn's Addition Special attention paid to iiBsesMiicntH urn payment of (aiet IIK.NKY 8i:NOSTACKi:.V, Manager. any dor. This thoy clalmod would glvo G:cr !" North city limits only. weiat tiii: i'i:oi'i,i: maki: rn A NV PI'PV it Ifitfti lu liml v-1 a l tuff in JllfJb Ji Alort Club with Mrs. .leuiili) Laudrlth on North Coim Illvor. North llend Junior Sewing Club wltli Clara Kelioe. KUIDAV KluiMiy Club party at tho adopted and endorsed. homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mergron lu Norlh llend. .MANV AT DA.NX'i: actly what tho people wboL live lu It make It. It Ih iio'a bettor or woiso than Its average L luhabllaut. Tho best thing lu any town Is Its hrtmdo.u minded, most progressive citizen; and tlio most llnnitlnliln lliltttp I.. nun i I.. " ' , r " ","' ' ." '"! 'I'l' moiiilKMH of Marshfleld Nest niu iiiiiii wiiii milium iiih own iiiwii, ,..,, um i. .1 . . 1 . , , .... . "" 1KJI'. Older of Ow .1, gave a A tiivn is very ...Mum ho result ,,,,, mnra , , ,. of virgin natu.al conditions. , w any event It ni man who saw ,.' u WM J r' . ":'t'::!ioh:.. :::,j;, u .K,::v - wi,m. u.0 i0.iKa h. .luii 11 utin uuuii iiiii:iiraii iiiuiiu by two vir three men. Hut thoy woro boosters and not Icuocr.urii. will bo accorded tho ports. f 1 On tho lotum of I'cter Logglo jSaturday ovonlng n brief mooting 'of tho commission of tho I'ort of jCoos Hay was callod and tho re- j port of tlielr delegate to Kugono LATEST LOCAL NEWS THIS AFTERNOON 7:30 p.m. 7:4ft p.m has (jo.vi: soi'tii tho person 11 prior right to tho 1- In on bo of a favorable decision re- --,-1-""- " ." '" - garding tho disposition of tho lands. WEAVING All kinds fl qnpr. In tho event that tho client won Ztu lnl 1.1 111 mL eon iiv tim pntnr'H wnm . i,v ,. i WW- Mrs. W. w. Nason. 680 per centngo of tho land, something 12tfl Coiirtll. So. PIlOllR 220-R j like half. It was said at tho tlmo - that the land for which offers to RRDAnWAY HfiTPI purchnso woro mado was mostly tlm-, DnuHUVV' MUICL borod tracts. I S"'i,m ,,,,", ' '"t Water. Somo say that tho officer wn8''!'l""S,n,, 7",' ,,M'S Um Vw WwU faking Investigations horo to as.er- Ji;""""'" Pv n.on.li.-IIvor,. tnhi wlmtlior tho iitor boys had used ,'",,B .,I,ril,r '.,''.:.. ' ,M,,1 iUir" jtho malls to defraud lu tholr op-' ".".'.. inifior. orutloiiH. Thnro wero probably rrom bno hundred to two hundred porsona Thu fltst procovH In tho Imptovo inuut of uiiy (own Is to convert or i;et rlil or the people who urn knock lug It.- Kxchauge. JIOW TO (!KT (.-OOD HOADS I boon giving this year and was a miiHiuerade. Quito a number at tended In costume 11ml at 10.30 p m, the maHk.i were removed and others Joined lu tho dancing, mu sic for wlilch was ruiulshed by tho .Martin orchestra. Tho commit too having general L. A. linker, of tho Folger com pany, left tli l.i nftornoon for Cres- ...ml fMlt ,...lllt.. ... ll... I.....1.. II.. I :: , :.' ':,";.. -,t " "vif iw aw im. tu fV'iiu ifV llil ft who mndo tho transaction witn xm Puter boys but all thoy are out as tar as can bo learned was tho flr.it HlltTIID.W I'AHTV HoHomary Htchurdsou, llttlo daughter or Mrs. Kdiia Itlchardsou chatgo or the nffalr was composed "tt B,vll,B II l"'"ty this ofturiionn In SUMNER TELEPHONE COMPANY ELECTS of the following: Joe Scliott, chair man; Vllbur Lyons, L. Hosh, John Collier nnd Krnial Churchill. A prize wns offered fur Mm honor of her blithday. WILL VISIT IlKHi: T MAY bo that tliero are hiiiiiu people who do not bullnvo In II... ...I r 1.. ihiiiiii njnuiui in 1 mill iiiiiiii-' ' - " w.iwuii m- 1110 1 . ... ... lllllklt.lllll.IBl ....... ... . . I luiiaiii-u 111111 11 may i.e. also, unit .......- num oy .any mim. lIom Lafon Jp ml rlltl. there no some who tire not f '"" Kontle.u.in and also for the , Kloronco ,, Jol w ai.,.,vo hearing Its merlu extolled. Hut ;;;!' """ , "' '''"" '.. Mroro noxt 8ntlin, . ,, wI ,)0 If wo are to l.nvn N..o.l i.huIh nt WHt'r Hill. M. .1. 0lroJKIUH(8 at , UJ M , , , rviiHtiimliln expniiHo, tho principle 'M,J- l''iideigriiHt and Mrs. J. K. Solt, Klft)l str(,ot of timely repair l.i ho important ,''or', I " that It ought to lie kept ovorluHt-' Ingly before .ho nuthorl.loH who w ... viiiiiko 01 our r.ia.IH. , Tl.n MnrHhflnl.l Pl,nrnl Pll. ...Ill' . '. """ u- iu.ui.mmuHi.il To he conilnced of the In.poit- I WA I tKFRONT NEWS 1 ,, r. Mi.nM, ,...,., "" ":," I'1 'o l"'n Is tooxtond to roncli CIIOHAL I'HAtTICi: .t....i.i.. i.i.iif.. . . .... . . ' . iiiiiin in rriwiiieui mill 1 111 lu-oveiiieiilM of the Line A10 I'laiiued ' Tho Karniors' Tolophono Comnnnv ! of Stimiior has elected Archlo 1'hlU Jps, John llnyden and W. lr. Karrln directors and tho latter In turn mot nnd olectod tlio following ofricors: I l'reKldont Areiilo I'lilllps I Vlco l'resldont John Hnydon. Seerotnry Ueorgo Hoss. Mnnngor nnd I'urchaslng Agont W. H. Farrln. The Hue now has 32 tolophouos on IWHi: TIC.V CK.VTS City Limits Norlh llend, ffo nn COMMITATION f)( ZU TICKKTS, .V1.7H lj .Marnhricld-.Vortli llend Auto Lino Cara ovory ten minutes from C a. m., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving nt 1 1 a. 111.; to Em pire thrco trips n day. flOKST Al IflNO, I'roiw. 'GRAVEL' Wo are now prepared to furnish GItAVEL In ury ninUt! trom pile In our yard or In carload loti, at following pricei: KroiiPplIo on ground, $2.VG por yard. Canoad lots, tnkon from car, 2.oo per jj. Httail DeparliiiQit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, oppose rot-oricfl. Phoi 1M. t; oviock meet for rohearsnl tonight ut 7:30 at the I. iumoii studio. All othors lu tho neighborhood. The com. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer Statements For the month of March are now ready. Depositors are requested to call for them at their convenience. The N ji vBsury to study tho life Mutiny of ,.,..n,i.,... ... ..- ' I'any win make n number of 1m- ," 11 single chuck hole. At first t Is. '"" ,,,K"o;U "'. ' OnnHiior. ""' "" ""' ",hl" '" "" ",UBU"1' j.rove.uents which will only a llttlo deprowlon. duo to uny '., , "' Ul " ' '" ,,H,,,'"ny- 11, lt .... '"h '" ,"M '"" nouiuern ractlie v 1 - 1 one of a doxeu caused. --1 Ul nil- I give the I SuiUlier lllstlli't linitni Enrvl, ni.n '. line connects with the Coos and Curry Telephone Company wires at Kast- Hello! You with Coughs Here's Speedy Relief WANTS i:W LOCATION 'I VI" I. . . . ,, .. . ory wlieel tliat imissom illv. ..... ,M,K""- IM0 ,,,vv '"" "' owoei to j, yy. Ilondrlckfi. nreslilont nf the a little deeper, and lu th cuimo I a,wny u"1" t0,"",w morning. Utah Condensed Milk company. Is bI,' or lliiiu it bectimuM a hole (hat unr-,, "' f,,'Ht vIhU )f t,u1 t,lK l liere fiom Hlchiuond. Htah, looking - lously monuuiH rouenlonco of trav- , ,",,,,,"" "" " ,,c,, "ld upoier tlio prospects for establishing !. ;,"'!,n ,"" ""1'- a condonsnry on Coos Hay. He says ir thwo thousands ot little chuck ... bUmiu w',,l,onr Yellowstone his company wants n new location holes woio taken in hand at the J" a tarKO ,,f n"l,0r from the' where a market Is accessible and right time, the cost or filling them , ,h Ui,",, ''"'"'"'r company sailed with the freight rates low. up would bo trlflluu. A road drag.! , '" ,,'rH,,,,,l' Sunday at S a. 111.' or tho small road Kisdois with', T,l 8,"am Kpll"0r Wostorner. SIIOMMAKKU KXI'KCTHD wM.,1, ii.i , .. . bound ninth, followed tlm viinu-. .. , .. .. "..... 1011111 is proviiliil . - I'l'imij iiiuiiu warueu .1. .m. inoiil-, "Just j0 0.. .ro..i.lo , . would fill most of them, and the, " U1, ,8 w over from North Dend today, 'a tlio way ono irraterul iwliS. rest could bo idled lu u f0w mo-, 1"T n 811''' '' ho has boon waiting "!H,' ',,,,,eiu, ot Floy's Honey m-nta ..., a shoud. if supplies MlT.l.W CASK IIKAHI) 'liero ,lllcp Thursilny for stuto 0aI110 - Zl hIlBir coat of mateiiul were phued at couon- A" ""Portiuit case beforo Judge, Warden Shoemaker. There was a '' vor tlio raw Inilumoj tliroat it lout i.itorvau nlonn the road, oulinK" "' """. county clicilt court report that Mr. Shooiuakur was In man could maintain a Iouk stivtchj"8 ,,mt of ,' udmlnlslrator ot Coiiullle, but Mr. Thomas said ho of highway at small expense. 'rnnk Daniels, deceased, versus would have stopped here first. It Is because the vital principle, w"Nwortli. the latter claiming tlm of inpiilr at (lit light tlmo hu8l08,i,, "" tl10 Krounds or a contract1 WALK UP COAST nnd Mrs. A. H. Loud Imvo tiii: wiutu is kixo Of nil Sowing .Machines Now located nt 2SG Market are. Wost. Phono 1D3-J. Wo have nlso got big bargains In all kinds ot used machines. All machines fold on easy payments. Slop th racking and hacking, iVua tha phlrgm, hcl Iho wiueu wllb Foley". Iloncr fcnj Tar Compound. been iioulectod tliat our loads have cost m much with so little In the loosens tho hack ruUt-s tlio phlegm ami lonlly woiks womlors. hy bade, linclc, haclt iirlvins crylioily almost craxy, usIiik mi Mir HlreiiBtli. M-takonliu- your vltal- SAVE MONEY by ordering the famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton Jjt.VfiO Or I111K ton of both.. $1.75 I). Ml'SSON, Prop. Phono 1S..T op Umvo orders at 11111 er's Cigar Store cv you ! Iiy nml invitinir uniiKiiu oii... , . whon thrtio's spooily, soothing;, sum relief In toley'a Jlouey un4 Tar Com- IOUIIU, "After iislncr meillclno from tbo doo- t'i care for Daniels the rest of his Mr llfo and which was fulfilled. It is returned from a two weeks visit way or peimaiu'iit insults. Whon- n"utl'l The farm Involiod Is said to Oohl Ilonch. They walkod down tor- without results, for my KramU ever a road U put lu sood miii.ii. uo wrlh about 2.00u ifrom Handon and nl.10 walked back- x- ' 'V o ". .V'ro:,.""mT .m" say Hon, it ought to bo sjstoinatleally maintained, if this wio ftgno wo sliould soon liuio an extensive system or permanent change. First n OF COOS BAY Saf etLy Flos Service Oldest Haul; In Coos County EstaWUM 19 Flanagcm (kh Bennett Bank Marhlifleld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 inti:hi:st paid on ti.mh and savi.ncs ii:rosns Offlcors J. W. IJRNNKTT, Prosldont; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, VW l'rosldeut; H. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. P. WINCHESTER Assistant Cnshlor. Flanagan ( Bennett Bank OP MYItTLH POINT Capital $25,",00 Orricors- J. w. HUN.N'UTT, Presidont; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vie rrc8lde.it; L. M. SUPLEB, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, AssUU Cashier. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 from Handon and al,o walked back ! ffi silaiurKfm RS- again. Several times they bnthod In i " ' ''' '' up nnd ot a Umia of the ocean along the route and said ofUMorUK,Tr,a,0AferUa f HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phono 3171 Officers J. W. BENNETT, President. TOM T. DENNETT, J I'rosldent; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNETT SW" mujn, Treasurer. J ho Only Trust Comnnnv In dm fitnto. Outside of I'on Oryanlml Under tho Now Ijw. Hand, VWd IIOLV WEEK SKItVICE HoKliiuIng this evonlng and last-1 Hint tho watir seemed no colder few ,u's-3 wero Biven they wont to roads. E..,". ,,1,ouh Thursday, thoro wlllioian It does In the summer time. I ho hrlof Holy Week serviced, with Thoy nlso caught fish and cooked in thoit address on the intuits or ""route home. l,no '!'s l "His Last Week." The1 A InrMO nninbor of lumber moil Wvlro bouliis at 7:30. On Hood, IWrK HIOM (THUY roi'XTV in England have oulhitud and w,Prlda rrom 18 to :i p. m. there will imie io mi ik mu win UNP11011 in 1,0 the usual counuoiuoratlon aorvlce C- Pfk has returned rrom Oohl '; wrktimt Poioy-a Honey ami Tar Mexico lr Al Powers and a hiiuoh or the words sunken fm, ii, o.- i lleimh whom i, i,a i, f. ...' " -'C 60o nnd n.oo ! of his loggora ever no to the front. !'ili ....,.... v..,.. ... ..... '.". , . "i or aalo by Owl Prvacrlptlou Phar sleep nml slept tlirouRhout tho nlcht without couglilni?. I have bamlloa I'Oltiy a HOIiey mill Tap Cninnnim.l fn morn than eluht yoara ana always lecomiuuini It." You'll nnd Foley's Uoney nnd Tap at jour drurfuiitJ, Ha uro u alc for l oloy s ami seo that you jrut tlio ' iiu-KHKe. xvoililiit; elso will Jo lie u stlukur, not a slluk. The.o services are lield In the Ep.s- Pt week looking f,er ,, Ut f.. "J " 001 uoiml ehurch at tho corner of Mm, "ttors lu eonnoutlo.i with tho Mao- nuo. Opposite Chandler HotoKTelo f kot Aenuo mid Fourth Street. j ley ostate. puono """uier uotoi. ieio SOUTH COOS 1UVKU BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH i:.PHlS leaves Maishfleld very day 8 n.iii. Leaves head of river ut :t:;i(i p. m. STI.'A.MER RAINBOW leaves head of river djilly nt 7 n.in. Leaves Marshrteld at '-' p.m. Por charter apply on hoard. ROPERS & SMITH, Props. IU ScandiimviaihAmericaii W 1 WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE WE INVITE YOU TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THIS BANK TODAY $1.00 STARTS THE ACCOUNT, HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 i