W""" ymiimr' '. TSv ", -rrT .Jr- , SATURDAY, APRIL 15. 1916 EVENING EDITION THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, thufib A ..-I'Jtt- 1W i' ak un un i imi .. mv - anp Many of the (rreat "conditioners" in- Bmm WrET'Lf00 elude a daily cup of Ed P jchocolate in the diet of the men Wgwho uphold their college or club colors on field, track or water. It prepares for the "big day" when brain and brawn are 5 to the final test. honor winner Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate stands in the ft rank In the recent world's food-product "championships" tthe Panama-Pacific Exposition it wa3 awarded the Grand Prize, the very highest honors. Order from Your 6roccr Today 7 Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate la 1Mb., Mb. and 3-tb. hermetically cenleil tltl. ms "' toptt llie 3'1D' can' D. Ghirardclli Co. Since 1852 Sn I mncUco '"" -i iT-r "" """' " i V,!". ''' ' rtr-s. "'"''' '5'' Jx. 7o j hi i iHiV tq&jfjRfT m . - tLj. Add to your Home Comforts and At tractions . (Continued From Pnge Three) DORCAS CLl'll FATIII.'lt after your linnl tlny'n labor what will adil uioro (o your coiufoit null relaxation than u ulcu rocking clinic or easy clmlrV )IOUIi;it Wlml nlvcs joii more pleasure tliuu to Iiuvu a nlco itck Ing i hale In which ((l M.t jour friend when hlio drops In to H'tv or chut auhilo In the afternoon. YOl'Xd I'OliKS Wlrnt itdilH itioru to tlio attractive, cony appear mice of tho MMlng iooiii or pallor In your homo than a foiv nlro rocklnj; chalrsT'or easy chairs? In furl, they arc Himelhlii tho vtholo family ran tko pildo ami comfort In. Couio In ami let us hlmw )ou miiiio nlro .ones. The Iiorcns Club ot Catching In let wns pleasantly entertained nt the homo of Mrs. J. M. Cillley Wednesday nfternoon. After a business session, ami the iIIhcubsIoii ot various subjects delirious refreshments wero served 'jy the hostess to tlio following: Mrs. F. M. Collvor, Mrs. M. A. Collvcr. Mrs. J. C. Olseh, Mm. F. Glsch, Mrs. 1). A. Jackson, Mrs. M. Knlno. Mrs. Win. Lnxtrom Mrs. r. Messcrle, Mrs. A. Moore, Mrs. .1. V. ItuaBol. Mrs. II. Smith- gall, Mrs. C. Spooner, Mrs. Win. Honebrake, Mrs. H. Hodson, Mrs. I' A. SnccliI, Mrs. L. (5. Masters, and Misses, Ida Mutson, Klna Kaluo Ollld Hlchards and Irene Holm. The club will mcot with Mrs. Fred Messerlo tlio 2Cth or April. v : CHANDLER DINNER PARTY 1. It. Tower was host nt n de lightful llttlo dinner party given Inst Monday evening nt tho Chand ler hotel complimenting Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson who re cently returned from n trip to San rnmclsco and Portland. Tnblo fu vpi.s were cholco earnattons. Cov er.? woro laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. Simpson, .Mr. nud Mrs. Cluudo Nnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Ilylor, Mrs. Frederick Browne, lames E. Montgomery and tho host I. It. Tower. VISITER HERE A vnluublo section of exhibits from tlio Educntlonnl Palace of tho P. P. I. !:., visited by millions of people In San Francisco lost year, Is now making a tour of tho prin cipal cities of tho United . States. Prominent among these exhibits is that placed by tho World's nnd National Woman's Christian Tom perunco Union, showing tho ef fect of alcohol and hnblt-formlng drugs. Tho Grand Prlzo was joyed : : nwnrdod this exhibit. Miss Mary E. Drown, of Seattle, who was In charge- of tlio booth and exhibit last yenr has boon spending a week In Coos County. Sho loft last Wed nesday morning to Join tho aggre gation of exhibits. She will bo In charge of tho work during tlio remnludor of tills year, adding to tho collection until n lull nroson tatlon ot tho departments o. ' of tho club gave a numbor of vocal selections which woro greatly appre ciated. Tho other apodal guests present wero: Misses Myrtle Cowan nnd Allco Cox. At tho close of the ev unlng the hostess sorved n dainty luncheon. The members present were: Mrs. OHvo K. rown, Dr. Mnt llo U. Shaw, Misses Irene Preuss Myrtle Downor, Grace Johnson; Myr tle Miller, Ellon ltudnas, Mrs. I). O. Wolcott nnd Miss Curtis. Next Monday evening tho eocloty will meet with Miss Myrtle Downer. , PALM SUXDAV ORSKHVANCE Tho Sunday next beforo Kastor, commonly called "Palm Sunday" In tho Church calendar, has ntways boon a great festival day In tho churclt year and has been marked by elaborate church services with the singing of Inspiring music. Pho day is obssrvod In commomo- ratlon ot tho triumphal entry of W. C. T. l Is prepared. Whllu Chrl.it Into Jorusnlem, which was In Mnrshfiold Mlns lit own was the reckoned ns corresponding to this guest of Mrs. Wheeler, on .'ltd it. day. Dolli In tho Knst nnd In tho f Went where there grew up on this day the ceremony of blessing and MAItlMKI) LAST SATlMtDAV distributing "tho palms" nnd car rying thorn In procession with llt- The wedding of Miss Slgno Stora nnd Mr. Alfred Nystrnm occurred last Saturday evening at 8:. 10 o'clock In the Finnish hall, Jtev. J. Richard Olson, of Portlaud, of ficiating. The affair was ono of the most brilliant of jiuli events hold In Mnrshfiold for a number of yenrs About 1100 guests woro present. Full particulars appeared in last Monday'3 edition. V V ALPHA DKLPIIIAX SOCItri'V 1 bloesoms. Tho tables Which woro sot to ncconunodato about thirty guests wero very nttrnctlvo nnd gnvo an atmosphere of homo com fort to tho rooms which wna sug gestive of the Idea and Idoa'ls under lying tho library movement from Its onrllcst beginning. A slmplo lunch eon, including hot coffoe, was serv ed, and a delightful evening was spent In pleasant conversation and In becoming hotter acquainted. A brief report of the past year's work wns glon by tho Librarian. In rospotiRo to the request of the president of the Library Hoard May or Russell spokb ot tho advantages a city may hnvo from a froo public library, nnd Superintendent Coo spoke with enthusiasm of tho public school's IndlsponBable need of n good library. Tribute wna paid to tho Simpson Lumber Company for making tho library possible by do- wero no mattprq of special httnlness transacted, tho major part of thp af ternoon being spoilt In nccdlowork nnd chat, nnd at tho cIobo of tho afternoon the hostess served a dainty luncheon. Special guests presont wero: Mrs. II. J. McICoown and daughter Knn, nnd Mrs. Itcsnor of Mnrshflcld. Tho momhers In at tendance nt this mooting wero: Mrs. C. S. Knlsor, Mrs. A. Iloelllng, Mrs. John Million, Mrs. Mather, Mrs. Roo crt Hanks, Mrs. G. J. Lemanskl, Mrs, T. R. Sheridan, Miss Margaret Dunn and Mrs. McDonald. The next meeting ot tho Guild wilt be held the second Tuesday In May nt the home of Mrs. Sheridan. NtiKDLICCIt.U'V CLUII I Mrs. ICdgar Hannan ot North lleiul extended her hospitality yos- natlng freo rent; and to Mrs. terday afternoon to tho Noedlccraft Woodherry for donating two years. ciuu and special guests .Mrs. w. iv. ''Discoveries nnd Inventions" wns tho Interesting topic discussed in special topics by the Alpha Dolphlati Society Inst Mondny ovonlns nt tho homo ot Miss Allco Curtis on Klrod Avcnuo. Roll call was responded to with Items concerning Christopher Columbus. A paper on "Maps and Charts Known to Columbus" wns pro pared by Mrs. F. K. Wilson and rend by Miss Kllen Rtidnns. Tho othor topics woro: "KffoctB of Ills Discoveries on Kuroponn Thought," Grnco Johnson "Invention of I'rlntlng; .Movnblo Typo," Kllon Rtidnns. "Increased Comforts In tho Homo," Mrs. I). O. Wolcott. The suggested topic was: "Tho W'OHtern Continent has boon visited by Vikings for nearly COO years pro- fvlous. Why did not Kuropo rospond nt that tlmo to tho discovery?" Miss Myrtlo Downor. After tho program, n social evonlug I ot convcrsatldn and music was en- Miss Mildred Ripley, n guest miles and hymns. Tho ceremony wns Intended both ns a commemot- ntion, nnd ns n symbol of our tak ing up tho hndgo of dlsclple-shlp. At 8, 11, and T:nn p. m. on Sun day In tho Mnrshfiold Kplscopal Church there will be the fitting commemoration of this day. In tlio ovonlng an address on: "Tho Children's Ilosannas" will bo giv en, whou tho children's choir will bo In attendance. Tho following musical program wilt ho carried out at 11 a. m. Processional Hymn No. 90. "All Qlory Land and Honor" Tosohnor Vonlto Emerson Gloria Patrl ........ Mornlngton Hcnodlcto Macfarlane n'oncdlctiiB (Chant) Tho Palms with Ilarltono solo Fatiro Mr. LnndloB Hymn No. 210 "Stand, Soldier of tho Cross" ' Ebollng Offertory: Solo "Llko as a Hart Allltson Mrs. A. A. Scgorston . Cello Obligato , Mrs. Q. L, tJroRory Anthem "Jerusalem" Pnrker-Rcoa Presentation ot Alms . . Pralso God Recessional Hymn No. 91. "Rldo On! Rldo On la Majesty!., , Dykes Mra. William Horsfnll, Jr. . . Or- ' gntilst and Conductpr. , - ,- ' ' services ns librarian. TlioRo presont nt tho lablo were Mr. and Mrs. Fred McColluni, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. 1 Inzer, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Dylor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Mandlgo, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Coo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Worrell, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kern, Mr. and Mrs, M. K. Kvorltt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danks, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Morton, Mrs. L. .1. Slmpsop, Mr. Klmcr Rug sell, Mrs. L. A. Woodherry, Mrs. Iforhort Armstronir, and Mr. Frank Yood. Quests Invited who woro not nulo to bo prosont wero Herbert Armstrong, L. J. JJImpson, and Mrs. Klmcr Russell. . 4 MYKIHSH All) HUCIKTV Templo, nnd Mrs. G. L. McPhor- Uon. Tho soctnl hours woro ploas- antly passed In fnncy work nnd con versation and during the afternoon, Mrs. J. R. Glgnoux entertained tho ladles with n randlug. Dollcloua rofrcshmonts concluded tho session at which tlio following mombora wore present: Mrs. P. L. Swcar- ngon, Mrs. C. W. Gregory, Mrs, hV. y. Rnndlo, Mrs. J. II. HarrU, Mrs. J. M. Thomas, Mrs. D. R. Owen, Mrs. J. R. Glgnoux, Mri. Earl Llnvllle, Mr3. Edgar McDanlol, fntul Mrs. A. J. Fncklcr. Tho next club meotlng will bo In two weeks with Mrs. Herbert Armstrong. , t . i.,l ARM ROCKERS FROM $3 TO $35. ' Going & Harvey Co. Complete House Furnishers Rusty Water th I?"0 rCJ or rll8,y wator occurs, It almost always conies from riMi WatCr faucots Tll wtc" 'a discolored becauso of tho not ii5 f lh ln8l'l of t,le ,10t wn,er l'nl"S 1 (ho 1'onse and is co'd r forelFai mntter. for If It woro then both tho hot and . ',, watcr woll bo discolored. Tho hot. water piping In somo Oregon's Greatest Fishing Resort The Ladles Aid Society of tho. Swedish Luthornn Church of North Rend wns pleasantly cntcrtalnod nt the Victor Anderson, homo, Wed nesday, April 12. The following wpro preson,t ; Mrs. J. Grant, Mrs. Albert Andor son, Mrs. Erlckson, Mrs. KJollnnd, Mrs. Androw Strang, Mrs. K. Wct tpc,k, Mrs. J. Snndon, Mrs. Win. ErlekBon, Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. J. HJubcck, Mrs. A. Snnqulst, Mrs.. John Malson, Mrs. K. Anderson, Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Win, Strang, IMrs. August Tyhorg, Mrs. J. Gran- strom, Mrs. J. Hill, Mrs. Sennlo Andorsan, Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. Klockns, Mrs. Frank Miiscub, Mrs. Fred Krlss, Mrs. Albort Wlck- lund, Mrs. Louisa Anderson, Mrs. Mallnda AndoVson, Mr.' Alton Grant and Rev. n. F. Ilongtson. Tho Aid will moot May 10 at tho homo of Mrs. Matt KJalman. IjADIKH art cluij I Ten Mile Lake YOU can find all the modern conven iences and comforts at the TEN MILE HOTEL OLUIl AUXILIARY PARTY Last Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, E L. Coo nnd Mrs. J. W. Mitchell woro charming hostesses to tho la dles nuxlllnry ot tho North Rond Club nt tho club rooms. Mrs. I. 1). GENERA CLUII .MEETING Tho Ladles Art Club of Marsh field mot for their regular session pof business, sowing nnd social con versation Friday afternoon at tho homo nt Mrs. J. O. Lnngworthy who had as Bpeciai guest; i. Ross, and Mrs. Honry O'Mara. Tlio rooms prosontod a pretty appear ance with tholr decoration ot frag rant purplo and white lilacs, and bunches of huckleberry. At tno closo of the nftornoon, tho hostess nssUted by Mrs. Ross, servod op- potUIng refreshments. Tho mom- bors out this week woro: Mrs. w. n. Curtis, Mrs. Olivia Edman,, Mrs. F. M. Flyc, Mrs. W. B. Hoagiana. Mrs. H. O, Hoy, Mrs. Honry Hoeck, Mrs. E. 1). McArthur, Mrs. J. W. Mclnturff, Mrs. Warnor Ogren, Mrs. F. L. Sumner, Mrs. O S. Torroy, Mrs. R. H. Wnltor and Mrs. Oeorgo Ayro. Mrs. Charles La Chapollo will en tertain tho club In two weeks at her homo. All the members of tho Qonorn Club wero present at tlio mooting Thursday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. J. W. DavlB on South Elev enth Street, Tho afternoon liourfl woro spent In fancy wprk and con- Unrtlo wiib welcomed back' after n vunwuan ami inior uio iium sovoral wooks visit In die south. florvc' dewctoble dainties. Mrs E. E. SMITH, Mgr. Lakeside, Oregon HBBHBfck"B houses causps moro rust thnn In qthers, duo to tho galvanized rn,ll . .. ""v vv., -""b o uio pipos being of poorer quality. When placing now r repairing old wator piping, Insist on your plumbor using the in.u !aUe ot salvunlzed Iron pipo of not lesa than throo-fourths lncn diameter. aJhere rU8ty 1'ot water is ospeoiallybad it can bo remedied to deilr b' extent b'.Uai'iJJS a Pjwmhor attach an Inexpensive tack f U'e Water p,po tor,B tho hot rater coll or stove Tha it tl10 Iut-rolluctlon ot a small amount of llmo each week. Hon r a'UlPd to tho hot wnt0r wUl ,arsol' prevent tho forraa JomB0.niSt ,n tho hot wntor Ve3 out ,l wUl Inak0 th0 water Don',! 'iarder nn(1 relu,ro moro BonP HO d 'V0Ur llot wnter 8"Pl,,y l0 ,10t- A tomporaturo of ttceGd'n" h Sllfflc,ent for all ordinary uses of hot wator and to Tour t, CaUE?S troilbl- Fl"8" the rust out of the bottom of tank h Water tank at leaBt onco a weok- Evory ll0t wntor Mould have a faucet for this purpose. COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY MARSIIFIKLI) AND NORTH REND, OREGON. YOUR ADin The Times will Bring Business To YOU that now goes to the Mail Order Houses. )(S ll )iuimmerjnime .esort On Beaaltnf ul Ten Mile Lake Take advantags of the low round trip rate at the week end. Spend a delightful day there and select a site for a summer home at Summerhome. Get your choice while prices are lowest. See R J.O.Langwo: rtfay or JI ges gguMHaaHMOapj Safety First Service? FIRE AND MARINE, AUTOMORILE, IIEAITII, ACCIDENT, LIl'E, WORKMEN'S CO.Ml'ENHATION AND LIARILITY INSURANCE Tho diversion for tho afternoon as planned by tho hostesses was auc tion bridge, three tables being play ed. Mrs. ILjnry Uorgman won high scoro nr.d was presented with a bo qitot, t cholco Amorlcan llcnuty , roses, i.ato in tno nriornoon, .tirs. SoKerstrom, of Mnrshfiold nnd n jgraduato of Ohorlln Conservatory of j music and who wnB present as a 'guest of Mrs. E. L. Coo delighted !tho ladles with flvo beautiful vocal soloctlon8. Mrs. Sogerstrom was ac eouipnnled by Mrs. C. II. Worrell. Tho numbors wore: r, "Aria" . . . from Madame Iititteriiy "Tlio Fairy i.ove" .... iiigBinaou "Tho Cry of Wntor" Campboll Tipton. "Lo Nil" Le Roux (Sung in French) "Tho Llttlo Gray Homo In tlio WpbI" . . . ( ny Request) Mrs. Sogerstrom possesses a lyric soprano voice, which shows excellent training and a thorough knowledge of the art. The numbor wwcfi suo rendored lu a sweet, clear and or- presslvo manner elicited much nd miration. Other Bpeciai guests present wore Mrs. C. II. Worrell, Mrs. H. L. Crawford, Mlsa Peebly and Miss' Hume. Tho memUors out this week' be side tho hostesses wero: Mra. L. F. Fnlkoustoln, Mrs. Charles Wlnsor, JMrs. M. K. EverIK, Mrs. II. E. Rur- mestr, Mrs. I. II. Dartlo, Mrs. Den- 'ills Hull, Mrs. Earl Powell, Mra. Honry Rergman, Mra. C. A. Metlln, Mrs. Herbert Armstrong, Mrs. George Hazer, Mrs. L. C. Roynolda, Tho club will meet again for a. social afternoon lu two weeks, but the hostesses have not yet been an uounred. Davis had as Bpeciai guests: Mrs, Roy O. Rralnard and Mrs. Fay Ward of North Rond, Mrs, E. E. Ilrnndo and Mrs. J. C. Swansea. The Indies will moot again In two weeks with Mrs. Frod Smith. .NORTH REND AID MEETS I MEET NEXT TUESDAY Tho North Rond Mothors' and Teachers' Club will meat Tuosday af- tornoon nt three o'clock at tho Cen tral School building. Matters of Im portance nro to come up at tho moot ing, and It Is urgod that all members bo presont. PAST MATRONS' SOCIETY The regular monthly business! mooting of (ho Notth Rond Metho dist ladles was hold Thursday af ternoon lu tho Wcslnyau class roam of tho church. Final arrange ments wore made for tho apron and rooked food sale which tho ladles will hold noxt Saturday af tornoop, The next meeting of tho Aid will bo tlio noclnl afternoon lu two weeks and tlio following ladles will bo the hostesses: Mrs, Harris, Mrs. Klblor, Mrs. Laird, Mrs. He ll oe. Tho ladles prosont Thursday afternoon wero: Mrs. Win, Nellson, Mrs. A. S. Hlsny, Mrs. R. O. Holm, Mrs. .1. S. Taylor, Mrs. C. II. Ever est, Mrs. Wtoi. Klblor, Mrs. W. E. Laird, Mrs. Honry Hoeck, Mrs. M. Kohoo, Mrs. A. (5 Roab, Mrs. El mer Wood, Mrs, L. T. Thorns, Mrs. E. Nollncr. , .. "r7!3 Toko Riillding E. I. CHANDLER, Agency. Mnrhhflelil,Orcgon. EAKTSIDK CLUII MEETING LIRRARY ROARD ENTER- TA.INH I Friday evening at the Library the ladles of the North Rend Li brary Hoard, with te,r husbands, entertained the members of tho City Council nnd tholr wives. Tho library rooms wero made fragrant and beautiful with apple Tho Royal Neighbors Club of EaBtBlde mot Tuovday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. .1. C. Steckel nnd spent tho tlmo enjoyably in fancy work and social rhnt and towards evening, tho hostess sorved appetiz ing refreshments, The next meet ing will be in two week with Mrs. C. P, Keating, The ladlos presont were: Mrs. Percy Petjt, Mrs. Frod Moore, MrB, C. P. Keating, Mra. M. A. McLaggan, Mrs. W. Stockel. Mrs. Steckol Sr., Mrs. McLaln, and illsa Mabo) Honebrake. t NORTH REND OUILR , , Tho North Rond Past Matrons of tho Enstorn Star woro gnosis of tho Marshflold society yesterday after- noon at tltoir monthly business ana nodal session, tho business being; flls- ponsod with for tho day. Sowing anfl luformal chut occupied tho tlmo until 'four o'clock when tho hostess Hervod a dellcIotiB four course luncheon. Tho ptablo decoratlonB consisted of Easter rYavars, such as mlnlaturo rabbltn and thickens, and at each plata was a email basket of eggs. Tho Norm Rond ladles present wero: Mrs. Nol WcLeod, Mrs. Grnro Smith and Mrs C. 'II. Worrell, and tho Mnrslifleld visit ers presont wore: Mrs. Mary Mc- Knight, Mra. Carl Evortson, Mr. u S. Hoffman, and Mrs. (1. L. Dindln nor. The momhers of tho Marshflpld Society out wore: Mjb. Lily FrUd- barg, Mrs. Georgo F. Murch, Mrs. . fj. Allou, Mrs. Frances Hazard, Mrs. C. II. Dungan, Mrs. 0. II. Marsh, Mrs. AIM Hall utid Mrs. McCarty. The next mooting wll bo the thd Friday In May npd Mrs. Goorffo F. Murch will bo tho hostess , , , .f AID SOCIETY MEETS I The ladlos of (ho North Rend Cath olic Guild hold a pleasant business, and social session la,st Tuesday u,f ternoon at the homo ot Mrs. Dan McD9nli (H WorUl BaiU, There Tho Ladles Aid Society ot tho Nor wegian Lutheran church nt Marsh field, was delightfully ontertajned fcy, Mrs. John Pitman, at hor home art South Sovonth street, on Thursday afternoon. Sho was nsslsted by her daughter, Mrs. Kal Rrnnnor. At a Into hour, refreshments woro served to the following guests: Mrs. GUI mark, Mrs August Olson. Mrs. Aug. Frlzoen, Mrs. Isaacson, M'fc, GJer ilrum, Mrs. Wlllielmlna Erlckson, Mrs. E, Erlcksen, Mrs. P, R. Jacob son, Mrs. H, nergland, Mrs. 0. 0, Magnus, Miss Mamie Gulovson, Mrs. ll. MhIsoii, Mrs. Kal Rranner, and 'Mrs, ' O. Thorpe. (,Con,tJived. pa Paa Bliht) a