THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916-EVENING EDITION SIX IV w BUY YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW AND GET THE BENEFIT 'OF A FULL SEASON'S WEAR 1EETS HARD BLOWS HOT A UBITE MilJJirilN IX .Mil 1ST OI' HO Ml (JALKOIT I'T. AltK.YA ,i? AUTHENTIC SPRING STYLES IN Men's Easter Apparel Suits $17, $20, $25, $30, $3S Surely (jive you the well-dressed look, and while they are so much better than other clothes, they do not cost more. Latest in Hats $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Manhattan and Arrow Shirts $1.50 to $5.00 Spring-weight Underwear, a suit ..$1.00 to $5.00 Always glad to show you any articles you may wish to 1 see. Store of Style and Quality. Ilubie Central Avenue Weathered It In flood Shape Ar rived Tills Morning I'riiin South uuil Sails for North at il . in. Hound north from Sun Krnnelsco to 'Kurokn, tho BtcattiBliip I A. Kllhnrn poked licr noso out from under tho ileo of Point Arena hist Tuesday nnd huffetud Into a Nor'wcstor blowing 8C nillns per CO minutes. Thero was a heavy sea, but tho vessel took tho swells very well. She arrived here this morning from the south brlng- 1 lug 17 passengers Tar Coos Hay and a small amount of southern freight. , At threo o'clock sho loft down for Portland. Tho arrivals wore: .Wss M. Larson, II. I Cotton, Hetty 'Polnrd, Geo. Crodp,;Myrtlw E. Weu therby, 12thol U. Vcedcr, .lohn Mur- rell, Charles l?pp, J. A. Moon, Wal ter Staldor, C. L. Plko, C. K, Chirk. ,'S. Domonlghlnl, Anna Lehmanowsky, , W. 0. Hgelston, Chas. Jankson, O. Houdikson. I Tho departures Tor tho north wero: ' C. C .Moore, II. K. Carlton, II. C. Fleming, C. II. Kvorutt and C. II. ttvorott, Jr., with two steerage. COLON I? L I MSA DI'N'IKS 1113 will m i'oii kknatoii "Cast Aside Por.snnnl Vanities Long A'go", Laughs Prominent I'un- (Ionian (j'oes to .Meeting Colonel Hosa, of Handon, mado short work this morning of tho re port, long current here, that ho ex pects to run for the Republican nomination for state senator, lie was passing through to IOngone, tak ing hta first trip on the train, nnd also to attend a meeting tonight of tho port representatives of tho Northwest. Peter I.ogglo went for tho Port of Coos Hay. "What?" he exclaimed, ".Mo for stato senator? No slreo bob," nnd bo blew a ring of blue smoke to ward tho celling of tho car. "Long ago I cast aside those little pergonal vanitie's, "lie laughed," and now I am enjoying myself." So there Is nothing to the rumor nnd tho Col onel wilt not he a candidate, Huts leaving tho field to I. S. Smith and W. A. Ackcrmnn, of Mnrsbfleld. At I3ugeno nro congregating tho representatives of the Port eonimls alons. They will talk over the mat ter of bow to secure for their dis trict a portion of tho proceeds from tho O. and C. lands, providing they nro sold. $ ; WITH THE TEA t t AND THE TOAST $$ Tho boss may bo satisfied with less than tho bo3t; you ought not' to be. srrii a lax'iaok. 1 enn't get English through my head, It puzzles mo indeed; 1 think that I am writing "lead," Hut I am writing "load." : Til KM (MOD OLD DAYS. iKdTrnrnnMT mniio . WHicnrnuivi PJCVVO "I'll ,i0 what I can," said Colonel $$, ltosn, "but I hardly think that any- C. P. Mcyoorgo, agent Tor tho .thing will come of the meeting. I stenm schooner Coaster now under (think those hinds will bo In lltlga- chartcr to tho C. A. Smith company, "on for yours to corne al said If tho vessel got out of tho lower TllltOl't'll I'ltKIOUT ItA'lr. Coipilllo Valley Is I'avorcd by tho Itallroatl Word lias boon received horo that tho Southern Pacific company has lit anted a through rate to tho 1?. Kl- nioro and company lino, from Port land to Coos Hay, on all their freight billed through to Cotiiillo Vulloy points via Murshrield to Portland. This Is a reduction and Is a groat convenience to shippers. This Is the iiiiio nrrauKoment that some time ntio wiiH granted tho North Pacific .Steamship company. SAIL OX ADKLI.N'K SMITH ('HAND .ll'UV DISMISS!?!) Ilucauso Mr. Sanford, or tho old Brand Jury, died yesterday nt Myrtle Point, Judgo (toko, now holding court Ml Gold Iluacli, has wired District 'Attorney Llljeqvlst, dismissing the body. Summon havo alroady boon Issued for 11 now vonlro to moot In Coiiulllo, April IM. Krom this group a now grand Jury will bo solocted nnd on them will full ail business or the adjourned lonn as well iih the now cases coming up. This will put tho grand Jury In session and roturn Ins Indictments during tho regular Wrcirlt court session. ."liny today sho would lenvo S:m Frun 1 cisco on Tuesday, returning, bringing fro'uht. Tho steamship Kilhuru arrived this Aboard tho Bteamshlp Adellno ''-'"nilng nt 11 from San Diego nnd Smith when she sailed lato yesterday. 'w'l' points, sailing from hero nt 3 afternoon for Oakland wore the fol-l''- rr I'ortlnnd. Jowing pasjongers, Frank Murphy,' Hi" stonm schooner Coqulllo nirer It. S. Wright, X. S. Matson, Mr. j nrrlvpd Into yestordoy afternoon to (llllen, Mrs. K. A. James. Alden. I 'o lumber at tho C. A. Smith ' Clnrenro and Irvln Jamos, I?. A. ! tor "ny Point. Sho Is tho only steam James, K lott. M. Mottlor nnd Mr. MoU' schooner on tho const still burning I coal and it Is said that tho bill for I fuul about matches up with the prof- jl's. Tho vessel Is of ',:, not tonnage. IS INVKSTHIATIN'O r.iri-lnq .i'ii nnn font r iiimi,n. ...i """"'-" IWVf"" BVlUV l lUIIIIIUI (11III I'lfcld Is Now ItioniNldo Tho hulk of tlio Flfleld 1in.i Hwung around, broadsldo to tho boating of the sons, ho said, and it looks more discouraging than ever. Tho Htern Is swinging; tho prow Is mined solidly sonio I 2 or M foot In sand. Tho motion of tho aftorpart of tho vessol Is expected to gradually break her In two. In dnys of old, wlion knights wero bold, Thoy woro tin suits that tinkled, And it could rain with might and ' main. Hut those stilts never wrinkled. t Jay Doyle. 1 ' ; ; Havo you noticed "how a touch of minshluo makes the whole world grin? .. .;. .;. I otkstio.v i-'oit tim: day. : 4 What is tho now ICastcr hut going to cost? WAISTS IN THE NEW STRIPED MATERIALS AT THp GOLDEN RULE. WE HAVE JUST rc CEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF TRIO MADE WAISTS FOR WOMEN. COME IN AND SEE THEM. $3,001 Wide Stripe Crep3 tie Chine Wide -Stripe Voihs " $1,25 Heavy Tub Silks , Taffeta White and Colors S2.45 and S275 White and figured Town Waists . 50c, 65, and 93c ladies' and Misses' Middies 85c to SI u -- I ori'snox i-'oit tiik day Did you "ever see a black cow,, eating green grass and giving white! milk which inal8 yollow butter? I1 Do Your Spring Shopping at awe The Golden .MAIL IHlL.WS TltAIX. K JUST ARRIVED A large shipment, of the very latest creations in A special United States land fom-i(,i0 j x 1H; miBsionor Is roportett to lie horo in vestigating tho operation In this county several years ago of Will uuil Dick Puter, sons of S. A. D. Pulor. The young men secured nuinll fees to further for Individuals claims on tho O. & C. Innds. Delay of the afternoon train from Jtoed3port la occasioned, according to railroad mon. bccatiBO of tho load ing nnd unloading of tho parcels wtin built at Prospor, on tho Co-!,08t "",1 tlle "mll A" H00 "8 th-' She may bo caulpped vory shortly with oil burning appara tus. Tho Coaster, Tillamook, San Podro, Adeline nnd Hardy nro In tho lower trains are nuio to go nil tho way through without stopping, they say thou tho schedule will bo protty well held to . During tho fow days that tho train took no parcels pojt v i ii tf m bay nnd may get out at 1,0 o'clock ll,, nrrlval ,mPk ,,oro from tho lJmi) li'iil,;ht. Tho Tlvorton Is also there. ( 'a was always on tho minute. LAST (!IAXCi: TOXIOIIT Y GET GMPINY XO SL'CCKSSOIt YICT KIHIIKRMK.V ATTICXTIOX t R p. m. this evening tho doors J cf the county clerk's office nt Co-JXAV.IL .MILlTlA I'Olt rot)S ItAY IK ('oiiiicllmaii .'Must llo Xamcd for (J. .Mwks' Placo KXCOL'ltAt.'KD quillo close and thuroafter It fvlll ho too lato for ambitious politicians to list their candidacies for tho of- Darrlnc a slip in tho nresont nlnns. flclol ballots of tho primaries on 'Coos Hay will havo n full company of May 111. It is ild, however, that MS naval mllltlamon, tlrlllliiu in ttni- raudldntes may still announce them solves as running Independently, Coos Hay Ice and Cold StornR Company, of Slnrshfleld Is prepar ed to buy any iiinnllty of fresh flotindors, smelt, perch, uK hall but and sole. For prices, Inquire ut the office. WAS COOS IMOXKKIt Diuico nt .Sumner Saturday night. MiihIc by Sumiier (inlicstin. Imncli llotiltu leavi'H Xorth llcud nt 7s!IO l. lit, and .Miu-hlirfclil nt H p. m. Hiipper will bo mimmI at the ball, Mrs. .Matt Stiua Who Iteccntly Died I'oi mi'i'ly Lived Hero Word has boon received hero of tho death of Mrs. Matt Stora, form erly a resident of Coos Hay and il pioneer of thlj locality. Mrs. Storn died at Ilerkeloy, Calif., where with her husband sho hud resided for many years past. She had been a long sufferer of paralysis whlcij Idumcli Caililiac leaves Mnrsliflclil oansed her death. Mrs. Stora con forms boforo the railroad cololirntlon In lato .Inly. This encouraging now was brought back from Portland by Charles Hull, nfter a conference with 'Governor Wlthycombo and with Ad jutant (ionornl White, O. X. O. Speculation Is rlfn In Hustuldo and . In Cooston us to whom .Mayor Kltson V'ill appoint to tho Knstsldo council to fill tho placo or L. U. Mcchi:, do ceased. Tho appointment is expect ed to lit) mudo at a mooting tho lat ter part of this mouth. Tliore bn been three mimes especially men tioned, Messrs. M. L. Hunt, Iverson and Alexander, of Cooston. For ;io dnya notices must bo posted In Kastsldo boforo council action can bo taken on tho vncatlug of tho Hon- Spic and Span for -aster" Coats L Waists tor front. Furthermore tho governor, the adjutant gonoral and President Hugh l'neBS0' l,lllt nIK tho Kastsldo wn Mel nlii, of tho local Chamber of Com norco, havo sent wires to Washing Ion, asking that a torpedo boat hr Miitloned horo. Word is cxpectoi back within a wook. will taki: a unci? The Coos Campflro (llrls meet at the (Juild Hall tit p. m. , liny tho Sanitary rapped Top and llulsuiii I tread nt. Sanitary Food Store. Tip tho The Itov. It. . Itengtson, Suedlsli Lullitraii Minister, lies- will Idonce 2l lliglilauil Ave. Phono or Allegany Sunday morning at H ducted tho first boarding liouso on tomorrow and take a hlko to l?ast- o nock, i-etiirnlug at ." p. m. Cars Cimu Hay A stepson and stop- side. for hire at Allegany. daughter are Andrew Storn and Mrs.1 - , John Hrndrlckson of Coos ltiver. will-AT, ijiiM.I. Il.i:s I Several cousins resldo Iii this county. CAXXOT III? ItF.tilSTIIKKD Judgo Pennock made out a regis tration card for Walter Itichnntson which has just been returned by County Clork Watson. Tho cam read, "Havo voted for years in Coos county. Unable to find father's cit izenship papors." Mr. Watson ad vised taking tho matter to District Attorney Llljeqvlst. Ulchnrdson wnnt od to register weoks ugo, hut could not as ho did not have his father's papers of naturalization. EDISON PHOTO DRAMA IS ESPECIALLY FINE Llbliy Coal, Di.l.lH) urn. New Firm New Prices YV E have one of the finest Cash Registers in Ore gon; cost $550.00. Wo aim to make it pay for itself in one year by increasing our cash sales. In or der to make this plan work out, we have two proposi tions to make to the public: FIRST We will meet the prices of all our competitors; SECOND We will give coupons with every cash sale (special sales excepted) which will be redeemable IN CASH at 6 per cent of purchase. ' We maks a specialty of Office Supplies, Cameras and Photo Supplies. See our window display. A fine stock of Easter Cards just received." COOS BAY STATIONERY CO. By I. S. SMITH SCIIOO.?l TILLAMOOK I'OIITLAXD AND COOS ItAY SAMS FltO.M MAKSIIFIKLD' TliritSDAY. APItIL til. I'Olt IXFOII.MATIOX PIIOXI? U7H TOM .1AMF.S. At Ocean Dock ItOIlT, W. SWAXTOX, (Jiaduato ("Demist. ! SILVER TEASPOONS FREE i With eiery ."tie piuchaso or Xjnl'.s Quality Pivparatlous, whether In the Toilet or Family Itemedies. SPF.CIAL I Mother's Week at the XYAL QUAL-I ITY STOIII?. SKI? oril W1XDOW.I If you want the IHCST, call at 71 Mai Let Avenue, or Phono III. 1'UO.Mrr DKLIYKKY. Rubber Sole Outing Shoes Wo havo just rocelvod ono of the nicest and niftiest Hues of men's, w omen V, boy3, and girls' white can ivas Outing Shoes with white rubbe; eoles over shown on Coos Day. Thev ! I are Just tho thing for suiumor out i Ingw and picnics and are sold at prhes Uliat everyone can afford to pay. j .lust read this list and nolo tho prlcei : ! Men's White Canvns High Shoos, j whlto rubber soles. Price. . . si. nil ' Women's Anklo Strap Pumps, white, and whlto with hlae.t trimmings, white rubber soles Pair .sl.,-,0 Hisses' whlto Knuny Lou Pumps,, whlto rubber solos. Price , $1,55 Children's White Oxfords, rub ber soles mi,. Hoys' Whlto Canvas Shoes, whlto rubber soles, Pelr k.v 1 1 tho hills looking for u herd goats, "The Destroying Angel" to lie Shown at Itoynl Tomorrow XIKht Will 1'loasu. "Tho Destroying Angol," an Edison plmtodrnma released through Klclne Kdlson Foaturo Sorvlco, to ho shown at tho Itoyal theatro tomorrow night Is a faclnntlug story of romaiico nnd trngedy told la film in a mnnnor that leaven llltto to bo doslrod. Its title is oxtromoly upproprlato tragody apparently going hand-'.n-hiiiid with admiration or lovo for Mnry Ladls las. Tho man sho first ehoso tor a husband Is killed In tin automobile accident, tho next ndmlrer upon It ii believed that whom she looks with favor In lnur- nieets the Hoseburg ItAXCIIKIt IS UlLLKD HOSl?nUlt(l, Oro., April H. The body of Henry Under, a prominent Phono 72. rancher, was found nt tho bottom of -ja deep ravine. he was killed by a fall when In was doretl, nnd still another for tragedy to sialic forth. Auof tlon with her, a imro.clurnlBj.lii able girl means only miifortt: death : a trail of human mlKrri; blood marks hor path throuji I until finally HiibIi Wbltrtwt" the spoil that foils an uiuto.1 U the charmed llfo and throH l ! found a powerful cllmii, Inv to "Tlio Destroylns Angel" re! from n terrible thrall of lrtw Mabollo Trimnelo as Mary 11 Ifclns. and Marc .MacDermott mil "Whltukor havo tlio titular roiw. ,i Altlti:STi:i) IN' I'OKTIAXH l!05?HIM'ltfi. Ore, Arll H-' M. M. Wright, ttlio More Jo1 was einnl'vcil as a::lit ' the comme-clrl ilopartiunU l uri.nols. was arrwif of same fate. Tho Mndliug of lovo in Portland on a tliarse ol their breasts appears to he the signal v orthless il.i l.s. fj HRHHHMHHHHHHHV' m mmsm McCall Patterns and MAGAZINES SATURDAY, ? FECIAL foir ONDAY and TUESDAY Gordon Hose for Women SUITS AND COATS - A big reduction for theso throo dayg on U lulls and Coats of Now Spring Stylos aud us l0""K 9 f.UC MM I IWFRY . . i loiter n" wo aro now ready ror our iuih'm. r.nd an oarly seleetlon Is mhisable New Summer Lawns, Klaxons anil uiiuuioj. nil stripes and fanolos 1-lijc, irc Hydegrade Oalatoas. all colors and white Per yard Put tain Scrims, whlto and ecru. 2So nnd 30o value Special ,fl(. ,, It. M. C. and C. M. C. Crochut and Tatting thread all' sixes, per ball 1Dn lUb 20c 18c 10c New strlio nnd plaid Taffetas. 30 Indies 1 tH ...,.. . , . $1 25 unu liuw uif, npotini T i... , ...'. ...,.... i ,..n necular 1fl( ui' crauo iwiuo uiiiiiik """"' in . bl 12 1-2 cent' values, snoclal . nungalow Aprons, nil colors and sU- jJJ tpoelul . 60c audi' t V 9K W ,i nor All now pattorns In percales, spcdal lr ard 1! ue Bunker Hill Swanton Drug Co.w. H. Dindinger & Co. 1HE PENSLAR AND NYAL Store for Quality Chemicals' inorlcnn Lady Corsets. $I..-iO, $2.U .!)!, aud S. So Jennings NORTH BEND The store that sells the best for less Muslin gowns, values $1.25 alues $1.50 alues, nn.broldery 7:.r nd II 5 $i.o 71 .MAItKKT AL Phone 32 iBHHHNHHHHHHHHHHH