T r nw? THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916 EVENING EDITION FIVE po You Like Speed ? ii flr In your clothes, that is; smart lines, lively .patterns, novel shades and colorings; all the .newest ideas. . : Hart Schaffner &Marx . Show some very clever things in their spring suits. Ask to see Varsity Fifty Five This is the most popular young man's suit in America; it ought to be it has all the good points. i Clothes Purchased at tin's Store Kept Pressed Free of Charta Woolen Mill Stores bo fixed for lilm uiul a meeting schedued at Mint tlmo. To llavu flood Schoolhousc. -t)c-splto tho troubles Hint lmvo occurrod h tho Two Mllo school district Hour Hnndon, tho voto has carried iur n now schoolhouso nnd tho plans arc now ready for tho contractors, lion Ostllnd, nrchltect, went down this morning to look nftor thorn. Ho says tho school Is to bo n two roomed affair with nil tho modern convenien ces that such n. ' school building should have. MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND C.f7rllilHulMlfor liMm The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes . Adler-i-ka rhe crojitest medlehio In the norlil for Moiimeh and bowls, N niuniifucluml tndT tli supervision of rrghtrml pharmacists, nc cording to I ho revised prMfrilltlOM Of II MHTOMsflll Co man ph) Milan. rim iiottle, si. oo lit THE BUSY HORNER DRUG STORE Phono 208 We Dcllicr Immediately mum THE WEATHER REPORT I U Awoe.lwJ l'N to Coot nj Tlmr. 4 OREGON Showers In tho oast, probably Hhowors In tho west; coolor tonight, W.ICAIFB $ a. n. noncmv larchfiplr! iMm AND Nlollllclu riFrnDATiwr rn -itlm-tc. FurnUbed i llMl. Har.Iifield, Oreoi OYAL , winds mostly wostorly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 21 hours ending at -1:43 n. m., Apr. M, by HonJ. Ostllnd, special government Motcorolqglst: Maximum CI Minimum 3G At 1:13 u. m .. 17 Proclpltntlon 02 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1915 7r..nc Precipitation samo porlod ! Itt3t yonr C0.19 ! Wind, northwest, partly cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Friday April "14. Sun rUes at r:21 and sola at G:40. TONIGHT OUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE f A Imore's v "riety Show 2 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS- MARIE CAHII I in tho nnm. triot "JUDY FORGOT" I POOr lllHu omiUlnH 1,-1-, U.Ti lint j wwu,u I MUIJ Ulll P.. and it caused an awful 1 ui trouble. Admission Floor 15 Balcony 10 " DESTROYING ANGEL" 5?w Night, one of the j 'wnsanonal pictures ever New VniiflQ:iu ., Ilflr "T.fa'i"Ji Jonnson & El rlwind dancers, httJ" , ' en9agement to- "' "lyiu. D I A .. tl " - H IM U 0 Altt t?erv' Hotel kuJ. fen 'uB!ily renovut. . Itio 0 th0 ,,ub,lc WW" ' U o ,i , of th ''-Mures PM h. C,rjr nro ,rce Satlon i .. kew,nK roo,n. Pt; -. - Wlcjtjj ol u,e Public JMNCO HOTEL VhHh Knnt " ")i0 M ,.T,. ""Wield, Oregon . Holy Week. Noxt Sunday Is Palm Sunday. Next wook Is Holy Wcok in tho church calendar nnd tho fol lowlng Sunday Is Eastor Sunday. Sunday School on Summy. Thoro will bo Sunday school at tho Uwedlsh Lutheran church on Sunday nt 9:30 but no othor services. Move to North Hond Albort Jonn son and family liavo movod fron Co-qulllo- to North Bond whero thoy will mako their homo. , Will Use Tank. Tho swimming lank at tho North lloiul IiIkIi school Is to bo used ono day each wook by a number of, girls in that city. May llnvo Count .lltnoy. It Is ro poited from Curry county that Jerry Klnnoy may put on a Jltnoy sorvleo to Crescent City, Oil., by way of Curry county. DiNith Itoported Word bus been received that John HeiiKVorald, for merly an omployo of tho Portor mill and a resident of North Hand, died at Linton, Ore., re itly. Suprpilni'8 Hit J).iiir.htc.'. Mrs. R M. KIslnihiKor of San Dlogo Is nt North Hond to visit hor daughter, Loirlso, until tho latter has flnlshod hor school year. Mrs. Eslnlngor's nr rlval was u surprlso to hor daughter. Overhaul Old Knglne. Tho North Ilend flromon aro ovorliaullng tho first and only tis flro flgliMng on glno In tho city and say It Is In good ordor and that thoy will uso It on tho hydrants to glvo auxiliary pres sure To llavo Story Hour. Miss ltutii Cowan will havo chargo of tho story hour at tho Cameglo Public Library tomorrow morning bctweon 10 nnd 11 o'clock. Sho will talk on "Tho Other Wlso Man" and "Tho Flower Logcnd." Xpu- Mull Jinn. Krod J. Holmes will tako over tho deHvory or tho Ranker Hill, Flagstaff and Llbby mull routo next Monday. It Is pos olblo that tho tlmo of dollvory may bo changed from nftornoon o morn-1ug. Vrc. Kerr May Com. Presldont W. J. Kerr, or tho Oregon Agricul tural College, in a lettor to C. V. McKnlght, rogrots that ho can not ho hero this month to speak boforo tho Fellowship Club, hut otalos ho will bo glad to como somotlmo In May. In all probability a dato will Hunts Old Itiitus. Last night wai flro practice night. Part of tho flro department with two hosecarts nur rled to tho ruins or tho (Iregg homo on olghth street, set them on flro and cleared away n spot that for month s has boon u drawback to the appearance of north Eighth street. Tho homo burned about a year ago, but part of the basoment mid charred that time. Out mi Tt-lu-k. For the first tlmo In two wcoks or mora tho athletes of tho Marshflcld high school track squad woro out on tho racetrack yes torday afternoon dashing about hero and thoro. Tho trnck has been so soft tho mon could not run on It. Tho county track meet does not occur until tho mlddlo of May, tho dato not having been sottlcd upon as yet. Morgan, who wus recently injure at Powers. t'AJKL 3VKUTSON went u) to No.th Lnko. this morning, extending tho field of tho Coos Hay Uakery after a successful assault on Itccdsport nnd Gardiner. MIKE JENNEY, of Eugene, sales man for tip Top and rHolsum broad was a buslnoss visitor In tho city yesterday, placing nn agency for his co'ncorn. AMOS L. NOSLEK, ono of the plo- . neors of Coos county and a can didate for tho Republican nomi nation for county assessor at tho May primaries returned to Co qullto after a brief campaigning visit on tho Hay. C. A. PARKER of New York, who was hero during the sununor of, 1911, Is In tho city now for a visit of a wook. Ills son, Clay ton Parker. Is a noted athlete In tho Intorstholustu) flold and may also visit hero this summer. boforo tho English class nt tho high school, explaining to thorn tho vnluo of good roads and tho need of car rying a bond Issuo. Ho explained also oxacUy what bonds arc, how thoy look and what thoy can do. This Is so tho students will undorstaiid tho road situation In writing tholr essays on good roads in tho present contest. Palm Sunday. TIiIb coming Sun- liny, known In tho church calendar fcs "Palm Sunday," will bo mado tho occasion for a beautiful, Inspiring 'sorvleo In tho Episcopal church horo, in preparation for tho festival of Eastor, and tho rector of tho parish la earnestly hoping for a largo at tendance on tho part of tha conimu .nlcants. A special mimical program will appoar In tomorrow's papor. t PERSONAL MENTION t $ THOMAS MOFFETT, of Heaver Hill, vlsltod In tho city last ovoulg. J. T. PARKS was down shopping to day from his homo ait Alloguii;. CLARE TOW.VSEN'D -wus horo ror a short visit today from O.'.rdlnor. MATT L. MAY loft for tho Coqulllo Valley this morning to call on tho trndo. t AT THE HOTELS J Chandler Hotel I W. A. Schmidt, Now York; Mlko ( 'Jenny, Eugene; G. A. Slacko, Port- hind; C. M. Fry, San Francisco; A. II. Jones, Detroit; Jack Well, San ' Francisco; J. II. Temple, Portland; ' Ocorgo Anderson, Portland; M. M i Morris. San Francisco; O. A. Chnrl- MnkeM Several Speeches. James t0u. San Francisco; E. J. Arnold. I Montgomery mndo sovorul speeches Portland; C. 0. Cameron, Portland; G. W. Reynolds, Portland; George I Mlled, Portland; F. E. Cnvoiidos, Portlnnd; Follx M. YVXilfo. S.m Fni" Cisco; E. K Chosler, Portland; Kied Slugol, CoqnU'o; C. A. Pander, f()W York. St. LtnVrpnrn Hotel F. I). Snydor, Dolmar; Nod Luw ronco, Coos River; John Dlminltt, Hnmlon; Clnro Townsond, Gardiner; Mrs. L. M. Feakos, South Coos Rlv or; R. N. Wobstor, Coos RIvor; Miss Inez Goodrich, Coqulllo; v. C. Mc- 'Carty, Myrtle Point. IMiiuco Hotel E. Mooro, Gold Reach; F. L. Dean, Coqulllo; J. T. Parks,, Powers; W. I. Huttors, Allegany; I. Hromor, Alle gany; J. W. Dovoo, Allognny; A. L. Plato, Coos RIvor; Joe Connor, Hea ver Hill. Lloyd Hotel J. A. Hnllautln, Larson Inlet; S. W. GoorgosRoso1iurg, Andrew Tues troin, North lvko, Ebon Pomoroy, arathon Hats The Stylish Hat in all the best patterns and shades look at these, compare them with others at one-third more. Marathon, extra quality, in all the latest blocks $1.98 Marathon Hand Made, com pare this hat with anv. at R S3.50: our mice .S2.45 Marathon Water Proof. $4.00 Y j-A va'uci our price $2.98 J, B, Stetson No, 1 Quality... i $3.45 Examine this one, worth $2,00 our price $1.49 Look at the'so new Chinchilla Coats at $9.90 $12.50 $14.75 Originators $i&&mnap(0r Low Prices immt '' n i m ' Next Door to Postoffice .- r ;, 'Jt We Lead Others Follow -4 M Friday and Saturday Specials TULIP MILK. JC Four Large Cans for C JL BROWN SOAP. Eight Bars for . . . . 25c OUR EVERY DAY PRICES: ORANGES Per do.oit ir.o HUTTEH. Two pound miliums. Norway and Muyromi 7fie Wo havo HUTTEH wrapped III ono-qunrler pound mfl. each ..tOc LEMONS. Por dozen ;......!!(): COFFEE. Hulk. Threo pounds for , $1.00 SYRUP POPPY, Gallon can nilc WE SAVE YOU MONEY GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Phono 394, 130 North Broadway, WATCH VOIt OUR SPECIALS. Thoy mean money In your pocket a SOCIAIi CALENDAR Irandon; Guy Pork Ins, Corvnllls; J W. J. Franklin, Hoavorton; W. J. 1 ('Malcolm and wlfo, Chicago. $ t AMONG THE SICK t UIIAIIIU WV ), UUDU) in iji iui , uiu lon-yoar-old daughter or air. nnd Mrs. 'DoWooso of Portor, who him boon MRS. H. C. WELLS expects to loave furiously 111, Us not Improving ns PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY SJOBLE THEATE .-1 ' TA,NinHT 7 SAFKTV FIRST Mmshfleld's l-'iic-Pi-oof Tht'titor flood Music nnd tho Finest Pictures In tho World "THE JUGGERNAUT," Ono of tho mobt thrilling film productions or the year I" Show tho urecklifi: r n imssenger train. l'.n ne Coachcs-ndllng Into tho rlver-So real that II IH make you btanil up In jour taU ANITA STEWART AND EARL WILLIAMS mo tha pilnclpal chin- . iieters , IIFARST V1TAORAPH WIEKLY Tlio rwl iicwspuper. "DREAM llt'll UP IX THE AIR" "lrt'OI"S .,- . , VAVDKVHAK-flHAY .nd OIHHS-HAX. O "IAK, C LOS ., THEIR EXflAGEMKXT THIS KVKXIXH KK MUK AM HI.AR XTIIO.VVS SPLIJXDID MUSIC EVERY NIMIIT" Iivw Floor JBc nlc,.y 0o IT.ll.lm. no HUXDAY MATIXEI-Eeryhody will eo "TIIERA IUKA In "CARMAX" In a fow days for n visit In tho north. ISS INEZ GOODRICH, or Coqulllo, was among tho visitors In .tho city today. ftEV. O. L'ROY HALL, of tho Llfo- Lino, wont to North Lake this morning. WILL DUNCAN was among tho busi ness visitors Ju 'Coqulllo this morning. It. N. WEHSTER was down this morning on IhieIiicss from Ills Coon River homo. ARCHIE KRUSI- wont down to Haiidou this morning on a short busluos strip. W. I. HUTTERS, of Allegany, was down today looking after somo matters of buslnoss. HARRY HULTMANN loft on tho morning train for tho Coqulllo Val- loy, calling on tho trado. COLONEL ROSA, or Handou, passed through here this morning on IiIh first trip ovor tho railroad to Eu gonn. MR. AND MRS. OEOROE CRUNIC, of Hrdgo, aro visiting In tho city. It is their first tiip to Marshfiald In 19 yearn, REV. AND MRS. J. S. STUHHLE- FIELD, who woro atlondlng tho l Presbytery at Myrto Point, havo 1 roturned homo. DAMES MOLONEY, who has boon attending tho agricultural c-ollogu at Corvallls Is here on account or his mothor's Illness, MRS. OEO. DINDINOER rotiiniod yestordny on tho train from Albany after a pleasant visit With rela tives and friends thoro. f H, LIP lU'EIINER, of tha Hiiohnor L.imbor nmpnuy, loft this inor'i- lmr fo- Poitland oxpoctlng to bo oiia u counlo of iveoks, PETER LOGC51E, of tho Port or Uoos I Hay, has loft for Eugono to attend I n meeting or the Po-t represonta I lives of the N'orthwast tonight. MRS. MAQOIE FITZPATHIOK, who has boon visiting her son, J, A. F.tzpatrlck rtlnca last October, will loive Saturday for her homo at i 'stlne, Oregon. MRS. P. SOHILLERSTROM and datig-iter havo gone to Point Tor- "-o on tho Sluslaw to visit rela tives, making their first trip out on tho railroad. MRS. L. M. FEAKE8. of South Coos RIvor, was hero yesterday and to day visiting her brother, Mart rapidly ns could bo wished for. James McClollnu of North Hond is oufforlug from Injuries to his hand Inflicted whilo chopping wood. Francis Huglios of tho Sixes rlvor fin Curry county is proparlng to tako homo his wire, who has been nt Mor- I'cy hospital ror tho past fivn months. Sho Is sufficiently Improvod to mnko the trip. Allro. the llttlo duughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hydeu, Is qulto fill or tnnsllltlfl. PLEASED WITH FOLDERS People Like K. P. AilvrillNlug .Mailer 1 on Coon liny Mo io Copies or the Coos Hay coun try folder which has Just been Is sued by tho Southern Pacific have been recolvod hero mid the people aro .well pleased with the publication, Tho folder contains bountiful plcturos of scones In this part of tho slulo and gives Information silch nn tho tourist wants to know. 'Those folders will bo distributed fcr mid wldo 1iy the rnllrond mid coming Into tho hands of tho gou oral traveling public will b the moans of bringing hundreds to this locality. Tho folder Is one .which f will attract attention niiywheio and H gotten up In such mylo that It Is sura to ho ova in I nod nod rend. Freckle-Face Sun and Wind Hi Jug Out I'gly Spots, How to Kcmoi'o Easily Here's u cliuuco, Miss Freckle fuco, to try a romody for freckle, with tho guarantee of u reliable dealer that It will not coat you a penny unless it romovos the freck les; while If It doo.i glvo you a clear complexion tho expense la trifling. Simply gjt an ounce of othlno double strength from any drug glBt and a few applications should hov you liow easy It Is to rid tyourseir of the homely freckles and got a beautiful complexion. Rarely U more than one ounce uotfdud for tho worst cuso. He sure to usk the druggist ror tho double- strength othlno as this Is tlio prescription sold under guar- bntea of money back If It fulls to remove frecklej. Friday Pant Matron Socloty with Mr. D. C. McCnrty. Nceillocraft Club with Mn Edgar Miiuiiun In North IK.iJ. rhlniblo Club with Mrs. A. S. Hammond. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. 3 0. Langworthy, Tho Norwegian Luthornn l Young Peoplu'H .oclal, at homo or Rev. and Mrs. II. O. Thorpo. t FOR SALE ? A,oo--. 0 FOR SALE On account or going to Europo all my household furnlturo or every kind will bo sold nt a sacrifice R. Nordrum, 070 South Fifth St., Phono 391-J. FOR SALE Eiillio fiuiilHlilngs of the Anderson roomlng-liouso, alflu restaurant equipment; center of business district. Will sell cheap for rush. Lease given on building IT lUslrod. Mrs. Titos. Anderson, Handou, Oregon. FOR SALE Ono 1! I -a li. engine, used 1 ditlou. AIho 1 ahiro boar. Weight 4Q0 bargain. E. L. lletwoy, !I1G8. . gas year. Good rem reglstorud Hork- Ibs. A Phono FOR SALE flood grade lloMelii yearling ImlforHj I r-glsluriid llol stelu bull, U mo. old. II. W. San ford, Sumner, Orw., Phono 3103. FOR SALE Four nmtf, a helferx, 1 bull; roglRtviiud Ayerslilres; nil selected stock from Poiiiio'h Calif, and Washs bout honjn; heavy producers. Wrltu llox i!, Gurdl nor, Oio. t NEW TODAY I WANTED Hoiisc'lccopcr for mail nnd wire. Apply "F" Times office. "- -----..- - '- -IH-a--M-Hrf I LIMM1 RPflS nuido front 'old car pots. Address Fluff Rug Co., Eu gono, Ore. WANTED Hoiino or (I or 7 rooms, unfurnlsliod. Must lie modoru and equipped with hot wntor or hot nlr boat. Host or roforencos. Ann wor quick. Apply A." Timcw oN flco. t WANTED t . WANTED To buy tuo good ivtulc horses about H00 pouudB. Apply H. II. Rogorn or phono Coos 3107, FOR SALE !.t Riirbunk heed pn toos. II. W. Sunford, Sumiior, Ore., Phono 31 03. WANTED Work, man ami wife, no chlldrou; camp cooking, ranch work or hotel. Address Dotsou Hotel, Room 17, Phono 4GG-L. FOR EXCHANGE Seven room mod oru house, full cumont bnsemont, wash trays, electric light,. gas, rivo inlnuto stroot euro sorvleo in Port land, rout brings 7 per cent on In vestment. AV11I trndo roj CoohJ Hay proporty and take auto In part payinunt. Address "II" earn of TIlllOH. ROOAIERS AND HOAHDEItS ApT ply 220 So. Hroadwny; niteH rea.iouablo. J FOR RENT t FOR KEN'IU- Moilern liiingalos Htunm beat; also niartiueijt, wfh riwo boat and wntor. Plionu I7-L, J. O. SWIlllKOII. FOR RENT FiuiilhliiMl rooms 1175 Ho. Seventh street, phone (l t-R. FOR RENT, Cheap. I, a ami a room Apartm'tB. Hroadwuy Hotel. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. In O'CuuiiOl! building. Phono 113-L. FOR SALE Ono cliissy leglHtered .lerhoy bull t'ltU, whoso dam milked II, 1(1(1 pounds In (eu uiotiths, Alto cows and helfeiH, all registered stock. Wrllo to F. A. KACC'III, Marshflcld, Oregon. FOR ItEJiT Fiirnlhhed flat, hot nh'd cold wilur, bnlh. SU3 Third St. FOR TRANSFER AND BTORAflE OF IIOUSEIKJLD GOODS, FREIflllT AND H.Vflfl.VflE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill Rehldeiico Phono i:i-J Market Avo, ami Walerfront FOR RENT Modern five-room Iii'ih gulow on 12th and Commoreml stronts, $12.G0 por mouth. Apply Going & Harvey. , FOR RENT. ROO.MS, r,0v to $1.00 Day; tfa to $5 Week; Hoiihckccp. I ing Apts., tfH p.o, up, Frcu I huth. Lloyd Hotel Apt-. . ,- BICYCLE TIRES Huy Them From Us. We Chargo Nothing to Put Them on Your Who-l ' MARSHFIEI D CYCLERY . mm i 5 -I