' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFiELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916 EVENING EDITION FOUR " COOS BAY TIMES . O. MAJiONKV, Editor and Pub. I DAN K. MALONEV, flows wuuor Official Paper of Coos County Official 'Paper City of Marshflold. nutereU at 1110 ir'uviuinvu ai Aiurua field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails aa second-class mall matter. t WITH THE TOAST J AND THE TEA J $ SUBSCRIPTION KATES Ono year c-00 Per month CO An Independent Republican nows papor, published ovory evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liar Times I'nlillshln Co. GOOD EVENING Chcorfulncss Is the diiiig li ter of employment. Home. ! t NEWS OF NEARBY TOWN t $$ PLEAS HI) WITH BEACH '. p. Officials Praises tlio Beauty of Itiiiiilon Ke.sort iio.mi: (5001) ADVERTISEMENT T' iIIB Coos Day Country folder which has been Issued by tho Soiit'liorn Pacific railroad Is attracting much nttuntlou, H Is Iiamteomoly gotten out and will bo an Important factor In bringing poo plo from all over tho country to this locality. Tho author In telling of tho possibilities of this suction says: "Study the Atlantic coast lino nnd oco If you can dlscovor any district with tho natural resources of tho Coos Day Country nnd with her hnr bor facilities that Is not tho slto of one or moro big cities. Look back fifty yenrs nnd bco what tlio Coos Hay district wn3 a district of blazed trulls and almost Impen etrable forest. Look at It today, with Us modern communities, and then look forward fifty years and try to picture what llioy. will bo." John At. Scott, Gvncral I'asscn gor Agent of tho Southern Pacific who Is responsible for this publica tion and under whoso supervision It was prepared has proved liiniHolf ( n good friend of Coos Hay. illo Is i j enthusiastic over tho acenlc splond-j j ors of tho now lino nnd over tho j resources and prospects of tlio Coos Hay soctlon. Wo nro to bo congrat-j ulatcd on having so good a friend, j To wander a wonderful hall AIM splendors or painting and gold, To guzo on a tapestried wall With portrnitui'o faded and old, No comfort will give wlion alone, No pleasure the pllgrlnmgo lona There's nothing mortal can own Like a enmp In tho woods with a friend. Tho swallows aro singing by day, Tho -roses nro rioting near; A bob-o-llnk over tho wny Is adding Ills enrol of clicor. The road may bo Htony and hot , Hut thoro Is n trail at tho end, And hero Is tho plensantcst spot Just n enmp In tho woods with n frtond. And then como the ovo nnd tho stars, And thou como tho dark and tho moon; You'vo lighted your glowing cigars, You wnrblo togethor n tuno. Tho flro-flles flashing in flight, Tho trees of tho forest that bend And you nro at homo for tho night In a camp in tho woods with a frlonil, Selected. (Special to The Times) BANDON, Ore., April 14. "TI12 most beautiful bench on tho Oregon const" waB what Willis 11. .Tonkins' travollng passenger agent for tno Southern Pacific Bald when ho was Pshown tho Hamlon beach. In speak ing of what ho saw In Coos county during his visit hero, Air. Jenkins said: "I am confident Hint tho coming of tho railroad Is to mean great things for Coos county," ho said. "This Is tho first t'lnio I havo been In this section for twelve years and 1 was surprised at tho progress that 'hits been mndo during thut time, With rail connection with tho out side, tho growth or this county should bo mnny times as rapid csir Ing tha next fow yenrs as it has been during tho past few." IS A REAL PIONEER Cyrus .Madden Coos Saw mid Early Curry Davs In MARSIIKIELD, THE CITV BEAl'TIKUL ' Hy Hess Flanagan kEOPLE arriving In Afnrshflold aro very much surprised to find that a city with ouch n protty "nt court" and nsaure this cnpablo surrounding or background Is not n onorgouc mid euiiiUBinsuc oiriciai.cuy in iison that his spltudld services In our ho "half aro understood and appreciat ed by tho people of Cooh Hay. will in-: popuiiAii ryiHE week end oxcuralona which I havo been planned by thu Southorn Pacific for tho Bum mer months promlso to bo very pop ular with tho local people. Tho railroad has advertised low round trip rates which wlfl mnkc It pus nlblo for Coos Hay pcoplo at amnll expense to tnko pleasant Journeys on Siindayfl. Thoy can go to Co qulllo Valley points, to tho bench at Haudon, to tho now town uf Powors, or toward the north to tho Tonmllo Lakos, Hcodsport and othor places. Tho excursions will without any doubt bo well patronized. Pl'llLIC MUTATION Till-: public school Is the 0110 char acteristic American Institution; " no mnttor how Insignificant thoj community may be, It Iiiih nnd must havo n public school. Provision wnn inudo for public schools In advance of ovory othor form of local non government, nnd to this day In most states tho same form of school or ganization Is preserved that was In oxlotouco when proscut thickly popu lated nnd wealthy communities wcro frontier settlements. Of courso tho prosont rural and vlllngo schools are In somo, porhnp mrny, respects superior to tho solmols of earlier days; yot thoy fall far pliort nt meeting tho nnuds of their commuultlcs, In rural school 0 poclally ono of two doforta nro com monly found; elthor tho toucher Is a former stiidout of tho hcIiooI, with a horizon 110 wldor than that of hor puplls; or she Is a pupil from a city school, with no conception of nor tuato for country, life, and with a horizon, though different, for all practical purposes even narrower In Itself beautiful. With each and ovoryouo's hoip, Marsh field may ho m'ado vory beau tiful. Tho pcoplo both wealthy and poor who own a homo should plant flowers uud grass nnd keep their homo In nt least 11 clean nnd tidy con dition. And ir thoro ho any vacant Iota near them that mars the beauty of tho neighborhood, let them bo donned up nlso, Another groat Improvement In the beautifying of this city will bo to plant Ivy or boiiio such vine- on Hie niiinorous atcop clay lmnl;n which braider 1110. of Mnrshflold'w hack HtrootB. Aloreovor plant treoH for nhado and beauty on tho other lovel streets. About tho greatest drawmcr to Alarfllifluld's apopamnco Ib tho grout number of old hnc::B ana Tnrns. .Theso aro mostly owned hy wealthy men who would rather rocolvo the rout from thorn than to tear them down mid Improve tho looks of the city. If each ownar of those unsightly dilapidated properties would, In jilnco of them, build fluo brick or stone buildings, n groat doal Inward beautifying this city would ho nccoin pllshed. If wo Intend to make .Mnrahflold a beautiful city, HiIh spring Ib the vory best time to hogln, for wliou the rail road Ib completed and now penpio come to locate hero, thoy will ho In clined to want nnd havo pretty homuH uud wo should sot u good ox-umple. Cyrus Madden, who ban mining and agricultural possessions In Nor thern Curry county, Is staying wlth 'friends In Coqulllo whllo rccupcrnt 'lnj; from a sovoro Illness of three months, nays tho CoiillIo Herald. Air. Madden, who doesn't look his S I 'years, Is an old Coos county pioneer, having come to tho Coqulllo valley In 18G7, beforo thoro waa a wagon, Voad Into tho county. Ho hnd taught school and studied modlcluo nnd found tho supply of druga which ho brought with h1m a boon to miners of Randolph, vhoro ho was located Tor a while. At that tlmo Dr. Lenove and l)r. Hermann woro tho only othor "physicians on tho rlvor nnd trnvel was by row hont on tho river or over rough tralla on root or l.orae hack. Air. Madden won as n hrldo Alias Vlrglnla Kent, a sister of Airs. W. fW. (Jngo of this plnco. In 1871! ho drovo tho first wnson Into Curry county. Ho wns acquainted with nil tho old pioneers, nnd liaa boon nDout town renewing old acquaintance with ninny of thoso who nro loft. IF your business keeps two or more horses busy, there's just one reason why you arc not using an International motor truck: You Don't Know What It Will Do For You! That's true. If you knew how much actual cash it saves, you would buy an International motor truck because you could hardly make a better paying investment. If it added only twenty-five cents a day to your net profits that would be better than 10 per cent interest on the price of a Model M. An International motor track will save more than that for any man whose work keeps two horses busy. That is not all it docs, by any means, but thnt should be enough to interest you, a business man. Write for our complete figures on motor truck saving.. Four Models Four Low Prices MA, 1,000 lba. capacity, air-cooled $600 . M, 1,000 lbs. capacity, water-cooled 710 E, 1,500 lbs. capacity, water-cooled 950 F, 2,000 lbs. capacity, (chassis only) 1,500 All prices ensh, f. o. b. Akron, O. Add $50 to above prices for pneumatic tires Won Medal of Honor at San Francisco International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) PORTLAND JI.50 Clafs f. a: kilburn sails april 13. North Pacific Steamship . Co. 1 Smith Terminal Dock. Direct Sailing IU Eureka, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego " F. A. KILBURN --APRIL 17 J'. . (TKliiv! . '"" -Kcnt INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOM PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent NEWS OK BANDON CONTRACTS ARE LOT lluudoii Awards Work for Water System ltOHiinlliiK tlio a ward I UK of eon- tiucts for tlu now wntor vorln lni- prnvoments at Hamlon tlio Record or says: Tito Pacific Tank nnil Pino com pany, Pnltml Stutoa Cast Iron l'lpo fAi Kountlry company, Honsansmluor Vnlo company anil tlio V.1 Hoilmus I'oiinilr.v comimny woro tlio hiiccosw- Umii that of tlio toachor oilucutotl In f,, iiiuMor for tlio plpo, livilrants tlio country wliool. lUUl valves and illtliig.s to bo imcil In lMiiratlon -toachlnrls n protos- tj,0 construction work of lmproinK oloii that ronulroB spoclal ritnw olth- tho municipal wiitor Histem. Tho ur natural or acqulrml. nnd tho hlrliiB lontractfl woro uwimlod hy tho elty of n teacher, tho JikIkIiik or hor ahll-, council. My a an educator, domaiuU a Unowl- , edKO In somo ruHpoctR nlmllar to (hat I IX 0M1 VOCATION' roimlud of tho tuiU'her horsolf. Aj position on tlio hoard or cducat!on 1 Andrew 1. Onvls. who has Uoon a Hhonld ho a pot or honor, not or 'deputy under Shorirr AHred .loluiBon ornnmenl; of dlflllnctlon. rather ttinn since tho latter was oloctod. has re- political preferment; and tho proper 'sinned his orriclal position and will filling, or that position demands ood jtako a placo nt tho Ooo. W. Mooio JitdRinoKt, unrnlMiiK Justice. Impar-i l,iinthor Co. plant at llaudon. Mr. tlnlly and nonpaitlsaiuhhlp. iiualltlosj Davis was formorly In tho luniher not possessed hy overy good cltlxon. huslness for many years und was There Is 110 position or Kronter lin-.lullyinnn for the l'nclfie Const laim porlance in Its roHtlon to commnnlty .her lluroau. woltaru than that or school dlroctor or tommlBslonor, and overy commun-J Wilcox ox HAM. OP lty development organisation should j Interest Itsoir In securlim the olop- SAhlS.M. Or.. April 1 .--roldBjtt Xoti'N About Mm IMaco Aioparliipr 111 (bo llecoiilcr II. .1. McKcrina, formorly book- lecopor for tho Mooio Lunibor com imny who has been innklnc his homo In D11I lit li. arrived In Haudon to ro- sumo his duties at tho mill. Geo. Dafoo nnd li. K. Swan nro In from tho Dafoo mill making arraiiKo ments for tho trnnsporlatlou of tho boilers and oiiKlno to tho mill." The 'machinery Is expected to arrlvo horo 'soon rrom San Krnnclsco. Otto Xouman has succeeded C. II. Hurley as tallyman for tho Kyfo Lunibor company on tho local dock, .Mr, Hurley koIuk to tlio position of ynrd foreman at tho Mooro mm. K. X. Smith returned last wee!; uroni California whero ho has been spondliiK tho wlntor with his family, liiliiuliiK' with him a roadstor of now doslun in which to tnivol over tho county. .1. Ira Sidwoll returuod from Irom Portland and Wlllamotto valley towns whoro ho wus attoudliiK to busliiBSs jnatteiH. He statos that n huuluess revival Is apparent throuKh out that soctlon in tlia opinion of all those with whom ho talked. Portland, Oregon .."'.'-j1 TT EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street south coos mvBK hoax sintvici: LAUNCH KXPHKSS leaves Mar.sbfield overy day K n.ni. Leaves head of river nt :t::i p. m. STKAMKK HAINIIOW leaves head of river dally at 7 a.m. Leaves Marsbtiehl at " 11.111. Tor charter apply on board. ItOnUllS SMITH, I'ropi. TIMI3 TAHLK W1LLAMKTTK PAOIKIO MOTOIl OAU COl'XTV SKAT NOTICS Nchx of l'ttiillt Told aid in tlio Her- C. A. Dooloy slashud his big to with an axe while cutting down a treo and Is laid up as a result. .1. II. Hart, who has buou In Coos county for several' weeks, was Joinoil last week by his wife and two joiing duuuhtora from Washington, and they ocspoet to resldo horo perman ently. Miss Lola Mast mine In from V. of O. to spend tho Kastor vacation with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. H Mast, of this city. Mr, and Mrs. Karl (Sraham have moved from Acmo to Coqulllo to 10 side. Thoy recently returuod from a pleasure trip to San Krnnclsco ami points In Utah. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho fatuous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton !?5.r,() Or half ton of both.. $1.75 1. MUSSOX, l'rop. Phono iH'3 or leavo orders nt Hlllycr's ClBur Store , Leavo JMnrsbflold C:-I5 Q.in. ' 7.4 G n.m. ' 8:15 a.m. J 9:4G a.m. 1 10:4C a.m. 1 11:30 a.m. 1 12:60 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. C40 p.m. LoAve NorHh Bond 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m 9:00 a.m 10:15 a.m 11:00 a.m 11:45 n.m 1:15 p.m 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m 4:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m 5:55 p,m j 0:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:46 p.m WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R1 HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phonft 3171 , BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated :: Hot Water. Transient, 75c day; $11.00 Per Week. I Apailments, $,T pW mouth. Hvcry-I Ithlnj; furnished. ijimo :10.1. J j L. .1. JUSTUX, Proprietor. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician and Surgeon Office: Irving lllock. Office hours: it to ly . m.; I and 7 to H p. in. Phonos t Office lia-J; Ilea., 148-L 9 te J. M. Wright Phone 188-U BU1LDIXQ COXTKACTOR Kstlmstei furnished on requcet iii.M.iit'T.vrto. o TICKKTS, $1.73 IJ r.vuu TUX CKXTS City Limits Xorlh Head, Hq 20 .iiarsliiield-XortJi llend Auto Lino Cars ovory ten minutes Irom C a. m to 12 midnight; to South Slough once a day, leaving at U a. m.; to Em pire three trips a day. fiOHST ft KIXO, Props. TOO .MAXV PIAXOS Hon of capnblo mombers of tho school Wilson's name will o on the prlmnry boards, (ballot In May, whether petitions nro uttlcv kIiIs. ' iTtiau or not, as a result or a lelo A good piano sjory Is told In the Coos Hay Harbor which says: Whllo Herbert Armstrong was in Spokane recently ho purchased n piano which ho hud shipped horo as a Mirprlso present for bis wife' and While no was away Mrs At lustrum: imivlmoil n hIhh in XOXK KHOM COOS COl'XTV i graphic ronuost racolved by aecre-'Mtu.8hfKu, w,,ph ,, hQM wq1lW ,lnr or State Olcott from the presl- ,)0 ft ,,j(,aitallt Bni.rs, 10r ,.,. Oovernor Wlthycombe cranled Meat direit The Woodrow Wilson j,nn,i mv (,0N llilN , an js,rH pardon and a sroat number of pa ''ib, however, has petitions rrom ment for sa'e and the uue-stloM win,) roles but nono of those favored vro 1n of tho counties which will ln i,0tlnrs moft Is to iioiw tho our IiriPonorA rrom toos roiiuiy, ,u'n Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear and Throat Spoclall.it GLASSES FITTED Phone 830-J. ltooins UOO-201 Irving lllock. ..t. MATTIE 11. SHAW. Physician and Surgeon Phone 8H0-J. H G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Coko Bldg. Phono 146-J Hesldenco Phone 363-L. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT looms 301 aua 302, Coke Building Marahtleld, Oreicoa. WESTERN LOAN AND .' BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000,00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Loral Treasurer DRY WOOD at Campbell's Woodyard North Krout, Street Phono OK-l THE WHITE IS KIXQ Of all Sowing Machines Now located at 256 Market are. West. Phono 1D3-J. Wo have also got big bargains In all kinds of used machlues. All taachlnes sold on easy payments. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Iycao MarshfJeld at 7 u. m., nnd returning leaving from Tim,! ai in. Leavo Marshflcld at 11 a.m. and retiirnlns leV. biotign i x p. in. Jicnvo iWarshflcld nt n Icavo South Slough at (I p. in. "I'll? IcnTo Sooth m. and rcturnty or reliable AbstrnctH of Titles Iiifoniiatlon about COOS HAY nru ESTATE, bco ! UL.U Abstracts Title Guarantee & Abstract Company MarBhflold' and Coqulllo City, Orogon. General Agents Eastsldo and Scngstnckcn'H Addition. Siieclal attention paid to nssossmoiits and payment of tsxej. HENRI' SENGSTACKEN, Mbmbw! Statements For the month of March are now ' ready. Depositors are requested to call for thern at their convenience. N fcrana! The First jJk qf coos bay Safety Phis Service ' . 1 GRAVEL1 We aro nor prepared to furnish GRAVEL In ny untltll from pile In our yard or in carload lots, at following price: Krom plloon ground, J2.VG por yard. Cartoad lots, taken from can, J2.00 per jut Retail Uepartmoat. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mf g. Co, Opposite PosV-Oflco. Fboai 1W. BKHHHBHBHC JLXSAMSBBmmMBLX I Oldest Hank In Coos County Established 1889 Flanagan b Bennett Bank Mandiflcld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEUEST IAU ON TIME AND SAVINGS DKI'OSITS .Officers J. w. nBNNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. P. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (h Bennett Bank OF JIVRTLE POINT ' Capital $2500 Officers J. w. BENNETT, Presidents JAS. H. FLANAGAN, Vlc President; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, AlsbUnt asaior. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. w. BENNETT, President; "TOM T. BENNETT, Vice President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNETT SWAK TON, Treasurer. The Only Trust Company In tho State. Outside of Portland, Widen Organized Under the,)Xeiv Law. lank ixanainavian-Amencan ' WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE WE INVITE YOU TO QPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THIS BANK TODAY $1.00 STARTS THE ACCOUNT, HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 Jllry wish to l.ccp