THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1916 EVENING EDITION TWO rr Il'S HE 15 CREATES MR n i unirt att liiMi A UANUIUAIt PUItTIIKItH AMKMCAX AltT AX1 LITKHATl'ltK OII.IKCTM TO Till! SI-JltVICK M M ln.inno .Aran nellevci Ho Is dentlnl Candidate Pros!. Measure Passes (ho Ixmer House of Congress After Hard Klulit In Opposition !lr AmocUM I'rfM to Com liar TIdim. WASHINGTON, D. C, April U. A hard fought hill Incorporating Hie Amorfcan Acadomy of Arts nnd Let ters und niunhorlng President Wilson, Hoosovelt nnd others among tho char ter momhorH, passed tho houso today and now goon to the president for ap proval. , Oppononts charged that the pur- Dr, Walter Culln nnd was adjudged poso was to creato r.n "luiniortals" Insano nnd committed to tho Insane . while tho supporters maintain that usyluin. 'the solo ohject Is to further American tUhon ho alighted from tho train 'art nnd literature, at tho local station lio walked up toi tho marshal nnd 'nuked If there were any hanks In town nnd whore lie could find somo Pinkcrtou dc- An unfortunate man who Is mnn (ally unbalanced and who was de clared Insane nt Conulllo this week hnd Quoor delusions. Tolling of the caso tho Coqulllo Herald says: This morning Marshal John Illck ham took n man In tow who was somewhat mentally unbalanced, Ho was token before Judge Watson and (old Iteacli Paper llns Kicks Ahotit Telephone In Curry. Tim nrit.l Ttnnnli D.Minffnp llllllrna ' IIUI'JI INI'JH the following commont on tho tolc phono sorvlco: t "If thoro Is any way of compelling the Jclcphono company to put and keep Its line in working condition we would llko to know It. Tho 3or- vlco on tho lino to all points In the j, county and llandou is miserable. In passing over tho road one cannot E APPEARS Lt'.MIiHlt CO. TAKHS OVKIt PAKT OP SIMPSON" CO. :V li'y Kilns und Finishing Plant to llo Added If Terminal Hates Can lie Seemed Tho Huchncr Lumber Company as made Its appearance on Coos Hay and for two days ban boen In , full operation. The turning over to' rail to notice tno wires, m many,,,. ,.... ,,,,,. of nVnrvthlnc In- places, nro against trees, logs oinl'judcij j, .tnho. Simpson Lumber company sale hns been completed over tho wires nlmost iniposalhlo. ;,...., .,.,. lllnrnllur ,,... nuvlmer Tho company will tnko your money Iofl for Portiail(i t()'uo gono tt u)p- ror a try, ana ono must taio cnances i0 of weoi8 on communicating with tho party he, ,,. ,,,.,., ,, ,f( ... ..... nf ( . .. ... n- CROWD THE GHUHCH wishes to talk with. If there Is any way to punish tho telephone company for maintaining a nul3uuco let tho law bo Invoked without delay." NHWS Ol-' CUUltV COUXTV .-. Ilrlx. Brown Says If d ei'j holly iuioiv tlio ipiallty of prescription scr- vloo tho lied CYoss In now I'.lvlni;, nnd tho accurate tclcntlric methods omplojed In our prescript ion ilepnrt nieiit, they would In lug nil (heir (descriptions to Tho lied Cross." IM.MIODIATi: DIOLIVKItV. tin: The Red Cross formerly of . Huehner and i tcctlves or how ho could get In touch with a United States marshal. Ho also Informed tho cop that ho was running for president on tho Independent tlckot. Hickliam, up on being informed of this fact, thought that the man needed look ing after, as ho didn't In any way rcsomblo Hughes or T. II., so ho swore out a complaint and took him 'before tho Judge. Tho man gave Ills name ns Howerman nnd Conton nltil nnd said ho was looking for n now name. Upon bolng searched many objects wore brought to llglit, from an auto light to u bottle of cataup. Ho said that ho resided at Gugcno. Ho first arrived hero yes terday evening nnd tho marshal be coming suspicious of his actions, In structud tho nlghtwatcli to keep an eyo on him until this morning, when lltckham took him Into custody. Chicken pox 'has devoloped among the children In town during tho past A OHHAT AMI SCCCKSSKUIiWCL,ki .MKIOTIXG lliai) LAST XICJIIT W A. nixon nnd wlfo, who ' ' j have been on tliolr Pistol River lliuco Kvmm and Ills Singer .luck homestead during tho past winter, Thompson are Winning (lie ,avo boen residents of town the past Crowd People Pleased wcok Herbert S. Murphy, who Is con-1 .MOVU POPULAIt ONH Week Hud Kxcursloii Will Ho Well Palroiiled Tho wook ond excursion rates on tho railroad linvo been advortlsod by the Southern Poclrlu und tho plan Is attracting1 much attention. Uhtiap round trip rates from Coos Day points nro offered for Sunday trips Tho Coos Hay peoplo nro gieai for Sunday excursions to tho boachcH mid up- tho rivers hut tho rallroud with Us excursion rate plan offers more (Hy a Local MlnUtcr) WUh a big bunch of kids (Hruco docs like the kids, und they know It) right down In front or him mid the largest week night midlcnce, tho crowd Increasing each night, Hruco, ably supported hy Jnck, made things so Interesting that tho iuh crs nro In a iiiandary about seats tonight. A committee Is busy today nnd by tonight u hundred mid fifty more chnli b will bo placed for the accom odation of tho Increasing crowd. The Indications are tho Methodist Church will, not be able to hold tho crowds much longer and n larger auditorium will become a neces sity. Hruco Is no common ovaugollst. Many nro saying already that ho Is hy far tho best tvmigellst flint hns over come to Mnrshfleld. At nny rate tho peoplo llko him. They llko his music too. How tho crowd sang IiIh song "Como and Ho u nected with tho John office In Marshflold, arrived In Gold Ueach last Tuesday, and will remain until nftor tho April term of circuit court. 03car Miller Is getting ready to engage in fishing again this season, and Mrs. Knorr hns resumed chargu of tlio drug storo and buslti03s. Ira Mooro lias made a contract with Alf. Miller to purchase IIOO tier of aider wood, to bo cut -on tho Cuniilf place, and will shortly mow his buzz saw down there and begin operations. Tho matter of Interest ,on county funds was settled at this term of court, tho bank paying $lfiO back interest, nnd presenting n counter Manager Albert Portland, nnd II. C. Georgo Sailor. , Depends On Terminal Asked ns to what additions aro to bo made to tho mill at North Hond, Mr. Huohnor snld that prac- uiuii utuiyuiui); iiuiriui iiimi i""l securing of n tornilnal rate. With out this, ho said, it would not pn I to attempt shipping finished lum ber to tho east via the railroad. "If wo can get thcfo terminal, rates," continued Mr. Huehner, "then wo can go ahead and put in our if., tltnu n.ttl - rl.lnt.l..t ..Int. nt D. Goss lawl"" " "" """." " l iNorin iioiki. wo nave, an oppor-1 tunlty to sell our finished lumber' back east." It has been stated several times that the Uuchner Lumber company has excellent poll ing connections and could dispose of n groat quantity of lpade up luin-berinlnnd. naHtfS IT Pharmacy .1. Leo HioWii :; PJiono llili "PltLSCHIPTIOXS KIIIST." Tnmrvrrnw is fliaa I -. r - -ca.uay of the v Beechnut Food Products Demonstration Do not fail to drop in to the Good Housekeeninn and Sample some of these delioious foods g Store TRY A TASTE OF Concord Grape Jelly, made from Eastern c.nn , Grapes. ' ,n Uonc(rd Grape Fruit Marmalad? made from the miin m .. Best Florida Grape Fruit. puip of ie Oscar Sauce, made from a recipe of the famm &u Catsup made from perfdot ripe tomatoes and ! iips nn matter hnw Irinr. ihn hSttl iL tn i.and "ever "THE TASTE TELLS" ' Come in Tomorrow Ollivant & Nasburg Tlio, flood llousckcoplfig stor. IIOMK OV PUHK POODS Second nnd Commercial, MnrihtWd Two Tolophoncs, 109 nd 1?1 SOUl 'IV INSTALL TOXKJIIT I Moose Loduo To Hold Public In stallation Friends Aie lnllcd At 8:ao o'clock this owning tho Moose lodgo will 'hold a public in stallation or officers In tho Mooso hull, comor Market nnd Hrondwny. This will ho followed by u program, cards nnd dnnclnir. An Invltntlmi claim of ?ia5 for exchange In the ; jlnfl ll0O1 ,8HU0(, l0 frhn(I ()f tllu Voliinteor!" the chorus. so. Tho men whistled 011 SiMMiiod to enjoy doing hco other Interesting points In this l4rt of tho state, "Kveiy .Man Ulusl Dlo" "When I say ovory man miiBt dlo, extensive travel and opportunity to It Is uiidohatublo. My text for this livening Is "Prjparo to Meet Your flod." Tho condition of u mini's rhnrachv determines tho mooting. God nlwayH deals with a iimii'h tom- Voranieut. If a mnn simply obeys Uhrlst ho will Imvu all tli feeling ho can lako euro of. God never iIciiIh with two souls allko." Tho ovuiigellst gavo 11 touching III ustrntlon of tho bringing together of alienated parents hy u little child, mid then showed how man kind nllennted from God througn sin wore brought to him ngnln hy tlio Haho of Hethlehcm. "You mny bo n moral man but you need to have ooino 0110 to put your hnud In touch witli tho Pnthor. Jesus Christ NEWS OF OREGON : ! RALI3M After twice bolng mar ried mid twice divorced IJnglvor P. Hanson nnd Suslo Mny Hanson Imvo apjdlcd for a llconso to wed for tho third tlmo. AHHLAND -Thu people of Ash land turned down a proposition to robond tho city for J-L 11,000 In order to got a lower rate of Intoivst. 1 PAUGO Tho Itlchardson Moth odlst church will bo dodlcntod on Knstor Sunday when Dr. Doney of lis tho one who can do It. wiuametta Unlvorslty will deliver tho Harmon. M'MINNVILLW KarinorH' Wook will ha hold In tho city Juno 21 to 24. KLAMATH 1WLLH boron Krolgh, aged 20 years, held hy (ho grand Jury on a chargo of burglary, escaped from tho county Jail. ItOSBHUHO The livery barn of E. H. Ottlugor at Wilbur was de stroyed by flio causing a loss or 11,200 which Is not Insured. years 1IIKI, 1011 and jinfi. Mrs. Mnrshall Fry, who hnd been welcomed resting won at the Hlsliol hotel for tho week previous, was operated 011 by Dr. Itobblus und wire, nnd Is now on the road to rocovery Iroin hor recent serious Illness. C. II. Hurriugton und wife hnvot rented Mrs. Kumwnlt'B houso, nnd' will soon bo nt home to their friends In tho now location. Mrs. Z.umwalt expects In a fow days to roiunvo to! Port Orford for tho sunimor, lodgo to attend, for they Famous Gall Player, Soya; Side Lights of .Meeting A orowdod church. A red hot speaker. Lots or enthusiasm. Somo things tlu nverago Christian should know nro told. . Hruco doesn't hcllovo In cornlllug u mnn hy a do .on or so mid drug ging hint forward. Hi wants u mnn' trace to bo a man. Ho InslBtH on ovory man nnd ovory woman having a fair show mid u siiinro deal. People who seldom go to Church MEI)FOll)-Slr Francis Wobsterdlko him nnd praise 1,1s methods. of Arbroth, Scotland, has purchased. . 1110 old Kmll lliltt phico ut 20 mi ncro mid will dovolop tho property iu.nk Fay Itltchlo while pluy Ing croquet hud u pin In her mouth nnd when accidentally hit on tho head hy n companion with u mallet tho pin wns driven down lur tlnont. PENDLETON- (). I). Tool, n promlnont Irrlgatlonlst rofnsed to registor us anything hut a Whig although ho cuiiuot vo(. at the , . prlmarlos. COTTAOI3 OHOVE W. 11. Heat tie of Alaska, und a ginduato of tho Unlvorslty of Oiegon, has been elected superintendent of tho city schools, ALHANY Tho Albany Gun Club will hold u shoot .Mny Hi und 1C when It Is expected to have pros out somo of the host shooteis In tho stuto. DALLAS Frank and Cliff Smith' huslucss men of Iiidopendonco, weio convicted of keeping n Humbling house during tho libit picking sea son. ALBANY Tho total legislation in Linn county to data is (i, litis, Just about half the estimated num ber of voters. DAKE1X At least 200 momhois or tho Oregon Cattle and Horn Kalsora Association mo oxpocted In linker for tho annual convention oorly In May. COUVA'LLIS A mooting will bo hold Saturday to orguulzu a state tax payers' leaguo. 1 MAKE gi'lCKIIH THIP Aniioiiiicement of n chango In thi Southern Pacific schedulo on tho main Hue so that tho ,trnln that formoily left ICugeno ut 12:-0 p m tor San FiuiiuIfco now goes nt S::i0 a. 111, menus closer tlmo Imtwccn Coos Hay mid Sun Francisco. Pns- sengers from hero on the morning train will arrive In Eugene that evening mid cntch the early train the next morning for tho iiouth, though It Is understood tliero nro other trulus leaving Fugeno eaily in tlio night, bound south Ty Cobb "Tuxedo is a good, pure, mild tobacco and makes a wonder fully pleasant pipe smoke,' M Many Famous Athletes men of mighty muscle and keen brain, testify that they smoke Tuxedo with never a of toncue-bitc or throat-parch. That's partly because Tuxedo is mellowed by ageing in wood from three to five years. Atreineisonlv thebeginning thebigthing j isthefamoua TuxedoProc- 1 ess, that nobody else can use. o will bull I if -- -- !( ' fi A 11 ill TUlv w. f .1DS. -1 I . U 1 111 . . i . if 111 G I ! 1 1 V- iIjiIii lir pf ' (v Ur,CMflilJ i M 1 1 Nice Spring Lamb and Chicken for Sunday and every other day . at the Enterprise Market Try a. Bear Steak For Supper Wc have some excellent BEAR MEAT. A fine fat young cub, killed near Libby. You can always rjet tho best and choicest meats at Palace Meat Market riiono ion..T. N. I). OSWALD. Central At "JU "'-"- -TntlMiminiiiBf ttr T7--7-! n'iiiioMjMuiii" COMMERCIAL AVEWUE No inferior quality or "bargain meats," one gra'Je only THE BEST. A FIXE AK.SOItT.MEXT OK Fresh Vegetables AKKIVEI) OX THE IIKEAICWATEIt. If you Imvcn'i itlIvmI jour TABLE COVER. wuiie In mul let us tell you how to not one. Meats You Can Relish VOl' VAS E.V.IOV .MEATS FIKMI TIMS .MAHKET ullli ht e nlnly Hint it Im fresh iinil of llKH'll OUAIATV. M', haudlo onlr the llEST mill huvo won the coiifhleiiro or the ieoplc on Qunlltr .Moots ut ItKlllT I'ltlOKS. Let us hiiimiIv tour nienlN. CHICKENS, YOU.VO VEAL,fcALL I'OIHC Ct'TS, FAXCT llKKF, .Ml'TTOX, IIAMSJIACOX, HACSAUE. 1MIOXE US 'QUK OKUKIl f I J. E. Ford (Si Co. W r mm m 'lMSouthB'wayllllinn iviArlrpt IMIOXE -IH or .18. Don't foiKi't our fmu'y as.(iiiniciit of all htuhest K'nulo Kiocua-les YlwcedQ i' 1 Tht i'ttftcl TiAacefei Pi,i anJOtantls Right ageing makes Tuxedo mild, sweet and delicious the often -imitated -but -never equalled "Tuxedo Process" makesTuxedo the mildest, cool-' est and most delightful of nil touaccos. coes i'i to i'ohtlaxd ' 0c week of Tuxedo will 1 1 William s. cimndior loft thin! niake you its Itfelonir frtend. inornliiK on tlio tnilu for Portland, Get a tin and smoke it. ' OXIIlH'tlllir to Im irnnn fur nlmul n ' I wuek 011 IiiihIiu'ss iiuittorH. You can buy Tuxedo everywhere I Hl'X YOUU IHCVCLE hy 11 j Smith Motor Wioel, nttuohod I in K'B.i tliun G iiilnute8; limit tin I 100 mllofi on 1 kuI. Kuaollno. I Kirt half dozon sold on 10 days t j froo trial, uIho Kiiurantood hy I factory; u froo ttlul rldo, cat- j I uIokuo, litomturo, nrU-oj, otr, j I ran ho hud of C. A. I'ondlotou, j I Coiiullle. Ore., Agent for Cooa I county. I WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo hiw It ut and tya null por load. OuihuKtt rttuiov. od. Phone !7J. I WW' COMPANY ,K --B E52Sc! Pouch 5c Ftmoui green tin 10c In Tin llu miJirt, 40c and SO c. In Glats llumidtri, SOeanJ90e. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO Golden West Coffee Is unequaled in uniform strength, purity, aroma and wholesome fresh ness. Steel cut no dust, no chaff parchment, inner seal cans. Ask your grocer. Clossef 8c Devers $3.?o for $2.70 Pioneer Grocery Week End Tickets nro on 3alo ovory Saturday, nnd Sunday with re turn limit of Monday at tlio following rates; .Mmslifleld to Henlsport nml leturii M Coipilllo mid return , im Myitlo Point ami return. . ,( J. Ill Poller mid letui 11 . , ; ;w To Xorth Luko anil ictiirn 1 ."5 Fishing is Fine In tho ninny lakoH nnd rlvors In Onus, DoiiRlas nnd Lano couiitlo.s. Vl3lt North I.alto this coming wopk end and (.eo tho henutios of this 3ectlon and try your hand at catching tho oluslvo fish. Ask for Fishing Hul-lotln. Southern Pacific Lines mrv youk Golden West Coffee at Getlings Cash Store Wo Suui Von Mouoy 5I5PSZba52SSliS252SH5HS2Sa5a II , HI Central Ave. Phono HI I- I' : -!! '- . . . ry -'-- 1 ma 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 j 21 1 Furtlior Information can ho HA?K ,-- I seciuod froln , 1 ivMK r llr I WM KOI'TIIEHX PACIKIO Afi'i'., jv-i KS) ' I nr wr,t0 10 a v YyySffl&JfdtfW I Port hi ml, OreKoii. s7 v-'jl'A 'i 9h " H " HMWPV Good,,(:wcerie8 ' Tie Afrertiseiieifs - , ! m Tlhe Times c?r tie , ;l community Let us fljjure 011 your next h. w cave money for otlierh Let us ,ivo money for jou. Coos Bay Farmers Exchange Central Avenuo and Waterfront Put a business stimulator here and be happy Phone 370