THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916 EVENING EDITION TWO COOS BAY TIMES H. C. MALONKK, lidltor muU 1'ub DAN K. MALONtiY, News Kdltor Official Paper of Coon Count) Official V)mt City of Mnrsliflcld Uny fomlnlno box to bo strangely af fected and Rreatly bttWit'od by lilms before this. uuturuu ai tilt) i'OHluuict) al aihihii Meld, Oregon, for transmission through the malli ai second-claui mall mattor. SUIJSCItll'TION HATES One jenr $6.00 Cor month CO An Independent Republican nows paper, published every evening ox copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tim Oooa Hnr Time I'uMlslilnir Co. CHANCi: I'OK HU.M.MHH IIOTW. THERE Is n fircnt opportunity In Coos county rlclit now for some ono to build n big num- mor hotel. Perhaps eoveral have aucli a plan In mind but nt any rate the chnnco Is hero. Tlio railroad Is fin ished and tlio Southern Pacific rail road Is advertising the remirt pio.i flures of tlio Coos Hay country all ovor tlio United States. Tlio result .will be that thousands will ceo this country and a largo porrentiiKo of thorn will route as summer tourists. As It Is now hundreds flock to tlio beach ovory Sunday anil the crowu Is tnado up of only the local people Tho railroad will brim; hundreds jnoro nud ninny will wnnt to stay for n period of nt loast it fow dnyn. That a summer hotel on oiiu of tho beaches or In some deslrablo and nttrartlvo spot would ha u successful and hht paying vontnro can hardly bo denied. It will probably not ho long before tho opportunity Is by Homo fnrsoolng business man who has tho monoy to Invest. 1'Jvory now nnd Uui n Coos Hay girl whoso race look IIU a innrsh mnllow will look at nnoCicr t'irl nnd say "Ceo! Ain't It nwful the way they powder lliolr fnco?" Tho ordinary dot; will bury n bono when ho gets through chewing It, and that Ih whero tho dog has It on some human beings who llvo within a hundred miles of Coos Hay. STAXLHY IHWidS TO Will) Louis Snluidii) lliiudoii TO .MOVH AT OXCI'J ('apt. O. P. Ilritt of tho Coos Uny Coast (luard Station this aftornooii Will Many Hlsli' Mulil n( Stanley llrlggu, youngest son of! received n tolegrnm from Coast Su Mr. and Airs. O. V. HrlfiKS of this Iperl'itundont Wellnuiler. of Snu Fran city, nud Miss lOlslo H. howls of Prosper, will bo married Saturday ev ening at Hatidon, tho Itov. Mr. Smith of that city officiating. Tho groom's parents from this city will attend. .Cisco, saying "Authority la granted you to accept the new station. No tify tho contiactor and lini'iedlntelv icHiinio charge of the buildings, mov ing crow ninl (Miiilpmoiit :l once." TIM 10 TAIJLM WILLAMKTTH PACIFIC MOTOH OAH Tho brldo was In .Marshfleld lastfCapl. Ilritt said that possibly bo will winter wIimi who van employed in Istnrt tomorrow moving Into tho now h'conomy Is a confounded virtue, but a pair of whlto slocking should not bo worn more than n week at a time. Tho old fashioned man who wore i Imps on the bottom of his pants be cause ho was afraid they wouldn't stay down, now has a son who wears ciifrs on thorn because ho is afraid they won't stay up far enough. A Coos Day woman knows what sbo wauls the minute sho dlscovors sho can't gel It. Kehfclil's nloro and resided with Mr. nnd (Mnj. Henry lliick. on South Fifth ntreot lit that time. Sho Is known to many ouug pooplo both hero nnd In tho CohuIIIu Valley. Tho groom Is omplo.ied at the Prosper mill whero ho has been for some tlmo past, and Is popular nnd well known among tlio younger set. Tho couplo will malto tlnir homo in Piosper. sli'tlon at Charleston P.ay (hit has beeif completed li Jolm IIIIIeIioiu. Leave Leave Mnrshflold North Dend G:4B n.m. 7:00 n.m 7.45 n.m. 8:00 n.m 8:4G a.m. 0:00 n.m 0:ir n.m. 10:15 B.m 10:45 a.m. 11:00 n.m ll.-.'IO a.m. 11:45 n.m 12:50 p.m. 1:15 p.m 1: 15 p.m. 2:00 p.m 2:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m a: 15 p.m. 4:00 p.m G'OO p.m. G:15 p.m 5.40 p.m. G:D5 p.m C:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m OltUKItKI) TO VIIM.MMA .Mrs. W. K. Sharon, who Is In the city visiting Willi her parents, Mr. nnd .Mrs. II. llnrknnseo, bus received word from her husband who Is on tho IT. S. S. Hushnell, that his vessel is now at Iloston nud will go to I lump- ton Iloads, Virginia, on April 2!i. Ho expects to remain there for somo time and as soon ns ho Is sure that such a to bo tlio case .Mrs. Sharon will go You can knock tho girls nil yoii0ast to Join her husband while ho Is If thoy were not wearing black yon could never tell thul somu Cutis Hay pcoplo wore In mourning. wnnt to hut thoy tiro not halt loony as tho clothes they wear. A KKXHIIILi: PLATKOItM TN AN editorial tho Kugono Oimrrt I says among other things, tho fol- lowing: "It will bo tho nlm of The (luard to bring about harmony and unity In action to pnclfy nud Holldlfy nil tho ructions that am Interested in making Western Oregon tho most de lightful plnco In the world In which to llvo. It will advocate t high stnndnrd of morals and will not over look tho religious clement In the na ture of mankind. "No attempt will ho mado at n Invlnli display or prosperity that Is puroly Imaginary. Tlio paper will first bo placed upon u sound financial basis, and grow nnd expand ns busi ness conditions and sound Judgment may wnrrnnl." QPKSTIOX KOIt 'J'llH DAV . What has become of tho old innn loned young folks who used to go tj singing school at night. In port. In tlio ineaulimo site will continue, visiting her parents hero. OPIIKATIOX PKUt'OICMKI) TO .MAKC .MAItSIMIKLO CTTV IICACTIKUI. My Kdward Itoss llouobiuke. -- r Mrs. L. 0. Lang submitted io a minor operation ut her homo this morning- and is getting along very nicely. XO AltltAXCKMKNT VICT t WATERFRONT NEWS At four this iiiornlim tlio steanisliln ,,,.,,,., ... , . . Kilhiim crossed out of IIiimlioltlL ' WEAVIrIG All KlHCtS a SpCC- nay. sikis expe.ted iuro o?ri. this, laity. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 ov.nlng nnd. If possible, w.ll lull 1 2tll COUI'tll. Sll. PllOHG 220-R tonight for Portland. Tho Adeline arrived Into yea "" np71 -.,.,. w ..". tenlay from l!u Point and leaves at BROADWAY HOTEL "5 p. m. for the south again. I Sleain Mealed :: Mot Water. The steam schooner Coaster wIM iTiaii.slcnl, 7.c da : $il.00 Per Week, curry freight on tho next trip from Apaituioiili, 1." piv mouth. Hvorj Si'ii Kraiiclsco. It Is understood shn thing; furnished. Phono !J(I,"5. Is under charter to tho SmlMi Com pnny while tho Nairn Smith Ic r.tmc. At !) o'clock this morning tho Yel lowstone arrived from San Frniit.taco. Tonight tho cuaollno schooner Tillamook leaves for Portland usnlu L. .1. .ll'STHX, Proprietor. McHniiiilil nud Vaiighau ami Uiichuer IiiIuv.n Xegollate O MY notion, Marshfleld has a beautiful location ami would he a beautiful city If street Iiiwh wore carried out. Ab I walk down tlio street, on ov ory corner tliero l.i a waste can, inul r,,l,,,,-Ml 'KH to H'w Simpson Co. .lack between corners there uro old tin cans, tobacco stubs, papers and sue No definite nrrangeinonls have been mado yet for taking logs mini tho .McDonald & Vaiigluin logging company by tlio tliiohner Interests, the new owners of tho Simpson mill. McOonnld &. Vauglinn for years fur- WITH THE TEA t AND THE TOAST t ?$ t I liavo learned that to do one's next duty Is to tnko n step toward all that la worth knowing. .l. (j. Holland. trasli of all kinds. Marsh field, however, hn.i excellent soil to grow floworn If tlio people would tnko palna enough and work the ground. Tlioro uro lawns that look like they never had been cut and ato full or weeds and dandelions, Instead of flowers. Tliero are hack roncos Hint look loncsoino, and front fences that could bo greatly Improved by planting flowers by them. When anybody finds rock In Ills lawn, ho throws thorn out Into tho ntreot, instead of taking thorn In tho back yard and putting thorn In a Idle, whoro thoy can bo hauled off. In Wost Mnrshflold theru aro great claj banks, on wiilch nro groat clumps or sod, nud lr n row pains worn tukoii. tlioro could bo weed "own on It nud It would look one hundred per cent bet lor. I hiii ready to help anyone who will mako my city bountiful. McDonald said today that nogotla tloiiH wore on foot with tho lliiehiior company hut that nothing definite wan known so far. c vicssijl movi:mi:xt. A i lived Adeline, Oakland, yesterday. Yellowstone Urn Francisco !i a. in. Duo to Sail Adeline, Oakland, 5. p. Tillamook, Portland, night. Ilnrtly, San Francisco, lower lay. Diie lleio Kllhiirn, San Dlogo, this ev eulng. C p. :n. in. lo in 1-WIIIC TUX CIJXTS City Limits Xorlli Itenil, ."c nn co.m.mi'tatiox on . TICICICTS, $ 1.7.1 ZU Marshrield-Xortli llend Auto Lino Cars ovory ten minutes from G a. in., to 12 midnight; to South Slough on co a day, leaving at 1 1 a. in.; to Um pire three trips a day. OOUKT tf 1(1X0, Plops. noitx ix icastsiim: Horn To Mr. nud Mrs. Lloyd Prescott, at (heir homo In Fnstsldc, tills morning, Thursday, Ap II in, l!l(i, a girl weighing nine pounds. This Is their rirst child. Mrs. Pres cott wuh rorinorly Miss IClUuhuth Tollefson. IIKIIK OX VISIT Till: STOPPIXO OK Til 1-2 CLOCK SurprlBlng rails tlio liiBlaiitaiieoun calm, Tho niiddon silence In my clmniber small; I, Btnrtlng. lift my head In hair alarm Tho clock has stoppad that's all. Tho clock has stopped! Yet why have I so round An Instant reeling almost like dismay? w,,y ,,2,Hl,0,u' B0,mur ,,m" llH !' "' ., ... 'iIIIKIIHU IT iv huh iickuii an nay. Mrs. Catherine O'Connor formerly Cun old resident of Coos Pay, and hor sou wiio holds un Important position on tho San Francisco IC.xanilnor, nro Visiting riieiida in North Iluud nnd Marshflold. III2AUV I'OU l-'CXMIIALS 4 FOPXI) ICLK'S TOOTH , Dr. I. C. Johnson lost u valuable ICIk'H tooth charm Tuesday nil I liromiillv nlaced n u-mil mlv lii 'PI,.. I Times Inst evening. Iloforo six o'clock .Mrs. Mary Thompson, teacher o( tlio ICnslowood school teleplioned Unit ono of hor pupils, Miss Stella Smith had round lh emblem and1 hi ought It to school prepaied to ' turn it lo tho ivnor. Tlio littlo girl J ,lu n iiieinbor or a wortliy nnd dosorv-! lug fuiully nud as a reward Dr. .loan son gave ho two dollars ror tho re turn of the charm. Thus two nersons ' were iiiade happy hy Tlio Tlmos want ' nils. A want adv. In Tho Tlnum urn. illicit iosiiIIh because everyonn on Coos Hay and surrounding country reads Tho 'limes. Thorn's a charm ' about Times wnnt ds. that will find ' lost clinrms or othor HrtfeloB, toll niiythlug, rout rooms or supply nny . of tho dally neutlH. ir ou wnnt nny- j thing from a million to a wife try u waii I mlv. In The Times. I WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer THI2 WIIITK IS KIXO Of nil Sewing Machines Now located at 250 Market nru. West. Phono 10.'!-.!. Wo have also got big bargains In all kinds of used machines. All machines fold on easy payments. ami: ro.Mix.' hack nud .Mrs. Chiiiio Hall SOUTH COOS UIVKIt IIOAT SI2KVICI2 LAUNCH HXI'ltlCSH leimw .Mai'sliflelil every day H a. in. Leaves head of liver ut :t::io p. in. sti:ami:k kaixiiow leaves head of river lnlly ut 7 a.m. Loaes .Mur.slinclil at ii p.m. Tor chartcc apply on board. ' ItOOKKS ,J H.MITII, .u. nun .urs. inaiiiw llall are expected homo tills ovoiiIuk from u! Mslt to Portland nud Hood Uhcr. I NEWS OF OREGON t KOSICIH'IHI Jitney men of the city have protested to tho council r a regulation Find llniior and (!. II. Stafford received a eonslnnuionl of caskets on mis iioai, so Ullll III esse ut n I uean. it win not lie neces.iary to Launch Cadillac lemes .Maohriehl delay a runeral to await tlio arrival f,.r Allegany Sunday inoinliig nt S oi a casaci mini the outside. Hold Hoach Iteporter. I o'clock, ictiiiiilng at .-, p. in, ,. foe liiie at Allegany. So may n life hostile my own go on, I LA liHANDIC jor Mr. and Mrs. And such companionship unheeded keep; Companionship scaico rucognhed till gouo And lost In Hiiddou sleep. And so (bo liloMilugN lloaun dull) grants Aro In tliolr very coiiiuiouiiinw rer un t; I'lie little daughter McCurry was accl dentally shot while hunting squir rels and uerlously, though not fatal ly hurl. IIAKI'JH, - Tho lutermoiiutniu rai lug nud fnlr circuit has boon orga nUcd. tnklng In Idaho, Utah and OroMon cities. I KO.SICHUKO. Tho .M. K. cbureh ' ban purchased tlio A. N. Orcutt pron-, (II I Mllll Mill .11, i.. I ,, ,,,,,. I...... 1. Wo little heed what nnswIutl, our ibuildlng. POItTLANI).- l.hiuor shlpmeutH wants Until It utiHuurn not. on faiulliar A iitraugouowi fall.ih wn s, s if somo pulvo weio mono bo)ond uiithoiight of, linked wih all our dnyn Somo ulock has Ntuiutl--lhtit'M nil. (Kmrjcu II. Comor. A ton dollar oh plnco ome broken ponn goon, nnd It is tho uhiiio way with a ronolutlon. A lowilutlon un broken Is as hmd as sold; once chango It and It is thrown, as it wore, Into so many eoppom mid melts away. A girl with u "ringing laugh" io contly caused an ilarm of ro in a California town. Tint tool; hor roi a hollo. Somo Coon liny pvopLi urn nlwa)B running iftor unatt pieusmeti and neglect to K'hup liioso within tliolr reach. into Miiltuoiuah county during the month of Manh iiumhored ti.iioo, conipaivd to :t,:tl7 MhlpuiouUi In Feb ruary. SAI.WM.- Aniong thoso whoso pa ioIo was lecoininendiid lo iiineriior' Willi) combo, was A. II. Cook, for-' mor ieal estate man, who was con licd at Salem for passing worth-1 Iim checks. i HOOD IIIVUH. Sown Japanese! who woi)t to Japan to secure wIwh bavo returned but all but one left i lliolr wives in tho Orient, luteiidtug to bring tliom to this countr) later . WOODIIUIIN. Itobort F. Coolei. a ploneor of ISI.'i, died ut his hoiu HOOD uivwii. L. La Frauuue while spraying trees allowed hi J trousers to beconio saturated with I llniQ-sulphur inlxtiiro, mid at nlubti 1 i WTKkkQ iflR3r-y? 1 3' SiTTF FRB GETS ALL THE CREAM llLiSl c,ci!ncd vMirri in "vortespoon" mm 3 "-"" "' ""' Vau Minutes .. ii TSX-O "- J i'. . . --- V ' mt flk Iru e7 a jf J Catalog f Bh lBPs''l I KsbM--fl I -RlS---------S-9H i l-MIWN-hl-anwKMWHM SAVE MONEY by oideiiiig tho fmuoiis HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton 91.00 Lump coal, (on $;U0 Or half ton or both. .$1,75 I). MUK.HO.V, Prop. Phono 1K-.I or leave orders at llllljei's Cigar Sloro J. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL PhoiiB 3171 Willi tho (( mnrveloua TL- l..r..i .ii...... .i , ,u iTiiiui-iiiii rufirsfuun, inn onc-piccc wtrsS Solid Nickel Silver Uiinming device- -...?S5y month, unbreitknlila never worr out. v,, M.iny "Nallamils" now iadnily ue niter M yenta ci acrvice. Sold with an unlimited Guarantee PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician and SurgcoB Off Jco: Irving Ulock. Office hours: ji to is . ,M.; S to1 I uiul 7 to H p. in. I Phones: Office Jlil-.I; He,.f ng-h I Lfy ;Vi HM i iM S wi iilml J. M. Wright I Phono 188-M I lllTll.ltlM1,. I KstluiAtoi ftirnlshod on request PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY --, Or. H. M. Shaw "II IlilMIMIIlll IBIMIIMIMU Ill I - - - Kjo, Hur and Throat 8iiftlt ULASSKS TI'ITKI) Phone IliiO-J, Ilooins H00-2U1 IrvliiK Ulock. it. MATTII3 11, SHAW. Physkiaii nnd Snrgeoa Phono :tO-J, peeled off his, Iuks and tho hklu foot. MlfiDFOUD.-C. P. Krlbs and K. W. Llljograni. of Medford, and W. S. Hayes, of Detroit. Midi., have Western Money To Loan . . . H. G. Butler CIVIL KXHIXKKH Kooni 304 Coke Illdg. Phono U6-J Realdence Phono 363-L. W. G. Chandler AltCHITEOT ItoomS 301 and 302, Coke Bulldlni, Marshflold, Oregon. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION V S. S. Adeline Smith ruasunijers uniy SAILS FOR SAN FRAMPno ... 'f Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL L, PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK ? K i-wwonoor and Frci0hUnpn, C. F. McGEORGE tlM First llJfiUU Uass F. A. KILBURN SAILS APRIL 13. ' North Pacific Steamship Co. . ' Smith Terminal Dock. Direct Sailing . Eureka, , San Francisco, Santa Barbara , Ls Angeles, r . ?an Diego, F. A. KILBURN --APRIL 17 '" 'i'.s.n.N, AKcnt Abstracts :ifr"ss Title Guarantee& AbstractComp Title im, Mnraliflold nnd Couulllo City. Orni?n Cencral AkoiHh KnslnMo nnd HciiKNlnrkcii'N Addition Special attention jmlri to nsMOMNineiit-s mid moment of ! IIMKUV SKNUSTACKK.V, MB. any 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE OorHt & ICtiiK. l.eaio SI,irhfJcl(l nt 7 a. in., mill rcturnlK leavhiK from l'i , H ii. ill. l.Kiivn SliirMliflnM ,.f II - . "' ''"We '. . , , '" '. ,",, "iiirninj; lent Sotii SlmiKli ut J p. in. J,cnvo AlnrHlifflold nt fi p. i. ! rctnnl.. icino miiiiii nioiiKii nt (i p. in. rctornlij Statements For the month of March are now ready. Depositors are requested to call for them at their convenience. N troial TSie First Bamk OF coos bay Safety Plus Semdc OMuht Uniilc In Cooh C'ltlliily i:slnMlsM 11 Flanagan (b Bennett Bank Mailiflcld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 I.N'TKItKKT I'AII) OX TIMI5 AXI) SAVINCS DIH'OSITS Offlcora- J. 11KNNICTT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; It. l. WILLIAMS, Cnshlor; O. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashlor. Flanagan & Bennett Bank OK JIVUTLi: POINT Capital $2VQ0 OfflceiH -J. IinNNKTT, Presldont; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice PrcBirieut; L. M. SUPLUU, CaBhler; L. T. DUMBNT. Assbtaut Caalilcr. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J iibnnbtt. PrcsldJiit; TOM T. IHINNBTT, )T'cf PicHldent, MlTIIUlt M'KKOWN, Sccretury; HENNKTT SWA.V TON. TiiMBiiior. '1'liu Onl Tiiisj Company in tho Stnto, OuthMo of IMrllouJ, WUcU OiKunUcd Under tho Now Iar j . GRAVEL' Wo nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In DT u"u ' frpmpllQ In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcei: from pIliTon ground, ?2.Vo per yard. ai Canoad lots, taken from cars, J2.00 Pr ' Retail Dviiartiuast. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co Ojiposlte PoaCOfflce, RlOl 1. dd tho ?:'00.000 ASHLAND KIiik .Mountain iniiio for uno oi our o.ouui:),o.i ioiih a morv asiiuand. Tlio V. C. T V. has about a young lady Mtm iellivcd.ihj.'ctd to tho .itatuo on a inoun-l rroni siieechloss kH' uv jlm tnini Hn stnttu IicIiik a flAuio not Wo htivo known u ii'iniucr ot n i i oo fullj i lothed. Rates Reasonable COOS BAY DEVELOPMENT CO. :ui oour m iinin iusnriri,i), oukciov DRY WOOD at Campbell's Woodyard A'orth l'ront Strcot Phono D8-.7 EXPERT WELDING of METALS Stfinl. hrnoo nnof ? ri ninmlnnm rnstlfldS H130 -j wluuu, uuoi, nun unu aluminum like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street i vmmmmmmiMmmmmmam