ft sUCCtSSFULS "GOJHROUGH " WITH IT AND THE FAILURES " FALL THROUGH ". CT .urn I f-1 u I iPArTn '"' ,r-o IM TUC RP l" OP h.VCd Iri iiii-"-' u AND ALWAYS BOOSTS ....iiuun! FSOME I A CLtrt 'pAPER FOR ALL cnilTHWEST OREGON HOMES mm io. XXXIX Vol. BBS mil IIISWE Established 1H7H AhTIio Count Mull MICMIUCIt Or TIIK ASSOCIATED PKF.S9 CITY EDITION Four O'clock MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916 EVENING EDITION ...-, nnunrnment Says U. Kops Must Be With- drawn from uiga.u. IE IS DELIVERED .:- Marin EXDCCll'tion En- ired Without Consent and Has Dispersed Danuiia. GROHS IS sum is vf.hdict itini'u.vi:i LAST XKJI1T 11V .IUIIV Attorneys Doelnro Will Appeal lo fir- cult Court Sentenced by ,iilj.0 Sinister Tills Afternoon M'shif IS IT II. S. SDLOJER ' TOlini DIES IN FIGHT Jl Consolidation of Times, Const Mntl anil Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 222 ' H (UIOHS FINED AND SENTENCED TO JAIL ISCUSSION I Prepared '" IS DROPPED Cniry On Ni'gutln- L. Itoanlliw Formal compact Lisp .limy Wax "nly Ti En- tfr on Itrnctltlmi ' p, iwxlilri rmi I" mat Tlmn.l IVEXICO CITV. April 13. The Lis government nnu sent to u liiidor In Washington n note I ( delivered today to Secretary -M asking Hint tho American nop be withdrawn from Moxicnn ritory an lllu I'lTHiilt or vmii itolbo Mexican constitutionalist H'anti I'oinml Coinpact. Tie nolo contains nliout G.OOO frft In It tho do facto govern (ill (ontcnilj that as tlio Amorl- a troops crossed mm .unu wuu- u remission they should bo wltli- n until a proper formal coin- let tan be entered Into between It Ho governments. Perilous .Vol I'M fit li Insistently affirmed that pro- lei notes of thu .Mexican govorn- ct especially einplinslzcd the tac ut rtrmhuloii for a reciprocal bin; of (ho frontier ho granted l!r la the event of a repetition of rt:d similar to that nt C'olumlniH. IIikN Negotiations ITi noto was sent to Hlteeo Ar- rfondo, tho Carraiiza roprcsontn- In, illh Instructloiiu for delivery fecrclary Lansing, "ho ending (t negotiations for reciprocal paua- of troops and nuking for dU- ppitlon of the territory occupied ' tie American tioops In view of lifla'i party having heen destroyed." (lalin .MlMiudcrstnudhur Eaphasls Is laid on the fact that ! American vxnedltlon was undor- pn under a misunderstanding. Rough acting In good faith, the ftiirstlon Is made that tho United atfi had Interpreted the first note I thj Carranza government nH nf- Ktoga deflnltj ugreomont betweon p do nations. i B" t"ao Intention of tho do facto ftloj as that no expedition should KM Into .Mex'co until terms nmi Ntlonj relating to an ngroemunt defined. Hiscilisloil D.-nlllwwl I Tie nolo declares thereforo that onicfiu"nco of no final acrnn. P" kvliig,bccn reached as to tho "" ' a treaty to regulate tlin in. wocal pagsago of troops ovor the nn, "Th Mexican govern- 'Judges It convenient to siiBpond (uae present all iur.ii,ui.. r .. "tI,l0" hi this paitlt-iilar." Srit.. 'I'l... " 1IIIIV 10 1,1'IIVO VHll IRI.IIl 11 r. . 1 ' L.I . . -""! VIU IIIHO. WHICH 1 CM by Swtarv of i."n.-nn.. at fl A5ullar, points out that as tho "'fH eXIICdltlnn i.. ,..,rin., 4o,,Jn Insofar -. u ..., ,. ...., j J -" "III IIU IIUIU so. as tho party headed by iriaay ,Ui,lierS0(j anrt f, JJ ltaus tl.cr.. ............ ; 1 8umde"t nuinbars pursii- flUUOMH I f'rSt U"f f tl10 C- """wnallsts i.ini,in i. .., ... r,SVvlt"."'ltod States -"..urawai ot tholr forces." This nftornoon nt S:fl0 o'clock tlrolis was fined $:ir0 and sentenced to :t numtlis in Jail. Appeal notice vns filed and bond In tho sum of $000 furnished with Chits. Thorn and Chris Peterson ns sureties. Officials State That Demand First American Loss Occurs K515 MADE of Carraiiza Will Not Be Met at Present. In Battle With Civilians at Parral, Mexico. IN BOMB PLOTS Four Germans Taken By Offi cers Who May Involve Prominent Man. SI RUSSIAN BOUT Chris droits nt !) o'clock Inst night was found Kullty, by it Jury or six men, of maintaining a nuisance at his plnco of business In North Menu. At torneys for tho dorenditnt at once announced that they would appeal tho cuho lo tho circuit court nud Judge Sinister rescrvod sentence until '1 o'clock this afternoon. 10 RUSH PURSUITWOP S FIRED ON SEEKING EVIDENCE AI'STUIAX TOKI'KIH) IHCSTItOYS SAIIil.VO VICSSKIj Chase After Villa Will Be Kept Carranza Wires That Many Claim Conspiracy Was to De- lln lAfllU Dnnnuii.l i;r.n.. i lnf t:nl n nll. i . r.1 .. n . Up With Renewed Vigor by Soldiers. SECRETARY BAKER SILENT Hiijh Matlcc Is One of Administra tion I'ollcy and I'p to I'rcildeut and Stall' Dcpaitniciit Has i Kvli'i'iifo or llandlts lllsp(v.seil III) AhkkUIwI ,r lo t'cxn litf Tlmii.l WASIIINOTO.V, I). (., April l. Carranza In a nolo which arrived iit his embassy hero today for pro Were Killed On Both Siclss In Conflict. stroy Ships Carrying ' Munitions to Allies. SAYS NATIVES DANGEROUS !STEP IS IMPORTANT ONE 'IVoiiblo Conies Whin American M pcilltlon Attempts to '( 'I'liniugli City With Inteiitloii of Mov ing Southward In Pursuit. (II J AmHtiitrt Prom lu Cool rr Tlinot.) WASIIINOTON, 1). C.,' April lit. The first loss in the American puni tive expedition In Mexico occurred This Is tho th'ird IiooUobbIhr caso sontatlon to Secretary Liuisltii; nslo In tho rirliiR on thu Ainorican ,:iTi:.. AT T IS IIC I'oumiox to aTii ok hosaiho. IHr HH (ho ' e S CJMcrt , '! lii. . ...nr io .loin Moi-o "dlt Mauds. ttU!lB . Tortnpnv. ""T.me.i, Vfll la h.ii Mexco' April 13. '-rban !'ed Uere to bo n oath of n . u at Las Moves. HNJd Sar- U Is reported ho 4"e -t. 1W" M" Nmb Wvor In W.rft. " ?' e Contreras and -' "inqits, trlod on Coos Hny since .lanunry 1 and tho ono lu which the most Inter cut was shown. All throiiKh tho. trial, which commenced Tuesdny afternoon, tho courtroom wns filled to tho dan ger point and standing room was at a premium. Arguments Avero ioiir At 1 1 : ::0 yesterday forouoon wlt- jiesses for both sides Hun neon on tho stand nnd thu arguments or tho at torneys woro commenced, ilofore two o'clock District Attorney Uljonvlst had outlined the law nnd had undo his argmnonl boforo tho Jury. Tho noxt throo hours woro taken up by tho nrgiimontH of John I). Ooss nnd A. II. Derbyshire, nttornoya for tlio dofondant. C'rolm (Iocs on Slum! Chris flrohs wns called to tho stand by lils nttnrnoys. llo proved n shari witness. Ho declared that tho ou tlro slock or liquor found by tho oN flcors had boon left In his saloon nftor tho prolilbltlon law went Into effect. Kxpeeloil Vt Condlllon AkuIii District Attomoy MlJoqvIst nskod "hi in why ho kept It. drolls replied quickly thnt ho was waiting olthor for a good chnnco to soil It In Califor nia or was going to keep It until tho Jlnto wont wot again. Thoro wero onrs of laiightor lu tho courtroom. Oroha donled that ho had sold li quor tp Max Tlmmermnii In his soft drink parlor on April (1, tho dato men tioned lu tho complaint when iiiu nicrniau claimed ho bought liquor there. L. D. Copplo, said (Irohs, came In tho plnco lu a drunken condition and bought a bottle of near boor and that was nil. Laudor, formor bar tenner, testified to tlio sumo tiling. Tho arguments by tho nttornoys for tho dofonso was that tho testimony of tho slato's witness was unrolla blo und iintruo. Thoy said that .Mrs. Tlnimornfau might bavo boon over for the withdrawal of tho Ainorican troops at Parral. Official advices troops from Mexico. lu ofriclnl quarters It wns stated tho American troops will not he withdrawn at this time at letut, and while tho question Is being discussed with Carrana, pursuit or tlio Villa bandits will bo rushed with renowed vigor. Will Not Comment Secretary linker Mild ho was un able to comment upon Carraiia's note bccaiiso It raised questions or administration policy ontiroly with in tho Jursldlctlou or thu piesldeiit and tho State Department. Wlar Department View Thu War Department officials take the view that they havo no aided tho Americans In attempting received hero today say Mexican civilians fired Into thu troops, kill ing onu American and wounding another. Many Mexicans Killed. The troops replied, killing many. The Carranxa troops did not flni on thu Americans, but assisted lu restoring order. Caiiiiiin WMivh. Itugardlng tho battle In Parral between thu American troops und civilian population last night, (!cn eral Carranxn telegraphed Iila om bassy hero today: ".Muny deaths occurred on both sides. (iouoral Carranvui's troops evidence the Villa baiida havo in.uii dlspursud, hecnuso they never had dofliilt'j Information or their num ber ami thu very nature or the sit uation gives no evidence that tho raiders had been exterminated. Xot Itegarileil Serious. Carranza'j proposal ror withdraw- to restore order, (lunoral Carrau.a has - applied to thu United States to rccognle tho dangers or aroiu lug tho nallvos." Ilecalls Piiiiulse.s. Advices say that when tho Amer ican troops entered Parral the local cDiuuiuiidcr recalled tho American Police Say Tbey Have Made. Dig Stride lu Detecting Conspirators StcumMilp Kiuptnyi's Are In II. lids or Ol fleers lll .chtrd I'rt'i to Cm llnj Timet. XUW YOltK. April HI. Detectives who yesterday arrested lour dormant) charged with placing bombs on stitps carrying war munitions to Kntentu Allies, today sought ovldeneo Involv ing a "well known deriuan" who Is alleged to havo supplied $10,000 fund to finance a fire hoiiib conspiracy. Accuse Steamship Men Four employes or the llambtirg Amurlcan and tho North deruian Lloyd steamship company aro under nrrust. Thoy uro specirically charged Nine of (lie Clew, Some of Whom Are Wounded, Are Lauded by a Dutch Steamer (Mr Anoi'lalisl t'rriK In Cum liar TlniM HAUCI3LONA, April in. Tho Hus Bllnn sailing vessel Iiuporator 'was J torpedoed by nn Austrian subuuirlno I In the Mediterranean. Nino of tho J crow, soma of whom wero wounded, were landed by a Dutch steamer. GERINVeE IS llCIXd DKCIPIICItKD AT WASH INGTON TODAV. Will He Laid Itcforo Piesliteut nnd Secretary Lansing Prob ably Today. IHf AwmelnlM r-fMm In Ct lUr Tlnf I WASIIINdTON, 1). C, April lil. Thu deriuan nolo on thu Sussev nud other submarine cases bus been re ceived by thu iitalu department and Is being deciphered today. It prob ably will be laid before President Wilson and Secretary Lansing be fore night. Will Ki'iualu at lliime. In view or tho piesslng naturu or tho situations with (lormauy and Mexico, President Wilson today abandoned his plana to go lo New York tomorrow, night and cancelled VERDUN ATTACK S Today Lull In the Severe Fight ing In That Quarter Is Reported. ' QUIET LAST NIGHT Some Trenches Taken By the Germans But French Still Hold Main Position. LITTLE CHANGE EAST villi placing bombs in sugar bags cnKnKCniont to speak before the wit inmiu iiiu Diutuiiur iuk u&tuu May 2, 111 in. Arrests Important, Thu police regard tho arrests as thu most Important stride yet iiiiulc lu thu detection of n groat conspira cy to destroy steamers sailing with munitions from Nuw York, Huston, Philadelphia, Han Fraucisc,. and So rittlu. Caused (.'rent liss Tho police believe (ho men In volved have been responsible ror fires on at last It It steamers that cuiisod $1,000,0(10 damage. Yoi ng Men's Democratic Club thoro Saturday. May He Serious While tho entire plans of thu ad ministration uro not being disclosed, It Is understood that nothing less than some positive evidence of tho dor mans' good I'alth to fulfill thu assur ances given thu United States, Btirh as substantial punishment or thu sub marine commander who duslroycd tho Sussex', can prevent a situation be tween thu two countries from coming to pass which diplomats have strug gled for thu last yoar lo avoid. Itusslaii Attacks Have Not Shaken (I'eiiium Lines and tlio Offensive Movement Appears to Have Hern Dropped for n Time tl7 AwnrltlM fnw to Coin, Illf TlmM.J LONDON, April III. Tho attack nt Verdun has subsided for thu moment nrtor suvoral dnyii particularly severe fighting. There were no engage 'iionts or Importance In that roglnn laid "Ight, Paris stated today. Some Trenches Taken Tho principal dernmn uffnrtt Hlntr thu Vuriluii offoiiHlvo wns bogini Sun day v.-as an attempt to force a pasBnga Lctwrcu Deadmnn'n Hill and Ciiiuiuh- ioh for thn purposo or enveloping n bill. Koine Kreucli trenches Miru carried but thu French hold tho nialn l.ositlous. Condition In Fast In the oast the Itusslnii attacks nr nut furiously 'linking thu Gorman :i!H, nud thu offeimlve Is nppiuiiitly biilsldlng. ill or tho American troops from assurances that tlioy would not pas.) Moxlco rallud to bring frutu ndmln-.tliroiigli towns. Firing by thu ux- Istratlon sources today any indica tion that the troops would bo with drawn Immediately, or that tho sit uation was oxpectud to result lu any sorloiiB friction with tho du facto government. Noto Is Dclhi'i'i'd. Ambassador Arredoudo this after noon dcllvorod Cnrranza'a noto to Socrutnry Lansing. Tho outstanding features nf thu situation give ovl deneo that tho expedition was car ried nut with full realization that objections mlglit arise, that such possibilities had been considered and probably ii decision linil been reached as to what stops would ho takon. cited citizens followed. Second Clash. Tho sitiittlnu quieted, but later another clash between the American troops and civilians occurred In which thoro weru moro i1iiIIm' among the Mexicans. HP EO GUARD SOLO (.OINd Ht'S 'OHWAHD I'ltOM COLL'M TO CAS AS (JUANDFS. PEOPLE EXGITEO 1 11 Awoi-Utol l'ri lo I'l 11 Tim WASIIINdTON, I). C, April M. A dispatch from (irranza hlmneir fol lowc: "AHer iiioasagos sont you by Secrotary ot Forolgn Affairs Agullar, thu socrutnry or war rocolvod a iiiuh- CI'DI'N'CH OVI-.ll STATU STATl'TU 'coniuianders to chuck tho mob against Mother or Former (.'oti'rnor of On- I thu American troops, who untoroil J. M. Thomas Ileculw.s Information M'n"l nmi HiIh ovon'mt (April 12) I I. .. rl.tl.t l.nU 4ttti 111 Haul liQt U'OUII ill I' IIIU I llli. )l(in -iin.iiiivi i'wi"'ivni nFPIITY IS RIGHT sago from deneral (lutlerroz dated int Chlliunhiia liiforiiiliig h'.iu It bus zenlons mid porhaps dlif not sou all 1'T.DF.HAL dAMU LAWTAKFS P10':-(,)tMjn impoaiHlblo for tho military that alio bollaved she had soon. Out Nearly Two Hours Tho Jury was out an hour and forty minutes boforo coming In with tholr verdict. Sovon days must ohtpso no foro a hearing can bo hold rognrdlng tho disposal or tho boozo confiscated by tho orflcors. This 4ill probably not como up uutll nftor tho appoal Is tried. TIAO ISSElIlOST Motors Still Ant Itelng Sent lo Casus (ramies to Iteacb I'. S. Army. fllf Aun.'lll I'imi lo Cno CJ TlinM.j ICL PASO, Texas. April lit. Mo tor (ruck shipments or supplle.i from Columbus to Casus draudos con tinued today, It was announced ul thu qunrtermastor'H depot here. OIES OF OLD AGE MILS. .IANK A. CIIADWICIJ; DAS PASSKD AWAY From Wiisliinglon I'phohU Slanil Taken In .laiiiiary gon and .IiihIIio of Wusliliigloii Siiiri'iuo Coin t (III Auwi.tfkl 1'imu lu Com 117 TIiom.J WINLOCIC.Wash., April III. Mrs. Jnnu A. Cluul wick, widow of Oovor nor Cbadwlck of Orogon and motlior of JiiHtU'it Cbadwlck, of thu Wnsblng- HUITISII DOAT HKPOKTKD St'NK IIV LLOYDS He. Part of Crmv or One Sti'iunen ported lo llu Lauded Safely in AnocUle.1 I'rfM lo Coo Dj Tlmc. LONDON, April 13. Tho torpedo ing or tho Hrltlsh stoanior Itobert Aduinson, 2978 tons gross, Is report ed by Lloyds. Thonty-iilno men ol tho crow landed. Another Is Lost Tho British stoanior Angus Is re ported by Lloyds to havo been tor pedoed Tuesday. Dr. If. Coko Hid. K. Kelly, Dentist, . Phono J12-J. 201 Times Want Ails re tho one me dlnni which reaches ALL tho people. They engage public attention every day Alvcnys on (ho Job. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency M GEE MCE people and tho American forces ana many deaths havo occurred on both sides.'' "denornl Obrogon lias nlroady glV-, ll'IMi Hin ulilln ntlfl rnilnrill mliira-l'.i ..M.l.iru n nr.kVnill fi r'fllllllllilltlrill lory game laws directly at variance or , t.nltlo. but thu oxclto.nent is'"1' "ijroino court, died huro today, with each othur, Doputy damo Wr-jso groat among tlio pooplo that i'(l 83. 'don Thomas has taken tho side or I rail to know whethor tho stru-'glo can I'nclo Sam and dcchiruD that tho hiwibo stopped." ' of Congress has tho preuodonea. I'lghl Is Over Lately It was pointed out to Mr. r , mtor dlspatcn s:iu tno iiguiing Thomas that In somo countlos of tho ut Pnrral ;was over, stela huntors woro allowed to hunt , gooso, unuor mo siuio mn, up uui.i April 1. Not so was tho caso horo for on January IB, under tho federal statute, Mr. Thomas stoppod all hunt- ( Ing on ducks und goeso. Thoro worn criticisms, but tho deputy stood by his guns. Ho lias rocolvod from tho Dopart- c IS REPOHTED Wj AumUI1 TriMt lo Cow Ur TlmM.J SAN ANTONIO. Toxas. April 13. Thu Amorli'siu tore as had an on- niont of Agriculture a lotter stating jcountor with olther the Moxicnn that tho federal law takes tho pro- jjullltary forces or civil population cfldenco over tho stnto law nnd that of Parral. Thdiu uro no details. nil violations should bo at onto ro portod to tho Department for punish-rAmorcau ment. At tho present tlmo thoro Is pond ing In tho supromo court ot me United Statos n suit Involving tlio lo gality of tho statute rogardlng tho migratory birds that was passed U Congross, March 1, 1013. Hut until this is passed upon the federal law Is tho law. Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, MitiMiHehJ, rbo roport cumo to FuiiBton from Consul Leti'bor. It Ib FHAXI'K KNOWS SOMinillXt.' OF A'lTACIv OX Sl'SSIJ.V Claims Thai Vessel Was Damaged by (ierman .Submarine ami Names Are Known (UJ AwwUtM l'ri-M lo Cr lil Tloi 1 PA It IS. April 13. A semi orflclnl nnnoiincoiiiont was juade horn today that tho Fronch governinont bus doc umentary evidence Oliut tho Sussox wixii known i:i(ii:m: papkh IX NF.W HANDS. ltecelver Disposes or Prop.-rly lo C. II. I'lsher, or Salem, und . II. Shi'ltou, of Fugene. Thu Fiigeno Dally duard, nn oven- lug paper well known on tho coast, and which has been In tlio Iiunil.i or K. J. Adams as receiver, has been purchased and is lu thu hands of thu new ownurs. Tho dunrd telm or tho transaction as follows In Tues day's Issuu: "The Kiikoiio Dally dunrd today becanio tho proporty or J. K. Shel ton and Charlos II. Fisher. The final stop lu tho transaction was completed when Judge Sklpwoith dismissed M. J. AiIiiiuh, receiver, ap points! .lanunry -S, and formally turned tho property over to thu now owners. ".Mr. Kholton will have active charge of tho paper as managing uilltor and Sir. Fisher will bo as sociated with him financially only, his business us udltor and publisher or thu Salem Capital Journal neces sitating his eoutliiuod res Id mice In that city und requiring his full attention. "The new ownor. havo acquired ull tho stock lu Tho duard Publlsh- flug company and assume all Its obligations. "One wriuk ago lu anticipation of the change In bis hiialnoHs affairs. Mr. Sholton rosluod his position ns nows lltor of tho Morning Hog ister, which ho hud bold ror two years. Prior to that tlmo ho wsh managing odltor or Tho duard, fol lowing (he rotlromont of Mr. FUher, who purchuHod tho property from Ini and K. L. Canipb'ill nnd later sold It to K. J. Fliiuerau and his asjodatos." PLEAD NUT ('ICItMAX OFFICIAL AX SAX FHAX CISCO IX COUItT CouiiHiil (ii'uenil and Knur Others An- hwi'i' Charge or Violation of Xcutrallty III; AwiclilM I'rrM I. Cik nf Tlmw.l SAN FltANCISCO, April 13. Fran. Hopp, coiinsul gonoral for dor many hero, ami four others pleaded not guilty In thu Pulled Status Dis trict court today to Indictments in volving violations or neutrality. ARE IT SURPRISED SAN ANTONIO KVIDIJXTLY KX PKCTMD Till) ACTION .Military Men Say Action of Oirraiun Men Along llio Herder .Now hit. plained fnr AmwUIM Vina lo (" nr TlmM.l SAN ANTONIO, ToxnB., Aprl 13. Currniiwi's ruiiiest ror with, drawul of tho American troops cuiisod no Hiirprlso hero, olthor nt military headquarters or among tho muiiy Moxicnn political rofugoes. In tho' light or developments, military men regard thu rocont activity of Car ranzn troops on tho border and along the Sonora-Cblhiiahuu atuto lino as explained. PROVINCE REVOLTS UAINd SI IX CIIIXA HUKAKS FitoM (.'ovi:itXMi:xT was uttackod by u Hiibinarlnu, In cluding thu name of the commander stated that Major dutlonoz. com-'and the numbor of tho subiuarlno. It .-. . v. i ...... i ., niu.. .......miinn.l iiiul Irrrineh nmi iiimiiiHr ni I'lirrai. uain iiiuiti hb u i w um at H,,,,w.,..vw .v -.w..- clash, which ho termed unlniport-iiirltisli warships sank a dorman sub- ant Can SCOl'TS SKXT OPT TO WAl'CH (SKN. tilMM. IUj AwhUIM lrM io ro Tt THom. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Apr. 13. Acting on Instructions front don. Funston, scouts int, hotwoon Amorlean troopa andlinarlne April 5 aH.r taking prisoners! wore .on today to local, and Carranza troops or residents of Par-'the officers nd crow and thoy con-) kop In touch with l.enoral ral. 'Tho Amorlcans ontored the firm the Information In the possession , Oomoz s forces reporttMl to Declaration of !iiilcM'iidcneo H Mndo ly (ho downier According lo IteportH Today llljr Au-llll 1'ir lo Con lf TlmM.J SIlANCillAI. April 1 3. Tlio gov omor or Kulng SI province today de clared Independence of tlio admin istration or President Yuan Shi Kal. I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY, X J STHAYKD SATl HDAY XIGIIT dark brown cow. with short horus. Kuiuly phono Information to 339x C. a, Larson, llunkor Hill. town with tho Intention of marchltu. !'of tho French govomnieut. through en route southward. Kx c4mngo of shots followed. bo moving southoast toward Casas drundo8. Funston Llbby ConI, ?5.00 ton. SF.XD your CI.OTHFS FAHLY to said h had takon other pre 'uvohl rustos- lush. .JAY DOYLR, rautlons. Phono 72. 'Phono 1W0, jl'Oi: SALIl On account of going to Kurope all my housohold furniture ; of every kind will bo sold ut a sorrlfhe. It. Nnrdrum, 979 South I Fifth St . Phone 391 -J.