Orilor l4 Olympic Flour- it makes cooil broad and biscuits." Mother. 'Absolutely ft clean and puro, holesomo ana natritionB mado from bo. Icotod North- 1 JHfljto WHC western wncai -Insist upon Olympic ilioreMti'i '".v." at YOUR GROCER'S hjJJ,fi.oiuli.UlLiCu1FoaiUMio.Oio . H. W. PAINTER, Distributor for Southwestern i Oregon. "IVii may think you're hnrd to fltj that icady-for-servlco clothes 1 ut wl iimilo In jour hI'.o nnd ntylo, tut jixi'll iicut know until you iMt us nml lot on1.' fitting power, nmlt' posslMo by 11 closo cotojiorif lion Hllh The House of Kiiifcii lidmrr. opOolSO "ft (flt?0r TAf ijpJOVLJ'oU'Mj' UP The Homme of Good Clothes Xortli Head Marishfluld 5"W(" "ifl" T. J, HCAIFH A, II. IIODOINB MarshfiPld fA,NT AND mtnamiiu DEC0RA1NG CO. Fitimatcs FnrnlsiicMl How U.n. Marsliflold, Oreo R OYAL TONIGHT V almore's ariety SHOW 3 BIG ACTS OF UNSURPASSED VAUDEVILLE The extraordinary Foto-Story f a Man's Bargain WITH THE DEVIL entitled THE MAGIC SKIN No Raise in Prices 10-15o t!yce t,res n' 1,K, Krom Us. We J' Xotli,,K , j.ut T0n on Vi.ii.. -wn . iSHFIELDCYCLERY TlWico ui., t t .miUO WHIM I AUS X GET RESULTS jjjitchellI SUITS FIX r- THE THIS YVKATHKR REPORT JDr AuocltlFil rra to coo. mj Tlmw.J a OREGON Fair, heavy frost tonight; vtirlubta winds becoming westerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD Kor tho 24 hours ending nt 4: -13 n. m., Ajir. 12, by HenJ. Ostllinl, special government MotoorolqghU: Maxlmiiiii r;j Minimum ;jj At 4: 13 a. m 31 Precipitation o7 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, iir 7r..r,.i Precipitation snnio period Inst year r!).2i Wind: north we3t, partly cloudy. SUNRISE AM) SUNSET YWiluestlny April 12. Siui rises at r:23 nml sots at C:.'!l). A 4 ' Moves ills Office C. 11. lllnman, nttorney, has moved his law office '.from tho First National Hank build ing into tho Coko building. Diiiico nl Sunnier Sat unlay nlglit. Miislo by Siiiiiuef oidieslia. Imtiucli HoiiKu leaves Norlli Mend at 7:il() ). 111. and Marsliffcld nt 8 p. 111. Supper will bo served at the hall. Find Had Weather. Cell Irodand llli8 received a letter from Charles flllckox who is visiting' at Joplln, Mo. Tho lettor was written April 7 and stated snow was falling on that day. Will Test lllnck Sittnl. Fred Lll 'ontluil, a Cooa it Ivor rancher, and his thrco sons, will loavo tho hitter part of tho weok on a trip down tbe coast with n ninchlnc to test tho black sands for gold. " ,,,( .s'rt' "Plnchlnu;." Tho days of "'firnco for vohlclo owuors who liavo Wo aro showing tho now "Mallory" Hat models which cor roctly oxpress tho season's trend or stylo yot avoid tho extromos that nmko a hat out of dato al most as soon as It Is put on. "Mallory" Hats aro "Cravonotto" woathcr proof an oxcluslvo feat ure which kcops thorn frosh look ing another reason why your lint should bo n "Mallory." Woolen Mill Store MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND N r 1 ' l 0BLE THEATE TO-NIGHT SYFF.TV FIRST Marhfleld's Fiio-Pioof Theater ' (Jooll Music and the Finest Pictures In tbo Woild YrAUDi;VlLK. miAV & filltllC Raujo. bliiRliiR ed dhvet from 01.0 of Portland'H '...... ...ceiits CYRIL "l'KKR (JYNT". Produced in flvo topl.iv Company, and released by tho raraiiio.im ... lltlio ,crvlo that. Is pronounced "by Uo who WMo I., ".lust Little Rc.ter" than nny other i amWo' OTIIFIt IMCTl'HKS YV1LL UK SHOWN .iwiinvvts SPLENDID MUSIC KVERY XIOIIT iliiiii"' " '- - Lower Floor, 15 ots.: Balcony, iu cis.; uniiumi. aui&. Tm,l0l,,nv: Anita Stowa.t and Karl WlUI-ms l "TJ.o ...iggcrnauf New vmidovllle. COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, hiot paid tliolr city vehicle tax nro ( limited. Chler Carter Is distributing tags, showing payment or the tax. Ho says that starting next week every dilatory owner Is to bo pinched." ( May Sell a Fire Truek. Mark Sav-' aBo, i with the A. c. Long agoncy , 1 ortland for the American-La France I'iro Lnglno Company, arrived hero Into yesterday and today Is looking over the flro truck sold hero a year iko. Ho Is BoliiB to Myrtle Point where ho Is hoping to sell an en gine. Working xiBll,s .v,nv.Th0 forcp l tho sheriffs offlco at Cni.m.. i working hard all day and until late "i- iiikiii on tho tax lists, according to Deputy Sheriff c. Laird who ! i ... .wu uoro today. Tho books closed !,on A",rn B. Thoro was a flood of I mall that came In, burdened with j chocks, and these aro being straight- I GMPlI nlwillt n ....l.l. I.. . . .. . "" " 'liiiur.iy UH POSSIUIO. SOnirliiir Konlmnmi m,...ii ,! ordoll, who aro starting a now lod ging camp near tbo Tories of Coos -River, aro today getting soino trucks from Suninor. .Most of their turn In. fluent has boon bought from tho Sou - i 41 n.. f r thorn Ornirmi f'r,..i.,n.... t,u.. .... WUIIU1IJ uuiu inn- Jchlncry and cars in uso many years jago and which have been well pro- "' (JcttbiK Much Milk. It is said that tho Coos Day Creamery on Coos nivor Is getting between 11,000 nnd 115,000 pounds of milk dally from 'tho local dairymen and nro doing a pig cheeso business. Tho llroakwa- 'tor, sailing last evening for tho south, took a good sharo of tho company's output. Claims AVas Abused John C. Fish, of Myrtlo Point, has started. suit for divorce from his wlfo. Elslo L. FIrIi, with hor parents In Coqulllo. Thoy woro married In 1S9S and thoro nro no children. Ho claims Hint slio (called him a "blnck hearted boast," a fool and other abtislvo names' and told him repeatedly sho did not love him. Man Knter Contests. It Is roport- Ltid that many pupils aro entering tbo Cood Heads esuay contest wiucu fcloHCs tho latter part of this month. I'Sovcral of tho grades In tbo Marab- flold schools nro now mmy on Burn cssnys and will c ' them In tho tho contest. Tbo , .poso is to stir up Interest in tho goo.l :'or.da move mont and tbo coming bond election In May. After Mine Dairymen. J. L. Smith, county agriculturist, passed through tlil3 morning from Coiiulllo enrouto to Ten Mllo whero ho will make a canvass of tbo dairymen In that section, endeavoring to got A shipment of White Shoes Just Arrived. Children'.! whllo one-strap pumps. Sizes from 8 to 12.i?l.:M ' i5l." Mlssos' whlto ono-strnp pumps. Sles from U'Vj to 2 . ..ijit.no o !?1.."5 Ladles' whlto Oxllto Soles one-strap Slzo3 2V6 to 7 Prlco SLIW Ladles' whlto Cinderella one-strap . . . ,2Sm pumps, 'iVi to 7 Prlco . liadles' whlto Piazza no-strap pumps. Sizes from JVC- to 7. Prlco . .JJI.Trt Ladles' patent loiither one-strap pump. Plain too, high lieol. .?a.ri h) reconunond Shlnola for patent leather slioo3, or any kind of blnck shoos, A fow Oxllto solod mon'a shoes on band at " Sco our window for nr.cas anu styles. Electric Shoe Store 8. J. IMMIJL, Prop. 1H0 Boi'Ui llroiidivay Hepaired Whllo You Shoes Walt. VAUDKVILLK ''! iiIc-I novelty art. Rook IcikIIiijs lliwitew. MAUDK In Ibson's masterplero eels by Oliver Mwosro I'lio- r. M Kittr them signed up for the Coos Hay Cow Testing Association. So far be bos about 100 cows In Hi or ganization for H1I3 year, but wants to Increase the. number about 200 cows If possible. He will bo tbcro several days. vo to Cannery. Aboard tho llreakwatcr arriving last evening from Portland wore twelve Chlnn mon. They aro said to be on their way to Wedderburn to work In the sulmon cannery tbcro. Three 3Inll Clerks onMail ClnHis 'Congdon, Graves nnd Llbby attend to mo united States mail on tho trnln irom Kiigono to Powers. Vndor tho present arraiiKomonta twn nf i. ....... worlc cvor' day whllo the third lays w, a Hcnouuio giving 0110 of them a stopover In Eugono each day. They work through from Hugono to Pow- f crs, returning to their starting place on 1110 train of tho following day. Could net .lull. For a month tlm rthrce coll doors of tho city Jail have ucen swinging idly to and fro. Tnurc lacks tbo bustling air of things dolntr. ,nn nir tliat was wont to pervade tho iclty JaU ln l" haiycon days when fnl1.. .1 .. other doors, more promising, wore swinging on their well oiled hinges. Chief Cnrter says that ho is thinking somo of fixing the bunks up a bit and renting rooms. Ho has figured that thla ought to bring fairly good ro- turns Into tho gonoral fund. At any rato, arrests in tho past 30 days aro exactly 100 per cent loss what they 'wero during tho samo period or a yoar ago. Have Lucky Kscnpu Word has reached friends hero of nn accident which befell' T. J. Tully nnd wlfo and throe children who rccontly wont to California. Mr. Tully was with !lll Snttlh-Powors Company for hoih'o timo. Tho family lived nt Ilonrv. vlllo and later nt Powors. They bought a Dodge car and It was tlm first car that mado tho trip in from Powors tills season. Tho family wont to California to reside. Whllo trav eling In their auto from Richmond "to San Francisco the ear wont olf tho road Into Franklin canyon nf ter turning two sumersnults. When Mr. Tully and wlfo nml threo ciill dron woro taken from undor tho oar they woro found to bo uninjured. j 4 rcnouiuHL. mew ui it ? 0$ WALTHIt JOHNSON was down touny from Ilausor on a short buslnosii trip. A. A. HACiAM'3ltl was among tbo visitors hern today from Scnttu burg. ItKV. O. LB HOY' HALL returned this morning from Iloaver 1 1 1 1 1 mine. A. J. M10NDF3L loft on tho morning train to look nftcr tbo Huh store In Powors. CII13STI3U E. CAKKY enmo down thla morning from Alloguny on log ging business. F. I). LAY'TON loft on tho llronl. water last ovonlng for Kurokn to call on tho trado. P. 13. ALL13N wont up to Hcodsport und (Jnrdlnor this morning on a short buslnc38 trip. MRS. FRANK CHANT, wlfo or the foromnn nt Powers, was hero to day on a shopping trip. F. 13. I3NDICOTT, of Sltkum, enmo over last ovonlng on tho train and Is a visitor hero today. DEPUTY' SHERIFF WARREN JyAIUI) was hero today for a fw hour-3 to sorvo papors. OEOROB 13. TONNI3Y', city engineer nt Myrtlo Point, Is horo today on a short business trip. IGEOROE GANNON, of Pullman, WAstorn Washington, with tbo Union Llfo Insuranco company, canio ln yesteidny, looking for a Prescriptions nro put up hero liv a thor o.ighly oiupotonl registered pharmaclHt who la nccurato and uses groat care In using o"tly tho pnrost and IrcsbcBt Ingredlonts and following your doctor's orde.s enrc- W fully, consclenlioubly and WA thoiouglily. m m THE BUSY OORNER DRUG STORE I'hiiuo 'M)H Wo Deliver Immediately iik M APRIL 12, 191 6-EVENING location and may 'remain on tho bay for about a week. ROUERT DILLARD loft on the morning train for tho Coiiulllo Val- t ley to call on tho trado. REV. AND MUS. STUUIJLI3FI13LD left this inornlng for Myrtlo Point to attend a mooting of tho Coca County Presbytery to bo held In that city for two days. FRANK PAGE, representing M. L. Kline, plumbing Bupply firm of Portlnnd, who has been In tbo city on business, will return homo tomonow. lie says bo 13 coming back to attend tbo railroad cele bration and will bring with htm tbe bead of tbo firm. t NEW TODAY WANTKD (.'III for work. Apply "P" general house Times offlco. I'Olt SAIilC till) lil. leghorn lioii3. Phono r.OGl, North Hand. I'Ult .M.l,l, Dm; "J 1.JJ 11. p. (jasj englno, used 1 year. Cood con-, ilitlou. Also 1 registered Uork-, 3blro boar. Weight 400 lbs. A bargain. Ill OS. 10. L. llessoy, Phono .' WAXTMI) (llil wants to do Phone 437-L. wllb general references housework. FOUND NKAIt TAFFY' TAVKU.V Lady's whlto glovo. Owner may bavo article by paying for this ad at Times Office. LOST !'.a!'y r'r.s. Inward return to Times Officio. for Its FOR SALK Knt Ire furnishings of tho Andcraon rooming-house, also restaurant oiiulpmcut; center o( buslncs3 district. Will noil cheap for cash. Lease given on building If desired. Mrs. Thus. Anderson, Handnu, Oregon. I LOST Times rnrrfrr hook. Please return to Thelo Steckel, Knstsldu, or Coos Hay Times. FOIl HF.XT Modem bunpilow; ! Htonm heat; also npnrtment with fivo heat and water. Phono 17-L, .1. C. SwaiiHon. , - WANTED 1 1 4 FOR KXCIIAN(!I3 Sevon room moil. ! nm hoiiso, full cnninut basement, wash trays, electric light, gas, fivo mluuto street care sorvlco In Port land, rout brliiKB 7 por cent on In vestment. Will trndo f(. Coosl Hay proporty and take auto In part payment. Address "II" earn of ' Times. I HOOMI3KS AND ply 220 So. HOAKDKItS Ap- llrondwuy; rates ren3onnblo. t FOR SALE X I'Ull MAM1. ioou griiuo iioisiein yearling holfois; 1 roglhtered llol stolu bull, G mo. old. II. W. San ford, Suninor, Ore, Phono 3103. FOR SALH Four Micks or YVIilto Hurbank Potatoes. C. J Carlson, Marsliflold It. It. No. 1, llox 10. FOR SALE Four rows, 2 hclfciH, 1 bull; registered Ayorslilres; nil solccted stock from Pouno's Calif, and Wash. 'a best herds; heavy producers. Wrlto llox 80, Card) nor, Ore. FOR SALK Threw Jeri.oy cows: will bo fresh this mouth; $47.00 each. Adilroas Sec. Farmers' Un ion, P. O. box 328, Marsliflold. FOR SALK Imto Riulmiik tecd jici toes. II. W. Sauford, Suninor, Ore., Phono 3103. PARM FOR SALK Thlrty-rivo ncros, ono-bair bottom and one. hair bench land; six acres of good oichard; good Iioiibo and barn, lighted by acetyleno gas; house with modern etiulpniouts; hot and cold water, bath, etc. Near Co qulllc. A goo'l u"y If lakon soon. Imiulro T, caro of Times, or Uox 250, Coqunio, oro. FOR SALK Ono classy leglhlered .lornoy bull calf, whose dam milked II, 1(1(1 pounds In ten months. Also cows and holforn, ull registered stock. Wilto to F, A. SACCIII, Marshfleld, Oregon. t FOR RENT t FOR RI3NT Furnished looms, O'n So. Seventh street, phone 414-R. FOR RENT, Cheap. I, i! and room Apartm'ts. Hroadway Hotel. I-'OIl RENT Furnished Apts. In O'Connell building, Phono 113-L. FOlt RENT Furnished flat, hot and cold wntur, bath. 853 Third t EDITION rp m Originators of Low Prices ftfcrporafed Next Door Friday end Saturday Specials TULIP MILK. Pour Latge Cans for BROWN SOAP. Eight t OUR EVERY DAY PRICES: OltANOF.S. Per dozen I5 HDTTHIt. Two pound Kiiaroi. Norway and Mnyroso T.'e Wo huvo IIUTTI'311 wrapped In ono-tiunrter pound sub. oneh ,.10o LI3MON8. Per dozon .... 20e COFFHK. Hulk. Thrco pounds for 91.00 SYltUP POPPY, (lallon can noo WE SAVE YOU MONEY GETTING'S CASH GROCERY Phono 394, 130 North Broadway. WATCH FOIl Ol'll SPECIALS. Thoy mean money In )Oiir pocket Try a, Eear Steak For Supper We have some excellent BEAR MEAT. A fine fat youno cub, killed near Libby. Yon can always get the best and choicest meats at 1 1 Palace Meat Market N. I). Phono 100. J. Z AT THE HOTELS t Chandler Hotel II. A. Woodfeld, Portland; William Cnhlll, Portlund; F. 13. llluckor. Portlnnd; Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, Pow ors; Olto T. Ilrandt, Portland; (5. W. Krnun, Kugeno; George A. Ilntoson, Portlnnd; 13. II. Y'nn Ordih, Port land; T. M. Jouos, Mllwnukco; I). Y'unco, Portlnnd; O. J. Stowurt, Port laud; R. L. Fnrr und wlfo, Han Fran cisco; Mnrk II. Savago, Portland; C. C. King, Portland; C. ('. Grluls und wlfo, Portlnnd; J. M. Rico, Port land; N. F. Mlllor, Seattlo- 13. P. Stowart, Portland; It. 13. Rosb, Port land; G. A. GIIII11, 0akla1.1I; C. P. Roll. Portland; II. M. lllaelt, Port land. Rlaiieo Hotel J. I). Rankin, Portland; A. A. Sngn bord, Scottaburg; P. S. Olnon, North llond; 13. M. Moore, Gold Ranch Walter Johnson, Ilausor; J. K. Rand. Cooston, Lloyd Hotel Tom Marnes. North llond; W. J. Prnilkll0nif luvorlon; YV. J. Mnlcom nnd wRo, Powers; Jack Calmoro and wiro, Ohlcngo; Ebon Pomoroy, llan don; Mr. and Mm. Ourduell, .onu; W. Cbrlstonson, Powora; Mrs IThiiK Grant, Powora. St, LawVenco Hotel Ilurnoy Carroy, IJmplro. Jaino lliicker, San Francisco; L. Martin, Coqulllo; P. Gordon. Gold Ilancb; Dr. and Mrs. Edwards, Florence;. F. 15. Endlcott, Sltkum; 13. Kdinon, Port lund; 13. llrnnil, Randon. FOR RENT Modern fivo.rooiu bii gnlow on lath und Coinmereiul I strcots, $12.50 per month. Apply! Going fe Harvoy FOR RENT. ROOMS, noe to SI. 00 Day; StU to !?" Week; llousekwp lug Apts., SK mo. up. I'reo hath. Llo)d Hotel Aptu. i i l r7 ' I ...n.. iimm -J- -- - s -v IJfave you seen this line of LADIES' COATS, SUITS and DRESSES? VIOItTII DOrilLK 'I'll 1-3 PUICKV Ladles' Finn 1'ieiicli Sivgo Dresses, tbe latest out, our prk'M . . .$l.tlH I'Vcneli Serge with Silk Tilinnilng, best of sliade.s; 11 dandy lit double (ho pi lee (M( Tnfleta In all the latest Miadcs nml pnttcuix .IMIO Crepe do Chine look nt Hiese, couipaio tlieui with ullieis at double tho prlco 12.00 Ladles' hitllK, In nil tho latest pat terns mid Htylesj dandy values ul double the price; our prlco !il.0 $ia..-iO -Vt l.7." 9in.no COATS Try tho-o anil eouiparo them wllli coatH at dntiblo tho prlco 9I.8 95.IM 97.00 90.00 9IU.0O 91 L7.1 910.50 We Lead Others Follow to Postoffice 5c Bars for .... 25c OSWALD. Central Avo. o SOCIAL CALENDAR YVeiluesday Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs. II. M. Albco In Rtinkor Hill. Pastime Club -wltli Mrs. 13. J. Arms in North llond. Auction Rrldgo Club wl.li MrH. Cnrl L. Davis. Hay City Ladles' Aid with Mrs. I laments. Thursday Ladles' Aid of Norwegian Lutheran church, meets nt homo of Mrs. John Pitman. A. N. YV. Club with Mr I. Nnuoy Noblo North llond Methodist M dlas busInoBS soaslnn. Kluiioy Club with Mm "lowjtrt M-'Dnnnld In North HunJ. Klostor Club with Mrs. R W. Morrow. Rainbow Club Mooting nt Club Iioiibo on South Cua River. Mlnno-Wl3 Club with Mrs. C. InChuppall. Genera Club with Mri. J, YV. Davis. lVlday Past Matron Society with Mrs. D. O. McCnrty. Neodloeraft Club with MH Edgar Muuuuii In North IU(t!. riilmbla Club with Mrs. A. S. llnmmoml. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. .'( O. Langwortby. Tho Norwegian Lutlwran Y'ouns People's social, at homo or Rev. and Mrs. It. O, Thorpo. 0 t 6 WOOD GOOD WOOD M YV, II. Lingo has It at, 8IJJO aad $a cash per load, ml. Phono 227-J. Garbage ronMr. . t a Y noo?