,, - TliE Cd0S PA-Y TIMES' MAnsiiplELIJ OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1916 EVENING EDITION. TMhTF Motor oil made irom asphalt-base crude gives best lubrication "with least car hon Such is the testimony of motorists and experts alike. As Lieut. Bryan, U.S.N., puts it: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes haveshownthemselvestobemuch better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming pro clivities are concerned, than are oaraffine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base not only made from the right crude but made right. Dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. U (323 sm w - Magaiiinie Page of Tine G Bay Times -:-:-:- i' ' j g- a.'3M fjV9K --Wfcy SI CTT3SS -w ua w m m m n Mm isa A y mm m si .a el fe fea -fa Standard Oitforffoior C&rs High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks boine out of the high rent distiicf and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagiand -The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 343-J and 326 PORTLAND j.dO class F. A. KILBURN SAILS APRIL 13. ' North Pacific Steamship Co. ' Smith Terminal Dock. Direct Sailing ' to Eureka, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, ' Los Angeles, San Diego. ' BREAKWATER APRIL 12 I;. (.'. (TMIIN'd, Agent EX-TRAMP 'A MILLIONAIRE. His Ambition Oneo Was to Duy $1,000, 000 Worth of Beefsteak. Lrs0 It. liruk,. or Oiitntl Atucrlcn walked past a l,o Angeles (Cnl.) park nnl. iMilnilna tit tli(. benches iiml fniiii lulus beneath tin. trees, mild: "Twenty years ago 1 wit In that plaza "M a bench, null l had neltlnr n place I" sleep nor anything to ent. 1 was a ti-niiifi. and as I sat there looking up nt llii" sky I plaiiueil nn hnw many heef steaks 1 would buy If I had $I.O(io.(MX)." Mr. Drake neglected to say that, no cording to Miiii'n ami Hrnilstrcct's be Is today ruled at more than .fl.diiii.i )(. but lie Mid ny that now he Inn! enough nullify In buy all the beefsteaks lie would want Tor the ic.it of bis life. Mr. Di'iiUe has niailo his fortune In '"entrul America, but he does not nil vise others that they may hope to do likewise. Shorn of Beard, Ha Lost Hlo Reason. Anguish unwed by being shorn uf n beard which hail never before felt the razor's edge Is believed to have been responsible for William Hroslus, twenty-one years old. of Dllzuboth, N. J., becoming tempontrlly deranged to mi extent that Ills father caused Ids ar rest, fearing flint he might carry out 111 reals to kill him. Despite bis youth. llriMlus had cultivated n long Jet black heard, which his fattier Insisted lie shaved off. When the shorn youlh re turned n short time later friends fulled to recognize him. Then William tided lu Hiich it strange uiauner that he was committed for examination us to his menial condition. THE HOME TOWN. ! -I- Soino folks leave liomo for money, -I- I -J- And hoiiio leitNe Iioiiip for funit'i ; ; Sumo seek hKIoh mIwhjs HUiiny, , And Home dupttrt In shame. ; ; 1 euro not what tlio renHon ; ; Men travel east or Weil ; ; Or what tliu month or hwirom, ; Tliu luitno town Is llm best. : .? .;. ! TIip liotnn town In the glnd town : ! Wliciu MoniclhttiK lonl nbiOoH. '. ; 'TIm not tliu money mml town v Tlint nil ltd spirit lilitett. ; TIiuukIi stintiMcm scoff and limit It ! ! And uven Jeer ItM tinni, -I- '; It Iihh ti ulinrm uhuut it ! . ! No other town cuii elnlm. ! ! ',' The homo town hIIoh cerin bluer ! I ; TIiiiii hKIph tlmt Ktletch nwny. -I- j- The homo town friends seem truer -I- ' ; And kinder tliroiiKli tliu day. -j- . ; And, wlii'ther kIuiii or tliecry, ! ; l.Ulit liourtrd or oYineMHMl ! I ; Or HtniHKlu ill or wcwry, ; ! 1 ll!e tlio homo town IiohU : ! ! I.pt him who will ko wniidor I ! To dlntunt towim to llvo. ; Of mime tliliiKH 1 hiii fonder Tlitui nil they lmvo to Klve. The cold uf dlHtnnt pIiicm Could not repay m qiilta Vor tlioBi. fnuiillnr fnri Tluit keep tlio home town lirlKlit. IJntrolt I-'reo 1'reiw. FOR THE CHILDREN R- A Story For the Little Kiddies When Sleepy Time Comes. -OT A PLAY UNIFORM. Small Tots Find This Kind of an Apron Amusing. fr A NATIVE ARTIST. THE BEAR AND BUTTERFLY. Information and Amusoment Furnish ed by a Map of tlio World on a Globo, Many Things of Intorost to Small I Pooplo A Sweet Miss From Chicago. "Uncle Hen, won't you please tell us I a kooiI tilKht aloryV" asked Utile Ned i anil Polly Ann ,us sleepy time came i -sIcalliiK alone lu the gloom. "Yes," j said I'liele Hen, and he told u slcvpy i lime story of s in hi ii -ii ii-rrTTrTTasg&&fl? , !!' rr ., i- Wwmi0&mJ&&i& "I Minlll no Wftll nn Tlmm nnfnpn Mn HnTllli a1' "" iikii i-u infill ubiuii v u w,n Since we installed the Gas Water Healer, dish is no ti 0UDI3 at all." . MRS. NUWIFE HAS ALSO DISCOVERED that every clean "'9 job around the house is far easier with plenty of hot water jwlhat the GAS WATER HEATER is saving liar hours of Iinie anil hard work each week. A GAS WATER HEATER in your home will do as much. 1 e c.osl of installation and operation is so low you will won Der you didn't have one long ago. LOOK OVER THE LINE OF GAS" WATER HEATERS A' OUR OFFICE OR YOUR DEALERS TODAY. Or egon Telephone 178 sO THE COOS BAY TIMES travels over Every Street -in Every lwn, and over Every Road in Coos County. LET IT CARRY YOUR MESSAGE. SHOOT AWAY $24,000,000.. Tromondous Cost of War llluotrated by tho Oattlo of Vordun. If the fsilumtt' of LMHIO.OOO shelU Is approximately the number llred In the great Verdun battle the lliiiiuclat out lay to the contending armies for nrtll lery ammunition alone has been at leact I'O.OOO.OIK) to $'.! 1.000,000. This estimate of army ordnance ex perts Is based on the theory Hint the bulk of the lighting has been done with 7r centimeter Held guns. In asmuch us the fiermaus have iiiade use of n considerable number of large Held pieces and siege gnus, the cost lu artil lery aniniiinllloii probably has been considerably more than $'J 1,000,000. As the caliber of u gun Increases tliu coat per round multiplies rapidly. The huge Herman guns which demolished tliu I.lcgo forllllcalliiiis and shelled Dunkirk from a distance of twenty nillos or inoru hurl projectiles that cost many hundreds of dollars, tliu exact tlgurcs nut being known. lu addition to the enormous cost of artillery iimuiuultlon used lu tliu Ver dun light, many millions of rounds of small arms ammunition have been con sumed, the outlay for hospital service has lieeu excessively high, while the loss of effis'tlvu lighting units lias been enormous on both sides. , VALUE OF BABY IS $90. i MA(jcd Person Becomes a Negative Quantity," Doelaros Profossor. What Is u Imliy woitli? I'riifessor Irving T. Fisher of Yule, urging the adoption of a bill for coin I puWoiy social Insiminro for workmen, j told the (oinuiltlce mi social wcirurent I the slatchoiise, lu lioMon. that he esti mated the value of a baby to be $W. "And I estimate tlio value of an mliilt to bo $1,000." said tho professor. "The value of an aged person, by computa tions under the proposed system, be comes n nogntlvo quantity. "The proposed hill will bring lire ventlve medicine Into every homo. I.uit jr there wero 030.000 unneces Miry deaths In the United Ktalos. Tho bill nUo will distribute tho ruoruious burden of hlckuess so It will not en tirely overwhelm it worker when It COlllltf." Credit Glvon In Ohio, llv taking liatli. brushing teeth and going to hed early, pupils lu Logan county (O.) school get nlno credit marks, six of tlium for tho buth. ' MAi MOTOR ROAD IN MEXICO. First Hlflhway For Exclusive Use of Automobiles Recently Completed. What Is Mild to lie tho llrst highway fur the exclusive use of nutoinohlles over hullt in Mexico was recently lln blicd between Tiiiupleo and Piinuco, u dUtnnco of about thlity-llvo nillos. It Is for tlio uso of motor trucks and automobiles lu extensive oil opera tions nt Puuuco. Tho highway was constructed hy the oil companies. Here tofore transportation botweon Tanuco a ml Tampleo lmd been by bouts on tho I'uuuco river, compelling ell conipunles to maintain expensive gasoline launch so for tholr ollleluls and other employ ees. Xow n regular service of nuto mobiles will he established botweon tho two terminal. The country dlstrlctH around Tain plro are sadly lscklng In good roads, but it h expected that this condition will bo romcdled rapidly. Many of tho lurgor oil companies are nlrondy upending conslderiiblo money lu tlio construction of roads for their private use. and later many of these highways pwibubly will bo connected and made Into u general syMoui ami thrown open to tho public. I'luns nro also on foot for n modern highway between Tainjiico and Mon terey, more than 3'-T nllo. uiul also one between Monterey and Matamoras. on the Hlo (Jrumlt botilor, about 'Mo miles. The btutes of TnmauUpus und Nuevo Leon will aid these projects, ind tho federul government Is expect ed to eld. A DEAR AND A DUTTERFLY. ' i'0ne of the Youngest and Most King's blue linen fashions this quaint Successful Sculptors, little uniform for (Ive-yeur-olds. The r edges and huge, grownup pockets aru bound with ihuk blue silk bruld, und j PRODUCT OF AMERICAN SOIL. h tho New Arts Opening to Womin Sculpturo Offers an Attractive Field. One College Girl Has Already Made a Place For Herself. Ono of the most successful among the younger women sculptors of the 1'nltcd States Is Miss Alice Morgan Wright. Miss Wright Is n gradunte of Smith college, 1004. In the years fol lowing her college course hu studied :!::: : .mmk!m. i BEAUTIFYING ALLENTOWN. Many Improvements In View First Town to Have Planning Exhibit. The city planning commission of Al lentown, Pa., Is actively engaged hi limiting plans for the proper develop ment of the city. It favors taking ml. vantage of the natural resources around Allentown for the establish iiient of boulevards. The biggest question confronting the commission. i however. Is the mutter of house sew erage, which has been agitated twen ty years anil Is u proposition running Into several million dollars. As now constituted, the commission has the membership with tho ability to cope with this important problem, and It Is expected they will proceed without delay on broad lines for the greatest permanent benellt to the city. Mr. Prank Koester, the city planning expert of New York city, has been ad vising tho commission, and It was nt Allentown that he gave an exhibition embracing all the best features of city planning from tliu famous classic cities. Including those of medieval times, to the most modern Impiove monts found lu New York or hi the great Kuropcan capllals.l This exhibition, which had Its Inau gural at Allciitowu. Mr. Koester lias Nliui' shown lu several cities. The ex hibition consists of some TiOO large sized photographs, maps und drawings, highly artistic In nppeunincc. system- $firAlr4fclfl T .;,. ir t'. Ill iS-j2i3U'' li lilL - 1UNUI.T 01' IIKDir.VAI. I'LANNINO. ntlenlly nrrunged nnd mounted upon strongly constructed panels of uniform size. The panels, suine llfty lu number, are grouped und cluaslllod according to the various phases of city planning while each lllustrallon is ilescilptlvely oxplalucil, thus enabling the vlsibir to I readily comprehend the great u.l around benellt derived from city plan ulng. lu addition to tlmoo panels there nro a number of placards, giving concrclo statements of the aim ami results of modern city planning. City planning Justllles Itself nt every point, and America Is wtiklng up to lis possibilities In a very wonderful way lu Mr. Koester's exhibition thewi Im nortant elements, iiuiong others, are i i oiisldorml: Classic and modlowil cily planning, modern Amoiiean and IJuropean city Iniprovoiiiontfl. the plan of tho city ns.i whole, Individuality of cities, ehihslllca tlon und graduation of districts and zones, tho uitlsllc loguIutUu of build ings and streets, the development of civic centers, public squares and trallle centers, locution of public buildings, bridges mid bridge approaches, docks und water fronts, parks and play' groiindi. garden cities and working men's Iioiuoh. civic embellishments, street and puik lighting, electric street railways, city water supply, street eon structlun and cure of streets, city sani tation und wiihte dlspusul, and tho adaptation of nil theno diverse ele ments to the demands of efllclency, health and beauty and promotion of the city's future growth. A large and ferocious bear onco lived lu the middle of a great forest, und so lien e mid terrible was he that he had the forest all lo himself, for nil the an Ituiils who used to live there ran away when they saw him coming. At last he met a butlerlly. It was u be.iutiful blue und gold .biHterlly, and when the bear discovered It It was sit ting on u wild rose eating breakfast. The bear was so delighted at lluillng something to scare that the roar he gave sounded almost unliable. Never theless It wus such u roar ns would have frightened a squirrel Into a lit. Hut Instead of showing any signs of tits the btitteiily continued quietly eating breakfast. Just us If the bear had not spoken. At this the .bear was nngry. So ho gave seventeen of Ills loudest nnd llercest ronrs. When ho was all through the hutterlly turned and suld politely. "lCxcuso mo; did you say nnythlnglr" "Say anything?" recated tho hear. "Didn't you hear mo? Aren't you f lightened V "rilghtcncdj" echoed tho butterlly. "What should 1 be afraid of?" "Why. of me, of course." said the bear. "K very body's afraid of me." At that' the butterlly laughed and laughed. "You don't suppose you nro so terrible, you silly creature!" she said. "You arc the one that should bu frightened. There Is houiethliig ulwiij'H behind you, mid It follows wherever you go." The bear looked over his shoulder. "Oh, you can't see It." said the but tetily. "Mut It's bslilud you nil the same." "Goodness gracious mol" cried tho hear. "What is It?" "I shnn't tell you," replied the butter lly, "but If I were you I'd bo careful how I behaved." "Thank you so much for telling me," said the bear, quite meekly. "I'll be puttleiilaiiy careful, uiul I won't growl and romp and rour and scare things oer any more, tioodhy. Miss Mutter lly." und ho tiptoed back to his forest. When he had gone the butterlly laughed uiul laughed. "Silly thing!" Fhe said. "Of course there's something behind him that hu can't see, but It's only Ids own tall!" Uco of the Globe. It Is very Interesting for children to truce paths of travel on the globe, I which iiuiiiy of tlieni possess, for It Is really more fun. Utile boy or glil, J than iiiauy of your toys, mid If you lluiMi iii) globe usk your father to buy you one. It Is ceilululy mi Interesting ! game, tun! If you do not believe Just i try it. i A Girl and Her Reflection, The girl lu tho picture Is from Chicago, ! but the was In 1'loilda when her pho- to.ii. ih was Miiiippcd. Perhaps hhe would have enjoyed the skating uiul (ousting uf her own city during the 0 Municipal Pleasuro Harbor. Under the direction of the Hvunston (III.) oltUtfc' conuultteo a campaign vn4 lniiiichr.l to ruUe $10,000 as part of the SJ5.UOO that will bo required to Sw I IW CtZr JtAIlY T.OUIBK M'CliAIINON. winter season, but sho went to Florida, of the SJD.UOO t nut win uo require! io uro umost u. build Lvanston's proposed niiinl'-lnal , , , , u, Mn(, ,, 8Urf harbor The harbor wJIJ be built as a ' iii3im(( .. , , M, I pleasuro harbor ouly, and no attempt pleasuro harbor only, am no "f'l-i ( , bl4J uumu for amU Mill bo made to convert It Into u harbor ,'""'",' ' ' ni rtnrnTnCttln 1 niimrilPU. I " 4V VU4UiUV4VH4 t ffr vw KO AUOKAULI'. the garineiit hangs from the shoulders, tho trim hygienic way. Across tho bot tom paradu delightful kindergarten people lu applique uiul embroidery. HOMEMADE BREAD. ii.... .. m.l- i.. ct.ii ni i ir n,iif.iti .nr Wll I Hreak two rakes of yeast Into a cup ful of water ut blood temneratiire. Put n tablespooiiful uf sugar on tho yeast to stimulate Us quick growth. Whllo j this soaks, warm two cupfuls of milk with a cupful of water. This, with tho water over the yeast, makes u quart of wetting sulllcleiit for four loaves. In u largo mixing bowl put several sieves of Hour nnd make a depression lu the middle of the Hour, In which put a level tnblespoouful of salt and a heaping tablespooiiful of latil. Pour he liquid and the yeast upon tho Hour .mil mix with tho hands, working tliu Hour from the outside Into the liquid lu the middle of the mass. Mnko u stiff dough mid lift the hall out, putting away any remaining Hour for future use. If the Hour Is granular let tho dough Uo on the board for ten min utes, covered with a wiirm bowl, that the Hour may properly absorb tho moisture. If tho Hour Is not granular this wait Is not necessary. Now shape the dough without knead ing, lay the ball In u buttered bowl and butter the siirfaco or tliu dough to keep It soft. Cover and let It double lu a warm place, an hour to an hour and a half. If you wish still further to hurry It set the bowl In warm wa ter and place a smaller bowl of-warm water on the lid of the large bowl con taining the dough, When doubled shape quickly Into the Imkliit: iiaiiri for the second ilslug mid imkii when nuiiln lluht. This reel no Is excellent for use when one must have bread In a hurry. Half of tliu dough may ho niudo Into crusty rolls. Shampoo For Whito Hair. The very best shampoo for whlto hair Is the white or uu egg beaten Into a pint of soft, cool water. Hub tho hair with the egg, making a soft lath er, after wetting tho hair with cold win tcr and finish the same as with other iiampoo, except lu the last rinsing wa ter, which should ho cold. A few drops of the bcstyhidlgo, not ordinary blu ing, should be added to tinge tlio wa ter. This acts exactly as does bluing oil white goods, leaving tho hair u pure white and not lu the least tinged with yellow. Pale eyebrows mid IusIioh mnko a face expresslonlosH. They can bo coax ed Into u better growth by rubbing tho eyebrows nightly with viifollno and uppljing to tlio roots of both tho eye brows and eyelashes a Ionic mailu by mixing llvo grains of sulphate of qui nlno with one oiinco of sweet almond oil. Apply this with a Hue sable brush, which comes for the purpura. Cheap Fruit Cake. Cream ono cupful of sugar nnd one half cupful or butter: then mid three Ublefpooufiils of molasses and ono I paten egg, one small laiiiespoonrui or '(liiunmou, one tcuspooiiMl of mixed ! spices, one cupful of sour milk, with ono tcuspoonfiil or salt to foam; ouu- ,lmlf tcuspoonfiil or salt, one cupful of i hopped raisins, and you may add iltron and chopped Ilgs, which will niiiko it much nicer; two cupfuls or Hour, adding alternately with the milk till all Is used. Meat thoroughly. I'iour the fruit and bako lu u moderate oven. j Free Muccleii. darters are, happily, being relegated 'io the errors or the past. I( stands to rciiBon that any tightening on such a busy und Important part of the leg Is dangerous, mid ninny men and women owe varicose vlus to tho farteru of their youth. i rm I . JllnEHl MIB.1 ALICU MOIUJAN WntOIIT. with Ciutzon 'Morgluiu nnd Praxer, two lending Americans. Successes liavo como enRy to MLss Wright. Sho took tho St. amnions prlzo and later the Uutzon Morglum prize. During llvo years spent In Parli many of Miss Wright's sculptured pieces were In tho salons of Prance, Slnco her return liunio they hnvo been shown In tho academies of Philadel phia and Nuw York and at tho Panama Pacllle exposition. Smith collcgo vis itors will especially reiuemlier Mls Wright's hronxo relief of President Seelye, which now hangs lu Assembly hall at Northampton. CONVALESCENT CHILDREN. How to Amuse a Child Doomed to the Und Awhile. A child recovering from an Illness U apt to bo fretful mid peevish, demand ing any amount of patience on the part of a mother or an attendant. If the child Is a boy modeling In clay will be found entertaining, nnd by helping him form iHHerent animals and houses many an Irksomo hour will Im whlled uway. If a girl, try paper flow ers or paper dolls. Children also enjoy making scrapbooks. Cut nttractlvo pic tures from old colored magazines, for It should nlwaya bo remembered chil dren like bright colors. Young chil dren cnu cut If thoy are not couuietent to paste. Never let a child who Is recovering from an Illness sew, for It will prove tiring, tho work being too Inteut, whereas paper clothes for dolly are sure to bu enjoyed without fatigue. A pair of toy scales ami supplies, lu the shape of rice, sugur, ralHlns uud salt, to keep shop, will pleaso a small child, mid mother, or course, will do the buying. Kxpenslve toys are not necessary to muko a child happy, for nine out of ten will prefer sumo simple humeuiada affair or an amusoiiieut they create for themselves. That Untidy Top Drawer. Much Is gained If, Instead or mnklng linings or pads for tho bureau draw ers, the drawers themselves are made dainty and ready for tho receptacles of articles. First give the Inside as many coats of whlto pa:iit as are neceswiry to give a clear whlto tone, and then a cout of white enamel. This gives u perfectly smooth surface, which Is fresher than nay other lining could be. The draweis look neat and attrac tive, ami when donning Is desired a simple, wiping with u dump cloth pro duces perfect cleanliness. The same Idea could bo carried out with all shelves, cuphoaids and draw ers In tho house, whether for linen. china or kitchen utensils. They Bra more easily cared for than wheu ar ranged with othor covers. This proc ess makes a good substitute for the highly recommended glusa shelves. Salad Supromo. Arrange lettuce hearts on Individual plates and place In the center of each ono sections of orauges and celery, cut ' lu Julienne strips. Uunilsli the top with chopped Kugllsh walnuts and i dates cut In small plecea aud 4em with a light mayounabe. r .i I 'i.i .'(I I , 11 3 i a JOT