The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 08, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Front Laced
New Be&Mity
Mew Style
ew Comfort
A Blight and slender woman ono
who In tall ono inclined (o stout
iiosn nil will find equal satisfaction
in MORAHT CorselB.
You must try on a MORART Cor
Azt. You see how mipcrbly It
Ms what it perfect foundation it
makes for gowns. Vou in list nolo
tlio now frecilom in biouthliitf. Nolo
(lie absence of luces nt tliu back,
which adiuhs of perfect linos.
Hub Dry Goods Company
Corner Rrundnny and Central Avenue.
Phono aoi.
m i
wHpW&UAydL li ' U
VTi JKi Vi 'jO"""'" ' . " ' ' -.7-
SWrVK'jS"' ' " "
(Continued From Pngo Tlireo)
MIS3 I)oB80 Flanagan, daughter of
.Mr. and Mm. C. it. Flanagan, plans
to outer the Monmouth Normal
Hchool nbout tlio first of Juno and
upend the next year there For tlio
liiiNt two years, MIjb Flanagan Iiuh
been an oTf ictent teacher in tlio
Hunker Mill school, gaining the con
fidence and respect of both tho
ptipllH ond parents of tlio comiuun
Ity, and her absenco In tlio teach
ing corps next year Is rogretted by
' special MUSIC i
' Herbert Rustorud will sing u solo
nt tlio Presbytorlnn churoli Sunday
Jack Thompson, tlio slngor for
llruco ICvans tlio Evangelist will ship
n solo Sunday morning at tho First
Ihiptlst church. In the ovcnlng, tlio
church will Join In tho evangelical
.sorvlros nt tho Methodist church at
8 o'clock.
Mrs. George- A. Cathay and two
children mid Miss Lena Kruso ar
rived Monday from tho formor's
homo In Klainuth . Falls to visit at
tho homo of Mrs. 'Cathoy's parents,
Mr. unil Mrs. K." V, Kruso or Porter.
to San Francisco to resunio her
course training after spending tho
past few months with her slstor,
Mrs. Den It, Chandler.
Mrs, D. 1-2. Mnlonoy and children.
Alpha Delphian Society
with Miss Alice Curtis.
Athonn Delphian Society
or North Ucnd at Library
North Rond Club Auxiliary
party In Club rooms.
Northland Catholic Guild
with Mrs. Dan McDonald.
Unstable Royal Neighbor
Club with Mrs. .1. C. Steckol.
Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs.
It. M. Albco In Uunkor Hill.
Pastlmo Club with Mrs. E.
J. Arms In North Ilond.
Auction Rrldge Club
Mrs. Carl L. Davis.
Hay City Ladies' Aid
Mrs. Hamorus.
A. N. V. Club with
Nancy Noble.
North Ilond Mothodlnt
dies business session.
J'.lunoy Club with Mtfl
"lewart M .'Donald In North
Rond. v
KloBtor Club with Mrs. It
V. Morrow. .
Rnliibnw Club. Mooting nt
Club house on South C.ha
Mlnnlc-WlB Club with Mrrf
C, LaChnppell.
Genem Club with Mrs J.
W. Davis.
Past Mntron Soeloty with
Mr. D. C. McCarly.
Noodlccrnft Club with M'B
Edt?nr Ilannan In North.
!U ,iU.
rhlmblo Club with Mrs.
A. S. Hammond.
Ladles Art Club with Mrs.
.1 O. Lnngworthy.
CIii-.'h Grolis, of North Rend, Charged
With Selling Lhpmi- Out on
9(100 Rail To FlRlit Cnso
Hoozo In almost every shnpo and
form, sonio fl,50Q of It, was cap
tured by tho offlcois in the raid niado
lata yostorday on tho Chris Orbhs
solt drink parlor and homo In North
Dond. Grohs was arrested nn hour
later and liberated under $000 bondu
to appear Monday at 10 a. m. In
Judge Shustor's court, Ho has re
tained A, II, Derbyshire as attorney
and it Is snld will fight tho chnrgO
of bootlegging.
Complaint .Made
Tho complaint against Grohs, who
is a former saloon keeper, was sworn
to by Mrs. Max Tlninierniiin. .Men
tioned iii tho complaint as witnesses
aro Mrs, Max Tlmniorman, Mnx Tlm
inormnn, Dodo Fnwcott and O. 13.
Smith. It is snld thero will bo still
other witnesses.
RrcnkN Into Rooms
District Attorney Llljoqvist, who
Such Is Voto of Chamber or Coni-
nierco Want to Stage Similar
Contest at Home.
Coa3 Uny will not enter n Candi
da to Tor uncon or candidates for
maids of "honor for tho Portland 'itoso
Festival. This was tho decision of
the Marshflold Chamber of Com
nieico at their mooting of last even
ing, after tho plan had boon outlined
by Mis. Anltu Valentine, of Portland.
.In July thoro Is to ho a big rail
road colobratlon on Coos Day. It
will take a i great deal of money
to Btago It; furthermore, a 3lmllar
contest for nuccn and maids of hon
or of tho nolebrntlon is to bo staged
heio. Tho decision wob that two
such contests, so closo togather,
would ho Impossible.
Mra, Valentine said that any town
in Otogou may nomlnato a queen.
Shu will bo chosen according to tho
number of votes, Irrogardlcss of tho
fact alio may not bo from Portland.
Herman Lind Will Ho In Char( Dealers .(m'
or Iho Coon Ray hwedlsli
' "II 1 VII f.,.
Pi:itS unv .'"w.ttii.
,,,;M MiblJ
Itov. J, Richard Olson of Portland. '
fur lii... .
"H"W and im,J
A Kit Of Plcrn..l.
- --nuiviio
, . i.. ... li. i ...... ...-.,.. "-ww ml.
nun iuriiiony ui una uuy, arrived arRiinolunrawi.ii '" kl
.1 . -. . . . "-'IIIIIT Thtl ..
iyostentay nriornoon on mo trnin en-in Kuropp , .... "wii
llllisiusiic aiiuui iiiu irip.
Mr. Olson Mills I that n rnf,i . ""'U
suys that as n sconle routo It cannot ' nretto impcrs of n t H
uo oxcoiioii nun no huuihih wnon no. are nindo In Austri lH
coos back to Portland to toll tho pen- -American trnd'o ls con '
plo of his congrogatlon that It Is tho 'only on the Pnclfi- """'''"Hi
ideal trip to tako for a Biuninor vu- niori nucket n., i..0?"" h
cation. United States today ?, "
; Mr. OIeoii Is pastor of tho lOnunun- This is the exulanallo i
uol Luthoran church or Portland. Ha i ore giving in nnswertfl11)! "
Ib also a lloittonant nnd chaplain In of tho habitual user ils
tho Oregon Naval Militia and In tno Not only Is ttn a,v
Portland Chatnhor or Cotnmorcc, Is u price of smoking Qhl'
mombor of tho Members' Council ijuobablo, but bluet ..i """'
vhlch Is in tho iiaturo of an ndvifiury iher nnd block i. "
-. aicH
wns iiresont at tho seizure, said that S!x maids or honor will como from
tcrnoon at tho homo ot Mrs. F. 12.
Wheolor on Third Btroet. Tho- lec
ture was high class In every respect
and many aro tho words or praise
Dotty and Dun Jr., loft this wook for , given fo tho W. C. T. U. worker.
Bovernl wooku' visit with a slstor, Mlns Drown haa a charming porson
Mrn. H. O. Paddock In Gladsto-n, 'allty, and overywhoro Bho goes, wins
Oregon. inany admiring friends. TIiobo who
' had tho prlvllego of hoarlng MIbs
Krs. G. L. Dlndtner has gone to Drown Thursday were: Mrs. Harry
Mrs. A. V.' 'Rowhay nnd llttlo
dauglitor rflturnml to their homo In
Albany, Oregon, whoro sho will upend
soir.o tlmo with relatives and friends.
Mrs O. It. Harrow, of Coqulllo,
was a guest ror u row days this
Vcok of Mrs. L. C. Reynolds In
North Rend.
Miss Harriot Hanson, daughter ol
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson, re
turned from Portland recently and
has taken n position In tho offico or
W. J. Conrad.
Herbert McKonzIo arr.lved on tho
train last evening from Portland
and is a gue.U at the S. Simmons
homa nn South Kb veil th fit root.
Mis, lCdna Richardson ontortalnod
Informally at her homo last Thurs
day evening for a fow rrlonds.
Mrs. Kllzaboth Met chant returned
from Gardiner this week, whero she
lias beou tho guest of Mrs. W. F.
Jowctt for tho past two weoks. Sho
made tho trip down from Gardiner
Wednesday with tho Gardiner Lltor
ary Society.
Mrs. Lionel Gordon Is visiting
this wcok with relatives In Dandon.
Hliunun, Mrs. S. SlmmoiiH, Ms. W.
Wnhlcnhorg, MIhb Mamlo Gulovson,
Mrs. F. K. Wilson, Mrs. D. C. Mcs
Carty, Mrs. I. D. Ross, Miss Vofma,
Rons, Mrs, V, W. Rortram, Mrs.
J. T. Ilyors, Mrs. J. C. Donns, Mrs.
C II Marsh, Mrs R P. Harrington,
rMr8. G. L. Hnll, Mrs. F. K. Wheolor.
Mrs. C. G. Magnuss, Miss Mary
i AyroB, Mrs. John F. Hall, Mrs. W. E. i
Warwick, Mrs. C. O. Gosuoy, Mrs. I
A. T. Lewis, Mrs. Amanda ltoso, MrB.
Mary Smith, Mrs. Martha Dyo, Miss
Frances Franso.
for two niontliB thero huvo been ro
port.f about bootlogglng nt tho Grohs
place, but this is the first tlmo tho
necessary ovldonco could bo secured.
Chlcr Pete Anderson nnd Constnhln
Kmory broko Into tho store room and
Into the apartmonts or Grohs on tho
second floor.
Find Inrgc Supply '
Tho offlcois went to the Bto'r'e
room In the back or tho building oh
hi caking tho padlock, round 13 kogn
or booze, Homo of them partially
filled. An Inner room upstairs was
broken Into and nbout 20 boxes of
fCiiso goods confiscated.
It was Btated by tho "roldorn" Hint
thoro wcro four glasses on a tnblo
I. tho apartment, still containing
wine In them. An outer room was
found fairly woll filled with booze,
cases covering tlio floor and lining
tho wall or tho room.
Many Vnrletles
Tlio boozo consisted most? or
whiskey, brandy, gin, orango bitters,
apricot cordial, sherry, pear and
bluckborry cordial, rock and ryo nnd
port wlno. Thoro was llttlo boor
All or tho booze was Immediately
taken to tho police station and locked
up, all ot tho work being accom
plished hoforo a curious throng.
Some or them asked tho offlcors that
they might too ho locked In Jail.
Tho ladles or tho North Rond
Episcopal Guild enjoyed an nrtor
tornoon socially Thursday at tho
homo or Mrs. C. M. Rylor. Thoro
R. (i. Grant Is Kndcuvorlng to Give
Out Reliable Infornintloii'AlxMit
the Locality
It. G. Grant, who will make his
future homo In Marshflold nbout the
middle or tho coming suminor, is con-
mwm fed
Agency Hero Hits Rcen Tal&n From
teuton .Vi Hanson and Given to
.Marshfleld News Co.
J. 10. Tiirnbull, representing tho
jch dilating department or tho Orogou
Journal, or Portland, Is In tho city
to exocuto tor tho new deltvery ur
laugenients w'hleh are now possible
with the train service. Ho will visit
all ot tho Coos county cities nnd
ducting n nnlquo publicity campaign (Bys now thut tho train can bring
Cm I.VnAl!. ,1.... !..,,.. . ..
...... ......u.nMi ma-miivr pari oi iue,WOro no mattors or Hiifldnl hlnnM
- " -. " -"---.
trnnHncted At tho closo or tho nr
ternoon, Mrs. Ilylop passed light re
freshments to tho following guests;
Mrs. Dennis Hull, Mrs. John Lonnan,
Mrs. Waltor Smith, Mrs. Totnplo,
Mrs. eGorgo Stophonson, and Mrs.
week after spending Bovor.-.l weeks
hero with Mrs. Rowhny's aunt, Mrs.
Nancy Noblo and with othor rela
tives on tho Ray.
Mrs. W. R. Smith and bnby, of
Curry county, were guests this woekjnarl Powell .or Marshflold.
"i .ui, nun .lira. li. ,ii, Aiuee, III
Uunkor Hill.
Misses Lucy and Florence Powers
nrrlvod this w.ok from Uuono to
iBpond the Eaator vacation at tho
'homo of tholr parents, Mr. and Mrs.
'A. II. Powers on Hall and Fifth.
for Marshflold and the Coos Ray
country throughout tho east
Mr. Grant Is a firm bollover In
Marsh field's futitro and states that
with tho wondorrul diversified ro
bourco tho futuro possibilities for
Marshflold aro so good that thoy do
not liavo to bo enlarged upon to
Interest now blood and capital, as
he states It Is much hotter to m.iKo
all 8tntoment from such a conser
vative standpoint that when tho now-
tho papers from Portland In hero
promptly and In tlmo to bo of nows
dervlce, tho Journal Is Installing n
pel feet service.
Has Morning Edition.
The agency which was formerly
at Norton & Hanson's store, was
very unsatisfactory and has beou
changed to the Marshfleld Nows com
pany, which is now tho official agon
cy for tho Journal hero. Tho Jour
nal prints a morning edition now,
Portland unit six from other sections
of the state.
Taxpayers' League.
The Tax Committee, of tho local
Chamber, will attend tho mooting
of April 1!) In North Rend ror tho
purpoBo or orgnnlzlng a Taxpoyors'
LriiRUo, Tho move wns ondoraod r.B
a very good one.
To Stop the Strike.
According to tho voto or tho
Chuirbcr, thero will bo no strlko of
the railroad employees nil over 'tho
United States, the lattor part of this
month, A vote will bo sent to tlio
National Chumbor at Wellington,
asking It to Intcrccdo to try nnd get
tho employers nnd employees to ar-
b'trute tholr differences.
L. F. Hotipcrman offered h!s rr
llor map or Coos Ray to tho Chamber
ror tlfiO. This wa3 rororrcd to a
committee and no action taken.
May Reiussemblo Rand,
Ayklng that tlio organization back
tho inovo to rcaB8ainblo tho Coos Rny
band .by paying '$r,0 a month, Ron
FlBhor nrgued that such nn organi
zation Is absolutely noco38nry, es
pecially for the uillroad celebration.
Tho matter wan rororrcd directly to
the Roard or Tni3tooa ror action.
Ho said tlioro nro. nbout 2fi music
ians bore who havo agreed to play.
The $&0 would provldo ?25 n month
ur iiiiibiu nun $;;, n IIlOlllll lor n
director, and would cost ?00 the
leiiuiludcr or tho year.
t'Ruy At Homo" Week.
A "Ruy at Homo" wook bun
suggcfteil by tho Progress Club. This
was referred to a committee, opinion
favoring tho movo.
A telegram will bo Bout to Senator
Chnniborluln endorsing tho original
O. and C. land bill, allowing 10 por
out or mo procoodn for rond pur
poses nnd nnothor -10 por cont for
school purposos.
Henry Sengstackon snld that part
or this money ought
Port Commission
says thnt a fight
a shuro of it.
Will 'Clean Up Tinsli.
W A. Held roported that tho city
ling agreed to pay for a man nmi
buying up old nip,, at ret Jj
to gut tin bits so that fatcrlut
uy lo repaired for c.,toD(f?
nro willing to pay the price.
board. Mr. Olson formorly was pas- hits nio iiiailo. nM i.... n
tor or tho Swedish Liitliomn church out of tin; innri. '
In Marahflold and ho Is hero now toiln San PrnnrUnn i. i. "'
..... . . . i. . "w u
moot again wun mo cnurcn meniiipr
and nrnufgo for a now pastor.
Itov. Hormnu LlmV Is tho now min
ister who will bo in charge here. Ha
will bo pastor of tho MarBliflold and
North Rend churches. Mr. Llud Is
iov rilllns .Mr. OIboh'b plnco during
his absenco. He will como the lattor
'part or April and will remain on Coob
Uny ror three months nnd possibly
pormmiontly.. Mr. Llnd In n woll
rknown minister and ono who has to
bin credit tho building or churches
rat eight different places where ho
has been locntcd. Mr. Olson thinks
lio will bo nblo to do much In build
ing 'up local churches.
Mr. Olson will preach at tho Sun-
'di'y morning Borvlro nt tho Hwodlsh
'Luthoran church nnd at !! o'clock
In tho nftornoon nt North Ilond. In
tho ovonliij ho will dollvor n Bormon
In English nt tho .Marshflold cliuroli.
Ho will probably return homo Mon
day. Jn Portland Mr. Olson Is qulto
prominent and has made a great hiic-
linuo nt tilu nlmntlt H'ni'l' tin fitilt
WUou ui inn v,imii.ii " wt in nn inn;
nncontlv rotnrnml to lib, homo after i n,!,1,1,0r 0t "orsons hH
. . ,.. -.. ,..,-,,.,,, nt ... , ,. .
luuiuiiitiii ui iiiu run ,(M
(W'V il! inn,. ,..,.
.- . ... ... vii.uiisirooi
Pi.iic'i iii:ci:ivkii
Rondiiinstcr Mu.'dork l'kit
ursnii.s rrcrerciicc RWtt,,
Hoad In Coqulll
, In nnawcr to soma iOOO eutiJ
fiont out by ItoailmaMer )ltrdn
A-oincie owners of Hid county ab.
.hem to express tholr pretmm
to what roans should l0 Inprnil'
about 1,700 roiie3 ere rerint
fu addition thero wertifamiii
personal loiters that tame j.
Tho census showed the m
having boon culled away on account
or tho death or his father.
Marshflold and Coquille ted hi,
,'ho latter placi to Myrtlj Fold
Prepare n M
j Chailea Hall, of the Oocl W,
Association, has prepared a I
.... ........ . -..-. .I.. . ..... ..i
iuai, OiiuniiiK uiutii) v.iui nrji
do IK) With tiki 37O,O00 botillM,
carries In the Sty &
Hltie print mjpi c( i
.original are to ho nnJe lod aic
Mllntrllnitod all through the I
Aiiuoux tho voters,
I- The Selection
1 Tli.i fullnwlii" .irfl the tr!nfMi
' ...... ...... I ...w. . n - r i
i.iii ,'''iirxl,roiBeil lor' count; rMdMKt
r dono with tl
L jprovliilug it
L 'ninr'.cn. Ulti
1 vecolvlng loss than :0 prefertaai
Pankow, of Sioux Falls, South Da-I10t ,)cl,l ,l8,Cll:
kotn. nn nxn.Tl ntnl ovunrlnnil ,,. 'Mlirallflelll to Coquille
tomohlle man, has arrived In Marsh
C'onulllo to .Myrtlo Point
field and will take, chrirgo of tho
sundry nnd supply department of
Goodrum's Qarngo. It Is the pur-
poflo to greatly enlarge this fenturo
of tho bti3tiiCBs mid mako it ono of
th& lmgost uud host In Southwestern
Oregon. Mr. Pnnkow Is greatly Im-
Rnudon to County Mil
Myytlo Point to County LIj
MJundon to Conullle
Unnsot Luy to North Bend
Lakosldo to Coos Oajr
Coos Hay Wason Road ..
Uandon to Marshfleld .
uslit to go to tlio I " "" , V , """u" ' r"-".''"" 'Myrtlo Point to Dora .
h nr ii,n .. I 'icBscd with tho prospecta of Coos' ,r " "
s or tho Btato nml, . ,. -, , , , .. EastB do to Sumner ...
t will bo mndo fQi-l"?' ttlrt J!r' 00,lr"1,, ,3 looUI xorw.y to MeKlnley ...
iyi ,ii big development In tho automobile- on" . ',.,..
comer makes his Initial trip to tho ;as woll U3 an afternoon edition. It
A A J.
Miss Oonova Wilcox bus returned j
At tho end
guild will meet
of two weoks tho
again with Mrs.1
Miss Mary E. Rrown, national su
perlntesdent of tho educational do
partmont or tho W. C. T. U., gavo a
lecture tor women last Thursday nr-
Do tjiey give you percfrt I'oiufiirt
hewing or when out in tlio sun?
all the time? When rending,
If they bother you at all,
"racajL- a,
At Red Pliariiuuy.
locality ho will Hud tilings hotter
than wero told to him
Mr Grant la using sonio local prop
erty In connection with his work
and tho agroemont ls that each pur
chaser becomo n Marshfleld booster
which If carried out on the propor
linos will havo a bouoflclnl offect.
Mr, Grant Is now mailing out In tlio
nolghjborhood or 100 news letters
per mouth consisting or Horns of
Importance. In roforenco to Marsh
flold and Coos Ray progress, These
Items aro taken from tho Coos Ray
Times and other reliable sources dur
ing tho month, Mr. Grnnt states that
jjthoro will bo a largo number of peo
Iplo from the eaBt to Marshflold dur
ing July and August. Ho Is try
j lug to get the Union Pacific Railway
, to grant a special rate to Marshfleld
during tho month of July. A few
I more earnest boosters llko this ought
, to help put Marslifleta on the map
where It belongs.
Is the morning edition which will bo
dellvored hero. When tho train ar
rives In tho afternoon tho Journals
or that morning will bo flirown off
and Immediately dollvered to any
part of the city,
Will Reach All Points.
Tho sumo arrangement will apply
to tho other cities of tho county.
Under tho old arrangements tho
Portland papers nrilved hero tw,o
days luto and It was not regarded as
worth while, under the slow mall
:8orvJco to try to mako much of an
efroit hero, hut now tho train sorvlco
nllow3 the morning edition of tho
Journal to becomo a factor in tho
local ndwspaper Held.
Tho Marshriold News Co., because
or Its superior delivery service, hrl
taken the lead In Marshflold In th!
nowspapor aud magazlno lino In a
kvory short time. The securing of tho
oxcluslvo Journal agency Is only a
forerunner or othor changes along
the samo line.
Thoro wero soven passengers
aboard tho Adeline when she sailed
tins nftornoon at 2 p. m. for Oakland.
They wore A. E. Volgt. F. E. Wil
son, Lloyd Cornwall, J. Albert -Mut-ioi..
A. Fllnk, A. Llndberg und F
W. Copeland.
Who Is Riiice
(ou img O.
Evuns? See ail
Who ls Rruce
on page (I.
Evans? See ad
Subject to tho wishes of tho elec
tors at tho primaries May 19, 1
hereby announco myself as a can
didate for Sherlfr or Coos fiountv
on tho Republican ticket. My plat
form Is brier: "EHIclency and
economy; Btrlct enrorcomont or
Myrtle Point, Oregon.
team to collect tlio tin enns aud oth
r itibblsh or the city that was not
picited up on Cleanup Day.
A voto or thanks was sent to tho
Coqulllo Commercial "club ror tho
spirit with wjilch they ato joining in
uic ranroad colobrnton.
Funeral Tomorrow Arteinoon nt 2
"'Clock From WHkoh Cli,K. ,mt
Riirlni at the Sunset Cemetery
Mrs. Julius Ilarmor, or North Yale
ima, Wush., mother or the luto L. G.
Meoks, arrived Iioro yesterday nftor
noon, just two hours after tho doath
of Mr. Meoks. Sho had heon sum
moned and made hasto to got hero
and sutrored a bovoio shock when
she arrived and round sho was too
Funcml Tomorrow
Tho funerul of Mr. Meoks will be
.iioui irom tuo Wilson chapel nt 'i
o'clock tomorrow nftornoon. Tho
con-Ices will be conducted by Rav. J.
S. Stnbbleflold nnd the burial will
bo at SuiiBot Cometery,
Horn in Canada
Lowls Grange Meeks was born at
Napaneo, Ontario, Octobor 28, 1870,
and was consequently in hla Tony
isixth year. Ho was married at Spo
kano, Wnsh.. Octobor 31, lS'JG. to
Ml mi..i n . '
uioa cuioi aawin who survives him.
He also loaves his mother, throe
brothers and two sisters, all or whom
reaiuo at isorth Yakima. A
Mr. Meeks was taken 111 during
tho holidays. He had pneunionla and
loritonitls and apparently was slow.
ly recovering but surrerod a"' relapse
.narcn so.
business here this homjoii aud Is
making preparations to tnko caro
or It.
Tho supply room will bo remod
eled nnd rearranged In a manner to
facilitate borvlco and will mako a
lurgo addition to tho parts carried.
work will bo started on this
Coquille to Falrvlow
Myrtlo Point to Coquille tj
Flytrap .
Myrtlo Point to Powers
next I Wl o is llriiro
on II.
Model 75
Roadster $!9$,bothl.o.h.1
With Electric Starter and Electric Light
Four Inch Tires
&sy Fivc-passcnjer Towing xHzsF?y
"- i nrTTmwni TTrrwwm it m
THE body design of this new OJJJJ
carries out tho latest streamlino oeij
Tho equipment compares with that of car? i
much higher in price. At tho same time
low priced car that costs very little to run
o i i. i. k.utn twn.unit staru
o uiiuii)i)i;u vviui ic Auiumw ...-
and lighting system Its rear springs w
It has
inmous cantilever type, prouuuiy ' , h
riding springs ever designed. It Iia3'"" ouat.
Win. In Rruco Evaus',
on page 0.
Sqe nil
in J
tires all around: non-skids on rear. .'"..
... ' I . . i. loinciuue
auie rims are used ana one exim - -.
Thero Is a magnetic speedometer and a u"
of tools. It Is not only a thoroughly w ' ,
., u... . ...11. i oniftteoess ol mwr
ment unheard of In cars of this price.
Call, telepbono or write for demonstratloa
Isaac R. Tower