THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916 EVENING EDITION SIX VJJ J 9 ITCU: I NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Ilov. It. O. Tliorpo, Pastor Phono 370 J. Residence 87 1 So. 7th St. cuso niitl Dcuth Roal?" Siiinliiy School, O.'.'IO n. m., In Christian Science Hall. Heading lloom open dally cxcopl Sundays ami holidays, 1 G p. in., Christian Sclcnco Hull 2.17 Third St. North. Tor .March, tiro as follows: Lola Conlt lii, George CoiikIIii, Uotiluh Conlclln, Fnyo Conklln. Thoy wore not absent i during tlio month. - ; The pupllH huvo been drawing mnpH tlio past wook. Thoy have donu very nlcoly. CyniB Parrel having Sunday School 10:00 p. in. Borvlco, 11 u. in. Sorvlcea lu North llond, Sunday, 7:45 n. in. Sunday sohool, 10 a. m, HAY PARK CHAPEL 13. II. Campbell, Pastor. I . 2:30 p. m. Sunday School. Mrs. W. II. Phillips, superintendent. No acrmoiw until after llrucu Evans' services are finished. 3:30 p. in. Sunday, Dr. Ahholt will talk. Mid-wcok prayer iiicotlng, Wed nesday, 7:30 p. in. METHODIST CHUHOir ltov. A. S. Hlsoy, Pastor. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cor. Sixth nnd Control. Victor P. Morris, Pastor Sorvlccs ns follows nt thn fllinmli corner Sixth and Control: llegulnr t rvlcos ovcrj Sunday. 10 n. in. Sunday School. 1 1 a. in. Preaching and coin inunlou. 0:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. in. Evangelistic Sermon. You nro cordially lnJtod to attend lllCBU IltlotlllgS. IN THE. -s2SSSa 8 CMO0L 8 North Bond Tho sorvlcas Sunday will bo ai follows: Sunday School nt 10 a. ra. 11:00 ft, in. Sermon, Vespor Clrclo and Epworth Longuo at 7 p. m. . FIRST BAPTIST CIIUItCH I Rov. II. 1J. FosKott, Pastor Residence, 210 Illrch Ave. Phono 123-J. A1Ico Tlckoll, church clerk. 1). II. Pntchott, Supt. Illblo School. Calendar of Services: Illblo School, 10 n. in. Morning Worship. 1 1 n. m. ltov. Foskott will speak on "Tho Mlnuto Men or tho Kingdom." Jack Thompson will slug. Evening Tho t-Miurch Joins In tho llruco Evans ovaifgollstle campaign. I). Y. P. U. meeting, 0:30 p. m. Prayor mooting, Thursday 7:15 P. m. ' drawn an exceptionally good one, tho Hvrltor thinks. Wo have Just purchased a fine now Vlclrola for our school. Ilavo also :ptirchusod a piano for tho saiuo hut ,tho very had condition of tho roads 'makes It Impossible to bring It to tho school house. On Arbor day tho patrons of the school will bring well tilled lunch baskets to tho school yard. The men folks nro most cociHully Invited to attend and bring spades mid while tho women folks prcparo dinner they will bo expected to Bpndo ground for flowers, and children's garduns etc. Annlo and Harry Hastondorff en tered school laot wcok. HOSE II. COTTLE, Clerk School Diet. 01. $ X HAYNES INLET SCHOOL X X NEWS. ' : $ Thursday availing, about eighty of tho parents mid frlondn Hacked tho iirhool house of dictrlct Number twou- i(y-slx, Hay ties Inlet, to enjoy an en tertainment given by tho scholars nnd lonelier, Miss Hilda Muneon, which News of Near by Towns .STEAMER PIPIELD PROBABLY WILL HE SAVED Tho Towor room of the high school building has been fitted up for an art studio under tho direction of Miss 'Voir., toochor of drawing. Tho room 'Is n model of good tasto for alt students of tho school ami will sup- tilv n uHittnltil lntr ntiirlpnntiiittil f.ii !. , i . i . i . . tiiPrkod tho closo of a successful vin- tbo advanced studontH In drawing i' ,nl . , , ...ri. 'Pin, jitilfirtn llittlnnl ii'iiu nnm. nnd painting who will assemble In , , L ' ,. . . , ,, . it ,.. ,....., , .,.. i ni.Jr,80 of "n1oHcs and rccitatlono . , , , . ,, Miy Inoz Lundntoii, Ellon Itclker, Ina draporlcs nro dark greon and white1.,, ... ,,, . .. ,,,,, ...... .. , , , , , ijltolkor, Wllda Fulton, Llzzta McCuI- whllo tho furniture, a part of which ',.,, . .. was mndo lu tho school shops by tho students In manual talnlug, is fin ished In cream colored enamel, flood f works of art adorn the walls. Tho expeuso of fitting up the room was borne by tho Art Department Fund. d.ator In tho year an art exhibition will ho given. Thoro Is still a chance to float tho Htcainer Flflold, It socina. Tho Imn loii Western World prints tho fol lowing regarding 'tho vessel: According to P. O. (Jonercnux, df Portland, roprcsontatlvo of tho in- fsiirnnca underwriters, who was in Handon, and loft for San Francisco, tlio steamer Flflold Is to bo pulled out to hea with tho next extreme high lido which will bo on or about the 18th of tlio proBont month A pow erful tow boat from San Francisco will nrrlvo at that time for tho pur pose. Villi' fill Hill ItfMlf'lt ' Tho work of pulling tho boat onto tho bench wan completed several days ago. Sho has bIhco been cleaned of nand and hor tanks and boilers em ptied. The holds will bo filled with casks and It is bollovcd that unless Bovero weathor conditions aro en countered nt tho tlmo tlio danger of losing tho vessol In attempting to. pull her out will be slight. Will Ho Towed South No ropnliB will bu attompted on tho hull as It Is bollovcd tho barrels j will keep her afloat so that bIio can bo towed to San Francisco and put f on drydoek, where her hull will bo repaired; hor machinery overhauled nnd various minor damages fixed. TWO ELECTED Tho Intor-clnss oratorical contest I loch, Gortrudo (Jennings, Louotto jAlunson, Mzzlo Crouch, Chnrllo Mc- .Cullocli, Edwin Johnson, Irvln Peter son, I). Potorson, Hugh HloUcr, Itu dolph Itolkor, Leonard Itclker, Albert 'ltelkor. Fluto and violin duet fy (Nelson brothers, accordion nnd violin duet by Ernest Fcrraro and Arthur McCulloch, with organ nccompanl mont by Llzzlo McCulloch, nnd sclcc- I UNITED brethren CHURCH I l0: J NORTH REND fw Mrs. R. N. Lowls. Pastor Sabbath School nt 10 n. in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. rreachlng at 11 a. in. nnd 8 p.m. Prnypr Meeting Wodnoadny ovo nlng at S o'clock. I MIP'HODIHT EPISCOPAL. .'bseph KnottB, Pnstor. - Sunday school nt 10 n. in. Epworth I.eugtio at 0:30 . in. 11 n. in. Dr. J. ,T. Abbott preaches. Evonlng -Union revival services. Special muslo both morning and evening with Ppif. Qorald Hunt direc tor of tho choir. Junior Loagtio Service Tliursday nftornoon nt 3:45. ' Prayor Mooting Thursday ovod lag at 7:30 o'clock. All nro cardlally Invited. kpihcopai. ummoii. i Fourth nud Market Streets R. E. Drowning, Rector 8:00 a. in., Holy Communion, St. Mary's ('Impel, North llond. 0 30 a. in. Sunday School. 11 a. m morning service nud set moil "Tho Pro-oiulnunco of Char ity." 7 30 p. m., evening service nnd Hornion. Children's choir. . 4 MARSIU-'IEMI PltESIlYTERIAN CHURCH j -Rov. J. S. Stubbletlold, Pastor Chno. ll, I.owry, elorK of bcssIohb A, h. Ilutz, Troasuror. Mrs. Cluis. McKulght, prostdont Woiuoii'h Auxiliary. MIbb Mary Kruso, nrgiinlBt. J, T. llrand, Supt. Sunday School. Sunday school, 10 a. in. 11 n, in., Sermon- "City l.iro." Young peoplo'H nioutlinf, 7:00 p. m. Union meeting In M. E, church. Strength." Plcaso nolo tho chautjo of hour for tho owmliiK Her1uo. Prayer inootlnjj 7:00 p. m. Thuru day. day. I UATIIOWO CIIUItCH for tho selection of representatives of tho school lu tho county contest, as held at tho high school auditori um last ovonlng before a Inrge nu- dlonco. In this contest each class wan represented by two spoakora a girl mid a boy who hud hcon so- fleeted by n series of dims contests held prior to tho one last night. As a result of tho preliminary training, last night's contest was closo and of a pretty high order for secondary schools. A fine Interest lu tho out come was manifested by tho classes and class colors and class yells wore much lu ovldouce. Incidentally the wlnnors of the contest lust evening became tuo wliiuoru of the Red Cross, Medals. Tho Pi'ugvnui 'Piano Solo Wllmn llonglaud Seniors: What came (o Slavlii .ltuth Dungan Eulogy to (im-rield William McDonald Sophomores. Ab tho Moon Arose .Gladys Crawford Tho Battle of Gettysburg Ocorgo llongoll '.I ob n llrowu Jess Franz FroHliinon: Spartleus to tho (lliidlalorn I Tholma Lyons The American Infamy Charles Doauo Piano Solo Helen House Pluno Duet ....Mario l.ui'Kdiit, Howard Kelly Piano Solo Alice Matthlsou ftlonii by the quartette Tho entire program was well reud 'orcd and would havo bcon n credit to any sehool'ln Coos county. Inez Iiiindstrom, Edwin Johnson, Jim ltelkor, Albert Itolkor and Ico tiard ltelkor havo not been Into nor Imhifiedn recitation during tho ontlre Airhool term. Tho attendance hns beou well up to tho a vera go nud tho Intorost takou ,by seholaiB nnd pm'ontfl showed their appreciation of tho manner lu which Miss MuiiBon has conducted tho .school. i' Tho Myrllo Point Entorprlso says: At the annual city election held lioro, C. A. Harrington and J. S. Wtiltnkor wcro oleeted eoiincllnicn, wiiiio Arringion wub rc-eiecieu nuan uror and Dodgo recorder. The reBiilt of tho balloting fol-, lows: For counci'lnioii, t'lireo-yenr . term C. A. Huirlngton 85, Oeo. W. Sholloy 32, J. O. Stommler CI, J. S. Whltnkor 72; for recorder E. A.J Dodgo 121, C. W. Fonsler I, Mary Richards I; for treasurer J. M. Arlington 121, Florence IIuull 1. HOW TO IIIC.UJTIKV MAItSII FIEIiD. lly Dewctl I.nsh. I A .MAKE FIRST TRIP Tho Oold Pencil Olobo Bays: t Tho first trip over tho rond bo twoon this placo and Crescent City with mi auto wa.i mndo by C. 8. amintlott In 1). M. Mooro's iFord Inst weok. He wub accompanied by Floyd Huntley, L'has. Starr, Davo and Frank Colvin, going down ono day nnd back tho next. HUSINESS CJOES SOUTH That most of the shipping to tho lower Coiulllo river Is from Sim Frauelsco Is Indicated by tho fol lowing from tho Western World: IlKAUTIKUli city Is what ev- 'l'.io fact that tho Port of Handon 'I iH Hi H 4H ft I I 'ym j& ' 1 I P R IF f (H W K I 1 I iyy ii. j w iLfl i i I IF.VAN.SI fi!-J WMIfl H H H H i !IjhmmmuI vHSHHHHRHBRHnBMnHHraeHRBKNRflHKI HHHMIHVl I I IMON ETANGEUSIIC I I 1 I . 5EKVICES ;0 1 I 1 I At A M. E. CHURCH I I m m JO(iioouii cSuj'iLiJLjiH B 3 APRHL &) silt :30 o. m. I 'I I 1 H I ' ' ll I III Tho JiuUom: Mrs. Clarence Ash. Mrs. A. J. M. Itohtirlsnu. Mrs. Itoldar lluggo, ltov. .1. S. Stuhhleriold. Mr. J. T. Rnind. The Winner: William .McDonald, '10; ltuth Dun gnu, 'Hi; first. Charles Donne, '111; Mnry Fuavone, '17; Second. Tho finrmnn-Aiuerlrnu society of Mamdifluld has upon request of the superintendent of schools mndo np- ' nllcatlon for nnd been grmuen per- NORTH HKNII !...... .... .i... i i.. .,1., ., .: ,. i iiiiBBiiiii iiy inn litih11! uifiuiiniun nuufi'sa Slurry liospilll. To 0-i ..... .. i I phono 201 wMl'h ,m Marnliflold orKania-' 8utld.iv Rorvlrnl.-lr ... r.. ..""" " ,m"' '" '" ""'" ' ...- . ... ...113., W.UV oryhody wants to llvo In. All people like to llvo In u clean healthy city and not lu a rubbish pllo. To make a beautiful city out of a dirty one you should fill nil tho sloughs that nro not of much use. And where tho dredgo has flllod Ju with viand nud shells, you could throw Homo grass seeds, so grass would grow Instead of woods. Some of tho old bouse lu tho outskirts of tho city could bo torn down or burned mid Chinatown cleaned up mid painted. The street. aro about tho most Important tiling to tho town. The people havo to help to heap tlio utieets clean; thoy must not throw npplo or oninuo pmllng or paper lu the streets, and any other rubbish. J Plant trees along the sidewalks and flowers of nil kinds, so that It will give tho city a clean smell. Ilavo largo fountains .tpoutltig Into tho air in dlfferont places. WAYS TO .MAKE .MAItSII rilil, I THE (MTV HEAl'TII"! I - ! Hy Kathryn Nicholson. . ,. la beginning to bo looked upon as the entrance to tho Coiiulllu valley territory as a whole, was amply demonstrated, by tho enormous ' amount of nupplles for nil parts oi I the valley and Curry county points j which arrived on tho Ellaboi'h tho first of the week. Wednesday morn-! lug tho up rlvor boats wcro loaded, to tho guards with a miscellaneous ( curgo of freight mid tho Central Warehouse was still plied high with goods. It Is said that during tho past winter since tho norvlco from the , iioi tli hns become uncertain, tlio ' 111'ji chants of tho lounty 'havo begun to buy heavily lu San Francisco. Tho most of this tonnage for thv up river cities Is shipped via Handon on the Kllxuhoth mid river boats, t'ho freight being cheaper that way. Ad'AINST CKJAKETTTS rvr n, in ; last mass, 0 a. m. Rotary and benediction, 7:30 iu?fm. -li OATHOMO CHURCH I .MARSHFIEM) Rov 11 J. MiDovitt, pastor; Row M. Wnlluce, assistant. Addrosa. 312 South Sixth atreet. Phono 245. Sunday Services First mass, 8 a m.; high mass, sermon and bono diction, 10:30. SWEDISH EVAXCSEMOAIj LUTHERAN CHURCH. Rov. II. F. Renuston Corner Third and Comnierclal. Rosidenco 204 Highland. Phono l) i -J. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Cervices Sunday 11 t. in. Wednesday, 8 p. in,, Auditorium Public Library. Sunday morning "Am Sin. DIb- Wio v Riuro KwiiihV See nil. pn ngo (I, OST everyone knowa many ways to make the city beau tiful the school two medals a gold and ' wonderful chntiro on account of tho bllver one respectively, for prof lei- hills, which nro covered with groons ' eiicy lu the Gorman lnutrunuo, Thee,aud shrubbery. ' Mnodals will be awarded at Com-. Ono of the things which should. inoncomont, thororora, to tliono stu-jbodono Is to paint all tho old he-uses donts in (lormaii 11 who In the Jiulu- iwhleh need It, nnd clean un tha vunls mont of tho faculty rank first nnd and streets; plant elliuhlng vinos nnd I second Ju tho class. They will ht I fiovors over unsightly stumps and1 mvnrdoil annually. fencua; liiako lawns and pl:'iit trees Eighty students lu high school along the parkings. Each city should1 ilSusllHh will ontor the good roads have at least one city park filled with I oMMy contest. As many lu tho grades .aij tlilima which a park roqulres; as. ' will ontor tho same contest for xrudofulrnlp Kroundt, troos, creeks, swings children. and n xoo. ' Tho waterfront could bo Improved ' lugs which nro beyond repairing. t SOUTH INLET SCHOOL t A the eilmnto Is so delightful. t DISTRICT NO. 61. $.l,olH wlntar mid suuunor, many vtsliruhs could be planted that would rolllnln Krwill ,ho ........ ..,, con,.,, i ' ' ' ilioiiafts where thoy do not hnvo yards I Tho pupils entitled to havo tlielr ' ,ia Havo vrtutlovr box wltlt LrlKlit j name, placed on tho roll or ,lollor,y)roa Howow. wlilrii nro ahxnya t- j tractive. I Who W Hi nee Euuis? See ad. vi, js lit nro Evans? See ml. oil ago O. on ,,.,g0 (l (Special to tli Times.) HANDON. Oro., April S. - The Mothers' Study club has applied to the city to ee that the state ilgar otto law is enforced and also (hat n city ordinance bo passed. Tin city attorney will luvo3tlgato. I Who is Hi nee i:aus? Marshlleld has. such ajiui page ll. See ad. North Pacific S. S. Co. Str. Breakwater Sails for PORTLAND TOMORROW, 6 A. M. Breakwater sails direct to EUREKA SAW FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO APRIL 10 From Smith Terminal Dock Statements For the month of March are now ready. Depositors are requested to call for them at their convenience. The First National iaok OF cos BAY Safety Plhuis Service KAHI'3 TEN CENTS City MiiiK.h North llond, Ho Ofl COMMUTATION nfl l TICKETS, $1.7.1 ZU Murslifleld-Norlh Head Auto Lino Cars ovory ton minutes from C n. in., to 12 midnight; to Smith Slough onco a dny, JeavliiK ut 11 n. m.; to Era plro thrco trips n dny. GOItST .Si KINO, lToiw. Oldest Hank in Coos County Establihheil 1SKU WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer Flanagaix (Sb Bennett Bank Mai'hhfleld, Coos County, Oregon, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 1NTEUEST IW1D ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Offkors J. V. DENNETT, President; JAS. H. ELANAOAN, Vlco Prosldont; It. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; O. P. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan b Bennett Bank OF MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Officors J. W. BENNETT, Prosidont; JAS. II. PLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashier. THE WHITE IS KING Of -nil Sowing Machines Now loented at 2CC Mnrkot to. West. P"hono klD3-J. Wo have also got big bargains in oil klndi nt used machines. All machines told on easy paymonts. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; TOM T. BENNETT, Vico Presldent; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Ti list Company In tlio State, Outsldo of Portland, Which Organized Under tho New Law. SOUTH COOS RIVER BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS loaves Mnrshflelil every df 8 Leaves head of river ut ;:io p. in. STEAMEU RrtlNHOW loaves head of river dally nt 7 ii.m. Leaves Marshneld at a p.m. For charter apply on hoard. ROGERS & SMITH, ProP . ' ... "" ! SAVE MONEY by ordering Ho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut cpnl, ton Lump coal, ton $ Or hall ton of uoth..$7 J). MUSSON, Prop Phono 18-J or leavo orders at Hllljer'8 Cigar Store PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY we Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phona 311