' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1916 EVENING EDITION FOUR h COOS BAY TIMES H. O. MALONEY, Editor Hnil Pub. DAN K. MALONEY, News Editor Official PniMjr of Coos Comity Official Piipor City of MnrsluTold. liiueiua at, tno i'oaiomco m Mtiruu field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malU ai iocond-claso mall matter. jJuhscription rates DAILY. Ono yoar ?G.OO Per month GO WEEKLY. Ono year SI. GO Whon paid strictly m nuvanco tno su'bscilptlon pilco of tho Coos Hay TlmoB Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for lz months. ! WITH THE TEA AMn TUP TRACT Til ICY TALKER Ol? HOSES. THE tlmo is at hand when tho call of tho great outdoors Is heard throughout tho land. It cqmoB from tho buib and blossoms on tlio Coos Day hills and from every spot whoro tho sunshlno from n sky of blue tempers tho chill of tho atmosphere. Somotimos tho music of tho fairies reaches into unexpected spots and cornors, oven in crowded centers. An instance of this I3 furulsltcd In n Btory from Daltlmoro that a jutlgo, after hav ing scntouccd a man to Jail for two months, lot him go homo so ho could tnko caro of his rosobushes. Tho Daltlmoro Sun gives tho Btory as follows: "Judgo, can't you inanago to fix It Bomo other way. Two months? Why, If yon sand mo up for two months, all my rose biishe3 will ho dead by tho tlmo I get out again." .t, , ,'Your roso bushos?" fluid Justice Dean, who in an amateur gardener hlmsulf. "Yes, sir. And tho-spring of tlio year is almost hero and them roso IhibIich has got to got trimmed proper or they'll dlo." Thoy talked roses, tho Justice and John. Thoy talked violets. Thoy talked iluhtlns. Thoy talked a grout variety of flowero and of soil. Tho Justice forgot how John happened to bo buforo him. Ami In (ho cud, hu toll! John to go homo and take caro of his rose hushes If tho man was a wrong-door and needed Inspiration to reform, who will cm y that this Judgo was wrong in sending his prlsouur back to tlio iohu bushos. (JOOI) EVEXIXfl. Dttlld today, thou, strong and sure, With n firm and ample base; And nsccmllug and scctiro, Shall tomorrow find its placo. Longfellow. s.ft, nrv-.-j (n ."Mira OTpa ir4 wfH u i vn?a"& Way t Railroad mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmtmmammmimmiimtitimimMMmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmm AX ODE TO SPHIXd. WORK TOR THE COMMUNITY. Ml AHSHFIIJLD inorchiiuts took lively Interest In Clcnu-up Day and mndo cousldorablo of n sacrifice to make It a success. Thoy felt amply repaid in tho good accompll3hed for tho entire commun ity. And along this lino of effort community sorvlco tho Dry (loods Economist contains this significant statement, showing what llvo bus iness mou can do In n given town: "Ton yours ago I was busy dodg ing tho shorlff and wearing my head out thinking up new excuses In roply to lotlors from my cred itors," nro the words of n grizzled merchant whoso soiling force now numbers well up in tho hundreds. "And it was," ho goos on to say, "because I, Ilka many othor mer chants, was so busy lnsldo my store, working out pluns to gut tho peo ple's mouoy, that 1 had no time to dovoto to tho Intorosts of my own community, my town, my city gov ernment. It never occurred to inu that It would holp mo It 1 helped put some money Into tho town. Tho town wiis at u stnndstlll commerc ially," ho contiuuod, "real ostato do pi eclated In value, now Industries sltlcstoppotl up, some of our ostan ll3hed enterprises began to look 6omowhoio for now Holds of activ ity. I woke up. Woko up with a start, to tho realization that not only tlio greater growth of my buslnoss, but Its very existence, was at Btake. I got busy and I got otlior niorchunlH busy. Wo all bo lUii to work for our town, Its school, its churuhoH, ita parks, its streets, Itu government tho community! And it wasn't long until wo found that wo uro working lor our own to'j(C la It tho Spring? Or nro tho birds oil wrong That play on fluto and viol, A thousand strong, - The mlnstrol galleries, Of tho long deep wood, Epiphanies Of bloom and bud. And many a silly thing That hops and cheops, And perks his tiny tall, And sidelong peeps, And flitters llttlo wing, Seems in his consequential wny To toll of Spring. Thb river warbles soft and runs With fuller curve and sleeker lino, Though all tho wiutorlackenod hedgo Twigs of unbuilding Iron shlno, And trampled still tho rlvorscdge. And, O, tho sun! I have no frloud ns geuorous as this sun, Thnt conies to moot mo with his big warm hands. And 0, tho ky! . . . As tlio puro kiss of greening willow atands -Against the Intense pnlo bluo Of this aweet boundless overarching waste. Richard Lo (ialllonuo. QUESTION' I'OR THE DAY. O i And what has becomo of tho old fashioned pewter cruett containing salt, popper, vluegur and mustard bottles that used to stand In the center of tho table? "Off with the old lovo and on with tho now," Is so apt an adngo that ofton credit Is overlooked whoro credit Is due. Tho first toot of tho first train to Coos Hay swept from mind almost In an instant the fact that thoro ever existed any other mode of getting In and out of tho hitherto "Hermit Kingdom." With tho coming of tho railroad, tho beach stages simultaneously be came toltcs of tho past. Hut they "have played on Import ant part, and have played it ns host they could, .in bringing Coos Hay into tho limelight. 'Unhiio Section. Nowhoro olso in tho United States perhaps has a section ns largo as Coos county flourished as It has without tho aid of steam tralii3. Tlmo and agnln visitors have gono away from hero, taking with them wlord and exciting talcs of how thoy 'had been way off down to Coos Hay on a stago and enmo back allvo" and thereafter liavo recounted nd vciiturcn made oven maro ozcltlng in tlio tolling, of how tho wind blow Umptiua to Winchester Hay, also thoy woro in uso between Jnrvls Landing and Empire. Steamer .Itiucuti Cimii'. Hut shortly nfter tho now run was started, the old steamer Juneau was bought for service on tho Ump- 0.ua. Before this It had boon run ning on the Coqultlo and Coos Hay mid another speed notch was added to tho lino. Up until 1897 this trl-wedkly service persisted, but business then I had Increased so that the stago wont through six times n week. Hut' then again tlio speed god of tlio 20th contury urged his point audi automobiles inado their first ap peal anccB ns bench stages. Heavy ."Machines Kail. Heavy machines proved an 111 use ccss in tho sands. A Cadllas, tho englno of which Is now In tho boat Cadillac belonging to Capt. Hermann Edwards, mired In crossing Ton Mllo crook and was rescued only after days nnd when thoro was llttlo elso to 3Uvo' but tho englno. In oarly 1015 a Ford machine North Pacific S. S. Co. Str. Breakwater Sails for PORTLAND TOMORROW,, 6 A. M. Breakwater sails direct to EUREKA SAN FRANOISC0 SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO APRIL id From Smith Terminal Dock tho ocean roared, tho sand swept mired In the sands -of this samo Tho chilliest Coos Hay people nsa those who uro nil wrapped up In themselves. Whon they got around to award ing tho bluo ribbon for tho cham pion liar, "Hog your pardon" uud "oxciibo mo" will bo tied for first place. Wo all uso both expressions a thousand times a your, and wo do not moan either of them ouro. WUKP! A soldier of tho sultan was freezing on tho plains, Ills tummy It was empty and yot It wan full of pains. Said ho: "I'm sorry I loft homo, for all 1 know Is woo. Tnko mo haok to dear old Xxzomycz- xwpycuxzpyczyp, dear old 7.x- zcmyczxwpyciicxzpycxzzyp on tho Zxo!" HETOHA! How flno tho weather Is right now, With bettor times and tho S. 1. train, Coos Hay lian a placo In tho sun, I .vow, With uovor n cloud or n drop of rniu. Anon. by In blnsts and tho cars plowed through tho spray lit a drenching rain. Hut ovon then, there woro not always cars. Thcso woro modern conveniences and oven Into comers can distinctively reinoinbor tho wa gon stages. i Singes Ciiiiiu Early. As to how long wagon stages have been running Into tho Coos Hay country well oven tlio oldest Inhab itant would have to think might; hard as ho scratched his head and flgurod back thruogh tho decades. At any into, In 1S78 thoro was n wagon ntngo once a wcok to Coos Hay, coming through with the mall and what passengers thoro were, to Port Orford. Tho Hun wa3 owned by Al Rood, undo of Warren Reed, of Reodsport. dipt. Cornwall Cjiuio. About this samo tlmo N. J. Corn wall, now wo call him Capt. Corn wall, cunio'to Hurdliior from Ten nesson. Ills old friondfl say that ho was a "tolerably husky lad," with good health and llttlo else. He liked tho country and decided to Rtny. About tho tlmo ho had fltudlod up and secured u certificate to teach, ho wan offerod u Job of driving tlio stago to Coos Hay, and ho accoptod. Capt. Cornwall stayed with this selfsame Hue until Tues day of this week, whon for nil tlmo tho steam cars put tho routo out of busliinss. liotight I'Yoni AI. Reed. For tho noxt four years, Capt. Cornwall drove the stage and in 1882 ho went In with Fiotl Jnrvls mid bought out tho line from A! Iteod, securing at tho samo tlmo a trl-wookly mall contract south from Cinrdlnor. Row boats up to this date woro ii3od In taking passongors down tho WILL VISIT COLLEGE It doos not tnko much to satisfy you If you nro satisfied with yourself. PIXK TIMIIKIt .MAP. FROM tho state forostor'g office, the Times has received a copy of u lingo soellouul map of Orogon. it is tho most coiiiprohon sivo thing of tho kind applying to this state that has over buou got ten out ami slioUK thu timbered and noii-timbured lands, road, ut roams nnd trails. Kor thoso who wish to gain Information of this kind, the mail la of grout value. It Is not for gouoral distribution, but has boon given out for school use mid to some of the newspapers in tho state. Homo copo woro made to ho sold for five dollar each. A Coos Hay woman who prides hoifcolf on "always speaking hor mind" seldom has much of a mind to speak of. NOT SO .MUCH. Now York financiers nro doing a lot of talking about a check for $ i:t.r,:!S, t ;t l.or. thoy had tho other day. When you leally Mop to think about it, ?i:i.ri:i.s,i:u.or is not so very much in fact It's nothing to the oilltnr of the Coos Hay Times. DRAIN ABOLISHES BILLIARD HALLS crook, oozing entirely out of sight except for tho top, nnd 110 days Inter, by means of a Jury-rigged derrick, was brought up, ropnlrcd and put back Into service. (.'orM nnd Kinney Enter. Associated with Capt. Cornwall In tho stago business woro (5or3t nnd Kinney, who ran tho auto stages between hero and tho Uuipiiun. j wncu tno railroad came down tho SltiBlaw u ntngo wns put on up to Florenco. Famous Steamer Eva. On tho Umpo.ua tho stcamor Eva rroplacod tho Juno ninny yoara ngo and now Is In use, transferring pas fiongon ueross the river from ono trnln to nnothor, starting only Wed nesday. TIiIh boat was bought In 1801, about tho time that Capt. Cornwall, W. P. Jowett mid O. 11. Hlnsdalo organized the Drnlu-Coou Hay Stngo company. Engineer v Years. For sovonteen and a half years, Frank Hngablrd Iiub boon onglncor of tho Eva and for hotter man ton years, his brother, Capt. Honry Sag- ablrd, has been aboard tho samo craft. Tholr Service lias boon steady and officiant. Frank Sogablrd. in talking with frlonds tho othor day, figured that ho has mndo no less limn r.,000 trips with the Eva. All Xmv Is Passed. Hut tho auto stages and tho dan- goes they liavo ofton faced aro past liapponlngs of but a fow days and aro easily ronieinbored while tho "board walk" from Jnrvls Landing a milt) or more to tho hard ocean houch has long ago been called famous. Tho stngM nro gono, tho beach routo no moro, und tho rnilroad horo, but tho story of nil that has gono before is a mighty Important chnptor in Coos Hay history. HELPS SOCIALISTS FARE TEX GENTS City Limits North Itcnd, fio nn commutation qn . TICKETS, $1.75 , Mnrshfleld-North Heud Auto Lino Cars ovory ton minutes from C a. m., to 12 midnight; to South , Slough onco u day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Em pire thrco trips a day. fJORST & ICING, Props. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer Statements For the month of fVU-L w mmen skaj. i n-v c now ready. Depositors are requested, call for them at their convenience. ' Nat Th First mm of coos bay Safety Plus Sen-vice l.f.... 1....... t r .. t. . . '-stalilislicd jjjg Flanagan (i& Beiiett Bank Mnr.shflcld, Coos .County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 JiVii;m;sT paid o. time AXI) SAVIXG9 DITOSITS Of floors J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN ' n 1'rosldont; R. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; Q. p. WINCHESTEI Assistant Cashier. THE WRITE IS KING Of nil Bowing Machines Now located at 2G(5 Market aro. West. Phono 1D3-J. Wo havo also got hlg bargains In nil kinds of used machines. All machines told on ensy payments. SOUTH COOS RIVER 110AT SERVICE ' TjAUXCII EXPRESS leaves Mnrshfleld every day H a.m. Leaves head of river nt iU'.U) p. in. STEAM i:H HA-f.VHOW leaves head of river dully nt 7 a.m. Leaves Mnrshnclri at U p.m. For charter apply on hoard. ROdERS Ai SMITH, Props. Flanagan (b Bennett Bank Or MYRTLE POLNT Capital ' $25,)0 Otflcors J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANA0AN, VIw President; L. M. SUPJEE, Cnshlcr; L. T. DEML'NT, AnliUtt Cashier. l Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. B13NNETT, President; TOM T. DENNETT, Yl Presldont; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Socretary; DENNETT SWAN TON, Trcasuror. Tho Only Trust Company In tho Slate, Outsldo of Portland, Which Organized Under tho New Law. Scandinavian-American lank WHERE SAVINGS ARK SAFE WE INVITE YOU TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THIS B'ANK TODAY $1.00 STARTS THE ACCOUNT SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 HOURS 9 TO 3 Portland Nowl.paper Men to Ho fiucstM n I Eugene nUCIHNE, April 7. II. L. Pillock, publisher of tho OrcKoulan, nnd Ed Kiir R. Plpor, odltor of the OroKouinn, havo accepted tho Invitation of tho school of JourmillHiii of tho Univer sity of Oregon to he Kiiosta of tho In stitution nt n date In the lattor part of April. Tho Hplrlt of the occasion will ho In rocoBiiltloif of Mr. Pittouk ns pioneer puhllshor of the Northwost and rop rosantntlvo of tho traditions nnd nchlevomonts of Orogon journalism from tho very hoKlnnliiK. Mr. Pillock and Mr. Plpor will In- hjpoct the practical work of the Hchool of Journalism uud meet and talk with tho students. A luncheon will ho arranged at which ho visit ing newspapormon can moot othor momhors of tho Unlvorslty faculty. DHFIXK PERFECT .MAN Tailors Slo Measurements Which Should Ho .Met I ST. l.i such a I OUIS, April 7. Thoro Is thlm?, after nil tho Idonl Question Decided nt Election uml Major Rush Elected to Another Turin man. DRAIN, Ore., April 7. Tlio ordln- Delegatus to tho convention of the unco abolishing pool and billiard os-'ntloual Association , of Merchant ablluhments, roforrod to th. po.pl' by tho council, was carried by a vote or 100 to rl, in tho annual city olec-f, linn IiihI linlil linrn. ' Mayor Rush was oloctcd without pounds; chest. 8S inchas; waist H3fc npoHitlou uud two now councllinen, ' inches; hips, II !!', Inelios; thigh, -1 T. V. Edwards nnd George- Rice, ,..,.,.. ,,nif i i u. inches. Tho bond Tailors hero defined his ns follows Twenty-four to 25 years old; & ftoot, S Inches tall; "wolght, 1ISV4 About tho only tlmo some Coos Bay men haven't any holos In tholr sooks 13 whon they wash tholr feet and go down town to buy a new pair of siloes. woro also unopposed. II. E, Ensign nnd L. E. Now ton nro holdover ccincllinon. War Has Hi-ought Them Moro Favor in Iterlln IBr AtutliV; fttu to Coot ny Tlmn.J 11ERLIN, Apr. 7. It appoars that ono offoct of tho war will ho to break tho taboo against Socialists in ex ecutive positions of city governments. Just now the city of Chnrlottonhurg has installed n Socialist ns mi unpaid momher of tho council, or executive authority of tho city, Frnnkfort-on-tho-Mnlu has gono still further by electing Dr. Lludoniann, of Stuttgart, n former membor of the Reichstag, to a paid position on its govorniim hoard as a specialist In municipal govornuieiit. ADVERTISED LETTERS List of advortisod letters remain ing in tho Mnrshfleld, Oregon, post offlco for tho weok ending April &, HUG, Persons calling for the same will plpaso sny "advertised" and pay ono cent for each letter called for Anderson, Androw. Carter, Hill. Crocker, Mrs. Mary. Enos, .Mrs, C. E. Onrrouo, Tom. Hnlstoad. T. J. K&lsoo, Will. Lund, Miss Lena. Nichols. Elliott S. Phillips, Miss Louise. Rice, Jim. HUail M'LEAN, P. M. HAS CONFERENCE Colonel llnusu VUlt.s President Wll" j,on Today lllf Awa MIoJ I'rw to Cot IUt Timet ) WASHINOTON, D. C, April T. J. HOAIPB $ V II. DODflINi should nionsuro one olghth of body, and tho calf, tho uppor arm at tonston and nock should Iiuyj npp-Umatoly Colonol 1ola0 wUo jnvoatgated th. the same liieasureiuenta. i subiunrliu and other Issues abroad . ' for tho President, came to tho White 1 ' '"'" ' '-ii5 House again today for tho third tlmo sinco his rceont return from Europe Marshfldd MslBL&E .........- I.1....I !olf Mro A W Wnsnn. fiRO IlJlHll.-B rUIUID.ICU IlltlVJf. IIII. ,ww... oHuf l-hooo Ud-R. 4 DECORATING CO WEAVING All kinds a spec- Uo confoneil tins afternoon wmi .' ...i..., inlfv Mrs W W. Wnsnn. 6S0 Resident Wilson and Secvolary Lau- Mrshfi6la, orejiofi i2th Courtli. So. Phone 220-Rl ftoivthotconferonco. Lansing refused to maKo a statoment. HAVE THE ROOF. FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phon 3171 WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo bus It nt 81.00 and $2 ensh per load. Garbage remov ed. Phono 17-.T. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L Houseworth, Physician and Surgco Office: Irving DIock. Office hours: 11 to 12 m. m.j a u t nnd 7 to 8 p. in. Phones: Office 11.1-J; Re's., 14K-L J. M. Wright Phono 188-V DDILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear nnd Throat Specialist GLASSES FITTED Phono SUP-J. Rooms 200-201 Irving Block. OR. MATTIE 11. SILVW. Physician and Sureoa Phono 81S0-J. H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Coke Dldg. Phone 14BO Residence Phone 3Q3-L W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Bulldlni Mnrshfleld, Oregon. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, top ,....$5.50 Or hall ton of both.. 9 1.75 11. MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders nt lHIUor's Cliinr Store DRY WOOD at Campbell's Woodyard Norlh Front St root Phono 08-.T INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agem '""MMW"MMWWMMMWW"MM"V1.l Abstracts For rollnblo Abstract of TltlJ Information nboiit COOS D.U BLW ESTATE, soo Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfleld nnd Coquillo City, Oregon. General Agents Eahtsldo nnd Sciigstnckcn's Addition. Special attention pnld to assessments' mid payment of ! HENRY BEXGSTACKUN, Monnger. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient bervi COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY - !! !.-... I , . . ,., .. , .,.. . p lf- ' 1 ggjl GRAVEL' . .-. nntR1, We are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL n "' ,ceJ trom pilo in our yard or. in carload lots, t following v From'pUo ou ground, ?3,7B per yard. . er jtii Oinoad lots, taken from cars, " Rtall I)eprtmejit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mffj Opposite PosOffico. F.YPRRT WF.I.niNfi of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings m like new . DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phnnr. 1RH-I. "uIl" l iT ' .. V