The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 07, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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The Central Avenue Booster
" u
OBKlTtAIi AVENUE, I'll! DAY, APIMI, 7, 1010.
NO. 82.
Special t
iiu: '! i'"
niwiiy aimed 1,:
.in, ih:i( our riisKini-
r.-u Wb
.rploslfl.".". Theyunou'nml'np-
Oono Crosthwuitu Ih willing to nd
nilt that lulmcco Ih everything bail
thut Ih said of It, hut ho writes this:
Tobacco Ih u dirty wood,
,. I lllto it.
l Hatlsflotl no normal need,
1 Uko It.
It tnuko!) yon thin, It makes you loan
It tukon the hair right oTf your bean,
It'tT tho worat darn stuff I've over
' scon,
I Uko It.
' In n back Htreot In Sail Diego, Util.,
rtnhabltod principally by sailors and
ii...,...iiiliiii Srr- 'flHhormon, tho following sign niuy
iwili'l" 1"" Um pooll I,, tl kitchen window: "Sail
. orn' vlluln cooked hero."
' , u ,.,,, I SMIhrMA-WlHIiK
i im "Tho ,',IU K'm,,H Bn"s l,1 "iiklo was
(1,fm!MN ami '' """" placed between tho fool and the kneo
... .... .tliirli himh lor (lie, to kcoi the calf from llio corn
M"1"""' SM1I,I3.,-WIIII,I3
tol In pioMill'Hon M'lvlcf.
Published 13 cry Friday in the Inter
cMu of Coos liny hi Gonornl mid
Ccntrul Aiciiue In inrticuliir.
Rntered nt the PoatoMco as strictly
Mrat-CInssj matter; there Is nothing
Socoiiil-Clusa about Central Avenue.
Subscrl)tlon Price. Your good will,
and membership In tho Hooster Club
L13AX-UP day was one grand
success. It didn't draw Its
grandeur from Imposing num
bers. Hut it didn't lmvo to. The
llower of Coos Way's citizenry was
on baud with all kinds or clean-up
weapons. Tho stalk, leaves nnd
other larger portions of Coos Hay's
cltlzonry loft on tho train for north
CKNTHAIj avkxuk jottixus i
' Fire Chief Helped. Dan Keating,
Tlrochlof, helped tho Central Avenue
clonn-up gang. Ills ailvico hs to
hvhoro to build fires was Invalu
Came In Handy. 13x-Mnyor Alton
found uso for all tho executive
fii'ir iit.ftn.vt..
One Street. One Flag, One Country. k points, or thought of something jnljillly 1,u ,intl developed whllo may.
.. ..uumijiie wuo at a time...
To no Hood.
More Huslnncs
they hnd "plumb forgot," that had
liurill joiir-icM-ilp(lonw.
J.'raiilc H. Cohan.
In order to mako a good front
HO,mo Coos Hay people put everything
on their backs.
fin-: six nrxmti!i)
Tho convenience nnd profll of
I Times Want AN will bo demon-
..flic Sqiillili Slmo" f MursliflfM.! Htnifoil by a trial
7,1 Ccnlrnl Awiiuo.
Phono iir.lM.
Oregon's Greatest Fishing Resort
Ten Mile Lake
A Fl I.I. I.IM3 OF
Green Vegetables
end Fresh Fruits
r'luil today on the steamer Hionkwnlcr, bringing to (IiIh Ktoro of
finh' CU'D thing (ho mailed affords in crisp nppetl.lng t.'nrtlen
'l Otxltunl IVtMlufis. All tho Htaiiduid llnu of foot! products
'"lulling (lie r s HUKCII- Xl'T IIIIAXDS may ho found hero at
all (line.
""Ilur shipment r (lt, itASTIJXnOIJF POTATOKS tho kind
"" ,m' l",t' 'ry and mealy. AIm a now hlilpaiciit or repacked
Fancy Yellow Newton
Apples . . $1.25 per box
Samtary Food Store
'HO.VIJ 2.'t
(Formerly Xaslmig's CJnicery.)
'J-t!,a0 J,,,,t Ult ," a s,ork of t,,c Hniious McOraw Tlies, mndo
JllliM !arRC,t ' tiro mill tube factory la tlio world. VAIA'KS,
l) ic "," ?,,,VI( 'I IS CJl 'UlANTKKO 111 Tlll-i .n.i !."
h. a wj, , luiiiifciiiiiMifu mi tho snot. Coino la and
" kliow jo,,.
Marshtield Hardware Co.
Broa.i,. lno "est In tho Hurdwuro lino.
r0aJay nlltl Ccitr(I Avcnuo
Phono ai
to bo dono on tbnt very day. A
number of others showed their zeal
by dashing around tho city In auto
Mobiles, as though they wero so glad
tho town was being cleaned up that
they Just couldn't hold In. ,11m Mont
uomcrv did a graceful tblim hv hunt-
WIIHX wo wrote this poem In 'fag up u young lady friend that had
In ndvanco, wo supposed tt camera, and cheering tho boys up
thero would bo no less'tban by taking thoir pictures. Must have
six hundred loyal and eager citizens soma advertising Idea up his sloovo
vu i HiiuW up on tlio clcan-u') for tho telephone company. 13 very
nngauo. when tho brlgado actu
ally showed up. wo found wo bad
used too many cyphers. Ilowovor.
Vo couldn't think or how to changolcaptalns woro going to show up. It 01lt
'it, and proRorvo tho rhymo, nnd Do- Boomed ns If thoso who bad not been ostl'
or, In directing tho cleaning up of
South Marshfleld. Ho hud a good
efficient crow and they built n3
ninny bonfires ns anybody.
Shoulder to Shoulder. A. K. Peck
and .John C. Kendall showed up with
tho Central Avcnuo cleaning gang
Wednesday and worked like a couplo
of horses, thus giving tangible ex
pression to their never flagging zeal
for tho people's Intorcst.
sm i m :-a-wi 1 1 1,1 :
loved an Allhl. A lot of Coon
3. ALU13RT MATSOX Is nblo to ho
around today.
SM 11,13-A-W I II 1,13
CIKOnaiO ItOTNOU worked himself
nearly to death Wednesday.
SMI 1,13-A-WII 1 1,13
FItAXK HOItTOX, worked hlmsolf
nearly to death Wednesday,
1JI3N FISHI3II pretty nearly ruined
his pitching arm Wednesday toss
ing logs.
hadn't tho heart to refuse to hlro
him for tho afternoon, sending
word to i'.io gnn boss to bo suro
tho man worked till six o'clock.
SMI 1,13. A-Wl 111,13
Fred McClees says there 1b a fol
low up on his shoot who has fallen
tinit with his girl nnd tho poor guy
1b now nblo to savo about $2 a
Is sometimes as necessary as a city cleanup A
Clean Typewriter is one of the essentials to cffic
lncy. That is our business. Let us call for and
clean yours. You will he pleased and surprised at
the work.
onn fieemed to bn trvlni? to iln Ills.
little share, way, anyway. (a clt,e"8 BCcml1 t0 ,,nv0 tl10 M
At first It looked as If only tho uml worK ,s "ogrnuing. uy going
oiu on mo irain NveonuBiiay moy
hllshcd an alibi so that In caBO
sides, six hundred nro about ns fow appointed to official positions woro ,tll0' wcro n('c1B0'1 f having dono
im you can uso In n nootn of this iu.nvn.iMi.mi u n.,.1 Wnm..'i poIi.i? manual moor iney couui maivo oui
i " ' i
nature If you want to put grandeur to respond, lleforo long, however,
into It, ns wo lmvo dono with tho recruits began to appear, and much
Help of ono of our predecessors In valunblo timo wns spont In cheering
YOU can find all the modern conven
iences and comforts at the TEN
Lakeside, Oregon
""iWMMtt Mf iW MM ""W'MW
the poetry lino.
Half a block, half a block,
jl Isilf a block onward,
All In the tin cans ami mush
Charg'd tho six hundred.
"Forward tho light brlgado,
ISroop up the cans," ho inld.
Into the heaps of debris
I Pluug'd tho six hundred.
"Forward tho light brlgado"
Was thero n man dismayed?
No, for tho hereon know
Filth must bo plundered.
Their not to mind If ciisn,
J'rhelr'H hut to bite tho dust
'clean tho old town or bust,
jluto tho tangled inasn
I.u'ug'd tho six hundred.
i Microbes 'to right of thorn,
I. Microbes to loft or them,
JMIcrohCH'lu front of them
Wriggled and wondered;
Woldly thoy faced tho worms,
tCarod not for foyer germs,
Into tho Jaws of death,
Straight towards tho hospital
iviuliit.l Din ftlv hundred.
I """
FlashM nil thoir woapoim biro,
I'li.w.vlo'i nnil nxas there.
jRbovels flow everywhoro,
dubbing tho Juukhoaps whllo
All tlio town vondor'd;
.'I'lung'd through tobacco smoke,
H leaps. Into hoiiClros brokoj
' Pond bred InoBqiilto
iteol'd rroin tho clean-up Htrolro
ISIiattor'd and sundor'd.
Then thoy inarched back again,
I Tired six liuudrod.
Typhoid to right or tliom,
.yyphold to loft of thorn,
Typhoid In front of tliom,
' Perils unniiniber'd;
(Smeaivd up with mud nnd grlmo,
'JJrub'd up with muck and sllmo,
Thoy that had dono their timo
v Cnino back to town again,
(Hack rroin their task Bubllmoj
All that was left of them,
1 Loft of six hundred.
When can their glory fndo
(Oh, tho wild chargo thoy mndo
I All tho world wondered.
Honor tho play thoy inailo-
each now arrival, and trying unsuc
cessfully to conscript somo citizens
who woro trying to find a unlet
street to snenk down, and gut by.
Hut thoso who wcro finally mo
bollovcd foil to and did the work of
twlco thoir number. Ah a result,
tho city looks today as If It woro
bursting with clvlu pride, and tho
smoko from tho purifying flros is
still visible, whllo Btrotchco of tho
town that looked but yostcrday Uko
thoro had been a railroad wreck
closo by present today smooth, clean
areas that aro good for boto eyes.
Wo ought to follow up this suc
cess by a steady, determined process
of keeping ovorliiBtlngly nt It, ono
and all, to sea that what Is cleaned
Is kept clenn, und wbnt wasn't "got
round to" la yot cleaned. A big Btnrt
lias boon mndo, and It will bring big
results, ir wo only keep It up.
SM IT,13-A-WH 1 1,13
a good cose.
SM 1 1,13. A-W 1 1 1 1.13-
Kumv It. Ought to Ho Done.
Quito u number of peoplo, observing
Ktho elenn-up gang on Contrnl Ave
nue, remarked how n number of
things might ho dono moro easily
and effectively by tho adoption of
better methods than tho workers
woro iiBlng. If you will notlco hucIi
pooplo as those aro novor doing any
work thoinijblvosj Thoy lot other
folks do nil tho work, niid then kick
lit tho way thoy do It.
Historic Hiilns Destroyed. Ono
cltion was said to bo Irate becauto
ono or tho clonn-up gangs burned
down what Httlo wob lort of n hoiiao
Hint wob practically destroyed by
flro Bomo timo ngo. Tho only rcn
boii wo cun think of for anybody talc
ing exception to It Ib that this conti
nent Is n little short or nnclont
ruins for tho gnzo of tourists. They
don't nppreclnto hucIi thlngH In tills
co-iiitry, though, nnywny.
. SM 1 1,13-A-WI 1 1 1,13
FU13I) K. 0I3TTINS hns both arms
tied up In bandages. Fred U
used to working with Instruments.
Die. T0Y1-J gavo valunblo asststnnco
In cleaning up tho town. Ho took
chnrgo or tho North I.ako dla-
' trlct, returning on tho train at
four P. M.
r smii,i:-.v.wim 1,13
JOHN MI3HCIIANT proved hlmsolf
n mighty worker. Ho didn't got
in lino till afternoon, nnd tho rest
of tho gang saw nt onco that If
they could only have had him In
tho morning, they could hnvo ta
ken turns nt loafing.
SM 1 1,13-A- W 1 1 1 1,13 1
.101IN KIONDAblj worked nil foro
noon, hut ns ho wns going to work
nftor lunch ho met n poor chap
who wns nut of n Job, nnd Just
' L I in i
NCI3 upon n time, (this Is not n
fairy story) thero was poet
of tho iinmo or Longfellow,
nnd ho wrnto u beautiful Httlo poom
about nn nrrow nnd a song. Tho
gist or tho poom Is, or was, that tho
urrow wont "fluey'; nnd wns novor
found again, hut tho song struck
Into tho heart of a friend and nestled
thorn unto ntornlty, or somothtng.
onco upon n timo, a Jluglo rliymster
saw tho Longfellow poom und hero
hi what it Inspired In him;
I shot an arrow Into tho air, It
fell to earth, I know not where; hut
a neighbor said that It killed his
calf, and I had to pay him six und
n hnir. I bought somo poison to
kill tho rats, and a fellow swSro that
It slayeil his cats; and rather than
argno across tho fonco, I paid him
(four dollars asd fifty conts. Quo
tilght 1 sot sailing n flro balloon,
jind liopod It would soar till It
reached tho moon; but tho candlo
foil on ii farmer's straw, and ho said
I must aottlo or go to law. And
Hint Is tho way with tho random
shot, It novor hits In tho propor
spot; nnd tho Joko you spring, that
Danger Aveili'd. Thoro was
(inlto a good deal of doubt and con-
ruslon in tho minds of tho down
town nloun-up mnnngors as to Just
which buildings ought to ho pulled
down nnd which ones ought to ho
loft standing. It wns found In a
niimbor of Instances, Just nH tho
commltteo stnrtod to Hro or pull
down buildings, thut thoy woro oc
cupied, and bringing good rout. No
arrests hava boon nmdn today, so
evidently no sorlous mlstnkes cropt
i SM 1 1,13-A-WI 1 1 M3
. - ii. - . II. i1.A.. ntniinill
Homo from llio Aoriu muy .,..,. m ,..., ,.. ,nV lnttV a
Whllo tho first train wont through nd n Bomefo,,ow.B llcart.
Thoy stay d and women, um jumt
:;ohlo six liuudrod.
,pjave You Noticed
Our Newly Deco
rated Quarters?
Shados of Longrollow, but this
Is going somo, oven for a parody
SMii,i3-a-wii n,i3
Speaking of tho big Increaso In
tho prlco of drugB rocontly prlntod
In Tho Times Will Chandler the oth
er day In "Tho Owl," slipped mo tho
following whllo Frank Cohan wasn't
It's sweet and very fragrant, too,
And cool nnd clean as morning dew; ,ookln
You'll find no matter whero you nro; i' . , . , . . , Into
Tho 131, HOI-TAN is mo uusi ciijui.ia (,rl Btoro to hnvo ft j,rescrlptlonJ LflVcliinl Dlhgaiso. a ausiy
. .1 ! . 1. .... ..1 ....II.. --.I
Wo have, however, ninny otheis,
and among theso cholco woeiN'oii
conts," said tho
aro coilnln to find ono that Mill i flrugglst na ho wrapped up tho hot
Tho old gentleman took a well
vorn purso from his pocket, opened
It, and laid a nlcklo on tho counter.
"I said Bovonty-flva conts," yelled
(-tho druggist.
"Well," said tho old man, "didn't
I give you tho rivo cents?"
"Dog-gone you!" said tho drug
gist as ho swept tho nlcklo Into tho
cash drawer. "I mado two conts on
you anyway."
SM 1 1,13-A-WI 1 1 1,13
plensu jour tnsto nntl JiiM in jour
Voiir favorite perlodlcid, also.
' , guiiio or billiards ir it pleases
j on.
,,, 1 ilCii.
'ccno Crosthwalt Jim Kellond
Ficd McClees.
Dlt. W. A. T0YI3,
Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 6.
Iloom 201, Irving Hldg.
Central Avenue. Murshfleld
Worked nt Home. A good many
citizens, thinking that thoir owi
premises furnished tho beat field ror
a beginning, worked quietly nt homo
Wednesday, In fact, they managed
to maintain a quietness even great
er than thoy aro usually credited
with. It was good work, anyway.
Ought to Hnvo ii Medal. 1). I..
Ilucklnghnm mado ft recorit In Fcrn
dalo WodncBdny. Ho wns foroman,
work gang, team and scrapoiB, tlmo
keopor nnd general innnnger nil at
onco. Ho mndo boiuo showing, too.
lie desorved tho thnuks of the com
muiiltj', ospoclnlly of his section of
It; hut ho'll bo lucky ir somebody
doesn't suo him for damagti, for
removing flrowood or othor portable
valuables that was on property that
belonged to him.
Unusual Foresight. Ono Coos
,Ilay citizen, who owns a lot Iiuh
tin old Bhnck Btandlnir on It which
hooks llko It ought to bo pensioned
And rotlred, was nppronchod by tho
tommlttco with a request Hint thoy
to allowed to sot It nflro. Ho stutod
that ho would gladly consent but
that ho wanted to uso tho lumber
in It to build a gnrngo. lloro'B roro
.sight ror you. Kvoryono elso has
thought for twenty yeara that this
liouso ought to bo dlsponsod with but
tho owner wns longheaded enough
lo forsoo a demand Tor gnrnges ovon
hororo thoy woro Invented, nnd will
how reap tho reward of his fore
sight. And yot somo peoplo wonder
why thoy don't get ahead,
SM I I.u-A-WII I Li:
looking citizen, In ovoralls and Jump
ers, qulotly Jolnod tho Central Avo-
nuo clean-ups Wednosdny and wont
to work. Quito n prominent cltlon,
thinking some appreciation ought to
bo shown, spoke to him courteously
and said: "I don't know you, but
you nro all right, and wo nppreclnto
your hooking In with us. Do you
live In Marshfleld?" "Oh yes,' nn
awered tho mysterious worker, 'I
live In that house right over thoro."
"Como ofr now," said the other,
'you don't either; that's Mayor Cop
pio's house." "Well," answered tho
unassuming strangor, "I my not
look It, but I'm Mayor Copolo.'
. SMIM3.A.WHir,I3
John Ferguson wnntB to know:
"Why aro young ladles kissing cucli
othor llko an emblem or Christian
ity?" llecauso they aro doing unto
oacli other as thoy would men should
do unto them.
TH 13 NF.W
$ 12.50
l'lnjs Victor, Columbia, oV
any 1(1 or ItMucli disk:
iccordi, Como In and hear
(I'ormcrly Frlzcen'M)
Wo deliver nay niagiulno
or crl(Mllcal on dnto of
Ihsuo i: :: :: ::
If it isn't an ANSCO
it isn't the best
$2.00 to $55.00
Films and Developing
220 Central Avenue Marshfleld
You Want Good Insurance
Thfat's tho kind I write. Prompt adjustments of
all losses.
Fire, Life, Accident and Casualty.
Have Just added to my Hue ono or tho lending llvo.stock in
hiirauro companies I ij tho United 'States.
E. I. Chandler
Coko lliilldlng
Teach Your Children to
Save Money
It's the First Step in the
art of getting ahead. See
that they have a Savings
account IN THIS BANK
First National Bank $
nnd CONTINUOUS WKf.CO.M 13. Von can't entertain prosper
Uy, an j body, or enjoy lire properly jotu-hclr unless you have inttsjo
In the homo.
Thomas Music Company
Consolidation or Wiley 11. Allen nud W. It. Haines Music Stocks
1)11 Central Avenue.
SuHnday Dirarner
Chamidleir Hotel
The Hub of
a good mhxu Central Avenue
- . i ill i up Milling -"
fkmmk iasli airndl Angel Cake
Saturday and Sunday at
Central Avenue Don't Forget the Light Lunches
1 1
. y