SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES. MAKSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1916 EVENING EDITION. Central Ave. Hub -:- Correct Dress forMen and Boys Why we Sell Styleplus Cloth THERE'S A REASON We believe in the policy behind them. The manufactunrs specialized on this suit of one never changing price. They cut down costs and with the savings put in better fabrics and bet ter tailoring. are the result of centering a business upon ONE IDEA and excelling at it. That brings vol ume. And volume makes it possible to do busi ness at low profit. ALL WOOL FABRICS, SKILFUL TAILORING, e S $17 aTyiepiusiy Clothes " "Th some price the world over" GUARANTEED WEAR FOR $17 See this week's Sat urday Evening Post and our Central Avenue Window Display FIRST TRAINS MOVING TODAY (Continued from Pago 1) HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. FOUR STORES: Marshfield Myrtle Point Powers Banclon arshfield's First Railroad! H'-V; - iA i ... nW BNHHNIHIHraHiraiBinrailHIH' BEr" - ''j'j.'v. - TMIWm ifTTrTPir i ri f iiwmllMJHBnM C. B. R, & E. R. R. & N. Cos Tracks Only Railway in Coos Railway in Coos County Until Today IFPIWdm HANI) IS Ol'T AND SCHOOLS .Wl) AM'' ktokiok ci.osi: t IIIOI) .IF.WIOLL PASSIOS AWAVj AT FLAGSTAFF IIO.MK. ( Factory Whistle Will lllutv and Vis- Horn Will Know They llnvo Arrived North Ilonil pnoplo prepared to glvo tlio incoming t I'u In a big wolcoino Tho high school hand Ib out, schools Yrora closed uu hour oarllor to glvo tho children an oportunlty to hoc thu train and most all of tho buslnotw Iioiibcs closed at noon. Tha factory whistles will nil bo hlown when the train conies and tho hand will play. .Many wero out this morning to lllscovt'icd This Morning That Old (rutlcninu Had Died lim ing tho Night. Alfred Jewell, ugod ahoul 70 yearn, wuh found dead In his homo at 1'MiiKstaff th'H morning. Ho had lieen In railing hoalth for some uioutliH and lu had passed away i during tho night. Mr. Jewell owned property at Flngstarf and IiIh home wiu near to tho residence of W. .1. Hunt. Tho members of tho Rust family had boo tho outgoing train and iilt ; icniit a neighborly watch over tho fow loft on It. Tho camera menl,,,,, K..,tleman. This morning ono woro busy and a lot of pictures of Lf M,. ,,,,. mm was g01ll ,0 ,ll0 tho first train woro taken. HON IS ELECTED Or AocUIM I'rru to Com lUj Tlmra 1 MILWAUK10I0. VU. April S. - City Attorney lloan, a Socialist Democrat, will hu the next mayor of Milwaukee, having defeated Mayor Had'.ug, non-partisan, In yesterday's oloctlon. The non-partisans elected tho treasurer, controller and a majority of tho aldermen. I Jewell house to see If anything J could ho done for him today and it jwiiH found he had died. I Mr. .lowell had lived on Coos Hay J for about twenty yoai'3. Ho bad !no relutlvoii In thU part of th 'country but has a sou In the Kng llsh army. Ills property was In ,1110 bauds or Judge John 1'. Hull, who acted as trustee and looked after It for him, and Judgo Hall will urrnngo for the funeral burial. Mid Included In the arrivals on tho first train from Heedsport this afternoon will bn Assistant lOnglncor II. P. Ilooy, Assistant lOn- glnoor W. It. Fontaine, As- slstant lOugluoor Heattoy, F. I.. HurUholdcr, superintend- out Portland dlvlalon South em Pacific, Judgo Sklpworth, W. P. Ueed. F. I). Walto and Division tOngliiecr V. (5. - (1. Illndmarsb. C MUMMY IS FOUND Ilond paBsencers were to get aboard. Those Ii'iiim Mar.shflcld Among those leaving on the first train from Marshflold woro: Mrs. Ellon Uaher, Thomns .1, Ward, Con Welch, William HaiiBon, Hay Itlch nrds, Honry Cliarlcbois, O. Ualdwln, W. ,1, Haymnn, Ira Hunt, Capt. Davo Holdon, J. B. IIIH, Dowcy Andorson, iJnck Harry J. M. Flolsbninn, I). Hol don, Thomas Harry, Mrs. T. Harry find daughter, James Boring and wife, Frank Sylvester Mrs. Ocorgo Dlndln gor, Porcy Philips, C, Ilamos and J wlfo, Mrs. Uoltor, Carl Knutson, Tlionuus Hrooks, A. Walsanon, C. II. Stadden, T. Myar, Kugono Crosthwalt and wlro, J. O. Langworthy and wife, Qcargo A. Anlckor, Claudo Nasburg and wlfo, J. 13. Hedges, A. .1. DrewB, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sumner, Mrs. I"y Condrou, O. H. WIlBon and wife, M. W. Whlteley. II. Fourier, F. h. CVldwoll wlfo, and children, Mr. and 'Mrs. II. Larson, Julius Larson and wlfo. B. Itofslnnd, Jolmar UofBland, V. MagncBS, August Frlzeen, C. C. Going, MIko Papas, K. 13. Forroy, Mlldren Ripley, Oonlovo Songsnck on, L. W. WIbo, dbarles Hall and wlfo, Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Grimes, Dorsey Kroltzor mid son, Mr. and ''Mrs. I3arl Powell, F. I). Flotclior and wlfo, L. A. Haker and wlfo, Dennis McCarty, Elmor Pnyno and wlfo, Dr. ''McCormack, C. W. Wolcott and wife, A. D. Wolcott and wlfo, John Wbo broy, George II. Young, Itobort Mnrs- idon, Sr., Hank Wells, Ivy Condron, Otto Schotter, Frod Schottor, Doad "Foster, Coll Iroland, Ralph Wllllaius land wlfo, Mrs. D. A. Jensen, Lncy 112. Tool, Ronald McGcorgo, John Haglund, A. O. Rogers and wlfo, Ralph Laraway and -wife, Dr. Dlx, Frank Lalso, Irving Cbandlor, Harry Gordon, Prof. Golden, Hugo QulBt, Rev. 0. LoRoy Hull, Dr. 0. W. Leslie, Harold Rotnor, Jack Davis and wlfo. 1 Mrs. J. S. Lyons, R. S. Wright, Jack Moroon, Mrs. C. R.Pock, Harry Mc Keown, Don Gardluor, .1. 12. Ford lind ramlly, II. -H. flohr, William 'Chaso, MIko Grolcb, Stovo Hongoz, ' John Pyburn, J. W. Mlllor. C. II. pinrsh. R. F. Holier. W. F. Mlllor. V. 0. Illndmarsb, Charles Van Duyn. Hal Carllslo, Cyril Ilebort. W. 12. Hoaglund, Norm Wilson, John Krelsehol, Ralph Slgsby, Gcorgo Slgs by. L. Owen, Frod Schultz, and John Nolson. ManJ' or tho nbovn wont ' only to North Rend. l'Vom'' North Rend Tho following Is an almost com plete list of those leaving rrom North, llend : C. W. Mears, Hrst tickot; I2nvoy Gundorson of Salvation Army, Mrs. J. R. Rand nnd daughter Lena, Mrs. II. Pock, Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. Wm. Vaughn and boh Goorgo, J. S. Jones, W. L. Jonoo, Mrs. L. M. Aekor Mian and daughtor Cathorlno, J. 0. Gulord, Mrs. S. C. Sanford, Mrs. I2o tollo Wlsoman, W. J. Followc, W. 1L Richards. Goorgo Loodwnad, Chris Peterson, 12. M. Shrlvor, Mrs. J. A. Lonnan, Olo Olson, Uort Ynrhrough, -R. Lvon. C. R. Hayes, Goo. W. King, John Haines, 11. P. Gurnca, A. 12. Morton. Brnost Gadway, A. J. Sur- jlieck, George Callahan. Goorgo W. i'McDonald. F. W. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. ' . . 1 f.a T f 1 W. G. Woous, ir. ami " - Mattson. Mr. and MrB. C. M. Hylor, A. Godwny, Win. O'Donoll, Mr. and Mth. W. II. Painter, Mr. and Mrs. F. McCollnm, C R. llroughton. CITY IS GLEANED CMOAX-l'J DAV RIXJISTKRICI) AH 111(1 SUCCKSS KVIiltVWII ICRI2 Dozcn.s of Hon Ores Send Up Hlno In cense to tho City ltenittlltil Move Itiihhisli Under Ran. Honflrcs, dozens of them, sont bluo and smudgy snioko rolling sky ward from all parts of tho city this morning and afternoon until tho atmoaphoro was filled with a bluo hazi. Hrlefly Btated, CleaiiMip Day in Marshflold wub n success, The greater share of tho efforts wore in Individual yards. In ovory soc Hon uf the city, yards aftor yards received their annual overhauling, ns could be attested by tho great heaps of rubbisV and cans that round their way to tho sldowalk curbing to wait for the ton nut to enrt them away to the dump. In Central District. In the central district, that in charge of J. Albert Mntson, tliore were willing workers, and n hall a dozon big fires marked their of forts. Away went old logs, bits of plnnklng and boxes, nil helping to add lnccnso on tho altar of cleanliness. Under Mr. Mntson were Mayor It. A. Copplc, John C. Kondall, Arthur K. Peck (working side by Bldo In comploto harmony), Hon Fisher, Frod K. Gottlns, LouIb Gorr, Wilson JCnttfninn nnd two 3chooI boys, Ches ter Hasconib and tho son of Mr. Got tlns. At noon Mrs. Fred Gottlns and Mrs. C. A. Sohlbredc sorved luncheon to t)io working army. Tho story totaling what they alo was censored. Worked All Alone New Silks AT THE GOLDEN RULE A large shipment of plain ami fancy silks Kastcrn .silk mills, Just unpacked. We can tho host quality silks at, very reasonable eludes: - 1,11 fo.m ft, Mi'i'iy inn ,,..! I. UU, Mock i. CHIFFON TAITK'l'AK CKOIMJKTTK CRHIMtH I1KAVV Tl'M HILKs I'LOWKRKD ,IAP SILKS SILK .MAHQUIHHTTKS IMPORTi:i) I'ONGKKS 'lll-J.WY COIH)i:i) SILK NTRII'FI) MKSSAMNliS AXI) TAI-'F IOTAS AND DOZI2NS OF OTIIIIlt l'OPUI.AIt HII, KS. Do your spring shopping at The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG MARSHFIELI) ALWAYS BUSY. MIFFING NEWS WAS SIX W12KKS IN ICI2 Consldornblo crodlt is duo D. L. Huckinghnni, In the Fcrudnlu dis trict. Ho waH tlie only man report ing for work, but ho did valiant servlco. At noon ho bad six fires burning and 3overal more sorlously contemplated. Manager Corey, of tho Water com pany, said that the big lot or the cntlllmnv nn 'nrtli l.Vnnl utrnnl will bo cleaned up by men within a ' !,,,vo "MZ1 t,lm",,,rtt f(,r ,,I';,IU- iiug uoviM, iiiu cannery iiimier uu tie Tom picked up the Onward and i brought her into Seward. I Tho boat w'tb four pasnengers Captain of Power Launch Onward Has Thrilling Kseapo In Arctic Waters Saved .lust hi Time. Willi ills cnb!n floor awash and almost destitute of supplies, dipt. "Spark Plug" J-'cbarrer, In the power launch Onward, was rescued In Arc- Hie waters a short time ago after undergoing experience's that would day or two aH thoy wero busy today on n bronk. C. 10. Nicholson, of tho cold storngo plant, sent out his three men, who did considerable clpiuilng about the promises. Store Hoys Are Out Out In the south Marshrinld dis trict W. tI2. Hoaglund and tlio em ployees or tho Conner and Hoagland storo did good servlco and clennod nway a groat quantity t trash, put ting It Into bonfires. And F. 12. Alton bad a squad of i bad rIU Sehlovia for Anchorage, Alaska, with supplies. Three dayii out, tho Ico closed In, holding (bo little ciaft hopeless. Tho passen gers by jumping rrom floo to floo, got ashore; the captain stayod with DOLLAR CO. n)xS MM(T War In Kuropo mtm moatrt America for (lie Dollar Stnxik'- coinpany. IOvcry day this toaxi Is coining nionoy, 0 m, l of grcenliuclia, soinllns Hi ill;! across the Pacific with u dk! llous for the Hiisglani. , The latest sensation !i tie chrj toiiug of tlio steamship Stud Dollar for 11,000 a dajr to tirr war supplies fioin VniiHOW, R C J ;to Vliidhostdli. An otttr ot p a i.'ay to the (irace rorapuj in t iirntl down, Tlio ship bin tr i tonnage of iUT, ions anl li !( i feet hi leiiglli. TO CIM'ISK TO AIASKI Tlio bug mlvciitiiro li w tlii if. Two lien, (loo rue ml lltwl Ids boat. When rescued ho had only n fow Flsk, have Just complete i IH flour cakes left. Yet with It nil, NtuIiw and expert to !( n !!..-. .. .. .. m l.l..- .... l.ft..t1.. t t Lioln In w til tW moii working with him In tho dls- l"uru WH" """ r,, "' """. -'; " "-; "'"'"? f.-ir.t n,,.i,u.n. f it..Qi.f.....i .. wator gave out and be bad to drink, Inside paHcaKe, taking their heUa very offlclcnt work. somo of tho beer that formed a part or ins cargo. ! 12. Gcorgo Rotnor bad not so many inon, from tho standpoint or uiim bors, but they woro nil willing work1 nrs and a great quantity or logs nnd trash was put Into Hres. All IMaces Alt Cleaned. Through tho dny the stores wero closed nnd thoro was vory littlo bii3liicss going on, most or tho inon bolng away at their homes helping vnllnntly to mnko Mnrshrield a City Ilcautlful. And so, taking It nil In all, tho Clean-up Day was a succors and tho probabilities aro that this dato will become a rixed ono from year to year for rloan-up purposes. . IN THE NETHERLANDS Pent lllggeis Unearth a Hody Re llowil to lime IUh'ii 1700 Years Underground COUNT ZEPPELIN IS TO RETIRE VERY SOON VIOSSIOL MOVIO.MIONT. A-ve". Fair Oaks, San Francisco, fiMfi p. m. yestorday. Sailed. Coaslor, San Francisco, nt noon. Yollow3tonc, San Frnncls- co, at noon. Due llei". Hrenkwator, San Dlogo, to- morrow or I'rhlny. ME mji BUI MRS. RLIdO.V IIAKKIt OKTS FIRST TICKKT FROM MARSHI'IIOM). Tho Fair Oaks nrrlvod horo Inst evening rrom Snn Francisco to loan lumber for tho C. A. Smith coinpnny. Tho steam schooner bolonirs to tlio Slado Shipping company, of San Francisco, and is largor than tho of Great Atrsl.h.s r,. r...,J boaster, having a capacity or 87.1.- Methodist ladles Tamalo TliiiVMlay at (luircli l.ltcbeii, MANY MISTAKES ARE MADE IIKCAUSIO OF POOR lOYIOSKRIT. l'eiiple do net icalle when (liel,- xlsluu Is Impeifect, and Iipiico they wonder why the) make iiiIsIhKin and an not orfleJent. 1 K L Jl OPTICIAN and obtain Pel lei t Nlon. :; VT 11121) CROSS PIIULMUY (llr Atwwutisl rrfm to Coo Wij TlniM.J TIII2 IIAGIMC, April B.An Intor OHtlng rind has boon mndo In Dreiite, tho least populated province or tho Netherlands, whero tlio soli consists almost wholly or moor and fen land. Tho principal Industry in those parts la pout cutting, and It was dining tills operation that workmon camo i across tho mummified body of a a0 'young woman which by tho pocullar ' chemical action of tho soil has been woll presorvod, nltlioiigh it presented u shrivelled and blackened lonther HKo apoaranco. From cortnln nrtlcles of apparol and oriinmonts round on tho body, archaeological experts have pronounced It to ba 1700 years old. Round tho throat was a kind or hand kerchief knotted In a way that sug gested violent death. Learned pro t'ossors recall this passage rrom 'lVicltus whero lu describes tho cus toms of the tribes tltat lubabltod tho , low plains of northern lOuropo lu 'those roiuote times: Iguavos ut lm 1 hollos ot corpora Infamos coono nc i plaude, Inlecta lusurpor crate nier giint: (Tho cowardly, and uiiwarllko, end those dishonored lu body thoy Vuuik In a morass and pltued hurdles upon them ) Louis Gorr Is our plumber. W. Mears, Conductor on Motor Car, Ruys l''lift From North lld nought Last Night. Mrs. lOllen Hakor, wlfo of T. A. Haker, bought the first tickot this morning on the now train. Sbo Is going through to Senttlo and said that she has been waiting for two months to get tho chance to rldo on the railroad. C, W, Meais, conductor of tho motor car, bought tho first ticket from North Hend. Ho purchased his ticket yesterday. Davo lloldeu Goes. Rullder many Is Reported In Falling Health LONDON, April 5. Count Zep pelin will bo retired soon from nn nctlvo part in tho construction of Zeppelin nlrslilps, leaving tho work to his clilof englnoors, hoadoil ny Horr Durr. So states a dispatch to tho Loudon Dally lOxpress from Genevn, w qc.i adds that the announcement of Count Zoppolln's impondlng retire ment conies rrom Frledrlchsharon, tho great Gorman airship baso on the shoro or Lake Coustanco. Count Zoppellu in his sovontyolghth yoar. has been In Indifferent health for the last eight months and bis physi cians ndvlso him to rotlro rrom pub lic lire. The bundrodth Zoppolln bns Just been completed, according to Swiss nnd Munich ueAvspapors. More man hair that numbor have been con- with them. Tlicy are w'nj tiet to work some mining clalnuMw I lug to a lu oilier. Tho boat was built at Eupu Tho men expect to cruUe tm & Wlllnmetto to Portland anJ Hew out to the ocean. Ther bin C stern wheol fitted with patent fl dies thoy liavo Invented. These paddles drop Into the n and do not lilt tho jurftee u-l The men believe that ther l valuable Invention. 000 feet of luinbor. The llglitlioiiBj tender Vi unloaded coal nt (Mpe Arajo j)' day and loft for tho north thliow Ing at !l o'clock. No word was received Mr gardlng tlio steamship Bw ....,,.n,i nor,, from San ?tK(vn It Is said that she Is protejj" ,U.rgol,.g Kovcrniuent lP so will probably not te h "c tomorrow or next day Tvo waited 100 years exactly, structod at Frledrlcbshafon. Austria for theso steam cars " loudiy pro claimed Capt. Davo Holden, "and by tho Jumping Johosiphat I am going to rldo tho first cushions out of here." For IS years Capt. Holden was connected with tho Coos nay bench stage lino, running the Gasgo from Jarvls Landing until a short time ago. Ho said ho had already named tho onglno, "Gasgo." Has New Name. "Tickot to Lakeside," aald ono or tho first passengers. "Lakesldo? No such placo any more." rotorted Billy Longataff, in- What, kind of a Coat or Suit do You want? It is Here has been helping to build them since ' the wnr began. It is probablo that at least a quarter of theso nlrslilps lujve been destroyed. Tho peoplo of Frledrichshafen aro demanding tha: Zeppelin Meets colebrato tho building or tho hundredth airship by a great raid on London and Paris, Bldo tho window, It's North Lako now." And so It Is, ami tho tickets wero soul that way this morning, Iccuuso It Is aald thoro Is another station or Lakeside In Oregon and there would bo confusion to. liavo two names alike. If Style i Doens of women il,,,1"s lh answer to fill. pcill In our Onriiiciil Dcpaitrnf't I plo all over Cms Hay nre tW about tho heai.tllul(St)le-Cn.ftS"i and Coats to bo had at Jf SUITS COATS $18 to S35 .$5 to $20 SPRING HATS and srv' orJi1 ron T.IMKKHnlsl',, MoniM.S. This Is IV v,r) Invl.atloi, to tho women County to visit our Milling ineiit wiiero tho cream on'.s styles are no" on of A jiepiW of the w S. S. JENNINGS NOR.TH BEND "The Store That Sells the Best for Less. t .