1THE U00S BAY IIMbs- HAHSHFIELU, URKUUH. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 0, 1910 EVENING EDITION. FIVE 'Some Style77 rf be your remark shapes ana F"""r St showing in mens $5 l0 J7 footwear. ViBk I .-w I U flu AM- itMi S'AQr u Ifvou will come to us for vour Spring shoes or oxfords we'll see that vou eet the style and the comfort which riArMm shncmakinc has oade it possible for us to live you. The Florsheim shoe has that pleasing indi- riduality of style that best rjita men of your cclibcr. iffoolen Mill Store MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND BRWITI THE WEATHER REPORT , JOr Associated I'rcss to coos nr Times.) , OREGON Fnlr, heavy frost tonlBhtj winds moHtly southerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItECORI) 4 For Hio 24 hours ending at 4:111 n. in., April r, by llonj. Ostllml, special government meteorologist: Maximum go Minimum ;ic At 4: lit n. m 30 Precipitation 00 4 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, HUn 74.07 Proclpltntlon same period last yoar 57.011 Wind: northwest, clear. SUNRISE AXI) SUNSET WctlntVlaV. April 5. Sun rlse3 at 5:32 and sets at 0:31. Now Second Hand Store. Henry & Co. who recontly sold their socond hand Htora near tho postofflco to North Hontl parties, will reopon an other storo at 322 Front street within tho next week. Jetty Is expected to start this sum iiiur, ho said. Union Prayer Meeting. Tlioro will he a union prayor mooting of tho Hnpttat, Methodist and Prosjiy torlan elm relies at tho Baptist church on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (minings of this week. Pool Hull In Moved. Tho pro prietor of tho Llhoral Pool Hall, cor ner Front and Central, Is today mov ing tho equipment across tho street to tho storo room under tho Lloyd Hotel. Fourier's meat market will move to tho location on Front mid Central avonuo In about throo weeks. Take Train tlo.V. jj. 1Ioag. land, head of tho cleanup dlstilct In south .Matshfloltl, took tho boys from the Conner and Hoagland storo out for a big exerclso In .clean lug up the rubbish. Pretty joon ho noticed that they were silently stealing away and Just beforo the train pulled out ho susplclonod whero they had gone. Ho, too, went to tho dopot and swung aboard tho coach Just In time and made the trip to North llend, hopping off thero to surprise the boys, llko Foxy Orandpa himself. Studies Coast Hlrds To ntmlv 'tho sea birds that roam in tho vicin ity of Hccata Head, A. C. Sholton, of tho Department of Zoology at tho stato university, accompanied by an assistant, has left for that Bcctlon. For two years this man has traveled all over tho stato of Oregon after birds. Somo of them ho shoots, some of thorn ho traps, others ho Just photographs. Theso birds are brought back to tho donartmdnt. cnrnfttllv fstuffed and put away In cases. It Is Interesting to nolo that tlioro aro something llko 400 different kinds of birds In Oregon. ' Kitlo In tho Mud. Capt. Monson, of tho Messenger, says that ho be lieves the Port commlsslonors expect hoats from Hayncs Milot to plow bade and forth through tho mud as lately fho has seen very llttlo water up tlioro dn somo parts of tho channel. Ho says that on Monday ho had to leavo I tho head of tho Inlet for Marshfloul at 10:35 a. ni.M losing half a day waiting for tho tide. At tho noxt Port mooting ho says tlioro aro to bo many protests. Also ho claims that tho county has a 00 foot roadway ifrom orio end of tho Inlet to tho oth- for, along tho wator's edgo and that tho sUcklngs of the dredgo could bo dumped tlioro. Tho Port commis sioners had claimed they woro hold up In tho work, having no placo to f, put the sUcklngs. BICYCLE TIRES Bir; Them l'riuii Ps. Wo Ourjo .Voiding to Put Tliem on Your Wliwl JARSHFIELD CYCLERY Maybe This In the Reason. Ono of tho visitors from Hayncs Inlot camo down this morning and found nil tho stores closed. "Clean-up Day" some ono told him. A fow minutes Inter tho outgoing train wont by, loaded to tho guards. "Yott'ro right," lio oxelalmod, "It will look n bit better horo with till that crowd gone" 0YAL TONIGHT f ;: ciuxoi: of program ""Mll.w: AND PICTURES ' lUnwp Slgnal'-A ,no8t utfnr. n uaii . . ,... " UB powertui J; mkablo story "Can. ," Mm vi,o lBll His Way." -trongly because it un a tale of niii.ii. i... . e,,!,,. , ,l ""ureal in ml L M ls M' Wll' "' "00I's nnd Ruby '""OK .n.lll.liu Z clm,,Be of nct- - AllfiilYilri.. rr n . " " .. ""on v, ,, ,I,,,,0I, it)i '.uom ' , '" i" n,'- ir vcluuriue(, larjgjan' lJl!:utm" Pcick. CBsjed .. 'innniieiV m oa the popular song. Women of Woodcraft Meet. Tho Otolla clrclo of tho North Hond Wo- iinon of Woodcraft havo Invited Coos I Day Clrclo of Marshflold to meet twlth them at tholr regular mooting . thlH evening. Thero will bo an enter tainment and hanquot. About twonty or tho Marshflold ladlos oxpoct to attond. Thoy will moot at tho Chnn dlor hotel at 7:30 o'clock. V. 1). ADAMS wiih down this morn ing from Toinpleton, buying sup plies. MRS. ALOIIC 11ANSKN wno horo from IlnynoA Inlot shopping this morning. Hun Down ly Auttt W. A. Ack irmuii luii received a letter from his slstor In Portland, who was Just mairied a fow days ago. She h laid up. Hor letter explained that whllo crossing 'Morrison streot alio was run down by a Ford auto and hor foot badly injured, a fact that puts her on crutches during hor honeymoon. Aokliig; llond M"n. C. It. Peck, attorney for tho Port of Uinpn.ua, says that already tho Commissioners aro advertising their $200,000 Jotty bonds and that they aro expecting several bids and It will not bo a great whllo boforo tho bond3 aro sold. 'Actual work on tho north FOK TltANSPEK AND BTOHAOU OF IIOUSF.HOLD (700DS, FllKWIlT AND DAfiOAOK Call FERGUS0W TRANSFER Phono Klit t Itesldenco Phono 1.1-J Market Ave. and Waterfront VOBLE THEATED I x vr-lJlVJH 1 fiooT 1',I,S'IV- 5rhflelir8 Flic-Proof Theator I!. Miiii.lc and tho Finest, Picture in tho World Milium...-. '" l-r-VrUKKg ;: PAHAMOUNT PHOJKCTIOX ,tfH.MA presents AMKIUOA'S SWUHTHHAKT, 3IAIIY PICKFOItD. '''IIIU.IK"'" "f ,',,'a,lt'H Jh)dgsiii Iliirnett'H fain Hiij tl, '. l'hiy tliut III satisfy ever one, hI !!f i.PM famous play tlsfv nveri one. who enlojs -"n n..,, . hei" I'- lPli haw Mary Plckford hi "Hags" ' "'" M I'w In "KSMKHICLD.V tonight? "IIKlt l.lr. .... i III.S ANTHONY'S OHCHKSTHA KVKKY XlfiHT I AllA. K. row,. I00r' 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.: Children, 5cts. U:CK W)ovJ!J0l,T"t,w,,1BO A,,0,s ',s comedy, "TIIII COL- con,Va O.V "What IS IT""-KA1 THE I'APEKS. J X PERSONAL. MENTION t KAY NOItUIS am' wlfo are horo from Siimnor for a almrt visit. 13. P. LI2WIS wont over into tlio Valley today calling on tho trade. WALLACE CltOUCH wns among tho llaynes Inlot visitors in tho city today. MHS. (1KOHC1K DINDINOEIt loft on tho train today from Albany whoro alio will visit. T. J. VAUGHN, now brakoman for tho worktraln, arrived hero last ovonlng from Portland. MHS. ELLEN HAKEIt loft this morn ing for Soattlo. Sho bought tho first ticket through. NELS MONSON was down this morn ing from Toinploton looking after somo business matters. HENRY CHAItLEDOIS and KAY niCHAItDSON, of Capo Illanco, aro visitors In tho city. FRANK H. PAGE loft on tho morn ing train for Valley points, calling on tho trado again. O HIUARGEU, the contractor wont to Portland on business this morn ing leaving on tho train. iJOHN D. GOSS left today for ueoas- port to meet Mrs. uos nu . . turning from California. LfiTER PETERSON of HayncB Inlo', I formor postniastor at May, Orp., was a visitor in ' W. H. HARRISON and son, W. E. Harrison, camo doWli on tho Mes senger from liuyncs Inlet this morning. ' ' BEN OSTLIND wont down to Uaiidon ( this morning to look after some architectural work that ho has thv.-s MRS. FRANK CODWELL and son ' left this morning for Ashland whero thoy will visit for about two months. AVIATOR H Ci E !. OlfLEHHATIO.V COMMITriCi: MAY milSU CllltlSTOFFEIISOX. ROY A DAMSON, of Portland, and W. W. Mnnminlil nf Itngnlmrir i "w " ', tralnmon for tho worktraln ar rived nero last evening. MRS. L. M. FEAKES was hurriedly called down from Coos River last ovoulg hecauso of tho serloim as cldont of her brother. MRS. W. F. MILLER Is returning on tho train today from Bovoral months In California. Stipt. Miller wont up to Rcodsport to meet hor. E. REFSLAND nnd son Jelmar Refs land went to tho Wlllamctto Vnl loy this morning to look after somo property Interests there. GEORGE A. ANICKER loft on tho morning train for Ctishman whoro ho will moot his family and return with thorn to Marshflold to make tholr futuro homo. DIVISION ENGINEER V. G. HIND MARSH camo In last evening on the train from Hauser to bo horo and tako out tho first train this morning to tho Umpqua. MRS. It. M. JENNINGS Is expected back on the train from Eugono this afternoon, having been for several months in Southern California. Mr. Jennings has gono out to Eugcno to moot her. HARRY J. GORDON, of tho Gordon Shoo company, loft this morning for Portland whero ho goo3 to moot a shoo salesman for n summer stock. Ho expects to return Fri day. John Merchant Is In charge of tho storo during his absence MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM G. WOOD, of North Homl, were outgoing pus songors on tho first train this morning on a prospecting trip through tho Northwost. Thoy will visit near Orvlllo, Washington, nnd may lator locato there, hut for tho present Mr, Wood retains his position in tho North llend Shingle Mill. Thoy may roturn about tho last of May. COOS 01JMI FACT records Show only iho iioozi: shipments ix two months TOILET SOU'S Women aro beginning to reallp inw much tleiiemlH on the Ql'AM'n' f ' Soup they use and how Ifltlo iipnn the uttraethe ,.Uu .r tho wrapper. Long ago advocated the I rcahonuiiiciiev " now our muw are can fully selodcd not only r" daintiness hut Me l'i,' and hygienic wilue. THE BUSY HORNER DRUG STORE Plionu S8 We Deliver Immediately Relieved That Cellars Aro Still Hold- lug Out During Dry Siege More E.ectcd for March "Coos county in January and Fob- ruary imported approximately 1 180 hoozo orders from California, accord ing to tho receipts filed with County Clerk Watson. ' Every adult has the prlvlledgo of 'receiving, onco In 28 days, olthor two .quarts of whiskey of 24 quarts of Uicor. Flfurlug tho 180 shipments to be whiskey, this would add up less 'than two barrols. It takes but a woo bit of montal calculation to fig tiro out that according to county rec ord at this rato consumption of spir its has been greatly roducod In Coos icounty. However, as ono man pointed out tqday, theso figures can not got at 'tjjo supplies being carrlod In collora 'and which aro still to bo reckoned with as this Is early hi tho year. It Is expected that tho March ship ments aro going to show a groat In crease A premonition of this Is carried In a report from Aberdoon, (Washington, that shows during i March somo 503 liquor shipments 'wore received thero, bolng twice the I amount arriving In 'February and eight times as much as was received in January. In February thero woro seven drunks arrested there and In March a total of 14 tipplers found tho way to tho city Jail. In arrests for drunkenness, how over. Marshflold Is way down on tro list, A glance at tho police records show all driiii;8 recolvod since Janu ary 1 rould ouslly bo counted on one's two hands, with a finger or so cut foff at that. While It Is not known yot now many shlpmonto of liquor namo Into Coos county during March it Is said by thoso who aie Inclined toward tho use of Intoxicants that tlioro has lat-ly beep apparently qulto a supply n tho city. Ate Considering Matter Also Aio Planning On Cutting Italhoad Welcoming to Thieo Das. Silas Cliilstorforson, noroplanlng knight of tho air by day, tuny como again to Coos Hay. There ls a possibility that ho will bo Invited here to nld us In tho railroad cole, bratlon In late July. This matter was talked over at a meeting of the Johit celebration committees Just held In North llond. November 1. 1!U2, Chrlstoffor Ron made himself famous In his daredevil trip to sea In a hydroplane tho tlmo he visited the wreck of tho Osproy, In th6 fnco of a heavy wind storm, on the Coos Day bar. Ho was brought horo by the Coos Hay Times for a series of successful flights aUthat tlmo and vtt3 on the vergo of packing up his machine when the word of the Osproy troti bio nrrlved horo. lie was accom panied out to sea by a newspaper man. At tho present tlmo the aviator Is In Sail Francisco. Tho plan will bo further dlsctiBsod and It Is prob able an Invitation will later bo Is sued to Jilm to como here. Christ offorstm's trip over tho Coos Hay bar In an attempt to reacuo the people on tho Osproy was tlio feat which started his fame. Want Slogan. In addition to th'a, the commit tees turn Hat iiaiiun for tlio cole bratlon be .tent In to them, ah& slogans. A lulrp of $5.00 cash Is to be given for tho best names and tho host slogan that aro suggested. Tho commlttoomon aro, of North llond, Henry Kom, Charles Wln sor and Gcotgo I Inzer, and for Marshflold, Tom T. Dennett and A. K. Peck. Three days of colobratlou Is long enough for tiny community, Is tho belief of the committee. Thoy aro favorably considering tho matter of cutting down tho tlmo of Jollifica tion to thrco days, giving ono to North llond, another to Mnrshflold and auothor to Coob county. TJioy figure that by that tlmo ovoryono will bo tlrod and tholr money will bo spent. shekejTm 11 LOOK AT THIS LINE UP AND See the dollars you can save BY BUYING AT THE J. C. PENNEY STORE. ' New line of the Latest in Ladies' Neckwear; collars all shapes and all descriptions; can A(r OCr worth double the price vvLjtuL, uo Ladies' Ties, 35c value, our K price New Crepe do Chine Waists, all shades; worth (Ti qo double the price $xuO Heavier welcjht Crepe de Chine Waists; a tt yd QO dandy value at $6; our price t..r'0 Low Prices iiiii i n Wtg'r,tfim Next Door to Postoffice We Lead Others Follow ONION SETS s Just received a quantity recently. It is time to seefj. Your grocer sells them. ' H. W. PAINTER ,A Have you ever tried TfMES WANT ADS? No matter what you have to sell, trado or rent, Times Want Ads will help you do it. And it does not cost much. Try it and convince yourself (of the good results. J ,J .':n . - j : lV.1 ! ' I1 VEHICLE ORDINANCE ' IS EN- KICKING (JEXEKAL Fl'ND Owners Pay W.VJi and Judge Kill lee Siijh The In to lie. a (leueral "Pinching" For Slow Pitjets. Flvo dnyj now tho now vohlclo law has hcon In effect mid S332 havo been paid Into the city treas ury. There Is still owing hundreds of dollars uud noxt week a system atic "pinching' will ho hi ordor, the rounding up of nil wagon, buggy and auto owners who havo failed to "como through." On April Fool's day tlioro were sovoral prompt owners that applied to Judgo Rutlor for their Demises. Gorst and King havo taken out li censes for tho 10 cars thoy havu in luo, being tho largest contribution to tho city fun. Tho city recordor hns a list of all vehicles within the city. Tho police offlcora will bo given a copy of this and thou will begin tho work of bringing tho "Iron mon" in to tho fund. Judgo Hut lor says this Is tho show down and "that tho city noeds tho monoy." CLtoSlrlE t NEW TODAY 444440 FOR KENT FiiriiMied rooum hi O'Conuel! building. Phono 113-L. WANTED TO KOKKOW ."jttintl.Otl on city rosldoiico; value 12500. 2 years at 8 por cent. Phono 04-X. FOK KEXT, Cheap. I, 2 and it room Apaitm'tH. KroDdwny Motel. WANTED Man and ulfo to tako apartment and do hotel work. Phono 2C9-L. FOR KEXT Furnished rooms, l75 So. Seventh street, phono 1 1 l-R, Dr. H. E. Kclty, Dentist, SOI Ift.Ui Kldg. Phono USi-I. ! SCHOONER TlhLAMOOK PORTLAND AND COOS HAY SAIIS FROM MAKSHF1ELD Tl'ESDAY, APRIL 1 FOR INFORMATION PHONE 278 TOM JAMES, A5t., Ocean Dock IS PAROLED FROM PRIS ON TERM TO ANOTHER Frank Vaughn, Sentenced for Steal. lug Tea in Near Mrtlo Point, Taken From Salem to Walla Walla Frank Vaughn, who was sentenced lit Coos county In November, 1014. to an Indetermluato term of six months to five years for stealing a team bolouglng to A. E. Adolsporgor at Eckley, was roloasod from Salont April 1st. Ho was given a condition al parole by Gov. Wlthycombo nut ho had .scarcely gained his fiecdom when he was takon lit custody by an officer from Washington nnd started for Walla AValla to son-o a term tlioro for a similar offonse. Vaughn claimed t' know a lot about tho Myrtlo Point Hank robbery caso a fow years ago and was sup posod to bo Implicated In It hut Dis trict Attorney LllJoqvlst was novor able to got proof of it. While In tho county Jail Vaughn told of nllogod roiifosslons by MJllor who was sub Beqitnntly convicted of tho bank rob boi y. LOST $. IIIII; Saturday night, ho tweon Dr. Vaughn's offlco and Tho Gunnery. Reward for Its re turn to Times offlco. t WANTED t WANTED Gill for general h e- work Phono 50-J of 2C4-.I. SUMMONS In' tho-Clrcitlt-Ctmrrof-tmr Stato of Oregon, In and. Ipr tho County of Coos. John J. Hormdn, Plaintiff, vs. Eugene Arthur Hormldn, Dofond- ant. To Eugcno Arthur llormlda, tho dofondout above, named: In the namo of tho Stato of Ore gon, you aro horjohy notified that you aro required to uppoar in tho nhovo utttlod court nnd answer tho complaint filed against you dn tho uhovo 01111(10(1 action within six weeks from tho -2nd day vf March, 10JG, tho first day of tho publica tion of this Huiiimoua, and yoi nro hereby notified that If you full to so appear and atiswor the sald com plaint on or boforo tho 3rd day of May, 10 10, tho hut day of tho tlmo preiierlhed hi tho irdor fqr tho publication of th hi summons, fur want thereof the plaintiff will .apply to tho Court for tho relief demand ed therein, a sucoltict Htatomeht of which Is n follows, towlt: Judg ment against you for the sum of $250,00 with Interest thereon at tho rato of tea por cent por annum from tho Cth day of February, 1915, and tin order of sale, to satisfy nald Judgment, of your undivided ouo-flftli Interest hi the following described property, to-wlt: Lot four (I) of Hlock eight (8) and Lot seven (7) of Hlock threo(3) of tho Town of South Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, and Lot thirty-eight (38) of Hlock twonty-slx (20) of Railroad Addition to Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho rcspoctivo plats thereof on fllo and of record In tlio County Clerk's offlco of Coos 'County, Oregon, which said real prop erty Iiiih heretofore boon ottpqhw), heroin. Sorvlco of this summons. Is, mado by publication thereof lit pursuance of uu ordor mado by tho Honorable J. S. Coke, Judgo or tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, In and for thu County of Coo,i, dated tho 22nd day of March, 1010, direct ing tho publication thereof In Tho Coos Hay Times, n nowspapor pub lished at Marshflold, Coos County, Oregon, ouco u week for six con-, socutlvo wooka. , W. U. DOUGLAS. Attornoy for Plaintiff. 3-22, 20; 4-5, 12, 10, 20; G-3. Kle TAXI PHONE 18-.I. Dr. D. C. Vatighnii. Dentin, Room in, First National Hank building Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, Mnrshfleld. Llbby Coal, $5.00 ton. Phone 7H WANTED Good strong boy, over 10 yrs. of ago, Hradloy Candy Co. t FOR SALE I ?s60s).6s$ rEM FOR SALE Thirty-five acres, one-half bottom and one half boueh laud; six acres of good orchaid; good houso and barn, lighted by acetylono gas; hoiibo with modern equipments; hot uud cold wntor, bath, otc. Near' Co qiillle. A uood buy If Inknn soon. Inqulro T, caro of Times, or Hox 259, Coqullle, Ore. FOR SALE Ono classy icglstercd Jersey hull calf, whoso dam milked 11. 1(1(1 pounds in (en mouths. Also cous and heifers, all registered stock. WiIIh to F. A. SACCIII, Marslifield, Oiegott, FOR KENT, j ROOMS, r.Of to tfl.00 D.iy; $2 to S5 Week; llousekeep- j j lug Apts,, $H mo, up. Free j bath. Ltod Hotel Apts, j. t FOR RENT t $ FOR RENT Furnished (hit, hot and cold wntur. bath. 853 Third st BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated :: Hot Water. Transient, 7fic da; $i.tm Pee Week. puitiiicuts, $in v month. Every- .thing furnished. Phone ittl.l. L. .1. ,11'STEN, Proprietor. FOK RENT .Modern flio-ronm Imii. galow on 12th mid Commercial ctrcots, ?12 50 per nunth -ppl Going & Harrey. t. J. mcaifu e a. n. nonofNa Marslifield" SfflAt,NNDG co. EwtJumtcH FuriiUbed I phoste A4S.ll. Mwshlhdii, 0NPk I 1 is ,