FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1916 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES l.-0. MAJA)NKV, Kdltor nil Pub. DAN K. MALONEY, Nows Editor Official Fnpor of Coos Comity Official Paper City of Mnrshflold. " jjjutereu at ttio I'oMtoilico m Munm Bold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malli ai iccond-clais wall matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES DAILY. Ono year ?6.00 Per month GO WEEKLY. Quo year SI. 50 When paid strictly In ndvanco tho subset Iption pilco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for he months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMHfl. A flit HAT DAY FOR COOS HAY THIS Is a great day for Coos Day, A happy co-Iucldonco tho holi day doclarod In proclamation by Mayor Copplo for tho Inauguration of tho campaign for i City Honutlful also marks tho inauguration of tho first passongor train scrvlco between Coos Day and tho outsldo -world. It Is a day to colobrate. It Is :i dnto that will llvo In tho history of Coos Day ns long us tho annals of Iter achiovonionts'ahall exist and until tjmo shall bo no more It Ib n day that links civic prldo Ylth commorclal nchlovomcnt. Never j m . .... ' uoioro was moro a nioro upipnuiu o.. tiro all brought Into direct cominunU Kcatlon with tho rest of tho country ns well ns Coos Day cities. Curry county will also bo greatly benefitted ftud now that tho road has reached this far It will without doubt extend on down through Curry county to connect nt Eureka with San Fran cisco. Tho points to tho north are nlso brought Into closo communica tion with Coos Imy such ns nsver has existed before. Gardiner, Ilcedsport nn d Scottsburg on tho Umpqun river aro now but n short dlstanco away and tho pcoplo of that locality mid rCoos Day will hereafter find tlmt thoy have common Interests they did not know boforo. Tho rnllroad will bo the chain which binds together (ho horotoforo separated lorar)tloH and mnko thorn one big nud Import ant part of Oregon which Will Jointly hirogroBs and honcoforth bo a strong factor in Pacific coast affairs. HOW TO MAKE MAHSill'lEM) REAUTIEUL. I Dy (Jcorgo Lingo. HEMEMIIEK U. .1. MlliMS N OW that passongor travol In and out of Coos Day Is nn actuality pcoplo of this locality recall tho efforts of C. .1. MIIHs In bring ing about tho conditions which tiro Inaugurated today. Mr. MIUIs was formerly superintendent nt this 'point. Ho wns always a friend of fCoos Day and nftor ho was promoted to tho position of assistant to Presi dent Sproulo ho did n great deal to further tho Interests of this locality. lilbltlon of civic spirit that that shown ,Tl10 l'oPe. or coos Duy feel goner on Coos Dny In a unity of effort to 'V tllnt tll0' owo ,mic to tl10 f- mako this community a cleaner, bol ter and moro beautiful placo in which to llvo nnd mako a homo. Tho coming of tho rallwny nnd tho spirit of civic prldo marks tho boglnning of an era of progress nnd prosperity that will mako Cooo Day ono of tho beauty spots nnd great commorclal contors of tho Pacific coast. Tho hour hna struck. Coos Day takes hor placo in tho Sun. forts of Mr. Mlllls now that tho rail toad is completed. It is a matter of regrot that ho Is not hero today to recolvo tho personal nssurauco of tho appreciation that It Is felt is his duo. lOlt several weoks this mattor - has been dlscti3sed by well - known men of Mnrshfleld. Most of tho people hardly renllzo what a poor shapo Marshflcld Is In, because I they are always figuring on ns little expense as possible and looking out for number one. The plan of making tlio city beau tiful Is wise and very good. To do this would increase tho population greatly and this h one of tho things we need. Having heard this talked about bo much, I thought I would express my thoughts on tho subject. What tho city needs tho most aro good highways' and a Inrgo park, so the children could play In safety from tie utttos and other vehicles. Kront street should bo graded down and the holism lowered. It should nlso bo paved tho cntlro length. Tho city should pnBS an ordinance to tho effect that all buildings built hero after this should bo mndo of brick or Htono. The property owners should clear their lots and paint their houses, also plant somo flowers or grccn3 of some kind In their front and bnck yards. Tho streets have n great denl to do with tho looks of a city. If these aro kept clean, it would nlso Iniprovo Mnrshflold very much. (S-SSZi North Pacific S. S. Co. Str. Breakwater Sails for PORTLAND APRIL 5TH Lockhart Parsons Drug Co. Breakwater sails direct to EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO APRIL 10 From Smith Terminal Dock Statements -For the month of March are now ready. Depositors are requested to call for them at their convenience, tion WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo 1ms it at 31.G0 and $2 cash per load. Garbage pcinor od. Phono 227-.I. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MUCH ENCOUKAOICMENT AT LAST A TRAIN A ITER MORE TUX FIFTY YHAKS T illE great dny that wo havo waited for so long hns arrived. This morning tho first regular Jtrnln out of Coos Day left for Eu geno and Portland carrying ovor 200 passengora and ns tho train, pulled out of tho depot hero another train pulled out of Eugcno carrying pas Bengers bound for Coos Dny, nnd thus was established the regular pas Bougor Horvlco botweon Coos Day and tho outsldo world. When that first train arrives on Coos Day this af ternoon n largo portion of tho popu lation will bo out to wolcomo It. This day will go down Into history. Wbusl, nnd HAT Is good for tho lumber business Is good for Coos Day tho whole of Coos county and It Is pleasing to road tho en couraging reports regarding this ln,- jtlustry which aro now quite frequent. Tho West Const Lumberman of Se attle and Tacoma prints the follow ing cdltorlnlly: "Tho area of prosperity hns wid ened noticeably during the past .'month with vastly Improved condi tions In Northern California, South- 'orn Idaho, Montana, Colorado, North Dakota, No bras It a Minnesota nnd the casta This moans business for lum ber dealers and for manufacturers. Ono authority says that out of ono hundred and fifty cities In tho Unit ed States nlnoty-thrco aro now active ne com pa rod with only twouty-olght ono year ngo. Tho balance of tho year promises fair margins In Itim- ucr.. it win do ono or exceptional HOW TO MAKE MAItSIIFIHLI) J HHAUTIFUL I T Dy Stella Cltrlstonson j 4 UK city of Mnrshfleld Is well situated, has a good nntural harbor Into which many oconn Vessels can coiuo nnd go. It has many ovorgrcon trees which help Its looks, and nlBo tho modern buildings which aro being built vory fast. Tho pco plo who llvo hero should do a fow things to Improve tho looks to mako It beautiful Hko tho City of Portland. To mako it look beautiful, wo should 'clean our yards and romovo nil of hour wnsto olomonts in tno garonso Wagon or burn them? Aftor this is dono tho peoplo enn plant n fow flowers to Iniprovo thorn. I Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Tliyslcinn nnd Stirgcoa Off ico: Irving Hlock. Offico hours! 11 to 12 n. m.t 9 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. in. Phonos: Offico 1IU-J; lies., 14.1-L J. M. Wright Phono 188-B UUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on requoot Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyo, Ear and Throat Specialist GLASSES PITTED Phono 8.10-J. ItooniM 200-201 Irving illock. DR. MATTIB 1J. SHAW. Phyblclnu nnd Burgooa Phono 8U0-J. 20 FAltH TIJiV OHNTS City Limits North Head, Co COMMUTATION nn TICKETS, 91.7." ,) Marsliflcld-Nortli llcnd Auto Lino Cars ovcry ton minutes from G a. m to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco n day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to 13m plro throo trips a day. OOKST KINO, Props. Tine First Ni Ulk OF COOS BAY Safety Plus Semriiee H. G. Sutler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phono 14BO Rcsldenco Phone .1G3-L. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Tho peoplo whon Nilklng nlong tho Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Bulldlw, Hirooi huouki not throw pnper. nor spit on tho street, hut wait until you como to n gurbago can which should bo on ovory cornor. if tho street Is not Improved near your Iioubo. boo that you keep It clean and do not llhrow your'gnrbago Into It. If tliero should bo an unnecessary shnck In Mnrshflold, Oregon. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer THIS WHITH IS KING Of nil Solving Machines Now loratcd nt 2CC Market aro. jWcst. Phono 103-J. Wo havo also got big bargains in all kinds of used machines. All machines told on easy paymonts. Oldc.t llimk In C.K Counly Hsl.blUM III, Flanagan b Bennett Bank Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTHRHST PAID ON TIMH AND SAVINGS DKl'OSlTS Offlcors -J. W. BENNETT, Prcsldont; JAS. !I. FLANAGAN' VIm. Prosldont; R. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; O. V, WINCHESTER! Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (h Bennett Bank OF MYRTLH POINT Capital $25,"00 Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. H. FLANAGAN, Vice. President; L. M. 8UPLEB, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, AtsIiUnt Cashier. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Offlcors J. W. DKNNETT, Prosldont; TOM T. DENNETT, VI President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Socretary; DENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Trust Company la tho fit ate, Outsldo of Portland, Which Organized Under tho Now Law. PEOPLE'S fORUM; profit In other industries." For moro than half a century tho ! youf ynrd, It would help If you would good pooplo of tho Coos Day section i WITH THE TEA i l",rn '' imu uuun ruuiiiK lur lino uumnniii, i AMll TUP TflAQT and thoro arc) right hero on Coos Day rt,yu mt I UMO I many peoplo who do not yet realize ' that wo havo pornianent rail connec tion with tho outsldo world. You can oven hear tho question, "Do you really think that trains will run reg ularly?" Now, folks, tho day for tho pes simist In Coos comity has paBHod. Tho slogan has boon changed from "It will bo built," to "it has been V built SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton Or half ton of both. .!? 1.75 I). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 1H-.7 or leave ordora nt Hlllyer'tf Cigar Store J Tho railway has boon comfT 1 tint ml rIMin wnrLr luiu linnn Hint. I (JOOI EVENING One who elnlms to know all about It, Tolls mo this world Is a vnlo of sin, II ti t I and tho hoes nnd tho birds, wo doubt it And think It's n world worth living in. Wilcox Times will letters from bo Its. oiiKhly dono and tho road Is in flue shapo, Tho bridge across tho Ump- Qiirt Is yet to bo completed but ttiat L will bo finished by tho last of July and tho final link connected. Until l then thoro will hnvu to bo n ferry transfer nt Itcedaport but that will ; 1 Tho Coos Day I pleased to publish dreaders on all questions of public llutrrost, glvlni; his or hor nddrcss, nnd so far ns poaslblo limited to . ,J50 words. In publlshliiB theso Iet w ters Tho Times does not indorsa tho Ucws exprcssod therein; it li slmplv afford'.iiR n means for tho voIcIiik of different opinions on all I .ucftlons nffectlnj; tho publlo wol- iro. DRY WOOD ut Campbell's Woodyard North 1'i-ont Street Phono DH-.1 SOUTH COOS RIVKR HOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfield every dny H a. in. Leaves head of river ut :c::to p. m. STEAMER RAINDOW leaves head of river dally nt 7 Leaves Mnrxhrtcld nt JJ p.m. For charter apply on hoard. ROOERS SMITH, Props. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only l SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent ;..i.m"-:i.Lyj.'.. h-tvmi a..i-i- HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phona 3171 bo only a minor Inconvenience Thoro may bo delays at times. Thoro navu boeu dolays boforo this on other ronds. Thoro aro delays on old roads frequently. Hut tho Southern Pacific has not spout ton million dollars to build this road to Coos Day without boliiK propnred to rondor sorvlco. And It nlso menus that It's ovontual ox tension to Euiokn and San Francisco is an assured (ortalnty. .lust roinomhor this, Tho road Is built and tho trains are riiuulni; uud Coos Day Is on tho map of tho world. Don't bo pessimistic any longer. It thoro was any lingering doubt it was dissipated when the first train pulled nut this morning. Wo aro no longor (soluted. All wo havo to do Is to walk to tho depot, purchaso n ticket, get aboard n trt'ln riding land In Eugeno or Portland. It doesn't seem posolblo to those of us who havo waited so long. It Is truo, novortholPSB. Wo aro at last discovered, and wo should bo a very happy pooplo. Deforo long the community will bo gin to feel the iufluonco of tho coin ing of tho road. Cooh Dny and Coos county and In fact all Southwcstorn Oregon cannot but reap large returns from tho establishment of tho iiqw train servlco. It is a glorious day for this dco Hon. We should all rojolco! Wo do. .ll'STIKVINO ( R. COLLVER THE JOY OK PRETENSE ! Editor Coos Dny Tlmos: Lot's dream llko n child In Its play- 1 nolo In your Issuo of March II 1st, lug; 'nn article concerning bankruptcy of Lot's mako us a sky and a sea, ICIaronco R, Collvor, It Is truo that Shot's change tho things, round no by sir. Collvor has filed potltlon In bnnk- Bnylng Iruptcy, but your article does him a Httlo bit of Injustice Mr. Collvor hus been very unfortunate, has had a sick family, and mado sonip poor Investments, b0 has been trying to reduco his Indebtedness nnd has re duced it somo in tho Inst threo years, but certain creditors instead of giv ing tho boy a chanco, when thoy found ho had anything coming would garnlsheo and tako all that was ox onipt for court costs and offico feea, and thoy did not glvo him u chanco to reduco tho indebtedness. You stato ono of tho local merchants will lose $1100 or moro. a you Investigated you' would find that this merchant will not loso anything as ho has notes with good endorsers and will got all that Is coming to him, nnd tho endorsers nro not worrying nbout Collvor. If tho creditors will glvo Mr. Collvor a chanco they will nil receive tho monoy duo thorn. Respectfully, yours, JOHN F. HALL. They'ro things as wo wish them to bo, 'Andaif thoro la sadnoss or norms ' Lot's dream till wo chnrin It nway, .ljet's learn from tho children and borrow A saying from childhood "LoI'h play." Lot's play that tho iworld's mil of 1 beauty; Let's play thoro aro roses in bloom; Lot's piny thoro la pleasure In duty, And light whoro wo thought thoro was gloom. Let's play that this hoart with Its sorrow Is bidden ho Joyous and glad; Let's play that we'll find on , tho morrow Tho joys that wo novor havo had. and In a few hours of comfortablo qVb nla). w0 jinvo ,,ouo wlti, ropin T THE CO..K(JTIN(J LINK HE coming of the railroad ing, Let's piny that our longings aro still; l.ot's play that tho sunlight Is sinn ing To gild thogroen slopes or tho hill. Lot's play thoro aro hiids blithely flinging Tholr songs of delight to tho mr; .Lot's play that tho world s rim oi singing, Lot's play thoro Is lovo every where. Anon. CLEARS HIS LAND Fred Weaver camo l" 'om 1,,s I ranch at Dora today to iook auer I business. Ho has cleaved auout ion acres of flno Myrtle bottom laud means much to tho wholo of lnlH y(mv llo wuj lotnrn homo v flouthwestern Orogon. Coqulllo n,0,.rOV. Ho may erect n silo there Myrtle Point, Dandon and Powers k001, BLANCO The Public Service Hotel tins jut been -thoroughly irnovut ed, nnd opened to the public March 1st, 11)10. Somo of tho features of this old hostelry are. five cm ployipent bureau, free- sewing room, Information bulletin and kind treat ment. The patrnungo t tho public is solicited. DLANCO HOTEL J27 North 1'iont street Phono lll-L. Marshflcld, Oregon WEAVING AH kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R For Sale STOCK RANCH Near AllegAny, mostly bottom, good liulhl lugs, :i() hcml cattle, team, farming tools, flno orchard, de lightful placo to live, ilico $7r0U. Terms. STOCK OR DAIRV RANCH Close hi, 20 cows, team, good buildings, orchards, tools, (IOO ucros, 03 of which Is finest bottom. Pilco $10,000. Terms. DAIRV RANCH Closo In, KOO ncres, 175 Is liottor, flno buildings, team. Prico $21,001). Terms. DAIRV RANCH R. R. depot on place, closo in, n;0 acres, half U richest bottom, flno buildings, both rail and water transportation, -10 head stock, loam, Prlco $3:5,000. Splen did terms, with interest at five per cent. FRUIT RANCH Splendidly located, 1000 loganberry vinos In full hearing, fine orchard, flno buildings, 17 ucros, $0, U00. Terms. DEVELOPED COAL MINE On tide water, flno coal nnd lots of it. Prlco way down. CHICKEN RANCH Close In, 10 acres, house. Only $800. CHICKEN RANCH 15 acres, closo hi, $'.!0 down nnd $15 a month. FOR TRADE Wo havo North Heud property and ranches to trade for North Dakota property. ' Come In Mind inves tigate. Wo havo Oklahoma property to trade for Coos Ray city or ranch property, C1TV PROPERTY North Ilend or Mnrshfleld. We have It If you aro looking for bargains and locations. INSURANCE Wo carry it full lino of firo Insurance. l 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE ' Gorst King. Lcno Mnrshfleld nt 7 a. m., nnd returning leaving from Eniplrt t 8 ii. nu Lenvo Mnrshfleld nt 11 n.m. and returning Imto South Blough m 1 p. in. Lenvo Murshflold at 5 p. m. nnd retural leave South Slougli nt O p. m. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON For rollahlo Abstracts of Title ui Information nlKiut COOS HAY REAIi ESTATE, see Abstracts Title Guarantee& Abstract Company Mnrshflold and Coqulllo City, Oregon. General Agents Knstsfdo and Sengstaclcen's Addition. Special attention paid to assessments Jind payment of tw HENRV SENGSTACKEN, MnnnKW. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Chafes. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY GRAVEL T7- .,. nnn. nnnv,l n HTTAVRT. In DT Utl ,,u n.u uwi v&vavu l minion v.. . nrlt6l' from pile In our yard or In carload loti, at following pnc ntltW 2.00 per 7J From pllo on ground, J2.V6 per. yrd. Carload loto, taken "from cara, Retail Departiniait. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mf g- Opposite Po3-Offloe. Fhoa lW. -v Avrt' 'KtAA EXPERT WELDING of METALS made Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY, US21 Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. 5Times Want -Ads Bring i Olnfldl North From Result I