rr -j'WWW-yf nnjMI m ''HjffM'wpwifHffm ir'nww"wwiP4,'i"uiHm' i!fiiM!!fwpjiif'Piwfi Wrl Pip'"' nr, i EIGHT 'THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSMFIELU. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1916 EVENING EDITION. SOCIAL CALEXDAIt i A Feature Showing of Women's New Suits For Spring . $12.50 to $40.00 I Monday Progress Club with Mm .I FAHIUCS Taffeta, Voloiir Checks, Silk Poplin, Callot Checks, Imported Serge, Gabardine. COLONS lUaek, Xavy Pino, Dink lli-own, Itoukle, Ilitrgun dy, Itcserin, Copeii. Every garment iu (his Miowlug Is high class. They represent tlio hciihoii'h favored fashion. Every suli from makers who have an envied reputation to sustain. These suits are Uio kind that nio being sold In big city cvclusivo stores today. ThcVo Is so much diversity In tho styles that description can ho only super ficial. You will nolo tho Godot flare, tho eiiihrolderles in gold n,l silver, mllltiiry capo collars, tho hell flaro coats, tho aldo flaro bkiits. New arrivals in ' Fashionable Coats New arrivals in Spring Dresses Hub Dry Goods Company "SMAIIT WEAIt FOlt WOMEN" Corner IJroadaay and Central Avenue. Phono 11(11. TBBB'ilirlv'Ak. ' yM Mmmaammm mmm mammmmam ! .Bill. llIMIMMW ; I W. I'ayno. Alpha Delphian Society with Mrs. Ollvo K. Drown. TucMiiy C. W. U. M ovanliiR Boclnl with Mr. unit Mrs. 13. L. Hop son. North llond Methodist Uro therhood in WOBloynn Hlhlc cIiibs rooms. W. C. T. U. sllvor tea with Mrs. George Mutator In North Dond. Presbyterian Auxiliary sll vor tea ut homo of Mrs. F. A. Tlcrigcu. Wc"nesdy Prlsclllas with Mrs L Erlckson In Dunkor Hill. D. Jr. C. Club with Mrs. Charles Williams -in North Dond. North llond Methodist la dies all day cession. Day City Ladles Club with Mrs. K. H. Kolloy. 'I'hui'sday North llond Junior Sowing Club with Esther itcyuolds. Mary E. Drown speaks at W. C. T. U. mooting nt homo of Mrs. P. 10. Wheolor. North llond Olrls' Club with Miss Matilda Anderson. Dahlia Club with Mrs. 13. Ynko In Englowoori. Alort Club with Mrs. II. 10. Edwards at Alloguny. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. David Nelson. Hastsldo S;"lul Club with Mrs. Walter Uobortson. I'rlday Kensington Club with Mrs. N. S. Mtttson. H rail! l;'':r:y:s:NuWw B Here are some reasons why You should buy a 1 6s (Continued From Paso Three) HEOITALXEXTHATUHDAY : Tho younger pupils of Miss Edna Loulso Larson and Mnry Kriiso, and of Honrlk GJordrum, 'will glvo a re cital nuxl Saturday nftornoon at four o'clock at tho conservatory. Also violin pupils of Miss Larson will ap pear. O A. X. W. CLUIl . The A. N. W. Club ladles and special guests Mrs. J. S. Stubblo field, Mrs. P.. K. Doofh and Mr 3. A. V. llowhay wero ontertalned pletuuntly at tho regular club meet ln Thursday nftornoon by Mrs. C. I 'McKnlglit whan fancy worn slid social chat vcre enjoyed until ovon Ins. An uppultzlng luncheon was sorved 1y tho hostess. Tho mom hers out wore: Mrs. P. 13. Allen, Sirs. 0. A. Dennett, Mrs. Olivia Ed man, Mrs. Catl Evortson, Mrs. Al ico Hall, Mm. J. T. Hnrrlgan, Mrs. Francos Hazard, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, Mrs. Kato Lando, Mrs. Alex andra Lando, Mrs. 13. Mingus, Mrs. Georgo P. Murch, Mrs. W. P. Mur phy, Mrs. Mary McKnlglit, 'Mrs. Da vid Nelson, Mrs. Nancy Noblo, Mrs. 13. O'Connoll, Mrs. II. Qulst, Mh. Cliarlos Stouff, and Mrs. Annlo Tower. . A .J. A wore: Mrs L. Hanson, Mrs. W. Sul livan, Mrs. Mary Holmes, Mrs. A. C. KlU'Htrnni. Mrn. .1. PnutiiMV. Mm Carl Albrcclit. Mrs. M. lion. Mrs. W'"t0 "' lB reported Improving. , ,,.. , .. ,, ....... V iiuii .ma. .i. irucHiiiiiuuur.'.tirn. vuri 'iiiuihi sanalorluin whero bIio was j t;ruduntcd as a trained nurse. 4 M!h3 llelon Spraguu has spent tho I punt week with hor father who Is ."onnocted with tho Smith-Powers Complin)' at PoWvMS. A . A Mrs. 13. 13. Straw, who has boon The list below will give you an idea who are buying 1916 BUICK E. B. Thrift, Lancjlois Geo. Rotnor, Marshfield N. Dlvilbliss, Port Orford H. C. Noble, Marshficdl Jack Dashney, Marshfjclcl , , A. 0. Rorjers, Marshfield W. J. Conrad, Marshfield A. E. Adelsperger, Marshfield E. I. Chandler, Marshfield J. T. Lewsllen, Myrtle Point J. D. Barklow, Myrtle Point II. W. Painter, Marshfield , H. L. Bergman,. North Bend J. H. Groves, North Bend Dr. H. E. Burmester, North Bend. J. T. Harrigan, Marshfield Cell Ireland, Marshfield Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Marshfield Dr. Geo. E. Dix, Marshfiskl Dr. E. F. Montgomery. North Bend M.-D. Sherrard, Bandon A. E. Crouch, Coquille Eight More Sold, but cannot give names ,1 .'i 1 These people 'investigated thoroughly before buying, found that the BUICK 6 was H13 BEST value on the market, could be operated for less, and Goodrum's Garage givfis the best service by looking after the car owners and carrying the parts. Wnlkor, Miss Vera Albrocht, Mrs. Hans Hanson, Jimmlo EiiKstrom. I XOItWKOLl.V Ll'TIIKUAX I SOCIAL : .i Thd Young People's Society of tho Norwegian Lutheran-church met last ovonlng In tho church cbupol and spent u pleasant social time iu games und conversation, and at a late hour light refreshments wore served. ' I SUHPIWSi: IIOl'SK WAItMIXfJ 1 j Friday afternoon, Mrs. Hans Han son wbb given a surprlso liousowarm Iuk at tholr homo on Ooldon avonue, and after a dollghful social tlmo of chat, refreshments wero served, and tho ladles organized what will bo I CKLEItltATK (HIT 1 1 IUHTIIDAY Mrs. James Kerry, Sr celebrated her fi'Jth birthday Sunday by enter taining a number of elderly ladles, and during the nftornoon of plcus ant conversation, sorved delicious dnlntlcs. Thoso Invited wero: Mrs. John Wall, Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Amanda Kose, Mrs. Dowccbq, Mrs. Martha Dyo und Mrs. F. 13. Y'licoiei. j. .;. a J . HOOK PAP.TY Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drews enter tained a fow young pcoplo at rook Thursday ovoulng, tho time- bolng spont pleasantly at this pastlmo until lato In tho ovoulng, whon tho hostess erved appotizlng dainties to Misses Ciortrudo Hoblsott, Mnmio uulovsen, und Dertha Davis and Mcssra. Ed Stoolo, Lawrence Myors and Oscar Oulovsen. : J t INFORMAL CHAT t Miss Emollno Jacobs of Kulaum Washington, a sister of L. W. Ja- cobs of Marshfield accompunled Mrs. ! ' Titnnlin nx. I 1 I , , 1 n n.m 1. ... tm1 iu;inin illlU IIIIIU OVJII JllflllC IIUIII Portland thU week whoro tho lattor havo been visiting for tho past few weeks. Mrs, I. Hadlock and Mr3. Jordan of Eastsldo made a business trip o Coiiulllo tho first of tho weok. ; Mrs. Walter Uobortson will vmtor- tain tho Eastsldo Social Club ut her homo next Thursday afternoon, J -J Mrs. S. F. Dock of Eastsldo wus.a guest of Mrs. It. L. Cavaunugh in North Dond Thursday. Miss Anna Russell, n sister of Mrs. K.E. llaguo und who formerly resided Mrs. F. 13. llaguo, who has been III for tho past two weoks, Is reported Improving. tf if fp Mr3. 8. II. Loland plans to lcavo ion tho Knnn Smith for San Fran cisco after spending tho past two wovks hoio with her son S. .1. Lo- j land. DiirliiB liur visit hero Mrs. Loland was guest of honor at a number of delightful Informal gath-! eilngs and dinner parties. . . .;. Mrs. II. A. Wolls will leavo shortly for Portland to visit lrer mothor, Mrs. Hutchison. Mrs. Hutchison will accompany nor nacu to .Marsuuoui to spoml part or tho summon Mr. "WpllB' mother will also como hero from Qorvallls to spend part of tho summer. Miss Holon Perkins wes tho guost this week of Miss Mao Church at tho lattor's homo on Isthmus Inlet. : Miss Iva Stokes, domcBtlo sc'lcnco 'instructor In the Marslifiold schools. 1a spending the Eastor vacation with friends In Eugono ,und Vncouvor, Wash. : Mr. and Mrs. Char) Hr.ll en tertained Informully Wodncnday ev ening ut cards. Dr. Mattlo II, Shaw and Mrs. Ellon Shaw spent Wednesday at the Chan dler ranch on Coos Itlvor. Buy Before Price Raise t It is almost a cinch that all makes of automobiles will advance in price within a short time. I would not be susprised to get a telegram any day advising increase in price of BUICK 6, so if you arc going to buy, it stands you in hand to get your order in as soon as possible. AnOtl6r ClirlOfflCl W one out of it, if w place your or- der at once. SERVICE FIRST, LAST, ALWAYS AT Goodrum's known us tha Dumblo lloo Club, and will men on the second nnd fourth tn Marshfield, has rocontly been np Frldav of oicli month. Thoso prosont pointed superintendent In th Ala- Sun Hurt Your Eyes? If your eyes are tired, or if head aches after a days' outing See Birch. You Need Glasses Tj T 1R O TTthe optician At Ited Cross Pharmacy. TERMS PHONE, 373-L MARSHFIELD WRITE, PHONE OR CALL AND -LET ME SHOW YOU. arage TERMS VISITlXd POHTLAXI) Tlio following Coos County peo ple who havo boon ut tho Hotel St. Paul In Portland, are on tho stoam or F. A. Kilburn on routo to Coos Way: Asa Carpenter, of Uandon; Mrs. Frank Holiuan, or Dandon; Mrs. Jess Mathesln, sister of Mrs. Frank llolinau, and Mrs. Flo Mar tin, of Dandon. Tho following Coos Day people are also at tho hotel: Claronce Catcholl, W. II. Woston and Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Hancock. EUGENE O. C. Thomns, who was living with a woman ho mar ried in Eugene, was arrested on a bigamy chargo brought by anoth er alleged wife In Medford, SUM PTEIt Esitensl vo arrange ments are being made for tho re sumption of placer work In many districts. All Accounts Due BROWN DRUG CO. are payable to SWANTON DRUG CQ. IT IS EPISCOPAL (JUIL1) TO DISCUSS . CITY 1H3AUTIKUL PLANS Tuesday Evening, Evo of Clean-up Campaign, Jh Tlmo To ho Open Discussion of Subject . For tho opon discussion of tho City Deautlful plans, to stlmulato interest in tho work of cleaning up tlio city and to get as many pooplo ua possible to tako a part In tho prpgrnm of tho following day, an ojieu mooting of tho Episcopal Guild Is called for Tuosday evening nt eight o'clock. ' Tho meeting Is" for overyono. John Ct .Kendall has prepurcd a very in teresting paper on Clean-up plans Which he will icud. Following this thoro Is o bo a general discission oh tho subjoct,- l This Is to bo on tho ovo of Marsh field's biggest Clean-up day und an invitation has been extended to tho members of tho Civic Improvement everyone interested attend and talk over the plans that nro to ho work ed out on Wednesday. Inasmuch us tho meeting 13 to be an open olio, thera will bo no refreshments this time. Ayomen's Clubs Invited A special invitation bus been ox tended to tho mombors of nil -women's clubs of tho city to attend tho open S03slon of tho Guild on Wednesday evening. H MOOS E C gundif EIGHT INITIATED AX!) SEVEX OTIIEItS AKE ELECTED I 1 ...... l...a I street, between Twonly-rourtli and .Minimum ,in'" 'Twenty-fifth sheets. Each vehicle lug at .Isilil for wpvh was proceeding west on i.ovejoy wncn "'. j tho crash occurred, Tho plaintiff nl- ' logos 111:11 no sustaineu serious in ternal Injuries. I t Committee nnd In tho work, to 1'UXS AUE TO MEETi llaii(iict, Pi-okuiiii and Vuudovillo Stunts Entertain Largo At- tendance at Lodo At tho mooting of tho Mnrsliflold Mooso Lodge lust evening, n class of olght was Initiated and seven others wero olected .to membership Tho largo3t attendance at any meet ing hold recently -was present to en Joy tho program which Included u fow vaudeville feutiuos by Dr. Johnson, J. W. Donnott nnd othors. others. j Thoso Jnlthitcd lust night wero It. L. Harrison, C. L. Wright, 13. L. Vlors, A. It. Erlckson, John Abbott, Win. Warren, J. W. Dennett and Dr. L. G Johnson j Thoso olected hut not Initiated were N. D. Oswald, D. E. Wads-' worth, Victor Matson, II. P. Man-! zej, I. N. Mlllor and J, E. Pot tit, SUNDAY DIXNEIt nt tho CIIAXD Llllt. SQvc;iy.rivt cents per plato. l''nV lOMTVutlniiH phono -O. KrilOOXKU tii.wmJ PIULAXIAXIC0OS"M SAILS imOMAUK'W ,", ...., ivi:nnMATIO.Vri!0"7 'fc ' ' Tom .imi:s n-r ,UU W"T- -"1 ASKS DIG DAMAGES (Jay Lombard und Wife nro Defend auCs in Suits I Dasoball players whb want to practico ado Invited to meet at 0 fa. m. tomorrow at Mike Durko's pool khall and go to North Dond to play on which is 'brought by Otto Williams. the, grounds there, Tlio accident happened on Lovejoy A Portland paper prints tho follow ing regarding Gay M. Lombard who Ih well known horo, having visited L. J. Simpson: An echo of Portland's unusual win ter, whon slolghs wore us commpn as automobiles, was heard In the Circuit eoiirt, yesterday , when suit for $10. 100 dnmages for injuries recolvcd in n collision between a cutter and nu tomoVllo on January 20, lust, was fried. - Mr. nnd Mrs. Gay M. Lombard aro tho defendants nnmed in tho suit, THESE HPIHXG DAYS YOU'LL WAXT T0 - TAKE THE BABY OUT . Wo'vo 11 wonderful new line Hint ciiibi-.ucs ou'ir 'l'f 4 CaVt and Cairlage--couiro.rt)ihlo, m'IM.iillt, oMooMW W ,lll,d1hllCH,lU'lflbll tO'Uato vehicles. wTM" lUUViL.J rv".":") -rAjsmmmx rjiQ WjmK 1,1 """ ". . .....v- Hltf-. "Pi LLMAN .SIJ.r.i' ;vj; .,,, of flue .una i Vfif. .... -J' 11.... Liifinss. Br'j . ... ... i. ,.rai e (i"!k MITCH I" " "" . kMfM ulll. lUUIIir M " ....! ilrfcM ! Kear. A H'lr,u" , ,sS poiicitiy (iiiimim...- THE LLOYD collapsiblo Go. Carts none bettor ."jiil.nii (o $lI.BO. Babies, Gigs and Sulkies ?imm ml ( -: icA 'V- 1 .- Wo have n complete lino or these vehli'leu fi-om ij8:l. lo il.'t.Oi). convenient '''' Job Gflkmen &? The Quality Name With the ServiceFarne tiijiiiknii.il tiuhwAJ Aa. LSut KblSM.. iik h.iiaJMlfi'iift rfca mi ,It, t&tJx- -