SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916 EVENING EDITION. For Cool Afternoons and Evenings 'M,V ' Ml WE La f A SPMNG ceiT Tlil.s is (lie (lino of year when one must lio prepared for midden changes in weather, m a Spring anil Summer ('out. In really noces Miry. When you can liny a SpVlng Coat oT (lie kind no are selling for $i:t.7, ami which is made along tlio nowusl linos tills .sci.son, of a ma terial (hat -will give excellent her vlco, wo licllovo you ought to see these Coats real early and inalco selection whilo m good a vnluo can ho had. ALLOWS 0 TIED "NKW TltAIN SKItVICK DKST F.VF.U dftwi:i:n iikiu: and vallkv GDDUILLEAR E I PUN Allows' Visitors to Conic Hero, Trade and Kettirn Homo Same Day M-nv Schedule interests Consltlornulo Interest was evl deiicod in the timo schedule rf tho Southern Pacific ns published last ovoiilng In Tlio Tlnica, Suiit. W. V. Miller having arrived homo from a conference In Portland with company ('officials. The now scrvlco to and from tho Coqullle Valloy and Powors allows W. V. SWAIN AND MISS .IKWHIifi SIIF.KIIAN OF POWKDS MAltlMKD civic imimiovhmknt commit- TKi: MI2KTIXO TODAY Well Known Young Couple Surmise j April 3 Is Heartily Kudorsed as Frfends Spend Short Honeymoon Hero V. C. Swain, Biiporlntonilont of tho Smlth-Powors Logging Company, and Miss .lowoll Sheohan, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Win. Shcehan of Powers, wore quietly married In Coqnlllo Inst 'evening, Rov. Mr. Downs or tho Meth odist church officiating. Tho wedding was n Biirprlso to their friends and today congratulations nro being Clean-up Daj Leaders of Wo nun's Club Want to Aid i More definite plans for tho staging of Cleon-up Day will bo perfected at a mooting lato today of tho Civic .Improvement committee. On every hand there has hcou hearty ludors inent of tho various committees of I tho Chabcr of Commerce and Mayor It. A. Copplo Is sotting aside tho day ! eutlroly for tho purpose of making ' for tho malting of the trip oitlior showered upon thorn by Marshflold t.Marshflold beautiful fifer Nw Sprai way In one day for tho transaction i of business. At tho present tlmo .1 visitor to Powers must leave Mursh- nioui 111 1 u : -n 11, 111. nun wuu uvui ! until tljo next evening boforo roturn I Ing unless ho can accomplish his business hurriedly in tho few minutes 1 between trains. j Allows More Time in tho saino way passengers from 1 Powers arrlvo horo now at 5 o'clock In tlio evening, have to Btay over night and, unless they remain for ! still another day, must loavo for homo again on tho 10: IT, train tho (next morning. I Tho now schedtilo allows for a stay 'of thrco hours and fifty minutes nt ' IUiii.h.. .....I n Mn. ., flnta Tltil nt six hours and thirty minutes for pco- plo from tho Coqnlllo Valley and Powors. Tills will bring considerable ' Valloy trade to Coos Hay it Is bo- liovcil. I Ferry Ariangeinent . Mr. Mlllor explained that tho dolay j , , of 0110 hour mid four minutes on ttio AV. ,1. Itl'ST HAYS CALIFOItNIA .!.(). LANCJWODTIIV ItF.MF.MDKltS ' Unipqun, going oither way. is or IIAS MAXY UNK.MIM.OYKI ', Ol.ll CLAIM IN ALASKA casloncd by tho fart that not only tho pnssongcrB, but the bnggngo, tho mnll, Labor Union Heads Say That 200,- If It Has No: lloen Staked Out .May bo parcels liost and tho express must Hub Dry Goods Company "SMART WKAR FOR WOMKN" Corner Hrondwiiy and Central Avenue. Phono .101. Ill IN! SEEK WDBK'HH FOLLOW HUNCH 000 Men There Aro Out of Wol-lc -Saw Foinier Residents (Jo Tliero This Summer Wis lu Alaska In G'old RiihIi 'bo forrled, transfercd from 0110 train to another. ' Also In niakltiK tho ferry It will not W. J. Rust who hriB Jimt returned Slnco 180S, J. O. Lungworthy lum'i.n nosslblo to no from one bank to from California says that while can- romoinbored thero is a certain claim nimiiinr Tim north landlnc will bo owl business conditions thcro uro I111- on .Copper River", lu Alaskia, that',,,, smith rlvor, about thrco miles proving, thcro Is n dearth of -om- j scorned to luivo all tho requisite,) of f,.0, Heedsport. Tho dolay too will ployiuont. Ho said that tho labor a full flodged gold 111I110. Ho Is ' novc tho piiBsongors to oat tholr union liouds cstlmnto that thoro nro frying to oscortaln now whether or Hunch ut Rccdspirtt. now 200,000 unemployed lu Callror- not this certain claim Is staked out 'tl0 Tlmo Table nla. Thoy flguro this will bo ma- and If It Is not ho may go thcro j ti,0 following is n reprint of tho tcrlally reduced soon whon spring (again this summer to look into tlio timo tablo published In Tho Times building operations nnd other spring matter. !lu8l OVonIng so adjusted that It can work startB. ) Mr. Lungworthy was In Alaska dur- )l0 ,nor0 on8ny followed through: San Joao Is growing very rapidly ( Ing tho gold riiflh days. Ho Hays that , South Hound Road Down Mr. nuBt says. Tho real catato mar- ho prospected lu this district and was kot is quiet, the better demand being encouraged by tho results. lie came for productive ranches. Ncur lu town j'liamo without taking up hla claim, property Is moving very slowly and Lbut novor has been able to forgot have I friends. Tho nuptials wore not such a sur prlso to Powers frfonds as to Mnrsh fiold friends but oven tho ones at Powers wore not nwaro just whon It would happen. Yesterday thoy idlppod away from friends and came to Coqnlllo whore tho knot was tied. Thoy ctunc to Mr.rshflold this morii llng. loko on Dr. Div Soon after Mr. Swain and Itta brldo registered nt tho Chandler, a friend tolophoned a hurry call to Dr. Geo. 13. DIx, a close friend of .Mr. Swain, simply tolling him that thoro was a oleic porson In room 22 1, Mr. Swain's apartment, without tolling him nuy further particulars. Dr. DIx responded lu a hurry and was somewhat surprised when his knock at tho door was responded to by Mr. Swain. An Inquiry Troni Dr. DIx quickly brought a rcsponso from Several leaders In tho women's ' clubs of tho city havo also bocoino on-, thiulastlc nnd state tholr willing-1 Lness to cull special meetings of their brganl.utloiiB for tho purpose of aid ing tho men lu tho clean-up and possibly to furnish "rations" at noon on April It for tho liungry workers. IN FULL DISCORD STHKKT CLKAXKHS DUMP KUR DISH OFF SKCOXD ST. DKIDOK More Suits and Cnah i .hist received: Another Mllplllcnl Of "STV!.l'.r... incuts, and wo feel sure that our stork N (, ' r Kw. the most particular dres.stV. Won't you ,. .i. '''lKn" "' "t STYLK-CRAI.-T COATS ,,.. , - " T-iMm STYLK-CRAI'T SUITS. n-IW to ?:(,;,! (HI MILLINERY Oh hi to the aiiuual Kaster rush, It xx 1 1 . Mc . jour hat onrly while jou ham a ehiinre (l, K0. ( . " kf,wt Unison's very latest styles. PRICKS AI.W.IVs I'Icht'"" DRESS GOODj ,ll till. Iiili.vl I.IIIIIIU III.. .(II.... . "" '""i 1'inMiim, Ucjifii ii.., I Crenes. (iiuuhaiiis. Perrnles. elr.. mii -.. .. onS I , ' " '" "ue cr Yard o o J ENNINGS NOR.TH BEND "The Store That Sells the Best for Less." IHH City Dump (iroHiiig in Very Heart or Miushrield City Reaiitirul Is Lost Sight of In Rush : SHIPPING news : Directly at varlanco with tho plan, .. for ti City Reautlful and lu nni accor" 1 with tho City Unsightly nro tho la bors of the Marshflold street clean- Swain that "I was married yesterday" jg department. Swcopors havo boon nnd tho Introduction of tho hrltlo 'iniiUiUK a practice of dumping tho quickly followed. Dr. DIx then hired ''rubbish nnd filth of the streets, ofr n chauffeur to take him back to tho (11,0 second street bridge onto the offlco nnd charged It up to Swain. 'Mill Slough fill. Could Not Kscapo so successful havo been tho opora- This was one of the many Jokes t0H Umt 1)y ,)W a v0 ot ,urt, n li.t nnrmintnreil 11 nil will encouiitar 1 ..oKni.l. mima i,... 1 uitimla 1, 1 ,- ,. ,ui,.u.v .. w...., u.......u ...n. VKSSKLMOVK.MKXT Luis, Arrived Whlttlor, Port Han 0: 15 a. m. Tillamook, Portland, 7:1." A. M. Adelluo Smith, Oakland, at noon, Stilled Ntinn Smith, Oakland, C:ir, for n tiny or two. 13von on tho train n,i ,iry n8 monument to tho causo, ' ,1,Bt 'Kht from Coqnlllo this morning, although thoy thought that they had kept tholr while tho banks apparently largo doposlts, loans nro difficult to negotiate Whllo thoro, Mr. Rust biiw many formor Coos lhiyltos. W. F. Squires nnd wlfo nro getting along nlcoly, Mrs. Squire being much Improved in health. Harry Skinner formorly pur ser on tho Alliance) nnd later steam Nhlp agent hero is now lu tho rotil estate business lu San Prnuc!i:co. Through tr. Local Leavu Leave Eugene 7:20 nm. Onrdlnor . ..11:50 am. Roidspoit . l:0 pin. North Iloii't . a-10 pin. Marshflold nr :i::0 pin. 7:0 am. 1. Its iiosslbllltles. This Is a hunch and ho Is anxious to work It out, though ho believes 'thoro Is oro thoro to pay 1:1m ror . jitir8,foM lv ' the trouble. Ifniiin 1 : :t 0 nm. Myrtlo Point .' 00 pin, Powers .... 0:10 pni, Arrlvo I SHOULD WORRY! DEAL NOW CLOSED COOS AND CURRY MMIONK CO. FI NALLY TAKKS OVKR COXCKRN .1. PLUVIUS OIVKS I'S I3XCKSSIVK RAINFALL THIS YKAR K:K nm. II: I! 5 nm 1 0 : :i 0 nm. Arrlvo North Hound Rend Up Through tr. l-ocnl Arrlvo Arrlvo Kugono 5:10 pin. (Inrdlner ... 1:00 pin. Roedsport .. 11:20 nm. Sill TlitVe Is Phuo In India Where North Hond.. 9:10 nm. (KM) to 7(1(1 Inches of Rain Falls I'MarHhfiold lv. 0:20 nm. Annually Not So Hem Mnrshfleld nr 0:10 nm. Coqnlllo (Myrtlo Point 1lf.ivt,a . - - . period tho year boforo Is 21.2 I Inches Dy April I Will llno Switched All ,. twlco tho annual rainfall of Snn bul.MVIbors or Coqnlllo l-arineiT.' .!)iego. Wo have had In the Inst i ,,,., P(lI1Vl;Illl,lll.0 , profit or Company to New Swltchboaid ioven months 7 1.07 Inches of water; i Ti..H wt Ads will ho demon- nt this timo last year wo had had stratcd by a trial. nil. Ill Inches. In other words Coou liny Is on tho credit side of J. Pin Kins' ledger nnd is still going. Yet with It nil there is a bit of Cons Hay's excess lu rainfall slnco Sept. 1 over what It was for tho siinio K! 8:10 nm. 7: Hi nm. 0: 10 nm. Loavo 5:20 pm. 1:20 pm. rt:2K pm. 2:20 pm. Loavo April 1 will see the coiiKolldatiou of tho Coqnlllo Valloy Farmers' Tol vphono Company nnd the Coos nnd Curry Tolophono Company, a 'fact 1 t lint will mid i!n Hiilmpillioiu In tlin'l latter concern and will reduce tlto.on8olu,,"n' homoi wag today .IIb-, double totalling bunion of inmiy 'ovorml llluro ls a V ln ,ho ,I,,M-, Coqnlllo users. Tho final salo papers all'-v" onntl. bJiwoen India nnd were made out lute yesterday In Co.Cll,1,u whoro tho "mu,al ni,I,fn" ,8 ,,, botwouii 000 nnd 700 Inches, 50 to llU1"0 '.. .., f ...... This brines tha totnl subscribers r . ".'"" .......,- J I TIMES WANT ADS t GET RESULTS t while at Its base scattered hither and yon nro cart loads after curt loads wedding qulot, others knew nnd tng3'0f Btiu moro debris. Hits of pupor , were hooked onto Swnln so that cv-, tiy ,,1,0,11 tho breeze, for nil tho , eryono know tho Newly-weds. 1 wori,i m0 8ml kites. I After n fow days they will return I lt. lll0 ,mradlBo ot tho rag plckor; In Piiu'nrn. whera it lininn Is In rcndl-!.. ..i-n. .,!!. n.. .. iniitli. uirnnt li'a ... . .... . .. ... --- LD VltllltlllJ Ull t, jfi.Mi.w .)......, . .1 ness for thorn nnd to which tho well I n t,0 Very heart of the city. wishes of u host of friends for a long . nnd blissful futuro will follow them. A. II. Powors nnd II. J. McKcown wero tho Instigators of M10 Dr. DIx j opleodo nnd they pullod tho snnio thing on TjC. Straw, Dr. Ilonsoworth and Dr. Johnson lu rapid succession. (JOKS TO ALASKA Frederick K. Drown, Locating Knglu hV or S. P. (Jets I'lno .lob Fredorlck 13. Drown, locating en gluoor of the Willamette Pncific nnd (who has been in charge of tho build ing of Tuunol No. 7, loaves tomorrow for Sownrd, Alaska, to bocoino engi neer for the government now build lug tho railroad to that port. 001 HUSKY TIIRKK IIUNDRKD THOUSAND TROUT TO DI3 DISTRIRUTKD .$ Aro Now In Coos River Hatchery Ready to Take Out In May to f Speedwell, San Diego, 5:!10 last night. Coaster, San Francisco, .S a. m. Phoenix, San Francisco, :i p. m. Due Hero Kllhurn, San Diego, to night. Patsy, Portland, Thursday. Hardy, San Francisco, to morrow. Duo to Sail Kllhurn, Portland, 5 u. 111. tomorrow. Tillamook, Portland tomor row noon. Adeline, Oakland, ".'DO n. in. tomorrow. HI E PIRATES NOT ' ALL I.IVi: OX ('(HK nit ACCtJIIDIXd TO ii:wiirMTl Coos County Slicnnis t. Three bundled thousand Knstorn brook trout will bo ready for dis tribution lu tho lakes nnd streams of Coos County some tlmo In May, according to Frank Smith, supsrln- teiidout of tho South Coos River Tlio tanker Whlttlor arrived In the Hstchory, who was lu the city today. I Ray this morning with n cargo of oil. Ho bollevos that by that time tho 'She was off the bar slnco Sunday Tho position is nil alluring ono tojrmt w, ,)0 ,,.,, onoKl, t0 fond 1 wultlng Tor favorable conditions nnd . ! nn nm nllA llllll lnnlllHllcl n I ouglncors nnd' 0110 that requires a most capable man. Mr. Drown has boon with tho Southern Pacific for years. Ho has n year's loavo of nb souco to go to Alaska. .Mrs. Hrowu will accompany him ns far ns Se attle. Mr. Drown did engineering work for tho Southern Pncific on Coos Day ton yenrB or moro ngo whon tho plan was to build Into this county by way of Drain. COUNTY SKAT NOTKS News of Coqnlllo People. Tho Sentinel Told lu for themselves In the streams and , for 11 pilot. This morning tho tu also that tho water will bo warm ' Albatross took James Mugoe out to enough for them, Tho most of them, pilot tho Whlttlor In and sho crossed woic hutched out lu January. of tho Coos and Curry Company up 1 to bettor than 2,300 and at tho anm time ranks It as the third largest tolophono company in tho state. It Is oljjht oai'H since the Farmers' Tolophono Company was orgaulxd lu Coqullle. Itn piuposo was purely that of supplying service nt exactly what it cost to oporntc. Most of the BiiLecrlborH were stockholders. Tho i-tlrst rate was 25 cents a mouth, later .50 cents and thou up to $1.50 a ftinouth and the uulmcrljiors kept tholr fov 11 instruments lu lo'pulr. L Hy April t It Is expected that nil subscribers lu Coqullle will havo boon fswitched over to tho 0110 switch jjbanrd. Thero will bo sevoral Im portant changoH affected in tho Co qnlllo system, especially as to putting tho wlies In cables within tho city limits. ifnll would perhaps bo as high us the Chandler Hotel whereas the amount wo havo had horo bo far thhi year would little moro than top tho crani um of .lous Willnrd. ('hint Shows Itahifall Hurry Duller has figured out a very Interesting chart snowing tho 1 rainfall each year since l!u nnd Hill. 1 Inches annually, Tha following Is tho rainfall ac cording to his chart. IOO:: (18,11 Hit) I 80.35 , 1005 55.22 i io l'cc!FACE POWDERS AND TAL- ritiui 1(140 1908 ." 50.72 1000 OS. 00 1010 .. . , C5.SU 'tiHl ...." 01. SI 1012 02.87 una oi.O" PERFUMES The Red Cross Toilet Goods Department is now well stocked with both American and French Perfumes, including the exquisite Djer-Kiss, Mary Garden and Floramye ex tracts, also Hudnut's, Palmer's and Reiger's popular odors. All Accounts Due BROWN DRUG CO. ' are payable to SWANTPN DRUG CO. 1911 '1915 .Mi .Si I WILL KNLARCK MILL I CUMS IN GREAT VARIETY. Toilet Creams all the popular ones. Ladies will find more satisfac tion in coming to The Red Cross first for toilet requisites. Tho 4. RED i CROSS mm rinsor and Schalling who rocontly purchased the lumber mill ."t West lnko, south of tho Sluslaw rlvor, will vulargn the plant so that It will cut ,5,000 loet of. lumber a .d?y. TU01.I, ie.e Drown Phono RIU Inov owners nro both experienced mill j "Proscriptions FirM" men Mr Fluser was form r pluicr ,lil the (Jnrdlner mill. ' maaimm Pharmacy Tho distribution In nil probability jut tlio Porter mill, will bo mndo according to tho wl.ihcsi The Kllhurn crossed out of Kureka of thu Coos County Fhsh nnd (iiuno at high wntor this morning and Is cx Protectlve Astoclatlon, this body peeled hero early this evening nnd designating tho streams to bo stock-f will pro-balily sail about 5 a. 111. to ed nnd tho nuinbor to bo plnccd In morrow, tho various sections. j The Adelluo canio in about noon At this rnte It suoms poiulblo that fioni Oakland and Is loadlus to sail part of the flub will be liber-, about 7:110 In tho morning noxth uted In Ten Mile Inkos, together with Jtignln. other fish thnt inuy bo obtained Loaded to the guards with her 320 Llator from the Stato Fish nnd (Sumo 'tons of freight tlio TUhnuook, dipt. Commission. Mr. Smith pointed oiit'HJorhorn, of thoS. D. Klmoro lino, that later in tho year it will bo famo in on her first trip toduy possible ti nm the fish cars Into ('will probably su v pioon tomorrow, 1 This afternoon the gasoline sclionu- Tlioy , lr a Coos Hnv clrl is bad vnn "r Patsy Is loavlim Portland for Coou do not expect to bo through thoro for J (,0.t lmvo t0 tel, tUQ ,)e0,)lt Thoyn nay with freight. Lator slu will several days yet. j rind It out boforo tho girl docs, 'contlnuo to Dandon. The Installation or tho newly olect- . it . 1 .. 1 1 At II p. in. today tho steam school ed orricors or Ko-Keoi i.odgo, Loyal 1 mamwm g mmmmmvmtxmmmma ' or 1ll00lllx ot awnJ f'011 N'01tl Order of Mooso, will bo n public nf- j 1 ' Bond carrying a cargo or luinbor fair Thursday evening, April H. A ror tho 3011th and sovarnl pussongors basket social will follow tlio core- Rpnnpp JMP HIRH PflQT n ' ttoth tho Nnnn Smith nnd tho Choose ninl'lng begun Mondr.y nt I tho Coiiulllo Valloy Croamory horo. Assessor Trrlft is nt work In Dun- ti,j3 countrr. don this week nnd Frank Durkholdor! in tho district below that city. ") llliroilTj orricnsiit J Is .Str:indcd. Stiuiil (Jllr(l 0tl Largo May S.iio .Some Though C003 Hoy pirates eutti a roptitntlon In the looting 0 & Santa Clara, from reports im m of Hay Clly. near where the ittia sehojiior Oakluml has gone atbor, it seems that there arc plratei a world over, If the orcaslon tristt The Oakland was on lis wij trca Dnnilou to Han Francisco hit ml and had Jiut cleared thclir k;i tuo vessel ran into a heavriuiil wind that drove It to the wi until ofr Tillamook, the crtr bu deued the bout then wifrltftti A Hay City dispatch to the Porv land Telegram says: "The iteaa schooner Oakland, ashore it Xu zanlta Hcach, north of this pin Is still on llic hand, the stern d tho boat lnudward, and teems to l lu u Jafo position, with a chw to bo pushed off, If no ttoim ar'Jtt boforo salvage hcxlns. 0wr;eW llaiiiH, or Hay City, ho yeiterj camo down to tako chargi (or lit owners, Is ptotcctlng the ship I cargo rrom beachcombers, aid tli morning routed a crowd ot rta who attempted to se-uro the tirn or ties loaded on tho atcamer.Oito beachcombers, however, ate rit Ing small nrtlclcs, thrown oretei In tho shirtlnc of tho icssel nl rioatod ashore. "Owners or tho ship arc eipertil to arrive horo this afternoon on 1 train rrom Portland, when plw will ho completed for pulHm ut vesso) to safety In deep wafr. I tin, niiMiiitlino Williams renialu a cluitgo of the ship and rro" rrom posslblu nets of piracy. i ... .. ,... MMll WTHl ns marked tne siraiiuius , of the Santa Clara off Coos W FLKKTS CADDV MU.MT10XS Foity-llu Steamers 0KJ VlmllviHMik to Carry Sufflw Thoro aio fort3-no H l!... i.resont time under cha.ier iw Soattlo to Vladlvobtok to oW " o.. 'suiinllos to tho army pi - - II north again about Hvry one or tlicto si. w 1 at tho hIKliosi rai - - ,M fifty oa on t JJJ coast. AsnneNampl'of ttUft .,. .1,1,. iionolulan has J lmrUrod nt tlio rat" of fl; WATERFRONT NEWS : 1 444? tho bar nt (: 15 n. m. She is docked month. It was figured that M loill'.' lnyatthodockwlilloBhowas cost iri.oua mm .,.m- The Itobort Dollar bu - ual monies. M. M. Young, who quit the hotel buslnoss horo about a year ugo and wont onto n ranch nt Bancroft, has Jiiht moved to Dandon. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Noel returned Thursday morning rrom San Francis co, whoro thoy havo boon spending tho winter ror tho benefit of Mrs. Noel's health. Sho Is somowhnt tin proved, though still not woll. S. 13. Anson, or Arngo, brought his wDo homo rrom Morcy Hospital at North nend last Saturday. Although moro than sovonty years of ago sho recovered rapidly utter tho amputa tion or ono of her limbs above tho kneo. necessitated by blood poisoning, and tho wound Is now healed. O. W. Onrdlnor suffered a painful Injury nt tho garage when nttompt- Ing to crank n Cadillac It kicked back and nearly Jorked his arm ofr at tho olbow. A It was. some or tho liga- 'inonts woro torn looso nnd his hand nnd arm nro swelled up to twlco their normal slzo. LIVING BY PURCHASING Bulk Coffee The elimination of coffee cans reduces the price of coffee from 4c to 7c per , pound. pnny Is oporatlng sovcral ,i the tMilo nnd has 0 night tor tho south nitor being do- charter. 1 ho ijuwi ,0 a, "'"' " "' .. nihers ISiidcdwoll managed to not out last In "l0 tr,Ml am ... . ,..i.,wil ' " . ftH. TttirClHTl Wl""' Try our Bulk Coffees, at 25c, 30c and 35c per lb. Bunker Hill Dep't Store 11 1 u i. mi iiiu Dwuin iihui ucuih "- - . anr yess " luycd ror n.long tlmo because of Is soiidlng .v.-sei . tt tho bar. Bound, but .1111 ",, ftr Tho stoam Bchoonor Coastor with lottonis to cin a cargo of lumber rrom the C. A. Smith mill, sailed ror tho south this morning, crossing tho bar at 8 a. m. ' Tho steamor Nnnn Smith got away last night, crossing out short ly utter C o'clock. IH. SODFNSON TO LFAVF, Will Go to Chicago and Ills Practice 'lYniibfer Libby Coal. $3.00 ton. Phono 72. Dr. Leslie,' Osteopath, MnrshNeld. Tho Dandon Wostorn World says: Dr. L. P. Soronson, who roturnod this week rrom a trip to Curry county states that Dr. F. A. Vogo of Port land, n rormer scliooltuato', would nrrlvo with his wire in Dtindon Sat in day to tako over Mr Soronsen's orrico and practice. Tho Inttor has WH HinilincrAr Rr Ct rl0t dee,del wl,at " w!U (1 th0 com . 11. lSlUUlUger X 0. lng summer b,ut is. inakiug prepara- Phone 32 'tions to Icavo'next fall ror Chicago 't t"'1"0 UP a post-gradunto course In TmmmwmwmmrvmmwmmimmjimL 'xiomistry. front. "" .iMiiium Tho stool barK. "'"',.,,,,, W sot away from Seattle .--, Tt U& from Seattle the ,. with a 125.000 cargo ,. lluropo that wIH cost ju much In freight raUsJ List or advertised letters n. In the Marshflold. us,,, for the week end ns MJ rH Persons calling for tM , ioase say advertised sno .?:-!twS! iiassuu. . -- nunDl ii.- OBralnard, Mrs --. - !, 0; Johnson, Aiuen. - dln, m- j. v.: Pratt. rtU.u cmith. Mrs. Kati?; tc" .,.,, J w;W.tmn.MjJa;.IlA,s.P Times, Want Au. rJ'thfe ' AIIPllC' '"-, ln "ri ilium wiii" ."ibllr flt',," They ensago P " ' r .0i,. ,,ir.Ahvnys on tne