THE COOS BAY TOES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916 -EVENING EDITION. FIVE Beautify Your Home : rfmir ni '"' m In .0..-..". " 1",,,U,"SCM (Vlli.."i"-'",Sh,,mvy,m onr He Mnc. ,(lSo.m l.o -. for tl-o 55. cr r.".. .,. mo ;;; "" I... k.u tml tVltl fnmliwrc r iif" i"' Srto,l..l.od.n..J'' fiffiWHI waarasa Get Your New Shoes Now Kpilugtlme is DUKSS-UP Is hoio tiiul wkkk. it fiom typliolil but will not be tiiilofkss tban seven feet above the level to definitely determine for u day or two. html to look well dressed II' your shoes nie run down and decrepit mid heslde.s n new pull' of nccu dt-lrc- 0 II nU(rAr iOinffx.Alctl vc Company North Br.t SI, Phone lUb Crossett Shoes will milieu life's pulh enslei' far you. Illarlt ii'n d Inn In Hie new lasts, $." nnd tfll per pair, nnd yon Can noer get more lor 3 our nmney. "? tiik wkatiiku itin'oitT v 111 AmorlattM pip,, t Ilcglus Action. l'npera were served on llorbcrt Armstrong, local representative of the Southern Ore gon Company today, In a mitt brought by A. .1. Mnvcn to fornelns.- mi n 'delinquency tax certificate on a tract ol land near Dora. The FIXUPi: North lleud Mni'Hhricld a . o Coon Tl7 Tlmrn 1 OIIKOON - Fair. heavy frost In Miutli and east; wester- ij vtiimtl. LOCAL TKMl'KILYTUHN HKCOltD For tlio 21 hours ending at l:l-'t a. in., .Mnnh 2S, by WonJ. Ostllnd, special gov orniiient uietcorolotlBt: Maxliuiiin ,-i!i Mllllllllllll ; At I: CI a. in ;jr, I'reclidtatlou ou Pieclpllntlon slnco Sept. 1, "MB 71.07 Preelpitntlon snuio period year . .r.IJ.l;! Wind: West, partly cloudy. SUXIMSK AM) SU.N.SKT Tuesday March 2S Sun rises at i. in and sets at 0:21. Name Is Changed. The name of 11110 Coos Hay Dovolopmont Company, wtli orriees In the Coko building, has been changed to tho Security Mort gage ami Hondlng company. The change It was stated has been sanc tioned by the state Corporation Com mission. Inlllute Two. At a nicotliig at tho Masonic Temple last evening, tho KnlghtB Templar degree was con ferred on 11. ,1. Kimball, Jr., and later the Knights of Malta Degree or Mr. Kimball and Warren Painter. iTheie was a big turnout ami asocial tlmo followed tho lodge work. .Makes Final Survoj L I. Cantlne, deputy state highway engineer, ex pects to leave tomorrow for Coiiullle, making his final survey of tho road situation In Coos county. He lias Iwutli 14 n nrwiflltil Ittttfk nl'iiH tn fnniln ,! tll0 norti, utl,i 0f tho county and Guaranteed Electric Irons $2. 75 On Sale for 3 DAYS ONLY, each . . . Y" v Electric and Heating Supply Company WE DO WIRING AND JOBBING a...-.. IcxtioetH now vorv Hbortlv to return ! II I, , " , " r 1 BORN t I $ w""l' (," OH ec.ois. Judge MACK 0 Mr. and Mrs KnH Mack, ' tho oror for , wrt f lmuulaimm , . o..i.i .iron, way, tlilH mariiliiis. tl0 CBB0 of Wooll vormiB Covol nm, luc,la March 2S, 11)10, a Blrl. Lti.ers. which Involves a school tight loth mother and daughter are do-,n ft (lstrcl ,, t0- ,nlI. Hig well and daddy, with tho tolo-1 lfr Bcel t 01IHl tll0 8ch()0, lUroct. phono company. Is glad there Is u . IlinBinilcIl nB tIl0 petitioner did now subscriber iQt awcar yoBtordny thc jm,B(J wl ! have written briefs submitted to him. I'IIo.m: in 7K Cent nil Aveiiuo. 10. (.'. OI'I'Klt.M.W, -Mjjr. KMTteil Si Dr. Ira II. Daiv tle and wife, of North lleud, are expected home In a fow dayj mis Angeles, where Mrs. Ilartlo has spent a mouth while Dr. Hurtle has been doing some postgraduate work in New Orleans. (Joes (it Curry County. John H ,., I Smith, who has been working his N I0BLE THEATE TONIGHT SAl'iri'V FlltST MarMifiuld'H I'li-o-riiinf Tlii'iitor 1'la.tluir Tennis. Soniu of tho Coos May tuuiila players nro hnvlng (a tournumeiit to start off the sea son. Yesterday Claude Thompson beat (icorgo Stephumoii and 1. It. Tower bent Warrtvi I'aluter. This ifteiuoon Charle .all Is playing i Frank Hague. -iau(jii (JKJ(jiii: seni'JAM COMI.IIV XKHIT llll'inilll C.VItl.i:, siippmleil by .lessle ICnlpli nnd .Marie Wajnu In "JIUiV'S liA.MII" A I'liiuedy In Iho'rwls pronoiineed as f;imil 11 "Thi (i.dlii'i'" Unit ho showed huvciul wi'i'kn a. Tilt: Kill MACICIAN" Ouu of (liu ."Maji'.slle Mil iiuncillo.s. OTIIIIIIS rilTl'lllIS Anlliimy's Spleudlil Musie Como Knrly Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. Tomorrow night: llouuttful llir."l Dawn In "Tho Heart of Jennifer" Paramount In five parts. Thuisday night: "Oraustnrk" turcJ from the popular book and play featuring Francis X. Bushman. Tii ()pn New .Movie. G. J. Le mauskl loft this morning for Dan don, whoro on Saturday he will op- .in tlui OriillMMtii 'I'llff'itnl t U'llliOl (... .. ........... ......., .......... lie win lane active cuarge. .Mr. 1,0 luuiiHkl has a good building thore and nu eiiulpiueut enabling him to put on flmt-clasa movies. Ships .Machinery Arehlo Kruno has shipped to Suit Kr.uicltvo the mlno property on South Inlet, was In the city today and left for Pow ers and from there will go to tho Hock Creek country In Southern Com and Noithern Curry Cuuntlas. Wo took eight men with him uiul w U mlno In the sumu locnli'y 1 0 worked last year, lie will also hold hli ,si i tl Inlet mining clalmt. of tho sldownll:, as proscribed In a elty ordinance. Hii's u Xow Car. Dr. Cleorso 13. Dlx has bought a new llttlck D II roadster, a fast machine. It will arrive on tho next trip of the Kll bum from the north. Mr. Dlx told his old ear to Hock Hrothtrs, butch ers, North Ueud. Molt In Ktigcuc. James Mott, brother of Dr. Mutt, formerly of North Bend, nnd who staged an amn tour play hero, Is now In lCugone where tills week end the University players will stage the "Fortune Hunter" under his direction. Tho pi of Its of tho play go toward the erection of the women's building. Nut Coming Now. There Is a re port from Kiigone that tho Unlvorsltv of Oregon C-leo Club will not essa tho trln planned for Coos Hay In 1 April because "tho railroad will not be completed In time." In all prob ability the r,tudei:ts there havo b'iv.i misinformed as to tho stnr'lug or tho railroad. Tho leport stated Mte warblorB wnuH probably como 'ie.-o later In Oio jeai. Originators of Low Prices t PERSONAL. MENTION tt CHAULKS HODINU was down from! Allegany today on business. .t MRS. V. U. HAMILTON, of ConullIe.. .,.., Tllr- om J ..,,. .,wr in,, viuit.ifu imrn toiinv. X AMONG THE SICK I JAS. K. MONTUOMintY went to Co-. J nnlll. til lit IIWlfMlllir ft II tl llllultllt'ia I ,,....U iu.o ... b - ; 0col. Wu wl() ,,ns ,,,, , TIIK li.Ti:ST CltKATIONH IN SUITS AND COATS AltlJ TO III) FOUND AT TIIK .1. C. IM-JXNKY SIOKF WIIKUK YOU (JKT TIIH .MOST I'OIC YOl'lt .MONF.Y. Look at these J''rencli Sciges, Wool Poplins, etc: Ladles' French Serge, Nay Ditto, ninnnlsh effect. All wool. (Jiq nrj Our price i)JiJU Ladles Wool Poplin, cut In tho lat est styles, navy blue, (fiQ RQ Belgian blue $lCt)J Seo this one lu Delglnu Q IE blue, worth double (jJITilU Wool Poplin, cut with tho latest effects. Worth double. (MCEn Our prices JL ,. i)UiOU Seo tho beautiful line of Silk Crcpo de Chine WalBts, tlio hit- (hii nn oit out, nil shades ip'TiUO Silk Not WalBts. Ql QQ Our prlco vpTiJU Net Wnlsts, the latest QQ QQ patterns. Our prices SI. Ill, j)ciJU .lust locelved A new Hue of Iji dies' Skirts In all the new patterns nnd .shades. We Lead Others Follow Incorporated J Next Door to Postoffice j TIIKKATIINI'D IN LKTTKIt CoiiiiniiutcaHim Scut (11 (Jardliorl .Mill Superintendent OKOUC.K Si:HMO la moving from ' fop JV0rI f' li ngnln uble to ' The Courier of Oardlnor the OVonnoll apartments to F rn J" nol,I ' as down town to- tells tho flowing: I day greeting his rrlciidB. Snporlntendont O. II. Hlnsdalo, ot 11 (11HY s-U'1 I w-n -inour tho vis- ' lho UUn0r Mill Company, last week t little c.t"o y from Alio-' :- , received through the malls of tl... 11 ' AT TUP HHTPI Q l,mco n vor' tlireatonJiiR letter from B.U",,fll5 , . ,, i H nuiCLO i unknown parly In which throats A. P. DAVIS, , oputy she f Is he e $4 j , ,0 b'ow ,,,, nm, , fiom Couulllo on business and ,.,... p,ii. ;uuii;iiv !' ii-oo ..v ...nv .. Handles Spoi'lng (Joo''s. JatnOa J. Klchardson, scout for thc Portland Heavers, Is here with a lino of Spauld- lug goods. Ho opened a now account With tho News Company ami tomorrow ho goes to Powers to see about outfitting tho now baseball team thore. Ho says that probably Carson and Lylo DIgbeo, who nro now lu tho Heavers spring training camp, will bo "farmed" out this Ben sou to tho Spokane Indians. I'njd Dig Salvage. Word Iiiib boon. miinll.n.l !.(. tll.i lit, .11,11 Ullll ln ,1 ,1 1 - 'It'iunt'll lllUb iiiv Diwuni nviiwuiiui box factory niachlnory which ho; ,., i v.i i.ionuln to J. II. ii'ii,. Piimillln lllvir ...... .. r , i ...i ...n "MMMWMJMWMaMWMMWBMailfMWWWWay.lMJgMMMMiMM boiiKlit ou tho lower Coiiullle Ulvor and which ho brought to North llmiil 'I'lm liliiclilnnii Iimh Iiihmi I '. . shipped to tho Kly Machinery com pany, which firm It Is understood, will sell It for Mr. Knuo. ROYAL TONIGHT ' JACKSON & pi nopii7 " iiWt iiruicii tiii'ins,.i,.u (,. i. " t' trr) .mm itmtltn lllu aunts nff on tlm it.. i .if " """ "" inniiiii "W(1 to i.s , , haino WlTl-lli: COIIPOHATKIV -I'ltisii.vrs "ARovnl Farr.;U," VUry "f K'.l nliiMuiiilil bo .. "- tlnill la OU...J. ,.,, " riJOtll. in.. ,., - !, n.n.v w. i nie ,w,;wxiii1u.MiHsiaiii1Yl,,v rii.iniilois cniiiliiir. It. It. Chand- THE LLOYD HOTEL ler has recelv.-d a lottor from his'pliit: Apartinents, father, W. H. Chandler, stating that Two Kooiiin, S8.0II Mmilli. h0 nnd .Mrs. Chandler will arrive Klectrlelty n"d One, Freo Hatha I liomu noxt weok from an extended ..Slecplns: roonii, nit. up stay lu California. Thalr daughter, Haxtcr of San Francisco nnd woll known on Coos Hay, Juts paid $10, 000 savago to Jt)ho l'liciflc-AIaska Navigation Company. Tho Admiral Dowey of tho hitter lino on Mnr. C. picked up tho Wand ofr Capo Flat tery when sho was lu a holpless con dition. Tho repairs on tho vessel amount to souio $16,000 and will bo completed probably by April 10. Inspected Station. Supt. Otto V',illi,ii1f nf llin l.'ttll illut rli't Cnust ""' " w ,,..MWV.f "- " Mrs. Tiomalno, who has boon with , Guard Sorvlco, has Inspected tho now imOADWAY IIOTKL Soiuetlilng new. Day ratt's 7."e. Kates liu- eooliiiig apartments, SI per week anil up. b mtii to liu appieclati'd. Post otfko liullil hiK. IMioiio .. L. .IUSTK.V, Prop. (Fiinuerly ingr. St. Lanri'iuo) I them, will piocued to hor homo In 'Vancouver, H. C. 1 imiiotiv in i..... . . toUk.,..,' ' '"' iiuililtloii l)ou W IJII. 1ii. I .- Nio.. ' nr?UlieM, lHVr ' ,Kl1' '",l -Mllll0 rUJfJ , ' ,'lln.ll Is (lio part - '"ISS t 'M'llS, 'V, S"'; ..'"MTIC.VL i iv BLANCO The Public Service Hotel has Just been thoroughly renovat ed, anil opened to the public .March Iht, 11)1(1. Sonio or tho features of this old hostelry arc. free oin- ineiit liurcaii, fieo huHin !. illation litillo.ln and Mud treat .Manv Petl.'oiis. Many patulous ore being circulated hero by friends of the various aspirants Tor office Watt Short was circulating aoino for W. W. Caidwull for Judgo; Wal ter Richardson for K. H. Tlehonor ror Joint Hoprosoutatlvo, and K. L. McCluro or C. W. Fulton for Pros hiontlal convention delegate. stntlon at Charleston Hay and hnB Bent a fuvornlilo roport Into Washing ton, It Is Btnted. Androw Fouchey, who lias Buperlutouded tho building of tho now station, has now 'jouo up tho coast. Mr. Wollundor Is Inspett Ing tho station there Tho local crow will not movo to tho now rjuartora until tho red tnpo has boon gone through with, possibly tho middle of next mouth. Ti Admit Child. Mrs. A. L. I... 'I'tnhoiii Louis Nelson. ein-.HotiBoworth will leave Weduebday ,,l..i.,..l 1.. ,,i,n ,,r tlw nun nu nnnr Al.fnr pnttle. where SllO Will Ullopt IMUJUII ,11 W..U ... ...w w ,. .. w. . -. , legany. tumo to .Maishflold this ttho.lnfant daughter of a niece, who morning for medical troutiuont. Ho died a few weeks ago. Tho mother ... ii... . l., 1.I..II, 14. ,.i,.i, .!,! woo omit ti jiijui innn fiiiitr iiiii i nun d uiiiu i mi wi iiiiiiiwu ii(iiwii Mint .....-- wiiM iiiiiL.i n cn. in u io nuiu m itivt j"h - ,..- -- M incut. Tho pntrinuigo f the publle Mc.(.y Hospital. Dr. llorsfall suyj.and tho young father has granted iu ..iiiioiinii I.I.... i... ti.i.iim vriumi lu unfrpiiiiL' iiiii rniMi'Ht of Dr. and Mrs. Houbq- -, i..i . I unit liu llllimo ...-i... . ....-....., .. ...-,.. -. - , worth that tuey no given mo uuuj, plensuro. LKW1S M'.MIM.LHN. or Myrtlo Point. was hero this morning on timber business. MUS. J. D. UO II HI ITS or Allegany, was down this morning on a shop ping trip. DF.PUTY S11KHIFF A. P. DAVIS wan over InBt ovonlng and today on business rrom Coiiullle. PAT IlKNNKSSBY was In rrom th.i mlno last ovonlng, returning llioro again this morning. ItOADMASTUIl It. II. MUUDOCK was over rrom Coiiulllo this morn ing nrtor road mutters. K. P. LHWIS noticed It wiih a fine day and so loft this morning ror Handon-by-the-Soa to call on tho ' trade JOHN KKNDALL returned last ovonlng rrom Powers whero ho had been Tor u row days on a business trln. MUS. UOSH M'INTOSII nnd daughter, Miss Alum, nro moving Into tho Fred Mosserlo houso at Kloventh and Control. DAVID J. ItKKSK left on tho morning train Tor Coiiulllo and Myrtlo Point, expecting to rotiirn liomo this ovonlng. J.IIIS. L. W. JACOHS and boh. Lloyd, nro expected homo tomorrow rrom a visit with Mr. Jacobs' relative.! nonr Portland. KUXHST C. SMITH ol Hood Hlvor, ' Iiiib Bono down to Lnuglols to visit ror a row days with his uncle O. N. Smith, formerly vnlltor and pub lisher of tho Langlols Loadar. S J. LKLAND, of tho IikIi hcIiooI ' faculty, and Miss draco Williams loft this morning ror Lakeside wimr.i timv will Join u party Bpond- Ing a row duys there ou a vncatlon Clmndlei' Hotel Andy P. ,l)avl, Coqulllo; DnvJU tl0,,f wo,ro "lrovcil Holmes and wife. Heaver Hill: Lewis McMullon, .Myrtlo Point; Mrs. V. L. Hamilton. Coiiullle: Charles E. Mack, fKugene; M. Orlfrin, San Francisco; (J. W. Pndls, Portland; Dr. F. K. Wamor, Portland; F. V. Jonnings, Portland; W. W. Crlttonden, Jr., So httlo; J. S. Hnrton, Coiiulllo; 13. P. Stownrt, San Francisco; 13. A. Cooloy, Myrtlo Point; Nola do Armoiul, .Myr tlo Point. St. Law i euro Hotel H. L. Anderson, Handou; J. L. (Jrirfln, Walla Walla; Mrs. C. A Tho lottor, so wo nro Inrorinod, Mvns badly written with a pencil, and wan signed "S. O. S." No ono ap- f pears to tako tho matter very serious ly In Gnrdlnor lu fact, It 1 gener ally thought tho guilty party or tho act Is not a resident ot tho town. SICNI) jo.'i- CLOTIIKS KAItLY (o avoid Faster rush. JAY DOLYH. Phono UilO. t uiiiiui, umi itniia, .nm. v. '. MCtAr TfinAY i Stirrior, South Unlet; Miss Shlrloy iPVV IUUHI 'StUflcr, South Inlet; W. K. Daggott, j Castolln, Cal.; W. U. Heattlo. J'"'a- WANTi:D Hides, pay (op price Hldo; James F. Iteavls, (lardlnor; . 0 c Molioyi stimnor. Ore Fred Karl, Itocdsport; 11. (iordon, So- nttlo. I,hi)il Hotel I'M Stovous, Powers; I. I, (loodllii, North llond; Cecil Scott, Powors; Oeorgo Sabol, Hlvorton; Frank Me- 'Oouty, Itlrorton; Warren Smith, Portlnuil; II. Huliurtmiii, Portlnnd; C. Maxwell, Portland; L. Mnxwoll, Portland; Wnltor Chrlstenson, Port land; W, C Christonson, Pprtland; V. 0. Hossoy, Coiiullle; M. W. Htltly, Sun Franlclsco. Ilbiiii'o Hotel Danlol Hnrkldw, Myrtlo Point; 13. J. Olllhun, Coiiulllo; F. 13. Mltcholl, Spokuno; Frank Moser, (Iravol Ford; 13. U. Moore, Coiiulllo; Ilobort Cal houn, Coiiulllo; J. O. Keller, Coiiullle ISIjAKCO IIOT13L UU7 TS'iirth Front htreet PJmno IIMi. Jlaihliflcld, Oregon BUY FRESH I HOMEMADE Candies I and 1 BARTER'S I PURE ICE CREAM. I WW Drnn Vmn I Ogntral Avenue 1 roit SALI3 Ono classy registered Jei.sey hull calf, whoso dam milked 11, 1(1(1 pounds In ten inoiiths. Also cows and hcliers, all leglstered stock. AVrito to F. A. SACCIII, Mar.slifield, Oregon. FOIt TIIANSFKII AND BTOHAOH OF 1IOUS131IOI.1) fJOODS, FIU3IOHT ANP tAOGR Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono KKl Residence Phono IS-J Market Ave and WiKcrfront WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo has It t 81.f50 nnd ?2 rash per load. Onrlmgo remor led. l'hnno 227-J. ' mm im iBMIIIIIltW IMT- -msntmnmnm ' : ir J r I rv uuan H A i s. . -BUx nis i H t i B H B (JKT YOl'U IILMS AND D St PPLIFS AT m "The Owl" I I TIIK KODAK STOItK. ffi H Voti can be Mire of fiesh W. B ... i ii's li. 1Mb K nuns nun hiwiu. t pn B a big aid to Kodakois P ' B nniTDHi AC H m l fit ocivinnu vu- m B NUE DRUG STORE, fl mmmmmmmmm Mis. Kioltzor will proliauly accom pany Mrs. Housoworth north, and Dr. Housoworth will meot them in Portland on tliQlr return and ae ompany them homo to Coos Hay. Prescriptions are Our Specialty irni: nnnss ACCUItATF.IiY AND PltOMlTLY COMPOIMH.D When ion neeil a pi- s.ilotion. sou need tho best hcrWi'o obtainable, nun inai Is what you alwajH get at THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono -1IH 'o Deliver Immediately -"ays It's Hughes. J. S. Harton, Ci.ullU, who has Just loturned ' a irip to llosoburg, Bald thU .li,., wUlo on his way homo, tl-tt i.erythlng over lit tho Willum- e" Valley nnd also lu tho Fast nil to sound like Hughoa for tho K' ,'i 'l'ean Pres'dontial nomlnutlon. M- . iys tin. belief 1 thai though Ih.'ui'j will not allow bU name to sti' in tho primaries nevoitho- ,i -. Hip deloKntM will go uuinstruct- tc the Itopubllian uomlint'oii I ihM ho will not roftiso tho ia int'on If tendered him 'it that IfflfHK; 0 s o o . 0 SOCIAL CALKXDAH Tiics"ay NoHh "lrwl Club Auxiliary fotiul afloinoou. Uau'p rt Hoyal NolKhbors with Mm. Witty. KpU Oiial LadluH Gtild Ir. Guild Hall. ' Wednesday Voitii Hond PiiHtUno Club with Mrs. It. O. Hralnard. Auction Ifrldgo Club wJth M.-b. H. Crosthvalte Dorcas Club with Mm CharlcH Spoouur. M. 13. Laillou Pllvor Tea with Mr A'. II. PorkliiB. Thursday Hal'ibow Club with M"3. C. II. Duiigan on Houth Cooe Itfvor. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. C. F. McKnlKbt. Klcjter Club with Mrs. N. H. MacMlllun. Mlnnlo-Wls Club with Mm. 13. Kolloy. Klunoy Club with Mrs. Tom Juza In North Hond. (Senora Club with Henry O'Mura. l3astsldo Social Club with Mrs. Walor llobertnon. North Hond Nuqdloaraft Club April Fool party at homo or Mr. nnd Mr. I3dar Hanuaii. Friday North Hond Thlmhlo Club caBlt. a. C. Motley, Stimnor, Ore VANTKD To rent .Modem coU tago by respoiiBlblu couple Fur nldlied ir unrurnlshod. Modorato rent. Phono 10. LOST lluiith of kejH. return to Hlllyers' ltewatd for HIIOATS for Mile by It. A. Church, North Coos Klvor. J I FOR SALE I ! FOIt SALI3 Com d.lll, ?10 nchmI corn, Oc, Maxwoll runabout $1715, also a Ford body uphoUtorlug in good Bhapo, $2B. Address Hill &. Murphy, Hrldgo, Oregon. FOIt SALI3 lliiouo rainli at .Sum ner, $0,100. 13. W. Knrdoll, Marshrield, I'Olt SALK -Selectiil MillV lghom oggs for sottlngB, rrom good Inyorn W. H. Oxonrldor, Phono 1103x2, Marsh Hold FOIt SALI-Full blood It. II. eggi lor uotllng; also day old chlcka. C. M. Conner, Ph. -JM-J. A (t U FOR RENT I o I J F()t III3XT Furnished aparlmentB ou April 1st. O'Connell bldtf., Mus. Watch Awnlngh. Now that t'i nun U coming out and good vratiiT b em (ho order Chler Car te ' Jn making the rounds or tho elty to seo that none or tlio awnings are Tho Shcrlfr has Informed us that ho will send a Btatomont to ovcry tax payer, whose addrosa ho knows, as t, tho amount of tholr taxes, thoro fore U yon will bb"" t,lcso statements . .. i, in a amount or your taxos '... .. .!. nn Tiiid nnd keoolA. WO Will BCU " '"" ' , , . '" - a rocord on our uwd'8 or tho a- wth Mrs. Jay Linden tront. without any cost to o. Flanagan SBcnnctl Bank BICYCLE TIRES IJuy Them l'liim Uh. Wo Charge Nothing (o Put Them on Your Whcvl MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Lndlos Art Club with Mrs. L. O. LaiiK. Tho Norweglnn Luthorau Young Pooplo's Social at church parlor. Presbyterian church nnnual uiinual mooting nnd social. o t t t 1 t t ! i phono II'J-L. FOIt HUNT Furnished flat, hot unci cold wntor, bath. 853 Third Bt. FOK HKXT Finest fiiriiished npts. lu Mnrshrield. Freo heat and wntor. $2L'.S0 up. Myrtlo Anna. FOIt HKXT Modern fivivroom bun. gulow on 12th and Commorclal streets, $ por month. Apply doing & Hanoy. FOIt SALK Thirty-five ncros, ono-half bottom and ono hair bench land; six acres or gooi orahard; good houso and barn, llghtod by ncotylono gas; hoim with moilorn o(ulpwonts; hot und cold water, bath. etc. Near Co qulllo. A good buy ir taken soon. Inciulro T, caro or Times, or Hox 2R9, Coqulllo, Oro. I Dr. f). C. Vnughan. Dentl't, Hooiu "(1 First Notional uaiiK uiiiiuin r I V WALL PAPER See VIEPS M)out It. i