"." THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY. MARCH 28, 1916 EVENIIMG EDITION. four WMflTOfSnf COOS BAY TIMES n boy than (hoy him todny. Audi CAN YOU &EAD FACES? then ono of the children who Ih In tho fourth Rnulc will ttsli Father nboiit ten (iiicsllons, relating to his studies, nud Pother will suy: "Hun away mid don't bother mo don't M. O. MALONEY, Kdltor nnd Pub. DAN B. MALONI2Y, Nows Editor C0L. S PEELER, SAYS WHEN A DOG HAS TMAT YEARNING. FAR-AWAY LOOK N Official Official Paper of Punnr Oitv Coos County of Mnrsbftolil. you see 1 m busy' because vainer can't niiawer ono of the questions. HIS cYEr HE'S PRELAW MG ABOUT A BONE Important Annonncemeot t Entorod nt tho Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malli as second-class mall matter. SUilSCIHPTION RATES DAILY. Ono yoar $6.00 Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year SI. CO 'tyjien imid strictly In ndvanco tho eubsstlptlou pilco of tho Coos Hay Times is IC.00 per year or $2. CO for lx months. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. At tent leu of depo.sllois is culled ii. BUT WHEW A MAN LOOKS THAI, WVT HE 65 GETTING READY TO ASK YOl.FOfc. whereby Miilcment.s will ho leiuleied moiitbly, ,.,, '"Ilcl March I, InMeml of linvJiig your pnsM books l'(. (", '.' 'ittK ,(l11' pass books not IialaiuVil up to Maich i sbould ln " '"Kc' ''"f lialimic, so as to ret urn old checks In (,im. i,,,.,,... "1"'1' '" for --' i.v-ii sur ... new I QIP.STIOX POH THE DAY Referred to Herbert Locklinrt Do you Ih Ink expressive express ions expressively expressed would As sist the nxpressinnu in oxptessIiiK oxpros3? A Coos Hay woman's Idea of a Kosslp is another woinnn who tolls a secret hoforo she has n chiincc to tell It herself. inn. Will lie glad to explain the s.iMeiii . . ... -," uoce lullj ir iii luiiiiie when in the hank. "ic Tlbe First I Ifc iiwwnr ' "' f I National A WOKTII WHILE HP.I'PTATIOX T IS worth whllo for Mnrshflold I to luivo a roputatlou us ouo of tho rloaiiost and prettiest nniall cities on tho const. This reputation may bo nniulrod by a little effort on the pnrt of overy resident of tho city In doing his or lior share In the coining clean-up cnmpnlsn. Now Is tho tlmo to got busy. Mnlto up a list of the men to whom you owe monoy and you will have u list of tho men with the host memories on Coos Hay. Some Coos Day pcoplo mnlto a ood living who niako u poor life. THAI.V KHUVICE (.001) Til It) now train sorvlco which Superintendent Miller lias an nounced .and which wits printed In Tho Times yenterdiiy should bo (;uto satisfactory to the people of I MAItHIIPIKLH TINS CITY MP.Al'TIPPli Ily Virginia Clarko 1)0 NOT want to scorn to bo klioekor yet, I must say tliero are maiiy parts of the city which tlio uiinii! .Mnrshflold stilts beautifully. In order to beautify tho place something must bo done with thesa "fill-Ins" and Hwnmps. If grass cannot lie grown on them in their present alnto, then something should bo done so that grnss will grow. All of tho people of our town 'should bo enough Interested to keep both Coos i Day nnd Conulllo Valley llor , poaI n, IUlt rowor points. Thero In a train each way .f ,,. f tIlcy ao ol nll0I( t0 from Poworfl nnd Hour throtiKli to Drtn.li.iw.Ml 1 ..,. ..!... ...III. 11. IH...I....U ..... .......v.uuK Willi ill.- 1(J ,lr()( , ,, ,t f()r t,0 IU, trains ror Ktigcuo, in niiniiioii more Is a local train each way between .Marsh fluid and Powers. This makos it possible, to go to Powers and other Coqulllo Valloy points In tho mom lug nud transact business nud roturu tho snmo day. Likewise It gives tho valloy people a chance to eomo to Cons Hay nud have about six hours to do trading or attend to business mat tern and get back homo without stnylng over night uh In now noeos ary. Tho now tmrvlco with two trains each way to valloy points should do much to bring about an exchange of business between tho two parts of tho county. Supt. .Miller Is to ho congratulated for arranging such an excellent sorvlco. t WITH THE TEA t AND THE TOAST those things themselves men should tho (bills sent to tho occupants. Ij Ouo thing which wo really should uiiva is n goon pari;, ah iuih is ii timber growing country wo sliould linvo as many native trees growing as posslbl(a. Then, of course, wo could have n hand stand and many, muiiy bountiful flower beds. A fow moro clean up days would not hurt Mnrshflelil either. 1 also hollevo wo huvo iiilto enough pnlut- Kug (o ho done to keep nil tho paint ers busy ror soino little time. Another great Improvement would bo to plant grass along tho banks of roads that have been cut through 'hills. This would not bo a very dif ficult proposition nud undoubtedly would provo u pleasant sight to the ojv. However, thoso aro Just n few Ideas to aid In making .Mnrshflold n City a Jw CIGARETTE Y J , , , (P ri I A 1 pOR) r . 1 rf wlfe $&'&! s i i j,n-tSiVLSLi0?ri cz. ivr ir imp rvo ti b. .. . n I ? VALUABLE ffiW &Z Mk. i.i wSi L coupon in MmU fc-wTsaffiiMWaft U mlg U EACH PACKAGET " TlMwllllil ' rfSb j ' Mem j$$EpMBIB t Bank OF co afety Pkus Seirvfce S Bay INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann1 Smith Passenger and Freight SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY THURSDAY, MARCH 30, AT 10 A. M. S. S Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent ! lloautlfnl. y . O A (;ooi) i;vi:.i,(; j HOW TO HISAl'TII'V THU CITY I OK .MAItSIII'IKLI) Instead of a gem or ovon n flowor, cash the gift of a lovely thought Into tho heart of a friend. (leorgo Mac-Douald. lly Clyde .Mcdary :it( THIS OASIH dark desert of tho Through the day A sudden song along tho way, A burst of sun, a smiling flower, O IIK.MTTIKY tho City of Mnrsh flold w should all try to koop th.) public schools as elunn nn poBslhlo. To got rid of all tho old fhulldliigH llko China town down here and olthor build up new brick build ings or tour thom down. They should bo made to put up brick build ings in tho town or business addition liutoad of wood ones. Thou the city should got a park that Is a park Instead of u brush honp. And so beyond tho roaring drums Our glimpse of mi oasis conies, And thliMty for tho love of life Wo Hud It In (ho midst or strife. Tim clouds are hoay o'er our heads. The day turns dark, around us trends Tho won ry-f noted thronjf Hint goim To labor with a heart of woo; Hut like n wind blown out of Juno A boy comes whistling n Unto And thiough his cheery lay tho pall Is lifted nud tlio jiiuhoauiH fall. .Across tho dreaming world of tlmo, li overy laud and every clime, Thus some oasis soon appears Amid the desert of our tear A loving word, u kindly glance, A little touch of IIId'm romance, A flower, a child, a souk, n tree, Bo love from shadows sot. us free. Selected. .ll'IXHS SKII'WOItTII WW AUK glvo cr lllfil Ml lo XOTICK OP H I,IS op nintovi: 3IKXT HOXHS Xotlco Is hereby given that sealed proposals will ho received by the Pi- Is nuiico Commllton of Hie Common to Council of tho City or Marshfleld. u ' Coon County, Oregon, lit tho office of tha City Recorder or mild City of Marshfleld, In the City Hull of said City, until half past seven o'clock p in. on .Monday, tho !!rd day of (Prom tho ISug"no (luiird) MtK ul ways pleased redlt whero credit due, and believe a rose (ho living Is worth moro than hank of roses to the dead. Having carefully lead tho opinion handed down In tho tax case by .Tin! go Hklpworlh, we are prompted to speak not only of tho prompt hut i April, 1UKS, for tho purchase of stroot splendid manner In which Judge Hklpwoith has handled this case. It Is a contention between good I citizens of this county In which nil the taxpayers aro vitally Interested nud any Judgo might ho pardoned for desiring to avoid tho unpleasant duty of standing as Judgo In breach botwoon practically all 'improvement bonds of tho said City of Mnrshflold, to tho amount or $1, Ot.'l.liS. All of said Improvement bonds to ho In denominations not exceeding ?r, 00.00 nnd bearing lutorost nt tho 'rate of fix per cent per annum from tl10,dalo thereof, payable soml-uuiiiially; i,u wild bonds to bo dated tho day of Issuance and to mature In ten years thereafter, with prupayniont option thuroon nt faed vnluo and accrued rlutorust to datu of any noiiii-unuuul coupon Interest period nt, or nftor, ouo yoar from tho date of stihl bonds The CADILLAC ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPER 4 V It'll I t i jii THIJAT YOCIl CAIIPKTS WITH : iw 1 per citizen of his homo county. Judgo Hamilton, of Itoiohurg; Coke, of Marshfleld nud Calkins, of Medford, havo nil recently boon huio and Judge Sklpworth could vii.iii; uiitu iuimiiii ii.u iiuiucuiwu.i. i - ,..---. duty to either of thom and 8,,0.) lm giving notlco by publication In , stepped it lilmioir, hut ho did noti" 'i'i"" " unu reninuini do this. Ho ncceptod the r0jloll. I'rliHod nnd publish In Coos County, slbllly, faced his duty iiiifllnchlng- """"" " ""' '" "u i" ly, henrd tho ciiio on tho vory first !V L ' Abstract Vov reliable Abstrarl'j of Tltlo and liifoiiuadon about COOS HAY IIIHI, PSTATP, sco Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Mnrshflelil and Coiiulllo City, Oregon. Ocnerul Agents I'nslsfdo nnd Seug.stacken'H Addition. Special ntteiitloti paid to assessments nnd payment of tnri. Ill'fXItY SPNf.'STACK'P.V, .Manager. Tho cooling MwontnoM of a howor,,avo II 1,ot ll0"80 wll0,' l,0Ol', n,uW ! All things couio goes nftor thom. to him who A man wants lo live as long as ho cap, no matter how he looks. Hut n woman wants to dyo hoforo she cols old, get flowors of any kind at any time or tho your. Tlnv should fix up tho stroots nnd not allow any company to log over thorn. While in tho city yourself, you should refrain from throwing trash nud spitting on the sidewalk. These rules' 1 think, will help beautify the city and rnko It healthful, also. day It was ready for a hearing and three days later handed down his decision. Ami an opinion, too, that would do (T'.'dlt to any member of our Slate Supremo Court. Ills opinion Is clean cut, positive, uueipilvncal nud brief. Following not loss than twice during tho mouth piecodlug such semi-annual porlod at which such pivpayniont thoroof will ho made. Tho rlglit is o. prosi ly reserved to reject any and nil bids and upon all or any such bids, or pro posals bolug rejected, If thoi should remain any bond or bonds unsold, tho wild bonds may bo thoronfter sold at TO and luwyors. There . no mlsuiidorataiidlug what he mtmiiR. Ho uses cloiin, plain language that cannot ho In terpreted to nuwn anything other than Just what It says, nud If either party lo the litigation is not satin l'l"d he bus lilu remedy by appeal to the higher court, with tho Issues JACK AI'UONAMl WILL .NOT SIJP.K , clearly defined Hnd not befuddled by t'OI'XTV COMMISSIOXPHSIIII' iniiy wobbly, straddle-tlie-fonce l-in- .kiiiiko that Is jo oft'ui used to con fii tt i utiiil f ii ltlu liivtil I tn iiiii Aiimi ... , , i ., ... Jprlvnto bhIo by said Coninion Counu I point ho gives bilfly the statute!, , ,, ,, ... ... .. ' . ii.ii 'of w1'! City of Marshfleld, Oregon; and cnsi aw upon wheh ho hnaoii.. , , , , , , , , . , ,., . ,,, , ,, , , , , , i Hut I no ownt to le sold nt lis holdings. This kind of duels on , ., , , . . , ., , . , .... hsn than pur und iiccruod lutorest; Is always satisfactory to llllgmita' . . . nnjk ,,,,.,.,,,,.,.,,, .. t 'tltl V HIMIIWIIAVII MJ lll f it M EMM Well-I.iioun Mur.-lil'lehl Man .May Have Cleni' l'leltl lor Hepuh- llci.n Xiiiiiiuatloii It taknn a course In tho school of experlonco to show u f'ooa Hay man how niuch ho dooH not know, 'tho ltapuhlleiiu nomlmitloii. i Jack McDouahl, tho well known Coos Hay logging opu.rntor, iinuounc.s that he will not be a candidate for tho Itepublleau nomination for count" oninil8slonor this year. .Mr. McHou uld is so busy with his private bust- hiess that ho does not bellow that lie could a I foul to devote tho necessary tlmo to look utter tlio duties or tho office should lu bo nominated and 'olocted and so ho will not consent to 'tik'iiils entering his name. 1 This will leave J. T. llarrlgan, tho woll known Murshflohl hurdwnro idoalor, without opposition hero for Ho is ce.il thought rather than lo oxprosa II. Pour essential .pialUtes are uee (ssaiy to make a good Judgo: l'lrsl Hood horse s'Mise. Second -Close ntteutlou to lha coml's husluo. Third- Unliuiieai'liuhlw honeaty, and Pourth I'rnmpt ilorlaloni. HuIgU Sklpworth womg to have nil four of thsv iiuullttoa nud is linking a Aery flue record n a lu l.ue in all parts or tills Judicial disirlit. CAXDI OATH'S AXXOrXCIMllCXT Tho Coos Hay niiin who ia so busy trying to make money that ho hasn't time to make friends dposu't got much fun out of life. Subject to the will of tho ltopuh- now regarded as ouo of tho strougost .llcnn voters of Coo County 1 un cuudldatos In tho field for any office. I uouueo myself as a cnndldato for In addition to tho support being given nomination for tho office of Sher- Maybo a Coos Hay woman likes to call lior husband "dour" In pub lic hccniiEo she knows It him fool choap. Father Is always bragging what him heiv, ho Is bong boosted by many around Myrtle l'olut and Hid outlying districts lu tho northern part of the 'ccunty. 1 As tho Coaullle Valloy now has niuko3,lwo luoinhors of tho Judgo AVatson and Armstrong, intiity on the Coiiulllo l'col that tho Coos Hay district Is on iff of Coos County at the May pri maries. If elected I pronilie to continue tho policy l havo folluwod whllo lu orflco. ALPltKD JOHNSON. Jr. county court, i Coiiulllo. Oregon, March 83, 1910 Commissioner poh roi'XTY suuvitYOit 1 hoiohy uniiouiue myself ltepiibliciiu (iiudidate tor tb of the State of Oregon ami ordinances of tho wiliI City of Murahtlold, Ore gon. " Assessed valuation of said (City of Marshfleld. Is $2,!i20,i:i0.0n. HoudiHl ludebteduoaa la f 5 1.000.00. Population estimated at .1,000. A certified chock of 5 Kr cent of uiuouut of hid or proposal must ac company ouch bid to be forfeited to Said City of Mnrshrield, lu ease bid Is accepted and bidder faiU to accept nud make paxiuout for s.ild bond or bonds, covered thereby, within ton days from the datu of accoptaiico of said bid or bids, Kneli hid or proposal submitted to! doalguati tho denomination of said bond or bonds desired. lllds or propoaala roeolvod for anv amount, of said bonds; smull bl.Meig being given preference of purchase. Proposals or bids, with certified checKs, to be enclosed in seuled id.ilu uwloiieti without distinguishing! murks or writln-? thereon, except the I words "Hid for linprovoinent Honda of the City of Murahfiohl, Oregon,"! Hated this lJad day of Marcli. ' 1 0 1 0. II. J. 1CIMHA1.L. JR.. ' Chairman of tho Pinance CoininUte. WE RECOMMEND AND GUARANTEE THIS CLEANER Johnson Gulovsen Company A.Quality Xanic With a Sorvlco Kanio I Xortli Front .Street Marshfleld GET NEW MUSIC ' i i i n t i Come In nud play tho latest victor records on our machluo and select ' tho ones you delro I 5,000 (o Chooso Prom Wo will order spcclut Number for, ou 1 L. L. Thomas j usxc Co. 7!J Cential Avenue Oldest Hunk lu Coos County IMnhlMicil 1880 Flanagan (h Beimetfc Bank Mnrshflelil, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTPHPST PAID OX TIMI3 AX1) SAVJXOS HI'.rOSITS Offlcors J. W. IIPNNKTT, Prosldent; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, VIc l'resldont; It. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier; Q. P. W1NCIIKSTER, Assistant Cashier. I Flanagan (h Bennett Bank OP MYItTLK POINT Capital $25,00 Officers -J. W. HP.NNRTT, l'resldont; JAS. II. PLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPL13B, Cnshlor; L. T. DI3M1JNT, Assistant Cashier. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Offlcors J. W. 11PN.NJ3TT, 1'rosldont; TOM T. IIKNNKTT, Vice President; AltTllim .M'KUOWN, Socrotury; HKNNKTT SWAN TON, Troasuror. Tho Only Trust Company In tho State, OntsIiTo of I'ortl.uul, Which Organl.ed Under tho Now Law. i&znttYXxmzrseszz.iki nwn it mm ii aarrmiTinfa ,mfk QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 10G-L. MAKSIIPIKLl), OUKOON 'GRAVEL Wo aro now preparod to furnish C.HAVEL In any luantltl" trom pllo lu our yard or in carload lots, at following prlcoi: Prom pllo on ground, J3.VB per yard, . Canoad loto, tnkon from cara, J3.00 per 7' Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. vj'ivainj a w9-7inv(, ...... a urent scholar ho was when he "titled to representation on It ami inai wonC to school and how much hard J. T. Il.irrln.in would be an ouellent luatlou oi Coiintx Sur.or or tin lessons worn when he wus'lian for the place. S K. HPNDKHSO.V, Coiiulllo.. SUHSCItlllHILS XOTICK Tho Tlinoa cnrrlor boys nro j ! Instructed to put tho papers ! on tho porch. If tho cnrrlor does not do this, ullages you, or ne- Kleota uottluv tho pnpor to you j j on tlmo, Kindly p)iouo the olr- I oiihitlou niapagsr, as this is tho j I only way wo can determine as a j whether or not tho carriers nro note- follow lug Instructions. Phono 133. North Pacific S. S. Co. F. A, Kilburn Sails for PORTLAND ' TOMORROW, 5 A. M. F. A. Kilburn sails direct to EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES ' SAN DIEGO APRIL 2 From Smith Terminal Dock OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. . (t Lcnio .Marslifielii at 7 a. in., anil retiiriilnK Ieavlnjj rnm i.mi 8 a. nu Liwo Mnrshflelil nt U a.m. ami rcturnlnf le SIoubIi at 1 p. in. Leave Multifield at n p. m. and lcnvo South Slounh nt (I p. lit. wuMMiMW..Mafcftawwiwaamii r nf mwm . a&mmm mm " PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient servic COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY - -l EXPERT WELDING of METALS and aluminum castings W Steel, hrass. cast, iron like new Phone 180-J. DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage North Front aw T