THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELS. ORL'GON, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916-EVENING EDITIpN. THREE Lieut Bryan, .U. S. N. stated before the Am. oc. of Naval Engineers: 0iis made from the as- nhalt-base crudes have shown themselves to be much better dipted to motor cylinders, as far s their carbon-forming proclivi ties are concerned, than are paraf-fine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude HAPPINESS AND JOY. asphalt-oase. jtiignesicompeuuve Awards. San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. For sale by dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. era, vffltow n H5V1 VT Gii bct-w aw "sb& DBS S?3 vtWUV ICKULCIlt the Standard Oil for Motor Cars ilflMT-WM - 'wo"w A JZL '& r?W!Wi BMMUllWirl 1 WwMdWM i 1 m ti- 1- Ik 1 fun iTiBi Jhn ms3&EaaS3 A P.. l.oai( all( slp,K touched H1ISS0S nml M,in(oti. IIH' S ))J ,jNf tl ,1,.,,,.!. " Hoy, I uls, , 0Vj.. TlH'ii thunk mid imitcil ui the dour. Io oll limn. IciiiiIuk .... his t-nnc. vw.lhcd sbmly tM. tlic Mi eel, l'i'.VilnK on hnppj ,js. 'Ilio Jmiih ent j(,y K, tlici lou, no.oss my faro. i-oiiiiinst r,. j0Ji UnpplnevN and Joy N tl,t.,0 liny dlffcicnecV lirri:m.JXt'KV Yimi bet !..-. Is! 'il'MC. ..Ill ( .Hill's (, ,.e!l- pipes 4111.1 lllllgS of nlc, M 11 lltilu ioiiikI fitlilo In (ho cm no,- ,,r . tp ,oni Mimes happiness for jon! Hill .oj . jB r Wiie, n InnT of lnon.1 Am) tliuii beside i0 .slnj-hiK (. wilderness." Happiness Is n (lolstoiort health, Rimed and shuttered against a chilling world. toy whIIu the lonci, hinj, ,,,, ,,,.,. ,,,,, fl.,,.n,y K.4I1N. VUtli a good old (lump dog, ongeily bentlng (ho hcdgci.iu.s. Happiness loiters on u-lxct lmwis, (ImoiikIi lmn-'s, lanos, To hoar the sin III elrmhi railing to (lie ln,iiluK bees. i:11llanl Joy, with lockloss stops, slanils tiptoe. On Hint sllppoiy perilous oigo llnil tups (ho woilil, To culrli 0110 Mushing glimpse or life's lioilon lino. Happiness lolls in n steamer chair, ' Anil watches (lie fur white sulls on a shimmering sea; Hiil Joy Is to fool the pull of (ho sheet ami (lio Ing of (lit tiller, Anil joiti- f,-Ki-it wind-blown I111I1-, lino, across my imo. Iliippliio-s Is ilio clinking of (lio oolu or ilio ninikct plaio, win Hi In passing hom Ininil In liauil. Itnt Ilio tioasuies of Joy mo not mlutoil no lianKoil glcn In linitoi- l!cpt lor liuuian Minis. Tor Niuno, alas! who long sought liapplness In aln A10 win.! n liny nil lii.ui' or delirious Joy Willi a fiiillic nooillo pi Id: In (lio bnivit rnio.ii in. Hnppliioss Is (ho jollnu- Kold, pallonlly uiihIioiI ft out ilio simils of liro. Hay Joj Is a prli'oloss Jouol plokoil up liy ilio wayside. Happiness Is ilio lUiuiilalUo louard or liltie. loy Is 11 uiiiKoil nil ( or Ilio puis. Scarainoiu li, In Now Yoil: Tilliiine. A Time Saver A Money Saver A Public Servant IS THE HOME PAPER It advertises home bargains, which are the best bargains. It has all the home news and works for the home town all the time. Why Ho Was a Picture Fjn. "Jinx Is ilio wout moWug picture' faiC I owr naw." "That miY" "Ye: ho iioroldciilnlly Rot Into n itnot Hceuc liuliiK taLcn for a photo piny our a H'"r hro, and ha lata been liiiiiutliiK tho uiorio hotiien over hIiu'o lllfo a Wild inuii." Florida 'llnion Union. T Other Way ftouna. Slra. S(mrplto When I j?avo you Hint Holuiun wnruliiK iikmIiisi niarryliiff I Hiild.tluit koiiil' day you would icrcc It. That tlmo will couui marl: my words! i Jim, Ncwod Tho time has come. Mrn. Souraplto (Blcefully) I thousht bo. Then you regret your marrliiKoY I ilre. Nowcd Oh, no! I i egret tho I warning you gavo me. It kept mo from mnrrylng for nearly a your. All Kinds of Job Printing Done nt The Times Office High Quality Groceries , Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of Hie high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 PTrJ FHE COOS BAY TIMES Travels over Every Street in Every Town, and over Every Road in Coos County. LET IT CARRY YOUR MESSAGE. J NEWS OF OREGON : Somincrvlllo and Gorlinm will erect a gariigo on tho Pacific IIIbIi- xwiy at llarrlsbtirg. Tho Portland (las & Coke. Co. -was held not responsible, for typhoid gen3 in drinking water uaod by cm ploes. Sotnnierville and Gcrhnin will crcc a garngo on tho Pacific highway at llnrrlstnirg. Tho Portland Or.s and Coko Co. vns held not responsible for typhoid germs In drinking water used by em At Astorl.1 twenty-flvo out of thlr- uty Indiist.'lcs on tho lower Columbia Jlp oporntlon aro employing 10,000 lucn. . Walker voted for a J'Jf.OO union ' Hchonl. Oregon commorclnl rluliH nml col leges aro bocoinlng more, u&eftil In promoting flux Industry. Tho Ijitgone chamber of romniorco iiiiaulmouHly volMd ronolutloim op posing pioioscd chatigo lit hours of labor and vnges for women by tho Oregon Industrial Wolfnro coiiinils tiliin. , lrom Ilarilsburg six carloads of ,1iops wore shipped direct to London, K 11 gland. Oregon Is reviving tho flax Indus try and extending tho mint industry. , Ht, lloleus has a monthly payroll ol $110,001). At Hugouo tho contract was let for a school house to coat $111, 101!. ' At St. Johns !C. II. Watktus erect ed ti HO by 70-foot concrete cienmcry inilldlng. Columbia honch opposlto Vancou ver to bo Improved for siinimoro re soit. (loo. I.. Pcrvlna of St. Johns, In ventor of vacuum l'lro place, wants to establish a factory. A million dollar shipbuilding plant Ik planned for Llnuton. Allen and I.owlu may locatn a Job bing hoiiHO nt Houd. A now $30,000 biinlncHS block was started at Ifend. TIid Alaskii-Paclfic Klshorles Co. increased Its stock to $1,000,000. At Springfield tho construction on 'the $25,000 .Methodist church Is to start soon. At Kugouo tho Klinlra Lumber Co. hns resumed operations. Iho Hlg Deo mill starts nporatloni Mnich liOth near Hood Ulvor. I A cold storago plant planuod for lower Umptiua will cost about $7,- 000. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost Hiah Efficiency L tKJP MM Ttffet VM. A" "A -, 'i ' . i. rr-- A.r rmm-wjm o-k i :-- I S S r lilMSniVjiiMjM iW IBB wmii- Ss uu'as .i Why Not Enjoy a Modern Kitchen? Your husband's office, store or workshlp is up-to-date. Why shouldn't the kitch-en--where you do YOUR work, be mod em, too? Cook and heat with Gas and you win bo surprised how. much more easi y and quickly your work will he "lushed. ' Gs Makes Housework Light Work BETTFRl'.lalnc,Jieatl,KJ wil" as, not only ca you do vwthoMtk,Aul M0RE work in much less time, Gaslnn a 'l of trouble wilh flres fue' or asnes ty, liahin;?.0 c?as.ed to be a '"xury; it is now a necess Isn't it tfm the household labor of rnillions of women. With the I aid yof V00made housekeeping a pleasure Oregon Power Co. PROSPERITY Is Not Altogether a Gift . On a Platter It is often the sequence of local, individual effort and application. ' It does not abide where no effort is made to retain it. It is Opportunity which k'nocks at the door, but it must be accorded a welcome and co-operation to fulfill its mission. ' Business does not seek the man who stands idle. It seeks the man who seeks it. There are many ways of seeking and getting business and results, but the one recognized all over the country as one of the most potent agencies is Advertising There are several methods of advertising, but the one that has proven the most successful and satisfactory is Coos Bay Times Adv er t is in g It reaches practically all the people all the time. It is the salesman that enters every home and presents its argument to every member of the family. ' No matter what the general conditions are, your own prosperity depends upon your own efforts. TIMES' ad vertising can be made your powerful ally. Advertise and Be Prosperous i mgjggjjgggjgggggggfgjf JHHHHMHBHHHrHHHJIHHHHHflilB ! THE LAUffl I How They Solved the Alystery I '" I By CLARISSA A1ACKIG T Ilailey nnd flogtrs, Investigating lawyers, faced each other in sumo dis may. "A murder case," remarked Hurley at last. "That's rather out of our line, Isn't it?" "Just because no one has brought one to our doors. Wo'vo taken every thing In sight so far," grinned Rogers. "Then we won't let this ono got by, eh? Good thing It's vacation time. Xow tell me what Dr. Illbbert had to say about tho matter." "I found him waiting In tho olllco when 1 arrived tills morning. Ho said that be had a curious story to tell me. "It seems ho has been attending a patient, nniery Armstrong, who lives In a dilapidated houso on tho Freeman road. Armstrong was n middle aged man of eccentric habits and lived nlono with a hired mnn, a Swedes of tho namo of Lludqulst. "Armstrong lind money or wns re puted to be n miser, but his house tip penrcd poverty stricken. Ho nlwaya paid tho doctor with grumbling reluc tance. "Armstrong had been sick for somo time, nothing dangerous apparently, merely a low malarial fever. Ho wns so much Improved tlmt Hlbbcrt decid ed be need not come any mote. "When he went ,o pay bis Inst visit Inst night the man l.ludmilst met him nt the door nnd said that his employer was uumurtclntiH. The doctor found Armstrong bad bc'ii for several hours. Investigation bhowed that tho ninn had been uho: through the heart as he lay In bed. "The shot had penetrated bedcloth lug and nil, nnd jet there were no powder nmrks from a gun pressed against the bcddlui,. "I.lndipilst appeared stupctled when told that Ids employer was dead. He ! admitted Hint he had been away all I night nnd had Just relumed. Illbbert ' came directly to us and has now gouo J to notify llie police authorities." "Where Is I.ludoulMV" asked Hnrley. . "Oh. Mil. belt left the mini nlono' tltflta. Ifllltlilt Mil illlll lllllM. Ill lllfc 1111a ' der the circumstances." "Of louifo Hlhnorl'rt ri'pututloa Li Impeccable." remarked Iliirfa.' Ttccli lug for his hat "Coming with rnoT' "Yes. I'd like to beat llu police to It. My car Is below " The jouiig lawyers went down to tho street nml entered lingers low swung racing car. In fl.'tccii minutes Uiey were turning Into the neglected grounds sm rounding the Armstrong liouce They were ipille extensive, uud , tue musses of shlilbbery furnished ex cellent hiding places for any one prowl ing in omul bent on mischief. Tho homo Itself, on go u lofty colonial mansion with pillared Krtlcocs ami many wings, wns In a tumbledown condition. There was no sign of life nrouud tho ' plate, ami Rogers could not help a sud-' den tightening of heartstrings when ' he recollected that the murdeier might be concealed wheio ho could pick them off ono nt a time as they entered tho house. The same thought occurred to Hnr ley. and ho was ghid they were both armed with nutotnatlc weupoiiH. ltogers lifted the undent brass ktioclt er nnd nipped gcnt.y. If I.lndiiilst vtiis on guard lie would iimnvvr at once. The knock reverberated as though through empty rooias. "YVhut Mas that sound?" nskod Rog ers. "It bounded like a lauglil" Hurley hud heard It too. 'Toi Imps the Hwcdo bus gono In sane," he suggested uud turned tho dvurxuok Tint door opened bnlfwny nnd then bloppcd. The tso men entered and almost fell over (he tmiut foi m of a man huddled n:i tho flour In n pool of blood. "It H I.tiidipilst shot In tho buck!" iiiutlered Rogers as ho got up from Ills , knees. "It has Just happened." Hurley touched Ids companion's arm. "The ' muidcrcr may h .111 bo here," bo j bicnthcd. I Weapons In bund, they searched tho loucr looms, finding only dust and do cay, except In the Lltchcn, which boro evidence of being in dally use. On the hccoud (loor only ono room wns habitable. This was tho one In which the dead muii lay. This was a lofty chamber furnished In the black walnut "period" of forty , yeais ago. There was every evidence of comfort here, tho bookenbos run ning over with olumes. The well equipped writing desk, vlth its scatter-1 ed papers uud Hue reading lamp, de noted that I'mcry Armstrong had spent much of his time in his own aimrt meiit. Hut tho (julct occupant of tho room! The two joui.g men turned back tho sheet uud looked upon u noblo counte nance. A hasty cxumlnntlnn of tho room showed nothing to Indicate there bad been u struggle. The big bed stood almost In tho cen ter of the room, uud It had been made up with the pillows at tho foot, under n bunging lump. "So bo could read In bed." explained Rogers. "Tbeio was a book uusr hU burn! when tho doctor found hlnu" Read THE TIMES At that lnstnnt there wns n conta gion below stnirz. Tho coroner and hli associates hnd arrived. Dr. Hlb bcrt wns with them. ' Tho two young men went downstairs nnd found them crowded around Lind (julst's body. "Well?" asked Illbbert cngcrly. Rogeis Bhook his head. "We've only just come," bo explained. "It'a n clenr ense," snld the coroner. "This mnn killed Ids employer and has committed uuicldc." "Shot hlificlf in tho back?" asked Rogers. "We found no wenpon cither." Hnrley and Rogers met n battery Of unpleasant glances. Dr. Illbbert hastened to explain their presence on tho scene, but tho young Investigators were given to underatand that their prebcuco was both uutlmoly and (pilto uuonicial. The coroner uud his associates were eager to havo tho Investigation to themselves and felt Jealous of tho In terference of (ho two young lawyers They scorned the theory of a third pet sou being Involved, though Rotr told them about tho uucauay WHgh which bad followed their flnt katck upon the door. "You Hud the laugh, young fellow," grinned the police detective, "and I'll get tho chief to appoint you on tho detective bureau." "Done!" exclaimed Rogers confident ly, nnd ho withdrew with his partner, while the othcrn went on upstairs. "How about tho laugh?" (piorlcd Hnrley us they stood In tho kitchen. "Wo must And tho woman," said Rogers. "The woman?" "Yes. Thcro'a a woman somewhero nround tho place. Why? Sha has keen down nnd uindo some tea. The pot U still wunn. There uro tho drogs In n cup. Armstrong Is dead, and I.ludqulst probubly did not ninko tho tea. Men fly to strong liquors In times of stress. This ten was being ninde when wo entered tho house." "Where is she?" nsked Hnrley. "All the doors are L-olted on the Inside, oven the door lending to tho cellar." "We might try tho uttlc. Thesoback stairs will take us up there." Rogers led tho way up a narrow, dusty Utght of utnlrs. Once ho paused uud searched the trends with his Hash light. Plainly visible In tho dust were the Imprints of a small stockinged foot. "We nro on the right trnclf," sold Hurley. Tho fltilri ond4 In a small hall on the second floor, nd, opening another door, they discovered a dusty flight winding upward. Now they walked cautiously, guns la hand. Under tho low roof tho nttla divided Into sovcrnl rooms. Hnrley nnd hU companions hnd not taken ten Rtcpu before they hsard once more that wild laugh. They peered through a half open door. Tho room was directly ever Arm strong's sleeping apartment. In the middle of tho floor a board had been rcinoml, and beside tho ho knelt n woman. Hho wns a small crun lure, bent with jours nnd Illness. Gray hair hung In tangled locks about her wrinkled face, uud her large, 4artc eyes were wild and glittering as she lifted her head uud regarded the two men. Then, without comment on their In triiutou, she bent over tho holo aud ap peared to look down. Rogers silently placed himself where lie could lean over and look down also. He saw 'the lath uud plaster of the bedroom idling and u white point ef light that ht reamed up through u small hole. Ilclow that bole wiih the bed whore the body of Armstrong was found with a burnt In Iris heart, nnd tho hojo In the celling amis right above hU heart! Suddenly the hole was obscured, and, to Itogcm' horror, he saw tlmt the wo man had coveted It with the inuzxle of a revolver. With ii signal to Hurley, they both leaped for her und tmo her away from the hole. She fought like n, nnd again uud again her wild, Insane laughter echoed through the house. Tho men below came touting upstatra uud hccurod the raving woman. It wns Dr. Illbbert who lilentllled her, "It Is Armstrong's maniac n If r." wild the physician "I'or ,eurn she has been cmitlucd In the l.eets iisyluui. 1 did not know she hud escaped, nml I did not coimect her with tin crime. "It Is plain to be seen now how she accomplished her deed. She concealed herself heio and uindo n small holo In the celling close to tho book In tho middle of the plaster centerpiece. From this hook tho lamp wits suspended. "Ah for IJudiiiLst, she probably Bur prbed him ami killed him ns ho tried to escape. If our friends, Hurley aud Rogers, had not traced tho laugh It Is very likely that she would buvo got one or inoro of us." As the mad woman wns led scream ing to the patrol wagon in which the oiilcers had arrived Dr. Illbbert turned to the detective hi charge, "How ubout your promise. Smith?" ho nsked. "My friends hero traced the laugh." Tho detective shook hands with liar Icy uud Rogers. "TLfriiext case you have, my friends," ho said, "will aiive the backing of tho detective bureuu." "Not If I know It," grinned Rogers us they left the house. "Rut I'll tell you ono thing I don't want another murder case," "Wo'll turn down tho next one," agreed Hurley as tho car sped toward the city. But It was to happen that tho next case they handled touched them so In timately thut they could not help be!u) Involved In tho most mysterious crlmt) of the decade. Times AVnnt Ads nre the one me dium which reaches Ahh the people, They engage nubile attention every day AlViuyN ou (he Job.