TWtt THE C'JOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916 EVENING EDITION. ILL VISIT THE BH BAN FJtANCISCO CH MBKR COMMKBCK Jli,lNs TBIP OK Expect to Send Big Delegation Hero Between September 15 and SIO Says Letter A letter from Haas Brothers to tholr local roproscntutlvo, Mutt L. May, received, today announces Hint tho Snn Francisco Chamber of Com njorc.0, will run n big trade excur sion to Coos Uny this full. The excursion will bo run sometime be tween S6ptcmber 15 and September 30, nnd tbo party will probably epend several days on tho Hay. Somo time ago Mr. May wrotn them urging a San Francisco excur sion hero at tho tlmn of the eclc- & News of Near-by Towns & CARDINAL GIBBONS SEES END OF WORLD COMING NEW LUMBER MILL LOCATEDNEAR BANDON (5. V. l)roe, of Detroit, Midi., Ih Building Plant Which Will Operate Soon Dniidoii will soon liavo auolber ;lumbcr mill In operation near that city. Tho Wostorn World tolls of the now Industry aB follows: Tho now saw mill that Is bqlng Installed by (loo. W. Dafo.', six in I loo north of Billiards, noar Mrrchnnts' place, will bo ready to begin opera tions In about a month, according to Mr. fMfro, who was In tho city soi 'nil dnyn this week. A largo part bratlon of tho completion of the of tho plant has already been built railroad, but thin wiu found Im possible. Haas Brothers state that a mem ber of their firm will accompany tho party to Coos Bay. CHARLES C. PERRY DIES AT HOSPITAL Was Teamster at. Smith Mill And Had Been Hero Ute Two Vcar.s Past. Charles C. Perry, who was em ployed au a teamster nt tho C. A. Smith mill, died yesterday aftornoon nt Mercy Hospital, where ho had been for the past three weeks. Pneumonia was tho immediate cause of death. Mr. Perry was -10 years of ago and born at Machlas, Maine. Ho Is Biirvlvod by hlj parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, and a brother, Frank IC. Perry, of Machlas, and a elster, Mrs. Oeorgo Boynton, of Boston. Mr. Perry had been In Murshflold for about two years. Ilo had no relatives hero, but had quite a num ber of friends among tho mill em ployes. His body will bo shipped tomorrow morning on tho slenmor F. A. Kilhurn to Portland and from there to Machlas, Malno, for burial. ami tho hollers will arrlvo on tho Baudon this week. Prolmfhly not imuo than in men will bo employed. Two million feet of cedar, npruco and fir logs have been eontnwdd for from CIiiih. and Win. Smith, and after tlihi is cut several moro millions of feet nro available In another nearby 'tract. Tho finished product will bo hauled to Billiards or Itandolpli and shipped out over the local bur. L. K. Swan of Detroit, Mich., who Ik to bo superintendent of tho plant, arrived on tho Klizuboth nnd with Mr. Dafoo Is nt present nt the plant. Mr. Dafoo Is a prominent business mini of Detroit. Ilo was formerly interested in mining operations In this section. NKWH OK MYBTLK POINT Minings of People There Told In Tho KiiUvprKo Mrs. HenJ. MeMullcn hnu returned from a visit with friends at Marsh field. Frank Fish was In tho city fiom his Myrllo Creek ranch. Leonard Hartley ynn in tho city from his Myrtlo Creek tie camp. Ben Wliuiiilst, ono of tho Powers barbers, was visiting frlcudj bore. P. L. Phohiu has gone to San Frnucltico on a business trip. .1. K. Ford, ono of the Marshriold butchoia, was hero the latter part of last week, buying for Ills slaugh ter houses. HAS NIIW PliAN NF.WS OF BANDON Notes About the Pboplo Told In Hie Western World f. 0. Anderson, a homesteador on Upper Floras Creek, was In tho city Saturday. Ilo reports tho loss of about S(H) sheep In that section the jinst winter. (ion. Locklo, foreman of tho Monro mill, returned from Toledo Thursday and with a force of men Is getting tho local plant In shape for the ro- 'miniptlon of activity April :t. Bow 10. ('. Alford, tho now Metho- dlst Kplsropnl minister arrived the latter part of the week from Salem to assume his duties In tho locnl pastorate, , Carl Bowman, who lias been em ployed nt Powers for soveral months, returned homo Saturday, in view of getting work hero when tho Mooro mill opens. W. A. Hoover, who has boeji em ployed at tho government works, Ih confined to his room suffering from Moving Pictures for O'old em., i the otfecla of litoml poisoning In tho County Cou'.t Will Wait For Boad Bond Petitions Instead of tho County Court call ing a road bonding election of its own motion for Primary Day, May I !l, It has boon 'decided to wait for petitions containing three or four hundred signatures for tho propos ed election. When such petitions liavo been presented to tho court, It will liavo the option to issue n call at any time not later than UI) diiyjj prior to tho election. Co (lulllu Sentinel. KILLS MOUNTAIN LION FIBST APTO OF SL'ASOX Frank Cnttcrlln, accompanied by Another commercial travolor, was calling on customers In Cold Beach Saturday. They rntno In Mr. Cat tenia's Ford, It being the first car of tho season reaching Cold Bench. Gold Beach (Hobo. SHOWS IN CUJIIIV nnd Other Tonus Tho Cold Beach (Hobo says: "Ar rangements liavo been inado whoro hy Oold Bench will -joun tnko on n clty-flod nppearanco In thu way of having a moving picture show onco each week. Win. C. Soliuer, the moving plcturo nt.wi of natulan, has completed nrraiiKeiunts to placo Curry County on tho 'circuit. Ho will vhilt Lnnglols. Port Orford, Cold Beach and BrooklugH onco each week, with a fully ouulpnoil elec trical machlii". The show will start' just as soon as tho roads will pur mil of auto travel. Tho Myrtlo Point says: 'Harry Williams, or Bock Creek and . 10. K'orcueriug, of Camas Valley, came to tho city Monday tor a row days' visit liuru and at Coiiillle. Mr. Korenerlng brought In a lino spe cimen of mountain Hon hide, having recently killed thu varmint in the woods on Bock Creek. Tho lion measured u little better than nine feet from tip to tip, and tho hide Is tho largest and best colored of uny or Us kind that lias been brought out of tho woods here re cently." BAIriMOItlO, Md., Mnr. 2!l It looks as If the Scrip tures are being fulfilled and tho end of tho world Is ap proaching, Cardinal (llbbons says. The prolate made tho statement during a general discussion of the war. "Tho nowti coming from lOuropo is terrible, " ho do claied. "It awes me. It I.) beyond our realization. Wo cannot grasp its magnitude or what- it means. It Is terrible horrible, Indeed. "Doob It not look as If the Scriptures are being ful filled?" 'Nation shall rise against nation and there shall bo sorrow throughout tho world, which will be a sign that the end Is near.'?" he was naked. "Yes. It does," he admit ted. "Think for a moment what this war means if ,oii can. 1 cannot. When one life is lost on board ship all tho country is startled, When tho Titanic sank with more than It) Oil or its pas sengers the world was hor lifted. "That wiu a thing that occurred only once. Loss of lire In groat numbers occurs only once In a while. But now In this greatest war of the world hundreds nay, thousands of lives aro be ing sacrificed." STUDENTS I Mihjei t of Hood ltoitdn. Thirty dol- - PROFESSIOWAI i i.. -. i... i i t I -tn lain IB III liu iiliuiihi 111 lllBll iny.i;n. i All essays must he In by Apr and tho successful contestants bo announced on May 8. At tho primary election May ID, the iiuo'jIIoii of Issuing bonds for tho poiimtnonl impiovemeiit of Coos Co. loads will be voted upon. Tho (lood Bonds Association dojlrcu to have Now that tho students of the papers submitted In support f tbo TIMBTV IIOLLABS CASH PBIZKS FOB (IOOI) BOADS lOhSAYS CoiKcu' Announced Today h.v (lood Bonds Association or County April 1M Last Date DIRECTORY -l Dr. A L. Houscworth " will Physician and h!"' . nrn ,fr,(:o!,rvlK "lock. Office hours: 1 1 (3 i I nnd 7 to H p. ,. " m, h in. ... n, .-..v.. wiin- j ;j. jM J. M. Wright public schools are In fairly good bond Issue or $370, 000. trim, having written, many of tlieiu,! It is suggested that teachers may HS.L nt..-. .. essays for a City Iloautirul, tho Coed Beads Association Ij today an nouncing a contest ninong tho pu pils or tho county Tor essays on tho rind It desirable to liavo prelimin ary debates In their schoolu In order to Itirrcujo the pupils' fund of In formation on tho subject. HUIUHNO LUNT1UCT0R Kstlmatos furnished on u Kulcs or of Contest: Tho following aro tho rules of thu contest: I for Building Dr. H. M. Shaw Hjc, ICar d Thnmt RmUt CLASSICS iriTTjjII Phono aatM. it,,,,,,,., 200.30J Irving uiock. 1)11. MATT1H B. SHAW, I'hyhlchn, nnri Siirjeo riiono a:io-j. 1J ! NIOW I'OBIXST BA(ilCK Henry Allen, who has been In charge of tho Forest Banger station ut Peavlno, near Callce, has become a H. G. Butler CIVIl, IINfllNKEK Boom .'104 Coko Bids. Phone U Beshlenco Phono 3C3-L. 1 r.. Subject: "Ailvi'iitnges or Bonding Coos County Heads." , Papers must not vwcood tlitio words and niust bo neatly written In Ink on ono side of the paper to iceolvc consideration. !. The pupils may use every menus possible lo gather material and suggestions for the'e iirgiiiiiont but the composition intuit ho thuir work and ondnruod an such by their teacher. I. This contest Is open to all pupils or all grades and tho prizes will , flm (J Chandler bo awarded In two divisions, one contest lor (Irainniar school ', ' AUCIIITDCT pupils mill ono fur High. School pupils. Booms 301 nnd 302. Cnk nmui. A prlzo of $r..tli) will bo given for the best essay In ouch class i Murshflold, Oregon. and ten prizes of ono dollar each will bo awarded for llio next " " "" 5 ton best essays In each class, making a total ot 'Ji'2 prizes lo bo 1 WFAVIIMfi All Iinrto n ... distributed In the county. iSltV Mm WWW Co To facllllato the work of the Judges In the contest, each district' X1' p ,: '"i, . q p as0n, 680 will submit one paper for caHi scliolurs orCrnctlon ot that! ',in oouri11' 0 rllOne 220-R iiumbor enrolled In thu district. All papers should be In the hands or the district principal or superintendent by April lilst. Tliesu teachers will then select thu best papers to tho number allowed their district and thoy must liu lorwurdcd to reach County Superintendent It. 10. Baker 011 or before April !2!th. The aiiuoumimeut of siucossful contestants will bo made May Sth. SUISVKVIXd A BOAD MAY BUILD ADDITION na.xi: i;i.i:ction boaiid 10. L. BobliiHou Ir making good I It Is reported Hint tho Ilciniloii , ii;ao a.m. progress on tho survey of the limp- Knights ol' P thins lodge Is con- tcsldout or Curry, and Is now In iiitut Highway between Beedspo't and HldcrliiK tho Advisability ot putting charge or tho Shasta Costa station. tSeottuburg. liu nnd his crew ore lo- an addition to their building at rated at S'ottsburg. nnd are work- lint hired and Baltimore. The lug down tho river, rmpquu Cour- addition would cover tho vacant lor. Mifto liotwii'ii tho present build- - ,lin; and the sidewalk along Haiti- Times want ads bring result in no nvrii'ie Baudon World. 1 '. 'KWXvrjuiJuxiwnmi.imumuaun.- Rlovo Spoorl, who was rorinurly in elmrgu of that station, Is now ut Ills 1iomo near Brushes Creek, :nd will italto up other pursuits this summer. Cold Bench Reporter. IWYINti Til Kilt TANKS Tho people In Curry county aro f paying taxes In good shape according lo the following from tho Reporter of For thu annual election to ho 'Cold Beach: held Monday, April It, the Council j Tax money Is coming In fast, Sher- iiamed thu following board: Judges Mff Bailey being kept In a rusli to keep TIMH TABLE WILTiAMKTTK PACIFIC MOTOR CAB Leave lm, Marshf lold North Benl 0:45 a.m. -,. 7:00 in. 7.45 n.m. gjoo i.a. 8:4C a.m. 9:00 in! 9:45 a.m. 10:15 in, 10:45 n.m. 11:00 in. 1 1 : B 0 a.m. UMS .n, 12:50 p.m. 1:16 p.n. 1:45 p.m. " 2:00 p.n. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.a 3:45 p.m. ' ' 1:00 p.n. 5:00 p.m. E:is pa 5.40 p.m. 6:55 pn. G:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:15 p.a Judge.) C. A. Harrington, 10. Schneider nnd F. L. Lundy; Clerics his desk clear. Last Saturday ho re ceived over i!00 tax remittances In II. A. (iuorln, Don W. Snyder and ono mall from tho outside, many Point Kn-for w 11 nrn pain inuir tuxes in run, in stead of only the first Installment. Frank Dygurl. My 1 Ilo torprlso. CANNOT VOTIJ IN .MAY l.auo County Bond Mattel Hold Over .Must For Assessor -I herehy jinnitunce myself In hearty hjmpatliy with whoever may knee, lie sustulucd an Injury some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. David Howard, uow lywedii, spoilt their houoymoou In Dundon-by-tho-Sou last week. They imw nnurueii 10 iiauser 10 ureaa ,., , . ,,..,,. iN.iniiiiii.ini , ii..iiiihi.iii Vulimlv ,...,.., . , CMay primaries accord ng to tho fol- "'Pui'lunn 01 a iiemoiiat. aiiimmij IIia nnu'u lit Ihftli rii(iiiilii iiiiil tun Ir il " " I 1 1 . ," . ' " V 'lowing from tho lOugeno C.uard: ,v,,,, w't,,,,H '" ,"IV, "' "',0 "" u, ' their futuro homo on the rami owned ,. .?I111 nilll , , , ..... ...,.. ..,, ., ,, ,.H lv,rt. ., , in; pM'i"w iiuiiii innuu 1111 Hum 1' I Tho pooplo or Luiio county cannot l1'" ,',,',l 'y the people lor the of- voto on tholr big bond Issuo at tho!'1 ' Assessor, ulivther ho n n WKSTKBN OILS BKST iTdls Why W.stiru .Motor Oils Have tho Advantage "Why do motor oIh inado from nuphnlt-baBo criido give IiomI results, especially In tho matter of carbon deposits?" asked C. W. Cumbers of tho Standard Oil Company, repeating tho question put to him by a Tinuw representative yesterday. 'Well, It's a rather technical sub- by the groom. , A. .1. Marsli left yesterday for his home on 101k river in Curry county after a business visit hero ami ut Coos Bay. Mr. Marsh lost 17 heul of good cows this spring, but has dis covered tho causo and is now pre venting any further loss. Art. Mayors of Port Orford has been In the city on business tho past wvek. Mr. Mayors will bo omployod ui tullymnu for tint lOstabiook coin pany rrom which po expect to ship many tlow uurraclng roads In Lano county can- "very tixpajel' has n Kiel; to ivgts iiot Ito voted upon at tho primary iter, except, peihups tho owners of bloctl oven though a separato bal- property In IVrlmm Park. Without lot Is usod Tor tho measure. levceptlon they feel (hut. their as- This Is tho opinion given by DlH-jscssmeiit Is quite within rwison, con trlct Attorney J. M. Devors, when "hlerln tho Im-atlou of their prop, asked rogardlng tho law by persons 'di .v. Buy a lot in IV1-I111111 Park Intorestod In tho niuusuro. Potltlons ' IH kicking about your taxes. have boon In circulation for some 'time and It was rumored that tluv Intorestod In tho plan wore cooking people nt tho primary elect 1. 111 hold al Port this summer. m,0",l'1 "l "" V v mUm ,10"1 which point tho latter i-oncorn i ,0!' M"y ,S: ,,,u ,Uh,i'u'1 "ltorm,y AIIK PLANTING COBN Largo Amount of Seetl I'scd by tho Coos County FnriucvH J. L. Smith says that moro than IioIiIm that the measure must comu lup ut tho xoueral election In Novum bur. Hoped fully, W. A. BKID. Ject for tho ordinary dtWen." mild' 1000 ihiiiihU of seed corn hnvo al Mr. Cuiubors, "hut as our friends thojrmidy been sold to tho ranchers In dremlBts would say, oil made from asphalt-huso crude 'wiporlxog and dis tills without decomposition.' " "In overyday language that iiiouiih that oil which gets into tho oxploidou chambor does not break up undo: tho Intense heat and leave a depowit to gradually hake hard on cylinder walls and valvos, ami catch and hold carbon derived from tho motor fuel. "Oil refining from asphalt-baKu rrudu maintains Its correct lubricat ing body until Its work is completed nnd tlien passes off with tho exhaust, leaving 11 clean cylinder. "It almply amounts to thin -im-turo has given asphalt-baso crude u dittarettt and inuro advantageous chomical coustructluu, as far as pro ducing good motor oils Is concerned. And whv'ii this oil Is corrodlv ro- Cl'ltltV COUNTY NKWS News of Cold Beach Told In Beporler The April, IDKI Al'TO STAOIO SCIIKDl'LIO To Portland Yla Florence and Kugcim Leaxn Marshf lehl and Florence Saturday I Sunday 2 . i.Moudny II . .. Tuesday I r: Wednesday I H Thursday ti Friday 7 ' Show next fall. Seed Is lHnK oh-.."1 I,HI tallied from O. A. ('., which Is al ready acclimated In this slate, for $;i.7.ri a bushel; but thou who want It ihoulil sieak qulekly. Couulllu Sentinel. :: 10. .1. Baker has completed plans J o... . 1 .' J " " ... 1 t 1 tit nilill(IUy o this valley ror planting this spring. u" romoueuug ins uomug uoiiso ; - sunilny 0 . . . Phis will mean a big Increase in tho .""" l' "' worn starteit g ..Monday l .. acreage or this crop, and promises lllr '" S 'I """?'. .' ,.; 1. .-... .1 , J. 11. Yolslov. the old-tlnio resident ... ",,llu.t""l '- ni'ii itir in" niiiiurin ui villi v. in ui . 'r illl'riilnv 1: BrooMugs neighborhood, has,; pvidav 11 .11 1 .. i.i.. ..nil r.. I.. .1.... " .. . '. .. iiinitimiu iii ii in iiuu-iiriv nil in in iii.u i riHlllltiay 1 ... .... locality at a good figure. Dallas llardouhrook, who tor tho pant j ear has been located ut Astoria returns to Brookings this week, to again engage In dentistry. i f t t t t DUSTBOYS PBOPIOBTY Tim rollowlng recltul of a very mean trick Is given in tho Cold Beach C.lob). "Somo miscreant entered Arthur Walkor'H hniiMO a few nights ago and ruuiuKcd around through bu reaus, trunks, etc., scattering IIiumis i t LIOASKS (WNNKBY AtiAIN hotter results." land artlcloH of clothing over tbo uiioii, iiiuHniiiy h bivub uiu .miioiioi. r,0lll. hl (l ,.r,.jmu, manner. Not j being sail if led with that went t tliii fi'llll I'limnl mill In.iK- nli'.i Ini-M . ...... ... ...... ...... ....... ..... w .!!.... .. . . . .. . . . W V mam. ,.r ...........l mm .....i i.r.,k.. ii.m..i1Ml, 11,sl,u'1 ,,y JUSUl'l! aU" isia ... Saturday T2 Sunday a:i . . 3 Monday -' I . . Tuesday 25 . . m Wudu'wday 20 Thursday 27 . Friday 2S ... Saturday 2'.t . Sunday .10 . . On trips leaving .Marsh Hold before S, a. m. you should make Portland siiino day. On p. m. trips you sauni iluv. On tt. in. trios von i - .- --.. . . .-.... .... L Punt W'liltiifiv u li.i i iu .rillllilH mil I ... . .... . wont top r" " " siiouui come iroin i-oruauii 10 ... io Tho Cold Beach (Hobo sayB: Tho Seaborg lease on tho cannery site at ItuguoH'K has been secured ror 'another Near, the lease payment hav ing been made last week. CIIAItCi: UISMISSKD Sunday ! r Monday 17 Tuesday IS Weiluemla 10 1:110 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:15 n.m. I: 15 n.m. 5:15 a.m. 0:00 a.m. ti::io a.m. c.::;o a.m. 7:00 a. in. 7:00 a.m. 7:. '10 n.m. !i::io a.m. 1 1:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.1 I: If, i i:::u p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 a.m. Jr mini ITO St g m nmXM MU .jc er. ) HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phono 317V DRY WOOD nt Campbell's Woodyard , North Front Street Phono ii'lU 27iO R&KCXXlU Sforo LOCKHAUT I'AKSONS DHUG CO. FABK TK.V CIIXTS City Jihults North llcml, 15c nn coMMi'TATitix nn l) TICKKTS, $1.75 ZU Marshfleld-N'orth llcnd Auto Lino ParB every ten minutes from G a. in., to 12 niirinhdit; to South Slough onco a day. leaving at 1 1 n. m.5 to Em piro thrco trips a day. COBST . KIXIJ. l,r,H Are You In Business For Yourself? A Painter, a Carpenter, a Baker, a Rug Weaver, a ! Paper Hanger, a Mason, a Cement Worker, a Build- , er of Concrete Blocks, an Excavator, a Chimney Sweep, a Milk Dealer, a Blacksmith, a Tinner, a Jack-of-all Trades, a Tinkcrcr, a Cabinet Maker, an Electrician, a Plumber, a Harness Maker, a Dray man, a Taxi Driver, a Horse Dealer, a Dressmaker, a Teacher or a Doctor. It is to your ndvnntngo to keep your nuuio beioro tho public. It Is thvi llfo of your trndo ror tho publlu to know that you aro "fctIB In busi ness at the same old stand." i . .nt .. ..I , , -i . .I., fi.iu. i 'Plillt-kiiliiv "0 . . r.-oo n in Fi Iday 21 a : I n a.m. ti::io a.m. t : :to n.m. 0: tfi a.m. 7::t0 a.m. 0::0 a.m. I l:0i) a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. l:it0 p.m. Every man or woman with a small trtuluoss, every man or woman who aerlves his livelihood from tho pa tronage of tho public, every man or woman who lives no oilier iiowk paper publicity In tho promotion of their business, should liavo an ad will prosper from thu patronage of tho wholo coiuiuuiilty. It Ih oatiuuiteii Hint the classified column or Tito Time-, with Its City Nowh and its "BuhIiiiiw Directory" and other eluublficttlons. Is read dally by more than lu.nnu pooplo- WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer A. II. noixiiM Marshfidd KaS to. T. J. HCAIFH cj iiy PAINT AM either In (lie f.'lty News column or, an army grotor (bun tv!c llio pop In tho "Business Directory" in tho! illation of Muishl'icld .in army. Hint will glvo you patronugo smuior or later. In Juutieo to your hiis'uoys, in jiisllco to tho public, who sook you, and ovon In justlco to those who nre tho county Jail for 00 days on tho upon the garment -covorvd floor. !CTffX LVUr77tiB 'AShlnoln (let a can today from your hardware or cro. Irydalr, i of Doiiuiark, on an alleged conviction I for assault and battery, was brought . I o i u I ctr ' Judge Wood at (lold Beach LOW l,0St Hinll tTtlCiency on n writ of habeas corpus and dU- ii'im wy mv n nn nnv , uuuu un i 11111L.0 mnivi ououniuBni Ii (lold Beach Heportr " "B Wi Prescription for 111 .1 E c z e m a mtwwmwmjrm .Murshflold in ono day. Al'TO STARK S(,IIKI)OLi: March J Did To Portland via Floreuco and Kugeno Leave .Maobfleld and Florence widely read classiried ml columns or tho Coos Bay Tlnios. It will bo wMiiderrully surprising to you to lea hi how inexpensive this .iimn in innuiusiiin ia, .inn wuai ID-1 nmrkablo results you get for so, already our patrons, your ad should jinull un expenditure. 'bo thoro -a handy roioronco, a con- Tho pooplo or today do not imk ! vonlonco, a guldo for thoso who this ponton and that porgon who 'want you. plows gardons, or who does pupor1 You cannot holp but profit there hnngliiK or who cltHins out cIstoniB. by. Tho valuo of tho classified tin Thoy jioarch through tho advertising Ims boon tried und found not lack- columns of tholr dully nowspupar, and If your ad Is thoio you are tho ono who will profit, Tho dally pa per Is tholr guide, their dlroctory, their book of roforouco. mg ror tho promotion of tho small buslnoss, which will ovontuully join tho ranks ' of tho big buslnoss, It proporly promotod. Wo are banking our nrgumont on Estimate FuriiUti! PhoHA MrnrW4 ,( mm """ TIIK wiirrw is IUNa Of all Sen lug Mat blue Now located at 2,0 Market . West. Phono 1J3J. W 'J alsoBotblgbargalnanal W ut usod machines. All wmnM told on easy payments. SAVF MONEY ,y urderlng H ,,,0,U,S HENRYVILLE COA Xiit ronl, ton 0 Lump coal, ton """'" Or hall ton of both..-'" 1). MUSSOX. 1TOP. ii.nnn 18-.T or leavo orders t Illlljcr'ii Cigar Store I 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. t Many will say. "I couldn't stand the statements of thoso who have' the uxpouso or advertising," nnd lot'uaed and are using tho classlflod nds, It go nt that, not upproclntln the 'the City Xows columns aud the faot that It would bo an Investment ("Business Dlroctory," and liavo been rather than oxpeuso, as necessary toiso olated ovor tho rosults that thoy for j yc-r tlio tamtanl ikln remrty a muiu ujiti vitrriMii) irniarif rvllof (Tom It'-lu BKI) CBOSS Dill' Tuosday 2S Wednesday 20 Thursday 30 , 1:00 p.m. entry on business us tools, or stock bnvn tnkan siinotni nniiin tn tnii ual I Friday 31 1:15 p.m. or counters. And they will go on about it time aud again. i On trips len!ng Marshf lold be-1 having to be satisfied with whai nus-' Wo IuMt you to Joiu tho army of ' 'foro S n m. you should mako Port- iaa n, ,wk f, i.ti.i. - ..i .i -. -.....-., .... - ...w ..... ... ...w ..w... ...v., '. i- p. 'U'..-'tul (IIU UA1IIX I IllBSHIflJ intancpa.iad uers nt u cost so low that yah tho light ' will hardly bellevo It to bo truo. d.. . llio liilMost of oltfuiira-.kfM land PAUIO d IV. Ou 11. IW, tflpa J'Oll. . ,,,,, , , .'G STOBK SOiW !5PMySS1SilSS; sl'oold como from Portland to r,rc, or ff,onrta nnrt "CI""' "JT Cu la ud wu m about UjUi, j Mnrslifloltl In ono day. Iwhllo thoso who do "seo tin IL SOUTH COOS 1UVJSB VT SKKVICB LAUXCH FXIIlES3.lT leaves Marshfidd every W 8 a.m. Leaves head of rive nt 3:15 ii. in. .Mtn.v STKA3IKH "A10, t 'eaves head of river JoJJ . Leaves .""", .For charter apply ,.S SMITTLJ. 7 n.m S p.m r-