Jt) TWO THE CfJOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1916 EVENING EDITION. WHAT MS y( ' v atfc r fT'""" I 1 1 ff C J&1 7. S I zz? r,Tsx7 i in nniJA - u vjoo VUlj..U"."LJ' ' wU Lvool IB .-- - ..... I ' " Contributions concerning ooclnl linpponlngfl, Intended for publication In tlio society department ot Tlio Times, muet bo Btihmlttcd to tlio edl- tor not later tlmn C u'cloclt p. m., Friday of each week. , (Exceptions will bo nllowod only In cases wboro tlio event occurred later than tlio tlmo mentioned.) r KHSKAItCII tlio hearth wo grow up, bcsldo the litnrtlt wo must die. Tlio linckbono of n people Ib made iof ItB homcB, and tho nation that would ben a Btronn nation In bound to foster tlio homo limtlnct within llhClf. 4 4 "What conulltutcB 'Society?'" In quired tlio Man from Mors; "Is It a Bothering of wealth and In- tolloctuul stars?" "Ho, ho" replied the rustic youth who woro a grin serene, "Society's our May day danco upon tho village green." "Not bo," the housomald gaily Bald "That Isn't It at nil. "To find society you should attend tho coachuicn'B ball." Tto serious woman Bild: "If for so ciety you soarcli "You'll find tho very best tlicro In by coming to my church. Tho studious one remarked: "Tho very highest social farco "You may discover If you will attend our locturo courso." And Homo Bald that society was made from games of clianco, And others mentioned art nml gamcH And othorK mentioned art und brahiB and beauty and tho dauro. Tho Man from Mars looked puzzled and remarked: "It hccivb to niu "Society Is all mankind, Including even mo; "And each of ub Imil.u Just be yond his own familiar sphere; "The Impulse Is what mndo niu loavo my homo nnd como down hero. "Eocloty's n plcturo wldoh wo fill with fayn and elvcit "And, when wo meet them, find that they nro persona llku ourselves." H0A1I5 In tho huuiaii nest, writes Miss Laurence Alnuu-Tndonin, nnd tho woman who falln nit n homo inakor falls as a woninu. Homo Ib tho social unit. A nation Is built up of Its homes, and will bo utronk or weak mceordlng to tho strength or weakness of tho homo forco, homo being the Individual tlio rallying point of nearly all tho social virtues, Homo Is tlio child's birthright. Tho world should unfold to a child from tho homo-renter; nil oxporlonroH and education should begin thoro, that center meaning lovo, protection, trust, honor, discipline. Homo Is woman's kingdom, llor powor radiates from tho lionrt, which Is tho natural forco of her highest strength, glflH and ambition. Tho farther from the hearth she goon tlio wenkor Is her grasp of hnppluow, whether as giver or receiver. , Homo Is tho mnu'K anchorage, lib point of hocurlty, the harbor to which ho returns after toll and woariutwH, after wandering; homo, whether tlio man ho In It or out or It, Is Ills rem edy ngalnst tho roughness and iucer tltudo of lire; It sliloldn him, holds hi in to his host. Homo, In Km highest aspovtB, Is till this, and oven w lion It falls short of tho hlghoHt, It retains a portion of lt Inevitable lit tie and power, llesldo Thursday afternoon of this week with Airs. Alary McKnlght as host ess, tho tlmo being passed in the usual pleasant way, In sewing und conversation. Tho ncsslon ended towards cvelng with a dainty lunch eon served by Mrs. McKnlght. The special guests present this week were Mrs. D. C. AkCnrty and Mrs. Sullivan. Tho members out were: Mrs. F. 13. Allen, Mrs. 0. A. Ilen nctt, Mrs. Carl KvurUon, Mrs. Lily Froldberg, Mrs. Alice Hall, Mm. Francos Hazard, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, Airs. Alexandra Lando, AIib. 15. Allngus, Mrs. O. F. Murch, Mrs. W. 1. Murphy, Alls. 15. O'ConnolV Aim. David Nolson, Airs. Quint, Mm. Cliarlou Sliuiff, Airs. Alc- SOCIAI AFTI5HNOOX cities, together with notices of Boclnl nffnlm, nro gladly received In tho nodal de partment. Telephone 133. Nollccn of club meetings will bo published and secretaries nro kindly requested to fur nish same. I5ASTI5U VACATION OUTIXfJS ltelchor, Clnrda Oiinnoll, Solum 15d- Wards, I511lda Wick, Alay Klo, Agnes social and tho members nro plan ning for n parly about the first llendrlckBon, and Lydln Harold, and of April. Tho present membership i'McBsrs. Warner Nystrom, War nor Includes tho AIIbbim. Mabel linniol, i ... . .. ... .. . . .. Ilrunuoll, Turn Storn, Arthur storo, jlurlo I .argent, Alao uiiireu, i.tiuuii Airs. F. 15. Wheeler was hostess Wednesday afternoon at a delight ful Informal social afternoon fit honor of Airs. 1511en Shaw, Airs. S. II. Inland, Airs. A. T. Lewis and Mlsj Alary Ay ten. Tho time wtiu spent In getting acquainted, In so clal conversation and In sewing. HoquotB of daffodlla wore iiBed In adorning tho parlor'. Airs. Shaw recently came- hero from Portlmul to v'slt at tho home of her son Dr. II. Al. Shaw. Alts. Leland whose homo Is In Wlscoiuin, Is tliu guest Hugo i of her son H. J. Leland, uManual art Instructor In tho Alamhfleld schools. Alts. A. T. LcwIb recently moved hero front Washington and Alius AyreB Is sent horo by tho American liaptht Homo AllBBlonary Society to do nilBslonary work In this part of the county. Al tho clone of tho afternoon, tempting rofreshmuiilM wer.5 served new Oreok. Club called tlio by Mrs. Harry I Unman, Allss Frnne- Dolta Uho, has been rtcontly or L Finnso and AIIbs IhI.i Alnisli to ganlzcd With n nieinlrshlp or six ithu f0owlng: Mrs. (leorge Watklns, girls. Tho nature vif tho club lajMrii. A. .. Howim, Mru. Waller Ulclt- ardson, Mrs. 0. L. Hall, Aim. J. C. Personal notices of visitors In tho city, or ot Coos Day 'Annlo Tower and Airs. C. F, pcoplo who visit In other Knight, with whom the club will hold tholr next meeting on Thurs day afternoon. I XI5W Cljim FOH.MI5I) I Monday opens tho (AInrBhfrold schools' .15nJler vacation, which .mf I.,,.... .lnl,i.r 4lirv f.tillrn u'l'nlf. C, nsc uently a number of. thol"" ,Jlalll'' 0lto strnM' Wanier coiiHcqutnuy a iiumuui m. u,u, .,.,. i,.,im ii.irit,Miin. Mnn. tenchem havo planned outlngs.L' ,"' ,,, ' ,,.,,, iVred llollvar, Hugo lloltvar, 15111s Fordcll, 15rland llaiinos, Oust Drand, noiiie visiting tho valley Iowiib and others going up to Ten Allle. AIIsbob Abercroinblo, Coming and Cook, Vclnia Hoss and Myrl Cox. xoimi iujxd (.ims' ciiim Hon at tho bench. Tho Iliingalow teacherB, Allison Griffon, Uoesc, Stokes and La.rson, and Allss Graco Wolvorlon, and AIIsh Alargarot Shaw havo planned to Bpcnd tho week nt Ten AIllo and will bo gucstB nt tlio Ton AIllo Hotel. AI(sBcn Dotilnh Stcbno and F.dlth Stnlley expect to visit at tho dif ferent vnlloy towna. Tho Uncholor Club. Alc.tsrs.J Wnlte, llaroger, St. IMorro and Lolntid und Air. Loland'n mnllier, will spend part of tho week on a fishing trip at Ten AIllo and will spend u day or two nt Goodwills on South Coon Hlver. Alius Myrtlo Tripp Is uncertain wnolhor or not hIic will make tlio trip to Kugono to visit with her people during tltn vacation. $ asso Sunrn, Albert Cunnoll, Julius i Gunnoll, Alliln Lackstrom, Walter Tho North llond Girls' Club was Kalno, Charles .lohnsoii, C. W. .lolin-, entertained last Thuisday' evening by Allsn Anna Held at tuo noniw oi .,; .,....., v.. ...,, ..... . johnaon, Carl Johnson, by Miss Anna llolil at tuo n 15va,,H havo routed a cott. go " ' , , ., wnr10r Kroll. Mr. iuul .MrH. KniIllt Aluncu. Hnndo,, and will npcttd their vaca- " f .idlgbtful bwbIou or sowing. Il,. ..I !,.. Iinnnll iqillSl. Donne, Aim. J. 15. Ford. .Mrs Martha Do, Mm Alva Doll, Airs. Amanda Rose, Aim. F..I5. Wheeler, Aim. J. T. Dyers, AIih, U. 1. llnniiigton anil boii I5verctt, Aim. John Mauser and baby, Dr. Mttttle 11. Hhaw, Airs. 1). Hood, and Aim. C. II. Alarsh. I D. ai. c. ci.un mi:i:tixg ' Mrs. E. Bandel wishes to call the at tention of the ladies of Marshficld lo Mlli(irw I have a complete and up-to-date slock of Millinery at very reasonable prices. Also will make hats to order Mrs. E. Bandel 289 Central Avenue Phone 444 H - f. Tli,. Nnrlli llniul D. Al. C. Clllb uncus nt a ,i,i social,., .... ... . , ... ..... i chat and lator In the evening, the iif .. Ipii ..,, ,, , ,,.., jhosteHB served a tempting lnI-pioBo or llio Biiclal urtonioon of bow- L0D0I5 CLASS AIMHTIO.V con. Tin- dub will meet again Iii(b Bn( vUaU ())u 0BtcH durvei, u two weeks with Allss Mallndn An-L nmclicwii In honor or Alru. Tho contest conducted by l'rldoi demon as hostess. I ho giriu P1""- A0mso llruwn of Koiitiick Inlet. The club will moot again In two weekii with Aim. ChnrlcH Williams. j Tho ladloa present woro Mm. Ilonry Kern, .Mrs. Arthur Morten, .Mrs. Stownrl .McDonald, Aim. Win. Vnughun, Mm. Walter HubboII. anil special guests Aim. Drown and ADs. J. A. Jacobu. t or Oregon Camp 2771 Itoya! Neigh- out thh wool: wore Misses Kllznbeth bom or America, under District 'lloelllng, Alarjorle Swearlngen, Ala- iii.nntv llnl'Mi It. Dowiib ondud .March i llndn Anderson. Goldlo Ulggs, Ger 21, this being tho 21st niinlvorsnry trudo Teetu nnd Anna Hold. I'OIIAI IMIILI5 CLASS I'OH MISS ANDi:ilS()X ot the ordvr. Tho ovont was col obiated by adopting a class or 21 beneficial membera and twenty-ono social nientbem. Tha captains of,e- tho teaiiiH woro Nolghbom Jonnlo A iiumlier ut ladles or tho Prcs lloaghtnd and Nettle La Chapelle. ibytcrlaii church met on UedncBday Jonnlo Hoagland'H team having tlio,artornoon at tho homo or Mm. .1. S. greatest number or polnlu was doHUihlilcflolil and titado plans Mr the dared tho winners. Tlio losing' rornintlon or a Indies' Dlblo class side proved tliemselveii good Ion-.for tin Sunday School, with Mm. em by nerving In a most .lollght-.Htubbloriold as teacher. While rin rul manner u sumptuoiu banquet to "1 Phum hav.. not been mndo, It Is tho winning team, and tho follow-, tlio Intention of the Indies to have Alooso Hall Tuea- Htrsiui meeiiiig ouco vnvn uiuiiiu. and to moot every Sunday morning lug candidates In In.. .iVitlllllf Hen,,' 8. Hlanchard. Louis Uollt .o cliurcl, for tl. ntudy or tho .Glonn Wlndblglor, W. S. Drown,, CLUF. PAHTV Aim. F. K. Gottlns and Airs. W. A. Held woro hostesncB at it towel Hhower nt I ho homo ot Aim. Hold Tuesday ufteriioou, tor AIIbs Kvolyu Aiidernon whoso engiigonient to Air. Fred Clivntnut of San Francisco wub lecently nnnounci'd. Tho Held homo wan beautifully decorated, tho color nclii'iuo of gri'on prevailing. Tho lights were nhailed with greon, and hero and there woro boquet.t of green tinted Jonquils and bunches or huckleberry. The table favom w.'ro little candy luiBkctB and woro tied with bows or green tulle. Tho dainty place cards woro cleverly designed with a ehentiiut painted In the comer ot each one. Tho towcli showered upon the honor gueHt were or beaut Iful and varloun designs and woro plectM or exqulB Ito hand work. The guestH npent Hie artoinoou In fancy work and Informal convomatioti, until towards evening, when a delicious luncheon was Kurvotl by Hie hoHtomu'H to tho following ladlofl: .Mm. L. L, Thomas, Mr. Mali- Dano, Mm. J. T. Harrl gan, Alrn. C. W. Wolcott. Mrs. L. W. Traver, Aim llosn Prwiisu, Mrs C. A. Sehlbredo. Mm. J. T Sullivan, Mm. J. S. Coke, Airs. J. W. Dennett, Mm. Win llornrall Jr., AlUa Agium llutchosou, and Allsn Kvolyu Anderson, ,7 , ... ,,i'....i. 'W. W. Diitlon. Mm. D. A. Jones, ydrean, .McLean A na -AlrH. .u.p.ierson, A.m. Savage, Allsn "..T":r.! .0 '" n ''Anna Jones, Alls., Gr.rren, and Miss .Myrtlo Shorych, Cora Hleho, Fen ttiH Waller, Kttla Sandberg, I5u KpiiIo Dalglo, Uo La Chapelle, May Hoi Ida D. Kurk. Inn H. Ilarrlsou, William llyden, Georgia P. Hello, llthol V. Curry, Adehildo Drlscoll, Lillian Thorwald, Nuttlo It. Sartor, Win. Hoaglaud, Alyrtlo Downer, 1511a Hiirch, Anna Holland, Nellie Al. Graves, Alary AloAlanoniun, Henry Lecocq, Laura ttiilmy, Lena Lar gont, Ho&o .Miller, Anna Dowiu. Clara Hldor, Harbara Carlson, C'liarlun La Ohapello. Alattlo Wnlp, Alma Dubuque, Clyde O. Gosney, 'Sunday school lesson. At the IcIojo or tho afternoon, tho hostess 'served dainty rerrenhmentH to tho I following: Mrs. John Dnshney, Aim. Last Saturday evening, the bullet or tho D. Al. C. Club or North Hutid .'liter tallied their hunbands at pro gressive whist nt the homo or Air. and Aim. Hoy O. Drnlnnrtl. The homo was artistically arranged with a Hiipply of greens und daffodils, which formed a pretty background tor tho happy bcoiio. At curds, first prizes were awarded to' Aim. Tom Jiiza mid Ira Wcltzel ami Aim. Win. Viiughan and .loo Ollu wire presented with tho coiisulatlous. At! a Into hour tli'i ladles yrved u fliimptiioiiH luncheon. Air. anil Alrn. Tom Juza, Air. ami .Mm. Joe Ollu, and Alrn. Fay Waul were special Good Tailoring Have purchased a New Stock of the Best Imported and Domestic Suitings, and respectfully invite an in- spection of same. All work clone here. Linings and workmanship of the 1 very' best. PRICES from $35.00 to $45.00 A SUIT CASH ONLY Such a suit will outwear several cheap suits and sure ly look better. May we have the pleasure to "show you?" ' Noris Jensen MERCHANT TAILOR. 365 Front Street :: :: :: MARSHFIELD, OREGON South Firth Street. Ituth Hoaglaud, ICvu Al. Pratt. Ab ide Olson, Those elected lo ineui beiHhlp but linalil-.' to attend were: I run i! Stack, Lillian DrookH, AIllo Weaver. IJhtellu Clark, Hoo Glb- , ., ,, ,, idllTMU KIIUIHH IIIUBUIIl mill' .u in. ... son. Mary L'.nboth. Mary Ciiiry.l nm Mjm 1)o8BO KainSluli 11 k M ..f l tt in " The inenibert out this week woro: Faiiulo AlcLuln. The next meeting, llio tlmo or which him not been decided, will. probably bo with Mm. Daihncy on guents, anil tlio cluti liullen and their iiusoaiKis preseui wno: .mi, amy Alrn. Henry Kern, Air. mid Airs.' Ira Woitzel, Air. and Aim. Arthur .Morton, Air. and Mm, Lestor l5ntou, Mr. and Aim. Stewart McDonald, Air. and Airs. Charity Williams, Air. and Airs. Wm. Yaughuii and Air. and Alrn. Hrnimtrd. .;. .. ,. AIOTHI5ltS AND TCACIICHS .IOLLV DO.KX CliUU Airs. T. C. Young or Diinkcr 1 1111 iwaH Iiostosn Wednosday arttrnoon at tho nessiou or the Jolly Dozen .Club, tlio afternoon being passed In 'tho usual way, that or sowing and social conviymttlon. Aim. 11. F. Hush entoi (allied by telling a story. Special guestn present woro Aim. 15 Ida AliCluro. Members adopted by tiannfcr wmo: Sldnoy linniol, Pet AL lmniol, IIchbIo G. Iiiimel, Alliiulu Forrell, Georgia Graham and Sarah Kolloy. Special mention mlKht bo made or tho crsdltnblo way In which tho ,, M A,0(J ,, tho 103tos8. Mm. L. ChrlHtensen, Mrs. Kd Dun can. Airs. G. .lohnson, Airs. H, F. Hindi, Aim. Al. Ho.ts, Airs. Otto Wal mark, Alrn F. AL Alai-boHcr. Airs. F. A. NoIhoii, Aim. A. II. Snow, Airs. degree team put on tho drill work. A. X. W. Clil'lt I if- Another delightful xohjIuii of IheA. N. W. Club wub held op, Tho no.t meeting will be tho 1'2i or April with Alrn. A. II. Snow nnd PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY mmnmMI Cl.l'lt I Tho Alothcm and Teachers Club ot North Ileud mot Tuesday artor ltoou at :t::i() o'clock lu the high school building with an unusually good attendance In nplto or tho in clement weath'sr. The pupils' drill wan dlspouaed with on account or llckiieiis. Tho Instrumental duet by Aim. 15. L. Coo and Aim. C, II. Worrell showed much skill and wan 1 I Mrs. L. Chrlstensen will furnish tho i greatly appreciated by tho club, as -' ... . i .. ,,.. ... ... Mitortalnni'Mil LADMCS' llt'SIXKSS .MI5I5TIXG Tho Ladlon' Aid or tho North i Hi. ml Miitlimll il l'lllllill mill fill' Wl "v"" ....- tft'biiniuotui In tho church hall last Electric Shoe Store Qrder YoUr NEW Wo iut.v jMiiiniuotm In tho church hall "lBt r ? I 1 ? J Ovli 1MVJW Thr,lay aftornoon and made pl"!fflen S, LatiieS aiKl1..,, ,. ,, llsMir,1Iieilt , V,for an Faster apron sale to bo given l ' , Wo Itino n good nssoniiieiii oi tillSaturdio, April 22. Tl.oy also plan- rlJ-o QUrwo ,",tU',l,s 'mm M,,,r" ,,m "" M',wt, Jh.!Saturd i u d lor an all-day howlng muibIoii L for April .r nt the church hall. w. i Those prouent woro: Aim. W. II. 5JChuppoll, Mm. H. O. Helm. Mrs. V;C II. Kveront. Airs. W. 15. Ulnl. i-MiH. A S. HUoy, Mm. Win. Noil- sou, AUs lllinor Woods, Airs. C. 11 Wllb.in, Aim. W. 15. Laird and Mm. Peter Miller. i ; ? SI Itl'UISt: LIXI5X iSIIOWKU f PLANT XOWI ROSEBUSHES DAHLIAS GLADIOLII a Ahk for our price on jm, phititN for window Imixos " nnd bunging Imskct.s. Marsh field 4 Florist Co. L Fdwlii G. Scott ftj Tk Cut Flowern, l-'Ioral Designs, L Plants. U nlinnnx Rlnrn R9..T." . ! lkavVf5 3irstrhl Nlund. 151eaunr Hendrlckson """"yl Rater Lrodd. Slgrld Stora, Kstltor Plants. Phones: Store 2B9-J Grocuhouso 4 Children Shoes , j our spring ami Milliliter suit mid lo nssiiroil that joti luivo tho latost The nhoo st)les aro fixed for tlio ',jo. neM Hl luonthn and the very kind that fashion dictates are shown in our window. - Wo aro not under contract toi.s( boon! any uiakoi'j nhoos. Our con- ,, ,., ,.,,vlll,..i,i,. ,, ,....1 ." .V., "--- tirmi It. ti'llt. 1.I. ', I.ll.tlluil ,11,1,- II.1VI 1(1 "llll . 1111 ...I llv, .f,.- ....I, ...... i,..,,.... . , ,, , , , , f joii mint jour Suit for Knster, tract. Impo lied by our sincere de- , ' , . .. , , . , . , i.i i Ploaso order as oatly as you can and tilro to obtain and retain your good ... . , will. Wo owe It to you to give yon,mM" ,n" ,,,M' "' tho HI5ST when you buy here. wJ ' V"'s"' ""W'"'" Mlw Slgna Stora, brldo elect, wasiowo It to oumalvea to glvo you the'""" I,,mi i" ,-n"1 " "'" the recipient of tt surprise Ilium DUST for the PK1C-N, so you will ulnu'.ir nt lin,. Iifilll,. nil f'dilfl It I VIII" I Cnillll lllH'd l.llllk till) tOWIl (IVOT last Sunday. Tho affair was an nil for big shoo bargalnn then coniej''1"'" l'lUy, officiently ami ivit day Bosalon, and a siiiuptuous dlunor to us and wo will mako you glml,""""" was sored shortly afternoon. On, you did Wo can smo you tnonoy April 8, Allss Stora will bocomo the on ery pair. Hi brldo of Alfrod Nyntrom. .Many and 20-X beautiful woro tho gifts showoivd . rft . pi Qm (Closed on Sunday) Hi 'upon tho young lutlv. Mtiong those 'JjieCHTlL ullUC OlUlC pr'sent were Allssos SIkiui stora, was tho reading by Airs. A. F. Hansford or Alamhfleld, A paper on tho economic uso of cheese In , the homo wan read by Airs. L. S. t'utltuert. Tlu club lu planning to glvo n child j welfare exhibit lu tho near future. . : . ! TAFFY Pl'LL Airs. W. W. Huttou ontortalncd hur Sunday School clans of girls at a tnffy pull last Saturday after noon, the guesta jpoiidlug a von happy tlmo In pulling candy and playing games. Among thnso pr s out wero: Ituth Snow, Viola Scntfe, Amelia Pratt. Alary Klranor .Mills, Norma and Lucllo Lyons and Huby Wright. j. .;. .j. PLI5ASAXT SUUPltlSi: 4- , Hov. and Airs. 11. F. Hongtsou woro pleasantly surprised by somo of tholr lady frionds yestrdny at ternoon, tho time being spent In a 3odal way. Delicious refreshments llJlti till't'rtd Mlirt -wtnnfflmt mill It..- Tailor for Men and Women u.ng m the minds or an who woro wiarKet Avenue :: marsnnem present. V nro ciilpiMl t glvo you prompt MTiieo and "'c tailoring jmtl fitting 1 giiuraiitectl to bo tltu wo nro nls prepared to servo. Cleaning, pressing ami altering J. V. Koski Add to your Home Comforts and At tractions . . . FATIIMII urter your hard dnj's labor what will add tuorotujoor comfort and relaxation tliau a nice locking chair or taj chair? MOTH lilt Whal glwiH joii inoro pleasure than to have a like row ing chair in which to scat jour friend when she drops In to sow or chat uuliilo In tlio al'tcinncni. VOPXtJ FOLKS -What adds tuoro to tho atlrarllie, cosy appear anco of tho sitting loom or parlor In jour law"' ,lim tff nlco rocking chairs or easy chairs? hi racl, they nro something tho uholo family '" IiiKo prldo iuul comfort In. fmuo In and let ui fclv you somo nice ones. AM R POKERS FROM $3lM. Going 8l Harvey Co. Complete House Furnishers am?WM.- i I 1 EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings ma e like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage North From Phone 180-J. Shoes llepalrctl Whllo You Walt 8. .1. IMMFL. Prop. 180 South Hroadway Phono ttl-J. (Continued on Pago 3) jTimes Want Ads Bring Resus: