SIX i . . ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916 EVENING EDITION f IV- New Spring TO FIX SEVENTH ST. MAHSHFIHM) SCHOOL IIOAIM) IXAl't.TItATKS CA.MPAKJX 11 S FOLL 5HIFTMAKE BIG SAVING'US CAitnixioit Miiii, sixci: moxdav WOHKIXO KUIili TIMIS Quick Choosing';; in selecting from our SPRING STETSONS Five minutes' time plus our salesman's prompt attention secures the SBStSSBmi Tlio SIcImhi "PACK-MAKISIt, tlilH Hprlnuj'N Fashionable Shape ftr Young M"n mill ".Men X Ohlcr Tlimi They Feel." Itcrulls Two Schooners From Out side Chuitoix (o Handle Lumber Iteeil Hci From Uiupiptn Willi tlio Gnrdlnor mill running full time hIiico Inst Monday, business .affairs on the Umpqun hnvo tnken 'on n rosy nppoarntico, siiys Warren I. Heed, who nrrlvcil hero Inst evening from Reodsport. lie said that here tofore only the Hteani Hchoonor Snn Uf.brlol has lieun used to handle the output for the past months, but now tlio schooners Caroling and Smile, owned by tlio mill, pro rot'urntn: trom outside charters, now boliiR re quired to aid In transporting the out put to Snn Pedro. Two tompornry depots, ono on each sldo of the Umpqun, hnvo been fin ished and :iro In readiness for the opening of train norvlc, said Mr. Ileotl. Ho snld temporary spurs have been put In there by tlio engineers to get the railroad equipment across to the south bank of the river. Tlio county road from Winchester liny to Scottsburg Is well muter way. Crows nro now working on the lino between tlio ocean and Itccdsport. 12. j. Hoblnson of Mnrshflcld is now survoylng tlio road from ScotUv burr; down the river to Deans Crock From that point on Into Heodsport the road has either boon conssrtictcd or hns been recognized by the Dour Ins county court as county road and It Is to be built an soon as possible ."Make Good Koo'l "Tbnt's tho road that you pcojilo from Coos Hay nro eventually go ing to travel to got onto the Pacific llli'hwoy," commented Mr. Hoed. Ho r.ald tho water lovol road througti High School (Jives Piny This Kve-'to Drain ought to niako ono of tho Mitynr Copplo Promises Cooperation by City Old Tangle About tlio Property Mno Dclny.s President A. T. Haines of the I Murshflold School Hoard hns Inaugu rated n movement to securo tho open ing and Improving of South Seventh Qrp-irpQ-N'rTC A .ro!l Btroot passing tho high school prop Ol HilOUlNO Jt Wal t , city. Ho has taken tho matter up with Mayor H. Ai Copplo and tho lut tor hns promised thnt the city coun- II will cooperate In every posslblo i way to hasten It. Men who Wish tO find Conflicting claims as to tho loen- . , - . , . ' tion of tho street lines and n Jog In the hat OI their ChOlCe "the proporty linos have delayed Im- : Ui- J,w 'iL.,,1 "proving Sovonth stroot for n long m short order-without tlI110 8ovorn, lmoB commlUc;3 trying on one hat after' 1,avo l)co" ""pointed to try nmi get . I the affected proporty owners til ugreo another Will act Wisely so that tho jog could bo cllmlnncd and tlio street opened at an ndoqtiato width but each time they have failed and It will probably bo necessary to k - - , forco tho matter through. School Hoard Anxious "Wo hnw done considerable to 1m provo tho high school grounds and It Is Impossible for us to do much nioro toward bonutlfylng thoni iib they should be," said Mr. Haines this morning. "Tho school board Is wlll- linf trinr fife irrmr Vionrl f,nK t() Sncr'C a nll strip If llOCOS- nat mat nts your neaa .8nry Th0 8trdot lB niniltl nml nt and yOUr fancy equally. it,n,CH lll,1108t impassable and I regard 'I J t ns ono 0f u,0 11108t iinportniit thor oughfares In the city. Something should bo done about It an once." MAIL OX Tit A IN TO HA VIS UXCLK SAM $10,000 A VISAIt "OBSTINATE FAMILY" TO AID SENIOR ANNUAL Chief Clerk A. F. Hand, or Itnllvmy Mail Service, Comox Oici Lino Iteport is Fnvornblo A. F. Hand, of Portland, chlof clerk of tho railway mall service, hns gono over tho ontlro lino of tho Wll lnmolto Pacific preparatory to tho opening of mall service via tho train fioni isiigonc. Ho arrived here last o oulng and went out again this morning, walking over tho road to Lakeside. Scheduling of the mall via tho train will menu an annual saving to tho government of something liko $10,000, said Mr. Hand. Ho explained thnt at prcsolit tho government main tains n star toute out from lsugono to Muplcou, nlso up Ino tho Ton Mtlo counry and out from Myrtle Point and Hosoburgi Tho date for the opening of this service Is not doflnlto. Mr. Hand said that his recommendation to tho government will bo favorable and the arrangements with the Southern Pa cific for tho carrying of the mnll this way Just ns soon as passougcr E WOOD BLOCKS MINNEAPOLIS LKTS WOHID'S HISCOltD CONTHACT 0. A. Smith Wilte.i The Time About Utilizing Home Product In Street Paving OAKLAND, March 2 1. 15)10 Edi tor Coos Hay Times. .My attention has Just been called to an Item In a Minneapolis paper reading au follows: "A woild's record was mado In Hi la city the othor day, when au order wus given to representatives of two different companies for pav ing blocks to tho value of one-halt million dollnrs for street paving this year. These blocks will require twelve and ono-quarter million feet of fir lumber and bo loaded on ono tifiiiuiiml imra nml will rnviir J. 'A miles of streets 27 feet wide," etc. How long It will require our city government!! on this coast to profit by tho expedience of cities like Now York, Chicago, Minneapolis, etc., whore woodon blocks Is tho princi pal paving laid and bus been for many years, nnd for lnstanci by London and Paris, whero wooden block paving Is being and has boon nlng in Aiiilltofiuiii S Mi Casts Well IteJienr.scd sorvlco- Is Instituted romnins yot tolllI(1 for ,,0 yenr8 ,a lho conun. no niiuio. drum; but presume, as 1 told your city council a few years ago, when $$; lumber wus rolling In Minneapolis X SHIPPING NEWS $'at ',er tloisiicl feet, tho city : jffiSi host highways in Southwestern Oro- gcn. As to the innklnir of a road between lho Obstinate rnmlly" Is tho, Gnrdlnor and tho railroad, ho said uiuno of a comedy being Htaged this I nothing yet had been ilono officially, evening at 8 p. m. In tio high tlinuuli tho county vlowors will go school auditorium by a cast of tlio over tho road th latter part of this CENTHAL AVENUE STOIIK LOOKS 0 ROADS It. It. .Ml'HDOCK (JOES TO ALLEt.'ANV TODAV. iTobii llakaiiNou, of Xottli Hend, Ito- eclvcH Contract Eor Planking Itoail to Empire. Making n survey of the county roads above Allegany and In that vicinity, Houdnuistor It. H. M unlock this morning left on tho boat for up Coos river. YoHtorduy bo went over tho highway between North Hend and Empire with' several con tractors, outlining the fills, Hum bids for which will be opened next Mon day. Contract In lct. Tho contract for tho laying of the planking between the two towns luu been awarded to John Haknuson, of the North Hend stables, and Includes the laying lengthwise of some :i7r, 000 feet or plunking. This roadway is to bo double- truck and the grade will bo brought Marshflcld high school students. The proceeds of tho play will go to ward tho publishing of tlu senior annual in May. Tho coaching of tho play has been done by Prof. A. J. M. Roliertjou anil Mrs. Hubert sou, Tho cast follows: Hurwood Erlrk Storgard Mrs. Harford, the mother-ln-Inw Mary McArthtir llonry Harford Albert Powers Jessie Hnfrfonl, his wife Allco Mnthlsou Lucy, tho maid Mary Eiissoiiiw; James, tho butler Hudnlph Hillstium X NORTH BEND NEWS t ('. E, Hlggs has returned from Eu reka, where ho has boon working for several weeks past. W. J. Knight has sold his barber shop to Miss Lillian Horry, who has taken possession, and will move to California whero ho owns u shop. Arthur Heyuolds has gone to Co quills where bo will tako a position In a machine shop, Mrs, Kate Wlusor, member of tho North Hend board of education, is making her annual visit to the dif ferent rooms In the schools. ('. S. Kaiser has made complaint up flush with the planking. Tho Mni imriH r iiih vngiuo ami ioois work starts at Kith strcot In North ' froI " l,0!lt lll,vn , " Ui- Iloiul. The material will bo sawed ' wn ",0 " ,,l, H "i nt tho Portor mill, and bought for $1'.' a thousand. Tho figures of John Hakaiuou calls for the hauling nnd laying of thn planking at the rate of fl'.L':! a thousand, thus mak ing tho total $11. Mil a thousand, Tho contirnct calls for the completion of this work within :S0 days, said Mr, Murdoch this morning, but in asmuch us tho rain will probably Interfere, ho said there Is u prob ability that six weeks will be ium-oh-snry. liiNpecllug Itoads, It is said that within the Inst Tow days Deputy State Highway Engi neer E, I, Cnutluo has bcn making n quiet luspuctlon of the roads, es pecially between here ami the 1'inp qua. It Is expectod he will arrive lirro u'ther this evenluit or tomorrow, mouth. Until that Is opened it Is probablo passengers to and from tlar dluar will )o taken via boats to tlio railroad. LOSES KLOCK OK SHEEP Curry County I'lirmer In YIcMiii of n Storm William While, ono of Wlnd chuek's substantial fnrmers, was u visitor at tho county seat, says the (iold Hcuch Reporter. He roportn tho loss of between (10 and 70 head of sheep during the big snow. Tho sheep wore, all under shelter In the shed ad joining tho barn, which was heavily $ t WATERFRONT NEWS : At !:.'i0 p. m, today the .Adellno Smith left the Smith dock for Onk- coorod with snow, when a slide Htnrt lnnd. She did not mil nt mill ed, tho accumulated snow piling on night because of the bar conditions VESSEL MOVEMENT Sailed Adellno, Oakland, 1 :.'!() p. m. YollowDtone, San Francis co, 1! p. in. j Hoamcr, Hustlor, Rogue HIver, today. Duo lleie Rellof, Florence, tomorrow. Nnnu Smith, Oakland, to morrow. Hrcnkwator, Portland, Into Saturday. Tillamook, Portland, Mon day. Coaster, Sail Francisco, un certain. Phoonlx, San Frauclco, uu certain. Due to SnD Speedwell, Sail Diego, 51 p. m., Saturday. council used brick, stone and ns phalt for the paving of tho streets, but when It became wc-rth $20 per thousand feet -ami over, then tho city council began to real 1 7.0 that It cortaiuly must bo of considerable value, and accordingly commenced to use It for street paving, and ns tho saying goo3: "History will re ptrat Itself." Tho lumber purchases as above this year without doubt costs the city of Minneapolis at least $L'0 per thousand feet. Yours vory truly, C. A. SMITH. FINE FILM AT ItOVAL Georgo Klolnc's recently complet ed "Tho Woman Next Door" found ed on Owen Davis' stago play of that nnino, opens nu engagement at tho Royal Theater tomorrow night. A Dread way cast supports !Mt, !....,. !.-,...,..l, !..!. .rl..., - I.'IIO.) IIVIIU i Ull.litl. I.IIU ftt.lO BiriuiiiK "ii 'i uiiiiriiiier In tho rolo of Jonny Clay, tho so cially ostracized nml p'jrbcctitcd actress. Special Values in Ladies' All-Wool Serge and Poplin Dresses and Skirts. We arc selling these garments at the usual cost o less than of the materials alone. They arc nV stylish and exceptionally well made. ' DRESSES, $4.95tq $7.85 SKIRTS $3.45 to $5.25 Shades arc Black, Navy Blue, Copenhagen Brown and Black with pin stripes. ' LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU The Golden Rule MARSHFIELD FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG ALWAYS BUSY. mmmMmmMmmmmmmmmmimmMrwtwmmMMmMBmMwmmmcmmmmmmmmmimmmmrmmmmmm TELLSDF BIG DEIIL START A HEMr TEI lirnilNKIt IXTKItKSTS WII.Ij cox. rixri: ophhatioxs Portland Paper Says Huyrs of the Simpson Holdings .May Make Some Improvements KKOKOAXIATIOX OP tx lllf cow ri-:sTi.(! ass-.v. ( .1. I. Kmlih mid I J. . Itlatk Hv Trawls Aurlnilutrlst (;,N, WiiiiiIiik Howudhii; Swh ItenrKfliilzatlon of tlio Cooi Bit WAXT WATIIlt WOlllCH (Spocltl to Tho Times) noSHHUUCi, Ore, March l!l. Tin ( 1 1 y council Is considering a now wa in connection with tho transfer If tho SlmpBon holdings to the Huoh-Cow TcstliiK Association WMitind nor Interests the Portland OroKonhin today hy J. U, Smith, ogtaltartit. says: NoKotlatlons for tho snlo of tho Simpson lumber Interests to tho Hiiehnor syndicate have boon In prog ress for Koveral mouths. Philip Huohnor, tho woll-lniwn tim- her oporntor of Portland, Is tho prin cipal In tho now syndicate Ho, to ft KOther with his associates, now aro In portrayal San Francisco to urrniiKO for final trtinuflli tf flirt nrnnnrlv ii..r v.- u... i i..n i.r.i , I'rlilBillK 111 II.2B to pay tb ti ll few days nco. ho confided to his f friends hero thnt ho would close tho transaction. It Is understood that tho mlo Involves a consideration of approximately $1,000,000. Tho Hiiohuor syndlcato proposed to continue operations of the Simpson and is. p. Murk, tester. Tlicy le on a boat this morning for tirloa farms on the hay. tlio river and iw j Inlets ami It Is expoclol tlitf HJ bo beveral days at tho Jot). This month ended tlio )oar olttt association and brought forth tost vory kooiI records. Thcro ;rc i proximately BOO cows In thooriuiu t!on throii;h the year, each tnlci! penses of tho testing. the shed roof and crushing' It onto The Nairn Smith Is duo In hero ler WorK" 8y8,en1, T,l ",I8,U5HH mon "I1U tho sheep beneath. Sixty head woro ,morrow IIlorillllB from Oakland, V'f tho c,y ta ,l gravity Hy.s.em. son: killed while ten or more were badly lmvlllB loft tll0 clty yc8tcnlny aacr. A oo.n.nlttw will lnvestltrate the mat- o, i Inlnreil. . ,ul'. L'"K tor works system. The business mon plant ns horotoforu and will make somo Improvements that will permit more extensive operations, follow- iiijiTuu. noon ISIther tomorrow nlKht or Sun-.. 1.1.. I f .!. . ' in iiiiiM.Minu ii. Jim ii. ..-.. inn (,,y morning tha Hrealcwater Is ex-i, I'll Mt Xaliomtl IIiiuU'h ilihplny ml In TV Tillies tonight. Danco nt riuiilsli Hall, Satiirny lilKht. Plntt'H Orchestra. XISW COrXCIh.MAX (Special to Tho TIiiks) unsi.'mnir!. no Mnmii i nrcarilliiR to word received hero to-iWIII IIllP1.,.nva ,,,, rnu ,. fMm pected to cross In from Portland, itonr. v. swaxtox, Crailuato CliomlM. P the docl Win. S. Woods of (5 rants Pass formerly a business man of Xorth , llend, Is hack to visit friends. Ho Is rpcovorliiB from an attack of Ill ness. A. II. Derbyshire has received word from three of his brothers. One In a sci'Kcnnt In the Durham Unlit crmbon WlllsX HKorciiT TO 71 .MAUKKT AVHXl'i: mo filled coiiv(t(y, wlili Qual ity Chemlciils nml will produce the I iet possible results. WlllsX SICK SISK YOl'U IIOCTOK day. At - p. m. tho Yellowstone, Cnp tain Carlson, loft the Swayna & Hoyt mill for Sim Francisco. lloth the Iloamor nml tho Hust ler have Kouo down nnd the city council and II. M. Hull winkle a former councilman has been iiomd n his place. liiK completion of tho Southern Pa cific Hallway. FIIIKT TO .JOIX ISmptro now awtltlut; uu opportunity to Kot out. Tlio A. M. Simpson Is waiting for a chance to get out. TIiiich Wiin t Ads will nro nt Ntrated by n trial. bo demon. Times Want Ads tor resiiltn. Ki.DKit is iti:-ciiAitTi:iti:i) Will liicicuse Itesponslblllty of the Kllbuin nml llrenUwnter The fact that tho steamship Geo. W. isldor, of tho North Pacific Steamship Company, hns been re FRECKLE-FACE Xow is tin Time to t.'ct Hid of Thcso Plily Spots Do you know how ensy It Is to remove thoso ut;ly spots so that no will call you frecklo-fnco? AMiANY, Ore, March SI. Tim flrnt commercial club to become- a member of tho Wlllntnetto Valloy De velopment Association was the Mo Mluiivlllo Commnrclal Club. It's ap plication was received by Secretary IJiistbiirii. int.- Ti.Miusit Di:.ii ISlHilsXK, Oro.. March 2 1. . I. W. Howiinl tradcil SOO nurei or land near l.owor HrilKo, Crook county, for 1, 100 acroa of timber land near Sag inaw, l.aun comity, owned by O. Hoi king nml M. Ilosklns, rosidliiK uoar Isiiroiic. .mi. minimi piucru UK- vi'i.iuuiiii i of tho Crook comity landa at $.'.0,000. There Is a strong possibility tu! this year the association work id be extondod Into tho Ton .Mile, Noru Inlet and llnyiics Inlet district, dj dalrymcn'of that section having t nlflod their wlllliigiicss to Jon. Warning About Swili Mr. Smith said today thithb fiottliiK constant Inquiries rt;irJlt scod. Ho rccninmcncls thit tlom nnd hiicIi scud bo first tested lr.t at O A C. beforo being planted. ir cltod an lnstnnco of lomet' vor seed being tent up for" tetli Avlioreln It was fouml that the I IowIiik seeds composeil 21 percentd tho rollowlni;: Canada tlilstle, olk i;rass, ooinmon plataln, foi-Ul curled dock, lamb's-quarter. f't wcok, barnyard Brass, Kcmtuckfl!"- crass, and timothy. There n lltllo rod rlovc nnd som83 clover, hut tho tester os unib' U find a Blnglo seed of eet chw lu tho sample. . Oregon hnB n pure seed I. w mill It Is posslblo for unroopjW lloalois to put out this brand o"Kl chartered to tho California South! SlHly Bet mi ounce of othlno,!T0 (U.U nvovo , ., cao COI18,0ra, then Infantry and Is stationed In rsiiluud. ;(.,, . Another brother Is niiKaKod In mak lilt; shells In isiij-lnud and a third brother resides in Ptah and Is ou miKed in a powder imiiiufacturlutt plant. hrluK your We ctin till i....s.ilnil.,i,s Seas Navigation Coinnaiiv for trln.i (,ouul 3trongtli, from your clrug- miy ilmtor'h'tn South America, means that tlu;K,8t' a,ul n fevv ni'l'Hcatlons should ipiexilptioii M'leiitillcnlly nml nt vessel will not comn hack show SPKISDWri.l. Mills .south from XOHTH IIICXD SATCIIII.W, MAIICH ..-., :t P. .M. TlrUet.s at Altstrai-l Olfice, Mnolifield, nnd" Punter's, Xortli Itcml. iiNiMiualile prices. Call nt Let avenue when looking best. We hnvo It. Piompt iiniverj. Plmue I II. I MitV- the Portland, Sail Francisco for lfeT. nnon 1 In f I 1 OlltO J I'll null Viin ll in in mi ... I yourself of freckles and got a heau- llui Ban Diego run. The Itonnoko wixbI1""1 .luNion. Tho sun and recently tnken from this run on.w,n,w or Mnr(l1 lmVo n ",0,,B te"- nintllop ..lmj,. n.wl phbIo nntn ' tlollCy tO hrlllg- Ollt freckles, Ullll ithe KUbiirn and tho Hreakwater j"8 rornU more othlno Is sold In I - title mmitli lln. aiirn in nut? fit tlin. tlou. MCIIOOXIIK TII.UMOOK POHTia.M) AM) WS.'.'V. . sails vmm .i.m:iwM,,Air SATCPiDAY, JIAIK'H von IVI'OHMATIOX nioxfc - TO.M .1 A MI'S. AKt., Orw M i in mill mi iwiiiiii Hi '" These vopsoU liavo been I.IJAVliS !jJl!,(MM IvSTATIS Attornoy A. II. Dorbyshlro Is pre paring papers which will be filed asking for tho appointment of lvar Johnson as administrator of tho ot tato of tho late Kred .loliuson. Ho sldes Ivan .lohiiimn, tho biothor, there nro four other heirs. The os tato consists of 40 acres on South Slough, Sherman avenue properly In North Houd, a summer home at I.ake sldo, two lots In Marshflold and per sonal proporty. Tho whole estate h estltuutod to be worth $12,000. It'.s Important to u to read tho l-'iis Xallonal ItaiiK'.s ti-l)ij ad In '! Times tonight. milPll nf tlm roannnalllllllr fnr mm. ' " UlUlllU. HO BUVO lO USR llir 1110 THF ppMCI AR AMD WYAI U'nny fr'sht from Portlnnd to San 'ou,,- 8tr"K' otl. 8 IHt rtlMv-iLMrt AIMU IT rtL I n(o voUHs. eoM Bvrtt'o of money hack oiuiu iui utictiiiy uiiuiinuciia Swanton Drug Co. BIG BARGAIN IN ens If It fails to remove tho freckles, 71 MAUKIST AVIS. Wo are going to niiiko Mnr.sliflelil a moio heautlfiil city. Let us also inula It u better city. FlrM lessons i.r Pre.sl1oihiu Cliurcli Kuiiiliy morning nt eloV u o'clock, Itfji T.eslIo, Osteopnth, .MiifslifieM. m$ Bay Statieierf C. Blanco Building Front Street Stationery :: :: Office Supplies Every Other Thing for the Office loaded with freight thut they havo been unable to linndlo It nil, es- $ peclally to Coos liny. Tho coming or mo gasoiiuo scuounor iiiuiiuook Is expect il to aid material In re lieving tho freight congestion In i the north. Suits IT'S A III Mi AXVHOW Senator Harry I.nn-j has shown that hls heart is in tho right phico and lias Untroilucod In tho Senate a bill calling Lfor a const guard station at Port Or ford. tho cost not to exceed $12,000. ' llnu'avm. (liAi'n ilnnili la nu nili'nmn import agaliibt tho station, this having been submitted by tho commandant in ehnrgo of tho coast guard service. Dance at Finnish Hull, Saturday night. Plutt's Oivhestrn. TIMES WANT ADS J t GET RESULTS X AUTO STAOlS SCIIISDUTiK March 101(1 To Portland via Florence anil Kiigene Tioaro Mnr.shflchl anil Florenco Monday 20 Tuosday 21 ., Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 . Friday 24 .... Saturday 23 . Sunday 2G Monday 27 . . . 2:4". p.m. 4.45 a.m. r.:30 a.m. G:00 n.m. G:H0 a.m. C:30 a.m. 7:00 am. 7:45 am, SrXD.W DIXXFlt nt the CHAXD lilSlt. flivcnty-flve cents per plntr. For iservatlon phono 20, Tuesday 2S 0:30 a.m. Wednesday 20 11:00 am. Thursday 30 1 :00 p m. Friday 31 l:ir. p.m. On .trips leaving Marshfleld be foro S a. m. you should make Port land same day. On p. in. trips you should romo from Portland to .Marshfleld lu one day. TO.MOItltOW, SATL'ltDAV, WIS Wll J MAK'F A ish ox ofii .Miix's scrrs, which kvi: TAKi: ADVAXTAtJF OF. THIS OFFKK IS iiAiiaAis o-; ... . . -. i ish o. otit .mux's scrrs, which isvi. -.neaffr S l,IMHi-i' DAY OXI,Y. .nil MAX till" ro s" st- Regular SlS.r.0 Suits, Including Worsteds and Ohio Serg. urday.only, .for $14.25 Hogulnr I12.S0 Suits, Including Oregon Cns3lnicrcs Saturday .only, .for and Sers- 1 $9.75 fm,'o .im.l.... .1 n it.i. r. ...... 1 .... ....I.. fni- . . ...v,. o lunuiui fu.uu iims, oaiuruiiy uinj, - -- ..tile- i Tlmv i.s a good assortment of Mze.s, colors. ' BUNKER HILL DEPT. STORE W. II. lilNDIN'CKIt CO. riiox- I