THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1916 EVENING EDITION. 0X !liK8" HOSKV3IOO.V THREE dmae Potnur li (JV ,,,,Hl,M .... i!...tlir Loiigemcii reorge Holnor. genial "agor of .Sen Mills Sto.-., ami a now ieTZ "CM.ectUlly taken on 'V"iik9" honeymoon Inst evening 'in L sho-d i.P at lodR. mool- "lesscl I mi ornamental cos- , 'T ear.,.. pl-M t f ',--l0mC' , I.nnll the envy of tlio 'i 0r SooU. a short Jacket and " ! of mi rt-"l!" ,lt,r"' ,mt' F, U. Fletcher Introduced him to the good-nntitied ciowd nt the Royal Theater and for it time hn was be hind tlio barn In tlm city jail be foro being whisked hack ngulii to tho lodge rooms. nu ilsht' H, was nrcompnn t WATERFRONT NEWS t Roth tlio Runnier and the RuUlor are again rently for sua, hut will it wait favorable bar conditions bo- fore leaving for Roguo Hlvor. Tlio Coos Hay bar Is reported toi bo rough today. Tlio storm condl-l 1 EHFId JfiHT"IKC UKLVI1ILO drlvo ami noiiu of tliem can bu under ho four inoro years to setvu. 21 years of ago. Also thoy must puss iThls point lias ner been decided i ,...,.ii..... .. i iii-iuum uAiuuinuiioiis. l no lllgll ll- uy tile Hlinrctno Court, in Is writ- tlng to tlu county clerk, ujklng the hitter's opinion. censo practically prohibits the jitneys troin cnturng the field of the taxi cabs. (nines Again to Visit. Envoy 0 0 mulct sou, of Poitland, representing schooner Tillamook was tho Rescue Homo of the Salvation trouble yesterday, but It ?$ led by about 20 tlons of the few days wore a special body gunrd. qulto general along the coust. on,, net UK ns & mmgt mww rrrr THE WEATHER REPORT Wj AMoclitei I'rfM u C00J ra, TlmM.J OREGON - Partly cloudy, heavy frost tonight: wester ly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tlii 24 hours ending nt I: HI a. m March 2:i. by YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER FOR LESS AT THE FAIR -Friday, Saturday and Monday are economy days at our store. Come early and shop. It certainly will pay you. ' gov- Lndles 7'c Wnsli petticoats In striped Cliambrny and CUni In variety of colors. On salo at riilldVn's oinbroliloreil JUL N ,-,0, to $1-00 vnltic Lawn and Hear cloth Ilouncts. On salo at 28c One lot of Clilhlron'3 Pongoo Coats. Wero 3,00 to $-1.00. On snlo at $1.25 Ladles' $1-00 to $l.li0 Flannoletto Kimonos, vnrlous pretty patterns and good fitting. On sale at 7flc 73c anil $1.00 Indies' finest grndo Imported Cashmere lloso Imvo been placed on salo at per pair 45c Very best grail colored table oil cloths, cholcu patterns. A n On alo nt per yard lu TUB IT A ID Next to Chandler Hotel. 1 riJV F tLIIV Central Avenue Satisfaction Always or Your Money Refunded ifonj. ostllml, special eminent meteoroloclBt: Maximum ,-,2 Mlnlmuiii a,-, At I: III a. m :p, Precipitation rfi Precipitation since Sopt. 1, ", 7t.r,8 Precipitation sanio period last year 51.93 Wind: Southeast, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET TliuV.sdny March 2;s siin rises at r:5S and sets at (5:15. i :i Army, arrived again on Coos Hay today and for a time will bo work ing thiougb this section In the In terests of the Homo. He has been hero off and on for the laat eleven years and Is very well aeiiualuteu and today was about meeting old friends again. Pool Room Hold. The salo of the Liberal Pool and Billiard Parlors was completed today, the former proprietors, Sehrocdor and Fletcher selling out to Carl Stolke. Tho lat ter Is a now arrival from Spokane and today took charge of his now lllllltinuu V. II Cnhrnmlna nnt.l there Is a possibility that ho will! PERSONAL. MENTION move awny. The parlors aro locat- $$ ed corner of Front and Central ' avenue. , I Not the Tillamook. The gasoline not In was tho schoonor Oakland off Tillamook. The Tillamook U duo hero Saturday to go on tho run between Coos Hay ami Portland. Su's lor Wag'" Henry Franson has Instituted suit In the justice court against Arthur Mattson claim ing $14.S.ori duo him for three months wages as deck hand nboard tlio Wah-Ta-Wnso before the boat was sold. Mattson clnlma that ho does not owe the amount. -THINK OF THE ERN0M0US AMOUNT OF MERCHAN- g .T. E. PU'LSON Is hero from Coqullle on timber business. Coin SUM Goes. Desplto the fnct'joilN WHOHREY was among tho EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charses. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY MOBLE THEATED '" TO-NIQHT SAFETY FIRST Mnishfleld'H Flre-Pioof Theater , Tho must uaiHlcrful plctuiv of tlio Your. IUk l-'oiip V. Ii. S. K. Si 1 "THE ROSARY" I'lctmvs by tlio SfllK Compmiy In hovon i-oN, featuring KATII W.V WILLIAMS ami tlio Mtmu cast or plajers that pi-mlmrd "Tlio f'lK)iler1, niU ItOSAItY" Is a proline: Ion with a wealth of Ma"- "fl Hlitlng effects. A Mronj; plot, Hlilcli Is 'realist IciiJIy 1 'elone,! ,j. all M,.Mlll. nis( of lU.ts,H, Tlio new wivky tt'i-IIK HKAUKT VITAd'UAPH" helps i iiiuko IJiNtlio Kieatl-st show ever offoicil in Jlaihhflehl for tho moiioy. CoiirirnmMuu Class. A cla-s of 1 1 will bu confirmed at tho Swe dish Lutheran Church next Sunday at 10 n. m. Holy Communion will be celebrated In connection with confirmation. Is lt'Vorlng. Tlio many frlonds of V. H. I.cdward, who was soverly Injured In a fall from tho Illanco Hotel, will be pleased to lcam that he Is recovering from his Injuries. While very painful, nothliiR acrlous Is anticipated. He wns resting very I easily today. I Seiw Papers Hero. Deputy Sher iff V. C. Laird was over this morn ing from Coqulllo sorvlng legal pa: pors. Ho served one on tho princi pals In the caBo of the Ilcnnott 'I rust Company versus It. J. Wal- drath and Claudo Xnsburg, oxecu tors of tho Guy C. llarnum ostnto and others. l-'tnv Women Hoglst'r. All of tho three reglstrais In tho city Imvo commented on tho fact that ,thoro aro few worn . registering for the primaries. U '.stratlou closes on April 18, only four woilo away, and thero aro many hundred voters who must sign the necessary cards. A special hoiiBO-tO'liouse, canvass will prohnbly have to bo Hindu to get the women to register. fiet off 1-iwy Ih'ro. Now that Mnrshflold has Just passed a vehicle ordinance, after considerable discus sion, It Is interesting to uoto that In -, Portland a new ordtuauco forces tho D .taxi-cab owners to pny llcouses rnng- Mug hot ween $.10 and $50, which Is huauy times the. amount chargod In this city. Further, drivers must pass examinations as to tholr ability to 7 and P o'clock. Doors open (l:ilO TWO SHOWS iFlopr, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, Sets. Coming Saturduy, "Littlo Clmrllo, Chaplin, for tho Kiddle. ROYAL 1 TONIGHT 6 &S OF NEW PICTURES We show the best and the BEST ONLY ' ( SMITH & WILLIAMS, 'The Dancings Newsboys" 2J1 seen here but one J t and they are too BLANCO The Public Service Hotel Iiiin Just been thoroughly renovat ed, and opened to tho public March Iht, 1010, Homo of tho feature of this old hostelry are. free em ployment bureau, free sowing room, Information bulletin and kind treat ment. Tlio patrotiago of tho public Is .solicited. UIiANCO IIOTKL 227 'Sovth Front btrtn;t Phono ! 1-Tj Mai.sbfield, Oregt)n Just received A new shipment of The Best Work Shoes Manufactured A ten-inch top, good heavy double soled sole that can be calked or hob-nailed and sells for "before the war" price of $6.50 Don't fail to see this shoe. The FIXUj? a rather strict watch has boon kept on the prize corn cars being ex hibited lu tho Chamber or Com merce it Is notlecnblo that they continue to disappear. One whole row ami part of another Is already gon,o. J. V. Motley Is wondering .what gardens they havo been plant ed In. .1. 1.. Smith says that he doesn't care, providing tho now own ers ngreo to hrlng ten ears to the corn show of next fall. t T"kes Hoy lo Salem. Juvenllo Officer Hark Dunham left early this morning for Salem, taking with him n lad of I i years from Ilandon who Is being scut to tho statu training school. Tho officers hero know of tho enso, hut did not know tho mimo of tho boy. Thoy aid tho youth was taken out onco before, when ho was 12, and that ho got away from Dun ham In Portland, by riding the brnko beams, beat tho offlcor bnck to Han don. Now Utiles Anywhere A short tlnio ago Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird bad to get to Portland In a hurry and ho had to pit to Coos Pay to take tho stage. Ho went down to tho depot In Co(iilllo and Jumped aboard a tie train, Just loavlng for MarsliflQhl. Thuro was some little set-to, tlio conductor of tho train in no mean terms tolling the deputy to hop off again and that lie was not going to ride. "I'll pinch you If you try to put mo oft" declared tho deputy and ho stayed aboard. ' Tho result has been tho sending out of an order to tho trainmen to lot tho Sheriff and his deputies ride on any trains lu tho county, providing' they pay their f fares. Puzlo Over l.nv Justlco C. L. Ponuock Is puzzled whether or not to clieulate a petition to havo his name plnccd on tho official ballot lu tho primaries, lu tho past ho ho has boon elected for a period of two years and under this law he should conio before tho voters again next fall, but It seems tho now con stitutional amoudmont that extend ed tho torm of county Judges from four to six years Includes tho phroso "and all other officers." Judgo Ponuock bollovos this means visitors In tho city today from Mynlo Point. .lAMKS K. MOXTnOMHUY wont to Coiiullle this morning on telephone b'.slnoss. PHOF. ItlCHAHDS lift this morn Inr for Handon to look after his music classes. anoiMU' LAHUSON wont over Into the Valley on tho morning train, calling on the trade. ItOADMASTUlt It. I). MURDOCH, wiu a visitor horo today from Coiiullle on IiiihIiioxs. I. O Nl-JAI. and wife went hack to 'jip-H'r on tho morntiiK train af t r a short visit hero. .n'HiNII.H OFFICER HARK Dl'N HAM camo over from Conulllo on the train last evening. LIO.N'FL OORDOX loft yesterday for Portland on a business trip nnd will bo gono about three wcclu. CITY ATTORNEY URAND Is oxpect ed Tiomo very shortly from Salom where ho has been on city busi ness. .TAMES II. FLANAGAN nnd family, who havo been visiting In Califor nia, returned homo this morning on tho steamer Adollno Smith. J. M. THOMAS, Deputy (lamo War den, returned last evening from a trip down Into Curry County, having been gono several days. MRS. It. F. SHUI.L, of Myrtle Point, who has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. T. F. Illllyor, will leave In tho morning for Portland DISTRICT ATTORNEY L. A. I.IUE QVIST roturiiod on tho train last ovonlng from u three days luminous trip to Coipilllo, Myrtlo Point and to Powors. STANLEY P. IJARTLKTT woh ovor yesterday and today from Conulllo to look after tho loading or tlio Speedwell with some lumber from tho Johnson mill. MRS. HERTHA MISENIH.MER will Icavo on the Adollun at midnight , for hor homo lu San Jonuulii Vnl Ioy oftor sh)ndlng sovor."! weeks with friends lu Powers and Mnrsh flold. MRS. O. O. LUND of Coqulllo enrao over tho first of tho week to at tend tho class adoption of tlio I loy al Neighbors of America. She will remain In Mnrshflcld visltluu fronds for n fow days. Spring a Tonic on ynuiM'ir, u spring tonic r nuiio. Nearly ou'iyouo takes honulhliig or other about thU timo of J ear, Whether It Is Just every day hiilphur ami cream of tar tar or extract r Sai-Mip-arilla, Voti may rely on us to giio you what you ask I'm'. THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono !!8 "A'o Deliver Immediately I- 1 ii.' Jr Or) THE LAXATIVE FOR YOU y thanuvlo- II iltiuNatura BR Ilccuuta lt' function ! not merely "ac tion at any co.t," 1 1 dw the work f rto ly, cailly nnd moro ciroctlvely than u vio lent laXAtlva liArauMi It tinea It u. Natum wanuuaone. iryBAft.. jua Hi C'ucaroa (l.bltli). PISE THAT IT TAKES TO SUPPLY 125 BUSY STORES. Who gets the benefit of this wonderful JJiiyinxLeowePj Mr. Customer? YOU DO, when you buy at the J. C. PENNEY STORE. See these values in latest styles in Crepe de Chine, Messaline, Taffeta and Serne. one-piece dresses. Every one is worth double the price. Crepe Do Chine, one-piece dro3s, colors blue, tan, prune, navy blue and blacic $llI..iO Messallncs and taffetas, various shades $li!.ri) Others at ! $o.j) Kino French Surges '.!tu.oo Kreiich Serge, silk trimming, ?0.1JO French Serges, all now goods 9MH Ladles' Stills ?!.."(), $, i?l l.7.i,, !?.t)0 Examine thoao and bo convinced that you can buy your tit ess or suit now at the beginning of tho season for what you will bo asked at tho end of tho season. Originators of Low Prices Incorporated Next Door to Postoffice We Lead Others Follow j t AT THE HOTELS J $$ riumillcr Hotel V. .1. Kelley, San Francisco; Rogor Vaughn. Coiiullle; S. P. llartlott, Coiiullle; Phil Flood, Portand; John F. Pius, San Francisco; S. J. Hennlsou, Handon; Miss Walker, Handon; Mis. Way Thrush, Rcods port; F. (I. Lcsllo, Coqullle; L. Clark, Hood River; .1. E. Paulson, Coiiullle; Cordon Manary, Portland; James Manary, Poithiud; O. J. Cray, St. Paul; O. M.' Honking, San Francisco; Oenlovo Mlllor, Portland; E. .1. Oshler, San Fran cisco. St. Itinwrneo HoU-I V. Smith, (lold lleach; J. K. Smith, Gold lleach; .1. W. Roman. Powors; J. II. duly, Oardluer; Paul Sbapmau, Roscburg; Port Engblom, Powots; Mabel Laskey, Los Augolos. Illanco Hotel Iiobort Calhoun, Powers; C. Kel ler, Coiiullle; S. A. Orlswold, Co fpilllo; 0. E. Muslek, Coimlllo; A. Rogers, Flagstaff; Jordan Scliapors, Allegany; John Whobroy, Myrtlo Point; O. L. Sparrotou, Langlois; Alfred Rodlno, Allegany; W. Lund qulnl, Handon; L. A. Perrouo, Myr tle Point; I. C. Nwi! and wife, Co qullle. i Lloyil Hotel li'nrk W. Duulitim, Coiiullle; John Cox. Hanks; E. A. IIowoll, Port laud; R. L. Ilaltlo, Handon; C. Hall, It. E. Porter, (Salem; E. Monkoi, Lntiiiiinn; F. II. Illckok, PoiVutr, Pal Grant, Powors. f WOULD AID COOH UOADs Cliambcrlalu'N Utml Hill Would Give $I)0I,ULH to Ijx-iiI lllglnvays Keen Interest will bo taken horo In tho outcome of Senator Chamber Iain's O. and C. laud bill which Is now boforo tho Sonnto, Tho bill would authorlzo the sale of the laud, giving 10 por cent of tho procoods to tho 18 counties of tho staU con taining portions or the much disputed O. and C. lauds, another 10 por cent would go to tho state school funds. It Is figured that tho share coming to Coos county under this bill would bo ?00 1,228, iiiiouuh to put tho high ways of this section lu liottor stiapo than ovou tho most rabid good roada enthusiast can now dream of. NOTICE to ro.NTRArrons I'rldlOeaiulKc. SOLD UY ' North Rend Multifield FOR SALE One classy legl-stereil Jortey hull calf, whoso dam milked il. 10(1 pounds in ten months. ANo roiVH and heifers, all registered stock. Wilto to V. A. S.KTIII, Marshfield, Oregon. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo lias It at 81.00 and $2 cash per load. Garbage rcuutv. ed. Phono 227-J. TAXPAYERS: Jissior ,, lower floor, 15c; ArT Tl'Cke1, fl,mish mu8,o r good pictures. FOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FREIGHT AND RAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill Itcsidenro Phono 13-J Market Avo. nut! Waterfront Tho Sheriff has Informed us that ho will send a statomont to every tax payer, whoso address ho knows, as tt tho amount of tholr taxes, there fore If you will send theso statement to us, with tho amount of your tuxe.i wo will seo thoy aro paid ana Loot a rocord on our books ot tho m) mont, without any cost to you, Coos River Ranch $10 per acre Kit) Aries liicrudlng house, outbuildings, stork, farm im plements, oirliiuil and nil luiprou'iiicuts. 45HIOO.OOA SACRIFICE IF TAKEN AT ON'i'E. " SEE Termi on Pml. REID AHOUT 100 Fiout St, IT." S&& "TITe Owl" Tho tVutial Avenue Drug Storo we deliver futi mid freely i ffwffiM 't THE LLOYD HOTEL t , Housekeeping Apartmeuts, 6 To Hooiiik, KK.00 Mouth. , Electricity and Gas, Free Raths n n i,n i 'Sleoplnn rooms, $1.00 k. up Flanagan & Bennett Bank BUY FRESH HOMEMADE' Caiie and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. Be Drop Central Avenue Notice Ii hereby given that Hauled bids will bo rocolvod for the elearlug and grading or a portion of tlm Co-lulllo-.MarshfIo1d County Road lu Road District No. 8, from Coalodo to Davis Slouuh accoi-dlni; to Ilia nlans I mill Mliurlflfiitlmiu nil flln In llin C.ttlittt of tho County Clork. Tho County rosotvoa tho right to -eject any and all bids and t award tho contract to a blddor not tho lov Mit should thoy doom It for tho host Intel ests of tho County. All bids to bo filed ulth tho Coun ty Clork on or uaforo tho sth day of f April, A. D., l'JKi, at tho hour or Ten o'clock A. M on which day Hitch con- ftract will bo lot. A cortlfltKl clyck 'or five (5) pur cent of thu ticiouiit pf tlio bid to bo deposited with tho County Clork with bid to be rorroltcU to tho County lu lt.eo contract shall lu nwardod and tho contractor shall rail, neglect or rotuso Tor u period ot five dtiyu after such uwurd Is mado to enter Into a contract and filo his bond to tho saUsractlon or tho County Court us ruipilred by law, A sot of plans ami BpuclflimtlanH may ho had upon dopnsit of tlio sum Clerk, of two (2) Do'lars with tho County Dated at tho City or Conulllo. Cooa County, Oregon, this 22ud tin) of March, A. D 10 lu. ROUERT R. WATOV, County Clerk AMONG THE SICK t Miss Edith Stalloy, a teacher In the ward schools, Is ill, and Mlsa Mnrgarct Stack Is taking her place. Fred Smith, who has been con riued to his homo for several days on account of nu attack ofrliouma tlsm, was ablo 'to ho out today. SOCIAL CALKNDAR Thursday Alert Club, with Mrs. W. Morgan on North Cooa River. A. N. W. Club with .Mrs. , Mary McKnlght. Owls Auxiliary party In f lodgo hall. North Rond Mothodlst La- dies' business trosslon. f North llond Junior Sowing Club, with Miss Ethel Nygruu. Friday Konslngton Club with Mrs. J. S. Lyons. II. Y. P. U. social nt homo or Dr. and Mrs. II. M. Shaw, South Fifth Htreot. Dahlia Club with Mrs. M. C. WoodB In Euglowood. Nwilloeruft Club with Mrs. J. R. Glgupux In North Rend. t NEW TODAY " t FOR KALIJ Corn drill, l?IO; soed corn, Ge, Maxwell runabout $170, also n Ford body upholstering lu good shape, $25. Address Hill & Murphy, Hrldgo, Oregon. FOR SALE An eight-disc Imrrmr, purchased now hist spring. Prlcu $2r. Apply E. I. Clinudlor, or Phono 111). t FQR SALE t &" FOR SALE Registered Guernsey bull, Il yrs. old. Price ?G0, Apply W. J. Howard, Ilausor, Oregon. I'OR. KALE Good,, black, horse, .about 1100 lbs. Phouu 10-R. E. E. Squire. FOR SALE At a bargain, Cnso auto, -10 b. p, Address "M," enro Times office, FARM I'OR SALE Thlrty-rivo actos, one-half bottom nnd one hair bench laud; six acres of good orchard; good houso ami barn, llghtod by iicetylouo gas; houso with modern equipments; hot nnd cold water, bath, etc. Near Cq qulllo, A good buy It taken soon. Inquire T, euro of Times, or Rox 2r0, Coqullle, Oro. t FOR RENT $ $ FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot and cold water, bath. 8G3 Third st. FOR RENT Modem five-room bun galow on 12th and Commercial streets, $12, SO por month. Apply Going & Harvoy. FOR RENT H.iooiii house, on Ko. 10th street. John F, Hall; phono 2ia-j. RROADWAY IIOTEIi nnd tuiart nionts now opon. For information phono uur. Post Office building J. L. Justin, Prop, BICYCLE TIRES Ruy Them From Us, Wo Charge Nothing lo Put Them on Your Whw) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY