THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 191 6 EVENING EDITION. TWO COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MATiONEY, Editor and Pub. DAN U. MALONEY, News Kditor Official Paper of Coo 0iunty Official Paper Citr of Marshfleld. MARSIIEIELO WILL CHICAGO youra nno adopted na n tilognn nml official motto tlo almplo phrnso "I Will." Clil cngo hna neconipllahod wonders mid It's Inspiring motto has heen u factor In Its aplondld nr.rompllahinoiit. Just now In tlio City llonutlfiil cnmpnlgn AInrnlifluhl lins need of n Blmllnr motto. "Marahflold will lio a City Beautiful." Not Marahfleld should bo, can bo, or mlglit hnvo boon but Marahflold will and Uio will of Mnrshflold will mnho It bo. MA KINO MAESIIKIELI) A CITV BEAUTIFUL - I Ily Herman Olossop I A! S A atrnnuor enters Mnrshflold by the wny of a stennior, his first Impression is that .Marsh- field Is n clean and well-kept city. After tho strnnger has lived in this city he will soon change his first Im pression to n "mlght-ho" beautiful city. I think tho only way to beau tify Mnrshflold Is first to lot all tho peoplo Improve about their own homes nud if necessary other places as well. The city should stand the expense of keeping the public places in good order and the aticeta thoroughly cleaned. The worst eye-aero to tho stranger Is tho lnrg marshes and mud flats which have not been com- THINKS SAVING FIFIELD !$$ WILL BE DIFFICULT t LOCAL OVERFLOW t Bny.4 Xoiv Hiilcks Coll Irolnnd and Dr. Burmcstor of North llond are among tho recent additions to llulck (Jiiiiio Warden Thomas, Who Haw Wieck Yesterday, Convinced Tusk is I laid Oi Gallic Thoro Is plenty of civic prldo, en thuslasm and the spirit to do when It ot(jy 0). ro)orIy ,lrallH.,. T,B , 13 onco nroiisuu auu inu nay ui mvui- cnlng Is at hand. Marshfleld Is a , ()rB BorlllH ,,., Sleeping Beauty and Prlnco Charm- patiw ()f tho nl(j lng in tbo form or tiiu now southern Pacific railroad has arrived. She will awaken from her alumbers the moBt boniillful city on tho Pacific coast, Co-opornton, concentration and a spirit to do will accoinpilBli wonders. ' Watch Marahflold boom and blos som. You are expected to do your share In the transformation. Begin today at homo. Warden Tlminns on bis way homo from Curry County, made owllorB MrcliiBGa rrom ucorge tioau a short stop at llandon yesterday, ,'rnm. Cell says ho will show theso and says be was convinced of tbo so culled auto experts some things fact that It's a mighty big task that hctoro tbo summer Is over. has been undertaken to got tbo El- field off tin. bench. In the break-1 ,ni ,H Closed. The Porter Mill era yesterday tbo entire stern of .closed down yesterday on account of tbo ship would bo enveloped, ho lll breaking of tho big bull wheol. mi iii. nml mUi.ii tin. mm.. ..miiii i... Another was secured from the C. A. nm.ii rlnlnif mul fullh.i? with tin, Smith mill mid today was put In plncn water. Alnnv nersoim belleveil ir again. It is expected operations will promhos to bo good. the cables had been fixed properly no roautiioil In tho inorlnng, at that time tho ship could linvti ItlG CATTLE LOSSES. Heat Wave In Argentine Causes Many to I He. tSr AmikIMoI Prm to Coon Ilr Tlmn. BUENOS AIRES, March 28. Tho Argentine is experiencing a phenom enal heat wavo tbnt has caused an enormous mortality among livestock. In the rich district of Venutlo 'Puerto province of Santa Ko alone, from flvo to six thousand head of cattlo have succumbed, Involving a loss of nearly a million iloHars to tho ranch owners. The wheat yield, however, Is re markably hurge, and tho coining crop J I WITH THE TOAST t t AND THE TEA t !"! i f!OOI EVEN IXO Ho scorned his own who felt another's woe. Cnmp- bell. WORLD'S SWEET DREAMS I "Weather keeps you thliiklu' that it's whlsperln' of spring; Mot-kin' bird Is lookln like he's flxln' fer to sing; Hear the hills a-callln' an' the valley seems to say: "Had a dream that told ma sIiu'h n- coniln' thlsawny!" II Fnro-you-well, Ilr'or WlntorJ You nxJver linger long Where the world Is gottln' weary Tor tho uiuslu of u song; Pack yor traps for goln', for thnr's only this to say: Tho wishful world around you Is n- dvcnmln' you away! Frank I.. Stantcn. There In n law against Bulling nar cotics to men. Hut why not u law against selling neckties to Married vonien. a tine homo for I be mosquito nud ma- his soil Is rich he- shells In It nud so the city should plant some sort of grain and this would bring them n profit1 as well ns holp to beautify tho city. Next, tbo peoplo who live close to vacant lots should clean these lots and see that thoy aro kept clean. Old fences throughout the city should he torn down. The old barns In the business section are the most filthy places In town. Tho ownors of these Uiis do not care what the people think of theso places. All they euro for Is to get a place to shelter tliolr cattle. These hams In tho first place hhould he torn down because they aro too old to he standing. If thoy must hnvo hams let them build new ones. Shade trees help n great deal In be.ii'tlfylng a city. and If any city ever needed shade trees to help In the good looks It Is Mnrshflold. boon drawn fun titer up on the shoro where she Is bolng taken for re pairs. Oespltu tho heavy weather, Mr. Thomas said the fooling In llandon WU3 that very little datunge has been done to tho Elflold though there Is not a great feeling of confidence that she will ever bu gotten bnck Into deep water again. A. C. BARKER, of Allegany, was hero looking aftor business mnt tors today ANOTHER CARLOAD AUTOS Ocoi'uo ('oodi'iiui lto.'.lven Laige Shipment of Chcviolcts on the Steamer Yellowstone OIjDHOIiDIEH DEAD VESSEL MOVEMENTS I OOOD SI'OOESTIOX EOR I A (MTV REAUTIEUL 4 Editor Times: So much has been said about beautifying the city of Marshfleld, I would ask for 11 llttlo of your valuable space to make a row suggestions. Tlio most 1111 Arrived Adeline, Oakland, 0 n. m. Sailed A. M. Simpson, San Pedro, 1:110 p. m. Duo to Sal Adeline, Oakland, at mid night. Speedwell, Snn, Sat urday. Yellowstone, Snn Francis co, 2 p. in., Friday. Duo Hero Na nn Smith, Oakland, Sat urday. Breakwater, Portlnnd, Saturday. (Special to The Tlmesl ROSEBURO, Ore., March 211. William II. Baker, agetl 71 years, and one of tho best known members or the Oregon Soldiers' Home, tiled nt Hint Institution uflor an Illness of several weoks. Mr. Baker was 11 natlvo of Ohio, and euino to tho Pacific coast many A carload of the famous Chovrolet years HKOi 0 served as u corporal nutomohlles arrived on tho Bteanier in the 13rd Missouri Infantry nur- Yellowstono consigned to Cleorgelng tho Civil, wnr. Mr. Baker Is aoodruin. It has created yultu n stir survived by two children, A. 1.. Bn- 1 ....... .....I. iwltwiln ...111. '1 e!i. .....I At..u irillt11111u y iliiHHIK local uiuu uiiiiiiiiiiniD nun hur, ui wiuiiiiuii;, uuu in.. 1....', .whoni tho new ear Is rapidly becom- of this city. , lug a favorite. You should drop ' l nroiind to Ooodrum's garage and see Tlio convenience these real cars. It will ho Interesting nud will pay you. ' and profit of Times Want AiN will bo demon I st rated by 11 trial. Western Mongy To Loan . . . Rates Reasonable COOS BAY DEVELOPMENT m "ail COKE HUliDINO MUtsilI'lm,. Ut UWIIPIIJij), l $ ' TIMFQ WANT APIS 1 t GET RESULTS X ' 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY t .IAIIj not empty ,Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Tho Curry county Jnll Is again oc cupied according to the Hold Bench Reportor: Tim rniintv lull nftoi" Hnv.rnt sightly nud disgusting spot to bofnionth of idleness, now has 0110 lone roiintl In or near our city Is that occupant. C. II. Whitney If I.anglols part known as tho Mill Sough rill 'was recently convlctod or wife lient extendliig to Tenth atreet. It re- l"B nml sontonced to thrco months In minds one. of that country tlmtJH hut parolod on good behavior. hllllp or old wiib sent over to moot Evidently hu could not keep good, Tor ho hns boon dollvered nt the county scat to servo his soutonco. Pliyslclnn and Surgeoa Office: Irving Block. uiiico injurs: ji iu . ".., 1 and 7 to 8 p. m. Phones: Office 11.1-J; Res., 1-18-1. 9 Ui A Coos Bay girl won't when bIio snys alio won't mid snmetlmo!) she won't wlien itho says she will. Wo nn taught that riches uro ovll, but tbo worst thing wo know about riches Is their searelly V011 can't convince a Coos Bay mother that the children ever get old enough to think for th.Miiselves. .Mother will work sixteen hours n dny seven days a week doing mending mid housework and raising night or ten children, but that doesn't slop 1 tho Ethiopian, called Desert. Thoro Is nothing hut obnoxious weeds nud stagnant pools with long stretches or barren sand. It Is 11 disgrace to our city. Wfill, mothliik.i I hear some 0110 say: "What can b'j done ubout It? What Is the remedy?" Simply this: Seed It down to clover thu dry part to big rod .clover nud the low nud wet part to AIhIIui clover. Th'i latter kind will bo Jujiirod by wator. In -order to do this successfully, you must have a seed bod which you can hnvo by simply giving It a good harrowing both ways, nftr which' you can sow your seed and tho Job Is doiw. It iiieeds no covering. Then you will have a perennial flower garden of which you will always he proud, becauso ir tht clover Is not eroppud off It will seed the laud annually, mid will never run out. It will bo a thing or beauty ami a Joy roruver. Clover tnkes to tho flllcd-ln laud llko u duck to water mid will make mild rill both beautiful mid saul tiny. , Bill that word SANITARY I reminds mo or another work for WOMEN WANT OFFICE Two Aro Rtiiml'ng for County Teens I ' invr In Curry Thoro nre two womon running ror office In Curry county according to tlu following from the Cold Bench not "oporior: Tbo state papers glvo considerable attention to tho number of women 'aspirants for elective oHIces through out tho stan, the treasureshlp being tho favorite position sought. Two Curry county persons figure In tho Hat. Mrs. Inez Miller seeks tho nom ination for the same orrice or this county. J. FA. Wright Phono 188-D HUIIiDINO CONTllAOTOIl Eitlmntei furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Eyo, Ear nml Throat SpechUlat GLASSES FPrTKI) Phono IIUO-J. Rooms 200-201 Irving Block. DR. MATT1B H. SHAW. Physician anil Surxeoa Phono .'10-J. H.. G. Butler CIVIIj KNOINEKR Room 304 Coko Bldg. Phono 146-J RuBldonco Phone 303-L. WILSON AND ROOSEVELT OPPOSED BY GERMANS W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Bulldln MarHhfluld, OrnKon. North Pacific S. S. Co. F. A. Kilburn Sails for PORTLAND MARCH 26TH The Breakwater sails direct to EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES ' SAN DIEGO MARCH 26TH From Smith Terminal Dock Teach Your Children t0 Save Money T4-'.-! W-U TC. 4. cm 4lo liic irnsL atep m the art of getting ahead. See that they have a Savings account IN THIS BANK First National Bank HOME OF THE SAVER ol C001 a MarshficId, ay JlfJO! WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680: 12th Courth. So. Phone 2Z0-H SOUTH COOS RIVER BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPHESH leaves Aliirsli field every dny K u. ni. Leaves head of river at SI: Ifi p. in. STIMSIER RAIN'BOW leaves head of river dully lit 7 u. in. I.eavi'H Mariilinelil nt ii p.iu. Er thnrter npply on hoard. ROOERH ii KM1T1I, Props. father from IiihikIiiIiik that ho la inip- i0I,p flrflrloiit eoiniulttee. There mo . ... .. .. .. . Ixevonil hIiilmiiiiiI niwtltt mi Hint mi portion" hla wife and fimilly. aeveral atiiKiinut poola on that rill Neither Wanted fop Pre.Mileut by ('eriiiaii Aiiierlraus Want Oei- man SchoidH DAVENPORT, lown, March :!!!. The Oorinnii-Anierleau allliince of Iowa In convention hero adopted a llliut men nieiiaei lo health and uii-l reaolutlon callliiK on lla iuonihorn I. ..... Il 11? I 11.11 Mil Before eljcllon cnndldntoR are ui- ,, wo "v" ''".. w "l -;,u ,",,""'u ",,"" 'n" "' "ll" wayn Interested In lower taxea. Afln'" election thoy aro ;rnatly luteroaled in Kiiudiiii; axea. SEASONS A unit and pepper ault I houcht; I hoiiKht It ror two iviianua; I lilted the ault and alao thoiiKht It would hint ror two aeaaoua. Rome Cooh Bay moil kIvo accordlim to their ninana nud aoino uccorilliiK to their nieniieaa. Somehow or othor tho man who is liidiiHtrloiiH and who attunda to hla own IuihIihksh never ilnna much ludlK uatliiK ahoiit John 1). Koclinrrellor'a wenlth. QUESTION EOR THE DAV How Iouk uiuat one hont a cow he foro ui us will kIvo whipped crenm? COgi'lI.E NOTES Nm of the County Scat Prom the Herald Clara Kraua, tho daughter of Mr. nud Mra. ,M. E. Holhrook, or Baudou, waa iidjudKiid liisano and committed to tho atato aayliiui, Tho Coiiuillo Vnlloy Creamery atartud iiiuKIuk clioo.o. The nuiiin(;o iiiont will make it a hualiioaa to aup ply tho trade on tho rlvur, and proti ahly olaowhoro. A. II, Mnusell haa purchaaed of JpluiBon BucUloy thu realdonco prop erty In Elllott'H addition, formerly known as tho Strang property, and is now living there. Joy the beautiful. They uiuat hil,lol' Rooanvolt If either or both looked artor by the committee. The '"ould b iioininuteil ror tlio preal HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phona 3171 water atiiuda In puddlea and the aiiuahliio caiiae.s a i;rcen aciiui to form mi the aurrace and It amella Iiiiko. Surely our nHli'lent coininlt tei ahoiild nlve a little or their valuable time to these ITok pouih. Olliurwlait Home of ua may never have the pilvlloKo of vlovvlug your buuutirul lawna or Hiuellliig aweut pimlea. Reapectrully uuhniitteil, deucy or the Pulled Statea. Another resolution advocated tho 'establish mont or Gorman free m-hoola In every city to tench children or nermaii-Aiuurlcaim tho Herman bin kuiiKo and perpetiuili) the traditions hud ideas or the race. DRY WOOD at Camphell's Woodyard North l'Yont Stroot Phono ..7II-.T DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will be kept OPEN TO THE PUI1MO A regular atuto llceiiHed undertaker will bo In chnrge Phono 105-J W. II. 1 rrinuiM Wmil Ailw ni'ii tlm utin urn. J0IU dliiiu which roadies Alii, the people. I They (iiiKiiKo public utteutloii every 1 day Always on tho Job. MEXICO MISSED SO EAR COX. I Want advertising hells tho no- loiitfer-H anted things. $ SELLING GOODS ! Tho big problem In soiling gooda la Rotting tho customer ' Into tlio atoro. Cooa Bay 4 Tlmea nils will holp you uolvo thla problom. TIME TAR LK ; WILLA.ME1TE PACIFIC MOTOR j. CAR . SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton S.l.rso Or half ton of both. .$1.75 I). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 1H-J or leave orders at Hlllyor'a Cigar Store Ship's' Steward, Horn Iu Hell, Avoids Some SjMtis in itinerary Tho Portland Orououlun snya: Born Iu Hell, Norway, and moving ( at an early age to Dovll'a hake, North Dakota, laUr funning In Paradise i Valley, Cnl., whence ho moved to Los ' Angeles, the City or Angels, Ered Krogluud Ir how sailing In and out or the Ooldun (bite a atoward of thu well known atoamur J. B. Stetson. Portland rrleiids, In auuimiug up the brief, but startling biography of Mr. Krogluud, opined that while- he! had traveled considerably, ho hud reached extremes not attained by many nud they hope ho will remain on tha Pacific slope, where names at I least aro not ivmludoia or hla Sa tunic .Majesty. A CHAMPION Wo hand tlio cup To William Shoup Who'a worklii'j up A noiseless soup. RnfffMpx Gives a brlHI nt closer shine that V doc nut iul olf or ihut oil -lliut W niineaU la Uio Iran llw.t UU (our Union us lonu us uny Black SilkStovc Polish i In a il.i by I f' It's tuoro ( Itnui jr Uktou" t' la 0 IVyltoiDcJriisil r ft W.JUL .. I II3(J41I I 'I UlcDi tl ll vvir im it. yv i li it.lnsre or f -f rf il lr t i 111 fJUl I a it il uur li.. ., Shine 1 1 f.Vbiy Urop" iy m BMKMkTX.",iall AXxii.miMuif iitjLri Leave Marshfleld 6:45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 9:45 n.m. 10:45 a. in. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. Leave North Bond 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m 11:45 a.m. 1:15 p.m 2:00 p.m 3:00 p.m 4:00 p.m 5:15 p.m , 5:55 p.m I 6:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Trwiaurcr tion qn St.Trt U FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, Re nn COMMUTATION U TICKETS, Marshflclil. North Bend Auto Lino Car8 evory ten minutes from C a. iu., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 n, m.; to Em pire threo trips a day. GORST & KINO, Props. T. J. MOAIFU tfi A. n. IIODGINI MarshficId PA,NT AND UldR).,,.UU DECORATING CO Estimates PurnUhwl Plioao 146-11. Marshfleld. Oregoi THE WIHTE IS KING Of all Sowing Machines Now located nt 256 Mnrkot aTo. West. Phouo 193-J, Wo havo also got big bargains In all kinds or used machines. All machines sold on easy payments. Oldest Bunk In Coos County IMaMhM iso Flanagan (3& BesmettBanli Marhhfleld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINfiS DEPOSITS orricors J. W. BENNETT, President; .IAS. II. KhANAOAX, Vb President; R. I WILLIAMS, CaBhlcr; G. P. WINCIIESTEH, Assistant Cnshler. Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bant OF MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,M0 orriccra J. W. BENNETT, Prcaldont; JAS. II. PUNA0AN, Vlc President; L. M. SUPLE13, Cashier; L. T. DK.MEKT, Aubiut I Cashier. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 orricors J. W. BENNETT, Presldont; TOM T. DENNETT, Yl President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; DENNETT SWtt TON, Tronauror. Tho Only Trust Company In tho State, Outside of Portland, WW Organized Under tbo New Law. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passenger and Freight From San Francisco THURSDAY, MARCH 23, AT 3 . ' P. M. for COOS BAY S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCiSCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK rnuiMt n uivii i n i cnmnvHL. uun , C F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight m Abstracts ., .,...,.. .L.tMrlJOfTltl . ,,0rr"" '" nHStt liiforiiiaiiou amii'i ""' F.STAT E, seo Title Guarantee& Abstract Company Marshfleld and Coqullle City, Oregon. Oeneral Agents ICasisldo and Sensstacken's Addition. Spoclal nttcutloii paid to iiHseshinonts mid payment ol UENRV SENOSTACKE.V, M' GRAVEL' ..u .... Mll We are novr prepared to furnish ORAVEL n "' riw)! from pile In our yard or In carload loti, t follow"1! From pllo on ground, $2,VB per yard. .. f jj Cartoad lota, taken from ca", " nsii nonartmejit. C. A. Smith Lumber &Mfg iw' WillWJi OfFAN RFACH AUTO LINE Gorst & Kins. ffl Tj..i. ... it .. ... .. .1 ....tnt-iiim' leavius ' . .... S ..v.., .,.,.. milieu, ui 4 ii, ui,, nuu .v.. -r. rnlDl! ,w Ui H u. nu Leave- Mnrslifleld nt 11 a.m. wl re,urn .Ji'f1. . k ii. in. " nitmgii m i p. m. Jieave fliursimeia - - leave Soiith Slouch nt O p. ui.