f WHO RUNS MAY MAD B UT IF HE IS RUNNING TOR OfflCE HE MUST ALSO TALK ,3fe .-m TUAT A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES UPAI'tn ..." 1M TUC n-QT BEUEVtbiw inuMuw. AND ALWAYS BOOSTS i pa eh iiSUJ UOB MKMI1KR OF TIIK ASSOCIATED PRESS fell ft, IS BAD FI I:h(ji1iHh1ic1 187H Ah Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1916 EVENING EDITION. L Business Blocks and 20 Residence - Ocsiroycu uy B IE MILLIONS ...L..i phiirAh Rnilt 135 tJm2JM' lices which diiiiiuu PERSONS HOMELESS ., i ii. .ii. ...... I v.. ... IVimiN NIV II i" ''" " Lir Were Ix.st HNjisCcm- Oiiiicm (hio of Seilt of Mil's' (amine limit Immune j nflwrliltJ rrr. lo Coo llty Timet. 1 AVCl'STA. ncorRla, March 23. ,eof Ihewrlcs of fires wniiyi nnvo . .t..1li.a ..'..fill flf i l DD Ul milium """ " utt In ho In.t few ilr.yn lit tho :i!i md southwest, swept ilirotiKii , r-iluru blovks of Augusta iind ( idJoliViiS resilience (blinks i i!tlt and early today causing cice ronservntlvely catlmulcri nt ,u,coo. TlmiNUiilt Homeless N'o llifi aero reported IohI liut thousand persons (tie homolosB. Io:j the edifices destroyed wns rial's Kjilscoii.nl chinch, hullt 13R m-o. NT SETTLE MS coi'Xty coritT votes to COM PROMISE KIXXKY Mt'RDLE Judge 'aHon Outvoted hy Commis sioners If W. II. Wiillo Accepts, .Mnn About $10,000 in Cash PROVIDES BIG t64 suiioi's rims or Tin: past ii:v n.vvs Ann$la (ia., :t,000 homo- let), loss, :., 0(10, 000. Paris Texas 5,000 homo- I ku, loja j,ooo,ono. Coj;ieililll, Tciiii., cbvmlc- III lorks. lots 1.000,000. S Nsthvll'f, Tcmi., S.000 0 Uowlcss, lo6;i $1, :,oo, 000. S.iriy . (',, business and r!Jce section humeri. 1HTE1 FIRE W LOSS AT NASIIYILLE fU'SKII IIV (Ylti:i,i:.SS ACT f'''fl Ml of Yif.'ii Tln.niii In.. Virjnt Crassy Ut (,.,, ?I,.10(),0(M Daiiuij-- j -- '! rtfi (o ro... lur TIihm 1 SVIU.B, Tcnn., Maid. 23. '"- organizations of w.i.wiin JT ire csriiw fn -iinrt , . "' " IUI'M)I1H wbKm hy (ho firo (mt BW0,,t 'owe iaio usterrinv it. ;MOWiWcncogn,i causlng !'Un ''"i"-ii ui 01 onitlrtyldoeU was swept t fZi 4 lm1"'le'1 '"""' or ,IJ ' CCilflr res ,1m. , ........ ml rt, , '- ,"l "i MlHlirilM, 2he and ono ehnrltalilo Ul!r!r ,,ar,ed hv lR,llt't ili;;hroIntoaB,,BByva- 5 wotIreat h,VtlO.Vll.W)IHT,mC. - .Mi;u.uti: ,H1HIS. . Rie,llv. - " vo r TIot,m ) '' on ti,,, v ' ,Marc" 2:i- .ttn, 0lwl roro"'8 laBt l( y Port S8tl0(, t0 , ,,. " hH Is far 1,m. .i. 1 ''i CI6"!" tW ,ep cot of l't-vu . ,oss was In Orouoii. " ami i ioi. A counter coninromlHo affcroil liy (ho county court bill lair to Hottlo tho .Major Kluiiuy tax uiuilillo In tho payinont or hoiuo $-10,000 of hack tax;H Into tho Coon county treasury. DlHtrlet Attornoy MIJouvlHt, back Irom the uiuotliiK or t'u county court nt tho homo of CoiiiiuIrhIoiilt V. T. Doniont In .Myrtle Point, (o riay outlined tho now proposition. Coiniiiliml()iir:( Deinout ami Arm- HtroiiK outvoted .IuiIko Watson wiio wan UKaltiKt tho coiuproinlKo. Under tho now oTfor I- 11. Walto would I'.ny all Iru'k taxea, hoiuo of doiii d i. pinto 1!07, tho cohIh and 714 ior (cut Intoreflt on (uxoh due prior to MIO.S 'mil t! per (vnt on Uio ro . aluder. Wiillo .Vol llciil l-V TIiIh offer has hoon wired '.Mr Wnlte, who loft hero u lw days nno, hut a yet no word Iiuh lioen received I rr ,m him. If ho accoptH, the holler Is that (ho money will ho turned over" to i ho county vory cliortly. Thoro were 'lovoral ntroiiK iii'Kit uinntH advanced In Invor or tho coiu- prouilHo. Ono of thoiu was that tit Ik RESERVE fill Hay Bill in Congress Would Increase National Guard to 425,000 Men BILL IS I IIC DIE GEN. HIM NT DISLGYAL Consolidation of Times, Const Mn.ll mill Coos liny Advertiser. No. 206 OVHK IIKJIIT Mll.lilON WANTKI) TO KHJIIT IX .MII.VHO rPASSABE.IS ASSURED . . Measure is Likely to Get Through the House With But Few Changes BEING CONSIDERED TODAY One .Matter to lie Dcieiinllicd AVus tilt CoiMnic'llon ot n Xlti-alo I'laiit Hut This' Was Slrlcl.i-n I'roiii the Hill I Elicit Appinpi'inlloii anil Increavo of A liny In nil Slienulli Askeil of Conuress til)' Awddalr,! l'ipwi In Coo 11 Tlmm 1 WASIIIXOTO.V, n. C, March 211. A rush appropriation or s,s07.0!l to cover extraordinary expenses of The expedition Into Mexico, IncludliiK 'tin Increase u the arm. to full strength was asked or Congivss today by tho war department. Governor of Chihuahua Says Garrison There Has Not Turned to Villa IT E EL 0 L t'l.ixti to position' win:m: (ji:k.maxs AnwrKiii) OXK PHOVISIOX IS NTKICKICX l-'KO.M Itllili Ai S ABOARD Word is Wired to Consul Gar cia There Not to Credit the Reports VHSSHIi (JOKS amiioim-: OX COASI OK .MII.VICO Win SiiiiikkHiik toe Villa I'lirciv mill Supposed Owner N Plnccil I'niler A i ro.: Illr Awo hliol I'nva In Cihm liny Ttimw.l N'HW YORK, Murcli 2:i.Thu? schooner l.aprovldoncla which wunt tiHhore on the const or Mexico Inst ! LANSING IS CHARGE procedure saves u lout; itud almost ' end less litiKUtlou. Also (hero was a question as to whether or not tho (oiiuty could collect taxes on the in iid subject to tho tim a receiver v . O ! (Ilr AnwrtntiM Vrrm lo orf.t rr Tlnif. WASIIIXfiTOX. March L'H. wu,,, waH nUKKliiiBs arms and am Tho provision In tlu Hay army hill to construct a plant for (ho muuufacdtro of nltro KCii was sti'lekeu out In the llousiA hill today hy u vote or ir.l to I2S. ........ 1. 1 ....... iiiiuiiKiou ior vina, 'word tecelved hero j Consul Ovimrul Tor A Kovcrnmont. nccordiiiK to loday hy tli the Caniuizu (lljr Aofal(v Vtvn to Cnoa Uf Tlmn.l WASIIIXCiTOX. I). C, March 2.1. Alfredo Klcot, the suppojeri own er of the schooner, and several oth ers on hoard woro urrest-'d, uciord IiiK to u message from Mexico City. no .ippoliKed, a point Hint ontlun-'Consideration or tho army Increaso uerer Bomo throe years or taxo, anil I hill contlnuod In tho House loday still nnolhor mutation iih to wliotheri with only two important sectlon.t or not Plat II. waH over lo::'.lly an- awaiting disposition, noxori to North Ilond. f One wns tho military pay provision Thoro wns a petition Trout many j under which tho hill Is expected to North Honri business men asking for produce u forco of I2ri,000 Nh(IouuI a compromise, (ho Port of Coos Hay. I guardsmen within flw years unri tlm the North Ilond council and school utther providing for the construction board, all of them, nlso asked that fof ti ultrato plant. Passage of the tho nintter bo selllod In (his innnnor. hill Is virtually assurrod. F T SMUGGLERS OXK IS CAPTI'ltKO IX HATTlii; AT i .os ax(.i:li:s Cull for Xow Hids Vw bids for ho rondwork between Mnrnliflolil and Coqulllo will bo op ouori on. tho first Saturday In April 1'oriner bids woro rojocted because tho county court wniKoil tho rhht -i'IIK OAK LAND (JOIXO TO PIIICIW ;;SGH0iER IS LOST to classify tho work (o bo dono. The now roud Is (o bo botweon Davis Slough nnd Coulodo uiitl also Includ ed an overhead crosHlng ut Hunker Mill, over tho railroad. HAS RECEIVED NEWS OF MISSING BOY IX IIHAYV SUAS .Many Shots Klrcd by Police anil .Mexicans Who Yt re Denllng In Opium Uy Auoilalitl I'rrM In CixNtllay Timra.) I.OS AXOICI.ICS, Cnl., Miuch 2jl. Two police datectlvos, who followed our alleged Mexican opium nug glers to tholi iiuartors today, en gaged In a rcvolvor riuol in which rcoros of shots wero flroil. Krauclsco Ijuiz, ono of th'' four nicii, was enp Cued aft.M- being lilt tin ;o times. Itelnrus to Washington After Viicn Hon of Week mill Conrers Willi Cari'iiuii Anibassniloi- About Situation f lljr Awoi'l.ilr.1 ITmh lo Coon !! Tlmn.l Kh PASO, Tex., March 2!t. Ig- nnclo Kiirltiiiez. civil go'vernor of Chthunhua has uout u tohigrnni to Consul (lurcla at Hi Paso today declaring that Ocnornl Ilerrorn, com mr.uriiiig tho CIiIIiuhIiuu:'. City gar rison was still loyal to Carri'tra anil iiot to credit tho roporta or ltls riofoc lion to Villa. Itiissian.s Are Iteporteil (o he Ks- pecially ActM in Callcla ln- faiilry Iteporteil ItepuKed (Ur MsticHIM Prm It Coo IMT TIoim J LONDON, March 211. Tho Kronch stll cling to a part or the little hill or llaucourt, southwest or Mulun- I court, on which tho Oermans gained a footing last night. Parts nuuounc es today that tho Oernian Infantry attacks hi this section wero not rc suiuod during the night and oven tho riro or the heavy artillery wns diminished. Tho bombardment east of (he "Mouse contlnuod with uuilimlulshed Intensity. ltiiHshms Active Hcslrics striving hard against the German positions on tho northern end of tho Hussnii lino the Rus sians ure displaying notable activity In Clallcla. Vienna says on tho Stry p,i ami Knrmlu sector the Russian Infantry detachments we're repulsed with heavy losses. W M liAXSIXO ixi"oh.mi:d Curraua Ainhasulor Su,s Is Still Loyal llorMia Illy AoflIM Trrii lo Coot nr tln,r,. WASIIIXOTON. I). C, March 2!!. Secretary Lansing, returning from u week's vacation, took porsonal charge of tho Mexican Hltuntlon iih It concerns tho Stuto, Depnrtinont toduy. lie conrorreri with (ho Cnrranza mil bnsador hero who piesenleil a dls-. fpateh from Consul unrein ui ki raso idonylng outlroly that Oonerul llor- rora hail rovoltod with tho Chlhtiu bea garrison and Joined Villa. UI VESSEL IS S XORWKUIAX HARK I.IXDKIXD l)i:STROYi:0 CRKW SAVKD rlilrty .Men Are Rescneil hy Anollier Ycssi I mill A. so on Their Wny lo (.tneeiistown vi:ssi:i. krom i'xitko STATICS IS Sl'XIC I Vessel I'ioiii Handou ('ocs Aioio at .Mouth or On- Xchalcin River ll.s( Xlght ly Am. Itlo.1 I'm lu Vmm IVar Tli 1 HAY CITY, Or., Murcli 211. Tho CIIIKK OK ARMY (JUTS l'ALL IT IS JUED AT AXOTIIIIR OKXIAIj ('. LoRoy Mull I'nsses Howard Tuy- lor on Roatl lo 1'iiimiiii River Socking Worl; sohoonor Oakhutd, which was alian donod by tho crow Tiiosriuy, and which wont ashore nt tho mouth i:iiiiiliiatlon of tho Nohaloui Rlvor last night,' was hreukluB up today lu heavy ,ieus. ins ho.mi: i U)Y SUXDS .MKSSAO'i: O TO HIS .MOTIIRR O This aftornoon Mrs. Taylor rocolvod n messago from htr son HtalliiK ho wns ut JJar- alitor ami that ho would ro- O turn homo Snturduy po nor auxloty lU&nnlliiB him was sot nt rest. :ILPS A nl Hospital Indicates That He Is Xot Seriously Hurt in Accident Word Knim Mexico City Say Her rcra Is loyul (lly AhmmII1 CitHMi to Conn Hay Tlmon.l (1ALV13STON, Toxas, March 23. Oenorul llorrorn Ih coiiriiictlnu active military piopnrntloiiH ngaliiBt tho Vil la rorcori and has' not gono over to ho bandit loader, according to u en hloisram from Mexico City rocolvod by tho Mexican consulate hero loday. T .... Tho nioHsugo says tuo iiorreru cam paign agalnt Villa la being vugoil Ii Sotithorn Chlhualiun, SUPPLlUfll safe (lly AMofUtrJ 1'ri'M lo Coot lliy TIiiin, LONDON, March 211. Lloyds ivtports tho I'reneli bulk Hotigalnvlllo, 22 IS gross tons, bound from Hun Krauclsco for Loudon was sunk. Twonly-direo members of tho crew wero picked up The (llrltlHli strainer Sea Sorpuut hns ulso boon ounic. Tho Norwegian stcntuor Kniiulk was sunk Weduoalay. Tho crow wna saved. Establishes Base to Re-organize His Forces Before Meet nig the Invading Army IS afterTeciits General Funston Makes New Plans to Meet Any Assist ance Given Bandit NO CLASH HAS COME YhT Pulled Slates Troops Have Xot Come In Contact Willi Any of Villa's .Men According lo Ito- poit.s Received Si Km1 (lly AMHtrUlM I'niM In Cihm liny Tlmri. UL PASO, Texan., March 2.1. Villa has cstnhllsh,ml a base west of Nitmltiuiapa to reorganize his com mand ami recruit new men for hi army, according lo a report current today. Tho American army lingo nt Col umbus has had no uowh or Villa for over two days. So far PerflhliiK's for ecu have not como lu contact with any of the outlaws. WILL MIWT CHAXOKS KiiiinIoii PiepnrcN for Villa Reinforced Hl'lllR lty Awn laltsl Pni In (' llty Tlinm.I SAN ANTONIO, Murcli 2.1. Kun stou proceedod today with u plan of preparation to meet tho nltereil sltiiutlou that would In created hy nny Injection of now forces Into tite Villa organization. No additional ovldunco confirming tho reported deflection of Uouor.il illtrroni ut Chihuahua wus ireclvoit (Whllo Currnnzu ropre.ieniutlvos strongly denied the roport. v (II, Aio.UIM l'l lo Coot lUy Tlm't.) LONDON, .March 2.1. Tho Norwe gian bark Ltnrifeld, 227H tons gross, wns sunk. Thirty meinborH of Ihn crow v,tro rescued, nud tiro uhourri tho Norwegian hark Sllasin which Is approaching QueoiiBtown. HELPING HOMELESS T REASON CHARGED Tllltlvi: SOCIALIST KIHTORS, OK swi:ih:x, ari: arkkstk.o. PRISONER TRAXSPORT TRl'CKS AND WAO OXS AT CASAS (JRAXDIW (JOYMRNOR (.'RANTS LKAYK .max ix pi:xm:xTLRV rj'O that his inJurloH woro not sorbins i I OF rs Allows lllm 'Ninety Days to Plant Spring Crop and Save Resell Home I'roni Koieclosiiro touch .i:t lii a 1.11 rr wc unTiw.i iHOlT A I 'TO KOItHKRS SALUM. Oro.. March 23. (lov- :a ai"l I lalio. P TI ETS ''iin wrsvna !"' TiioUvillil "T7. . toti,b " Vl,,,, 'IVJ- lo M ","' "8 Piac "" Sale T,,.,.... tT,,, S" ' Med f-venty 5 '18-.,.. .. lrl0(l tO 0lll.y.ln0 "i rU':a ' 80a' to tho .uUd n,ch er0 nut Ia r 31.1 n .. . . Mrs. Taylor of South Inlet, wlioiornop wuhyconiho toriny giiintori a Mouat.(1 jj,jp,M Arrest.sl In l.s Una beon grontly woiriou oet niu,1JOi(juy l011Vu 0r absence io . w. Angeles 'Its I Is of Opcialions of dlsnppearnuco of hor son, ii''""'" iiogart, solving n term in tne pun- Taylor, aged slxloen years, l,,m htuntlury for assault with Intent to lenmed that tho hoy started toward ,.,., ... ..,iP that ho. might plnnt tlie Uninqim River nnd nt least It .... nr1B pro ud save ills iluaartl HAN FRANCISCO, March 2.I. I no dny. i.n.nn...n.i in Malheur County fronioporntona of tlie nitiomouio uaiuiii fnmi.loi.uio iirorodliigB. lio has b 'ring that porputratod tliroo miirdors Illy AtfxUteJ Cmmi lo Cisw Ihiy Tlmm WASIIlNCiTON, 1). C, March 23. ' I.liiiit. Col. ISainitol Rohor, chief of 'the army aviation service, foil tliroo stories In his homo hero today. An examination at the hospltnl showed ),.V(H )m, (Juards Who W ro .Mlws- lug, Have Reported, Wiieless .MesMiges States I y Aw Ull !'(" I" ''" lUr Tlmw. ; COI.UMIIPS, N. M., Maroh 23. iVIroleH coinnuinlcullon with Hto oxpudltlonury forco ut Cusaa (IruudAs was rosunisd today wlien it was lenmed hy Mnjor Suniplo hero that all tho transport trucks nnd wugons woro safe at thu temporary Imao. Two drivers and four guards who Heft for Casus C.rand''s Tuoaduy and jwho huvo been mluliiK. roparted to- INKOR.MATIOX Is certnln that ho is safo and did not meet with any misiinp. n lort North Ilond, whoro lie Wat. working In u restaurant for hla board lu ordor to aooine nioro ro niuuoratlvo work. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall on Tuesday met tho boy this sldo of Lakeside. Ho talked with him. hut tltouglit nothing or tho hoy Iravollng ulono as ho said ho was going up to tho Umptiua where ho tltouglit ho could got work with a man who wua cook ing at ono of tho rallrond camps. Ho wan traveling on foot nnd liroh- ably ronchori (he neighborhood oi Onrdlnor loday. Tho news of her sou's safety was tho sourco of much roller to Mr. Tuur, but alto la anxious to locato' hint nnd hrltiK him hack homo, WILL PROTKCT KISIIIXO (lie (iiiiig (lly Auoi-ltlr.1 l'ri to root nr Tlmet.l HHSIIT TROl'SAND RKINO AS SISTICI) AT- PARIS, TUXAS Roller Work Is HohiK Cmrlcd On Ritplilly Today Three Dead mid Ono Missing ly Am IIiI l'r lo Coot IMr TIimmi 1 PARIS, Tox., March 23. Tito work of rellovlng I lie sufferers and honiolosB lu I'nrls after tho destruc tive firo was curried ulong awlflly toduy. Klght Ihoiisand homoloss ure holng cured for. The doath lint re mained at tliroo with ono missing. Passed Resolution Culling Kor Revo lution If Sweden Should Kilter Kuiiil' fin ConOlct Illy AwihUIisI I'iism lo Com lUy Tlinm.l STOCKHOLM, March 23. Tliroo Socialist editors Mossr.i, lioeglund, lOlJuluiiil and lledoit, wcio arrested ' .. ..l.nH...X t.t l.l.wl. 4 1... ...... Ill ,l.l. III! il tlllllfi" ill nil. il tii'iiniiii ii. uwi.- coii.iutiieuco of passing a resolution at a conroronco of Swodlah Sonlullslii (hut u general strike and rovoliitlon bj Bttirtod lu cuso Sweden ontorH tho wur. A great sonaatlon was nrouaed, as HooKlitud Is otto of (ho most prom inent miiibers or the Swodlah parliament. DETLS wife mid oluht children. ARRKSTKD IX COf.R'ILLK lu Sufi Francisco and Sdnttle, and olovoii holdups lu Pacific coast cities last Novoinhor and Decombor, woro obtulud hero hy tho police from How. AVIATDH IS MISSING will hi: ri:mi:.mhi:ri:d Who . . , .i. r wiillo ro'n"d nuiinlgmi. Ho wns arroated ro- "l "aX,,V n": v'Ja Icontly In Los Angles whIU sooklnB Holli 1-Inert ' . , ,,,. , mouieai an iui """"" ... fSooclal lo Tito TInioB.) . Uh attemptod holdup of u cufo COQUILLK, Ore., Mar. a.'l.-rfllnli n10 bandits klllod Pollconuiu Koat HaMor and V. J. White wor m'-'ln Sonttlo whon ho cutixbt thorn roh re'stod last nltslit by -lolin Illcknin. j,IIB drug store. They killed it tl(. city mnrflhiil. on ehurues of br- )(,!i,eiiunrnnd a cllleu in S.tn Fruii lug drunk. It i snld Hint Hnxtr.eM0. undo Boino tiiroms umwii i " j deer and (ho latter sitinon uj h--- ....ini- n nnaco bond, uu run inn i" - inlor (PsinUwd tho chwrgoH. lluxl and Whllo both paid flnos on too drtinkonnoss charg. h;is AT PHIL TIU'RSDAY N'lfillT .Sniuner Orclii'sim il flood wills Sal. eve. Alice II. leaves Mild .". Tho Cold Hoaoli R6nortor saj'B: ti... ... i l.. -noli nt .1 Will. Til WtIM) ilUIUl JMUllllB in III lW.i - i ... , -.(III Telephone leaves auegmiy "" telegram from C. D. Shoomakor, Stato Gumo Wardon, aUliiK Mr. Adams to undertake, in addition to his prosont duties as gnmo wardon, the enforce ment or tho fishing laws on Roguo river during the coming season. leaves Sunnier 0:510 Allegany Refreshnienth at the Hall. AOELPHIA XO WORD RKCKIYKD ITIOM LIKl' TKXANT (JORRKL AT COLPMHl'S Tho Othrv Airman Who Could Not Ho Koitnri, Was Repotied Last Xlghl H I w Safe Illy Aiow. UI"J l'r" to Comb lty Tli" 1 rni.ii.Miiirs. N. M.. March 22. No word of Uout: (lorrell, the mission uvlator who left hero to Join Oenorul PorshliiB, waH received hero today. The other tnlulng v ator was reported Btifo luat night. I'iiiiico In Reward Soldiers Kscapo l-'roin Kuetiiy (lly Aii.i'l.tct rri lo Coot lly Tlmrt. PARIS. .March 23. The Mlnlitor or Wnr has niiuouneori that Fronnh soldiers lakon prisoner by tlm enemy and who huvo siibsotiuontly escuped, shull ho recompensed lu ilia invL'iiHt measure possible lor tholr courngo mid attiichiueut their country. lo TO iMMtfilliKXT MARIOS Till I THAT CITY TODAY Will Consult till Occiillsl and Planti to Return to tW- Capital This Kvenlng iny AnvliM rre lo Coot ny Timit.l WASHINCSTON, D. C, March 23. Prosldont Wilson loft lodny for lt.l n l.l..l.l 1.. niiiinllR Oil AHMlllul oa , din stPiim 8clioonnr,i'iiiniitiipi;iu iu mi. - 1 l '" . , o,. 'iin iilanned to return home late thla A M Sliupaon goi uwy ii ..-- , At 1 EDUCATORS. BEET WANTS TO KNOW MORK OPIIRATIOXS OK f.'ATIIKR AT lM'liUMAX Til ACfirRATK 1 O. IIOI.li.Wl) IX. Report That Delachnt ut of Villa Men Was Defeated Xot Con firmed orriciuiiy Illy AmutUImI I'rww lo Cum II Jy Tlnv1 I SAN ANTONIO, Tas.. March 23. No roport was niado to (loiurnl Funston of u, rovolt at Torreou or In Sonora. Unofficial reports wero that many of tho troops In Sonora yester day proclaimed thomaolvea adhoronta to Villa. Funston lodny sont to Pershing Put OiiBiiH Orandos orders to nialto moro detailed roport or his opera tions. Whothor tho Sevonth cuvul ry had mot unri riofoalori n riitneh itiont of Vlllu's men near Namhiulpo reported lust night wos not known ai headquarters. Will Ahsiiiiio Dulles as President or the Washington Stall" Culver- sly Kxcivlses Stmt Tonight Illy AuMicUtM Vnm to Cm lUy Tlmw-l PULLMAN. Wash.. March 23. Noted odttcators, including preal- ilenta unri roprcsoiKutlvoa of tho loading colleges of tho Unltori States. 'nrrlvori today for tho Inauguration Pedro with a cargo of lumber. 'afternoon. r. SMITH was .In town today from LOOn LUKQ. IMiyillB iilli" 'V, II. LAIRD, or Loon i.uiui, among tho visitors In tho city to riny. CHARLES KROKOKU enmo down on Hao Mllllconin today from Allo gany on hualneas. VU..1 ..i.... ..i. ...... iilmiiu n 111 lie ills .ussed at the Presbytcri..,., church of F 0. Holland V. 'f next Sunday ...oi-nlnK D ( . I'-H'U- Wa8hlngton Stato Unlvenlty. The 1 P. A. Tledgen and Hoy 13. Walte. -exorclseo win ocgin iouksik. RI'SSIAX OKKlOIAh O HAS 11KMX ItroiOVEO . (By AMOcltlfJ rn-m tw dot rty Tlraw 1 PI3TRO0RAD, March 23. Oonoral Soukhonillnoff, for mor mlnistor of wnr, has been romoveri hy an imperial uituso from tho council of tho Km- plro. RICIIARI) PKIIU wont up to Towers this morning, expecting to go to work in tho cauipa.