THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MA"CH 22, 1916-EVENING EDITION -' THREE - J.J r mn 'shh 2i (HHHHHttt - PROSPEI VI 1 I Is Not Altogether a Gift On a Platter It is often the scquenco of local, individual effort and application. ' It docs not abide where no effort is made to retain it. It is Opportunity which knocks at the door, but it must be accorded a welcome and co-operation to fulfill its mission. Business docs not seek the man who stands idle. It seeks the man who seeks it. There are many ways of seeking and getting business and results, but the one recognized all over the country as one of the most potent agencies is Advertising There arc several methods of advertising, but the one that has proven the most successful and satisfactory is Coos Bay Times Advertising It reaches practically all the people a'l the time. It is the salesman that enters every home and presents its argument lo every member of the family. ' No matter what the general conditions are, your own prosperity depends upon your own efforts. TIMES' ad vertising can be made your powerful ally. Advertise and Be Prosperous $ : AT THE HOTELS v I ! 6t4$ Chandler llot'ol Ocar Anderson, (Inrdlncr: V. o. Leslie, Coiiullle; T I. Klssnne, Sa lem; L. Zaonkor, Salem; Mrs. Krams, Coiiullle; V. Tiffany, Portland; T. V. '.Mesch, Portland; H. P. HI more, Port land; O. McClollniul, Powers; C. A. Parkins, Gardiner; A. A. Plin, San Francisco; K, V. Fuller, Portland; II. I). Allen, San Fninleseo; II. 0. Winter, San Francisco; F. Stev ,eiiH, San Francisco; .1. MacKonzle, f Portland. SI. Iiuioik: Hot) 1 .Mrs. Hoso PoJerson. Coos River; Tony Klein, Ounlliicr: Harry (llosslp. C(j(iilllo; Charles (J1obsI, Coiiullle; (Lev.' F. Price. Sumner: Ocoiko A. Ilonek, Portland; I). A. McHnihorn, Powers: W. II. McCortuey, Coos Riv er; Roy arcane, Ilnndon; C. .Mai In, Myrtle Point; T. A. Walker, Coiiullle. Illnnco Hotel James Slostreom, Toinplulon; G. E. Mustek, Coiiullle; It. Thrush and wlfe.'Recilsiiort; William .Iiiild, Saun deis Lake; W. II. Short, Saunders Lake; W. It. Lewis, North llend; J. L. Smith, Coos River; S. .lewett, tlun iloii; Hart Calhoun, Powers; T. J. Clnrk, Coiiullle; Alfred Rodlne, Alle gany; A. S. Chnppoll, llandon; Henry Mlchollnink, Allegany; W. S. Gra ham, Coiiullle. I.lojil Hotel R. L. lliittlo, llandon; (1. Hall, Co qiilllo; E. Poitor. Salem: E. Wcokes, l.eb:uion; F. II. Illukok, Powers; F. C Hamilton, .larvls Landing; Pat (Irani. Powers; E. A. Howell, Portland; John Cox, Ranks; Mis. F. C. Held, fian Mnteso. TIiihn Want Adi nie (lie one hip ilium illicit i em lies ALL the people. They otitfiute public iittciitlini every ilnj AIwiijh on (ho Jolt. Time wnnt nd lirn remits I MMWiMWWMMWBIMMMMaBMMMUaaiMMBB(MBMMiWgmWMWMa I The CADILLAC ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPER i ...... .. I I'll TREAT V1' 1 1 CARPETS WITH RESPECT t PERSONAL. MENTION $ J. 12. tlEIUlES has returned from a huslne8s visit to Ton Mile. HEN'RY MICHHLimiNlv was down on business today from Allouanv. JA.MI2S SIFSTRKH.M Is in tho city today from his homo at Tomple ton. -iil CHARLES HALL went to Coqulllo this morning on telephone busi ness. OSCAR AXniJltSOX was among the visitors In the city today from Oar diner. MRS. J. II. PRICl-J was among the shopping visitors here today from Allegany. HARRY AXI) CHARLES 01X)SS1P . aro over today from their homo at Co(Uillc. JACK. XOWLIX was down on the Mllllcoinn today from Coos River on business. L. W. JACOHS left on the morning ', train to call on the trado In tho Vnllov towns. !'P A U'tl I.M.M .....II I lil.. i. J. "iiiiiiiyii, null IIIIIMVU UlllUll of Coiiullle, was Iter, today on n business trip. CHARLES TIIO.M has returned from Lakeside where ho went looking ftor his hotel there. ' L. L. THOMAS was among tho busi ness visitors In llandon today, lonv iug on the morning train. .'ORDAX SCIIAPF.RS was down this morning from his homo way back !:i tho mountains from Allegany. CHARLES ST. DENNIS, tho "mayor" of Lakeside, camo down today and wont to Coqulllo to confer with tho county court. HENRY KERN went down to llandon this morning to take a look at the wieck of tho Flflold. Men aro , still working on the wreck, endeav oring to get her off tho beach. SFPT. W. F. MILLER, of tho local railroad, left this morning for Portland. Ho wont across tho bridge In tho motor car and there , caught the work train for Roods ' port. Ho is expected back Satur & News of Near-by Towns & COUILLE TEACHERS GET HIGHER WAGES School Hoard Ite-oleetM Old Corps of Instructors ivt Advanced Snlai les COQUILLE, Ore, Mnrch 22. At a meeting of tho board of education of tho Coiiullle city district all tho present corps or teacliors vore re elected and their monthly salaries fixed ns follows: Mrs. Inez Chase, $7G. MIbs May Alien, $6fi. Miss Emma Kennedy, $72.r0. . Miss Alllo Phillips, $07. GO. Mrs. May Hull, $07. fill. Mrs. Elena Mlunrd, $70. Mrs. Eva Wise, $00. Miss Itoim Anderson, $75. Mlsa Hazel Fawcett, $70. Miss Ada May Xowoll, $8fi. Miss MnlH Ray, $80. Miss Mabel J. Hansen, $S0, , Tho nbovo figures Indicato tut In eieaso of $2.00 per month for tho grado teachers and tho thro high school teachers, get an Incroaso of $0 per month. Superintendent Chas. A. Howard was re-elected and Ills salary raised 'fioin $1000 to $1000. J. W. Crltes, principal of tho high school, was also ro-alcctcd and his salary increased from $1,000 to $1.- 120. j Mr. Iloward'H term Is for n full year; tho rest for nluo months. FLORENCE HOPES TO GET BRANCH LINE DONE SOON Soutljm pacific Will llullil Spur If Porter Itros. Will Promise Suffi cient I'VeiKht FLORENCE, Ore., March 22. Tho Southern Pacific Company has driven tost pilings In tho Xorth Fork of the , Sluslaw river, whoro It Is proposed to erect a draw hrldgo for th branch railroad from Ctishinan to Floronco, and the engineers havo found a solid Uiottom wliero piling will remain when' driven. They tiro reported to havo found tho bottom without going an fdecp ns they expected to, according to J. W. Uergman, banker of Flor ence. Tho lino will bo ItullU said Mr. Bergman, if tho Tidewater Mill Com pany, which owns the Floronco saw- mill, will promise to furnish cortaln itmoiint of frolght or If tho company 5 w 111 frnitn tlin rnml nml ftiitilali tl.n tics, the railway company In that case Is to furnish tho rails and lay thorn. Mr. IJorgnian says there aro reports that tho mill will restuno oporntlons In tho near futuro and tho pooplo of Floronco aro very optimistic as to tho outlook for bottor business conditions. Will) IX Florence THE COOS BAY TIMES Travels over Every Street in Every Town, and over Every Road in Coos County. LET IT CARRY YOUR MESSAGE. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR) M Kinds of Job Printing Done nt The Times Office Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician mill Hurgcoa Offleo:lrvlng Mock. Offlco hours: J I to 12 . in.j 9 u i and 7 to 8 p. m, Phone: Offlco 1 t:t-J; Res., UH-L J. M. Wright Phono 188-b nUILDINO CONTHAOTOK Estimates ftirnlahod on request For Sale STOCK HAXOII .Win Aiinfiv i..Li.. 1.11,.,.. ..,i iitiiiii. "W. 30 ieu,i vuUht twlIU( ritrillK JooN fl10 (TII(, le- " puico to live, like 87r0O. Tonus. tufn?"1 " l)AIUV "'f,"-Closo in, 2(1 cowh, team, Rood -"h-, iinimriix, tools, (lot) i.uui. i-ncu 910,000. H.MI1V lulWin nciOs, (in of which Is finest Tonus, RANCH Closo In, ;)() acres, 17.T is Iioltor, flno lico 21,001). aVniiH. I'lf I ,,',,'('" I'. It. depot on place, closes in, rt;10 acres, luwiilrt n lmum' n,, l'"llngs, both mil nml wilier di.t .. ,0 ,u'a(l h,"tk. t''. I'l-lco $5:1,000. Splen- d,l,,tt"". with Interest ntfivo percent. In full i , , "Nuendldly loeateil, 1000 loKiuiliorry incs ". ""Mllllir. I l.i -.,.1 a . Terms, nKvi:r,oi wny tloiMj. ""CKiar iiAvpn..-.. ... .,. ,... ' "" """ IIIII L'. I lln i.i. 1 9 . .. .t. . ton ir "Mimni, lino iiiiiiiiinns, 17 iicroN, i- ii... . ' Ml UUIi HIVP n.. .i.i i i ....! ...! .. ,. . ...11 llliu IYllll-1, 1IIIU HJUI Klin " 1 I ICO Dr. H. M. Shaw 10o, L'ar and Throat fipwlnlbt OLASSKH KITTED I'hoiie i:i()-J. Ilooiim if 00-201 JrlnR llloclc. Oil. MATTIE II. SHAW. Ptiyblclnn nait HurgeoN I'iono aao-j. lay and possibly will brliiK the whnlo train bclicdtilo back with lilm. Mlt LOIMCIIAItT llUltllCI) Tho fitnornl of Mrs. lather M. Locldiarl wan held nt two tlil.t nftor noon from tho Eplflcoial Church, tho Itov. Itoiort IlrownltiK litivlni? cliarKo of tho sorvlc,cH. TIigio wore n Krcat many frlondn of tho ducctiHud ptonont to pay their last loupoctH to Coos lltiy'n olilost ploucor. .Many floral offorltiKH woro reoulvod and decorated the coffin. I Daughter of Editor WeatliciHon llrlde l( of Poll land Man ,', KUdH.N'lC. Ore., Mnrch tf2. Mr. land Mm. I S. Pepin nrrlvod In Kit- on the Wllhuuette Pacific from i'loronco, bound for Portlnnd, whoro " f they will live. They woro married -1. ........... . ... ....... ycBicniay ai riorcnco, mo nomo ot tho bride. Ho Ih In tho offlco of tho waterworks superintendent of tho O, W. It. &. S, railroad lir Poitlnnd. .Mm. I'opln was formerly MIhh Hazel Wcatherson, daughter of Mr. and Mm. W. II. WeathorHon, of Floronco. Mr. Wentlinraon Ih editor of the Wost, u ncwiipaper nt that placo. .voTiri:oKs.i,i:or'iMPi,ovi:- MEXT IIOXDH TIMIIIIlt .MAX COMIXO ('eo. W. .MiwMiiiII of WcjiluuiNOi' ("onipUny CoiiiIiik Horn OeorKO W. MnrHhall, reiireaontliiK ) tho WoyerhniiHor Tlniher Company, WF RFCflMMEIMD AMD GUARANTEE THIS CLEANER J0 ILMR.. iniilrtoAn'Cnos O Llllllvll vlUlU V Odl Company A-Qitnllty Name With a For Ico Knmo .Vol III Eiont fitrcct Mruliflelil county, whcio ho will Hpond a rfow dnyu checkltiK over tho taxes of Ills company thoro. Mr. Marshall Is wHI known In ItosoburK and vicinity pvhtfio ho has boon u frequent visitor fo." sovoral years. IlosoourK o-vlow. 113 a month. ncres, Iioiiso. In. S:H) Only $. down ami ron TitAnr it. , '"IraOefo v vo Nor"1 ,,1!I property nml rnnclios "sate. V ""' 1ako'H projierty. Como lit nml Invos- un kMmh ,,ro"orty to ne, Property. Ilim.... itirr. .. ,,l,n-Xoni nonii trailo for Coos Day city CTV lMtoi 1 " J0U n l..... "v IIIOKIUJ. ,VstHAXci:Wo or Marblificiil. for baialiiH nml locations. We havo carry a full lino of flro Insurniico. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON H. G. Butler OIVII. ENCJINEEE Room 304 Coko DldR. Phono 146-J Rcsldeuco Phone 3C3-L. W. G. Chandler AHCIUTEOT Itooma 301 and 302, Coke Dulldlni Marshfleld, OreKon. WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R TI.ME T.UILE WILLAMETTE IACI?IC M9TOR OAK Leavt Leave Marshflold 6:45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. i 1 : 3 0 a.m. I2;50 p.m. 1:45 2:45 3:45 5;00 5,40 6:55 7:30 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. North Bend 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m 0:00 a.m 10:15 a.m U;00 a.m 11:45 a.m 1:15 p. id 2:00 p.rn 3:00 p.rn 4:00 5:15 p.rn 5:55 p.rn North city limits only, 7:45 p.rn I-'AltE TEX CEXTS City Limits North lleml, fie n COMMl'TATIOX t( J TICKETS, $1.73 CU .Mutblifiold-Xoith ilcml Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from C a. m.. to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to Em pire threo trips a day. GOItST & KINO, Prop'. ' '" - p r. "y-N- fr"-V "",' T 1""-- ! " y . - ' , ""J' .. .' i & 'W' , 'i! ' , JLi" -i -14L AfflrT W MM , .' 'I . S- cn-O- ' (jwrsL. T . Ofel. St ' 'K?k m I I il( T ' p v m feOLJ 1 ' g mg5mmmmmm mm m 1 T'J I ' r 1 ' r r 1 1 1 t. v V "V v. "vV . ?PZ?E3EEgS I S. S..rf.T.T-I f I . - I j Notlco Is horohy utvon that Boaled proposalH will bo iccolvcd by tho I''i unuco Conimltteo of tho Common Council or the City or MurBlifluld, Coos County, Orogou, nt tho offlco of tlui City Itecordor of Hald City of Mnrshrield, In tho City Hall or said City, until half past seven o'clock p 111. on Monday, tho 3rd day of April, 1U16, for tho purchase of strcut improvement bonds of tho ntdd City of Mnrsliflcld, to tho amount of $1,- 013.92. Ml of said Improvement bonds to ho In doiiomluatlonu not exceeding $500.00 and hearing Interest at tho 'rate or six per cent per annum from date thereof, payable Honil-anniially; said bonds to bo datod tho day of Jssuanco and to niaturo In ten years thereafter,' with prepayment option thoreon at fat value and accrued interest to dato of any Boml-nnmuil coupon Interest period nt, or after, 0110 year from tho date of said bonds upon glilng notlco by publication In a newspaper of goneral circulation printed and published In Coos County, Oregon, such notlco to ho published PENDLETON MEN OPPOSE CH0ICE0F 'A. T. PARK Object to election of Konner Mjrtlo Point .Man as Superintendent of HcIiooIm The East Orcgonlan of Pendleton Is making a vigorous fight on Uio s .'lection of A. T. Park of Hormlston formerly of Myrtle Point, ns super intendent of schools thoro and gives I h record ns follows: "Myrtlo Point, n small town in Coos county and which had n popula tion or 836 In 1910, and Hormlston In this country, a town of nbout tho Kamo population, nro by far tho larg est towiiB In which A. T, Park, who lins bcou elected to tho snperluton d'licy of tho Pendloton ocliools, has over taught. His only experience as n school man, other than tho two Ore gon towns, was In Minnesota accord ing to his letters of application, wlior ho states ho was superintend ent of tho schools of Thomson, Wicn xhall and Proctor In succession." TI.MIIEILM'AX 11 HUE O. J. drey, representing capital ists who nro interested In tho pros pective purchase of several thoiU and Coos Illver timber lands, re turned on tho stage today from Portland. Ho says thoro aro 110 now developments ut this ttmo. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of tho Stat of Oregon, In nml for tho County of Coos. John J: llermldn, Plaintiff, vs. Eugouo Arthur Hormlda, Defend ant, To Ettgeno Arthur Hormlda, the dofondant nbovo named: In tho name nt tho State of Ore gon, you uro horohy notified that you aro required to nppcar In the nbovo entitled court and nnswor tho complaint filed against you in tho above entitled action within bU wooks from tho 22nd day of March, 1910, the first day of the publica tion of this summons, and you uro hereby notified that If you fall to not loss than twice during tho mouth n.,1)car nml B,BWflp tll0 Blla com. 011 or boforo tho 3rd day of Why Not Enjoy a Modern Kitchen? Your husband's office, store or workship is up-to-date. Why shouldn't the kitch enwhere you do YOUR work, be mod ern, too? Cook and heat with Gas and , you will be surprised how much more easily and quickly your work will be finished. Gas Makes Housework Light Work By cooking and heating with Gas, not only car: you dp BETTER work, but MORE work in much less time, without a bit of trouble with fires, fuel or ashes. Gas long ago ceased to be a luxury; it is now a necess ity, lightening the household labor of millions of women. Isn't 'it time you, too, made housekeeping a pleasure with the aid of Gas? ' Oregon Power Co. pieccdlng such soinl-annual period at which such propuyuiout thoroot j will bo made. Tho rlglit Is express ly roserved to reject any and all bids mid upon all or tiny such bids, or pro posals bolng rojoctod, If thei should remain any bond or bonds unsold, tho said bonds may bo thereafter sold at 1 private salo by said Common Council jof said City of Marshfleld, Oregon: Hut In no ovout to bo sold at less than par and accrttud Interest; Said bond nro authorized by tho laws of tho State of Oregon and ordluuncos of tho said City or Marshfleld, Ota sou. Assessed valuation of said L'lty of Marshfleld, Is $2,920,139,00, Ponded Indebtedness is $r.4,000.00. Population estimated at 5,000, A certified check of G per cent of amount of hid or proposal must ac company each hid to bo forfeited to suld City of Marshfleld, In case bid is accepted and blddor falls to and maku payment for said bond or bonds, covered thoroby, within ton du)B from the date or acceptance or said bid or bids, Eaclt bid or proposal submitted to designate tho denomination or said bond or bonds doalrod. lllds or proposals received ror anv , amount or said bonds; stnull bidders 1 being given prerorencd or purchase.; Proposals or bids, with tortUtod fchocks, to bo enclosed In scaled plain envelopes without distinguishing 1 marks or writing thereon, except tho words "Hid for Improvement Bonds of the City of Marshfleld, Oregon." lotted this 22ud day of March, 1910 II. J. KIMP.AU,, JR., .Chairman of tho Finance Committer. plnlut 011 or boforo tho 3rd day May, 1916, tho la3t day of tho tlmo prescribed In the order for tho publication of this buiiiiuoiir, lor wnnt theroor tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demand ed therein, a succinct statement or which Is nt follows, towlt: Judg ment agulitBt you for tho sum o( $256,00 with Interest thereon at tho rate of ten per cent per annum from tho 6th day or February, 1910, and an outer ot sale, to satisfy 011I1I Judgment, of your undlvldod one-fifth Interest In tho following described propetty, to-wlt: Lot four (t) or Dlock eight (8) and Lot bovoii (7) or Dlock threo(3) of tho Town or South Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, and Lot thr- ty-elght (38) or Illock twopty-sx (26) ot Railroad Addition to Alarshflold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tho respective prata thoreor on fllo and of record In the County Clark's orrico or Coos. County, Oregon, which said rod! nroK orty bus heretofore boon attached heroin. Scrvlco of this summons Is mads by publication thereof In pursuance or an order mado by tho Honorable J. S. Coke, Judge or the Circuit Couit or the State or Oregon, in and ror the County or Cooj, dated tho 22nd day or March, 1916, direct' lug tho publication thereat In The Coos Bay Times, a nowspapor pub lished at Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, onceM week for six con secutho weeks, W. U, DOUGLAS, Attorney for PluliiYirf, 3-22, 29; 4-G, 12, VJ, 26 5-3. a. KTKS