The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 21, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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The Fallacy of Par affine
Base: Eastern oil manuf ac
Jjirefs have long extolled
Sp superior virtues of paraffine
Je motor oils. But Pacific Coast
Jotorists have proved that Zero
ise made from selected Califor
nia crude, asphalt-base, gave best
psults Their experience is now
supported by the testimony of in
Jprnational experts. Lieut. Bryan
dated before the Am. Soc. of Naval
Wineers: "Oils made from the
1 1 St-base crudes have shown themselves better
Toted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon
fnrminjr proclivities are concerned, than are paraf-fne-base
Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene received
Eliest competitive awards, San Francisco and San
Km Fxnositions. Denlcrs everywhere and at service
Sons 3 1 agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
Allow. Ind. Fund
I . I .In nlDAti
uwibibT.V.v ;; ;..; 'Too
Chns. Haydcn io.'on
f iviiuuraon . .
.MiMi iTomiiriiiiiint r..00
Walter Andrews 10.00
.1. II. Kstes 10 00
nnilly Hums ... 7 50
Mrs. C. K. Covnll .. . 'in"nn
'Hoys & Olrls Aid Society ....1000
it'ora Ullpln 1000
uIa7 K: u'nn r.ioo
.Sopln FllteroU s 00
iWlimlo Ilitilcr uo'oo
,Dorso Davis 5 00
iMnry Culbortson r,;00
r,r'"y ' 10.00
llnnnnh Mikutla in. 00
MaUlo P. Thomas 7.50
I.Mrs. 15. Prom n. nn
Sarah J. Wrluht r. nn
Mary Arnlto iltundo 20.00
Lamb & Co., supl 12.95
Noslor, gro 121. CO
iC. L. Ward, team biro 12.00
Lye lis & Jones, gro 35.00
S. M. Noslor, gro 78.95
A. B. Dlmont, gro, Drandt ..20.00
John Dickey, gro 15.20
Mrs. O. Smith, sowing. Aborsons
Harry Tozjer, labor 15,75
W. 0. Rogers, Inbor 16.75
Jny 1'oart, labor 9.00
J. J. Hurns, labor 7.87
u. O. Simmons, labor
w. S. lUloy, labor 7. SI
It. O. Oreen, labor 7.87
J. O. Clinton, labor 5.G2
A. J. Hndabaugh, foreman ..9.55
.9.00 1 ,V
1 .
G.OO co. lltaughton, labor 4.50
Cnrrlo Mnrtln, sowing, Coffins 9.00 H. W. Hnughlon, labor 27.50
Mrs. W. Ulckfonl, c Coffin child Clark Maco, labor 9.5C
iz.'.iu quiver iu.icc, inuor 11. 1.1
J. M. linker, gro. Ilrainard ....5.00
II. W. Oddy, rent, Burns ....0.00
Anderson 1500 I,nrk,ow Kro. Hlckson ....18.00 mIIII..... ... u ITnmt1lm, p,'. nlinrnflnn Hinil.
rich 75.00
A. L. HousawoTth, oporntion,
Donglna 125.00
Olty Gro. Co., gro. Oralnard ..5.00
Saul to Oro., gro. Dowltt 0.75
Spencer &. Sholloy, gro G.OO
Glass & Prudhommo, J. 1. dock
ets '..8.31
luvciillo Court
Sacchl, labor 2.25
H. Taylor, labor 2.25
Griffin, labor 7.31
Wells, labor 3.37
II. Taylor, labor 33.75
Jnrgcnson, labor 13.50
K. Johnson, Lbr 227. 0G
. . h r.n
-r I
. . ..10.00
. ..10.00
ik Standard OH for Motor Cars
Steel brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made
' like new
Koontz Garage
Phone 180-J.
North Front Street
Harriot Moguo
Mrs. I). J. Kwlng
Louisa Jordan . .
iMyrtlo I. Ulako .
Dora Sutton ..
Lllllo Perry ....
Louisa J. Corbln m.nn
Imrl (Jrogory n.00
Wm. L. Croy .. ..f 10.OO
O. C. Ofholtreo 10. 00
James H. Welch' 10.00
L. II . Iaw 10.OO
Mnttlo McDongal 10.00
Lucy S. Henderson 10.00
Ellen Motenlf 25.00
.Mnry K. Yonnker 15.00
Aiblilo I). Hralnard in. 00
Nuney A. Ilollonbcak 25.00
Mary K. Tannor 25.00
Leona H. Mbrohouso 20.00
Sarah 11. Hoyt 10.00
Sarah K. Uttorback 10.00
'L. I). Colo LOO
H. F. Ncwam 10.00
Voni Wakefield 10.00
M'-irthn Adamn 10.00
Mnry Krlcki'.in 7.00
101 1 M. I-'rodonbnrg G.OO
Mrs Porn Hushing 25.00
Geo. Done' . . . 10.D0
H. W. Dunham, board Juv.
H. W. Dunham, oxp
James Watbn, oxp
Chas. L. Hanson, seal W. & M, 21.32
N. 10. Lttiidrlth, brd. prison ..87.72
Wnltor Culln, health off 20.98
Cocs Day Times, pub. ct. pro. 14.75
Tho livening Record, pu,b. ct. pro.
...... .... .... ....... .18. 35
Coqulllo Herald, notico 2.10
Western World, pub. reports. .15.52
Circuit Omit
L. A. Llljccivlst, tiling fees
J. T. Nosier, bMHu"
County Coutt
Hushong & Co., letter hoads . .8.05
Mfld. News Co., paper 2.75
G. J. Armstrong, viewing ..53.10
W. T. Moment, viewing ....17.00
W. T. Dement, Alton. Crt. 2G.80
G. J. Armstrong, Alton. Crt. 30.20
Coos Hay Times, Pub. Dei. Taxes
The lOvonlng Hocord, Pub. Del.
Taxes 729.30
Susctto GcddiB, damages, Coi.-
Mfld. .ltd 75.00
C. .T. Armstrong, viewing ..50.20
Hullng Lundy & Sons, Hdwo. Nor.
Itock Qunr 2.15
Sui'vcjiir'N onico
C. S. McCulloch. surveyor ..127.40
II. C. Hoono, foreman 40.00
Frank lllnck, labor 25.87
O. II. Woodnrd, labor 20.25
W. II. Farrln, labor 22.50
Hoy Norton, labor 20.25
George Matthows, labor 20,25 L
u I-'. Jirown, labor 1G.87IA.
lion Richards, labor 18.00
John Wilson, labor 1.25
Jack Hill, labor 1.25
iGcorgo lOscott, labor 1.25
Karl Gray, labor 1.25
Frank KoB.inko, labor 1.25
. .1.00
. .0.85
.11,85 10. 10. JoluiBcii, labor
150.90 Coqulllo Hdwo. Co., Hdwo.
.18.95 Hen Wright, smithing ..
Mfld. Hdwo. Co., Hdwo. .
Southern Oro. Co., Supl. .
It. 1). No. I
M. C. Mlllor, labor .. ..
W. T. Culbertson, labor ..
Otto Stonliens, labor . .
10. N. Harry, labor . . . .
O. C. Harry, labor . . . .
Chas. Shepherd, labor ..
Harold Shephord, labor . . .
J. A. Dovault, labor 13.50
Albert Chrlstenson, labor .. ..9.00
A. J. Cook, labor 4.50
A. 10. Harry, labor 10.10
.t. H. Laird, labor 9.00
Holllo Alford, labor 7.85
J. F. Policy. Don.
10. II. Korn, transit
Melvln J. Kern, lovol 33.80
Goo. Flnnagnn, helper 11.75
Ira C. Gardner, l.olpor .. ..33.70
Karl Chlsholm, helper 27.50
II. S. Charlton, labor
David Crowley, labor .
F. A. Ilakor, foreman
Porlov Crowley, labor
Claud Waters, foreman
Hoy Stout, labor . .
Marcus Hrown, labor 20.25
Arcblo Shepherd, labor .. ..33.75
Geo. Maiden, labor 13.50
P. 10. Lasswoll, labor 13.50
Carlton Hrown, labor 20.25
Gordon Sbophord, labor 32.05
Mason Wilcox, labor 19.70
112.50'Arthur Hrown, labor 47.50
.33.80 ilorln Johnson, Inbor 40.50
J. F. Alumbaugh, Lbr. ..
Malehom & Cornwoll, Hdwo.
J. A. lamb & Co., Hdwo. ..
J. W. Grout, Super, ltd. 8,
It. 1). No. 12
Win. Hottys. Super, ltd. 12
Coqulllo Hdwo. Co., Hdwo.
It. I). No. til
Hrnden, labor
Harklow, labor
W. Hay, labor 2G.12
O. Hrown, labor 9.00
Hoberts, labor 13.50
J. Cuthardt, labor 9.00
Adams, labor 11.25
Simon Albeo. labor 15.75
H. Prey, labor 1G.87
P. W. Laird, Super 20.00
H. C. Lohmnnowsky, signs ....3.25
Hullng Lundy & Soiih, Hdwo. 12.00
M. Pt. Hdwo. Co., Hdwo 10.10
10. 10. Johnson, Lbr 195.00
It. 1). Xo. I
Pioneer Hdwo. Co., Hdwo. ..251.50
Coqulllo Hdwo. Co., Hdwo. ..21.40
J. Machado, damages ltd. 5, 50.00 1
it. i). Xo. :i
Ferry lOstato, danages .. ..50.00
.. T. Slglln, damages 148.00
I. -H"' ' " Wntson, County Clerk
of Coos County, Stato of Oregon, ox
offlclo Clerk of tho County Court of
said County and State, custodlanof
the records, archives and (lies of said
County and Stato, do b'ereby certify
that tho foregoing is a true and cor
rort statement of the amount of bills
allowed, continued and not allowed,
on tho various funds of tho County
as audited by tho County Court for
said County nnd Stato at tho regular
IMnivli mid. Turin (linrnnf nn Mm
,8CSr' Isamo anpoar In lOxblblts of Claims of
finnnrnl mill Tlnnii IriiiKls niiil rTmuitv
Court Journnl of snld Court now In
my offlco aud custody.
Witness mv hand and tho soal of
tho County Court affixed tills 15th
day of March. 1910 .
(SKAL) County Clork.
. .0.87
. .2.55
. .0.75
HigSa Quality Groceries
Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef
ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and
keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi
ness makes
Cornier & Hoagland
-The Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries
797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326
iTcucrtKa sanuquiHt lO.OOiKnrl Slaglo, helper 33.70
Molllo Larson . . . .10.00Oan Dlmmlck, helper 28.25
Mrs. D. Scott c Hooco children 10.00 J. Laird, helper 7.20
allow mil, I'tiuo.
Wadmnu 1 0.00
Sturdcvnnt 10.00
Widows' Pension
Anna Hanson 10.00
Porl It. Hnlllngcr 1 7.50
Claronco Johnson, labor.. ..5.G5
Snm Stout, Super 100.00
H. V. Holvoretott, .foromnn ..0,25
H. Honham, labor 2.25
A. Ilolvorstott, labor .. ..2,25
Holvorstott, labor 2.25
II. Ilolvorstott. labor .. ..1.12
John Darrymoro,
Famous PlayerfPnramount 8UI1.
Ida P. Patterson 10.00
Lucy 10. Hither 17.50 Ada Downs, lnlior
Mollssa Nelson 25.00 Myrtle Cunningham, Inbor . .
Cora J. Conrad 10.00,0. J. Fuhrmnn, Supl. .. .
I Host) 10. Ownboy 250 Coqulllo Sentlnol, printing . .
lOithorlno ,M. Clark 17T70,A. F. LInegar. stamps .. .
Marla Grant 10.00 Coos & Curry Tol. Co., Tel. .
iClara K. Canterbury 10.00 iWymnn Albeo, S. S. brldgo
Allco J. King 25.00
Itoaduiaster'N Olllro
It. H. Murdock, roadmnster 200.00
S. 10. Hondorson, vlowcr ....38.10
AIrn I). I). I'lnrrn. lnliop 9.00 ,TK
Mndgo Yoakam, labor 25. 50 'Glenn Weokly, "labor 5.G2
Kdni'Deane. labor 1.50O. 10. Slaglo. labor 2.25
Vesta Hamsdoll, labor 1.50, Frank Moscr, labor 2.25
.(i.uuiuuy wopuiy, lauor -'.-'i
.4.50,11. G. Hormanu. smltlilng ..21.25
nrnlr to Jncob Mnthlnron, Walnut
Orovp, Minn. "Pleaso send mo by
mall directions for Killing grasshop
pers." Hefora attempting to glvo a remedy
.. Cotton, labor 5.G5 , for i grasFiiouprr pingue, a row
oon, labor f.G5 I wortln in regnra to us cany stages oi
N. Hoon, labor 12.40 growth will not lio out of place, in
L. Weokly, forpmnn .. ..10.00, order for tho grasshopper to multiply
to any extent, the soil In which tha
rggs nro laid must bo undisturbed and
there must bo an abundanro of food
available. Tho most favnrnblo ron-,
dltlon for grnssbopppr development'
Bpeuis to be found In the nlfnlfa sec
tlons of the west. Where It Is possible,
one of tho left preventhe measures li
It. I). No. 5
M. T. Clinton, foreman .. ..44.25
J. II . Young, Inbor 13.50
C. C. Williams, labor 2.25
Travels over Every Street in Every
Town, and over Every Road in
Coos County. LET IT CARRY
1.....I MM.l !.'.......
l.viiin rf.t.nv m no' ..!... j
ii-oV n Z,i o- an Ceo. Thrush, rcrrymnn .
vato Froelund 2n.00i .. .... ,.
Fl-sh'lo M. Ferrari 25.00 AIo: ,,nJ V1""1" .
Illonreattn M. Hatehor 17.50'; " , ""'"
Mr- l.'tniiv wihii .in.nn,W. J. Andorson. dock
, Hllzubotli M. Abel 10.00
.11 III. iklllUK.l VJIi II, UU i, T 11TI, Tl,.
i.,.i,,. Mn,..i 'i'..nn mnoiCoos Hay Iron WkB.. Hop,
Nelllo jVnHon
Turpon 10.001
17 r.n '
W. J. Andorson. dock bund ..4.uo
Krueo & Hnnks, Iron 85
iMax Tlnvmorman. oxhnust .. ..8.75
Wk. 2.2
Cotiulllo I-Vrry
Mrs. Joanna Molton 10.00 ,,',,'!' pi' ,t l w
i iiu it wii, m opfConulllo Hdwo Co., Hdwo
I 1 4111 IU , 1(111 '''' I
ten. Munir Aason. lnibor 2.25
100.00 .Teton Honnlnger, labor 4.50
Johhi 101 wood, labor 1.50
finr 'A. S. Dean, labor 3.04
.75.00 I). Ilraden. labor G0.00
W. Harklow, labor 19.00
II, Proy. labor 7.87
Simon Alboo, labor 25.87
A. Hoborts, labor 0.00
P. W. Laird, foreman .. .. 34.50
Geo. W. Mnglll, labor'.. ..22.50
Win, It. Crlbblns, labor 1 3.50
. - .M. ...h,,,,.,,,, ( i . . , , ,i. i,i iii;iinniiiiiiii ini,ii r- iit ' v l
.a. j ' v. J mm '
m 5rr-' nx a
?? m
ml ? s'lis tJTZ, a fill-
vM- -, fwja.. m
WL.. ki . f--
Dlauoh L. Gllbort 17.50
Ivy C. Jlarrow 40.00
Allow. Iml. Sold. Fund
T. M. Hermann, From ct nl ..32.00
Illchard F. Shannon, Young ot al
"8 00
1). P. Strang. Aker ot nl ....108.00
Mrs. G. W. Lcggett 4.00
Co. Clerk'H OITIco
I iios F. Hunch, clerk G3.00
i:ii L. Sehroodor, clerk .. ..72.00
It. A. Joub, clerk 72.00
Irwin Hodson Co., Supl 32.25
Tho Sun, 'blanks 45.00
SlieilU's Oil ho
L. W. Oddy, clork 108.75
'Goo. O. Leach, clork uih.uo
.I. W. I.enovo, clork 105.00
Henry Hugglus, ciorK ius.
lOlvini Frlzoen. ateno s.""
V. C. Laird, Kxp. ..
P. Dav s. IOxp. . .
Air Johnson Jr.. Snoc. Dop
Alf. Johnson Jr., stamps ,...iu.t7
Irwin Hodson Co, .Supl 147.90
Hurrows Add Mach. Co., Hop.
work 1.90
.1. H . Oordlng, Supl. . .
A. H. Daly & Co, coblo
r. A. GaKO. labor Hd. 3
Norman Wilson, Forry
, 12i f
M. 10. Crlbblns, labor 13.50
Floyd Hollou, ln1or 12.40
52.50 n. A. Crlbblns, labor 51,75
.3.00'Wkiltor Hillings, labor 12.40
Dullards Lester Hillings,
95.00 M. N. Hollou.
to cultivate the ground. The soil need ,
not ho disturbed below tho first two
Inches of surfnee, for meet of the
eggs nro deposited very nlmllnw. Wei
fully rcnlle that In mnny cases this ,
cannot ho done so ns to rompletel
doslroy tho grasshopper, but whoro It
Is possible to plow nnd cultlvato In tho
fall, tho number can bo greatly do ,
creased. I
Thero nro two ways of destroying
tho adult or grown grasshopper. One
Is by tho uso of tho hopper dozer.
Various forms aro In use, but one thai
i MiiMIW rvsv
LH LLLVtflMLjw .aLLLw i
I IH. BLvLK '. Cri
Paulino Frodcrl
Famoua plavors-ParamounCSUrv
has riven very good satisfaction ran
labor 7.80 he- built of sheet Iron, ten or twelvo
labor 9.001 f00. ion nlj alotit twenty-six Inches
F. A. Jameson, Kerry, luvenon unp .Minor, moor .. -?'" -n-lde, with a board ncross tho bnck.
'"'"''; 'r,'00'5' 'j!,' I'roon.burB. Inbor .. ! ngalnBt which Iho grasshoppers will
Hecorder Pub. Co,, notico ltd. No. D. F. Crlbblns. labor .. . .1 .15 . . ... ,,,., hnMmnnf ,,.
0 it;i,:xoVi " kil' JSSS'fiffi v. -:.-JSrT
1.1 ii,.,,an ,..,! 4 R.00 .ii rrv wililnnis. inbor 11.25 I I'or dozer sho'ild bo mndo Wntor tight.
J. S. Hoberts, labor .
Hon Monson, labor .
Davo Monson, labor . .
Preston Monson, lalmr
Nols Monson, labor .
Ocorgo iltoborts, labor
Allon Uoborts, labor . ,
Abo Itoliortf, lalwr .
Gus Hroomser. labor
Chas. WliuU'hli), labor
, .G.75
, .2,25
.9.00, Leonard Hartley, labor
.0.75 H. L. Hnrdmnn, Inbor
.0,75 jK, 10. Kvorndon, labor
.1.70,Frod Itmuid, Inbor ..
.1.70 F. J. Fish, labor .. ,
.I......I wm iniwir 1.7U, ,i. i'oimi. lairar .. ..
ti... ii,.,un lnimr 1.70 Alvin Hillings, Inbor
Tnnili uarilcsty. labor 3.37lF.Hrn Gnihain,
Axel Hutb. labor
rss 'in i-iiB. iiiiienii'1 "'"
in'in'C. M. Cnntlno. labor
11 nil, IV. i. uiinu, u""i
.. , -. . . . ... . .
Syn Davis. Inbor o.oo
K. M. Ilnnlninn, labor .. ..18.00
A. L. Hlco, labor 0.75
Ilnbt. Hndakor. labor 4.50
IOlmer Hraek, labor 4.50
W. It. Northrup. labor .. ..2.25
Thos. Sturdlvant, Inbor 2.25
. ..9.00
. ..2.25!
. ..3.40 I
Inlmr 14.10
in.2!iiVUI Ocholtrco. labor 14. G5
It. 10.
y not nmoy a
Modern Kitchen?
Inrr. Wand's offjce store r workship
: " ; up-to-date. Why shouldn't the kitch-
; Jryhere you do YOUR work, be mod-
2 Vu Col and heat with Gas and
you will be surprised how much more
finished tUiCkly your work wl" be.
s Makes Housework Light Work;
BETTER l?Sduh(ia lncJ with 6as not only can you do
withou :ahi kAb,ut 0RE work-in much less time,
Gas lona an! J troiJble w'1'1 f ires el or ashes.
ily. lightening ihas?d to be a ,l,xlry; it is now a necess
Isn't it Smllihe household labor of millions of women,
i with the afi vAt0o' made housekeeping a pleasure
- wi UilS
Moorcs Co., Supl G.40
Assi-smii-'H Ofllco
P. H. Sohow, clork 70.50
Wither P. Oordlng, elork . . . .18.00
CoqtilUo Sontlnol, printing ..11.00
'I'lwisHior'H OITIrc
J. A. Sullivan, clork 5.25
Pnrm. & Mor. Hank, Dop. Hox 2.75
Co. Kupt. (JITlfo
P. A. Goldon, Supvr 100'52
It. U. nnkor. Exp J .67
P. A. Golden. Exp J-.9
Western World, Not 48
"Co. onircrH
A. P. LlnoBar, Env. .. .. ..218,72
Coos & Curry Tel. Co., Tol. 72.45
C. J. Puhrman, Suil .o.oo
Robi. H. Watson. Exp lO.pfi
Coq. Valloy Tel. Co., Tol 7.50
M.inso . uravuKu "
Waltor Johnson, labor .ri- -i.aHf4 .''r ""' ,V
I I Dav's. labor 3 9.00 EHc Adams, labor .
:!: k Miff ar "inr
Hon Wrlcht. HinlthlnK 2.1 r, """ " ,,r,,nl
----... . . .a i.r.ii .an iiii...i- - .. . .1 . . 11.1 11
llilttf " 111 . ' "'. " -..-.--
Hrdw. Co..
It. l. .v. u
W. II. Stull, foreman 85,00
Jack Nowlln, labor ,22.50
It. Stommorman, labor 4.50
'Rialph Hlschop, labor 2.25
Hollo I'attorson, labor 10.87
T. P. SallnK, 1'alior 18.00
f-l Inl.n. 1 CT
Jobopii HBiHii.BrK. ,. iiA.Imlor Harklow.
H. ii. uiiiiip, Bupor -. pn ,. In,lnr oon
'" 7nlV. P. N'e'al. suiior 100.00
James Noal, Inbor . . . .
John Fabry, Inbor . . . .
Hill Cotton, labor
Jno Mast, labor
Charlns Dye, labor . . .
Will Dyo
Waltor NowlmrK. labor
Isnae Harklow. labor
labor 3.4"
so that a quantity or water may lie
poured Into It, also a small quantity of
kerosene, Tho hopper dozor should bo
mounted on low skids or small uheol
and drawn by ono or moro horses
Tho srasshoppors will bo collected In
tho liapper dozor aud killed by coming
In conlnct with tho keroseno. This
wliolo structure Is rathor Inoxponslvo
and has proved a very good method of
destroying tho Brnsshoppor.
Tho bureau of ontomoIoRy of tho
United States Department of Agrl
culture has reeommonded a poisoned
bait, which Is known as tho "crlddln
mixture-," and has given very good
results In some seetlons. Tho mix
ture Is mndo nn follows:
Ono-hnlf bnnel frosh horso drop
plugs, In which Is mixed ono pound
each of Bait and parlh green. If tho
droppings nro not fresh, tho salt Is
dissolved In water and mixed with thu
manure and poison.
Tltnn tlifn mlvlllrn Ik upnllnriwl frnnlt
n nn i ,,i.. ....". ..-........... .
. .i.Ulf .l.nnl ii tinvn il.n ppnmilinhnni,a o ft.
n PA i nilUMl, n,,w,,i ,,i.r , hupiiui'i'ii n ,,i'
. u.ili'
.1R. on
. .5.00
N. S. Cutllp, labor
Guy Cutllp, labor . .
Geo. Rankin, labor . .
Jclm Smith, labor
Pioneer Hdw. Co., lirtw.
It. 1). Xo. 3
W. II. .tiaiiauil, .,y"n- - , , i.ii..-,-,, lol.n-
ra Vr ...1,A.. Ij. .11 III llll III. 1. rjUlllkllllll IUMU.
Dlst . Attys. Offlrp I W'. Abel, abor 10r..G2
Tin ,.i rnw. I rn 1 Till. 1)111 Will. nnK(llll(. luimr ".""
supor. . .
J. S. Whltakor, lbr,
Coqulllo Hdw. Oo
T 40 Call In El lib', lbr. ..
('. I J. Iicuil, nun.
IIulliiK Lundy & Sons,
h, A
Esther Whitney. StonoB C0.00 jLeoNujin. labor
I i
Lois Simmons, lauor t'Vi
Marronl-W. T. Co., Tol. .. ..-'."i
Tho Sun, blanks ''.
Court House Jnn
N. E. Landrlth. janitor .. "
Ed. Elllngsen. sidewalk ,. .-"
nnn T lrv Jt Iro. TO.. IMTY. ,..
S. M. Noslor. seed
ni.. nf friniilVln. wntor
John F. Stauff, labor 5.00
J. A. Lamb & Co., Grates etc.
p. C. True, eupi
. .. .4.75
r.nn or.
Geo. Oilman, labor C. 25
E. E. Johnson, lbr 82.39
uu """"T T. ITrilili tlllllfr . ...TlTld
Thrush, labor Bn.oo ', , v
IAclrsnn. labor 50.001 ".
. in nn
Wm. U. Croy. wateiunan .. ..i"""
Farmora Union Store, soap .. --
J. H. rolntor, eoai "
,-., ,111,1 tt,i' Tn.. now .""
Poor Farm
J. W. Porry, labor 45.00
Wm. II. Ede, labor 30.00
G. Wall, labor 2.80
h. E. Dyer, labor 39.38
Albort RodBers, labor 41.06
W. E. Perry, labor 37.1 2
Lesley Porry, labor 13.50
W. E. Pick. labor 13.50
52.20,pf , Norton, foreman 110.00
4.00 John Ypakam, super zh.u"
regon Power Co.
n f n : :
Itena Redding, helper i"'"" Glonn
Genlo Chandlor, ccok f j-i5 A. A.
Agnes Davis, helper iu.
i Charles Samson, labor ...
TPinranoA I'rnu nari. Jieil'ur ...
i J. Sinclair, labor
Allan McLeod, supt
J Frizzell, watchman ...
I Geo. A. Robinson, mdso. .
I TT KT T niail9 lllflk'l)
n ' MpAiinms. smithing ....4.50
.vw. ...v--..-" .
it. o. Anuorson, ihuho. .
II. S. Cadman, labor J.ujs
John Pouts, labor 10.00
Vance Weekly, labor 30.00
P. IColeman,
D. Donovan,
A, J. ICounts, super 92.50
Joe Miller, labor 00.00
Orvll iCounU, labor 30.00
W. A. Ketler, labor . . . .20.00
Al Adams, labor 11,25
J. Loomls, labor 4.50
W. W. Smith, foreman 70.00
Joe Ferry, labor . . . . , 18. Ot)
John Scorby. labor 20.25
E. A. Robertson, labor 13.50 1
It. R. Lowo. labor 10.00
J. F. AlumbatiKh. labor 0.75'
Homer Davis, labor 11.2r
labor 1.00 1 a. Davis, foreman 23.7r."
labor 1.12t. II 'Pucker, labor 450'
jbundant. Dr. Fletcher, ci:tomnlocli
for tho Dominion of Canada, cites nr
Instunco whore this poison mixture
was scattered around a portion of thf
field, with tho result that this portion
stayed grj'on wlillo the grasshopper
seriously Injured other parts of the
same Held. Tho erhldle mixture linn
been preferred to otbor brands of pol
eon becauc" Its effect on other form
of animal life Is i ot so serloii3.
Heforo tho frost Is the tlmo to pro
pare for next year's crop by selecting
seed com in tbo field.
PuzzIa Now Ii, Would Its Chick Hova
D.on Wasp W!ited?
Indianapolis. Iml. Thero is wtha
(jtiDHtlon as to which of his hens had
such u grotesque Idea of what nn cjru
should look like, but un.vwny an esc
that bore tho general contour of a r(.
nut and Is a hit less than two Inches
from tip to tip was found In Robert
Arnold's henroost here.
Tim kind of chicken that ultimately
would hare emanated from such" an
egg will remain a mutter of inyte,ry,
lor tlm ci;r. uns oaten. Hut Arnold
now fouls i.ure It would linvo beun a
fowl with a wipllko waist.
Huibnnd Alio Had 8lxty-threo Olrl
Friends, Mrs. Moeallns 8ays.
ClucluuatI, O.-Hceauso sho coul not
keep Iter husband homo on rainy cren
lugs, an ho lusNted on standing on' the
downtown street comers watching girls
as they crossed the streets, boarded or
got off the ears Mrs. Ethel Redmond
Moegllug tiled suit for dlvorco from
Richard E. Moegllug.
Sho charge that Iter liUHbiind used a
cipher system In keeping trace of hli
"lady fi lends," of whom sho gate tb
names of slxij-ihreo '
Odd Dream Adventure,
"Talking of dreams," said tho Jojly
faced man, "tho other night an Incan
descent bulb burst In our bedroom
while I was dolng and dreaming that
I was driving my auto along a country
roml. On heailug tho explosion I BPt
out, nnd when I woke up I was under
the bed tinkering with tbo spilpgs with
my wlfo'H manicure set."- HostouTran.
Times want ads bring "results.
Low Cost Hiflh Efficiency!
, .17.75
, ..C.35
G. Rozollo. foromnn . .D4.lZjH. WUloughby, labor
Nichols, labor 32.75 1 Frank Wilson, labor
Wm. Goodman, labor S, J. Wllrtin, lauor z.i!
w w. DuEKan. labor 4.50 n. E. Wilson, labor 2.25
Wyman Albeo, labor 4.50 , ,, Laird, labor 2.25
R. J. Taylor, labor 4.50jc. F. Watorman, labor 3.37
John Demorltt, labor 10. CO R, R, Davit.', labor 30.25
ki Motcalf. vbor .4.75iUen Haynes. labor 29.00
Nick Hastendorff, labor
Goo Toliln, labor
Walter Oldland, labor
iWm. Rettys, foreman
utw- niin. men. aiieu. niw mm rvosior. muor
"""cl "r""r" . it n!., ....,... ii ok
R. S. Knowlton, urugs . . . '"" uayno iiuobun, muur -.
Miller Hros meat 7 T. A. Margrelter, labor 2 25
Coq Ldry & lco Co., Idy 2 30 fatiui. Strang, foreman 35,00
,35 00
.22.4 5
W. J, White, labor
M. Redding, labor
J. Domenlghlnl. labor 2.50
R'. Daniolson, labor 1" '
E. W. Faliy, foreman 0 25
C C, Pahy. labor 7 50
J A Morrison, abor . .. . ' -
Chas. Phllpott, lalor 2 2r.
or. I BM
Oils Soothe
Skin Disease
OH of wlntcrgivfn, thymol, glycerlno
onU other lifnlliiK Ingredients compound, d
In proper iroi(irtliiii Into tbn 1). 1). 1.
I'rescrltlon Una now tiocomo tlm unlvoriml
farorltu ot bUIii sutrerers In relieving ulilii
dUeaae. It U a mild wash that penetrates
tlio pores nnd kIwm hutnnt relief from all
liiinilng nnd licking. It kllU ami wanln-H
off the gnoulng illxcnsn terms nml Its
nootlilng olla (juickly heal tho lullameit
UriiKSlMs nro glad to rerommend this
fcootlilnv', cuollnif lliiuld '.'.V, ntio uud 1 UO.
Come to in nml we will tell )ou mure ulwiut
till remarkable remedy. Your mouej h.uU
imlen tliallmt linltlorelleveii jou I) II D,
Boi keeps i our skin healthy. Auk uoout It.
For 15 Years
the Standard
Skin Remedy
n BiX I
iking -H
This is the
Stove Poll
TT'S different froi
I others becausomoIocnre,
is tauun In tho mil
nnd tbo materials used nro
higher grade.
Black Silk
Stove Polish
Males a hrl", Iky polish that dots
liiitmbott crilu.t oil auJtliaiililuelakt,s
tour limes as loin; ii ordinary Htove
Ixillsli Ja en (.ninplo staves and sold
y liar 1 aro on I Bl O' ryi'eolera.
Allw aUi..urui) 11 ultmyourruvkatoT.
your imrlur Btuvtf nr yom frail ranc If you
tluu t lln.1 it Ii t- .to iwll.h you aror
m.d, ywr ii, !ir H null r inl tit r tyiui yum
funny Ini" a iJla k fr Ic Muv foluu.
MuJo 111 liquid vl (laitir viui duality.
Black Silk Stovo Poluh Work
Sterling-, Illinois
IT Black Silk Alr.Drtlng Iran Enim.l on
u ratm. iviruiri n, aiovi lip.1 iTevenia rvawr.
I'm UUek silk rvutal Voll.r, forailvrr, ticl
orwaa, ununu equal ivruveoiiauuwwvutfa.