a LIE WUJL G0 A l-ONG WAY BUT THE SENDER USUALLY HAS TO PAY THE FREIGHT (tea mt ExmtB a PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL . SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MKMHKlt OF THK ASSOCIATE) PUKS9 K.HtnlillHlictl 1878 Ah The Count Mall iol No. XXXIX MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1916 EVENING EDITION. Ji Consolidation of Times, Const Alnll mill Choi May Advertiser. No. 204 IS VILLA BEATEN TS II I1EL MAItSHFIIOLD MAX KAYS III: 1.4 NOT COItl'SK IX CALIFOKNIA. I- - - t i Harshfidd and North Bend SMALL 111 AGE I0T D AD H flHM er Tiim:i: i'oi.ickmk.v worxinon IX Ol'TIIUKAIC laST XKJIIT E ! Both Germans anu ;- North Sea Battle Holioves Victim Was Chum Named Howard Uli'hnidsnn, ol' Hod- inond, Oregon, Win. llaggo, mi cloctrti'lnn employ cil nt tint Murshfleld lOloetrle eoni imny, received quite u hiii prise tills morning when ho received u lettr enclosing u clipping H;iylii; that ho wan HiippoHod to ho tho unknown corpse wiilcii wiih round In u do- rolled L'ltlilu near Weavervllle, Call- rornlu. Tlio Hiipposltlon wiih based on tho discovery of u map and some paporH bearing Hugge's naino and his forinor addresses In Hiigon uiki Scuttle. Mr. llaggo thinks that tho victim niiiHt hi a ronuor clniin named Howard Klchartlson, of Redmond, Oiogon, who lUTOinpunlod him to Cooh Hay Inut August. Took Loiik Hike. Mr. Huggo mid Mr. Richardson left Itediiionil hint summer hound for CroHCont City, Calif., hut whon thoy reached Miushriold Mr. Hagge hud a t'liunco to not a good Joh wltl A. II. Snow, of tho Murshfleld Klec (ileal coinpauy and ho took It. Richardson prococd'd southward, taking with hlin a Hiuall map which lluggo had bought as noil of a guide. Mr. lluggo heard from Rich ardson a Tow Hiiioh, hut no letters Imvo come 'recently. US CDWFLIGT ; British Claim Their Destroyers Drove uermaii uuauujruo Back Into Zeebrugge I BERLIfJ SAYS ENGLISH FLED ItoMMlnlmThiwTiiriMHlii IMI ffiiHwl lle IX'-iioji'ih ih.i.. SMd Aitiiilt Some Damage Pniic I" Uiu'li "",, ,r, iwMtl TreM l ttwt MJ Time..! DERM.V. March 21.-An official .. .i 1.... .iff I liii jtiiriut rtport says: "U'siciim .. .. tl Flinders, a flKlit which wiih biic ufj for us look place between (tree German torpedo hoatH and a dlTlilon of five llrltlsli destroyers. 7te enemy Lrokc off tlo ungngoiiiuiit iliw lie reccUeil svoru direct hits nd he itcaracil out or bIkIiI at full reel. ! We suffer.!.! only iinliiiportant daiu- ." "' CyAmrlilirrrM to root liar Tlmm.1 TIlO I'JtlCl', enclosing tllO (dipping LOVDO.V. .March 21 An official concerning the fliid'ng of tho corpse. tiinfnt savs "Yesterday morning from Mr. Hiikko'h brother focr llrltlJh dustroyers sighted throo'.John llaggo, of Olynipla, Wash., this I Cmm (lcstro)erg off the Holglnu rout. The (Icrmaii destroyers at cute turned ami ran for eohriiggo. . 'tbiscd by our own destroyers. Dtfr lc( short riinnliiK f iKlit. two of the enemy boats weio observed to le hit. Our casualties woro four r: sounded." morning. The clipping was from a Taroiua paper and gave lint hrlef partlcularii. Mr. lluggo Iuih wrlttou !to tho Chlf of Police at Weaver- (fef 'IK j(n Al rXSiB t 'Jltr'i Co fapu'Arr) zlifotfi fiYv IA'm '- TYvoskiiiG TQ&XWf? !? ;-,y I lA'A V ' '"" i7')l viK l.iv tjC3 lO - Small Force of Mexican Troops Reported to Have Repulsed His Army FLEE TO MDUMTAIMS vlllo for moro details. MM OF PIES 111 I I M M M I UILui"(,,V ,':Al",',Kl,,'" Kl'JITi()X ULUUVIIMMI UlLUj c'OXTKST COMKS TO CI.OSIJ oliikst i'io.i:i:u oi-' coos iuv Sl'lVUMIW THIS MOItXIXO. j W'm X!nel).()iu' Yeats Old and Had llhlilitl Hive Slaco IH5!I TaiiKht Hi-iit School. Jin. lithcr M. I.ocklmrt, tho old- I nt pioneer of Coos Hay, died at S td this moruliiK In her nlnoty- iwond year. Death wiu duo to tomplltatlons Incident to her ad 'ted age. Slio had huun an m ulld tor a number of years. m U ono of tho last of tho (. W. ICatifiiimi, A. (. Haas and (ico. It. rrestoii WiuiieiN .School Children's IVle.s loiter vfA'fVw Co-operation Essential to Success. N UXITICl) action (hero Is strength, tlou and In husliiestt, modern life I Co-opur&tlou Is essontlal to sue-1 would ho doprtvod at once of most Modem IiiihIiichh is hullt on thlslof Its present-day necessities, eon foundation. jvonlenceH ami pleasures. Scattered foices have lit t lo power; j Without co-oporatlon In cominun oppoBliiK forces nullify. Ilty Borvlco tho elty Is deprived of H!iiKlencss of purpose hrlnxa eon-'eloments essential for needed com- I contention of effort. juerclnl and imlustr.'nl development Tho more full and complete tho and civic betterment. eo-operiit!on In any undertaking, tho Ily co-oporfliloii the cltl.ons will Kieater Its chances for success. nil k In tho same direction, mid by A maxlinum of co-operation gives united efforts Kiildo their course In a maximum of strength, with n mln-itho right direction, and liy concen liniim of wasted ouorK)'.' Co-oporntlou In commuulty-hulld-lug Is just as potent a powor nnd essential to success as In ri'lir. rlMi, ....fnM.lc I.. tlm fllillllinlllll 1 IIU 111 Ok HMUIlin HI IIIU 41IIIH1IH l..g( ,.u ror u "uity iiuaiiurur in vinrH1,'l01"ii)U,10HB were nnnouncod today. tl.ol ,,,or 'communty 1)Ultlll)K ,111B,. Iiri7.cn oeing oueieo iy iiiu v.uu Hay Times for the hest BiiKBCBtloiiH.tho ctzeIl8 MQ Bloelcllolrtcni, Tlioy woro for civic Improvement. awnrdod hb follows: KIrHt prize;. KiiKrnvod medal to i O.W.Kaufmun for suKKestliiK Bystein of cooporntloihj'puhllc school atu- Bnt settlers" of Coos Hay to imBs!tU,lUa '" Clv,c W-orlc- ltte Croat lloyoad. oion Aiken Is aocoml I'- x ,non,.B m"' Mwilout tho only living losWont 8crl,,tl011 l0 T" Lo08 U"y llHIB" , M tie Day whoso rosldenco hero "Were near cipials that of Mrs. (ration of forces, get thoto. Artist I.uwhorno presents this graplilcnlly and forcefully In tho nliovo cartoon. Hy co-operation tho coming hlg railway celehratlon will ho nuido noss- Is hlg hiiBlneBs, In which all a splendid success. Hy co-oporatlon Mftrshflold will ho mado a real city bountiful. Without co-opcrntloa In produc- U. S. Army Officers Say It Will be Difficult to Capture Him if He Divides Forces AVIATORS WATCH PASSES I'Vnr II i May INeape Into SlorVn Miiilro Itaiumul I'liul Safe llliliue; Place Villa l-'leil .AtU'r Small id,, ga.'jeineiit at Xanilipilpii Illy AuoclttM rrnu lo Ciiot n) Tlmfl. IJIi PASO, Texas, March 21. Avia tor of tho United States army are searching today tho trulls loading to tho passes In tho Slerro Madero mountains where Villa may seek to escape after his defeat hy tho Car ranzn forces yesterday at Xuinlquliia. Colonol Oanoo with POO Carrau xlsttis took part In the fight nnd 'Villa wuh badly worsted nnd flod, 'leaving his dead and wounded be hind. Army officers agree that It Villa breaks up his command Into small bands and turns to the Sierra moun tains ns a hiding place, It will ho almost Impossible to capture him, Fighting ul l,as Cilices Klglitlug at I .ns Cruccfl following tho engagement at Xauilqutpa yej terday, Indicates that tho Carran.a troops are pressing Villa hard In his flight northward along tho Santa Maria Klver and that tho outlaw may soon ho forced to stand nnd iglvo battle to tho American troops now moving southward. Tho Americans nnd Carranzlstas are drawing tho cordor closer around tho elusive Villa nnd with in a few dnyj army officers horo Uellove, It will he known whether Villa Is to meet his fate in battle or Imfflu his pursuers hy a success ful escape Into tho Sierra Madera Mountains, KIiiii I'Vhi .Society Quarters In Cork Italdetl hy KnglNh orf leers Itecently tn- AMnd.1lJ Trr-n la Cum IHy Tlmi.i LOXDOX, March 21. Sinn I'oln Jrloters fired on tho police last night. 'I'lireo policemen wore wounded. The "trouble- occurred at Tullnmore, Tro- land. , There have been Intimations of dlsturbod conditions In Ireland re cently. March 11 tho police of Cork raided tho residences of tho prin cipal officers of tho Sinn I'oln so ciety and seized arms nnd documents. FUHSrON Germans Hurl Strong Forco Against Left Flank of French Near Argonnc Border E SOI GAINS I TROOPS Commander of Mexican Expe dition Requests War Depart ment for Additional Men NHW HATTliK TODAY' Carrana Poire Corners Villa at Ins Cl-.H'Otf (Or Auorltl.! Prru to Coo- Dr TIidm. A. O. Haas for suggesting system of stroot and district improvomont i clubs. Third prlzo Six inontlis' yih-( EBUBG HII APPEAL RATE : nv nrnin nil iaii.ais oiukct to un.ixo h I I 1 1" I 1 1 1 1 1 1 U ,X ASTOHIA I'UHKHIT CHAIK.'i: 1ST E Says Larger Force is Requir ed to Protect 100-Mile Route of Communications NUMBER ls""lJOT SPECIFIED KesldentM Alone; Holder Alarmed 1,4'st. Mmlinns .Make Other SoIIUn Into U. H. 'IViTftory Protovol Agited to hy Pre. Wilson Berlin Claims Capture of Ava- court Woods and 2500 Prisoners LIQUID fTreT ATTACKS ItiiHslans Occupy Anotlter Advaiiceil City in Persia and Mako (Jatn- upiliiNt. AiihIi'Iiun In ICnstwn (lalicl.i ItnllaiiH Offeii.slro llr A-KH'falp.l Trrit lo Coot lUjr TIoim.) LONDON, March 21. -Tho (lernmns before Verdun niv making a Blroiig drlvn at the French left flank well toward the border In the Argouno region, and gained ground south of Maliincourt, some- ten tulles North- west of Verdun. Herlln nnnouncod today that French posltlona northeast of Ava court woro captured hy tho (Jorinuim, who took 2501) prisoners. Paris admitted that the nermann took Avncoiirt wood and said that they used liquid fire In the attacks. Iliissla Is Active A dispatch from Teheran reports tho occupation of Ispahan, I'orala, by tho Russians. Tho UusslaiiB won nu Important success In Southeastern Ojillcla, whero Vienna lulmlts tho kAiiiitrlun hrldguhond nt Uscloczlio wan evacuated under heavy Itusslun pres sure. The Italians resumed thotr heavy attacks at Tolmlno bridgehead. Tho position ut llomdou, Ilr AmkUIJ TrPM u Com Ilty TlinM ) SAN ANTONIO. 'Tox.. March 21 itionorat FuiiBton todny OBko.l tho V. AuBtrluns captured a ;S. War Department for additional troops to ho used In tho campaign ngnlut Villa. Ho did not stato tho number hut 4X111111110(1 (hut ho wanted an ndequato forco of Infantry and 'cavalry to protect tho lino ofveom munlcntlon, already moro thuiAlOO mllo long. Ho received no further 'hows from Qeuorul Pershing. AOItlJi: TO PIIOTOCOli Kiiggestiou l'Voin Mexico ilhitt Graudma Lonovo. now In ttf nlneilHiii vn -. r, ... "Aw of tho few lomaiuing' ni-i8rri"tloii t0 Tho CooB l,Hy T,mo" to Oregon Supreme Court Knocks . ." llTroHtoii of Camp Ono who, Mnnnnn DnnH Iconn Ulll v?CUV,WU UUIIM wuui, for Kendall Brothers Kleveu Conipanli.s Ciiltjj la PetitVtu to lutei-stnto Coniiiierco Com mission (Hit AworUlii l'r lo Coot lUjr Tlmn, WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 21. mid . President Wilson nnd tho cnhluot to- been I day decided to nccopt (ho proposal Ith (ho 'for a protocol lwtwcon tho Unltod f..ir. ....... t.w.i.u iwni.. 1 nu Cmimi IQIfilnu ninl Mm llnrnrn irnvnrllinont I -H. tt ,,.(1 HHf.n ll..t ...in W. .. VV. .VUM .. V.. B..MW .... .... This Information tamo hy wlroless of Mexico for cooperation In (ho pur- (oday to (ho United Statos armyrsiilt of Villa mid bis outlaws. station nt Columbus, American troops hwvo boon ills-1 TURKS REPORT ENGLISH ROUTED ON YEMEN FRONT CoiiNtmitliiopIo Offit'lnl Statement Says llrltlsli I'leil When Otto man Army Attacked Ilr AuixUlM I'rfit la Cao Day Tlmn.l CONSTANT1NOPI.K, March 21. !. Wllunii nn.l Ci.l.liw.l Ai.n,m IJIB orilCIIll rOPOtlB Bai'H "UIl 1110 Yemen front, a llrltlsli division which advanced In (ho direction of Hlsalu wiih attacked hy our troops which woro sent out against them. Tho lenomy fled toward HliolK iiosman." UlflLSO GDWTRD L comer is 010 Hiierirestod that nubile crltlclslll3 ho followed up hy practical action hy( citizens generally to nccomplsli tho. desired results. Thero woro scores of responses uhowlng nu unusual and Infoiiso In terest In tho question nnd tho solec-j tlou of tho wluuors of tho honors was not mi easy tnsk. nOIUS Lliy fichooi Pries Titer i an(j Constitution in Enter- Tho award of tho prizes to tlio echool children participating In tho essay contest will ho mode lutor. Tho essays and nrdeles hy tlio pu pils will all ho printed liofora (ho l'or a number of years, Mra. I.ock 't bad been unable to get about, '. iKilTldden most of tho tlmo w maklns only occasional trips ,,r flty In her wheel ehnlr. m eonienuenco. ii, ... ... ,. " "Mi ""l S WOll 'Mitt lO Ilia .. ... . - .v Hwncr resiuonis or 3 r, but the older residents "' u a,,,) admired her brill S ta,"1 W'"Cl1 remalllot nctlvo to I'lineral Wednesday. "ne funerni u.m i... J '!'moo at 2 o'clock from tlm r E, Dr .JiIll8c'l,nl cl"llc. Hov. judges consisting of thrco well known lli i i rh u,,,BinR. Hurlul.MurshfloId poople, announce incir no- 'n "' Odd Fellows' rnmn. rklnn. Many AjIo AldinK Already various Individuals In Marshflold and In (ho outlying su burbs have (niton hold of (ho work of bcnudfylng (holr proporty and streels with a greulor vim than has J over boon manlfost hero hoforo. Much already has been accom plished and the real drawback will (probably como from tho noiuivsldunt proporty owners who do not boo the need of fixing up tholr places. , Ilowovor afops are being consider ed to provldo for this omorgoiicy. l-'HAIl IX HOIlDKIl TOWNS tllr Awwulnl TrfM lo rooi n TIium.I WASHINGTON, D. C, Murch 21.- i Kleveu rullrciiils concerned In UiolltChldcnlH Take Precautions AKolnst .recent roallgiuiieut of freight rates from Oregon nnd Washington points j to Astoria on tho Interstate Com .ntorco Commission for rohearlng. patched to Las Cruces to aid In (he , fighting. Violated Charter," ""'S ll .... Willi Ul IIIU Iw..i.l.. .......M" ' Other Sallfes hy Mexicans Itir AimmUixI I'ruw la C004 uf tIium I CLINT, Tox., March 21. Fear that Mexicans might mnko nu unex pected ral'd resulted In tho closing of tho schools todny at Fubens, a bor der town, on tho ndvlco of tlio com '7 ' MuihfleW. M.i S1thBt B n,"'w of the SWrtrli of Hn- I,ft., torn in" "eh?taIe Selovor was lUIIIItLrl '"nihil P. New "a county, Ulysses ls ;; vn orK. Janiiarv 1:1. ,J Peter T J te" cl''lr, bom tku.'W1,ooa was pas3ed near Uke'CthI !,eai,t,ri, Cawtsa Hind, 'B CUv nr m. Al .1.- " uu w '4lher,n, ll Wl,h 1,or widow ,V,Wto Mam,1' t0 01lI. mnin n known as tll 0ai,1hood ?, .Uor', B,, 8w t H len v2 er llor 1110ll- 611 Aterw"nfteenyeara Ui i.tat T , of slxteen h - ,fJ'"d t,.,8,1'001' teael.lnB ono a't'ndl Inuej Kwliool the next. n Pago Two. TiiiiOM Want Ads mo tho ono me ilium which roaches ALL tlio people. They outage public iittentlon every day Always on (ho Job. Columbia Klour, .SI. nil. Haines. Dr. 1). O. ViiiirIiiiii. neutlt, Itoom JI, First Antloniil Hank building Tilbhy Coal, !j!5.tll ton. Phono 72. Columbia Flour, $l.rU. Haines. ing Such Agreement Proposition Was Approved at Special llleitlou Some Tlmo Ago and Hoiids Were Voted Kendall Hroh. May (Jo Ahead WDAIHGHHFTLOST here a short tlmo uso. Thoy huvo,,nnilHOr of t,0 United Stntes Infan survoyod the railroad end said tha('try company hero, construet'on would begin as 30011 usi ,. WANTED T0GEJ SAWMILL .w JJ ,,,, 10t that Bomo arrangements may no I nuido wliareny tno city can iniuico. Kendall Hrothors (0 go ahead with (ho project, getting people hero to 1 1; AV.ATO.tS IIAVB TlUUmidC c.,l..nill mniinv il rent Instead of. ' nir-iu riiuiun 1.1 ....iw through bonils or taxation, sue was recolvd with regret hero. Tho $300,000 bonds woro voted Bomo tlmo ago by (ho citizens of T ROUBLE A T FABENS itot'si: votks to 01 vi: him moui: Al'THOIHTY IX AHMY IXCHKASK ItKPOItT SCHOOL CLOHIID AND A.MKHICANS QUIT TOWN t. H. Military Authorities Assuiuo Control or Vlllugo ! Miles From i:i Paso Will Allow Him to Cull Out Ho.serves and yncmiMNl Forco Without ' ' Congress' Voto Ily Afi'HlilM l'r la rou Ilty TIiiim.J "WASHINGTON, 1). C, March 21. vrho first action or tho llouso (oduy on (ho Hay army bill was to adopt without debnto nn anieiulmeiU to glvo thd president control over tlio ro- It originally pro- Jlly Aiuflilnl rw 10 rout nr Time. 13L PASO, Tox., March 21 School Horvoa of co.000. ban been clo30d ut Fabous, a border' vi,ou umt authority must ho granted town !I0 miles from Kl Puso and , j,y Congress hoforo (ho Hesorvlsta all Ainoriciin cIvIIIiuih imvo noonc,,!,! i,0 mobolUqd. (P; AunUleJ rr U t'" ny Tlmrt.l SALEM, Oro., March 21. The r... ....,.. r.,nr inihiv ileelnr- r toM (ho r;;; onteVed luto'Hoseburg to filv, as a bo. In ald- by the city of Uosoburg with (ho MB Koiuuui is omen.. 01 usuurg. Hoseburg & Eaten. Ilalltol for to build a logging roiuljmd hlg Baw- n. ,.Av,,utn..ilnn nf 11 rulll'dad Oil iim iininiiiin Klver. The Court alto Inhlbted tho Issunuco of tho $300, 000 bonds voted by tho city to ns sist In the construction of tho line. It was hold to bo a violation of tho J city charter and coiutltution. j Ono Mnrhlpo Drops Fifty Feet mid Injures Pilot Slv Arrive Safely ut Front (ny AuotUt 1-rrM 10 roj lUy TlmM.I COLUMHUS, N. M., March 21. A wlrolns messugo from tho field urmy today says "An Aoroplano, cSno of six (o arrive today, wob partially wrecked In a fiO-foor full. Tho pl lo(, Llout. Howon, was lnjuretl bu( not fatally. Two ueroplanes of (ho first squad PKF.SIDKNT WILSON SAYS UK, wer lost In flight from horo' to tho WILL SIGN MKASUKiC IF PASSKD front in Mexico. Tho commando.- mil. PHILIPP IS requestod hy (ho American lnllltury uuthorltlos to leave, according to a tolophono messago reived hero todny by H. D. Camp from a Fubens school trusteo. Fabous Is opposite tho .Mox'can villugo of Guadalupo. Amor Icnn troops, have, arrived thero and tho ofHcers are now iiinrtorod In (ho ro3ldences of (ho cIHzoiib. PRES. BUTLER TALKS AT SEATTLE TODAY hlcnd of Columbia l'ulverlty Dellv erft Addriss at (Vreinoiiles at Washdiglou lit AiwKltted Tito lo Tom lUy TlniM. SKATTLH, Murch 21. --Dr. Honry Suzzullo was Inuugiirated today ns preslddiit of tho University or Wush- AFFKCTS KKNDALL PKO.IKCT. Tho uineudinont Is tho most Impor tant to tha bill yet mado. As tho mousuro now stands, the Prosldent would have tho iiuthori'ty without consulting Congress to Incronso tho army Irom 1 10,000 fighting troops to I7r,000 and nlso (o suininon to colors 80,000 resorvlats which tho bill con tvjinphites will bo provided within four yours, Heproaontntlvo Gardner offered an iiineiidmont piovldlug that boI dlors may bo discharged Into a ro sorvo at tho ond of ono year's ser vice with tl colors in approval of tholr commanding officers. Chalr miiii Hay argued tho effec( or (ho provision was (o reduco (ho term o( enlistment with the colors lo such a degree (hut efficiency of tho army us a whole would ho Impaired. Tho amendment piiB3ed, however, 128 l to 117, being tho first dofeat for Itoseburg Voted H'"I l""0 (,'et Saw mill and X'' Halli-oad 1 Does Not Like Soiuo of Details Hut Is Willing to Wulvo TIumii Tako It up Soon ItOSUHUUG, March 21 Tho nows that tho Oregon Supremo Court hudr knocked out (ho Hosobiirs bond is- Df AisocUted TrM to Coot Dy Tlme.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Marh 21. President Wilson told Congress lead- nhouls wero unknown arrlveil safoly. tngton In tho preseuco of a dlsdu of tho Bquadrou today roported tlwlr(Bished galherlng of oducutors rrom,u (ho ton8l(KM.atlou of tha fulliiro to urrlvo and said their where-n,u lia,t8 of the country. Tho x-j Six niuchliies Urclses, which boifan yesterday, con-1 ciuueu tins aimiiiuuu mm .... S(.iO0XKU TILLAMOOK Inauguration ceremony. Tho prln-- ,,()UTllAN AXW coos 1IAV cjpiu auuress was h.umo u, i -umu... AItllJ1,a orK 0 a minor oi omnium uiinuionj. l'amendmont for independence not la- tor than four years, dotplti) his His- approval of Its detalU. 1( Is planned i . . . .w,.... .,..., 1... ...Ill ..I,... II. .v nl.ll. (.. loL-o Mill Illiy.lSlirO llll HI UIO IIOl'SU ! nil..... ll..... .l., ..III 1... ilmnnn. i i,,..n Tin nronosilion carrieu rs louuy inuv nu m dii,h mu ...,.u .. ...- . iiiiu-n iuuik ." " ....- ,1,111 "W.V.. --.w ... .... .... , ..... -,,,..,.. '..,,.. , I. ,.,,,, 1,111 I by a big majority but others fouglit .Ipi'lue mil, iiiciuuiiib i:u iw "' n. i titrated by a trlul. SATl'HDAY, MAUCII U.YNI FOIt 1XFOUMATIOX PHONU 278 TO.M JAMES, Ab(m Ocean Dock