I It TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1916 EVENING EDITION. PROBE LIID'S AGTVIEW OF ITALY IiAND ORAXT IIKAUIMiATWA.SII. 1XGTOX 1XVOLVKS C. A. SMITH. .Southern Pacific iti-ports That llo Jlas Coii(i'iH'( Km- Purchase of JVcm-ly 5,(1(10 Acres. PORTLAND. Ore, March Bpcclnl from Washington, J) 17. C. tho Orcgonlnn Bays: According to the records of tlio Southorn Pacific Railway company, C. A. Smith, tlio inilllonniro lumber man, would, ho tho largest beticflc lary under tlio Altornoy-Ocnorurs nmondment to tho Chnmhorlnln laud grolnt hill, which proposes to confirm outstanding executory ronti.-.etH. Tho railroad company filed two days ngo nn Itemized ntatcmeut of contracts, showing that Instead of 8(1.(100 tines named 1y tho AlVornoy-ClonrVnl, thesa existing contracts cover only 15,511 acres, for which the rallrowl company would receive ?5!l,872, or $3.05 nn acre, on an average. Tho railroad company's statement gtivo the names of all persons Hold ing contracts, save as to the Inirgest slnglo contract, covering l,,J0(5 ucrB, for which tlio .railroad company was to rccolvo $22,131), if $1.15 an aero. Tho company was ashed to supply tho nilmo of the man who hold this contract and i telegram was ic colved; from tho railroad company today saying tlio contract was In tho namo of C. A. .Smith. Previous Telegram Contradicted. Till? Information ftntly contradicts u tolcgrnin .read to tho committee lout Krldny from (1. H. Arnold, of San Francisco, laud attorney from O. A, f Smith, In which ho mild Mr. had no Interest In any pond. Smith lug contract, and "did not give a continental" whether tho Attornoy Qeuoral'n amendment was accepted or rojectcd. IWhcn the public land committee begins consideration of tho hind grant bill, Representative Slnuott mid other members will Insist upon n clearing up of the mysler, m to why John hind, personal friend of tho President, Induced tho Attorney Gcncral to lecoiumend tho uinond incnt confirming contractu for .so, Olio acres. Without this amendmiml, It is tho heller of several members of tho committee that practically all outstanding contracts would ffl.ll, uii- dor tho Hupreino court decision, mull'""" ''" will m a declaration or tho lands Involved would go hack' war against flariimiiy." into tho grant, for nearly ovory one t&rmiiii Diplomacy Skillful of thoso conlractH Is made for n C'iiiiiiiioiUIiik on (leriniiny'ii ninnlp. nrlr nxiwiiimr r.n . hit... ,i I uliilloii of American Internal affairs, J- ..u w-.-....,f -, .... ... . , ...... many nro made for more than HiO acres. Ah. 1,1ml Snhl to llo Interested. Representative Leiirolt, or. the committee, with whom Mr. hind has conferred regarding this legislation, nays Mr. hind Is fluaucllly Interested in tho C. A. Smith Lumber company, but denies that Mr. hind 'lorsonully Is tho owner of any laud that would ho affected by tho Attornoy-Oouornl'H nmondmoiit. if this bo tine, UoproHcutntlvn Slnnott want to know why Mr. hind is so Insistent on having oiitslwidiug contracts confirmed, especially In view of tho assertion of C. A. Smith, j his client, that he has no Interest in tholamendment. Thojtnuglo grows wowo dally and' gives ooior to a current report mat Mr. Miid, using Ills "pull" with the AdmlnfK-tiHtloi),. Ik necking through nn nmcjidcmut to perfect title to lands Unit will lie lost If (lie amend-1 mont Is not vulopicd. IJowery Dance, Simpson Pavilion, lias lieJu postponed to nel Salmdiiy evening. Dance begins at N o'clock. Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, MniMiflcId KEEP THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS OUT OF THE NATION'S HOSPITALS Wettern Dm a Merchant National Honlth Discusses MONRAD J. OLSEN of Dcs Molne, la., hiiUI, In an Inter view today, "If cacli person In thin country would take nu ocijihIoiiiiI hiMitlve done, our iioxpltalH would lotai thoiiHaiuU uh)ii thouiuiiiila of patients." Mr, OIbcu further Hinted that hu was familiar with and had Hold all tho va rious laxatives, mid that in bl opinion, Itexull Orderlies Is the mot pleasant und sure remedy for couHtlpaliou. Wo Imvo the exclusive Kflllni; liuhts for thlH great luxaln Loclduirt Pardons Dnij; Co. THE REXALL STORE i l HSTouiAV m:itm:ito hays vkr- DUX STRt't.'f.'LH IS WATCHKD JWlinntes That Italy Will ! More At-tric What War .'Means and Italy's Cli'iw'o ROMH, March 17. (lugllelino For rero. tho famous historian, said In an Interview today: "Italy Is watching with strained anxiety tho result of tho present con flict In Franco hocntiso 11 Is known that tho welfare of Italy Is Inextric ably Interwoven with tho sueeens of France, llritalu and Russia. The re lations between Italy and France since tho beginning of Ihn war have been computed Into a friendship that I bellevo will ho permanent. Thesa relations prior to tho war were no' good, owing to tho triple alliance treaty, which, though Its context is still secret, I hollovo was broken by tho Central powers when they entered upon a war of aggression and eon (iie.jt without consulting us, thus treating Italy llko a vassal stale. Allll.s i:poelcd to Win "To my mind there Is no doubt Hint tho (itiadrtiplo allium o will win. 'I ho only question Is: To what ex tent will Cermauy and Austria drag down tho rest or Huropo in their fall? It will (alio litiropo at least 50 years to recover. The material loss Is a small matter. Tho Institu tion!! of Kuropc, llko a badly con structed building, are crumbling un der tho effect! or tho war. There will lie after tho war a terrible con flict of Ideas. In this conflict our generation will be sacrificed. Fill in i; of I'VlICO "Franco will como out of the war the greatest lOuropenn nation, for she has astonished tho world by tho mag nitude or her efforts against her pow erful onomy. compared with which the efforts of tho rest of tho iiiadru ple entente are insignificant. "Italy's participation In tho war was Induced by the demand of tho people who bellove Italy was be trayed by tho central powers becauso flic had been told that tho triple alliance was mndo to prevent, not to make, a lOuropean conflict. From the logic of tho situation Italy must limit.1 every effort with tlio rest of the iiuailrtiplo entente to bring tho war to an end. I believe the now coali tion of parties backed by public opin ion, will bring about a wider par ticipation In tlio war, and that before especially concerning tlie new subma rine policy, Just nt a time when nr- I llou by th. American administration 'might effect tho Presidential prlmnry I vml election, Signer Ferrero said: "This Is a part of (lermaiiy'ii ably l organized Interference In tho neutral countries. In the llalkaus she ope ratVs through Influences of (iormuu origin; In tho United Stales through tho Influence of Americans or (lor .iiiiiii blood. Kvcrywhoro she lias reached out tentacles hungry for power. Tlio American people rightly resent this Interference. "I cannot nay that I should like to see the United State enter the war. You could not furnish an army and wv do not need a fleet. Resides, we are going to pull through without help. However, as an Italian. I should have liked to see a breaking of diplomatic relations with (icrniauy by tho Pulled SI ill ex. for the moral effect would be Rival, ami this moral effect is one of tho powerful wimpons of war. Horn into of It I hollovo Hor maiiy does not desire a break with tho I'nlted State." J !t WATERFRONT NEWS : W IrelcfOi reporiH from Hie Kllhiiru 1oda were lo tho effeci that ihe would oir Hie liar at two p. m j from Portland and would in all prob iilillils nail out at ' o'clock a. m. to morrow. She in liriugiiii; loo toim mr frelglit for Cooh Ray. Rower, Dance, Simpson I'avillon, has been postponed to ne( Satiuday cxeiiiug. Daue( begins at H o'clock Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut nut tlil nilvorllBcuicnt, cnrloso D cilitH lii Kolcv H. I'D. h3r, .Sliollic'lil Ave, I'lilcaitu, III, writing your iihiiio ami n.Miox rleaily. Yuu will ic olvo la uturii a. tilal paukago eon t.unlng. (I) P.dcy'ii Honey niul Tar Com pound, llo iiluiKlant family remmly I'T lollKliB. roldu. ci nun. WlloopillK coiirIi, IIkIiIiii'kh Rial soronoH In client, grlppu ami liruncblal ceugbs. (I) Puley Klilnoy P1U. for over, worked and dlitor.lereit kblueyn niul Madder allmuutt., pain In bIiIch niul back duo lo Kidney Trouble, so to muavleii, ullft Jolnix, baokaoho and rlieuiuutlsni. if (3) l'olcy Calbartlo Tablatu," a. wbolcaoine uinl ihorousbly cleanalng ciiitlmrtlu. Iiiio'lully eoiiifortlnif to Ntuut ihmsiOiih. nml a pumatlvu ncidi'd ly cvi-rvlioilv Willi tltiiiKlfch IhiwoIh nnd torpid livr Y u . m trv Ihisa tlnoo Jamlly iviuodlra for only 6c. For salo by Owl Prvscrlptlon Phar- mncy Irank I), Cohan, Central Avo. nue. Opponltd Chandler Hotel phono 74. Tolo I E OF THE TI.MHLV ARVICI2 I'OII I'HK.SKRV IX(J IXFANT'S HKALTII. White Xo Longer Considered tlio Con eel or Rest Color for tho Rally's Wardrobe. "If tho baby cries don't spunk him. "Maybe bo's cross and tlrod from being tossed about nil day. "Maylio ho'ii too warm or loo cold or too wet. "Maybe a pin is scintching him. "Mnybe there's wrinkles in ills bed clothes. "Maylio he's lying In a cramped position. "Maylio he's hungry and thirsty. "Try rubbing his back gently along tlio iiplue. It is often more ef fective than anything else In quiet ing tlio baby. To J.oep him comfort able during Ills nap turn him over two or three times. Don't forget to give him a loaspoouftil or water onco or twice a day." Rahy week, which Iiiin Just been celebrated with hundreds of "Rot ter Rabies" seruiouu from pulpits all over tlio country, mak"s Just such Injunctions as (he above or timely Interest. This advice comes from tlio homo economics depart ment of Iowa State college at Ames, where tho men and women students have been considering Informational writing on kindred topics. Among other topics which U lie students ato discussing for tlio ben efit of parents In tho question shall the baby ho breast ted? Here afo tlio statistics which they have provided for us. "It can ho said without contra-M diction," says Mux Lavtue, barter-1 lologlsl at Iowa State college, "that; IT all children wero breast fed it would reduce from one-third to one- half the infant deaths In this couu-' In'" ' I In New York 85 per cent of Infant deaths occur among the bottle red1 babies. In data kept on a group or babies red In R.istou, :i'J per cent were bottle red anil 08 per cent breast red, yet 7 1 per cent or the deaths occurred among tlio bottle red ba bies and hut 2)1 per cent among i those breast red. Or 7! baliles In New York red' store milk, 50 died; ol 7! red con-, doused milk, II died; or :i0 breast red not olio died. Only one-half or one per cent ol"' tho mothers are unable to breast feed their babies, yet but 20 per cent oT tho babies of tho country are so fed. While Dresses Taboo. Now comcH another hit of advice to parents: , "Don't keep tho baby dressed In white. i "There Is danger in dressing tlio, baby In white. Tho continual glare of light reflected from n while sur-j race Injures the child's nerves and , eyesight. "Clothing n baby in n white dress, placing li I in in his ci lb with white Fresh Vegetables Saluidny joii will want a nice lot r lie.sli egelulIes Cur .Sunday Din ner. We luite I liriu, including Oahbncjo Rutabagas, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Celery, Onions, Parsnips, Squash, Water Cress. 1 We also bine u full Rue of garden and Hower heeds. Model Cash Grocery Commercial Ave. near Phono I'M Kroiit. I gw BSMStff GET'NfW MUSIC Come ill and play Hie latest victor record, on our machine and seluct the ones jou de.siro 5,(100 to Choose Kroiit Wo will order special Xuiubora for you L. L. Thomas Music Co. 7:1 Central Avenue BY coverlets underneath, above and on all sides with perhaps a white colt ing to gaze at is an hard on Hie eyesight and disposition or the child as squiiillng at glaring whllo snow Is on that of grownups. "To change the custom, centuries old, of dressing the baby In white will be a hard (ask ,hut the really sensible mother will realize, that baby will be loved Jimt as much and bo Just an pretty dressed In pale shades or pink, green, yellow and liluo as in wlllte and is much more likely to grow up with boltor eye sight, besides." o06 VHHSKIj .movoikxts Arrived Hardy, San Francisco, last night. Due Here F. A. ivllhiiru, Portland, toduji Ad.'llno, oah'aud, late to day .Venn Smith, Oakland, to morrow. Due to Hall Kllhiiru, San D.lego, 5 a. .m, tomorrow. Nairn Smith, Oakland Sun day. BUY YOUR Meat for Sunday and every other day at the Enterprise Market COMMERCIAL AVENUE Nice Chickens Tomorrow No inferior quality or "bargain meats," one Oracle only THE BEST. The CADILLAC! ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPER 4 V Will. V llll TRIJAT VODU CAUPKT.S WITH UKSRHCT WE RECOMMEND AND GUARANTEE THIS CLEANER Johnson Gnlovsen Company vi.maiiiy mi nn w nil a Mrlce J-'anio North l.'roul Street ,"Mailiflcld (T('i; Ob' SAM J ok KK.AI PltOI'KRTV Hilt Di:iil.gCI2.NT .ST 1 1 1 1 1 IT A S.s 1 2SS.M HXTS. , Xotlee Ik hereby given Hint act lng by virtue or u warrant duly jUwiied by tlio Recorder of tho City lor .Mamhrield, County or Cooa, I Statu ot Oregon, by order of tho Common Council or bald city, dalod ,tho L'uh day or January, 1010. to iniu directed, reiiilrlng mo, as Mar shal or said city to forthwith levy upon the lot ami lot. and part of j lots and tracts of laud upon which jnKscKbiuonl wiim made under and .pursuant lo Ordinance Xo. 1198 of JmiIiI city for tho deficit in tho as- seHsmeut for tho Improvement of KlKhtht Ktreut north from tho south lino of Hemlock avoiuio to tho north lino or North Korndale addl tlou nnd Xasburg's addition to Marslifleld, In (he City of Marsh-j rield, Coos county, Orogou, and: which deficit nsiesiunent thou ro-j inuiuod unpaid, and to soil the sanio in the manner provldod by . law. which said property Is In said warrant nnd hereinafter deseribed,. I have, in pursunnco or Bnld war pant, levied upon, and will, on tho . . r ... . ' Columbia K.'nnr, .Sl.oll. Ilnluc.s. I fll eiAv Kv V Save 5 Cents a Pound on Your Coffee Wo have Just Installed one of the celebiatcd HOBART COFFEE GRINDER, GRANULATOR, PULVERIZER AND SEPARATOR Willi llils machine we can grind our coffee to any ilejjieo or fine ness anil remove every particle ol dust mid illit from It. This method of (icalincnt gives milled stiength to .niir colter, as well us Insuring lis perl'eel purity. l ft v i "'Mils Is onljt number rentuie that adds to (lie picsllgo or tills otehlMimeut ' niul make It it "(Joed Housekeeping Stole" In lad mil .eivlce ns well as in name. 3.muirmTnTriiirrTTiTH'"r,'L' etter Meats Tha w THAT'S WHAT WK (JIVK YOP. It Is our constant endeavor to give you Hie I test the market affords ami our large number of regular pnlrous assure u.i that we mo succeeding. If yon nro not a regular patron here, you had ho'ler arrange to be. It. will benefit you and hciicfi! us. All kinds or HtKSII MIIATS, Smoked .Meats and other Hues round In n first class .Meal Market PIIONF. I'S VOPU OHDFU J. E. Ford Co. 1?4 South B'way i'Hom: ik or ns. Union caiiiafki-imeiricai wiikri: s.wixt.'s aid: saff. We will bo fllad to assist you in any way so lliat your taxes may bo paid in time, Wc Wisli to Servo You, HOURS 9 TO 3 Abstracts Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Maruhriuld ami C'oiiullle City, Oregon, ('eueral AgeutN KastsMo and Seugslaclien'M Addition. Spei'lnl iittenllon paid lo iiNsessmenlN mid payment, of taxes. HI2XHV SICXCSTACKFX, Jliinagor. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY Wc Pay Return Chafes. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY ' IStli day or March, 1010, at nluolXOTICIO OK UKDK.MI'TloX OK o'clock In tho forenoon or wnlil SI'WIAIj I.MPHO KMK.XT RO.NDS. day, ut tho Council Chamber door ' """" or wild City, being in tho City 1 lull, j Nutlco in hereby given that, pur Krout btreet North of wild City.'wuant to the provlslonu of Chapter offer for mile niul noil nt publicly of Title XXVI. 1,. O. U, and III) unction to tho hlghoHt bidder ror accordance with the (oriini mid con-, cash, ouch of tlio following don- dllloiiH of mild IhiiuIh, the City 'of, erJbed Iou and parts of lotH. to-wlt: Lot II, block I, deficit niMU'KHiuoiit fli;.r.., belonging to JohIq A. Mc Kay, Mild lot being ululated in Town of KiM'ndalo, Cooa county, i Oregon, according to tho plat there- j (f on file and of record in tho 'orfice of the County Clerk of Cooh (county. Oregon; lota I mid -, block II, deficit oHtietwment ? l.s;: and ?L'S. II, respectively, being awHoiwod to .Miiinio Tower and Bltiiated in Xindmrgn addition to .MnrHliflehl, according to the file and or record tho county uuinc ol coos county, Oregon: also tho undivided 1-0 In - torest of llenriottii V. Konrey, V. n. uuriia ami is. a, Aiuiorson n. Trustees uiidor tho last will and, testament of J. I,. Kurroy, docoaod, In Iota 5, (i and 7, block 1, North Korndale. Coos county, Orogon, ac cording to tho plat thorcor on fllo'ors of said ubovo described bonds and or record in tho orrieo ot tho j nro hereby notified to present tho County Clork of Coos county. Oro-jsnmo ror payment and cancellation gon. tho said deficit ao..moiit lev-j to tho undorsignod, Treasurer or led on said undivided 10 Interest In said lots bolug ns follows; Against sold Intorost In said lot 5 S2.82; against said Intorost in said lot 0 ?2.ri7, and against said inter- oat In said lot 7 ?2.74. Dutod nt Marshriald, Coos county, Oregon, this 1 S t It day of Fobruary, 1 U 1 6. J. V. CARTER. Marshal of tho City of Marsh- field, F1S-25. Mr Coos county, ! 10-17 Orogon. Ollivant & Nasburg Tho d'ood Housekeeping Store IIOMK OF PPUH FOODS Set end ami Commercial, Marslifleld Two Telephones, 11)0 and 171 iou want t SATURDAY EVE7TO 9 I'or reliable Abstracts of Title ami information about COOS KAV KFAIj MSI'ATi:. heo IMurwhrield will take mi. rodeeni and' cancel tlio special Improvement i bonds of said City 0r Marshrioid, j Coos County, Oregon. Iss'iod on the I first day of October. HMii, and nuiii-, liorcd I 111 to 1(11 Inclusive, of said! Issue roupoctlvoly, hoods numbered1 i iu, tr.o, J5i, i.-,a, i:,i. ir.r.. ir.ii, If.S, 151) and Hii) h- !ng each fori tho slim or $5(111.011 ami bond iiuiu-' bored 4 511 being ror tho auui of, $:il' I. HO, bond numbered 157 being ror the siliu or Sl'JD.lil) and bond M ark Bail plat thoroof on! numbered 1CI holng for tho Mini in tho orrieo of,of $150.00. nnd all of said bonds hearing Intorost at C nor cent nor lnniuun. ttmi wll on tho next sonil-1 j annual coupon ported of said bonds, ! ui-wlt: on the first day of April, j mi:, pay to tho proper ownors and holders ot said bonds, fnco valuo ,,r 0(lci, thoroof with accrued intorost to said date and tho owuors and hold- said City at his offico in tho said City of Marshflold, Coos Countv, Orogon, on said date for payment. cancellation nnd redemption, and1 aro furthor notified that intorost thoroon will coaso at said Intorwt paymont period, to-wlt: On April 1, 1U1 '5. i Datod 191C. this 3rd day of Jdnrch. G. V, KAI'PMAN. Troasuror ot tho City of Mnrsh flpld. Coos. County, Oregon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworlh" """ Physician ami SurKcoa j Of flcoi Irving in(K.kt Office hours: II to i n. m... I niul 7 to 8 p. in. ' Phones: Office I l:i-.; tpi( u J. M. Wright I'liono 18R.B Hl'IMilNfJ CONTUACTOU EBtlinntes furnished on rcqueit Dr. H. M. Shaw l'2)e, Knr mid Throat HpochdUt , (UiAHSHS iriTTKI) Phono WM-,1. Rooms aoo-aoi Irving 'Mode. 1)11. MATTIK R. SHAW. Physician ntirl Surgeon Phono :t:io..i. K G. Butler CIVIL HNOINKKR Room 304 Goko Rhlg. Phone H&.J, Hesldonco Phono 363-Ij. W. G. Chandler AltCIIITKCT I Itoomi 301 and 302, Coko Huliaim, Marahflold, Oregon. WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R TIM H TAIILH WILLAMKTTK PAOIKIO M010H OAR Leave inu MarHliflold North Benl 0:45 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7.15 n.in. 8:00 a.m, S:IG a.m 9:00 a.m. 0:15 n.m, 10:15 a.m. 10:15 n.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:30 n.m. 11M5 a.m. 12:R0 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. li : 1 n p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 5. 40 p.m. G:55 p.m. 0:55 p.m. North city II in Its only. 7:30 p.m. 7MG p.m. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phonft 3171 DRY WOOD ut Campbell's Woodyard .North I'Yont Street Phono :I7I)..I SAVE MONEY hy ordering the I'nmotis HENRYVILLE COAL Xut coal, ton $1.00 I. itmp coal, ton !?."., "0 Or Imlf too of both.. 1.7.1 D. JIl'SSOX, I'rep. Phono 1H-.I or leave eiders nt Hillyor'H Cigar Slero DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will lie kept OIM2N TO Tlll'2 PUIIMO A regular Htato llreased undertaker will be I" chargo Phono lUfi-J KAIH2.TKX CUNTS City Limits Xorth Rend, 'o nn ctviMi'TATiD.v nn TICKIXS, 9I.7.-I Lii ( Maishfleld-Xoi'tli Auto I'iuo Rend Cars ovory ton nilnuics from tl u. m.. to IU mldiilKlit. 1 fioulh Slough once a day, leaving at 1 1 a. m . to Ku' plro three trips a day. (iORST X- Iv'IXH. I'"'P'. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings ' . S. KAUFMAN & CO. Lonil Treasurer T. J. BOA1FH a. n. nopaiN" Marshfield raiing co. Kstlmates Purnlibed PIiomo 140-R. Marslifieio, u. : TH13 WIHTU IS KIXG Of all Sowing Muchlncs Xow located at 25G Market " West, Phono 102-3. We harp also got big bargains In all wn ot usod machines. AH machines boIiT on easy payments. SI