( fVI I IW - - A A A -. - -! ! THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1916 EVENING believes dial It. k)Imk lo lio T. liooscvoll who will head tho Hiuli llenn parly In tho fall anil WIIhoii for thu Democrats. i,ViTy Traffic. dipt. aux Hail of 'the Kerry Transit reports UmL dur- iiiK Fobruury liu carried 1751! i:iksoii- Kors, 57 tlonlilc loams, I fill bIiikIo rlKs, 2(H niitns aniL 2 bond of slock liotw EDITION. FIVE KB, 2(11 niitns aniL 12 liuatl of Hint jtwuou MniHhflnld and Kusln'do. :nwiTin:ii iii:iniiii' , raj Tlnira.) I'nrl! cioiiiiy Hull I'p Tiiinuin.iv Tho suit of William Shook vorsun Hubert M. K.Vltl Will emiin in. i ....' u'mu i..i,.i vviii-.i i...u i "... . . . ' "' ' niw morn- .., ...,,...- .. ,.., iu- niK u, ,n,.ii niii,i,. , ,,. ,.lwi.t Imrii llii.l l.'.l llnnum. 1 II . " "Mill. OIIOUK ,,.,,,,. ...- ...., ... ,,.,,,;, m.(MiM ln ,., C'llVii (I'M mi ..i....... " nf Joiih Hansen and well Known on iluil hn ..v,.i,.,..,,.i i.. .." ' . h PuliIIAM SMITH wiih hero today ri inn lfMf Till . l ""'"" I"' 1 ...wwilltl lhn. m lioiira piidliiB nt " '7 M'' ,lal,Hm w" K"r tho ,.!..i. i-. i.v o'olt tho tut; (lloanor. in., .""-' ' i JliiUson Wins Snll. Tho Jury In Jllio Just'leo court liiHt evening ro- i turned a verdict for II. .Ilnksou, 'plaintiff In Iho ease of .llnkson rMtii.1liiK of ft hospital r0P wounded 1-rillMi huIiIIitk m NHioy, KtiKlntKl 'l tho remainder Koih Into tho ' rlm-w or Wales hospital fund, it b cald thai many r ni,.M(, ..IlItu oitiTH luno Ijiuit slartc.i In the I-nlk-d stales for tlu. woumKl r I he Allies. t PERSONAL. MENTION J FKANK 8ACCHI was In from his t'atuiliiB inlet ranch lodaj. MRS. J. W. TIUHBTTS has returned from Wnvcrly, Iowa, where slie was called last fall hy flic illness and death of her father, a. p.oneor farmer of llrenior county. M 1'. AASKN, of ArnKo, wan among tho vlslloiu In thu city today. MHK. .1. I). HOHKItTH was down on a RlioppliiB trip today from AlloKiuiy. ,F. A. (SOLDKX who has returned from n tr.p lo Myrtle I'olnt sas tho .Myrtle Point Ii'kIi m:IiooI has tho most attractive grounds In tho county. Flowers have been plant ed to add to tho attractiveness of them. 4('oos Hay. wail rerotly iii!ln badly j.luirt on the Kan Habilel, on which ho 4 ( H now oiiKlneer. No bones wore broken hut ho was badly bruised. lOOIl IIIU lllltlin 1.' ii... i...... i. ...... ... . Second in.t.t.hii.mi. as the j,,,,,,. ! " " . '; on ous.ncss. .71 . ::n .:i7 .OS Fur n .i. ml 'T eV Maximum jlinlnmni M I 13 '" iwlnllalloll ntrlplMllon shico Sopl . I, 1513 ;-" rtcclpllallon same period lutioar r,1-',fi Wind. Soiitliwwl. dear. mxiiisi: -vi wsaK WcihicMljiy III) I'IKCH ai nt fi.uO piaintirr lit ino case ot .nniison vs K. K. HiiKiio. a suit lo collect $I7.I.i duo for Wood delivered lo the de fendant. .Mr. Uanno ui'Kncd that the wood was bought by the IMoneer Mini IFiKitiit.... i....' . .... """ iiiiiiHe, io Kyio ror a house and lot near the IiIkIi school and was to have iccelvcd 175 n ad Mllloii. Also ho allocs that he pnld ?-'!).'J0 for two warcr la,l;H VJiat Moniu one else claims and ho asks $-'( paid out for wood. Kylo has canio hack with a counter claim lor $i:.7(), cIiWiiiIiik that Khoolc took VersoiMil property from Mil- hejuo near Hie IiIkIi school. MltS. N. A. NKI.SON. of Hausor. was a slioppur In .Marshneid to-, day. CROWDS IT DH. T. T. MANJ.:n eamo In last tivoiiliij; from l'oworj on a short trip. IM 0 NIG Ml KM IHlliiCH luft yester.Iay for Myrtle Point and other Valley points. MA XV COOS HAY UOMKX AD- Mim: and iMtAisi: im.m: his PIiAV OF ii.wnso.Mu xi:v Mil, 1,1X1 ItV. :t r'llardwaro Company and that .llnkson hail a bill at the store which the wood was supposed to offset. March ( 1' am. A. AAA.AJLJkAjk ftp It's ToMjv-C It. Harrow ...... n..,.iiiiiit iiiiImv uetllnt! iijncroirui" 'i P , Knrt onlcr la the OitiIIiik Pl r:i caso, lie b-0" i ln ltIilnB H"' mm ... ... .1... t. ...... i c . 'lit mo inn imiiiihmi. neverai , Itrlulintn porsons In Marshfleld havo locelved tu-t lautl' ... ...... ..i...... .... ....... ,uir.... .. ...... . Ill III1U 111. till IllblVHO. IIOI.ll l IWII- tribullou of Id cents and that three more let lets bo wrlllou (o rrlends, all mhUIiik for 10 emits. Tho chain I li nvillil'lliil- III! llllltflilv III I II I'll film. H I t AT THE HOTELS ( IimimIIci' Hole M. Kershaw. Porilunil: II n Portland: Phil Flood. L. II. Kleiner. Portland; Hector Macphurson, Corvallls; K. U. .lolmson, Coiiulllo; S. I,. WIIHams, Myitlo Point; II. K. lnKrnin, Port land; T. T. Mauzcr, Powers. I Inlet. .. .1...1 i... i.,,u if 0.00(1 Into tho Ited Cross Fund. roo.l caai. 1 1... ir ,.r wlilnti 'I1I ,r i,ini ii,.. rs laicij iiiiiii""" " " " n" I... ...... in-.- laBSXSXaKSBBSMKCiSXUUiUIIIMMII111 HIMI: v LK Lb"y -h I tj 'tL'""" N A. ; A 10 Cervls aButtoiv $1:00 a Rip CniilrS mmi S W -arc combined in DUTCHESS TROUSERS llic comfort of roominess, case arid good fit and tho mental comfort, too, of knowing that you have the best that money can buy; best in service and smart appearance, best in all that goes to make KEAL value for the price. DUTCHESS TROUSERS are as near perfect as skill and good materials can make them. WOOLEN MILL STORE - We keep your clothes pressed fico of charge MARSHFIELD ' NORTH BEND St. Laurence Hotel Charles Prescott. Lakeside; C. C. Crier. Mrlle Point; W. K. Moore, Portland; Mis. I). A. .lensen. Port land: Raymond K. Halter, Coqulllo; iK. K. Oakes. Ilamlon; Carl (Iroy, Portlaml; J. II. Preston, 'Lakeside; Mrs. A. KiiKlehlom, Powers; Hsther KiiKleblom. Powers; !;. Kucker. Ikuidon; Chester Johnson, Lakeside; l (Jus Carlson. Lakeside; Kmll Krlck- hoii, Lakosldo; Lew F. Price, Suiii ;ner; David Carey, Powors. j lllanco Hold i Jack Andurson, Camp I; Xoah I Folk. Poweis; Jbiiiuh Albce, Myrtlo , Point; Xels Peterson, llauser; J. i Ulan. Portland; J. O'Hrlon, Port land; C. M.utln, Portland; Charles llackleff. .Myrtlo Point; 0. P. Ste j wiut. (lardlnerj V. I). Stolnhorf, llandon; .M. 1. Sumcrlln, Myrtlo J Point; C. S. .McCulloch, Coitulllo; j.M. I. Aason, AniKo. I.loyil I -. c P. L. Horry, P... ..! in; Krnust C. Lloyd, North Heml; S. II. Johnson, Portland; Hnm .larvls, Lu Center, V. .1. PoIoihoii, Coiiulllo: W. J. Her- Ino, Coiiulllo; I. I. Goodllu, Coijiilllo. The formal sprliiK opeuliiK of (he P. DAVIS was here on a short ''IT' """ mmwr uX,l,,t at Tt, Mislness trip today from Ilavnos ul,ami1 C8tur,ll'-v "' " "f the liuxost crowds that has ever attend ed a similar evont on Coos Hay. Tho handsome display of trimmed hats, or tho various new shapes, or trimmings and untrlmmed hats won praigo from all. Tho opening will continue all this week and Mrs. Tlniiuorman will ho pleased to liuiu every ono visit The Pfiiama, wlirtliur thoy wish to liny I'lll'SCOTT of Lake- v,u laBIlln11 snow, Hide, mudo a shoil visit in tho H"c" "8 C""a ,,)lll,,y " l"vo city today. seldom had tho ploasuro of viewing. UHKCIIHIt CltOUCU caniu down thin inornliiB from his homo oii llayuus Inlet. W. 0. HltADLUY, or the Hiadloy Candy Company, left yesterday fur Hii.'iidou. LADIES' SUITS,COATS ANDONE-PIECE DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY. THE NEWEST STYLES, FABRICS AND SHADES. AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES. BE SURE AND EXAMJE THESE BEFORE JBUYING.J Ladles' Suits, Navy Hlue, Onbordlno, Wool, PupHim, Serges, etc., worth half tho price moru sjiD.DO, .l,HJ.r(), .1 1.7." Litdles' Sunimer Coats, all tho latest styles, worth HI) 1-y per cent more $7. II), SD.IM) Oue-Plico Sorgo Droises, whlto Tunle, wotth double the price sj! l.8 Sitkp with Silk Trimming, worth doublo the ptlco $11.1)0 Taffeta s-MIlt, a dandy nt half tho prlco nioro . ."SIMM) A butler ono .1 !!.."() See this high grade silk dress, tilmmed with Chirron trlm'nK SI 1.7." Originators J C penney Co(Ine) WoUatl LOW Prices 125 Busy Stores Follow Next Door to Postoffico ICIIAIILFS (J. P. STHWAHT was down from ; (iiirdlner today on a short busl- ; ness visit. ! Rom-MtT TIOMPLHTOX, well known rancher of Ilnynua Inlet wiu lu the . city today. I WILLIAM KAISUlt, tif the llauser , &, Hnuser .Company, Marshriuld today. was UAYMOXI) 15. HAKIOlt, County Kuperlntendent, In hore from Co qulllo on business. NHLS PHTKHSON and wlfo, of Tom pletou, eamo down on tho Mcuson Kor this mornluiT. hlltS. TOHIA CHIHSTIOXSHX cimio down from Tompluton on a shop piiK trip this iiioruliit;. ADVi:itTisi:i) i,i:rn:ns BMtaMHWWMWWglMMaMWaiWWIBMiBBMilMMy )U M; iwvrioN is 78 ci:.vrnii avii.mm:. comi:axdsi:i: 'tin: m:w stock of LIGHTING FIXTURES List of letters remaining In tho Marshflold, Oregon, Poslofflco, for tho week ending March II, I'.UU. Persons calling for tho hiiiiio will please say advertised ami pay one cent for each lotlor called for: Hraiier, Johannes. Clark, Fiank. Coos Hay Dyeing & Cleaning Co Drlllctte, Mrs. J. Klllott, Mrs. V. P. Ilayilon, W., M. I). Heliuor, Klgln, (2). Jamos, C. A. Jemlsou, Frank, Miivalus, Joso. Orlmayor, Jus. M. Mellaril, Mrs. S. M. Sfllren, Duiiuls. .Smith, .Mrs. Olllu. Smipp, C. A. Sllgo Iron Works. Woods, Charloa. UUCU M'LAIN, P. M. ClIKSTICIt JOHNSON tho several visitors today from Lakeside. was among In tho city . K. CONWAY wns n passongor on tho morning train, going over Into tho Valley on business. FKXCIXU HAIIAVAV Electric aud Heating Supply , Company - ' Metric Supplies John McCarly, Foreinnn of the fcuco building crow on tho f Willamette Pacific arrived In 'the city last night. Ills crew Is now working west of Maploton. lCugono Register. A , C. C. CAHTBIt, well-known rancher ( near Myrlld Point, returned homo, on tho morning train. ! . M. WALKIOK was among thoi hiuluess visitors In the city to- ' day from his ranch near Templo-, ! ! ton. lilt. IIKCTOIt MACPHKUSON and Prof. W. A. Ilarr, of Corvallls, left on tho noon singe, returning aflor several days work In tho county. LKW F. IMIICK was down from Sumner yoslordiiy, having his pic-, turo taken ami distributing sov oinl of thorn among his friends. II. 1 KM Kit, who Is consIdorliiK tho appointment as elieuso Inspou tor of Coos and Curry counties, wont over o Coiiulllo this morn-, lug on business. WAInSU HUOWN, mi auditor of tho Swayno ft Moyt Company, whoj has hnun hero chuuklug up tho j company's affairs, loft yostorduyi for Sun Francisco. I!. fJ. OIM'FHMW, MUr. Repairs Wiring -- " ""'" iw .,-, ... I ''"xKmsimmKwimmmmmKmmijewmmi Wo are now icady to take your mcasuro for that !IIAVM0NI) 13. HAKF.lt. County I School Suierliilciidoiit, tamo over last evening for a brief 'Bit on sdiool liusiuess, rc-turuliig homo imaln (his morula''. .:ti:iL t i i;x..::. V ili.r:. ay. Prcl'j tor.au Auxiliary, d with Mr. C. II. Walter. Pastime dub. with Mis. 0 Kihvnnl ThoniHs. In North llcnd. Prlscllhis, with Mrs. Wal- 0 foid KrkkKou In Hunker Hill. North Ilend Methodist la- dl'.s entertain Union Aid In Mothodlst hull. Auction Hrldgo Club, with Mrs. F. V. Cnttorllu. Klostor Club, with Mrs. J. Q. Jurvlu. Tluirsiliiy. Ncedlrcrnft Club Ladles nf North Horn! entertain their husbands nt a St. Patrick's 4 parly at thu homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thomas. Minno-WlB Club, with Mrs. W. K. Hoagland. Ilaliihow Club, with Mrs. IO. J. Coffult on South Coos rlvor. Kluuoy Club of North ? llond, with Mrs. J. Hill. Kastsldo Social Club, with ; Mrs. Knill West. Nolghborhood Card Club, with Mrs. A. K. Dlmont. North llond Junior CIiish party. Oonora Club, with Mrs. Henry ltoss. Klostor Club, with Mrs. J. Q. Jar vis. North llond Thimble Club, shower for Mrs. W. Huudrlx. A. N. W. Club, with Mro. W. P. Murphy. I'lliluy. Past Milton's Asvoclatloii, with Mrs. C. If. Marsh. Thimble Club party, nt homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Williams. KnsUIdo ltoynl Nolghbor Club party. Ladles' Art Club, with Mrs. II. (!. Hoy. Mk'lllcoma Club dniico at club rooms for tho members. .Norwoglun Luthornu Y. P. S. social In chapol parlor. Satlll'llly Christian Church Young ' People's class outortalu at St Patrick's party In church rw4 OV4404 NEW TODAY t t FOR RENT S 064 t'LOST Hetwccu KarUv's anil Cos I'Oll IIHXT Kiiinlslieil flat, hot iiml Hay Stationery- phitliiunt bar pin cold wntor, bath. 8fia Third st. set with sappliJro. Iteward for Its return to Times office. WAXTKD !hl for u.encial lioum work. . It. llodvoii, So. Coos Mvor. I'OU SALIv KM) Wlilto - Lcglioru ehtukeus, $10. J. A. Uoodwlll, So. Coos Mvor. 1011 UHXT Moilcrn rivo-moiti bun galow on J llth and Commercial streets, fl.riO per month. Apply (iolng & Harvey. : WANTED : WAXTKD Man ami ullV, no chil dren, on dairy much. $50 month mid own house. Alox Carlson, Tompleton, Oro. WAXTKD Woman to coiiio to houso and wash. Phono 82-It. 1080 Contral avonuo. LOST lloiiml puppy. ItewaVil for Information at Thomas Must;! Houso. WILL TKADK Improxeil Porllauil propel ty, fidl) to ?5000. ror es tablished grain, fruit and uomuits slon huslnofls lu Marshflold or Coos Hay territory. Address J. K.L., euro Tliuos. I'OU SALK A l)J IL", l(H.. will tout. This tent Is prautcally now, having been used but two weeks. Will sell ror $7.00. Addrosj It. L. Davidson, North Heml, Oro. ! t LOST AND FOUND 5 - I'Ol'XD Fountain pen. On nor may i, gut saino at Times office by pr.y- liiK for this iiotlro. I'OL'XD Million watch fob, wild ! moiiotfrmii. Owner may havo saino by applyliiK at TIiiioh office and paying for thU nil. I'Ol'XD (oiitlciiiaii's gold rlngi I luonogramiiiud. Owuur may havo same by applyliiK at Times offloo ' .....l ......I..... r.. ,1. 1.. ...1 iiiiu iti inn jtii kins ftil, O I llojh' piogriiin of Ming by lio,s KOOM AXD IIOAIID DoImiii Hotel Thoroughly overhauled, opons March 10; reasonable ratos. Mrs. K. M. Jnliusuii, -nil mid Curtis. TIIOSi: WISIIIXO (JOOD KOOM ami board, homo cooking, apply 221) South Hroadwiiy. J X ' FOR SALE t TWO HOMKSTIOAD idlii(piMimciiln for sulo. For particulars wrltu Post offlco bax 11," Myrtlo Point, Oro. 1 I'OU SALK Stock or ililry farm, 1310 acres, J2.'i tnttlo on phico, will handle ahout 150. Prlco $r.il per acre; $10,000 to $ in, 000 down, bilaiico to suit. Address Find LHIoutlml, Marshflold, Oro. I'OU SALK Sharpies lliiud Sepa rator, 80 Kal. pur hour. Apply J. K. FltxKornld. FAIt.M I'OU- SALK Thlily-flv acres, ono-half bottom mid ouo half bench land; six iutos of good orchard; t$ood Iioubo and burn, llghtod by acotyloiio gas; hoiisu with modorii oiulpmonts; hot ami cold water, bath, etc. Near Co iiulllo. A good buy If taken soon. Inquire T, euro of Times, or l)ox I25U, Coiiulllo, Oro. l EASTE1 Woble k s.u-i?rv Theate TO-NIQHT MUST Mavshfk'ld'.s l-'ho-l'ioof Tliealcr pfOTT jb. . n nl. 1,A,tAIOl'NT FKATl'HK XKJIIT. fd'' -"WiH l" N,;A,t,'V A ''ADY Fho reels of lorincil com arli of .,V..i)!.'." ',0 "'""fnilKVecl as llio blur in "Uettj in '" "nil "Caprices HS( nioii,. i'.s of Kilty." '. ;!';!..r.''"is" - MIUl J,,,,;., 1 r'f"n Mart to l !:!,, Iitl two-reel K'j'.soiio lower FTHNrS 0RCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT. N0r 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 ots.; Children, 5cts. Wi; AHSOLl'TKLY l TKK QIALITV WOinvMAXSIIIP AXD FIT, .AXD OIK PMCKS WILL I'LLUSi: YOl' The Fragrance of a Flower Garden 'hall. The Electric Shoe Store's Clearance Sale is Closed from (lYiiilcs mill High M'liool o( i Marthflchl Publlo schools, .Masonic ()icni ImiiM', 1'ildiiy, March i P. in. i; H I'Oll SALK Ono rhihsy icglslcreil Jersey liull calf, wIiidm tlaiu milked II, IIIII pounds In leu inimllih. Also conn mid liolfers, all rofrlsloml sloclc. Write to F. A. S.C( HI, MiirMirii'Iil, Oiegini, may lio eii.lo.M'd lu that fine cdor Inlcii'-o TKAII.INH AinH'Tl'S Delicate and delightful THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono UD8 We Di-lhcr liiiinedlaloly ti "Hon "Slit: "j-u.vWfiW,'s AYihl Animal Pictures." Made lo joiip measure hy the HOVAL TII.OIl- The FIXUP .MarMiflchl ; M . il. llnllll Now ho will give ,ou our tegular i prices on all our latest stjlcs of Shoes, Xew Mjlos coino first, ladles' Cloth-top, patent leather, button. Goodyear wolt S:i,))5 Ladles' Cloth-top, patent leather, button, plain toe, wolt ...,$1.00 I. adieu' cloth-top, patent leather, lBce. plain toe, wult ;l.(l." Ladles' cloth top, kid, button, pie lu too, good easy shoo. . .sti.o." Ladles' vlcl lild, button, turn I solo, ory Unlit shoo S;l,7." Ladies' fiypsy lctil, button, nlco soft leather Hil.H.i i Misses" patPtit leather, floth top, button, low luel .. ?-.!). Roman Beauty Apples A carload just received from Yakima, Washington These are F. uc (Jradi, Order from on rrour AH eroconi Haul!" tin m H. W. PAINTER BICYCLE TIRES liny Tlicm From Vs. Wo (liaise XothliiK I" Put Them on Your Who-l MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Electric Shoe Store Shoes Kepnlreil While Von Walt S. .1. IMMIUi, Prop. Sausages, Bologia9 Wellies If you want the best home smoked and naturally colored, buy them at the Palace Market The PALACK MAKKI5T Is the cnlv imiikct In Marohfielil which lines not ue mllfh I'll cob riiiK In p.'cpjirhu; sausnmvs, lioloua mid wi-lnle., 'The natural flaior mid puiily should rccomnieuil these lo you. lor (he best lu the iihui line, semi mi order to Palace Meat Market X, I). OSWLD. Vlioiio -lOd-.T, Central Ave, i 180 South Itroaduny CHM .