I HPJ'lU'JHWiPHf" ronni'TnHw'T ri-irn-r' FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSMFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1916 EVENING EDITION. - w "" jrr fTlT rP V A " T TTTt TtXC .hits n Hon i lin llllVS II Ccntllll IIVC11UU i i- t- i-X f I I UJI IH'V - ,..---- xwvsu i-Jrx x j. ilvxij (1 M. O. MALONK), Ndltor hikI Pub DAN E. MAIiONHY, News Editor Ipensltisiistrltls odor $2." to learn Hint lio Ib suf fering from riiitiilontliullecHtluiidyH- Offlclnl Paper of Coon County Official Paper City of Mnrshfleld. A Coob Hay ninn always says lie Would rullicr have a clear rnUHclourn MOW, TO MAKK .M.MtSIII'IKU) J IIKAl'Tlli'Uli Ily AHco FlannKim Entered At the Postof Mco M Marsh-' Bold, Orogou, for transmission -Ilium a in 1 1 1 Ion dollars bocuiiHu he lniRii't the million dollai'K. I through the. mail matter. mnlU aa cecond-claBS An Independent Republican newi paper published every evening except Buudny, and Weekly by Xho Cyiw ltay Tltnco Publishing Co. If .ir.vn chop (Another Inspired )iocin) "WItoii Juno arises, with roson out. Tho Tliiios will war news drop nil piinl n ileal of stuff about The lovely bii'dnl crop. SUIISCUIPTIOX ItATtiS. DA 1 1 A'. j Ono year $1.50 j Per month & yqwiint irlrla rnmiii'lHfi tlm lirlitnt nrnn. Hero is booiI luck to thcin; fnd may the harvest novcr stop, Nonu wither on tho stom. Anon a vhi:kly. One yivar JU. 00 When paid strictly In advanco the subscription prlcu of tho Coos Day rimes 1b JG.00 per year or $2.G0 fj ilx months. A MILLION' MOIIM AVlOMOmiiKS M rOUH than I.OOO.OOO American cltlzena will buy automobiles In It) HI, according to the es timates of Detroit manufacturers who have mado preparations to sup ply at leant r.r.0.000 of tlio total number. Detroit's automolillo oiil- T don't know inueli but I havo learned tlial hot air will heal mora soros tbnn all tho arnlea ever made. An optimist Is u man who believes In mascots. A pessimist Is a man who believes In booooos. When n Coos Hay man has to ko 111 ri th'fMiln ll'ltlt lllu wtfft Itti uiwmilu put last year was .ln.OOO ears, vnl- !t,0 )Cfom ,..,,, f(Jp ,,,,, ii ut tipjii u.Miiiuiuiy .p iw u,iii;u,i;w;. ' More than 7t",UU0 men aio now employed In tho automolillo Industry nt Detroit alone. This number Is steadily Increasing. Tho narao number of Tjulti oiuployon thioiiKhout I'Jir. was about liU.OOO. Auto prices will not bo lowered much (liiilnx HiIh year, mauufactur orn declare. In fuel, Memo or thoni inedlct a hIImIiI Increase. Tho aver age price oT all plenum n aiilomoblliw sold In the United Slaton durliiK 191 11 was f(172. KIkIiI yearn uxn the aciiiKo prlco wiw ?l!,l;, ClntlRtlcH coniplb'd by Miiiniilnc t u re lit show thai the piopoitlou of aiitomoblleii to the population of the United Stales Is I to IS. Kor ovnry inllo or road In the country Ihoro Is ono motor vehicle, lurorilliiK to tlicoii statistics. Kvory Coos Hay j;lrl can seo too mueh prepared chalk on tho other Klrl's face and none on her own. A nlrl dork In a dry kooiIh store 'doesn't net to say much but she dooo a lot or mental cuhsIiik every tlmo nhu has to wait on a fussy old woman, i N OKDtilt .to mako Marsbfleld .buaiillful evetyone should do his share. Hvury boy and girl should jhave a garden and always keep It fresh 'and bountiful. Kvory man should keep bis yard clean and his fence and Kates In repair, with no broken hinges or pickets. Kvery woman must keep her homo lookliiK noat, with her window curtains oven and her poieh sidewalks always Mwopt clean. ' Tho town should do n part In the beaiitlfyliiK Itself. It Is up to It J to build kooiI stralKhl streets, and not to allow the construction of any bullilliiBS except those which roinol undor certain requirements. Tho Kroutoflt improvements to ' Marshfleld by tho city will bo tho! construction of a modern substantial! wharf, and the tearing down of tno! unlnhublt'il and worthless shacks and houses. Tho city should also tear down all dlsieputablo signs ' and bill pesters, for those hinder Ktoutly tho beauty f tho city. 'Mill ' i flii 9 scattkh tmi: coin t WITH THE TOAST ! t AND THE TEA t (.'odd i:vi:mn(,' o Kvory nuiii who Iovoh IiIh country, or wIrIupi well to tho best Interest!! or society, will show hlmseir a decided friend not only of morality and the laws, but of itIIkIoiih Inst II ii- tlons, and honorably hoar his part .In Hupporllux them. J llawes. A Song by Kd .Monde. AlmCghty dollar, alias real coin; Thou subtle, all Illusive sound money. .Men are like bees that from blossoms purloin Tho dainty (h)coiiI Unit evolves Into honey If you want to slait troubles at'.oll! mimical sound or a pure double eagle, A wolcomliii; ring all oor tho earth; Worshipped, hoarded, ovorj where . IokiiI; Yet, coins that are hoarded ate not or mueh worth. come to you as a cigarette creation worthy of comparison with any cigarette in the world, no matter what its price ! Blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camels provide a new flavor that is as delightful as it is refreshing. And besides, Camels are free from bite and parch, and leave no un pleasant cigaretty after-taste, no matter how freely you smoke theml Camel cigarettes are worthy of your confidence because they'll stand any test for satisfaction and for quality! Do not look for or expect coupons or premiums. The value is in the cigarettes! Camola nrn sold every wliero in scientifically sealed pack ages, 30 for 10c; or ten pack n(us (200 cigarelleti) in a llasslne'paper'Covered car ton for . 00. We srony recommend this carton for ilia homo or o7!co supply or when you travel. -, And the more Camels you smoke the more you'll realize you prefer this blend to either land of tobacco smoked straight! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. The stamp phctd over tni seal the package, which keepa out atr, tl,ereby " serving the quality of (. blended tobaccos By ln. ertl"&thefn&eraiuu trateti, the stamp eulh breaks witl,out twlH ,A, tin foil, whtch fold, b let into It h place. &&WK V. homo Just cut an Item out or Tho Times bofori! your wi'fo has read It. HOW TIIKY K.VPKSS IT Itachelor A las! Maiden Ah men! Rome Coos Hay men ho nut hniitlug tioublo and others get married on ?I:J per week. Ufc,' 'MtJ'?C&Tii lHAWW Chorus: Heatter, scalier, seal tor tho coln llero and I hero, every wliero -(iohl and silver eagles flying, !,llufrnlo-V cent ulekles trying It's a long bead that has no '.,. , .ii iiuiriiiK mi' iiriuiii'n 1-13 iiik ! It. If A. -. l.'l II Utl..l,. I ill. III. ..Il.l.'.l ' t 1 .. niniin , ... mij till, ill-. turning. ' COIMtKCI' Thin world contains all sorts of men, And Homo wo love and somo wo hIiiiii; One man who does thlugH Is worth leu Who tell itin how things should ho done. "YOl'TII" (Written for Tho Tlinon) Handclasps that spoiled Kind Joy and oh! Tho woudious hiiiIIo. Tho wonder of those lips when lines or mirth Spoiled lire woilh while. No'er a uiomeut yet; too quick, hut mot With ready wit. And yet In all nliu-orlly, lio'd quoto Tho holy wilt. 'Tho into ban loft Htamp upon my brow, Still now. In memory rroili; tlumo tendor words Valv one, why wcopeth thou? When In a trouble wave and all in life Scorned wreched, Youth was tho during ono, to mnilo. and unit Your hiiKMaHo chocked? Could anyone be nad for Ioiik "When youth uoio thero? T( make a J cut ir weary Jk1ih And laiiKh at cam. HacU to that ciichaiilixl imll) we'd wander Yet a while; Hut oh, 'tin past and iiukIiI eaii call It back To iiulhtt loi'ipevtuoHii love and HlUilo. Ity M. P. S. "Hero's a now onu," wild tho sage, ( "Tho first tlmo It s been spruiiK.' You nurely can prevent old ae If you will just dlo young." A magazine poet longs for "peace and quiet and undisturbed rest." Well tlial'H easy. Why doesn't lie gel a Job clerking in a nIiiio that doesn't do any newspaper advertising'.' AIN'T IT TIIK Tltl'TII Woaro all lit favor of clvJe Im- prnvomeuts as long as the proponed Improvements al'l'ects tho taxes of tho other follow. Goddess of Liberty, your lolgn prevails On bright, ringing cnliiii Ohl sym phonies grand llofore their uiaglo spell all music pales; Dlschords are heard .In tho counter- full brand; And tho coins lhat are stored In canvas saclm I Aro weighed up and marked with a blood-red seal; .M lisle silenced. Seo those gigantic Htaekii Of coin now imprisoned In vaults of steel. , 2nd Chorus: Scatter, scatter, scatter tho coin; Keep hIiikIuk IIiIk tuneful song. . When you hold a silver dollar, You hold a high toned music scholar That rings tho tmnio In mint or par-' lor. I Oh! Scatter tho coJn along. hThu Kay and fesMvo Jingo ' lit Mexico )itillkM the Yaukeo gHiiMo Ah wo all know. I.V ItliAD I.IKK f'l'o marry a fairy Sounds well In a book Hut wary men mairy A compotunt cook. I I HOW TO niCACTII'Y .MAUSII. 1 ! I 11 Ml Ik 4 I - I I lly Arnold Sampson 7th (Inulw ,XI1 Uuelo Sam's coin his sliver and Kld, , Tho pennies, nleklos, dlmoa, halves lamnsuSBXSW and quartors Aro mado to spond Scatter tho coin, yo bold Spoiidthrlft sous and Innocuut dauitbtois. Scatter the co4u minor niaho thorn all I'lnx With their Mweot piano myatical oIiIiiiom; Ami they'll torevor coutliiuo to bring Us Joy, blls, hiippluotw nad good tlinoa. led Clioriis: Beat lor. scatter, imittnr tho coin ;i'oioor and forever. Multl-iu'lllnniilui. Iietcln shaklnjc Sunt tor th. coin that you'vo boen mkluic; Will (lod tho hoarded coins be tak ing? NKVKK NKVKH N'KVKIt. c'taat&gmsHxnmKcixwumixa Oldest Ibinlc In Coos County IMabllshed 1HHII FlanagfiE (Mh Bmmtt Bank Maihflcld, Coin County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTHHIIKT I'AID ON TI.MK AND KAVINCS DKI'OSITS Officers J. W HKNNKTT I'resldent; .IAS. II. KI.ANAUAN, Vlco PioBldent; It. P. WII.M MS, Cashier; (!. l WIN'CIIKSTKIt, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan ? Bennett Bank OV .MYKThK POINT Capital $25,00 Orricers J. W. ni'.N.N'MTT, Prosldont; .TAS. II. l-'LANAOAN, Vice President; I.. M. SITPLKK, Cashier; h. T. DK.MKNT, Assistant CnBhlor. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J W. niOXNHTT, President; TOM T. 1JKNNKTT, Vlco PieMdcnt; AUTIIlfK M'KKOWN, Secretary; HKNN'KTT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Onl) Trust Company in tho State, OutMdo of Portland, Which OtKaulcd Under tho New Law. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY For reliable Abstracts of Tillo and information about COOS HAY llCAb KKT.vn:, hco "AIJi" "When youlh'H toiiliHttllloui kluen seal tho Up. A tender, wpimkiug, buiidelusp and a kbw I'liou thoiu' duliily rinper tluj; Wumlioua beaut), I lie and lno Is thin." irj M. P. 8. (.U IJSTION '0( TIIU DAY SO.MK people don't renllxe the val ue of a beautiful city. Other, howewr, Know that a beautiful cll. is iuilliiK to triiiicr. If old and iixlv biilldlnus were re- plu.cd by new liuibMiiitH. It would ''',,,," V,,,w";,, l",l"i'' ''"r"""" ,u,,, ' " 1111 M III 111 W Jtll tlllk lltlt !J ' ' ' JU" Low Cost Hinli Efficiency' COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS f-y .- - J f- it Li.LX. vvo: - l - -- 4-i -i i-.-i i L 1 l i V x x v X tit-V-VA-VVx tdiz3l Z-a- . ' - - J - ' ' ' L. Tlims Want Ads r llio ono me- ilium which ic.ulicx AI.Ii the people. a Have fcoods? you plautod Mioto flower luvlp voiy much In bouutlfjiiiK .Marsh field. Palut alrni plu8 an Important pint In the beauty of .Marshfleld. Another thing that Is important to the beauty of .Mumlifiehl Is clean and well kept nnli. Kwuy person iiukIiI to Hen ami can sou to It that lllu ard h clean. Ity planting uhriibbery. gees. How era, olc, jou ean make .Mnrshfleld a beaiitlful tit . Hut If flowers uro planted aiumitf weeds, It would be JiiM as well not to plant any flowers. A grout man hills huwi to be graded down whcic the utreMn go over them. If all the iHrt graded uu (bene hills was lined to fill up ttuniupy lo(n it would help great 1 fto niakH a beautiful city of .Marali- iL&&- From Weak and Lame To Well and Strong 11 old. (Moan at reels also heln beau- wnco in a wimo a 100a iwy umn j1lry (Uo (.Hv, airoola should be dooa lose money out of u hole In the lullwlli ullll i,.,..,,,,,, u,,, i,.,,otB Imii Hut tlio most gidnvuilka thoro ahoiild be a apace. In this apart) Dowers should bo planted, u amount of laud could be devot The old fashioned man who din eil to public iiaiks. The parks should (oveied that he had M or scu-u dlf ,be kept tie. m fiom iiudcrhiush. fcicnt allmentH cwn time be ic.id a Ir these (blurs ar doiu, dualities patent mcdluuo nihil tlm-iwunt now Muishftcld will become u Uu'kc ell). bottom of his po kel danwroiui hole In a uiHii'a takut lb tho ono at tlio top. Tiv ill. in. 1'i.l.y KkIihv 1 '111m will iln im ntlii-r iiiuii ami wmiii'ii iiU k l w lilt t Ihfj Iiumi iIiiih' l i Mia. .SlI.IVIiKi'. "I am j.'ui. toil almoMt ilnun Willi m Inn K." wiltiM Mr II. T. HliuyiiNto ..r (ittiiifMNiiic. itu.. i:. No. . 'I mui linil iiumi luilumm.aUni i.i ilu Mail- tll'l, Ulllt Wlli'llfVfl I Htlllil lint tin ina I Kicw wiuHc I tiU-il F.iloj- Klilmy I'illw, untl alter UkliiM lie in uwIIIk Hi) lil.ulili r it Ii.iii bit unie H'KilliH urn) till' HllllKllIK t IIHIllU.lt lliHUPIItUll'll. I am now Hiiuuucr in my li.u'W Hutu l'w lifiit tor Mt'M'iul yi'iiiH, mill uliti.- nil- tiUK Will, I i MlltM'll Will ami lull) im ii'iiiui of Hie IhuiIiIb," Hllllt III MUM III UHO l''llll'V KlillliV I'lll. lltl Mill lll'l llll IIIII'IOM llllllt i fllllll till Nil) III Ml lIlJUI-J., KlmH illK I litiu tiilt kly liny tut nil kliliu tiinl hlutlilii. Tin-) Mlon liicKUlui in in.it v Ut Hull. I tlHi' i'jlll 111 but k Ullll UliliM. Iliulit'i ii i Mtlll JuliilM uiiil ucltlnn tittiy i'Ivm Till V IHIt lilt' MUlll)M Ullll lilml- I tlt'i In wttiiiitl. lu'ullliy I'uitUitltHi. Tiy Uu in. l-'or salo by Owl Prescription Phar-: mar j, Frank D. Cohan, Central Ave nue. OppoaltJ Chandler Hotel. Tele : Iihouo 74. I vvny not iLnjoy Modern Kitchen? Your husband's office, store or workship is up-to-date. Why shouldn't the kitch en wliero you do YOUR work, he mod ern, too? Cook and heat with Gas and you will he surprised how much more easily and quickly your work will he finished. .. ' Gas Makes Housework Light Work By cooking and heating with Gas, not only can you do BETTER work, but MORE work in much less time, without a bit of trouble with fires, fuel or ashes. Gas long ago ceased to be a luxury; it is now a necess ity, lightening the household labor of millions of women. Isn't it time you, too, made housekeeping a pleasure with the aid of Gas? ' Oregon Power Co. Abstracts Title Guarantee&AbstractCompany Marshfleld and Coqnlllo City, OroKnn. Oeneral AtfcntH KnMsldo nad .Seiis(ncl;cn'N Addition. Special attention pnld (o assessment! and pnjment of lnu IlKMtV HKXf.'STACKK.V, MnnnKcr. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks boing out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 For Sale STOCK HANCH N'enr Allcj,Miiy, mostly bottom, need bulhl Iiiks, :i( head cattle, team, fiumiug tools, fine orchard, do IlKhtful placo to live, nlco ijJT.'iOt). Teiins. STOCK Oil DAIHV HAXCIICloso In, at) cows), team, fc'ooil buildings', orchards, tools, (100 acrO, (15 or whU'li Is nest bottom. I'l Ice .sit (1,0(11), Terms. DAIItV UANCII Close In, HOO acres, 175 Is bettor, fine buildiiiKs, team. IVico $21,001). 'JVnns. DA1I5Y HAXCir II. It. depot on plnco, close In, 5.10 acres, half Is richest bottom, Hno buildings, bulli Mill and water transportation, 10 head stock, team. I'rlco $5:1,001). Salem did terms, with Interest at fivo per cent. l-'ltl'IT UAXCir Splendidly located, 1000 loinbcrry ibu In roll licnrliif,', lino orchard, flno liuildlnKS, 1" i $0' U00. Terms. Din'lll.Ol'KI) COAL .MINK On (Ido water, flno coal nnd lotH of It. Prlco way down. CIIICICKX ItAXCIf Close in, 10 acres, house. Only ?S00. OIIICKKX HAXCII 15 acres, closo In, $: low ( Bn(1 tj515 a inoiith. ' ' . ' ' KOU TIIADlf Wn havo Xorth Uend proierty and ninth to trado Mr Xorth DaKotn iroicrty. Como In ami bnf tlate. AVo havo OK-lalioihrt jiroiiorty to (rado for Coos Hay f"f or ranch property. CITV PHOPKKTV Xorth Uend or Mnrslifleld. Wo l,ftVe It ir you nro IdoUIiik for bargains and locations. lXSUHAXCi: Wo carry a full lino of riro Insurance. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON u , fcl. ,