At MAQHQjOtjGtlUO LISTEN AND LEARN USUALLY DOES MOST Of THE TALKING mam Ua Smra a PAPER THAT A SIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MKMIUClt OP Till? ASSOCIATKD IMtKKS "Vol, No. XXXIX Kstnldlslied JH7H An Tho Const Mall (II SKIT . f RELATIVES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1916 EVENING EDITION. nirir Inl ' 111 II un . ..... m n ncAnlfl nf Sislcr.otmrs. '.."-"-", ST,' Utost Trouble IK THERE ItHd toxoid Mexico Only Three Monui! u w -""" Alter Property Interests LETTER JUST RECEIVED i. i. ...i ii..... .": r ...., VrlrtilaX, 'cuing "' "V fronting Them Thcio v I). Oiviahl, proprietor of tlio nlitc Meat Market on Central nvo w Hid wife, weio unlto nlnrmcil loto hen apprised ly Tlio Tlinw Hit there was trouble nl 'lorrooii, Mcilco and ll'O AinoriiaiiH. noatieu I; If. S. Consul Williams, woro kiting there. .Mrs. Oswald s sis- . t (If.. I ntnl tiflt Imu. tcr, Mrs. jtcu ui, " TO FDRCE GLEAMUPU.S.TROOPS IN i. S, BBIL FLEE i Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll mill Coos liny Advert Iter. No. 739 I-'IHU AND HICALTH mhnaci-: MUST GO FKOM CITV IH KD1CT Cnitimlflro lo Continue Kxumlnnllnus UKo Today Drier Kxaiuluullnii Shows I'liMinKaiy Spots Too inticli liinVnois forcHtnlluil tlio meeting of the liculth eomnilttuo find tlio Cflvie. Iniirovcinont Coinnilttco of tlio counell and tlio Chamber of Coiiunorco yealorday nflcrnoon. It Inturvcncd again llilu morniing and! n third meeting Ih Hut for late thla uftcmoon. Tlio oxprcHsed purinuo Ih to vls'l tlio BoctloiiH of tlio city inoHlly In need of donning up. A short In formal cxamlnnlion yesterday after noon ilu tlio vicinity of Second, Third and Commercial nvontio exhibited ii woeful neglect of attention. Do bin's littered vacant lolH, with dozens of tin ,011118 adding to tlio variety mid half a dozen old broken down Bhods woro pointed out for condemnation under tlio firo prevention ordinance. 1 10 :s TODAY suddux okpautuki: ok offi. CIA I, 1'ltOM TOUKFOX PUZZLF.S If First Entry of Armed Forces Believed to Have Been Made This Afternoon E KEPT SECRET Advance Forces Were Prepar ed to March at Columbus and Hachlta JUAREZ IS QUIET TODAY Consul (,'iutIii Says Only KxclU'iiieut Is on American SI" or llnuudiii-y (en. Gailia Said Cut rana Would (ilvo Consent iSlatLi Department lias IPYe,:'d Xo I' Particulars Ftinin Williams Alioul Action I FOR 0.5M Senate and House Pass Meas ure Providing for 20,000 Additional Regulars ( fllr Aaanrlatnl Ptrai to Cik. Mar Tlmn.i TOUUF.OX, Mex., March 15. Tlio 'Aniorlcnn coiiiihuI Williams has, on the nilvico of hla government to iiho 1i;h own Judgmont ,'n tlio matter, turned over the American consulate at Torrcon to the llrltlsh vim cniinniil If.Mcantlmo a party of nioro titan 10 j ' jAinerlcaiiH Ih hero waiting to leave on Addition BrinfJS Mobile ForCC ttO PULL STRENGTH ;i trr'n wh'.ch has been held up by u wreck on tlio Monterey road, XO OKDF.ItS givkx l S. Stale Deiiai'ineiit liiIed 'iVin-Con lvltiiiHMiln l.V Tlio committeemen Hay they Jntend , TROOPS ENTER 2 1 t to aid In tlio city Iiciutlful cam ....I.... XlMfll lllfl II'I.KUI DfWtfu ........ llblllt till IIIU HUini M'l,in UHI'I' a picked nut and umrked It Is ex- peeled that the fire chief and tlio po- p llco have authority to order theso 'lie cleaned up. In other places a , patriotic appeal i!h addreHHed to the J fioill CollimbUS owners of 1 It J" AmocUIcJ Triwi to Coon liar Tliiim. WASHINGTON, March IB. Tlio Stato Department officials tiro 111115- I .led by tlio departure of Consul WIH- iiih from Torreon. They hnvo given MEXICO AT NOON 2'hlin no Instructions to leave and have "10l'8,' tllu Jol resolution adopted no reports of dlHorders In that region, 1117 A-w lalM t'rnw imw rtar Tlmra J ty Still tlioy realize tlltlt tilt! COIIHtll llUlfit .... I.. .. -. .d.aro now In Torreon, having fo',ierH of propnrt, to see mat inoyj iU(J MoxjC() s10..jy aftc. KtBi;(d .hero three manth. ago to Pl olr, In order. . accorj,nE lo. i . . . i - t .. I i . . . . z look .Iter property mien. . '"';i ,,,, ., . ' ail .lUtOmobilO COUITOr OiwiM llio lias exieasnu 11111111.-11; DFMINR N M Mir t liavo " boo'1 reason for leavliig.Pvlllc" W(""" n"" ""oul -,,'0,' l0 tl10 u ' in'. 1 I present establishment. I't UllllUU OIUIUS UUUJb i - ... . Tim resolution now irons to tln crossed ? LVIUAhUU of Nation to Its Full Complement CONGRESS JS JJNANIMQUS llotlt Houses I'as .lidtrt llosoluliou Without lllssenlfiiK Vti( Approval of Prudent WIImJu'n Courso llr AmorlttvJ I'mt tu Cool Ilf Tlmm.J WASHINGTON, IC, March IB The Senate today approved miaul by tlio Hoiihu yesterday to bring the mobile army to Its full strength, IS LIFTEDftS Interests In Torreon ami only ycH- terdir rocched n letter from sirs. Wilff, tclllni; lilm ahoiit affairs - line. Mr. wtilff In the loiter ro ' ttlttO yesterday, says In part: Hunks Arc Closed "I know my letter won't bring ill Joy as tlio Mimlelpo nays you oust put down a now s'llownlk In front of your corner lot. When you id tho mowy, send New York txcbinge, as not n Hlnglo bank Is ojen ind business houses luivo to ndh tlio dratls or checks. lou nouid utmost cry if you UILU HUWHUUd I t arriving hero from Col L:x umbu I'UAXIC WAIiTH TO Hit HIT STIICd 'J'UUK OX SKCOXI) a. .1. Imimskl Says Agivemctit Is .Alailo and llnlldln- Will Ho Heady lly Deceiiiher I. umbus, N, M, The. first t troops crossed tlio bor ,S dor lino at 12:30, l Tlio American troops t t started into Mexico in XCAX SUM A.M.Mt'XITlOX TO ("Alt , HANZA COVKICX.'VIICXT l-OHCICS ,t S. Customs Officials at Imis An. f I g'les Xotflad Consignments Can Go Thi(ni"li nt for his approval. call on tlio resolution was jotdercd on request of Senator Gal linger, who explained that ho asked It for tho purpose of "Demonstrating that there Ih no division In tho Sen ate over measures to provdo for tho 'protection of tho country." There was not a d.'ssontlng vote. Mnmhflohl Is to' hnvo ti modern theater building, according to G. .1. I.emaiiHkl. I lo Hays that Frank Wiilte, boforo leaving yoHlordny, promlHcd that n building will ho tllj Amo IIpJ rrrx to Com llr Time..) I li AVm.'lt.'U MiiM.I, I". Single COllinill, Tlicir Oil- X, -graphic InstruetlonH to Custonui of- liy Was ClltirelV WitllOllt t'Vlclals recolved hero today lifted the 2 flmtllThnilPP. 'OinbargongaltiHt oxporlat'ons of arms tw hat this town lias gotten to orectod on Second, hack of tho $ KIHST TltOOI'S ItlCI'OHTKI) ADVA.VIXU and animuultlou to Mexican points y.a far as It applied to iihlpiuoutH for tho Mexican defactn government. Tho j order wiu slguod by tho assistant Sec 4 i retary of tho TreimuryVT"" be. 1'ic lioen Mite over hIiico wo inlteJ hero. Two-tltlnla of tho builoeis houses nro empty and thoro In been a hlg Influx or AssyrlatlH ltd Anb'ans soiling green Htmp, Vii dot handkerchiefs, celluloid tombs, etc. lUllroails la Had Shape 'Pw'lrally all the rnllrotul eqalpment lias liceu (hmlroyed. I ia enclosing n picture of how rail tnttl Is now. PasM-nKor coaehcH rare, tho box cars loaded with podi and passciiKers put on top tl box ears ami only sheltered by wll tents erected there, it took ' day and u half to i0ino from trty here. W hid to tnko nil our IriinkH nnd JWtt Into tho box car with uh. , Mtllran omcn who travel on He a ropo mound tho walstB Wr babIC8 ami hoist them up M top, ' I'hiiilntlnii Selcd "e Ms Plintntlou Tlahullllu, "n taken ,v ti,0 rnllol VJ, JJ '50. Tho thirteen A.norlcat.B "Wrc. tho rrbou .,.,.,! . lid Iklln.Vl . .. iMi X:. Mex'co l,'t-. m , u p,u ' iioco -- -t. inn nnritni . v,,,lla huvtMl (.urios and rollcs i. Tho I lev ,ki "uivani brci?tl'r-.,,tl teiu out lieKen coon iwS noutl whlJora whom in. f0 Z'!mUuy!' h i r1""' w,," tio8o "oi- '"KdDn.0.rel:0!sr""l"K. tl'oy tilk"t even M, a, Inln .. .. . .. . -Mu iwiiou out lintirvl.,.. .i. . Tho a "'" l"o Ainerl- Ut h Z , 8 wl,on thoy H-loi?00"8. hurriedly sh ... "'''uies and i ... - inm - .. - "" w mom that thoy that tha H '. for . "1U"1 L f,rst Cra?oes?" Wa8 "wloro "ro the Vou knnfioa ,,l''l' l- H'Mor , iVi0 ,Vll,a faction has t S .... e Americans w .,. - Mnun, -vvuiinii ""Viiiinpnf , - '" . T ever Bt lore "" ' Tllni-n r.i "4 lliU Vllu".,r.eco8'lCarrnn. -. ever goi US All rm. - ii nrn i s:v' ";. r) 4 help 'o...T:"t' '"'''""" i'l'v'i' S) Hag f... " I'lUmicac . '"ire viii. .: "va Ul i-arranzn no ,lfd It ret00 8lnu.. n8 tl10 MfiX'- IdJ 'W,n"-'lrmove,nnn0 hll.yn 1 Mexico Se most of ., s"rprl8eil 1 0t tl10 Moxe8 now Coke bttlltllug tiuil that W. G. Chain! ler Is already preparing tho plans for tlhi odlflco. Tho property fronting on Second Htroot Ih owned by Mr. Wallo. Two of tho walls Hnvo already been built, tho out) next to tho Coke building and tlio other alongside of tho Na tional bank structure. Ilii Biiyn that an entrance Ih to b effected onto Central tivouuo, pos sibly through tlio room formerly oc cupied by Henry Sengstackon. Tho Hlrnctiiro uh described by Mr. Loinanskl, will bo two and a hrjlf storleu and of concrete and will have a largo sontlng capacity. Willi tho two walls already built tlio addition al cost would ho about $7,00(1. Mr. I.omaiiHkl will, on April I, open tho Orphpmu theater in I tan- don (llr AMrllll, 1IMM. j FJ F" J HI H 1 I O fl fl .jsjsris : ULLAY AaiLU run believed lo Imvo crossed tho Moxlcan border thin after- noon wllh tho first of tho expedition going to hunt down tho Villa bandits. (II; AwhhIiII I'ri-M lo Coin liar Tlmra.) Ill, PASO, Tex.. March IS. Uiu'lcsl tttatcB troops with camps broken woro tinder inarching equipment along the Moxlcan hordor west of hero today in at least two pou'llons. Military censors prohibited tho transmission or any Information of ntlual move ments. Tho troops In readiness wero nt Columbus and llachlla, N. M. fillet In .Inure. KuiuorH of nn advance of tho puiil- (unuANA m:i,n:vi:i) to iiavh SOUGHT liAST CIIANCU Wauled Opportunity lo Hunt Down Villa With Ills Oimi Troops In .Mexico III? AmumUiM Trnia lo Cot llaj Tlmra. WASHINGTON. I). C, Mnr. IB. IS CAHKAN.A COM .MAN OKI I KILMU) IIV OWN TltOOI'S IN MUTINY. .Mexican I'orces While CaroiisliiK Wanted to Invade the Culled Stales tit Once. Illf Awoclil. Ptraa to Cooa liar Tlmfl MAUI-'A, Tex., March in. Tlio re ported death or Colonel ltoJas the Carran'a commaudor at OJIuaga, at tho hands or Ills own men who at tempted mutiny last night, wan cou f'rmcd by tolojihijua advices hero today. Uojas wtis trying to control ills Jiiioii, who wore drinking and tliroat- Seeretary HiJcor, when asked today !"'"" Invade 41.0 United SlntoH, IT n request had been received from Carrana for a delay of the military oxped'tiou so Carrnimt forces might cany out tholr plans to cifjituro la, said: "I have nothing (o say that subject. when ho was shot from the crowd. SjHBLB MIS BACK D D sold out the Nohlo theater ho Is not to engage In the show business In Marshflold until next December, and it is then ho sayti tlio building will ho ready for li!m, According lo tho tortus of mJo live fonn ilil not illsturh tlio usual tiiudo last yoar when Mr. I.omnnskl Icaliu or Juarez today. Tho garrison of soldiers appeared entirely rriBiiuiy to visiting Americans as wiib tho na- fc'vtpoinilntlon. Spoaklng or rumors lor tlio popular losontnient ngalnst Jniorlcnns in Mexico, Coiimil Garcia said "The excitement so far as I am 'ablo to lourn Is entirely on tho Amor- Jean sldo or tho hordor.' View of .Mexicans Gonoral Gavlra, coinniandaiit at llunroz, 3nid todny that ho had ro- tnr Aori4t.t rrcea to cooa liar Tim" j oolvotl Information that tho Amor, ran SAN ANTONIO. Tox., .March IB. troona had not yot crosned tho border While reglmonts of United Statos j,iml tiiy worn nwaltluK pel mission 6ud, howover. if any mov cavalry, heavily aupportod by In- -from Curranzti boforo doiug so I W I UXSTOX KIWI'S IIUSY Docs Xot Alter I'Jaus 011 Account of Can ana Activity. JilvMKVKD THAT TOIH i:S I'lJO.M IIACHITA I'lltST TO ICXTICIt ('(u. I'iiiiMmii Had Xo Advices at San Ai'tonloof 1'list lo llnt'V ' Into .Mexlto Today 1117 Auodalrt m 10 ('on Ha; Tlmra. SAN ANTONIO, Tox., March IB. CmfANA CO.MMWDim I'NAIHiH ' to ;i;t ammunition AppealH lo 1'ioshleiit WIImiii So That Ills At my Can .loin In the Sosvdi for Villa Dr AaatrlilM Trow to Coot llajr Timra DOUGDAS, Ariz., Mar. in.-Tli Cnrriinii consul lioro domanded to iltiv Hint tho local oxptosa company turn o or to him 1100,111 cartridges Icontrol tho Democratic delegation consigned to Gonoral Callos and or OREGON SHIP LflSTG i-'i-JAit ij.i'm:ssi:i) i'oh ,iai ship IKMtOKl' MAItU Ve sel Which U'fl. I'oitland last Xoxeuibcr, Willi Wheat Tor ICnglaiid, Missing (Hr Aaaoclatml Prraa to Coot ila TlmM. IjONDON, March IB. Tho .lapan ebo steamer Hokoku Maru baa been posted nt Uoyda as overdue. Sho left Portland, Oregon, Novomher S, for United Kingdom ports with a cargo of wheat and was last reported leaving Slngnporc December 20th. ic i S Berlin Reports Advance and Capture of French Trenches With One Thousand Men TWO AltK MISSING lupaii Unable to Kind Truce of Two .lap Steam'H III; AuotUtr,! I'rma ta C'ova Da; Tlmra, TOKIO, March IB. Tho fato or the Ilokoku Maru la as much of a mystery as Is that of the .lapaueso sjtoatner Soujtt Maru whlcliMlhiap pearod In the Mediterranean sovoral uiuiilhs ago. Sho was 0,000 tons gros.i and carried a cargo valued at about $1B0,000. AUSTIHA AITillt POItTUtJAIi Has Followed (eriuaio's Load Dei'laratloii of War. In Mr Anodatril rtraa (o Cm llajr Tlmra. LONDON, March IB A dispatch to the Kxchango Telegraph from Koine says Austria has declared war on Portugal. GERMANS AND FRENCH LOSSES ARE TERRIFIC Claim Out 5,01)0,(10(1 Men Killed, Woundl'd and OipttiiMl in Two Armies So l-'ar LONDON, Marcli IB. According to official Gorman casualty lists which have reached London, the to tal of German canunltlcs for Febru ary was :ir.,l!)8. TIiIb brings up the total for tho war, as shown In th'juo Ilnt3, of y,(!7,:i72. A 'vlrelesa report from llerlln glvtm n r.'port, said to ho based on liifm m.itloii g'Ven confidentially by tho rioucli war minister, General Gal Ileal, thai French losses to March t nui'i'.iuted to 'J.BOO.OOO. It Is Hald that 800,00 Oworo killed and 1,100, 000 wounded, -100,000 or them se verely, and that IIOO.OOO are iulss,'iig. DEI L BY IS Claim French Regained Lost Ground by Counter Attacks and Line Still Holds BRITISH ARE BLOWN UP HcVllu Itcports Kngllsh Position Near Xeuxo Chapclle Destrojotl Will Tioops Occupying It Imnipcan War Xe IH; AaoUatl Trraa to Cooa liar Tlim, LONDON, Mar. IB. Further gTilns lor tho Gerinanii In tho Vor dun righting west or tho Mouso, part or which ihey lost In French conn tor attacks, wan reported today. The Germans pushed forwnrd tholr lines west of Corbentix wood and on the height nf Lo Mort Jom tue, capturing more than 1000 pris oners, Lorlltt stntod. Purls stiyH, howover, that French counter attacks between Ilcthtni (court and Ciimlurcs resulted In tho reoceupiibipu of u portion of tho trenches lost. Parts claims tho French still hold Hothlnlcourt, Lo Mort Ilomuiu Height and Cumlorcii. Tho Germans continue a heavy bombardment In this sector and on the oust bank of the Mouso. Nenr Nouvo Chnpello, the Ger mans blow up an advanced British position with its mvupnnts. Ira mam MM S LEA TWIJXTY 'I'llltKK AltltlCSTKD IX shattm: axd pohtlaxd llao llioiiglit in !? 1, 0(111,(100 Worth' of Opium and Many Chlif;M) In Last Four Years f llr AawKlalr.1 r,rp to CooC Pa; Tlmn.) SI)Arn:i:, March IB.- Five whltp Inen, seventeen Chlunuo and one .lapnneso woro nrrestod today In or near Seattle, accused or being prlu- lo'pals In an organized gang of smug-igloi-H charged with bringing Into tho United States opium valued at $1, OSO.OOO ami enough Chinese labor ers to net the gang $280,000 In tho rour years' work. Two Chinese woro also nrrestod In Portland, Tho nrrestii woro inntlo under the direction or Commissioner or Immi gration White. The gang -la known as tho "Yullow Owls." Tho United StatoH coast guard cutter Scout made a dash up tho Sound last night nnd captured two or tho three swift laitiieho.i used by the gang In bringing opium and over Henry I), Kstabrook, for tho'ohlueso from Dritlsh Columbia to ItopubJican eiidoisemeut, would j,Soattle. Tho boats named tho Mato rcaeh the ratio of eight to once. Nii-liand Dlaneho woro found concoalod itlonal Commlttcoinnn Lynch will 'near Qulleono. IOWA PIIKSIDKNTI AL CAXniDATH WINS IN MINNESOTA. Has lllglit lo One Lead Theie, While Ljncli Will Control Democratic Dtdegatlon, III; AaaoclalH I'riaa (o Com liar Tlmra J ST, PAUL, Minn., Mitrch IB. Intomidoto returns fioiu yebterday's prosldeutlal prororeiieo primary In Minnesota Indicated a victory for Senator A. D. Cummins, of Iowa, ion. Futiston admitted it was possible (, hoIJ ,(Ut n,ht )y U(0 Alllor,.i mat an auvanco nan noon ihuhu uuuan ,. ntlirlllH. ' HIb re that ho had not been told or It. Ilo; . . C10"1 "tt,1l ,. Mrlin ii"-"lttilton placo It was prouainy near u- . . Consul then tel- the Carranza Ambas- cavalry, heavily aupportod liy in-.from carranza notoro uuiuk n. "-iuukiu jnuu n. " i ..,.. 0iaphod to the Carranza Ambas- rantry, awaited Gon. Porslilng's or-,,. 8,m that ho bollovod Carraiua'a hlta. where Colonel Dodd Is utn- w Washington asking him to dor to cUvnnco, Carranza'a troops, ,ropV WOtiltl lro favorable tiouel.. Dodd Is not In direct com- jlw,u0 tho ,,QrlH8(m 0f Prosldont according to Information horo, work- 1)liriB tho night, tho first noro- JjUUnItntoii with Funston, ami If '" , Vi0Il for tho dollvory ot t)io cart ed dosporatoly to" oiroct llio caiituroviaMO s(itndron whi'ch arrived lioro oportod at all It would bo to or8-r,,,Koat ,0 bll!(l (junoral Callos had of Villa in ordor to forostnll tho on trance into Mexico by Amorlcan forcos. Gonoral Funston iciolved roports or Increased activities or tho dofacto govornmont troops, but tlioro was no disposition at his heatbiunrtora to regard tho activities as any moro Wn'p an ovldonco of Carranza's do termlnation to cooporato with tho United States In olltnlnatlng Villa. Tho concentration or American troopn and supplies on tho border Is vlttually completed. Aston'a is opening bids for much street Improvement work. At Rosobnrg, nn assoc'atlon was formed to promote Interests of fruit growers In Gardon Valley. MUwauklo council voted to buy out tho water company. tion with Villa against tho United States ns tho common people there regard Villa ns a sort of horo. VOTE II ALASKA IAMI1S WICKKIISIIAM WINS IN ICKITIILIOAN I'ULMAKIKS Fred llnyno, one of tho men nr- rostod Is a ponslonor or tho Honttlo fire department. TO Dill BIG BET ,...... . ... .....i.. ...... ...1 from San Antonio utai iiisai. .. ilnul Iti'illiifl Otlt Ol 151 !'"" l"v" '""" wiib kopt SOClOt. ih:ady to advaxci: i Second Cavalty i'lepaml to Cioss Into Mcvho. tnr Aaao'latoJ ITa l Con Oar Tlmia.J IIACHITA, N. M.. March IB. The Second Cavalry Urlsado, under tom inalul of Colonel Dodd, completed today preparations to move forwnrd from tho hordor Into Mexico. Quick movement was oxpectod. Kl'XKHAIi OF DAVIS lug. .. i.'.i.,ui,,i tlila iiftnrnnnn Jiild "u" """ "...",: to If thoro bad neon any moiunium. ...... ..!.. 1. I. ...I I boon Instructed by Gonoral Obiogon i.Wm.M- United Stateti ItuiiiiliiK -Mate, Hiincii Seiiatoi- and Paiker'h B, AtaorlatM Vio- t C Bar Tlmra.) KLKINS, W. Vn.. Mar. 15. Tho i ,.r iionrv Gawiaway Davis, fnrnir I'll ted &iuie Fonator, who iMuorlenii troops Into Mexico 13 hud not boon Informed. Ho said that lie, foil certain K Pershing had ordered tho advancement ho would have no tified tjio Southern department head u,uartora horo linnudlatoly. MICXICANS AIM-3 LOYAL i Aii'ierleoii Hoi n Unite to Aid In Hi I'ii-o'.s Defense. co-operate with tlio Amorlcan loops in (lie pursuit or vuia aim he oiild not do so without this ammunition. WANTS CIIIMXKVS CLKAXKD Call Uu-ilscn Sa)s Thoy ale Cause of .Many Flies . Carl Kvertson, former moiubor of tho o'ty council, says that lie ravers tho proposal to have an ordinance unacted compelling ownors of build ings to havo tho chimneys donned. Ho siivs that tho Murshlold fire 'records will show a majority of the (Ilf AwiUtaJ 1'iaa to Cooa Ha; Tlnioa. 1-JL PASO. Tox., March IB. Amor lcan horn Mexicans In Kl Pho 4o ... i Ufih liiivn Inrinntl n 1110 iiuimmr ui "" ..." . ,. . . . . clli.unoya. foico with a view tor.-" ' . ., , .. .., ,.. homo guard In case of attack or riot. i . llinnn nlnitmu enjl t llO offorliiK Hif'lr service ta the city' ' ....... to monaclng nonrhy property. He propobos that tho council llcenso 'chimney cleanors, tho a'ty receiving AXDY MAHOXI.Y MAY GICT WA- ( I'ltOM FOHMKIl PAUTXKK Shipping .Magnate Who Foiiiirly Tritieletl to Coo., llay Plays IMg (iniiio Hard According to a Btory In a Portland papor, Andy Mahouoy, forniorly of tlio Olson & Mahonoy uliipplng com pany, is well on Ids way to win a big wager with ills forinor partner as woll as a snug fortuno In doing bo. It Is claimed that when ho Bold out to Mr. Olson u fow. months ago, ho xwigorod that ho would nuiko t lotist $2000 por day uvorugo not kroflta for tho ensuing six months. A carload or peppermint roots was ;rjiBOn took tho hot. Last wcok. flia Bhlppod from tljo surrounding coun- M,onoy Wtts reported to bo $30,000 try to Albany last week. fahoad or U's avorago nnd declared The U. S. National Hank plans to ji, ,,r08pocts woro brighter than over Isiillfl a $250,000 Btrueturo In Port-ilu buying and soiling shlpj, Btignr, laud. y ott., A rottnlng plant to handle Blllca Mahonov formerly trnvolod to Coos eposlts, discovered nour Oregon City '1)ny umJ ,8 woll uow t,o many ot Tun D''lej,'at's to National Cornell" tlou Unlnstiiici si lint l'a".i- Hughes for PrcCtlJiit (llr AlKnlilr-l l'ic lo Cooa liar Tlnua.J JUNHAU, Alaska, March IB. Full returns from tho Itepubllcan prlniur ios In Abuka Saturday Indlcato tho lonoinlnatlon or Jatuoa Wlckorslium as delegate to Congrosa and tho oloc tinn or two dologatos to tho National coiivontlon who favor .Iii3tlco iluglies but who aro uuliibtructod. Ttoports say that an electric lino will ho built from Salem to Hond iia Mill C.ty and Mlnto Pass. died in Wnshlnglon. was hold hcref nosehurg will buy a chemical flroj A ...., I truck, J'1"!' (UUM it, to ho built. Petitions aro out for $700,000 11110 older loaldenta hero. I' so much tor each chimuo cleanod. 1)oml ,Baue to construct 40 miles of) Times Want rids tor results. A creamers Is planned for Rtnn-'hnrd surrnco rnatt norm aim souiii rrlmP8 Wmit ,is w lie demon. .1 ....1. T n..A m. ..It. ' . . ...I.. I J (IMIOIIB" 4 IMIU v"l"l. Str.lieil ! ''l I atfc ., HiiftiMitiriri'i'iMMtiiirniiiii ' i