The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 14, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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New Spring Fashions
are Delighting Women
Now On Display
Now Volour, Sci-ko nml Silk Suits ijUii.BO to $10.00
New Vclour, Silk nml Novelty Coats 90.00 (o $U5.00
Now Silk nml Wool Drcases . $7,150 to $:10.00
New Wool nml Silk Dress Skirls $:i.."50 to 10.00
New Silk Waists $2.80 to $7.50
Ev.ory, woman Is cordially Invited to call and sqo tlicso
completo lines of now Novelty garmonts. Every woman
, i owes it to horsolf to boo this beautiful and largo display
, of nil tlio latest styles.
Hub Dry Goods Company
Corner llronilwny nml Central Avcniio.
l'hono IJ01.
FJK'il of -Tlio Times llns lAiuud
Itcndy Sponsors City Votes the
Authority to Force Cleanup.
Tho city fathers, tho police, tho
hcnlth tdcpnrtinont nml the flro de
partment Inst night promised their
energetic cooperation In Marshflcld's
City Hcautlful campaign. Today
marks an added Impetus to tho fight
started threo weeks ago by Tho
Times to get tho people to clean
up, to cart nway tho rubbish and
to plant their gardens.
"It's moro cscsntlal now than
over before," declared J. Albert
Matson, chairman of tho Civic Im
provement committee of tho Cham
ber of Commerce, in speaking bo
foro tho council last evening. "Tho
next 90 days will sco a heavy Influx
of visitors to this city. It's tip to
us to got ready for them. Wo can
create nothing but a poor impression
as long as wo countcnanco tin can
heaps, stagnant mosquito pools nnd
broken down, roofless barns nnd
sheds within . tho very downtown
Stand .Itcndy to Aid.
IIo asked tho cooperation of the
city dopaitmouts, and ho got It. At
four this afternoon tho Civic Im
provement commltteo and tho health
conuulttco of the council will ninlcu
a survey of tho entire- city for tho
I purpose of mapping out a definite
campaign of procedure.
"This Is only started." continued
I.omons nnd oranges to th3 oxtont'Mri Matson. "If wo can get tho
tho loader of tho clan, nnd touethor lln tho hold of tho Htoamshln P. A. necessary support of tho city dc-
wlth Dr. H. M. Shaw, J. Ilnss and Kilburn that arrived last night from , partments wo can accomplish much;
Willlami McCullom, gnvo n'Bhort ad- Son Diego and way points. Tho now. wo need tho authority. Somo peo-
drcss. sorvico of tho south nllows ho plo need more than a gontlo urg-
Thoro wna a inlano boIo by Miss through rating of such products i
Hilnn Tlnnn. n nnntr liv MIrr Dnrtn frnm Kmillinni nnllfnrnln Tlin vin. I
........ ...., .. .,.. .,,, . ..,..u... H.......H. v.....w .. . ..w . ... . - , .w-i, !.. ........
nnlbralth nnd a duct bv Mrs. Kal- nnl lilKrlinrirnil In Mm nlulif mill m. ii-mi-i-p iiij.
conor nnd J. Hobs. Mrs. Allan Todd crossod out for Portlaiul nU 7:.10
this mornjng.
Tnmna Ttiuil(n1i la 4lin timt hIau'
nrd aboard tho Kilburn, for tho first an ont,ro t,ny "to ,ot everybody get
tlmo taking tho phtco of Kl Cnnard. i out and clean up and to ndd lin
wlth tho company for somo tlmo, "portanco to tho campaign now bolng
More Than BO Fnmlllcs In Moose
' Hall Knjoy Talking, Dancing
j nml IlefrcNlimcnts
Scots from miles around gathered
Inst night for tho meeting of tho
Caledonian Club In tho Mooso hall,
and to enjoy tho talks, tho dancing
nnd tho refreshments. Thoro wor'j
about CO families presont.
Dan McDonald, of North nond, was
; shipping news :
I'rult. Now (Joes Direct Without He-
liandliiig Leave Tills Morning
Willi Mirny Passengers
It u
llco to clean up In a hurry or they
will be prosecuted.
"Within 200 feet of tho central
school, " declared the speaker, "thoro
Is an unsightly, unsanitary condi
tion. It's n wonder thero hasn't
been all sorts of plagues beforo this.
Right now thero aro two cases of
typhoid in West Marshfleld,"
Council Is Kntliusiastlc.
By this tlmo tho councllmcn were
aroused, "Yes," exclaimed D. L.
Rood, "1 am told that tho garbage
In West Marshfleld is not being
covered up properly and tho rains
havo been washing somo of It down
into the lako on tho north arm.
Wo pay $!J0 a month to havo it
burled. It's got to bo 'burled."
And when Harri' Kimball put tho
motion that tho departments of tho
city aid in tho campaign, thoro was
an enthusiastic vote of aye from
every councilman present and tho
health commltteo promised to start
tho good work today.
Tho campaign of Tho Times bus
found ready sponsors who rcallzo
that now is tho tlmo to striko, and
now that the fight Is started they
say they havo enlisted not only for
threo months, but for tho entire
"wnr' on rubbish, tin cans, cess
pools and tho fight for hotter nml
moro gardens.
, n u u
Hang several Scotch songs nml also
gnvo n humorous Scotch reading. Mr.
Sutherland, of North Demi, sang
whllo Alox McKay and Mrs. Jean
Drown gavo nn exhibition of Scot
tish daucos.
A commltteo on bydnws was np
poJntcd. It consists of 10. h. McCluro,
.Is Rosb, Jr., Alox McKay, M. A. Mc
Lnggan, William McCullom, Mr.
Sutherland and Allan Todd.
Tho noxt meeting of Caledonian
club will bo In chnrgo of n committee
of women, consisting of Mrs. Fal
coner, MrB. 13. h. McCluro, MrH. Me
Laggan, Mrs. Allan Todd, Mrs. J.
Dnshnoy, Mrs. I). J .Rccb and Mrs.
Jean Drown.
PoNtms-,r 31) elm of Poitiiml )o-
dnrtw Hryan Will Support Wilson
Many Wnnt Wnr
1'ORTIiAND, Ore., March 13.
"Hoosovolt will bo tho Republican
nomlneo: Wilson will bo tho Demo
cratic nominee, nnd tho Ishuo will bo
Wnr or poaco."
That Is tho prediction of Post
master 1 S. Myers, who has Just re
turned from tho cast.
"Hryan," continues Myers, "will
bo nt tho heels of Roosovolt through
out tho campaign and will support
Vilson lirynn may oven innke the
nominating speech, although nothing
fflclal haB been nnnouccd. Thoro
is a strog war party In tho oast,
u group of pcoplo who aro anxious
o Involve thin country In wnr, nnd
jthoy boUovo that with Roosovolt as
M'p'aldent, wnr can bo brought
He briefly outlined the plan of
closing all business In tho city for
whoro ho was extremely popular, nnd
hns tnkon hold of tho sorvico aboard
tlio Kilburn with n vim.
The arrivals voro:
Mrs. h. h. Gilbert, Fred Mock, A.
H. Thomas, Mrs. A. C. Suttor, Rageth
Sutter, II. II. Anchor, W Engleston,
Mm Roso Yurkos, Walter Yurkos,
Klor Yurkos. A. R. Reed, P. Vnlowlck
nnd C. 13. Nowliill.
Tho departures for Portland woro
waged." A day Is actually to be
set asldo vory shortly for this pur
poso, and moro regarding this Is to
bo announced later. Tho suggestion
was inado by Frank Ilortou, and on
every hand has received encourago
mont. Mr. Matson outlines somo of tho
things that must bo accomplished.
uiay iviaciucn. n. itanuei , u. a. -jUMlon tho MIU SIohbI ,,,., box
sSio denned, long mounds of dirt
Mrs. Chnrles Halo nnd baby. Miss' wore thrown up to tho Bldo of tho
Thorn Chrlstofferson. Mrs. A. FrnUs,
Mrs. Ray Mnrtln, D. D. Wiltshire.
Mllo Sonrs, It. Sims, Charles Ztipon,
O. Swanson, C. F. Johnson. William
Drown, W. R. Peck, Rrlc Olson, Mrs.
D. Dalglo and threo children, Arthur
Tom plo, II. T. McCIollan nml 2U
Bteerngo passongers.
Hoys' program of Ming by boys
oiii (i cades nml High M-hnol of
larsliflelil Public schools, Masonic
Opera house, Friday, March 17, 8
fl. in.
Jl '- '
Relief, Sluslaw, this p. m.
ICUbiim, Portland, 7:30 a.
Nann Smith, Oakland, 6:30
a. m.
Adeline, Oakland, G p. m.
Duo to Sail
Yollowstono, San Francis
co, 7 a. in., Wednesday.
Duo Hero
Hardy, San Francisco, tomorrow.
Graduate Chemist,
Bring Your
At 0:15 last night tho Kilburn
crossed In from tho south, leaving
out at 7:30 this morning for Port
land. Hecauso or tho bar conditions tho
Nann Smith was unablo to sail yes
terday, but remained In tho lowor
bay until C:30 this morning.
At 0:30 a. m. the Adeline- got away
from tho C. A. Smith mill with a
cargo of lumber and threo passon
gers for Oakland.
Tho Yollowstono which arrived
Saturday afternoon Is loading at tho j
Swnyno and Hoyt mill and should t
got away at 7 a. m. tomorrow for,
tho south, !
This afternoon tho gasoline schoon-,
or Roller wont down tho Ray, bound
out for tho Sluslaw with a cargo or1
morchaudtsc. I
ditch, This has not boon shoveled
back in again.' It Is an eyesoro and
slimy water gathers thero In spots
to breed disease. Tho Port long
ago promised to mako this fill.
No More MomiiiHos.
, There aro too many spots on the
fills of tho city which cannot bo
drained; they form broedlugplues
for mosqultos. Tlicso must bo cov
ered with oil.
"In fact, nil tho entire area Is
In a disgraceful conditions," insisted
Mr, Matson and thero was no dis
puting his statements. "Wo ougit
to bo ashamed of what exists hero.
U wo'ro getting calloused, it's tlmo
right now to get over It."
To Force (",
A map or tho city will be used
In making tho survey and tho worst
spots will bo marked. Property
owners will then bo given warning
Appeal to Come up llcforo SiipVemo
Court After Losing Out in Cir
cuit Court Legal Dattlo
On Wednesday In the Supremo
Court of Oregon will come up tho
appeal of Anna Rusk, asking for
$2500 damages from tho city of
Marshfleld, by reason of a rail In
January, 1D1 I, when sho roll through
a dock Into tho mud below. City
Attorney James T. Rrand Is now
getting up his material In connect
ion with tho caso, and expects to
leavo shortly for Saleni.
In tho Circuit Court Mrs. Rusk
received no damage, hence tho ap
peal. Hor complaint alleged that a
plank gavo way, precipitating her
Into tho mud below, as woll as lac
erating her body to n great extent
nnd causing hor sovcro personal In
jury and humiliation.
Chandler Hotel.
A .II. Thomns, San Frnnclsco; II.
H. Achon, Portland; W. (1. Rgles
tou, ,San Francisco; G. R. Clark,
Now York City; Hector Macpherson,
Corvallls; h. L. Schwartz, Seattle;
S. 13. Ilrackott, Portland; (1. h.
Campboll, Portland; F. O. I.oslio,
niiiut'o Hotel,
W. 13. Stolnhofr. Sumnor: I). P.
Plyniale, Handon; 13. W. Ouptlli,
Coos River; David Carey, Powers;
Mrs. A. C. Sullor and son, Fem
dalo; R. Cunningham, (inrdluor.
St. luwrcueo Hotel.
C. Jowott, nnrdlner; Mrs, L.
Drown, Coqulllo; II. Snow, Nor
way; h. Johnson, Gardlnor; C. S.
McCulloch, Coqulllo; II. C. Kas-
moyer, North Rend.
Uoytl Hotel.
W. J. Petorson, Ton Mllo; W. J.
Nomo, Coijulllo; I. I. Goodlln, Co
qulllo; Mrs. Ray Martin, Dandoii;
C. A. Duckiiell, Now" York; Honry
Ostland, Kastond; Saskatchewan,
prHmg opeinai
"The Store That Sells the Best for Less."
by tho health orricors and tho po- Mrs. R. Yurkos, Rurokn.
Packard and other promi
nent automobile engineers
favor motor oils from
Western crude. Exposition
juries at San Francisco and San
Diego gave highest competitive
awards to Zerolene an oil from
Western crude. Zerolene is the
best oil for your motor because
Whore we L SQUIBB'S SU- V""!"" "tT "S PAf ft-ia. Government experts tell us that oils
I AfVlUlvu InC oiurx ' correciiy ruimuu iruiu uspiiaii-uaau uuuo uiaun
without decomposition" Ido not break up and lose
their lubricating value under cylinder heat and are
Gaseous Use of Occupation Tuv Cry
I'allH to Itefoy; Issue Council
.Stands lly Its (Suns.
Ropcatod nssaaults of storming
auto owners, Krcmule attacks aiid
bombostic sputtorliiRs last night fail
ed to oven dent tho Marshflald Jitney
ordinance. It repulsed tho counter
attack led by designers of an occu
pation tax and emerged through tho
shot nnd sholl, uusenrred and with
out a change. Tho city council
hold that tho ordinance Is going
through, coiuo what may, despito tho
fact thero aro plenty of Indications
that attorneys aro to bo cngagod
to thy tholr "hostess" to lowor tho
now triumphant banners of tho coun
cil. A week ngo tho ordlnanco was
read. Thero was somo discussion
and tho mooting closed with ovory
Indication that tho flKht had been
wnged and won. Rut In tho last,
sovon days ownors of nutos, for
plcasuro and for hire, evidently had
placed tholr heads together nnd Inst
night sthero developed decided oppo
sition. Gets ii liiist Wlinck.
V. C. (lorst, who boarded the
Nann Smith ior San Francisco, camo
nshoro nt Empire, when tho boat
was unablo to get out Inst night,
nnd camo hastily to tho council
chamber to havo one moro biff nt
tho proposed law.
"It's all right If you collect tho
tax annually," ho said, "and cut
tho proposed rato In two."
Taxed Out of UiihIiicsh.
IIo outlined his reasons. "N'orth
Rend will probably enact a similar
tax. Under tho law hero It would
cost v f-0 a year per Jltnoy. With
North Ileud's tax added .that would
mako $10 a year per car.' Th's does
not Include what wo aro already
paying to the county and state. Tlio
laws aro going to legislate us out of
lorry Kinney, too, had figures to
quoto. "Wo started In on this North
Rend nt -Ti cents a head. Oasolluo
nnd tires havo gono up In price since
then, yet we havo cut the faro to
10 cents. If all tlicso taxes aro
passed it will mako us pay about
$Cl a year per car. K you haven't
had a dividend In three mouths,
this Is somothing to make you sit
up nnd figure on."
To Itnl-e Revenue.
"It wouldbo n fallacy to cut this
in two," broko In Harry Kimball.
"This tax Is to hiIho ruvouue for the
uso of tho streets."
"Only cost you five and ono-hair
cents n day per car," put in Council
man Powers, looking up from his
pnpor and ponrll.
Waltor Richardson owns threo
cars on tho Hunker Hill Jitney Hue.
"I wnnt to know If wo can rawer
damages from tho city for accidents
to our ears rosulttug tiom tho con
dition or tho stroets."
IIo was told that he could.
"In January," ho explained, "It
cost mo $170 for tires. Nails stood
up In tho plank roadways, cutting
tho rubber nil to pieces. IIo said
that tho law would In all probahMlty
loglslato him out of luminous unless
tho tax was reduced by half.
1'Var Rate Raising.
Someone suggested that tho 'Jit
neys raise their rates. "It Isn't
ialr." Mr. Richardson stated.
"You try It onco and then run n
Jltnoy nil day long with tho ringer
or scorn pointed nt you by ovoryono
who rides in your cars and soo how
you rool at night," exclaimed Jorry
.1. W. Richardson declared that tho up lor reading at tho next mooting
proposed law "Is unreasonable. Mon or the council.
with Jitneys nml nuto trucks uso
"Wc Invite Your Inspection"
tho question was brought up repeat
edly tho council refused to lot tho
now measiiro befog tho Issuo, and
stuck to tho vohlclo ordinance with
a grim tenacity.
Streot Commissioner Carl Albrecht
said that right now It costs tho
city $18 a wcok to repair broken
planking on north Kront street.
"Why don't you fix It up for
good," broko In A. Hanson. "It
looks Ilka poor business to koop
patching up a rotten street."
"Will tho fellows who run nuto
stages from Myrtlo Point and Co
qulllo this summer huvo to pny a
vohlclo tax?" tiBkod Dave Miishon.
Ho waB told they would. "Mighty
good thing for tho Southorn Pa
circ," ho snapped.
Mifseti .lolls Handel.
!:. Handel stepped Into the broach.
"Mr. Miisson," ho said, "I pay a tax
or ?20 a year." Ho was roforrlng
to his messenger ta'x service.
"Yes," camo tho rojolndor, "1
know you do. You pay that so iib
to koop the llttlo urchin on tho street
from earning u nickel toting parcels
Jerry Kinney said tho (lorst and
King lino hns in cais and six or
them only are ordinarily on the run.
"Wo keep tho oxtras to handle tho
big crowds .nt celebrations and tho
like. Wo couldn't koop thoso cars
and wo couldn't glvo tho service
when Its needed ir wo aro going to
pay $10 a year special tax on each
ouo or thorn. It's out or the ques
tion." No Implied Agreements.
Rut nuy expressions from tho
council that tox monoy might bo
rofumlod in such casos was immedi
ately blocked. J. T. Rrand, . city
attornny, declared thero could bo no
Implied agreement to bind tho coun
"It's a wholo lot bettor to
tho lax In two than to. start rolm-
Ing." snld City Recorder John HuL-
lor. 'That gets you into Iroublo to
start with
W. 10. Hoaglaud told the council
ho tins IS rigs In, his barn, somo or
wuicu aro uoi useu in mourns, nu
was told that ns long as thoy camo
onto tho stivots, no niatlor how sol-
doin, that u tax could bo enacted.
Want Mberiil Administration.
Hut despite tho decided Htnud In
fnvor or tho ordlnanco taken by tlio
couucilmen, thero seems to bo n
foftllng that thoro will bo a. liberal
Interpretation or tho law nnd that
Individual cases will bo administer
ed pretty much on tholr ludlvdual
morlts. Tho lnw Is to bo brought
Council. lo Cmnpromlrt
Manly Case Tnlo Stnnil Want
All the Money tin Xono
this equipment ns part or tholr bus
iness, for making their living. Don't
aim a law at a few; mako It uni
versal; put In nu occupation tax nml
mako It light on ovoryone."
Want Occupation Tuv.
Thoro was a gonoral declamation
for an occupation tax. M, II. M al
loy spoko favoring It and so did sov
eral others. Rut despite tho fact
New lino or "Hlylecrnft" Suits anil
Coats, at S. H. .Jennings, North
I)r. I). C. Vniiglian. Dontlt, Room
!!0, First JSntlonuI Hank building
7ibby Coal, $.-.()() ton. Phono TS
nrftcH !o ,U
pi iaui ijwuu lo liUiuuiuiuuu
by a Graduate Chemist.
Phone 141 or call at 71
Mal'ket avenue when looking
for quality goods at reason
able prices.
Swanton Drug Co.
Huccassor to
Clemonco, tho daughter or Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Wright, has under
gone n successful operation for ap
pendicitis. Mrs. Cloo AVIngo Is much bettor
and will probably lenvo Morcy Hos
pital on Thursday.
CI. W. Kolland Is gotting along
vorv nicely after his accident or a
row' days ago whon ho roll and
broko a couple or ribs.
New line or "Styleeiiifi" Suits ami
Coats, nt S. S. Jennings, North
Dr. II. !:. Kelty, lentlst, 201 Coko
Hldg., Phono 112-T.
Rr. Lcidio, Osteopath, Marshfleld
"much better adapted to motor cylinders, as far
as their carbon-forming proclivities are con
cerned, than are paraffine-base Pennsylvania oils."
When you empty the crank-case refill with Zero
lene. Dealers everywhere and at service stations
and agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
ike Standard QH for Motor Cars
Twolfth street south Is to bohirl
surracod rrom Klroil to Hall avenue.
Tho council last night authorized tht
elty engineer to draw up tlio plini
and specifications for tlio work.
Harry O. Hoy, appcarlog on be
half or tho property owners, present-
fed a petition asking that tlio street
lio opened for n width of 21 led
and that' tho owners lie allowed to
i'rado their lots down to tho tin
Lot tho paving, despito tlio fact that
tho streot Is hlocloil out a width ct
SO foot. Ho said tills lias already
been dono nt sovral other places
Thoro was no opposition to the mea
sure No Coiupi'omlM
"Then, too," ho continued,"! want
to spenk about tlio Manly case
tho plaintiffs who havo protested
tho paying of tho streot assessment
thoro on tho ground of tlio Q'tr did
jiot completo Its entire project when
It wont nhcad with tlio paving ol
Fourth street.
Ho offered to coinpromlso with I
i il.n m nm lini M
Cllt I'UyniBlll OI OIIL-Uliru UIU minium vi
tho assessment and call tlio caso on.
This met with no favor by the
council. "Didn't tlio other propertr
ownors who got tho Improvement T
for tholr street?" asked D. h. Rood.
"I nm In lavor or tlio whole esi
mont or nono at all," and tho test
or tho council backed him up and the
compromlso was unsuccessful.
Ingman and Iljorqulst received
tho contrnct lor ropalrlnc tho ferry
lnmiini on Hlrch nvcnue, their W
'.bolng 3J2 12.50, agahiBt tho lid of H.
II. Harpor ror $27".
To IteiHilr l'avlng
Judgo Ilutlor reported that W. B.
'Arnold told him tho Worrea Con
struction Company Btands willing to
ropar nny damages that hae bM
dono to tho streots by reason of U
logging operations. iN'o stMieme"
was nmdo as to whether or not "
.company expects to reclaim damei
rrom tho loggers.
Permission was given Re'"4"
Ilutlor to buy In somo moro EIM
Street proporty ror tho amount oi
ItB unpaid nsscsHincnts.
Xo Special I'ririieR"
A. n. Sargeant said. Mr. BjJfJ
had been to seo him rcKardln- wtiw
a chlmnoy ordlnanco passed, requi
lug that ehimnoys bo cleaned at I"
onco a year, -,
Duncan Forguson tliousm
. .. .-... .. ,finn!l M'
movo looieeii iiko a iu"i '
added it would bo all rlsht pf9J
Ing thoy charged a ucen -
f 1,000 a year lor tho spe"" '"
liege." and tho matter was tni"t
.. ...,..,. ar rnninlltiev.
ovor to tno tiro aim "
Orders woro glvon long ago w -
Harry Xasburg lay a W0W7nd
Aldor avonuo botweoa rru
Ilroadway. A. n. Cldloy state ,
U, A. Bennett, owning PWe
tho same street had already coop w
ed.hls, "hut Mr. N8burfl("l5.. te
ho sidewalk and now objects.
said. . . ,n
The reason fi'.ven was that a
probability that Broadway woni
cut down and that a change ,
Have to bo made then all the h
round. Mr. Nasburg wil Ml
a chance to bring the matter w
tho council.
flets Xo S,0nCatbrtrt,
Appearing for S. w , ( p,t
Judge Hall asked tho couwlMo
Hiir of tho $1,030 alleged ,,
to his property by reason o
dredgo fill. Ho outlined tne
of damages. 0 iiH-
"Tho council can ePJB sir
ity in that matter," "J ""aitw
Ferguson. "ThatU entlreb ,jU
or Port miriness." J. 'L ' ,nt0 the
that ho would look fiirtner
fAzfr j