JIPIffTI'WW W" rr THE COOS BAY VlfflES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1916 EVENING EDITION. THREE at& ATTEND THE PLAY College Chum: NOBLE THEATER uecjavEvening, March 14 JridTMcadc in the publication of his book, "Doublincj Back." performance begins at 8:15 sharp. Reserved Seats, 50 Cents 0n :jrjtjhoRiisv Corner. Gen. Atlm. 35c, upstairs. YOU WILL BE THOROUGHLY AMUSED. BREVITIES THE WFA'I'lli.'n imi,..- "in vmr wrL Moble Theaten n TO-NIGHT SU'im' 1'lltST MnV-sliflold'H Flio-Proof Tlioiloi- The Edison KIHotl Company in "College" Chums." three-act comedy drama 10 People Everyone an artist. -Being presented under the auspices of the 1). P. 0. 13. Lodgo fTr the benefit of Kl). MEADE. PHOTOPLAYS: Tho thrilling Blory of the sen, "VIA V1 UN LESS" A fivo-reol Gold UooBlor play written liy Paul Armstrong. -This fcaturo was advorllBcd to bo hIiowii next Sundny, but on iccoimt of liclng short of plcturos, wo nro compelled to show this grand production tonight. ADMISSION: CO Cents, lowor floor; H5 cents, balcony. Tomorrow night: Elsio Jnnla lit "Nearly a Lady." Thuraduy: Tbo Aylcrworth Aiilmat Pictures. inr AworltlM priBi to Cuos Tla, Times OIlKdOX Fair, Wtn frost toujght In caHt; noith easterly ulnds. LOCAL tempeuatuhh UKCOItl) For tho 21 hours ending at I: HI a. m.. March 1 1, by HonJ. Ostllnd, Bprclal gov ernment meteoroloKlat: Maximum ... , 5 j Minimum !!!!:!.' At 1: 1:: a. in to Piwlpitatlou OS Precipitation bIiicc Sept. 1, 1" 07.91 Precipitation Bamo period Inst year r.1.55 Wlnd: Northwest, clear. Nt'XUISIJ AMI SUNSET Tuesday March 1 1 . s.m rises at i:M and sotB at C:0i. 44 X BORN $ SCHHTTEU To Mr. and Mrs. Otto Solicitor, a son, their second hoy. Mother and baby are doing flno and tho woll known Marahflold Western Union manager Is wreathed in smiles over his now assistant. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Passenger and Freight From San Francisco, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1916, ' at 3 P. M., FOR COOS BAY S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Abstracts For reliable Abstracts of Title- and Information uhout COOS HAY HEAL ESTATE, eo TitleGuarantee&Abstract Company Marshflold and Coquillo City, Orogon. Cmkt1 AkviiIm Knstsldo nn.l Scngstnckeii'H Addition. special attention paid t asseshiuents mill payment of laves. HENHY SENGSTACKEN, Manager. North Pacific S. S. Co. FA.Kilburn sails direct to EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO MARCH 17TH The Breakwater Sails for ' PORTLAND MARCH 21 ST Jniome ounMoeirs Attenntlomi Hecovcr.s Ulng. Through a Times found ad, Mrs. .1. 1). Hendry has re covered a baby ring which she lost. it. tiiasgow round it and promptly ndvcrtlsed It. Wight Insrpclnr. Chas. S. Ilnn- son of Jacksonville, Oregon, doputy 'Htato Inspoctor of weights and men , mire ,ls hero on his rogular tour and , left this morning for Powers. Had a Weary Walt. Last night Chief Carter found a lonesome, tired I hungry llttlo calf walling wearily on tho docl: for Its owner to couio nlopg. It had been brought down on one of tho Coos Hlvcr boats and tied on the dock. Tho new owner It. Uoach, ot North Ilond, had not been notified. Tho calf was given a good night's , IihIl'Im!' nnrt miiiin "LTtib" and this morning was taken to Its now home. Still Pick Her H"nus. Pirates are Mill working " tho wreck of tho Santa Clara. ' . ilckors on tho beach Sunday decltuo that thero woro four men matllng about among tho hon ors, taking out the tubing, possibly to sell later as Junk. Thero nro still many Umbers of tho vessel showing nbovo tho water and pnrt of tho boll- .... ..n llll nv.tnaA.1 In vtnn' tint linv J lug yet beon beaten off by tho sea or having mink In tho sands. Ih Now on Nann Smith. Aboard tho Nairn Smith on her last trip In hero was Osscar Olson as second of ficer. I'ntH lately ho has beon third officer aboard tho Kllbum and bo loio that was second officer on tho Santa Clara holng aboard with lior at tho tlnio alio was wrockod In No vember. Olson missed out on his chance to go aboard tho Itoanoko and camo to tho Nann Smith, want ing to tako a trip offahoro after flvo yoaiB In coasting boats without a chango. Ho Ih a careful offlcor and has captain's papora. n,. neon Her" Hofore Captain Votorson, of tho tugboat Ida W. ro- contly from San rronclsco, is wen known on this coast, having been on boats In and out of coast ports for tho last ar, yoars. At ono tlmo ho iin,i in hero on the gasoline schoon er Washcaloro from San Frnnclsco, 'making llnndon and Coos naj. in 'tho onglno room ot tho Ida W. now Is Dan Uoborts, formerly with tho 'Alert. He has papora tci aorvo In tho capacity of onglnoer nt sea whorcas tho onglnoor of tho Ida W. lms papora only for InaliU work. Tho craft Is Mscd on tho Slushiw for towing barges. Try Wood Wmn A Jury trial Is on this afternoon In tho Justice pnnrt hearing the case of II. Jim -i. JSSTe. Hague, a suit to col- Soinowhoro you hnvo stowed nway a pencil skotch of what Is to bo your future homo, at least your wife Ufa, looking forward to the tlmo when you would build your own llttlo nest. (iet out those plans and niako n start now. You will have to pay a llttlo more for your lumber and matorlal, but you can more than save this in tho cost of your lot. Just aeo Uold about it. Ho Ih In a position to niako a very nttrnctlvo proposition and assist you In gottliiR your now homo undor way. A fow dollars Is sufficient to niako a start. lect about $15 claimed to bo dlio tho Plaintiff for wood- Mr. Hague has put In a counter claim for a bill of goods sold by tho Pioneer Hurdwnro Company. Tho Jury Is composed of H. L. Crawford, J. II. Stndden, Wil son Kaufman, William, Cox, Mol (1 Duncan and George Clottings. HCpnltiiiK 5(,l Ahead. W. 0. I.awhoruo Is keeping his crow of men exceedingly busy these days, putting in tho concroto base for tho largo holes made In the pnvlng by tho log ging trucks. In many Instances tbo holes which appeared small on tho surface havo beon dug back for sev eral yards, to tho edge of the break, that thero may be no trouble Intnr and to put tho street Into as good n condition as It was before tho advent of tho heavy trucks and their loads. This work Is being paid for out of tho sum paid tho city by McDonald and Condron by reason of tho dam ages. No Mall Chantfe Noted. As Yet Postmaster Hugh Mcl.aln has re ceived no dorlnlte word from tho Southom Pacific as to whethor or not tho mall service is to bo routed from Eugene instead of Hoscburg as soon na tho railroad service Is Instituted In April. It is exported this will bo not only a great saving to tho depart ment, but will mean quicker mail for Coos county, both In and out of here. Thero Is a possibility that this now service will not bo Instituted until the now railroad has been turned over to tho oporntlon department, a ninttor of several months. Went Out to See World. Though tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Gates, of Seventh avonuc, Is only two and ono half years of ago sho started out this moisJng to seo tho world. For an hour or more sho was missing Just boforo noon and tho entire neighborhood engaged in tho hunt. Shortly nftor dinner thero camo word from Knglowood thnt sho had been found out thero and she was speedily returned to tho worried parents. During tho Eonrch, tho llttlo boiv of John DaBhney relieved the ten sion by suggesting that they put a want ad In Tho Times for her, his motltor having located lo3t articles by Times' wnnt ndB. J t PERSONAL. MENTION t $ i MUS M. HIUSCII left this morning ror tiKinii unoaru oi mo Adeline W. C. HINMAN loft for Coquillo this morning to attend to soma business. W. W. (JACK, cx--shorlff of Coos county, was among tho visitors In tho city today. MUS. DAN I1KNNBTT was down shopping this morning from her Coos Hlvcr homo. 0 US HO YD was nmong tho visitors In this morning on tho North Star From North Inlet. HAY PINKHUTON and wlfo rnme Into town thla morning from their homo at North Inlet. MUS. LKVI DAIGM3 and threo chil dren left today for Minneapolis, where they will visit. A. J. MICNDHIi nnd Jot Wllllnma r- 1 turned yostoniny irom rowers whoro thoy apont Sunday. .MUS. HAY MAUTIN left aboard tho Kllburn this morning for Port land whoro alio will visit. CKCIIi CAHTKH, well known finan cier and rancher of Myrtle Point, was hero today for a visit. (iKOHUK A. HA1NKS loft this morn ing for tho lowor Coquillo to look nftor sonio business matlora. C. S. M'CULMDCH, county ourveyor, camo ovor Inst evening to attend to some survoylng business In this section. 0. J. QUAY, who has boon horo on aoino timber deala, will leave to morrow for Portland but expocta to return shortly. 0. W. TltinHKY left on tho Adollno for San Krannlaco whero ho will look after business In connection with his patont guto. L. A. MUKQVIST wont to Coquillo this morning to arrange) for Ms tax foreclosure cases thnt aro coming up very shortly. MHS. K. HUNNKLb has gono to Pondloton whoro alio will visit for a fow wooka with her parents nnd lator with friends In llakor and Heppnor. MHS. JOHN D. GOSS was a pnssn gor aboard tho Adollno this morning- for San Francisco whoro sho will vlslf for a tlmo bofnro re turning homo. DAVE CAHEY, who has been hero from Powers rccolvlng med ical treatmont. for Injuries to his ribs la Improving rapidly nnd will leavo for homo soon. II. ('. JENSEN, who baa boon on gaged iln tho Bhoo business nt Fresno, Calif, Arrived hero on tho Nann Smith to look this torrltory ovor with a view of locating. IVY COMMtON tamo back from hta Cooa Hlvcr ranch this inoinlng. Carpenters havo JiiBt finished nl now barn on his place In llou of ' tho ono washed away in tho flooda. DH. HECTOR MACP1IEHS0N, of 0M A. C, nrrhud on the stage yes terday nnd this morning, together I with Prof. W. A. Uarr, went ovor to Coquillo to attend tho choose and butter makers' meeting. Millinery opening at S. S. Jen nlngx, Xorlh lleud, l.'tli and Kit ti. 4 ! ! ': WAITH MAY PfT I'P TIIHATHU HL'li,l)IN(J It was understood today that there Is an agreement between F. H. Wnlto and CicoiRo J. I.omanskl that tho former will erect a substan tial theater building for tho latter on tho Walto property fronting on Sec ond street and in tho. rear of the Coke building. .Just beforo leaving today on tho stage Mr. Walto would nei ther affirm nor deny tho report. Hy his contract of salo last year. Mr. I.oman skl ia barred from tho thea tre business In Marshflcld until next December, It was stated, and tho Hoyal Show houso hero will bo conduct ed by Mrs. heinanskl and her son. It was aald tho building would probably bo of concroto nnd double story In slzo. Mr. I.omanskl Is in North Heud this after noon nnd could not bo reach ed for a statement. LADIES' SUITS, COATS AND ONE-PIECE DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY. THE NEWEST STYLES, FABRICS AND SHADES. AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES BE SURE AND EXAMINE THESE BEFORE BUYING. Ladles' Suits, Navy Blue, Gaberdine, Wool, Poplins, Serges, etc., worth half tho price more jjiimmi, giu.rio, $1 1.75 Ladles' Summer Coals, all tho latest stylos, worth Hit 1-!) pur cont moro i $7. It), $0.1)0 Ono-Pieco Serge Dresses, whltp Tunic, worth double the price $1.08 Sorgo with Silk Trimming, worth doublo tho pilco .?.() Taffeta Silk, a dandy at half tho prlco more $t).t)0 A hotter ono !?IiI.no Seo this high grade silk dress, trimmed with Chiffon trlm'ng ijl 1.7." Originators J Q ?emey Q We Uad LOW Prices 125 Busy Stores Follow Next Door to Postoffice IS E n Ilu tNutUSEAOY KAKTHUX M.W2XATH AHHIVES AT I UOSEIiritU TO STAH'l? PUO.UHTS JOHN M. SCOTT TFM.S POHTLAXI) WHOLI'SALEUS TO "WAHE VV" lliu" T Hurry to (Jet Coos Hay Tin".! Says Ms( of Product From Ilcifj Now " South John M. Scott, general passenger agent for tho S. P. In Oregon, has Bounded a warning to Portland. Ho has returned from his trip to Coos county nnd to San Francisco. In an lutorvlcw In Portland ho is quoted ns sayjng: "Portland wholesalora nnd Job 'bors will havo to got busy to win their shnro of tho trado of the Coos Hay country, which Is now almost ontlroly going by boat to San Fran cisco. Tho luinbor and dairy nro Uucts from Cooa county nro Bhlppcd to San FranclBco, nnd ,ln return tho boats bring merchandise from there to Hnndon, Coquillo, Mnrsliffchl and North nond. Hut with tho opening .of tho railroad lino from Portland thoro will bo a fair ehanco to turn most of thla trado to Portland." Tho schedule of tho train aervlco between Eugcno and Marahflold has boon published In Tho Times. Mr. Scott adds this, that trains will leavo Portland nt 1:30 a. in. for Kugono, arriving thero iln tlmo' to catch tho eight o'clock train for Coos nay which will reach Marahflold at 2:0Ti p. m. Tho train leaving Marsliflold nt 0:ir a. in. will got pnssongora to Eugene for the ri:.'lu p. m. train for Portland, arriving at tho lattor place about 10:in p. m. E SHIVELY DEAD NOTED IXIHAXA MAX SrcCL'.MUEl) AT WASHIXfJTOX TODAY SI'Ii-WmI in is School Tcuehciruiid Hup- Idly Hono to (''(Mi'iiKist I'lncu In State (Djr AhocIMM Trt la Cooi Iljr TlmM. J WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1 1. Senator Honjnmlii F. Shlvoly, of In diana, died In a hospital horo thla af ternoon after an Illness ot many months. STOCKS BOOM POINTS OX STOCKS TODAY Expects Wik Will Soon He I'mler Way on Hnilroaa and Sawmill Plants Thero HOSHHUHG, Ore, March 1 L Holtorntlng In ovcry particular the statements mndo by him nt tho tlmo of lila Inst visit to Hoscburg, S. A. Koudnll, member of tho firm of Kendall Brothers of Pittsburg, and fono nt tho moil vitally Interested in Itho early construction of tho pro posed HoBoburg and Eastern Hall road, and tho erection of n modern sawmill near this city, this morning stated ho nnd his associates woro ready nnd anxious to begin actual work on tho projects us soon as tho city Bitrrondorn tho contract ex ecuted hero several months ago. HimiiifHH Conditions Flno Talking of general business condi tions throughout tho east, Mr. Kou dnll said thoy woro never bettor ftlinu at tho present tlmo. "Every factory In tho cast and inlddlo west 13 oporatlng nt full tlmo," said Mr. Kondall, "and money Is plentiful. Tho nutomobllo factories nro behind In their ordora, while the munitions plants havo doubled their capacity In ninny instances. Whllo much of tho material now being (mnuufne tured In tho enst la for tho foreign countries, thla represents but n small pnrt of tho total output. Only n fow dnya ago I wiib tailing to (he editor of one of tho largest timber publications In tho United States, and ho Informed mo thnt business was at high tldo. Pacific coast fir has advanced moro than $U a thou sand feet, mid la stilt soaring. Other 'lumber Is ndvauclng In proportion. In Now York tho railroad yards nro congested with loadod cars, and offi cials of tho various lines havo told mo that tho roads aro making moro money than ovor boforo. In com mon with othor railroads, I am told Hint tho Southern Pacific Compnny lias been iiun'blo to got sufficient enra to caro for Ita oustoinors. These conations spoil busluoas. It la my opinion that this year's busluoss will ho tho groatost over oxparloncod on tho Pacific Coast." Taking nn optlmlstlo vlow ot con- 1 dltlons, Mr. Kendall bollovos tho sooner tho proposod railroad and I saw mill aro constructed here tho 'sooner tho people of thla Vi'clnlty 1 will shnro thy gouoral wnvo of proa i parity that Is prevailing throughout 'the country. (umi t NEW TODAY t $$ WANTED WoAiau to como to house ntid wnsh. Phono 81!-U. 1US0 Central avoniin. HOOM AXD HOAHD DotMUi Hotel Thoroughly overhauled, opoiw March 1G; rcasouablo ratos. Mrs. E. M. Johnson, 2m and Curtis. TWO HOMHSTHAI) lellnqul.Hhnicnts for snlo. For particulars wrlto Post offlco bax "iL" Myrtlo Point, Ore. FOU SALI Sfock or tlalry farm, 10 10 acres, 1225 cattle on place, will handle about 150. Price $G0 per aero; $10,000 to $1C,000 down, balance to suit. Address Fred Llllentlml, Marahflold, Oro. Frnm lilh Terminal Dock bSp?'xsf and FGUS0N TRANSFER I'hono my tljniid Waterfront I Sa .... ,nS has it o, ;! I 4n Der i . t"n nun m I'honell0"'1, 0nr''nKo remoy. I BUY FRESH HOMEMADE' Cail and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. !Dew Prop Central Avenue With us, prescript Ion com pounding Is the most Ini jiortniit ik u do, nnd lo reicse ciwy cine and piccautlon In do It light. Hv brlugiiig jour piescrip tliius to "Till! OWL" " aro ghlng Ihe I. one the best possible chances for ivco cry. "The Owl" Frank D. Cohan THE CENTRAL AVE NUE DRUG STORE. The Fragrance of a Flower Garden may he enjojed In that lino hi' Intense TUMLIXO AUUCTCS Delicate and delightful THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phone 28 Wo Delher Iiuinedlately Over Million Shares ut Securities ' I Cliange Hands In Xow York ' Stuck i:cliauge Today I (Ilr AMoclatt.l Vim to Coo Uajr Timet, NEW YOHK, March II. -War! stoika and kindred Isauus boomed on tho stock exchange, horo today.' Tho Baloa amounted to ovor a mil- linn shares Gulna of 2 to ft points were roglatorod. OH MY! lTUn nl.l.U ,11(1.. In. tltlllll llllfr X IIU IHIIUH l" liU VI. .M iIIV You'll notlco Just the aamo, That In tin hunting season ha Will certainly cllo gamo. Physician's 3VHm; Eczema Remedy ;onion sots, per pound Grass Seed Now Is tho tlmo to phlnt grass and wo nro prepared to furnish you tho Bood ut tho following low prlcoH ' Alsyke, per pound 18c Timothy, per pound 9c Italian Ryet por pound 9c Orchard Grass, pound 18c t ; LOST AND FOUND I ! ? KOL'Xl) Fountain pen. Onor may get same at Times offlco by puy Ing for thla notlco. FOUND Itlbbon watch fob, with monogram. Owner may havo aamo by applying at Times offlco nnd paying for this nd. FOPXD (I'entlcmnu'H gold ring, inoiiogrammod. Owner may havo aamo hy applying ut Times offlco nnd paying for this nd. WANTED I $ WANTED Mini ami wlrV, no chil dren, on dairy ranch, $50 month and own house. Alox Carlson, Tomploton, Oro, tOJi I FOR SALE t $ I "OH SALE Thoroughbred Itarrttl Hock ogga. Now thoroughbred cockerel In flock Insuring high grade birds. 11. A. Corthcll.. Phono III 71. FOU SALE Slmiplc.N.s Hand Sepa rator, 80 gal. por hour. Apply J. E. FlUgernld. FOR SALE Valiiahlo lionie-srcad lo cation. Addroftg "A" Tiuioa offlco. BICYCLE TIRES Huy Them lroni I's. Wo Clinigo Nothing to Put Them on Your WliOi-I MARSHFIELD CYCLERY I)r. nolmcs, tlio well-known skin special lt, writes: "I an convince Hint tlio I). D. X). Prn pcrlitlim lit m much a spi-clflo for llczoma 08 iiuinlno for iiinlarla. I hare been pre B rllilne the D. I. I. rcmody for years." 'Hun koothlni; comhlnutlon ot oil of WinlTBiffn, 'ihyni'il, nnd other heallnij liiKridknta called D. P. D. Prescription Ih now a fmorlto remedy ot skin special ist for all skin diseases. It penetrates the pores, kWcs Instant relief from tlm mint distressing Itch. Its soothing ottj quirsiy noai iuu miiumeq iiMiiex. 10c DriiRKtHts are (,'lad to recnmniend thli Mllilui:. foolliiL'l liilild. "5e. fiUcundtl 00. Couie to ux uud wit will tell you mora aliout Don't h'orget I'li'it b'aies to Hunker Hill. Bunker Hill Dep't Stor FAU.M FOU SALE Thlrty-flvo ncroH, ono-half bottom and ono half bench land; six acres of good orchard; uooil houso and barn, lighted by ncotylono gaa; housa with modorn oqulpmentB; hot and cold wntor, bath, otc. Near Co qulllc. A good buy If taken soon. Inquire T, cato of Tlmos, or Hox 2150, Coqullle, Oro. FOU SALIv Selected Wlillfc Leghorn eggs for aottlugs, from good lnyorB. W. H. Oxonrldor, Phono 003x2, Marshflold. FOU SALE Full blood R. II. cg$c5 for Hottlnp; also day old chicks., 0. M. Connor, Ph. -K.I-J. ! J FOR RENT I $ I'OU H EXT Furnished flat, hot and cold water, bath. 853 Third at. this renmrkshlo remedy. Your money hack ihiIi'hh tin Ilmt holtlo n'lli'Vc you. I'. I. I'. ttoup tnjw your skiu healthy. .k uhout It. HED CHObS 1)151 ti STOHE WH Dindinffer & Co i mos'5 wwin-vo oon Phone 32 I south llroadvM.y. HOOM anil apply 22D '"y3git,Mi4-- TJTi'arHn sir 4-JjMi.A J..l iJvL.