TWQ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1916 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES H. O. MALONfiY, Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnraliflolil. i PUlHilClTV CAN'T JJO IT ALL TUB TI many 'IMES Is grateful for tho compliments It la reclv- Iiir on It's campaign for n City Bcuutlful. Tho action of tho Chnni bnr of Conunorco and tho city coun cil in Hnpplcmcntl'i" this work Is also excellent. Jn many sections of tho city thcro Is conuroto evidence of the effectiveness of tho work. 'All of which Is good, but wo need InorO. Pllhllcllv It lll'CPRHilfl' in nlltit. ulato c I v,l c spirit and Is always the condition precedent to effective ac tion. Dul tho effective official ac tion must follow. City ordinances rognrdlng rubbish and gnrbago inttut bo enforced. Th city niliHt appoint News of Nearby Towns MOORE MILL TO OPEN ABOUT APRIL FIRST Itcco'M Fi)lu:ts D'ln)M Plans nn" Espetiinlly Logging Opera lions HANDON, Ore., March 11. Coo. I.oeke, foreman of tho Mooro mill, with a forco of niechaiiilcs will In a short tlmo begin putting tho plant In condition for operation, Logging opcratlonsj In thu Coach camp on Ltimpn Creek have been under way ,foi Bovcrnl weeks and a largo nurii hr of logs bavo already boon duiupod Into tho river, ready to float down. Owing to high water caused by tho recent heavy ralnu, tho logging has ft legal Clean Up Day when till liusl-, i,acin Interrupted, tho railroad being ncss will bo suspended and nil efforts 'under water for tho second tlmo this trlvnn in tho tnsk of truiklnir Marsh. field a City Ileantlfnl or tho wld-!Stll'rlK' for this reason Mr.Mooro publicity campaign may bo wasted.. Untes tho opening tit tho mill will bo Tho net result Is likely to bo a few scattered yards and lawns sot aright but tho big ugly spots remain. There Is no substitute for tvlncoro straight forward and efflclont action on tho part of the city officials in co-operation with good citizens In- oplrcd with civic pride. Tho Tilings has done, nnd will con tlnuo doing Its shnro but there must bo mora than talk to realize the dream of a real City Hcnutlful It Is now on to tho city authorities and tho citizens to show that they really mean to make Mnrshflcld what nature has deslgntd hor to be ono of tli'j bounty spots on tho Pacific coast. t WITH THE TEA t AND THE TOAST CJOOD EVENINH Great nion tiro they who set) that spiritual Is stronger than tiny material forco; thoughts rulo the world. Einorson Till PKOMISED LAND I Every tiny tho promho of n blue sky overhead, Life It Isn't worth your while to frot It; Tho fields, they're n-flxlug for to glvo your dully bread, UHt you've got to bravo tho burn In' day to get It. II Every day tho promise of tlio Joy tho future kcopa, Like n star In Heaven It will set It; Hut It Isn't for the dreamer who In shady gnrtloiiii sleeps You've got to bravo tho biiriiln' day you got It! Selected. Uncle Joseph Noyes Is seriously 111 at tho Club Cafo rooms where ho hns been making his homo of Into. Grnntlpn Harry Grady, ono of Myr tle Point's oellogcnnrliin who has mado his homu at tho Hotel Myr tle point for sovornl yenrs, and who suffered paralysis of, his lower limbs sovornl mouths ago, Is sorl'ously 111. M. It. Leo, who recently purchnsod Clnronco Gntchol's Interest In 'thei Gntcbol Drothors' Transfer Lino at Iinndon, lias returned to that city to resume Ms work after n week's stay In Myrtlo Point. Clnronco Gntchell and mother have gone to Eugene, Oregon, to reside. , Horn In this city, to Mr. and Mrs. ilerry Huntley of Powers, n son. Last Saturday, tho homo of tho bride's pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowls Corliss at Powers, Oregon, was the scoun of a quiet and pretty homo wedding, when their daughter, Miss," Evelyn M. Carllss was milted In mar riage to Mr. Ovid A. Vlckhnin, Elder C. II. llarklow or Myrtle Point of ficiating. Tho couple will inaky their homo ut Powers, Mr. Wlclthnin being assistant cook In ono of tho Smith- 'Pfiu'firit pntnna - " " " rM . question rou the n.w What Iiiivo you given up during Lent? AVo havo decided to forego doer hunting. DAILY ADVICE KlndiiosH Is tho out) thing you can't overdo. No hoiibIIiIo Coos Hay man over Imagines that he Js tho head or tho family. When a Coos llay woman Imyn a spool of thread In a storo sbu iiIwiijh flguroH that she Is doing tho ririn a great favor by not unking them to dellvor It for her. If men liked facts ns much as thoy llko bull, there wouldn't ho so ninny Get-Hlch-Qiilek concerns making: money. Fashion In the only thing that a Coos tiny woiutin will always love, honor ami obey. Some Coos May kIi'Ih who look Hkn pcnclies and cream, taste like kill noinlno. Times want ads firing results. somewhat delayed hut It Is expected that tho plant will bo running short ly after tho first of April. MYRTLE POINT NEWS KumiIh In ItiVs UipV Valley by the Enterprise its Toltl Kir k's Kolum Edited by 1 H. KIHK, (Hiley) .MESSAGE FHOM CL'PID OP M)VE KING (Inspired by news of the large num ber of weddings to come prlntoil in The Times Inst Saturday.) No. I I aim Cupid. Cup,'d, tho King of lovo You know I eomo from up above. 1 keep my how and little dart, All ready for that waiting heart. ' I shoot my dart straight through the' air, When 1 sco n hoart uwaltlng there. My eye Is good, my aim Is true, I plerco tho heart right through and through, No. II I smile sonio times at what I do, And wonder If all hearts are trim. I often wander In boiiio pnrk, Whom young folks go Just after dark. And whllo they sit there On a sent, And they tiro talking protty sweet. I tip too up nnd draw my dart, Then tako good njlni nnd pierce their heart. No. Ill And booh you'll hear the wedding bell, Tho same Bweet story It will tell. Tluit thcy'ro mado ono no inoro to imrt, For thoy'vo bcon shot with Cup'ld'H dart. jiThcn, of course, my work Is done, I go some other place for run. I tnko sonio long long trips you know, On Inud and boh nnd over snow. No. IV From this good work I never tiro, For I tun helped by ono up lilghor. I trust In him with all my heart, To show mo whoro to shoot my tlnrt. Sonio l,lmcs ncroBs the bchs J roam, Where royalty Is on the throne. I shoot my tlnrt mid dmico with glee, At all of thoso called roynlty. THEY NEVER. FALL DOWN! MRS! H IGHFALUTIN JUST .CAILE&W OR MnMimrn WLIAT1 I 'iV A f I C Er"'U CO TV' HE'LL LtKEl THEM BETTER T.HAN.ANiAIESH.IP Old) SOLDIEH DEAD . Apo Wllllaiii Slpplo Succumbs ply Tho lliiutlon Hccorder Diiyti: "William Slpplo, nit elderly citizen ,r this city Is dead. Ills death was 'duo to n stroke or apoplexy and ho 'lived only about !I7 hours after tho stroke. He was u native or Ohio mill a veteran of tho Civil war hav ing been n mouilier of Company 1, l.Slh Ohio volunteers. lie was born Jn Washington county, Ohio, Novom- Ibor 12, IS III. He Is survived by a widow, aged 71 yours mid by three children: Wesley Slpplo of llnudoii mid a son and daughter at White Salmon, Washington," WATCHING FOU SPKEDKHS All tho auto drivers had better keep their eyes on their speedome ters, ns W. II. Selini'Jder has tho illy stop wutch In working order hgnln and It will soon bo In posos slou of John Hickman. As the watch 'has been out of bis possession for hoiiio tlmo, John will probably try It out on tho Hist spomlor he sees, Cotiullle Herald. FOUND .MUCH SNOW fr' S New Goods V big hliipiueiil or new drill'; ai'i'hid on the N'auu t'lultb and we arc now In It po-dllon to supply nearly cvir thing in tlriiK storo goods Moie inerchandliu duo in a Itw davs will make our slink toiuplcto in every te Inll. Superior service, bost drugs, Immediate delivery. The Red Cross John M. Lung- of Liimpa SajH Them Is TIimv !( Tho Maiitlou Kceordnr says: .lohu M. Long or l.ampit was In llaudoii today mid told us that he had 'Just heou out to Hosohurg to buy mid "bring bock with Mm some three head of llolutelii milk cows. Ho came by vay or tho old Coos Hay wagon roatl, and said that all at once as thoy tip reached tho top or tho high hill they came into threo root or snow. Pur sixteen miles and all or one day vth".v traveled through deep snow nnd then suddenly eincrsed onto bare ground, and romimrnUvoly good roads again. Tho cows will ho added to his dairy near I.ampa. No. V (I havo shot my dnrt at tueons mid kings, I.Antl dukes, and lordB, mid other things. You liuvo soon mo pictured in the press, jVlth arrows two or three, I guess. 'Now iln the press It has been told I havo ono tlnrt called lovo for gold. I shoot this ono with all my might, At HiiondthrirtB that Btuy out nt night; No. VI Thoy nuniitl Hiolr cash at games or chance, In Knglnnd, Italy, mid oven Franc). rWheii their cash Is spent at fearful rates, piiey eomo to tlieso United Stntes. (Aiul look Tor wives with fortunes grand, I'lmt would ho placed nt tholr com- inaiiii. h'ou'll find tho lovo darts that I keep, (Don't strike those who titles seek. No. VII finch women havo no sense to Bpnre, I bat take tholr fortunes over there. Anil let It go Just for a namo. jWlilch In a row mouths causes pain. J would llko to tako them on n rami, UAnd bIiow them lovers nrm In arm. There Is no diiko or lord could please. "(5,lrls with hearts as truo as tlieso. No. VIII I havo mado n call in tho r"sltlenrc, Or two or tho Nation's Presidents. I And when 1 make a cat! llko these, ' I havo the whole U. S. to please. 'So I lake my dart if love In hand, (Co shoot the head man or tho laud. I examine closo my little dart. ri'heii take good aim mid plrco his heart. IX U pleases mo to seo a pn,lr, hor lovers In the President's chair. 'Woll now I guess I'll closo my rhyme, Or Cupid a pranks for tho nrosont time. And ir you want to hear tho rest, 'I'll write It quirk at your r-jquost. I'll tUgu my name its it Is above, I am Cupid, Cupid, King or Love. J fy if 5fl PROFESSIONAL Dr. A. L. Houseworth loysicinn ami Su' Offlceilrvlng nff Offlco hounii II t..."1 1 and 7 to 8 p. ,. ,,ln-ll, Plionos: orrict. li;j.j, tlM , . ' ""! !, J. M. WriylU ilUIUM&'O COV-rn!1''!! KBtlmatcafHralahodoq jflS. ?m AD.MINISTHATOIt'S NOTICE Mftlli... tu l..tltt. ..I...... Mi.. I M..t ..vv,.ij in ui-iuifj h11-'!! llHVt ill.- t iiiiiierHigncti iiiib neon ttuiy npioini- etl by the Honorable County Court I of Coos County, Oregon, In Matters of Probate, Administrator nf tho estate, of I). W. Small, deceased. I All persons Iia liitr claims against1! said estate tiro hereby notified to!' present them to mo at tho offlco of I my uttorney, Geo. Wutklns, In tho i Eldorado llllc. In tho tlty or Mursh-i Held, In said County and State, I within six months from the date or this notice. Untcd this 22nd day of February, 1010. - S. C. SMALL, (Administrator or tho estate or 1). W. Small, deceased. (First publication February 22, I!) Hi; last publication Mnrch 21,. J'.ILU. im:iTry.'rjiiffL;u..jt5!gi Statement of Condition of Dr. H. M. Shaw Wjo, Ear and Thront BpetMu GLASSES WTKil 1'hono 8B0.J. Itooins aoa-Joi Irving ijocki ' DU. MA'ITIE It. HIIAWi riijrblclim nnd HurgWl I'liono aao-j. H. G. Butler CIVIL EniMvvn Itoom 304 Coke Hltlg. phon, ,,, UeBldcnco Phone 363-L. I W. G. Chandler Altcil iTKrrr itoouia 301 and 302, Coke BuHdi I Mtirahflnl.l n l -....vjiu, uieKgo, WILLAMI Leave Mnrshflold G:tr a.m. 7.-15 n.m. 8: 'in a.m. 9 : 1 r. n.m. 10:4G a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 2: -in p.m. 3:45 p.m. C:00 p.m. G.40 p.m. ti:fit p.m. 7:30 p.m. TIME TAIILK CITE PACIFIC M0TOI USUI UtT North Bm 7:00 u 8;oo u 9:oo i& 10:16 is. 11:00 ii 11:15 u 1:15 pi 2:00 pa, 3:00 pa 1:00 jA S;l( pa, 6:55 p,j, North city limits oil;. 7:15 n FBunDgii mm eS JBesasiKiM Bunalkg AHT WON THE "Itl'IIIIEir ii PUAHM U'Y, J. Loo lironii ; phnuo I--'IMM SCHIPTION'S 1'IHST." : lioiiiiclux hoy nriVvod it the homo or Arthur Walker. Mrs. Walker and son are getting tilong flue and Arthur is the busiest man In town. Ho has cut out solo and other pastimes and says ho ha busi ness of his own to attend to uow-n- iIujb. Cold Hoach Globo. J. E. LYONS GETS NEW POSITION AT CARLISLE l''onuV Owner of Coos Hay St'ui Laundry Ifcvomtv. SiifrluteiiileiU or Washington Mill The rollowlng dispatch from Cos mopolls, Wash., will ho of Interest hero as j. E. Lyons formerly lived i.l n Mnrshfleld and was at one time or tho Coos Hay Steam Laundry: '.!. E. Lyons, or Cosmopolls, has tak- ru the position of superintendent of tWTIljf 513 JBH is 9 HT Gives n brllll'nt r.lo"y ctilno Hint B f tlocs not n' oil or climt oit-l ut H Htinc H t tlio It nn -tlw.t I.it3 (our U pB lime in loni; na any utlicr. N I Black Silk Stove Polish I l In n i" i' . by li. If. If uuro H n in, tu'' i .spifiti i . lo B Q Irtn. . n..i.m . -- H H Tnrlttny.irivlT -sT) H H If yo it) 'i it i i'u M7)!J?i5te 1 pH lll IkxIm!mIv 14 rftltfKlOPjiyZjI M i r 'ir MTKlltTM 1 n Imrdw rf or sKUgY f tiI V 9 m v Mif. in isSa iv uiK H 1 wu '' jmMm m ,. v rvHtfj'yTl'fii' la H r,w--i j wct'-rjr fcr',,iy ()!' MAHSHIMCI.D AND MVUTLH POINT. OKECON At the Close of business March-7, 1916 HKSOUUCHS Loans and Discounts $632,158.43 Banking Houses and Real Estate 64,108.72 Cash and Sight Exchange 152,522.31 Total .. $848,789.46 LIAIIILITIES Capital Slock Paid in $ 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 72,340.60 Deposits 701,448.86 Total ... .- $848,789.46 WEAVING All kinds a shc ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, (M 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-1 HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phon 3171 DRY WOOD ut Campbell's Woodyard Not tit I' rout Street Phono II7IM SAVE MONEY by ordering tho fatnoui HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton ....... $1-00 Lump coal, ton $3-34 Or half ton of Dctli. .f !."3 J). Ml'SSO.V, Prop. Phono IH-.1 or lcnvo onltn nt Hllljer's ClBiir Store PTN A 71? f wrVYMFi AArAIfiKd Tho Sheriff has liiformei! us that ho will seiid ti statement to every tax payer, whoso address ho Uuowh, as ti tho amount of tholr taxes, thero- roro If you will send tlieso statements tu its, with the amount of your taxes wo will sco thoy are paid mid hoop a rocord on our boohs or tho pay ment, without any cost to you. Flanagan & Bennett: Bank t THE LLOYD HOTEL t Housekeeping Apartment, itho Carlisle Luiuber, Coninahy. nt I Two llooin.s, $H.Ot Montli. Carlisle, Wash. He Is ono or tho most capable sawmill men on the couht. ItOAD IS III.OCKKD It. A. .lanilesoii assisted by Her bert tulcaii brought the Curry coun ty Leader plant as tar as Kucliro Creek whoro It has boon storud until the weather sat ties and tho rond can ho repnlrod. Uutlor prosont condi tions It U Impossible to reach Gold Ilench rrom tho north with a tam. ifandon Itciordor. BLANCO The Public Service Hotel hns Just been thoroughly renovat ed, and opened (o the public Match Iht, HMil. Some of tlio font urns of ibis oltl hostelry mo. five em ployment bureau, Ireo sowing room, Information bulletin mid kind treatr iiient. The patronage of tho public is Millcitcd, uiaNco Hotel 1127 North Front street Phono ILL Maishflcld, Orejrou Electriilty ntut Has, Ereo Hatha .Sleeping rooms, 9 1.50 k. up 1ME Condensed Statement of tw Coinlitloii of lorai FIRSTNA1 7ViVr m T? Tt f TAV7TTJ7 1UNA.MX1 off Coos Bay M.nsnni:u, oiti:(iON, nt tho closo of business .Marcli 7, 1010 Hesources loiius s:Kl:l,KK7.ill OvortlrnftH 7(1. 1 1 Itouds, warrants ami seeurltles iiOI, llit.:Hi Heal tvstato 72,0(10.00 I'ltriiituro and l'i- lures n, 8(10.0(1 Cash mill Sight Ivxtiimigo 1 127, 1. ".". OO I, labilities Cnpltnl Stock . . .SIOO.OOO.OO Surplus ami Putlivitletl protits :io,:mo.7I Circulation outstmiil- lug 00,01).-. 00 lfIIKslth I111I .,-(1(1,272.1 I Hank . :;,7;0.80 ."I O.OOil.O;; Total S7I0,:U7.77 Total !S7 10,0 17.77 DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO TIIK I'UIIUO A TcKiiIar Btato IkeMrf UBdortnkcr will I I charge Phono 105-J GRAVEL Wo nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any uantltle trom pllo In our yard or lu carload lots, at following prlcei: From pllo on ground, J 2.' 6 por yard. Carload lots, takeu from car, $2.00 per yard., Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite PosM)fllco. Phoae IOO. FAKE THV CKXTS City Limits X01II1 "'"J' nn cosi.Mi'TATio.v nn l) TICKCTS, SLT.T Li Mar.shflcld-NoHh BJ Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes Iron 0 . 111.. to ismWnlsMJf South Sloush onco a w. leiivlOK nt 1 1 " 5 t0 b plro three trips n day. fJOIIST .V KIN", rrap SOUTH COOS HIVElt 1IOAT SHHVICE LAl'NCH EXPHESS leaves Miirslifleld every tlay N a.m. Leaves head of river nt U: 15 i. 111. STEAM KH HA1NHOW leaves head or liver dally nt 7 n.m. Leaves Marshneld nt 2 p.m. 1'or chnrter npply on )o:irtl. HOC KKS S.MITH, Pi-ops. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like, new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Kooiitz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street , ynrnni tf. A. H. BODGBI Marshfield ftS " primates Fund :Ph.,MB.B. MarAfld" WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $240,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings ' I. s. KAUTMAN & c- " T..i rrrwisurer j.uiiti .- mi t m..., MIITH IS KIXfl Of nllSowinuM Now located at 256 M bJ,e West. Phono 1;J' ., kltdi also gofblg bargains J Bold on easy pa)"";"-