'm pjOPLE CAN STAND PROSPERITY BUT THERE ARE MANY WHO WOULD LIKE TO TRY WxmtB .nTUnT A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BPrtn' ",r o.MTHFRFST 'M AND ALWAYS BOOSTS 'jjA X (Kims mnn MKM.BKK OF TUB ASSOCIATHI) PHKSS ol. to xxxix. Kstubllshed 1878 Ah Tlio Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1916 EVENING EDITION if BETH I1L ON BAY i...i..,cnn finnfers . r .TSmFSui- SSrAt Hero BRIDGE 15 BURNED BliBVBXTir CAVALRV THAINS Jli:iiiYi:i IN ARKANSAS IB DEFINITE )& ssbxs sr V, WtMii ...y.. - Lumber lor i-umo ",,,u UPPING VERY HEAVY NOW rt(r niH Kmn i:"i LV:y.....!" i Kranflw) .imup "?'"", It, $0.00 Prom toimnitin mi JUtlOK """ LffC Stephenson of tlio North id Mill and Luraucr i oiiqmuy ltd on the Vcllowatotio from San CISCO Where HO WCIll IU Mllliur lib rani n'mmtcK 01 wu aynu - brt Co. "MIA mere, iiu w Wertnee lth parties rclntlvo to s coDttrnctlon of a now mill on jj Bar. no Ml" imu "oi""' jte bid been ciono imu una no ulopeiui inaia iii """'" l,"j lie ilie if mo orm uumi . "" inter Company's plant in .oriu :i, would bo built. iTieiliortaito of cars on tno ran- Mdind the shorlngo or bonis is rnp :y iirtngthenlng tlio lumber mar- i DlitrlOiition is gcuing huiyoiih iJ Bills not having tliclr own boats re Birine aiutcuiiy in guning iu it to market. Charter rates on boats Iiavo iVfd to (3.50 from Coos Hay to n rnnritfo ami tn Ifi from tlio Co- labia Rlrer to San Frnncscu. Kvcn tine higher rates, It Is practically iponlble to get boats. Ur, Stephenson says Mint ovory it there Is an ailvauco In tlio prlco lumber, the cost of lrettlm? tlio liber to market Is advanced. He uld that tlio amount or ship ;r Ufat ilonn at Snn l'rnno'Kri) Ik loewe almost unbcllovnblo In yol" le. liwxylcr llt'io Capt Bender of tlio Wxby-Clnrk upanr canio tip on me Yellowstone attaa Inspector of tlio coiiBtrurtlon tl tin nex ypmoIr fnr hlu mm. uy at the Kruse & Ilnnks ynnls. Ho aidted Heen (PA rIiIii tnnstnr lniv. ( retentlr taken tlio Palmer, ono ice laticsi tcnooncrs nriont, toj i Atlantic for delivery to tlio pur-i in, I Klfnlttm ill lltiiw.l. L J. KJmiiunn -nnil l.Mnni. Illiiiininn 'ere it the lattcr's ranch noar Site- loreio ana no aid not boo tlioin. aMunraftiin a. li. Daly, forinor- vi Minnucia uut now nl Monro l. 'to WJ! jf nilliiL' n fmv ilnvu In 11 Fnnrltm lift Stephenson whn npcninmiiilnil 'a Kith visit nwhlln Iniifnr Saa Frinrlsfn nn.l i-l...... .... tut "" """" ",u'- SoldlciH lluvo to bo Dctoured No 15.plunutiun or I'lin lias Been Given Out fir AisocUtOil Press to Cooa Ha Tlmta. LITTL15IIOCK, Ark, March 11. Kour trnliiH currying troopB of the Klovonth Cavalry from Port Ogle thorpe, On., to 13 1 Paso, woro (!(! Inyoil several Iiour last nght when a brldgo iihciI on tlio Iron .Mountain railroad burned at Now Augusta, Ark. Tlio ciuiBo, Ib unknown. Tlio troop tratiiB woro tlutourotl. PLAN TO CEIiSOR M WS Rigid Regulation Rcyardiny Information From Colum bus, Prevail, Today GllfiliU ALL LINES Hw Dm Place fas idea City IraitiH FEELING 1 Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nun f-os liny Ailvcrtlwr. No. 198 Pros. Wilson and Officials In- dkwant Over Reports N Circulated Yesterday COLORED NEWS HURTS Claim Certain Interests Am Trjlntr. to .Stir up Heal War With .Mexi co May Slop AlatnilM Pub. Ileal Ioiin Soon (nr Amor IM Vmt lo Co nr Tlmti.l SX ANJrON'IO, Tox.. March 1 rigid connorshlp wan ordered oHtali llHhed at ColutnliiiH, N. M.. today by Mnjo Clonornl Kuimton. Ho liiHtrnet od DrlKadler Clonoral I'ecHli.'iii,', coin mnndliiK thero, to tnko charKO of tlio tol'.'Krnpli offlco, watch all nutoino lillo routes and Kimrd tolepliouo wires out of town. WlliSO.V IS IUATB 1S1H lil P P-lliaKK nivs TIMIiKIt OX '-untxsiivspiaci: flM? 'ff"1"8 TMlai l-nltl M, "UVHll htiiiup. ! for (lie Tract Cm. mi -i-. . PttlCL .lca l,""'itlou8 on Ieliinl'.5,"K a tr"l't wlilt-li '1. It ii ,, i . cn rro111 Mr- l'o KrVtn,der8t00(.1 that ho paid t. Soon ... 'r nomuul Htump. St II J i t"t??d lhat Al Sniltli law m f'oiisand for tlio lf"ftMraet lies IlPlir tli;r I" ha , iLBea,,,y l0K!L'', Mr. lltannik. tMm U'llle. t Ib M.i.inr. WB.?wu,tlelowJntho 0W. Ik.:"' "OSWOS tllO Isohkov t,!WaCi. Cr, 8mi,U tract 'rour,!'1'0 rvcr which ho v ivB, TlilnliH Cea-ialn Paptrs Aj'j Coloring Sown lo I'ore" War Pj AusrUtnl Vnu lo Cooa Dr Tlmm.l WASIIIVflTnV. II. r... Mnrnli 1 1 l(BBB'a't -' ruulIcatloiiH or roportu that tlio u. S. cxpcctB trouble with Carranza nro undcrHtood to ho resented by tho ndiiilnlHtratlon officials, Includ ing ProHldont WIIhoii, boiiio of whom say tlioy aro IjoIiik purposoly dus BoiiVuatcd ljy a certain olouiuut to brlni: about war with Moxlca. OfflelnlB mado It clear thnt the stops already taken woro deliberately Intended to precludo tho possibility of armed Intervention nnd thoy urn BorloiiBly coiiBldorliiK takliiK acton to stop tho puhllcat.'on uf reports of an alarmist nature. TO HUV MBAICO BrOTTUMBER ll"i..il(,,.l WIIhiiii KiiIiI In 11(1 Pmisld. orlni; Slnv Plan A special dispatch from WashliiK ton nays: IloportB that havo been current on Wall Btroot, loadmir financial circles In Bovornl cities and in political nnd diplomatic groups, to tho effect that tho administration rontompIatoB ac quIsiVon by pttrchaso of tho northern Koetlou of Moxlco and that Colonel 13. M". Houso really wont to Kuropo to "Boiuirt" eortaln Bovornnionta on thla policy, nro now declarod on au thority that cannot ho ignored to bo substantial and of oxtromo poten tiality. Tho plan, It Ib assorted, Is to buy Ifor $300,000,000 nil of Mexico that l.i north of a direct lino drawn west from tho southerly outskirts of tho city of Tnmplco, including tlio ontlro l.owor California poa'nsula. SvVT'V.'VlX.ltSTIW- T'.:en s. . UJ Ureal- ii "u,l'i'oilnc loi, i rfak Jinny of .. Sff"""? a ei'r10" wh,S t fl rat'on of ih1e?etal cfonomlc em. .r'oers wnni.i r '",ci soon ft11' fi" fitlmUla BaV0 tl' it, Ht Ills L ?8 8"-8Gstod. PKHSHIXC TO COIiCMUL'S Indications That First Bntiy Into .Mexico Will lio l-'roni There ni AMocUted n u root JUT Tlmw.1 Bh PASO, Tox., March 14. Hrlg dlor General Porshlng, eoinmnndlng tho oxpodjtlonnry forco into Moxlco, lQft horo on tho west bound train last night. Tho train was said to bo going to Columbus, whoro sotno 4, 000 mon of tho first expeditionary forco aro Jn rendlncss for tho dash nftor Villa. ASTATKMBNT of the plan, tho purpoBos aiTompllsliinonts of tho City IJcnutltul contest or the notary Club of Davenport, Iowa. Our Purpose. This wna threefold: l-'lUST We ileslred lo create and stimulate In thu average man and woman an appreciation of the pleasure, the Batlsrot'tlon and tho value In dollars and cents of niiuWraclivo yard. " Wu know that the yards of our laboring clas3 were often bleak, barren, desolate and very unattractive. Wo desired ir possible to havo them made more Inviting, to bring Into them tome order, some cheer, boiiio beauty. Wo believed that environment Is a potent factor In the development of character that a child which grows up In nu environment or tin cans will not 'bo tho eiiinl of ono who grown up In nu atmosphere or grass, shrubs nnd flowers. Wo appreciated that our city never could bo considered attractive until tho units tho homes which went lo make It up wore nindo so. Wo Wished to miilcu our "The City Huiiiitlful." Second We desired to uld our civic niithorlllou in crc ullug and umiutniulug a clean city. We roll Hint there was a direct and vital connection between tho cleanllnops or our city and the health viT Its people. Wo have ordinances with relations to uslios, garbage and refuse, which were all that could bo desired, but their provisions were not In many Instances llvotl up to. We 'desired nB far ns wo could to coopenilo and aid our authorities In malting Davenport a cloouor, healthier nnd therefore happier city. Third Wo aimed to awaken Interest In vegetable gardens as one of the reasonable common-HCiioo and practical Relations or tho problem or tho high coBt or living for thu workliigmau. Piiiplo Interested. Davenport Is n city of fifty thousand. We have approximately eight thousand homes which have yards, not Including flnts and dwellings ' which cover tho entire proporty. In llMU, tho first year or our contest, ono homo In ovory twenty wub entered, tho second year, 1!U I, one homo In every six. nnd last yonr, ID ii, one homo In ovory rive was eutored In the content. In lt)i:i, tho first year of our contest, thoro was not olio homo In fifty In Davenport where any particular effort had been Hindu to mnko the homo yard more attractive- Today It Is the exception to find a yard occupied by an owner where somo attempt lias not been made to beautify It. Although our movement was Intended pri marily for the worklngumn, wo found tho In terest so strong that wo created classes ror thoso who did part or their own work and ror those who maintained hired men. Wo succeed ed lu Interesting ovory class, Trem tho poorest man to the millionaire. We had four hundred and ton entries In 1013, fourteen hundred and seven lu I lit I, and six teen hundred nnd twenty-two lu 11)15. In our 1015 contest the entries woro divided between, Iho different classes as follows: Clnss one, eleven hundred and eighty-four entries; elnss two, four hundred and twelve; class thrco twenty-six. The fa in I lies lu Davenport average about five persons eneli. As nearly as we can estlmatu wu Interested two thousand people lu 10 CI, Keven thousand lu 1014 and eight thousand In iy in. Vegetable .(iiii'ilcns. lu 10 IH wo had one hundred and ninety-eight entiles for our vegetable garden prizes, in 101 t two hundred and forty, ami lu 1015 six hun dred and ten. The value or the produce from the gardens uf certain of the prize winners, based on thu current lotnll prices, run nil tho way from fifty to one hundred and ulno dolluis. On an ncre , ago Imsls the value or the produce varied front four hundred to six hundred dollars. A hundred dollars to a worklngmnn Is a 'big lift. It Is very often a choice of a vegotahlu gaiden or very few fresh vegetables. Then, too, It Insures freshness, a quality thnt ono who relies on the comer grocery cannot always ob tain. 'Utiles of tho Content. The rules of tho contest wero very few nnd Blmple.' Thero wus no entry Toe. Tho contest wna absolutely free. Utile I. Anyone could enter, man, woman or child, hut only ono entry wus accepted from each family. Rule 2. lu an alloy adjoined a property it wus required to ho kept neat and clean and tho city ordinances with relation to garbage and refiiso strictly complied with. Rule II. No parson wan permitted to win in any ono year or sorlos or yoara moru than twon-ty-flve dollars lu tho contest. Tlio entries wero divided Into tit too classes. CIpss 1. Tfioso who did all their own work. Class '. Those who did part of their work. ClnstS II. Thoso who maintained a hired man. jjCnsh prizes woro awarded only to Class I Honor prizes woro given only , to entries lu ..(A'ibf-cs 1! nnd .11 five prizes to Class 2 and two prizes to Class II. Wo divided the entries Into tho three classes so that tho workliigmau would not compote with the millionaire. Tluin i:teudeil. At tho retdest of many who nro Interested In The Times City Ilcnutlful contest, the Unto for suggestions nnd articles has been extended until next Saturday. If you have not sent lu your contribution yet, now is thu Unto to got Imiy. Do it now. DO IT NOW. MINNESOTA VOTES l-'lHST PHi:SIIH:.TIAIi PHIMAItV m:i.(j hi:u tiiiihi; tod.w Helen DelrgntiM to National rumen- (Ion and Also Bmsk liolco or, Candidates 111 AwHiclilwl I'rrwi in C. nr TlinM. ST. PAUU Minn., Mar. 14. Mlu nnu,iii vniuru iniliiv nro electing del egates to tho Democratic, Republican and Prohibition Kuroiiai conven tions nnd expressing cholco or can didates Tor President lu tho first Presidential proforonco prlmury over held in this state. UTILE E i IS BETTER TROOP CIRCLE AROUND VILLA .MB.YHUXH AltB KAVORAIHiV IM. PKBHSBI) IIV ACTIONS OK V. S. Advices to Washington Sity Canna- a (loveriiineiit Is Pleased With Heply to Bequest III Aiwoclntcil I'rww to Cmi Hay Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 1 1. Tho Stato Department was formally advised today or the receipt by Car ranza or tho roply Bent yesterday to his proposals ror n reciprocal agree ment aa to tho pursuit or hanil.'tn along the border. Acting Secretary or Stato Polk reported to Prcsldc-nt Vllson that word received at tho Stato Department rrom tho vari ous H'.-ctlonn of Mexico IntVcnted n favorable Impression has beon made on Carranza and others by tho re ply. T ON BORDER YET No Orders Issued for Advance Into Mexico Today, Says General Funston SILENT ION ORDER Commander of U. S. Forces Announces He Will Not Give Out Movement News E UN I B.Y.PKKSIIiBNT AXI) OTIIBH IJAU I i.ba units i:x;n:it protkst Pause in Infantry Assaults Near r-rench Stronuhold Continues Today VOTIJ IN NIJW IIAJIPSIIIIIB Klrst PrlnmVy is lleing Held Theio Today (11 AmukUIivI Crow lo Co 117 TlmM 1 CONCORD, N. II., March 1 1. i. ........ ..,.!., iiiiiiIi1,'ihiim nnd Pro- WUIIIUUIIIIO, !.......-- ------ - - - grossivoa today had their Hrst op portunity 10 ClIOOSU IIUIUBiuun iv - rect primaries to national party conventions. NEW GERMAN II FOR IRE TROOPS ' VNITBIi STATICS IS AGAIN NBCTRAFi Djr AuorlatM Tint to cooi IU- TlmM.l WASHINGTON. Mar. 14. President Wilson today sign ed a proclamation gilng no tice of tho noutrnllty of tho United States in the stato or war boweon Germany . and Portugal. Tho proclamation fallows tho toxt of tho oth- ors. piiAN no ixcrhasi: r. s. aiimv ...t. trn ilVl.? 'ill III,1M' ! About iliJ.Otlt) Adilllloual .Men lt- quired to Tal.o Places or Hums Sent to tbe Trout IB- AMoeUtel Fr- " c, "' Tlo".1 WASHINGTON. Mar. ! H'lalr" man Hay or tho Houso military comm'ttee lato today proparod rot the immediate Introduction or a resolution to porinlt President H boii to raise tho righting strengt ho tho standing army to 120,000 mon The prosont strength Is about 87 000 The 'additional troops aro doslred .... .. i man whn Illnv to fill Die piat "i "" - ---,- be withdrawn from tl.olr present lo cations ror sorvico In Mexico. Tlroea Want ad briaK resultt. Make Series of Brief, Violent Infantry Attacks Between Heavy Cannonading PLAN TO HOLD AID BACK Artillery to Prevent Krosh Troops Being Sent Up Minor Biigngo- moots and Artillery Duels British Bepulsed at Vpres (Hj Awo'litel I'rii o Toot Uar TlniM.l LONDON, March II. A pause in tho Infantry assaults around Vordtin continued today, although thero was no lot-up In tho heavy bombard- moni , , ,, ,' Tho Gorman taetlcs In tho effort to tako tho fortress aro dltroront rrom those heretoroi" followed by oltlior s'do, In that tlmy consist or short violent attacks followoil by brlor inrantry lulls nnd heavy can nonading, with tho Idea or spasmod ically throwing a stoel band around the dofeuders. West or tho .Mouse, cannonading is fft'rly vlolont. Paris says tlio Gorman .reconnais sance In Haudremont wood Is check ed. Thoro Is severe cannonading near Vaux and In Woovre. Paris says a German detachment was repulsed In I.o Pretro wood. Ilerlln saya a alrltfsli attack north oast or Ypres was driven back. Objet to Pri'slilent WIImiii'm ( liolco for lulled .Stoles Siipiemo Court Bench lllr Amxm IukI I'mw to Co llj Tlmm.l WASHINGTON. I). C, Mur. II. runner Presldont Tall and six other former presidents or the American liar AsHoclnt'ou protested today to the Senate Judiciary sub-eommltteu against the confirmation of tho nom ination or l.ouls 1), Ilraudols ror thu Pulled States Supremo Court. Their letters woro read at tho reopening or the public hearings. AUSTRIA SAYS NO WARNING GIVEN HER Claims Itiltlslt Submarines Sauk Ttv Austrian .Merchant Vessels Without Xotlco lllr AmwIiIoI I'll" lo Cuu IU; TlniM. WASHINGTON, I). C, Mnrch 14. Austria baa presented to tho United States reports or two Instances lu which it Is charged that Austrian morchiint ships woro torpedoed with out warning by ullled submurlnos, presumably British. PISH BIMi APPBOVKD Alllllnery opening at S, S. Jen nings, North Demi, mm aim huh Oiegon ami Wnshlngtoii Agieeiueiit Out Botiiidary l.lno IVt AMBtHtxl rrt to Cco Dir Tlmet.J WASHINGTON. D. C, Mar. II. Tho Houso morchunt marine com mittee reported favorably today on the Johnson bill to ratify tho Oro-gon-Washlngton compact regarding concurrent Jurisdiction over the Columbia and Its tributaries In con nection with regulating tho fish in dustry. STICK NKW TIU'ST Rr AOflttl Prei to Coo 0r Tlniw.l piimAfto. Mr. it. Tlio Asso ciated 11111 Posters or tho United States and Canada was hold to bo a combination In rostralnt or trade by Federal Judge Undls today. GEN. BELL IN COMMAND i Kin It Brigade Comiunmlcr Will Re lieve (ieiicral Pershing at Colum bus Day's Developments With thu Invading Purees lllf Auocut) r-rM to Coot Ilr Tlmn. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March II. It was announced today that Ilrlga tl.'or Gonornl Georgo Bell, Jr., com mander of tho Fifth Hrtgadu with headquarters at San Antonio, has boon ordered to 121 Paso to tako com mand of tho troops there, relieving General Pershing, now at Coliimniis. Boll will not he undor Pershing hut will hnvo charge or tho border ultuntlon when Pershing advances ditto Moxlco. General Doll will operate under or ders or General Kunston. No orders ror tho movement across tho border was Issued thla morning and none la likely today. General Kunston said that from now on ho would refuse to answor questions concerning tho liiiim'nenco of thu expeditionary forces depart ure. Secrecy Is .Miilntnluril Soon nftor Pershing's departure lust night, a mass of dotullod Infor mation which had beon pouring lu for soveral days rrom numerous bor der points stoppod. TIi!h was lu Hue with tho policy to keop Bocret Im portant troop movements. No Infor mation has reached horo as to how soon movemonts lu force might he expoctod. Fiiustou's uuuoiiiicuiuout Inst n'ght that the uxiicdltlou was awaiting only thu placing of on adequate bonier pa trol did not soryo to eiear up mo question. Big Korcn Beady It Ib known bore that the troops now available along the Now Moxlco Arizona border equals ,lu numbers and uqiilpmout any or tho strangest forces thnt tho United States gath ered lu recent years. A.MIIBICANS I.KAVINB Thlrty-flvo Depart Kioiii Chihuahua City for U. S. Today (11 AwmiUI I'lfM lo Ouui lUr Tlliioa.t WASHINGTON, Mar, 1 1. Thlrty flvo Amnrlcnns nro leaving Chihua hua City today on a special train provided by tho Carrana authori ties. Twenty Americans refused to loavo and Bovenleon othura in var ious parts of the statu elected to remain. KIND .MUCH AMMUNITION Carranza Commander Says 15,000 Soldiers Cut Off His Retreat Today IRE FORCES SENT General Callcs Says That Ban dit Leader Has Little Chance Now to Escape Pursuers GOING SOUTH FROM GALENA Provisional President of Mexico Rushes Additional Forces to Chl- linahiiii to Bead Off Rebel Mexican View of Situation ' NO TROOPS CROSS MIIXICAN IIORDKR tnr AMttlatn! Pitm l Coot fur Time I WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 1 1. -Disposition or tho American troops nlong tho border ami plans or Kunston wero explained fully nt to- tlny'u cnblnot moetlng by Secretary linker, who In- ) formed tho cabinet that ho hail no word yet that tho U. S. troops had crossctl tho border. .MKXICAN .MATTKBS IX ARMV'S BANDS (Ur AMorlttnl I'mu to con lUr TlmM, 4 WASHINGTON, Mar. 11 Secretary of Statu Lansing la now on his way today to Pluehurst. North Carolina, 4 ror nl week's vacation. Ills vacation Ib regarded hero as Indicating how completely the Stato Departmont ro- 4 gards thu Mexican situation 4 4 Is lu tho hands or the nrmy 4 Ur AuotltttJ I'itm to Coot llr TlmM, 15 L PASO, Tox., March II. Ac cording to advices rrom tho Cnrrnn za commander at Chihuahua, Villa, heading south rrom Galonn, Is nl leged to ho encircled by Carranza troops. With 15,000 men In Chi huahua and heavy reinforcements on tho way, General Colics In So nera thinks Villa has small clinnco of escape. CLASh 'dim GREECE I'ltli.MIFIt SKOULOUIHS. SKItVKH UIriJIATU.M ON AMilBS Reveals 151 Paso Search for Spies Small Arseual (II; Auoeltted TlrM U Cooa 111 Tlmr Wl. PASO Tn.. March 11. FiVO thousand rounds of nmuiiiuJtluu and a row old rules woro solzed by tho police hero today In a houso lu tho Mexican quurtora. Tho ammunition was discovered during a aoarch tor spies. GI5B.MANV MAKK.S AJIMXDS Berlin Proinlsos Pauper Rostlliitlun If (.'eriiiany Was to Ultimo in Disaster IDr AocUtl TffM to Coo lUr Timet J WASHINGTON, D. C, March 14.--Unorriclal advlcos hero todny Indi cate that Gornvany will make com ploto amonds to the United Statos If it is round n Gorman submarlno tor podood tho Norwegian bark Slllus, rrom which seven Americans wero rescued in Hnvro Roads. Says (;reeio Will Not Grant Ball road, Wireless and Troop Do tiiuuils of irutento Hr AmocUIM TrrH to Cmi Htj Tlmn.l I1I5RLIN, March 14. (Wi'roloss, vlu Snyvlllo). Premier Skinloudls of Greece, according to the Ovorsons Nows Agency, has Informed tho Kn touto Powors that his government would not accept eortaln domnnds mado by them, nnd tho Inalstenco on thorn would disturb tho relations bo Iween Grocco and tho I5ntonto. The Huteiito demanded tho trans fer to them or tho railroad adminis tration In northern Oreeco and Ma cedonia, the withdrawal or 'Greek troops from Klorliui and Kavaln, tho right to occupy Corinth strait ami to establish wireless Htnllons. TI5NSIOX KASI5D UP lletter Keeling on Roth Sides of th lloiiler Today II, .uihUIo4 l'fM to Cooa llaf Tlm.. DOUGLAS, Arl.. Mar. 14. Tho iniiuloii lil tlio ronlini: on both sldos of tho border was noticeably eased today. General Calles, commnnuer lu chlof In Sonorn. is only awaiting tho ofricli',1 conflriuntlon from Car ranza or tho agreemont hotween tho Aitiorlcan and Moxlcun governments boforo co-operating with Funston'a punitive expedition. COX(Bti:SS WORKS ON PBI5PABI5BN15SS Ur Aworlate.1 l'ru r; TlmM 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 14. In keoplng with tho Prosl- (JqiiCh desire to have, all proparodness measures rush- od through Congress, tho Houso rulea committee to- day sippolntod a siih-commlt- ' 4 too to confer with Speaker Clark on sldo-tracklng all otlior business alter tho froo v sugar ropoal lu favor of tho army bill. - Carry Newt Xanik. Tho jltnoy bus to ISnglewood, formerly 15astport, ain poarod today for the first tlmo with tho now nniiio in tho oloctrle sign on tho front of tho car. It was said somoono hnd broken out tho glass with tho old nnmo on it. ':4 ."f aa m ? -J. A) 'Ai 1 Jft ss .tt &.), W n V., yi 7. v. . f"'9 iU l 'a il 'm m s. it i f , '. ff , 'i, -i '&afi.a,i,.!J-.T A I. . vv. iS- J"tJ ,ndfi jfjAJ..!. rth aAMiJt. r- w