SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916 EVENING EDITION. Spring Showing Styleplus Clothes $17.00 Compare with olher makes of clothes at $20.00 to $22.50 See Window Display Walkover Shoes For Spring Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAltSHFIELD Four Stores I1ANDOX : MYRTLE POINT :: POWEKS JUDGE COKE HOI FOUR MORE TRIPS1! 10 STATION KETUKNS l-'IIOM TICIP TO DOSE P.UltO, EUOEXE AND COKVALLIS I sXAXX KEPOKTS AT SAX FKAN'-'IIFFOKTS OK POUT OKFOUI) AP- SUNDAY DACES NOT LEOAL TO "TICKLE FEET" OX THE SEVENTH lAV. District Aflomoy So Decrees and Puis 'On linn IiivoUoh Sunday Closing Law of 180.1. '. V It. Is not legal In Oregon to dnnco on kuii'duy', under the Sunday cloning law of J 8 G r . A dunco advertised for last Sundny ovonlng was post lioiiod followlug complaints tnudo to tint office of District Attorney LIIJo qvlst. Ho suyu that there will ho no more Sunday night dnnccH In Coos county as long us the present luw Is In existence Several months ago ' tho llalkc doIemtyr canipuny of Portland us sallfcd the legality of tho law. Tho mutter wuh fought through to tho qtuib' Supremo Court and the law Vra8llll0lll. Of iirovloiiH yours there hnvo boun many Sunduy diiuccH In this Section , of tho stuto. Those Inter p'stcd, in such dances protest that th( law Is one of dlHc.rlinluutlon Inniimiibh as It allows theaters to liecji open, but nets ngalnst tliom. Tliey any that tho question of nbol ih(ug tho old law will bo put be fore, thp pooplo us nu Initiative In the November election. For tho first tliua tho question cunio squarely before tho people ylion one night during tho Ilrldgo Carnival In North Demi In October, tho Nov. lllsoy walked Into tho mlddlo or tho floor and bid tho dancing oenso. There was some dls russlon and tho dunco canto to an abrupt ond. Mr. Llljcqvlst does not divulge the names of those who made tho complaint ngalnst allowing nwdunco lust evening. City Damage Cnno nt JCugen'j Drliigs Forth Conditions Similar to Mnr.shfieid Judge John S. Coko returned yes terday afternoon via Florence and the beach, having been nbsont nbout four weeks. Ho hold sessions of court nt ltoseburg, Eugenb and Cor viiU'b it was expected that lib -would I horn! the railroad condemnation cases nt It jsnburg, but tliey word not pre sent,cd, o tjie fact Mint tho J bliprctrio court hnd not pajjctl upon I the question of the authority of the i municipality to enter Into mo con tract for tho building of tho railroad. Another interesting case coining up for trial at Kugono bef'o Judge Coke wnH tho case of Pulton ngalnst tho Cltv of Eugono, lta mnyr, couu clllnen, btrcot commlssi'oner nnd a po- llcnmnii. The plaintiff claimed to Imvo received Injuries, In 1913 !rii in fall oniciad by looso bonrds In a c'tlownlk. Tin' reports of th3 lrl:i. nu given In the Eugene pupcrj woro to the effect tbut tho testimony of all tho doctors who waited upon or examined the plaintiff testified that her condition: ."us not duo to tho fa I but to pllo-r ciUHPS. Tho cnno wns first triod boforo Judge IlnrnlB and ujioii appeal his judgment ordering n new trial was ufflrmod nnd It was held by tho supremo court Hint tho provision of tho Eugene charter, lim iting tho city's liability to $100 In cases of Injuries resulting from de fective strcetb and sldownlkB was constitutional and It also held that un .Injured party could recover of the City's officers who were Invostivl CISCO APHILO FOIt CHAUTEU AL MARSH LOSES COWS VBY PECULIAR DISEASE t -Weil Known Port Orl'ord Dairyman Sustains llvy Iai From Un known Cabs" Tho Port Orford Tribune snys: A, J. Marsh, on Ma Elk river dairy, hiis Buffered a heavy loss of valuable (!t(ii)lll cows during tho past two weeks. Ijo has lost eight cows, two holfors nnd six or seven yearlings, and two 'other cows nro down at this tlmo. 'Some kind of a disease lias killed tho niilniuls, but Just what Jt Is, a vet erinary, who bus been called on the cubo, Is unable to determine. It Is thought that tho overflowing of the land In tho recent freshot wis probably tho cause of tho loss. MEETIJS OUEER TWO I1UOTHEHH MEET AFTEIt A M)N(J TIME, AT HOTEL. Ouo ItccogulCH Xnnio of Other On Register llotli Aro From Xew York Oreot Cordially. Thoro was a happy meeting .of two hrotbors who had not mot for six yonrs, yestorduy uftoruooii ut villi nuthorlty to repair and keop tho tho Lloyd hotel. Thoy wcro Charles' streets and sidewalks In safo condl nnd CJoorgo F. Clinton, of New York tlon. Immediately nftor tho supromc city, both or whom nro young men court decision the citizens or Kugono and have been working In various Amended their charter leaving the parts -at tho country. I r'glit or action against tho city only. Ono or them canio Into tho hotel' Tho Jury in tho recont trlnl railed o and registered. A short tlmo niter-, agroo upon n verdict and It Is under wnrd tho brother also camo In roritood Hint tho case will bo retried tho purpose or roglstorlng. Ho huwjmt tho noxt term, nnd recognized tho name already on Mnrshriold hits a provision i Its tho hook. chartor similar to tho Eugono charter "I guess you're my brothor," bo provision boforo amondnient. exclaimed mill they shook hands Jl,l,Ke Sklpworth Is expected hero In nn oxtremoly cordial fash- Pl vary shortly to taKo up tlio tax foreclosure proceedings already start ed by IVstrlct Attorney I.lljoqvlst. Steamship Arrives Sunday Morning From Sotttli ntl Sails Today Many Wet Packages Tho Nann Smith arrived In yes terday front San Francisco with passengers and freight and sailed Lhgaln for the south this afternoon. Tho Nann Smith is to rojiort at San Francisco April C to tho rirm liavlng hor chartered ior tho trnns- iPaciflc trip of njiioty days. It Is planned to have her make four more trips to Coos Day b,ororo going on tho chartor and honco the speeding nip or tho loading last night and to day. And yet, It Is uncertain what ves sel tho company will get to tnko place on this run. Tho Nann brought In nbout soven-ty-rivo consignments of liquor for different Coos county points, the big pllo or liquor attracting much atten tion during tho unloading yesterday. 4 Amongthoso arrlvjng on tho Nann were: Claudo Elliott, L. C. Allen, Joe Schilling, D. It. Jones nnd wire, Annn Jones, Aldon Darrott, Mrs. C. 13. Hur rott and baby, Julia Harrott, John Gormnnly, O. K. Ncal, C. E. llarrctt, A. Fhuidors, O. A. Clan, C. Whitley, O. Uyden, Mrs. W. J. Tlbbetts, R. C. Dlllurd, 11. Hush, Lorolno Fowld. Mrs. W.E. Knowlcs, Minnie Enger, and II. C. Jensen. Outgoing List Tho departures this artomoon woro: V. C. Gorst, Charles Tliomp hoii, Mrs A. T. Haines, MIbs Evans, John Tollns, L. A. Pejron, John Turns, Stovo Hnnns, W. L. Wulker, M. A. Kliulull, Mny Emily Taylor, Edna Taylor, Mrs. Edwaid Taylor, Esp Din, E. Elvorsou. PEAK TO HE FOH XAUOIIT. Cnpt. Itcrthoir, or Coast Ouiird D'l lcnti, Declares "It In Utterly liniiractlcuble," Lane Writes. Port Orrord, nrtor strenuous ef forts to sccuio a Coast Guard Sta tion, scorns to bo meeting with no success. Senator Harry Lane, In n letter to tho Marshficld Chamber or Commerce, says that ho Is Intro ducing a bill In the Senate for such a station, but ho nlso oncloses a let ter from E. P. Hertholf, Captain Commandant or tho Coast Guard Duron it, stating that such a station thoro "is utterly Impracticable." Tlio letter contends that it will takofmorc than the estimated $12, 000 to put in n station, because or tho fact that "Port Orford Is on an oiion roadstead, open from tho south and tho southwest und pro tected only (lining the summer mouths." It continues, i boliovo Mr. F. II. Tlchonor, of tlio Port Orford Cham ber of Commorce, has a very crude conception of what constitutes a Coast Guard station, ns well as the work tlio crow must perform." Ho also cites tho fact that storum have carried two wharves away at Port Orford, one or tho going out six months nftor It was built. New aprmg Coats at The Golden R.ule White Chlncillas, Gabardines and Rough Mixtures' the latest shades Prices $ 1 0 to $ 1 8.50 Ion und sat down to chut over old times. Today thoy both went to work nt tho C. A. Smith nun, EXPLAINS HABIT im. conkmx's i.Ecmti: is ex. TltE.MELY IXTEHLSTIXO. S MM A NEW PRASE EXPECTS LARGER CORN CROP IN COOS COUNTY County Agriculturalist Smith Says More Ituiiehci'K Will Forage Tills Season. County Agriculturalist J. L. Smith says Hint corn is going to bo nn Im portant crop In Coos county this year. Ho Iiuh folt Trom tlio sturt that corn should bo grown success rully herb und his cfrortB last yoar resulted In many or tlio rnrmors tuklng up qorn culture. The com shows lust (all in tho different cities to mux. tin i tii nnnnnt'iirnniniii. SUPPOSED PISOIIIHITIOX Ii.Wh" . " ... " ' . . , - .Mr. annul says wiui nuruiuimu or tho county did much to show what could bo done In Hint lino and t0 ,mvo ,)00I1 oxcellent buys tor tho TUG R0SC0E TO BE TAKEN TO ALASKA Sluslaw Crrt, Which Formerly Piled Out. or Mure, Will Ho Taken f to Anchorage. Tho following rrom n Eugono pu por will bo or interest here, ns tho tug Koscoo hns made many trips to Coos Uay: It Is expected that tho tug Itos- coe, which hns boon In sorvlco on t tho Sluslaw Tor many years, will bo , taken to Anchorngo, tho now Alns ka railroad tcrm'nal, to be placed , in tho sorvlco or tho government , engineers. Tho Koscoo Is owned by J Porter Hros., tlio inllroudi contrac tors. Tho report Is that tlio tug1 Annie W. hns also been purchased i ind Hint both will bo taken to tho northern waters together. It Is said J tiut a representative or tlio engl- noers is now on his way to Florence . to oxninlno tho Itoscoo. Tho Koscoo Is n sen-going tug, rated easy to bun dle and possessed or n fair amount or power. Ilotb vessola nro believed ,Se3 Our Spring line of Ladies" Waists, from TRIO WAIST COMPANY ri i. rn.. !., tni !llo I lUoll-uuiuij in iuu aiiKo op j p Willie uicinuiu itiiu vunu J225 White Voile ,, "S..h White barred uimity 4t Do Your Spring 'Shopping at thu tol Your money will go faitlirr al The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG MARSHFIELO ALWAYS BUSY. Times Want. Ads nro tho ono me dium which roaches ALL the people.; They ongago public attention every 1 day Ah'iiyN on tlio Job. government. LOOPHOLE IS PLUGOED. I'Mjchologlst S:ijh "Wo Aro Victim of Habits Gives Uh Tlmo to Uno Our HrahiN Fur Other Things." "Woro It not for our habits that aid us to unconsciously systematize Is Unlawful For .Person to Huy Koon For Uso of Someone Else HiHiided As Hoot legging. Llko Innumerable Jucks-ln-thobox continually pop up now 'phases of tho prohibition luw, now loopholes tho work of euch day, wo would noli Hint cull for Immedlnto "slurring". accomplish oiio-tenth or tho things I For porhaps tho Hist t'mo In Ore tho farmers raised corn for silage but Hint thoy did not bring it to tho proper, maturity and their on sllnge was, consequently, light and of littlo aluo. The farmers have been shown that corn can bo ma tured nnd used to muko valuable onsllngo und nro taking up tlio crop. NOTICE OF VEHICLE ORDINANCE. Notice Is hereby given that nil owuors or vehicles nro invited to bo present nt tlio next meeting or tho Common Council, to bo held on Monday, tho 13th dny or March, 8 WHO'S WHO? WHAT'S WHAT? What 'is tho best urtk-lo to buy for n paitictilar need? Whero Is tho best plueo to buy It? What Is tho right price? Tho answer to Ui-bo queu HoiiH meaiiu iiiuih to your hap piness. To uiiswor tlium rightly you must know men mid markets rind must bo a bio to compare Intelligently. Perhaps the very Informa tion you want Is In tlio ad vertising columns of tho Times. Thoy aro tho duy-by-duy directories or who's who nnd whnt's what. KEEPING THE DOLLAR HOME hvory dollar Rent out tj town for a purchaso tnrkltj l.oiiiu one else. Every dollar spent In I helps lo enrich tlio city. All things liolng equal, ocl hierchiiuts nro entitled to;of first conuhlcintloii. Their money is your )r perlly. As thoy grow they U-JJ come gi eater factors la w city life. In many Instance) you tal buy ut home to Letter (dm! tugu thuu ou can lomcitcj else. Look over tlio aitvcrllilnli today's Times ninl nee If luj iitutenieiit Is not true. Compare goods and prfci nnd ascertain whether or trj our local business men are ' tho Job." Wlioro n short tlmo ugo thoro weroj l1!5. at tlio hour of hulf jmst soven that wo do," was ono or the state ments or Dr. E. S. Conkllu, or the psychology dopurtment of tlio Htnto Unlvorslty who spoko Snturduy even ing In tho Guild hull. "Habits and Happiness" was his topic. Everyone nrlslug In tho m or ting goos through a certain routine, all of which generally calls 'for no men tal ofrort, thus giving tho mind freedom to work out other and moro difficult situation. "Wo are all victims or our hab its." ho said, explaining. It Is u good thing wo are, providing the habits aro good ones, "To break an old habit, sturt u now one. Never try to breuk orr huhlt gradually. Quit it clearly and gon, nrrests huvo been made or per sons who havo purchased liquor, under tlio limitation or tho law, to turn over to somo one olso for con sumption. Tlirco such arrests occurred tlio other day in Portland. Tho dis trict attorney thoro said nt tlio tlmo that It is a "trick and a subterfuge" and he fully believed tlio law covers tho new point. District Attorney LHJoqvlst states positively that It doos. Nothing inoio than a roundabout method of bootlegging," ho calls It, explaining that tho porson who buys tho liquor only a row scattering silos In tho county there nro now about two hundred, and moro nro to bo built this yenr. Mr. Smith Is liavlng tiin deputy assessors when going through tho county keop track ot tho num ber or silos so thoro will bo somo official riguros. Thoy aro also tak ing note or tho full-blooded stock In tho county so thero will bo fig ures on that subject. o'clock, p. in., wlion tho Vohicio Ordinance will bo discussed. JOHN W. 11UTLEK, Decordor. MAItlllED IN DUNKED HILL At their new home In Hunker Hill yesterday afternoon Miss Muo Con kiln became the brldo or Hurry II. Edwards, un employee or tho O. A. Smith mill. The groom Is n sou or Mi), and Mrs, F. O. Edwards, or Duukor IK'll. The ceremony was per formed by Justlco Pcnnock. After tho ceremony rerreshiuonts wcro sorved to tho guests. Among tlioso presnt woro; Mr, und Mrs. F. U. Edwurds, Charles Conkllu ami son, Miss Alice Fuller, Mrs. Koy Fuller. OIrs, Lush, Mrs. Laura Young, Mr. 'und Mrs. Philip Therslou. Eiumott Collins, Klchard Preston, Joe Dupre, Clareiico Kurlv. Miss Florence. Ed-1 Wurds, Miss Joslo Edwards, Howard Kdwui'ds, Miss Lulu Therslou, nnd Miss Murgnret Therslou. $ t WATERFRONT NEWS t Tho Nunti Smith arrived In yes terday morning und loft nt 2 p. in. for someone olso Is ossontlully try-; today for Oakland again. Ing to ovado tlio Muw nnd Is breaking The tug Ida W. nrrlvod early It 11.1 l.ntfftf.ia .lit. f o.nala fnli .llln' . . - t .. BUddonly. For example, a person .", J T ,'"V morning irom rioreuce or I III ll'IIHII I'll I I Hlll'itrill V II. .. HI ..ab-.. . I n'r llkll ,.i.i .. " ,..... ..v.. ,.j..j. imrKU. cjimi I'iiiuu uunii in n iiuuia Such a proceduro or purchase lsnmi nwalts a good bar condition bo necossltuted when the "person ofiforo going out. the rirst part" rinds Hint tho law- jot until tomorrow morning at ful quoin allowod him is not enough iC o'clock will tho Adellno leavo for nnd secures a "dry" filend to mako,San riancisco. Sim urrlvd curly i use of his personal quota mid send this morning. orders south for boozn. Ho must personally sign for tho consignment when It arrives hero nnd take the wishing to stop Mitnklug should not begin the halting by reducing tho nuuiU.-r or cigarettes or cigars, but shop off the habit at once," Tho process of stinting somo now linblt to tnko the plueo or the old, ho said, Is for tlio purpose of tuklng tho iiitml rrom ouo subject und oc cupy It with nnothor. The huhlt or uccoinpllshlng w'ork sueccsstiilly kiows on ono, expatued'i, , ,, . , ... n.. . in .i. .ii ' s Silt Is gonerully turned over to the Dr. Conkllu. 'For tills very roaW , ,,,,' .,.. ,.. . l-'or Occupation Tax Somo of thoso opposing tho vehicle license today woro urging a gonorul occu pation tax, urcordlng to City Attor noy Ilruud, It is presumed tills will lw) brOilght up ut tho Council tonight. Tlio convenience mid profit of Times Want Ads will bo demon, (rated by u trlul, It Is u good practice to each day do something Hint Is difficult to ac complish, it trains ono In doing tilings. its good practlco toward some supremo effort that somo dny ono may be called upon to do." Throughout the entlro Valley, Dr. Conkllu said ho hud boon well re ceived. In Myrtle Point the thenter was so crowded Hint some people wore turned away. Coqulllo and llandon, too, turned out with big crowds. "Thoro Is a good spirit horo that I llko to boo," ho oxolulnied. "I want to como hack to Coos county again." man supplying purchase. the money for tlio MOOSE ELECT OFFICERS (JETS COQUILLE CANNKKV. Chailos Johnson, formerly assist ant eiiBlneor of tho Wllholmlnn, wus In Florence estorday on tlio wny to Coqulllo, wlioro ho noes to cloio up the purchaso of a salmon cannery for tho company of which he Is a moniker Florenco West NORTH BEND DANCE NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT Manager Aitliur Hluuclmrd Cliuugos I From Sunday Afternoons for Public lli'iioflt Munngor Arthur Hlutichurd of tho Blmpson paviyon at North Dead un- 'nounces that tho Hrst or a series or dancos thoro will ho glvon noxt 'Saturday night. It wns Bchoduled ror yesterday afternoon but In dof- orenco to tho wishes of a number of ''North lleud peoplo who opposed dnnc ijni; on Sunday, Mr. Dlanchnrd tdinuged to Saturday evenings. Tho jmvU'on floor hns been put In fine shape and oxcellent orchestra music will bo furulBnVd. ; '' ' Tlio couveuleiiro and profit of Times Want Ads will bo demon btrutcd by u trlul. Iodgo Holds Annual Election nnd Initiates Foirv New .Menibecs. Duncan Is Delegate. "Election of orflcors of tho Mooso lodge was held at their lust meeting and four now members woro Initiat ed Into tho order. Mol. O. Duncan was named ns delegnto to tho annual meeting of tho Supromo lodge, with Dr. E. E. Straw, altornuto. This Is to he held back ut Mooseheart' either In tho latter part or July or early In August. TJio now offlcors aro: Junior Past Dictator Dr. E. E. Straw. Dictator Mel. 0. Duncan. Vlco Dictator Al, L. Prutt. Prelate 0. S. Capps. , lusldo Ounrd II. C, Hargelt. Outside Ounrd W. E. Sullivan. Secrotaiy Ooorgo E. Cook. Treasurer 0. A. Martin. Trustee, ono year C;V, Vlprs. Tustee, three years I)nve "MnsiHin. There, .woro tureo inmates, rren K. Qettlns. W. K. Durklow, 0. Hi burgor und J W Mclnturff FOIt TKANSFEK AND BTOKACJE OF HOUSEHOLD HOODS, FUEIOHT AXD HAOfJAOE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono l(l!l Itcsldenro Phono ia-,T Market Avo. und Waterfront INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Nann Smith Pnssonnnr nnrl Frninht From San Francisco, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1916,1 at 3 P. M., FOR COOS BAY S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK puniur: aa cmitu tcrmimai nnfiK C. F. McGEORGE ' Passenger and Freight Agent LOOK FOR. THESE POINTS When Buying a Lawn Moiver Roller Bearing Wheels Self-Sharpsning Removable Raised Edge Cutter Bars Easy Adjusting Crucible-Steel Cutting Blades Double Cross Bars. "THE"CLARINDA" HAS ALL THESE POINTS AND IS THE STRONGEST LAWN MOWER'MADE. Priced trom $5 to $15 Pioneer Hardware Co. Marshfield, Phone 101 Exclusive Agent North Bend Phone 401 a '