, -i ( i ivKvififffimmmifv"- THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSIIFIELD, OHEQDW. MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916-EVENING EDITION. FIVE LoUNCEMENT:- m i jifBii (Q) jp e nn n mi WEDNESDAY, MAR . 15TH.THURSDAY, MAR. 16TH. wsy rwrv r K mid four children, Miss Lydia Dodge of Mnrshrield. Norman limiun. .ir 'Myrtle l'olhf and Mrs. 0. E.HtisscM and Miss Orvu Dodgo who woro In Indiana with her. Burial was In l. fUmiiBo. mmrs - cAf i "We Invite Your Inspection" S.S. JENNINGS. North Bend "The Store That Sells the Best for Less." H'cuis Bonn Ham. Heeognlzlng tho efforts of the City Beautiful cam- tin I tv t.1 t t .. . ,. .I1"""' l" ' "uerson is Having torn ' (lowil n Inr .i ...,l..i., ... . .,., i " "" "") uai ii Liiiir v ijorucrs t in THK WEATIIEB HEPOBT (Ilr Aiaoclttcd I'mi to o.w nf Timet. Fair, north- - rfLf y ATTEND THE PLAY lollege Chums -NOBLE THEATER Tuesday Evening, March 14 -and assist Ed. Meade in the publication of his book, "Doubling Back." . Performance begins at 8:15 sharp. Reserved Seats, 50 Cents On sale at the Busy Corner. Gen. Adm. 35c, upstairs. YOU WILL BE THOROUGHLY AMUSED. MFirrV I'lltKT MuVhliflclil'H Flro-Proof Then tor WlllUm Fox presents tiio photoplay ovunl of tho season: "SIN" Featuring Theda Bara and William Shay An aitonlalilncly powerful Plcluro nlay wrlttou and nrnduccd If th wlwrd of photoplay productions, Herbert Broiion. Prosont rt la fire jurlJ. Otktr pictures will ho shown, making nn oxtrn Ioiir program. ANTHONY'S ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT. COME EARLY FOR GOOD SEATS ' Amission, upstairs or down, 15 cents Children, 5c Tomorrow nlcht: fntin nu,a . ... , ui. . - - - n- W.......O, u imuu-uvi coiuouy iirama, t,." . - "' ",u " u- w. tor mo lienent or Ed Mcaae. t rour scats at tho liusy Corner. Boost For It! "tyman, woman and child should patronize me ,nslilulins and boost for home prosperity. SimSf AT HOME STORES 5UPPort HOM ENTERpRISES uCAD THE HQME pAPER ImrMo &e Jl ime Put herq smmess! sfcimolatoir amd be foappy OHEdON westerly winds. LOCAL THMl'EKATUItn HL'COBD For tho 21 hours ending at :i n. m.( March 1.1, by 1'onJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernnient meteorologist: .Maximum ,-.C Minimum !.!!is M I-III a. m 40 l'reclpltutlon 08 PreclpHatlon since Sopt. 1, 1 91 B 07. II 1 Precipitation sanio period ,nst 'car r.i.BB Wind: Northwest, clear. SUNBISE ANB SUNSET .Mo"dny March 13 sun rises at 0: IB and suts n r.;n i AAAA.A Plans Alaskan Trip. .. Albert J.Matson Is planning a trip to Anchor pago, Alaska, and expects to leave somot,lmo In May. Will (ilto Banc" The ?.!llllc,oma club has Issued announcomonto for an Informal danco, Friday evening in tho club rooms for momb'jrs only. Wnlnrfrnnt 1111 Vnil, -. . .... .iuiiii J Front street. . very old one. Mil., fiv.li. .1 .. . " iigiim uity itccorder I John W. Butler said this morning that tho vehicle ordinance wjll ngaln 'bo boforo tho council on Monday ov- I cnlng and ownero of vehicles can or lliu mills? How about dallying? Your harbor?" and Innumerable other questions me asked, Accur ate figures will bo bout tho membeis and they will luHo several months In which to "study up." The Port land Journal also announces to tho local Chamber or Commerce that It will send Its special train hero until mo ume or tiio big celebration to ho held on Coos Bay. The building was a Need Mlncis. Will Hennessey was In rrom Belmar yesterday. Ho reports that coal minors nre gottlng scarce now. Thrco miners aro mov ing hero with tholr families from Oklahoma and will take positions at Delmar. Visits "and A. Barrows, head filer at ono of the Smith mills at Coos Bay, came to Bandon Monday to spend a few days with his family nt tholr homo on Ninth street west. Bandon World. Killed By Snow. W. It. Parker, nged 70 years, n ploneor of Lano county who was fatally Injured whon a barn collapsed undor its weight of snow, was an uncle or E. It. Pnrknr. the father of Verlln Parftor -well known hero and now connected with onglneorlng work at Bandon. LADIES' SUITS, COATS AMD ONE-PIECE DRESSES ARRIVING DAILY.THE NEWEST STYLES, FABRICS ANDJSHADES, AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES. BE SURE AND EXAMINE THESE BEFORE BUYING. ' I'lsli l'i-oc ICacr. Coos t again appear and oxpress their opln 1 Inltn 4 !... 1 . .v,D. iv uiiuiKo ib uoing nmuo in tiio fish wcro liungry yestordny. I",", "'" ,w, I""""""" iBBi'fact Is evidenced by tho AlnTlflnif riVnnUti m,n ll ...11 . I v ..v u, u...h. i no 11COH80 win uo made on tho river imyauio annually instead of scml-on- by a lmm,1'' jback i tho Itiv... This catch folks Paily Nlglit ('hanged Owing to tho school entortalnment on Friday evening tho young people's clans of i tho Christian church will give tholr (St. Patrick's party on Saturday night I Instead of Friday as planned. Aio I'm 11ni?!uuii. J. T. Harrlgan, candldato for tho Bopuhlican nomi nation for county commissioner, was waited on by (iilto a delegation of ranchers from llnynos Inlet InBt week and assured of their support In tho I primaries. loble TheateD .1 TO-NIOHT IV l.lk'rt Koufli. J. A. Blatt In a let ter to Tho Times says that ho and Mrs. Blatt and thir daughter, Miss Louise Blatt, aro enjoying their stay at Los Angolr ' -.iry much, meeting many old ft i z from tho Black Hills there, lie did not say when they Intended to return to tho Bay. Young Ciiptaln Clii'lst;n('d. Tho younger son of Captain and Mrs. Wllllamt Arthur Mbboo was chris tened yestorday by tho Hector of the Episcopal church, the Huv. Bob ort Evans Browning. James Bernard was tho name conferred upon this fu ture Boa captain, and tho Qod-parents who stood up for him were Miss Ma bel Wlckman of Empire, and Charles Bornard Mafico, a brother of Captain Magec. big near tho party yestorday that brought vory close to 1B0 trout. I n , party woro Billy Cox, Clordonl etc., i.m cent Ladles' Suits, Na,vy Blue, Gaberdine, Wool, Poplins, Serges, worm nair tiio price more Sll.lin, Slii.r.o. SI 1.7. Ladles' Slimmer Coats, all tho latest stylos, worth .1:1 1-J1 per ,orO ' S7.l, SjilWH) One-PIece Sorgo nropsos, whlto Tunic, worth double the price $1.08 Serge with Silk Trimming, worth double tho prlco $.! Taffeta Silk, a dandy at half. tho prlco more SIMM) A bettor ono SBl.fiO Sco this high grado Bilk drosg, trimmed with Chiffon trlm'ng si 1.75 Originators J Q ?emey LOW Prices 125 Busy Stores Next Door to Postoffice We Lead Others Follow Smith, Charles Mntson, W. J. ItltT-., and Ed (Iraef. This s by rar tho largest catch so far this season. lluo All Brands Most any brand of automobile that Is made In the United Status Is represented In Coos County, soys lloorgo N. Bolt, local assessor. Ho had his list or autoB this morning showing moro than BO spcclos of "coal oil buggies." Auto owners aro bolug taxed on tho basis of the car valuo and tho year In which it was made. Mr. Holt said that J. W. Hlldenbrand on this basis will not have to mako any payment, but will bo paid a promium. UH-aU ('iimiory Site. S. II. Cath cart, city engineer of EaBtsldo, to morrow expects lolnko his survoylng Instruments and definitely locate n cannery slto on Isthmus Inlet. Tho city owns n small pleco or ground thero that Is to bo offered as a prac tfcally freo slto ror a cannery. I)(iiio:"(h "lilt a Lick." Satur day tho Domocrnts nnd Hejiubllcans evenly numbered In registration be Toro Justlco Ponnock. Ho counted over tho cards at tho end or the day and found that six of each had signed up whllo ono man rofuscd to tako either s.!do, honco lost his chanco to voto nt tho primaries. Promises Htatj Aid. Ior tho first time during his ontlro trip Into Coos county, E. I. Cantlno, deputy stato highway engineer, on Saturday night in n road mooting at Lakeside actu ally stated that tho state will bo will ing to financially aid this section providing a bond Issuo 1b passed to show that tho people hero aro willing to help themselves. Tjiu mooting thero was well nttondod and Mr. Can tlno continued on his Way homo to Salem. lllil lltislnc" .Meellng A busi ness mooting of tho Baptist church memliors will bo held this evening at 7. .10 to tnlk over soveral niattorsj of Importance. Tho ltov. Foskett' Is now awaiting nows rrom Ne, Yorif logard'Hs hlc appointment ob gentril hihclonary In Alaska, llol will ptobably loavo horo lit April. WoOughl (o Be (.'lad. In a letter received rrom Pocatollo, Idaho, Into ly canio tho word that court busi ness thoro Is so crowded with hoot legging cases that tho circuit Judge has llttlo tlmo ror anything Uo. A local man wroto thoro regarding a civil caso and thlH wiih tho answer. A Pocatollo renlty man wroto hack there wero noarly 100 bootlegging cases on tho docket. Would B Assizor. -Many root ball raus horo lomember Carl Fen tou, ono or tho best all around ath letes tho University or Orogou over had, especially on tho rootball Hold. A rrlond horo has received word that ho Is to bo a democratic con dldato ror tho nomination ror coun ty assessor or Polk county this spring. Ho Is now teaching manual training in tho Eugeiio high hc'ioU. I " " " " r u. i i ii n i a Molher IWe.s. Miss Lydla Dodgo or Dr. E. Mingus' orrico has received word or tho death or hor mother, Mrs. "Allen M. Dodgo, at La Orange, Intl. Hor death wob rathor suddon, rollow Ing an lllneos or a complication or ills. Mrs. Dodgo went to Indiana a llttlo over a year ago to visit rel atives. Sho is siirvivod by her hus band, A. M. nodco or Myrtle Point He Advertisements i ft KK. cover- tie conuninnty n4Hl1 Map SliouN Italnfall. Harry But ler hns Just completed n very Inter esting graphical representation of tho dally rainfall slnco 1902. Tho great est annual rainfall was rrom Sopt. 1. 1003 to Sopt. 1, 1901 ' ninl was 80. 3B Inches, tl Is (Interesting to noto that tho following year, taken betweon these samo 12 mouths, show tho minimum inlnfall of 1-1 years, nam.oly, BB.22 Inches. Fcr 1911 1915 tho rainfall wan OS. 81 nnd tho avorngo for tho 14 years was 00.1 Inches. Slnso last Soptombor 07.70 Inches of molsturo havo fallon on Coos nay and tho nnd Is not' lit sight. imhii nn i umwiwiwi jWMiwmiuw.mwHinMmiai bmiiim wmwmuxr I yil 111 MP M m mmm wmmmm w w immmmm mmm I II1L UniVCItaAL..V.AIt You uant to kntuv uluit your motor tar will do. Tiio millloii-iMi' I'nnl iei roniiaiii'i) aiisweiH, jour iiuNlon. Siiid) lug the iiidIiii1 cur needs of nil lasses, (ho Konl Is optvatetl nnd I maintained In city or country Tor I iilioul luo cciils a mile Hh iml- I eiMil Konl hcixIco ludiiiiil II. Tour ing Cm', $."'J."; Kiiualiollt .17.-. Isaac R. Tower "THE GUNNERY." MWWMMMlWMMMWlMWIIWWMIWMMMf ' "sp aW IMH M1i Lo"cvo t Win. According to parties rrom Couulllo, It Is expect ed that J. II. Loncvo will rocolvo IiIb appointment as posimnstor thoro this week. Tho commission or Post master Llnogar has already oxplrcd. Boiiiiht In Camp. Shorlff John son, who was hoio this morning, said that John A. Mooro, or Mooro Bros., has bought In the personal (erfects or tho Cologuo logging cninn, which was sold by him as ishorirr last week. Mooro bid It In I ror about $20,000 and Mooro Bros., I who havo tho Ceo. W. Mooro mill, had claims against It ror about l$ns,000, Tho camp Is now In op- oration. Aids Willi BecoMls. -L. A. Where at, englnror on tho division or tho Coos Bay, Kosoburg and Eastern railroad, has bcciJ In Portland since' getting up rocords in connection ' NEW TODAY WANTED X with tho lino between Marshrield and J $WWW44WWW4rf I $, .HJIIIU I WIIH. IIU UXl!l'lH IU I1U thoro until tho later part or thlsiKOU SALI'. Tl.i.rougl.bicl l month. Ho Is registered Hotol Saint Paul. at tho! Many On PIciiIch. In splto or tho heavy fog that provallod yestordny morning thoro wero a great many plclnes held yestorday. Tho early boats up Coos Itlvor carried a good I quota and thero woro many autos J that wont through to Sunset Bay. In most places they found tho ronds lu fair shopo, with tho exception of a bad mudholo this sldo or Charleston Bay that proved tho ond or sovoral trips. itock eggs. cockerel lu grado birds, Phono III 71. Now nock It. Bai retl thoroughbred Insuring high A. Cortholl.. KOUNI) Fountain pen. Owner may get sumo at Tlmos orrico by pay lug ror this uottoo. If you want hat to be in color and style and find in your new a styiish to have both color, you'll Ask Our Bcsoiirct's. Tho 'Port land Chnmbor or Commorco expects (3 send a largo delegation to Coos Bay with tho advent or tho first train from Eugeiio. They nro now asking doflulto Information on tho resources of this country that thoy may study up uhoad or time. "What Is tho standing tlmbor? Tho output Win Much Candy. Enough candy and chocolates to start a small store has been won by sovoral North Bend I high school students lu tho ticket selling campaign for tho donate hold thoro Friday ovonlng. Horaco Hy per, will Bl tickets .took first place, winning a rive pound box. Tho row or cj'ght senior boys lu tho assembly (Isold tio largost number or tickets por pupil nnd tho row or tho rrcshmou 'girls, 12 in number, tho largest num ber or tickets ror tho rows. On Sat urday night Jefferson high school de feated Astoria and must incut Klam ath Falls. Tho winner or tills de bate meets North Bond on April X, 'tho local team taking tho uugal('o sldo or tho question. FOUND Itllihou watch fob, wllli monogram. Owner mny havo samo by applying at Tlmos orrico nnd paying ror this ad. FOUND (iViitlomnn'H gold ilng, monogrammed. Ownor may havo samo by applying at Tlmos offloo and paying ror this ad, WANTED Man ami wlftj, no chil dren, on dairy ranch. $B0 mouth and own house, Alex Carlson, Tompluton, Ore, t FOR SALE t ?? FOB BALI'3 (Jootl M-etl potatoes Improved Monnrchs, I2.B0 per hundred, Apply Wallace 'Crouch, Huynos Slough. FOB HUNT -Mih. Hiultligiill'H cot tago on South Sixth btroot. Phono JIHxl. LOST A leaky gold pen, siiiiio Hum In tho sorvlco or writing Lire In surance ror Mutual Life or Now York, a company with 015 million assets. Tho finder will bo paid full cost price by delhorlng samo to Houry Songstackon. wnat&m exactly what you aro looking for Our Spilng Ml's ""'I hh ,('4 aro Fashion', latest expiession and they nro tlMlirlly .lul loo" originations. Woolen Mill Store Marshfield North Bend The Fragrance Of II Flower Garden may bo cujoti'it In that fiuo odor Intense THAI LINO AHHUTl'S Delicate and delightful THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono 2f)H Wo Deliver liuinodlatoly :i " Dalryuieii to .Meet. Tomorrow at 1 1 a, m., In Cnqtilllo will bo held li meeting of the dairymen and chcsomakurH or Cons and Curry counties ror the purpose or offet't- dilg nn organization for tho purposo o" standardizing their product. Prof. 'W. A. Barr or O. A. C, this inornlng stated IB or tho ehecso ractoiles favor tho move. I. .elmer, deputy Dairy Commlslsoner, will ho present at the mooting. An effort will he niado to nrrilJato with tho Oregon Co operative Dairy .Exchange, formed In Portland lu January tho purposo bo- Ing to sell a standard Oregon product of butter and choose and later, all sorts of rami products. What is uskd at this tlmo Is that nn luspoct or bo named to bring the Coos and Curry cheese, up to a standard. FOB KALI' SluuplesH I laud Sepa rator, 80 gal. por hour. Apply J. E. Fllgeiald. PLOWING DONI Staurr (Srotory, I'llllllO Ki'J FOB KALE IVkln duck eggs, ono dollar a hotting. Mrs, lion Wright phono 302-H. FOUND Baby ring. Owner may havo samo by applying at It. II. (BatiKow's orrico, Cpko building, and paying ror this ad. FOB K.l,i: Valuable liomiv atl lo cation. Addioss "A" Tlims orrico. FOB KALE Ten ncio tract on comi ty road to Sumner. Prlco ?1B0 Sco J. E. Cooloy, Marshrield. FABM FOB KALE Thlrly-rivo act os, ono-hair bottom and one half bench laud; six acres or good orehaid; good house and barn, llghtod by acetylene gas; houiiu with modern equipments; hot uml cold wator, bath, etc. Near Co tiulllo. A good buy If taken soon, fuqiilro T, rare of Times, or Jloc 2B9, Coqulllo, Oro. noil egg Incubator FOB KALE Phono OJ. FOR RENT t F'OB BENT l-'iiinlsluNl flat, hot and cold wator, bath. 8B:i Third at. rilOSK WIKIIINO COOD ItOtAl ami hoaid, homo cooking, apply 229 South Broadway. .Millinery Opening lit S, S. Jen nings', Not tli Bend, intli and Kith. BICYCLE TIRES Buy Thein From Us. Wo Chaigo Nothing to Put Them on Your Whol MARSHFIEID CYCl ERY I KBBSCBIBKBS NOTICE j. Tho Tlmna carrier boys ore j Instructed to put tho papers on tho porch. If tho carrier does j not do this, misses yon, or ne- j j gleets getting tho paper to you j j on time, kindly phono tho clr- j dilation manager, as this Is tho only way wo can determine- j j whether or not tho carriers are. j following Instructions. Plmno j I 133. 5 it & ft Y vj i II tjit . i i 11-rtJhftYiW.tilt dHmJtekiJi-ttik.L ti. t. :