The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, March 13, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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- I
Dy Gwendolyn Hodges I
n j's
CHOOSE a friend like you would your smokin9
tobacco. Don't have one that ain't vuth
keepin' alvays and vrJiafc you won't
grov to like better eVay clay.
A jovial, kindJy companion, whose
mellow friendliness hs.s brightened many
a trying hour for us,
A steady, commonsense friend, this slow
burning pipe of VELVET how often some
knotty problem has been solved with its aid.
How many times has VELVET'S cheer
inspired us to "try again!"
Honest, trusty pipe of VELVET, Nature made you a
hearty, kindly friend. And tvo years have you spent
in bringing your fragrance, mellowness and flavor to its
full perfection.
Old friend, pipe of VELVET, here's wishing ourselves
many of you 1
10c Tins
5c Metal-lined Bag One Pound Glass Humidors
Coftriglt 191l
Condensed Statement of tlio Condition of
of Coos Bay
id tho of business March 7, JUKI
"""'"PW . Liabilities
$:iW,H87.:U Capital Stock ...$1(10,(111(1.00
1 ri f i"l i. ..
" Hiupliw and Undivided
"d itriifitN :t(i.:tli).71
.MOI,.tm rurulatlon outhtuml-
. . T ami on i mm ftt-r i
lt..o ami Wx. ' ,
turts Deposits
. . unn nn . "
tth an,i c,.., . ' i .no,a72.M
lloniln ....'. .
-i onrnillls
wurlths, ,
" IMato
'. 7I0,JH7.77
..... . $7 IO,!J 17.77
' Tho Planets.
Taking our earth us standard, tho
two planets tienier (lie min-vU. Mer
cury mid Venus -tiro designated ns In
ferior and the five which mo further
from tho Him than tho earth-viz. Mars.
1 Jupiter, Bnttirn. Uranus mid Neptune
j uro termed Miporlor. As established
and accepted by astronomers, Mercury
Is n.",t)rl,10.") miles from I ho miii; Venus.
I U7.1l:),S3 miles; e.irth. irJ.S1M.WKI; Mars.
I 141.5 ILMSOO; Jupiter. 4:i.:ii:t.:M0; Saturn.
SStl.lOSMX); Uranus. l.-S-'.'I'-'.Oai; Nep
, tune, 2,7S3.7I.WK).
Not Only Project Slides Onto Screen,
Hut Illustrations From Hooks,
As Well Is llclprul.
lllustrntlons from cards, from
books and In any colors can ho pro
jected onto a lurBc screen by menus
of n now machine- recently received
nt tho Mnrshflcld high school. A
"Huloptlcon" It Is called. Tho ma
chine Is tho first of Its kind In this
county and 1b available to clubs or
any bodies who might mako uso of
such a contrivance.
Ordinarily such machines ran tako
SITUATED on a beautiful bay, sur
rounded by everlastingly green
hills, Mnrshflcld has many nat
ural beauties'. Although It Is so
attrnctlvo thoro are, many places
where a llttlo work and caro would
.Improve tho beauty of Marshfield
fmanirohl. Nothing so quickly at
tracts tho oyo of the stranger at his
first gllmpso of a city as tho general
appearance of Its well kept lawns and
To make Marshfield a City Dcnull
ful takes tjmo, thought, and care.
To accomplish this tho hearty cooper-
I'atlon of its citizens Is nncnsRnrv. Tim
only tho slides, but tlio llaloptlcon property owners of tho city mfght
Is nblo to mako perfect pictures on
tho screen not only out of tho slides,
but out of Illustrations as well.
Tho machine cost fll'iO, this In
cluding tho cost of special wiring.
In fact tho machlno takes, special
wiring, which necessitates Its uso
lit tho high school building. Supt.
F A. Tledgen said today that it
Is nvnllablo In tho auditorium on
nlphts and In olthor of two large
class rooni3 for afternoon work,
something that Is expected to appeal
especially to clubs.
In explaining tho Instrument, Prof.
A. J. M. Ilobortson showed how easy
It would bo for ono to work up an
Illustrated lecture. Any picture
found In a book could bo thrown
onto the screen merely by (nsortlng
the book In a framo hefofo tho light.
A watch placed In th's framo showcdi vacation
plainly. Colors of pictures nro re
produced very clearly.
Tho machlno Is to later havo a
moving plcturo attachment anil also
ii device which will project on tho
nrtcen bacteria from under a mlcro-
Tho first purpoBO of tho llaloptl
con Is for class work whero It al
ready haB been found particularly
helpful, Illustrating easily points In
tho se'onces that nro not so cub11
allow tho boys of the neighborhood
to clean up tho vacant lots, glvjng
thorn tho prlvllego of planting flow
ers and "vegetable gnrdons. This
would add greatly to tho beauty of
tho city. Tho unsightly vacant lots
grown up In weeds nro always of
fcnslvo to tho sight.
If the people would plant more
flower gardens and lawns, clean up
their back yards, paint tho fences,
'and tear down tho old, tumbled down
Iioubcs, It would add much towards
bcnutlrylug tho city.
Marshfield Is greatly In need of a
city park, which Is always an added
attrncl.on to any city If given tho
proper caro and attention. It af
fords pleasure to both old and young,
especially to thoso who nro unable
to leave tho city during tho summer
For the Children
Crown Prince Humbert,
Heir to Italian Throne.
I tig Adiaiiro
In Price Dining
Vear. '
NEW YOltK, March 13. Un
bleached woodpulp" has advanced
from ?I0 a ton to $rK or on In
crease of 117.5 por cent. Dlcachcd
pulp has risen from $55 n ton to
$100, or closo to :$2 por t-ont. A
largo part of tho pulp supply used
to como from Germany, and this
soureo Is of course cut off. Swodon
and Norway, also Important sources
of supply, havo put embargoes on
cxportat'ons, hut they nro now Is
suing licenses to permit pulp to come
Into tho United States. Normally
tho United States Importod about
1100,000 tons of wood pulp a year.
England has gouo so far ns to put
an embargo on nil kinds of paper
making mntor.'al.
Mrs, Xoiton Struck In Eye and Itcu
deied Unconscious During
Potato Fight
IJANDON, Oro.. Mar. 13. Mrs. 0.
Norton, of Coiulllo, who was ono
of tho excursion crowd to como
down to tho baskothall game, was,
hit and qulto seriously hurt in tho
potato bnttlo that raged on he
dock Just hoforo tho boat loft Dan
don on tho return trip. As soon
as ho gamo was over all of tho
rootors rushed for tho dock and
thoro followed a spirited battlo of
a snow-ball nature, only potatoes
woro used ns ummunitlon. Mrs. Nor
ton wns hit in tho oyo with n good
sized tuber and knocked unconscious
for a few momenta.
Photo by American PreM Association.
Crown Prlnco Humbert of Italy. Kins
Victor Emmanuel's son, was eleven
years old Sept. 15 Inst Decently tho
prince has hcu very happy licciiuso ho
was peimitted to become a member of
tho boy scouts. Last July at n feto
glcn to nile money for the Ited Cross
ho wns guarded by nu escort of boy
At tho closo of the afternoon he com
plained to his mother that he had been
mi-do to net Just like a girl, He want
ed to ho n buy, Illco other boys, mid
nothing would satisfy him but pcrmls.
slou to don tho boy scouts' uniform,
exchmigo his handsomely trimmed
sailor cup for their broad brimmed
brown hat mid carry the Ntiilf.
A fow days later the prince was ml
Charges That If Clinmbciliilii Dill Is Pi'ograni Proved Popular Vocal and
Passed, C. A. Smith Will (Jet
Dig DciiWit
Instntiucntal Numbers llccclvo
Enthusiastic Encorscs
Tho following special Washington' Tll splendid nudlonco which ns-
torrespondonco to tho Portland Oro-BOmuld nt tho Noblo Theater yos
goninn will bo of Interest hero nl torday afternoon for tho concert
though many who know of Putcr'o Slvon under the auspices of tho Hdft
I'ast record In connection with tho rl,t GJordrum Conservatory of Mil
land grants will discount his ovl-'nlc, evidenced tho IncrcaslhR Intdr
d'once: est In these Sunday afternoon ro-
Aftor nlleglng that tho "Chamber- .cltals.
lain bill Is so full of holes ns to allow Tlc program opened auspiciously
tho Southern Pacific to keep the Oro- with thrco numbers by "The Scan-
gon & Cnllfornla land grants in thoidla" nialo chorus, which wcro li
courts for another ten years," and dcred with a dash and harmonious
after charging that tho Hnwloy bill blending of voices that were adrii'jr
contnlns a "Joker" under which rich able, and delighted tho audlehco.
lumbermen can "grab most of tho' Tho piano numbers of Mr, Ilort
linod Umber on tho grant," S. A. D. rlk GJordum and Miss Mary .ktujje.
Putcr sprung a sensation hoforo tho wera warmly appreciated. Mr.
Hoiiso commlttco by charging thut GJordrum played selections frdhi
tho Attomoy Oencral had recommend- Scandinavian composers ntid Mljjs
ed nn amendment to tho Chamberlain 'Kruso gave the popular Gth Rhap-
.'1111 whfch would permit C. A. Smith .sodlo of Liszt's.
to get title, nt nominal cost, to tho Mr. Hunt was In exceptional voice,
cream of tho remaining tlmbor lands nd his singing of tho Pagllac'cl
to tho oxtont of about 80,000 acres. "Prologue," nn old English "Pas-
To nmko lyls charge oven moro torale," and "Macushla" wns cspqdt
sensational Mr. Putcr said tho Attor- tally pleasing. .
ney General had recommended this Tho program closed with, a, bp(o
nmondment after conferonco with did rendition of tho Lucia Scxtcitd,
John Llnd, ox-spcclal rcprcsontntlvo by Miss Riploy, Mrs. DohJ. Ostllntl,
of President Wilson In Mexico, and nnd Messrs. Ostllnd, Honhltiir, litis
who, ho nllcgcd, was Smith's attorney torud nnd Hunt. All tho parts woro
in land transact'ons, 'Inhly sustained, the difficult soprano
Wlta'.ws shnrply QiiPstloiiCil "'"l nor pnrts being consplcuoyBly
Chairman Ferris, who lntroilucod!woU ,nnnnBc'1 V M'" "Iploy and
tho Chnmborlaln bill with tho At- Mr 8tllnd-
torncy General's amondmonts Incor-! hvW r on tho program wB
poratod, sharply questioned Mr. i. .'onrUly and dcaorvcdly oncorcd. Wh
tor about this, nnd got from him tho;Gorn,(, lh,nt conducted tho chos
stntomont that ho d'd not chnrco tho u"a B0X,oll. nil Mr. CJJoruruhi
Attorney Gonornl with an attempt de-,,lnyc(l tho nccompanlmohts.
llborntoly to put ovor legislation i '
which ho know to bo Impropor. Mr.
Putcr Insisted, however, that tho facts
remained ns ho had stated thorn.
Sovoral wcoks ngo, ho testified,
Llnd enmo to Washington nnd had a
confcrcnc with tho Department of
JustCco "In tho Interest of Million-
coiiiuruiiro mo auurmiy uonunu roc- vorM,
ominciHicd tun nmomimont nuout
which much doubt hns arisen.
C. T. FarlBB and wlfo who luva
spent tho past year at Fmnk)n.
Nnlir. . nrn nxitnptml linrn InmirKinnk
alro Smith." A fow days nftor this n, ,, , ., ,,.,. .. ' . t
,..u-i. ....j tu inunu iliuil luuio til
Dond again. i
Win. Ochrock writes that ho Is now
f)llirflnft In ttlnrAp tnltiltiir nl X?Im(
"This amendmont." said Mr. Putcr.',,, CaMf nml ,, , v
"gives approval to another Btcnl of ,.,., n,on wnrUtn ,llu lnl a
80,000 acres very I'ko tho steal put' Mra. wlnpi, Banll ., - ,, -, J
Innocent purchasor .,,. ,.,, ,, .,. ., ' i
"w ...w.u o.iu nutiv W'V-
tend tho funeral of hor mother, MriS,
Parker. '
; C. W. Gregory n oroctlng n bunRil
.lov on Washington nvonuo, In tlijti
westorn part of North Dond.
1 Miss Dosslo Adklns of 1'ortlond Is
visiting her slater, Mrs, J. Ashoo.
Mrs. Loo Ackormnn and daughter,
Miss Cathorlno, of Portland nrd
tguosta of hor slater, Mrs Wlllard IUb-
' Mrs. Thomas Ilooko who under
went nn oporatlon for tumor nt Mor-
cy hospital recently Is reported doliltf
Frank Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A H. Morton who was qulto elclt
with plounlsy, Is reported Improv
ing. Tho llttlo daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Marshall who hns been
qulto sick is roportcd dmprqrina;
Mrs. Frod Holllstor, who undor-
iwont nn operation at Mercy hospltdl
ovor under the
act of 1012.
Putcr Says Dill Is Loaded
"Talk about my bill being loaded,"
exclnrmod Putcr, "tho bill they hand
ed you, .Mr. Forrls, has n load In It.
Why, undor this executory contract
provision Smith Ban grab tho cream
of tho laud, worth, according to tho
cstlmntcs given by tho Dopnrtmont of
Justice, not leas than $10,000,000.
Four years ago, C. A. Smith was
worth $21,000,000 and had 4,000,
000 moro In h.'s luuibor company.
Now tho Attornoy Qouornl proposes
t) glvo him another $10,000,000.
Pressure haB boon brought to benr
on tho Attorney Gouoral. Ho loaded
this gun nnd handod it to you, Mr,
Chairman Ferris soj'd thut tho com
mitted had sent for full data boarlng
on tho 80,000 acres covered by ex
ecutory contracts nnd would consider
that data in roportlng n hill.
Porhnps," ho said, "If wo can u recuperating nlcoiy uut will not
;oo nmo to return homo for a weok
,or so yot.
L C. F. droves, who rocontly undor
Avont nn operation at Mercy Hospital
get you follows to testify against ono
nnothor wo will bo ublo to get all tho
CoiitiOcts Said to Do Assigned
Mr. Forrls nlso explained that Lnn(l ,a "Ported somo hotter.
Commissioner McAUIstor, of tho
Southern PacCrie, had said thut only
1 r. nflA nnrna wrtrA pnvnrnil liv nut
tinted In tho gardens of tho Villa Savoy ,,. ,,,,. ,,.o ti.
when Queen Elena received the chief lB,ai,,,lnB contracts; that tho other
ofllcers of the scouts and then reviewed 'contracts had beon closed or rojoct
a detachment of tho boys, her son tak-iod. Mr. Tutor said ho know nothing
Statement of Condition of
Condensed Statement of the Condition of
fca?iai4iieirkai Baik
"Where Savings Are Safe."
Oregon, at the close of business March
7th, 1916'
Liabilities '
fluKffifS661-93 Capital
g expense.. 'Qogg Surplus....- 6,021.17
ash-- 2i;679.98 DePsjts - -349,801.69
" 3 ' - $80,822,86 Tofal $80,822.86
LOan Olir Fnnrle in n,,n Piioiftnn
iiivio vu UUI OlIOlUlllwl Oe
At the Closs of business March 7, 1916
Loans and Discounts ---1 $632,158.43
Banking Houses and Real Estate ' 64,108.72
Cash and Sight Exchange 152,522.31
Total, -'- - ' $848,789.46
Capital Stock Paid in $ 75,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits -.:..... 72,340.60
Deposits -, 701,448.86
Total $848,789.46
lug up a proud position In tho mlddlo
of tho first Hue. his black eyes bub
bling over with delight as he gave th
salute nnd went through tho move
ments. It was explained that his tu
tor, Commander Itoiuildl, had been
Ualnlng him lu the meantime nnd thut
the boy had been nsslduoubly practic
ing so as to bo ublo to show ns much
skill lu tho maneuvers ns his comrades.
Boy Policemen.
America has one city wherein boy
policemen uro doing real work. Tho
city h New York, and the organization
is known as tlio Junior Pollco Forco of
tho City of New York.
Good rcsultn hnvo nlready como from
tho union of these 300 or more young
sters, who are banded together to up
hold the law, maintain order nnd keep
clean tho streets near tho Dowery.
Captain .John Sweeny of tho regulars,
who heuds this force, says that bon
fires havo been reduced 03 per cent In
tho district, complaints of disorderly
street gatherings have been cut to less
than half, street cleaning has been
made lighter, (Ire escapes cleared, gar
bage cans put in order and clgnrette
smoking made unpopular.
Tho boy ollceuien nro nil working
towaid good citizenship.
Owl Cnuces Auto Smash.
Pern, Did. Marlon Dlllman took n
party of friends nutomoblllng, mid
when near Chill nn owl Btruck him lu
tho face. Dlllman let go of tho steer
ing wheel, nud the car run down un
oinl'iinkuipnt nnd against u fence. Noun
of the occupants wiik hurt, but Dill
man's fa e wns scratched by tho owl'
about that, but If ho woro furnished
with n description of tho land ho
could toll oxactly lu whoso bonor.t the
amendmont would operate. Ho did
not nllego that Smith had contracts
In l.'u nu'n nnmn lull (lint tin wnn tbn
-assignee of tho various persons Jiohl- r'pJJs'w
Int'fiest in Claims Admitted
Mr. Putor told tho commlttco ho
had located 1300 applicants on grant
lands; with some of thorn ho had con
tracts undor which, If they got title,
ho will hnvo n half Interest In tho
land; with others ho has contracts
which glvo him a qunrtor Interest. Ho
said ho had such contracts with only
10 por cent of thoso he had located,
nnd asserted tho Department of Jus
t!co had exaggerated Ills Interest In
tho individual claims,
"Is Lnfforty connected with you?"
iiBkod Chairman Ferris.
"No, I should say not," answered
tho witness with evident scorn.
Mr. Puter characterized the Inno
cent purchasor act of 1912 as legis
lation which continued "big steals."
Undor that act, ho said, tho govern
ment had collected $1,000,000 nnd
"45 millionaires" had mado a hand
Bonio profit of $19,000,000.
Times Want
st rated by a
Ads will
he (lemon.
Low Cost - Hiflh Efficiency
C. A. Smith, president .of
North Dond school booj-d. Is
.bentlng frnmod pictures of tho .v
torlous North Dond dobatlng teams
'of post years to. tho High school
I'whoro thoy will bo framed and hung.
tlie victors were: For 1912, tho wrt
'iters woro: Charles VnnZilo. doon?o
Dowoy, Lylo Chnppoll, Norma Qhasd,
Dorothy ICibior and Francis Golden.
For 1913 tho winnors woro Gcortte
Dowoy, Lylo Cliappoll, Norma Chaso
Innors aro Merlin
Chnppoll, Alox Drandt, Hornco Dylor
hud llandall Jonos.
Degulated by Moon and Will Fall
On April li. This Year
Movublo Feast,
Easter Sunday, tho last day of
ho Lenten seabon, Is a movable
feast doing regulatod by tho moon.
This year Easter comes on tho
twcuty-thlrd of April, which Is wltli
In ono day of bolng tho latest date
on which It can fall. It comes on
tho fiist Sunday after tho first full
moon on or after tho twenty-first of
March. Tho moon will be full this
year on Monday, March 19, and had
tho duy been Sunday Instead of Mod
day, Easter would havo fallen pu
tho latost possible dnto.
Low Cost High Efficiency
Times Want Ada for results.
r ifrWiitfriiiaiyii