nwmmmmmmvmwmmm wmh i " i THE CfJOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916 EVENING EDITION. TWO e ASK BIG DHHA6ES DEMAND TOD GHEAT OKO. OKAY WANTS JjWiKO KRO.M SAIITII-POWKRS CO. AUcrcs Thai. Whistle Hoy lnn Wioiir SIriiiiI at Camp One Caused Ills Injury (Special to Tlio Times) COQUILL13 Ore, Atnrah 1.1. Goorgo Gray lian begun Btilt lu tho Circuit court Tor $5200 damages from tlio Smith-Powers Logg-lng Company. Ho BayB lio was employed nt Camp Ono last your nnd on November 27tli, tlio wlilstlo l)6y gave tlio wrong bIk nal VitIi tlio result that ho was caught in Uia lino and thrown uhout thirty foot. He cluluiu permanent in Jurlen woro Infllcteil. card lu IiIb attorney, COAST JOHHKRS CLAAIOR POK AIAXUFAC'LTRKH GOODS Ktislci-n Fiirlorlos Hrlbo Away West rin Workmen Willi Higher Pay War Orders I ho Cause So grout 1b tlio demand in tlio cast for certain bIcIUoi! laborers that repieBPiitiilivcB of eastern factories often stand outside the gates of San Francisco conconiB and offer the om ployccB bigger wnges In the east. Hob ert Dlllard catrio bael: from the south on the Nann yesterday and said this .Is nn actual condition that pertains In Son Fraelseo. Pacific i oast Jobbers aio unable to CluiB. 1. Hel-gpt thp tuauufnetured pioductB from I the eastern houses, Tlio demand is Many Cases Filed gioater than eun be supplied, tlio par- Among tlio coses filed in Circuit itlculur rauso being tlio largo war court recently nro tho following: Ira E. Hrown vb. Xolllo P. Drown. Suit for divorce. T. W. AtcCloskoy va W. 13. I'lko. Knrrlon I). Fry vs. 13. At. Hlakorby nnd A. II. SparkB. Appeal from Jus tico court No. .1. Vomis Gill vs aordon Gill. Suit for divorce. Herbert Loekhhrt and Guy Warner ns AVamor Grocery Co., vs L. .1. Pat rimonii nnd Alice Pctrlmoulx. Annlo llamdllon vs Harharn .lone? and Henry Songstaekon. Application for Judgment tax lien. J. II. 'Luho, II. N. Lnso, Dooim ' Luso, Jtohecca P. Wilson, Ilonnett Trust Co,, and Emily O. Wrenn vs Waiter II. WobBtcr, Annie Webster, ct nl. Suit in equity for partition. tD6rn, M. Iflizzor vb. Travis S. lluz zor. Suit for dlvorco. IJ. F.'Cnrlllo vh Alary 13. Cnrlllo. Suit for divorce. ' Iluliy I'crsllbrilfor AlUjIr vs It. T. Kaiiruiiiii, J. Wright Wilson, Llnnlo L. Wilson nnd First Natlonnl Unnl: of Coos Hay. Suit to forcclosa mort-gugo. orders that liavo como to tho eastern UKitiufacturers. While lu tlio south Air. Dlllard mndo arrangements to tako several lines of lints, enps, gloves and nod: ware and he too will very shortly ecomo i knight of tho giVl tor Southwestern Oregon. Ho said that several firms in San Francisco complained about losing skilled workmen who were offered bigger wages in tho east and a year's contract with transportation buck and forth. This demand Is especially Into In tho clothing Hues, ! I PERSONAL -MENTION t $$ ROHERT DILLARD returned yester day from a trjn toA Sun Francisco. NEHj WATSON waB In from his Isth mus Inlet ranch Saturday. T. A. SAL1NO was among the Al legany vlsltoin litre today. TOAI LAWHORN wns down from his ranch near Allegany today on business. I3D. LIDDELL, who conducts n meal innrkot nt I'oweis, spout Sunday with friends horo. ,? : BORN '$? KNUTSON To Atr. and Airs. h. Knutson, of Hunker Hill, a gill, Sunday, .Atarch 12th. Sbo is their second child. jL. i.; SOClAli CALENDAR. KioCrci Hiiys Audi C. Krooger, of Allegany, has purchased a l!IC Keo touring car from K. V. Steele who has taken tho ngoncy for this section, succeeding .1. S Lyons in that capacity horo. The now car will soon bo delivered. HENRY HuaaiNS, who is now em ployed In' Sheriff .tohnBon'B offlco at Coiiuillo, spent Sunday hero. DR. E. S. CONKLIN loft on tho ear ly morning slago yestorday, re turning to 13ugeno. MRS. V. G. HINDAIARSll and child woro In f nun Lakeside spending tlio week end. 10 ECU E 13. H. MICHAELS 'QUICKLY GETS FHEEOO.M IN AIVHTLE POINT Rosenberg Also l-'rctl on $700 Hall l'tirnlnhiMl by Handon Fi-lcudi IIuunci'm Cnso (Spoclnl to Tho Times) COQUILL13, Ore, Atarch 13. 13. n. AtlehaolB, who wns bound over to tho grand Jury at Myrtle Point Fri day on tlio charge of shooting J. 13. BIG ADVANCE IN ALL KINDS OF CLOTHING KnMcin Alnniifuctiiuu-H Evplulu Why Wholesale Prices Have Heen Advaii('d S. S. Jonnlngs of Nortli Hand hns Just received a letter from tho cast- 'am manufacturers from which ho buys much of his clothing, especially women's ready-to-wear garments, which tolls of tho advanco in prices. They quote n trado pnper as follows: "Tlio wonmn's garmont that used to retail at $2Ii will range this year between ?28.r.O and I20.no and thoro will ho llko advances on practically all wearables. Color trouble will not bo pronounced tills spring, for the great bulk of the garments to ho worn tho next few months were made from Gorman dyostuffs; what crock- Jug eventuates will como lator. "Tho reason for tho abnormality of tlio current textile trades are mani fold war uniforms and blankets nro tukdngi tho world's wool, and wool up used does not get buck to comuiorc1). Tho uniform and camp blanket un dergo wear lo which Ivllliin n hi. eim- iioiwiiii near aiyruo mini, una immm. iiI0t j. comimrol. and thoso which re ritlitnun.1 fin Lull II II tnut 1i, I' . . . v..v.....v... .... ....... .., ... ....in., in.) Coiiuillo banker, and F. V. Shores wont HocunUy for hint. Considerable sympathy Is expressed for Michaels who Is a cripple, lio has to wear it special body bra en owing to an In jury of tlio spine a long time ago. He In well known lu Coqulllo and sup ports hpls mother mid sisters. Rosenberg- (Je(s Hall I, Rosenborg, the former Coiiuillo tailor who wns arrested at Crescent City on tho charge of cashing n worthless draft on tho hank of Han don for ? 170, has also been released on $700 ball furnished by S, Jubltz, main are burned. Furthermore wo fcro exporting clothe on a scale now Jto Ibis country. South America and Australia mo taking goods they nuver jjtook before. Add to tho dyo, woul nnd cloth export abnormalities rnH roiul embargoes, scarcity of ocean vessels and labor demands. Atotal ."products plants have actually buou liompetliig with textile plants for la bor. That Is not the cuso in Cleve land. Hut in Now England towns tho munition mills have drawn em ployes from tho cotton mills, nnd liuvo thus afforded their contribution to the L'oneinl iinsldo down slLiuitilmi u Handon tailor, and AIV. Kh T. ,u llu t.,ot ,, KurMUmt ,mIHlr,(.fl... Treadgohl, wlfo of RoHonherg's at- DR. IRA B. BARTLE IS NOW IN NEW ORLEANS toruey. It has been discovered that RoBonhoric wept under (ho name of Gunltel at Crescent (Vly. Ho donles (his, but tho hotel propiletor Inn'.KtH that Rosenborg loglslored as "Giiukol." Rosenberg says that Guu lcol was his friend and that only the ono registered so Hint they wouldn't have to pay tho extra price for tho room. Sheriff Johnson who wrolo lo tho chief of police, at Cincinnati lor In formation about Rosenberg has o colved u answer saying "not known hero." ' Huiis'Vs Term Tho Jnll houtouco of .loo Ilaiisor of Alurslifleld, who is son lug time for having too much liquor In Ills po session, will oxplio Alaich lUth. Sheriff Johnson hns written to At torney Gonoral Urown to s.eo If the second commitment for bootlegKlug 13 legal has not received an answer yet. If ho does not, Ilaiisor will North llciul Ph)Niciaii Who Iri 'hik ing Post Graduate Wihih 'rl'.s or Ti ip Dr. Ira II. Hurtle of North llend who Is now lu Now Orleans taking soiuo post graduuto work wiltes The Times that ho Is having a flue trip. .Mrs, Ilaitlo remained nt Los Angeles to visit her parents, Air. and Airs. R. .1. Coke. Ho says ho Is taking work at both (lie Chuilty hospital and tho Aliirluo hohpltul, putting on a gown and aid ing lu sovuiul opeiutlous daily. Tho .Mai dl Gins, tho grout annual fete of Now Orleans is on, and af fording much entertainment. Tho annual horse races are on, uf fouling another sight and ho says tlio old Southern spirit lis moio lu evidence It. N. WI3I1STI0R wna a week end visitor in tho city from' Coos Rivor. LYLI3 D. AIAGNI3SS was In tho city over Sunday from his homo on Coos River. BIDNIOY HI3NDI3RSON returned to Coqulllo on tho morning train, after a week end visit hero with friends. FRANK CATTI3RLIN wont over Into tho Vnlley this morning to call on the trade. V. C. GORST loft on, tho Nnnn Smith for Vnllojo, California, wlioro ho lias a now Jitney lino. J. .1. CL1NK13NHI3ARD, prominent dairyman of Coos Rlvor, was horo today. W. L. WALKI3R, a woll-known dai ryman of Cooston, sullod on tho Naun today for San Francisco. AIRS. I3DNA TAYLOR nnd children, 13 iii)l ly and I3dna, will loavo on tho Nann Smith for Sun Francisco. Society, At. Kol- Catliolic AIR. AND AHIS. C. 11. PI3CK and daughter left on tho Rainbow this nftornoon for thtJlr aiimnior homo t on south Coos rivor over Sunday. MR. AND MRS. W. H. DAVI3NPORT! and baby arrived Saturday froni Powers, on their way to Portland, where they expect to mako their j future homo. Thoy hnvo made many friends during their refli-1 denco 111 Coos county who will wish thorn well. ! ARTHUR WILLIAMS was In from , Allillngtoii .Saturday. Ho said thut ho and others woro sur- pilscd whon thoy got their tax stutcmonts and found a school levy of sixteen mills In that district and ho is wondering what tho dfs- trict will do with all tho money. ' AIRS. 11. 13. IIAAIPTON, loft on tho Hronkwator for 13urnkn In response to a message stating that her brother, George Wheolor, was sorl ously ill nt Allrnudn, California. No jinrtlculnrs woro given. Mr. Wlioolor wns formerly cnptnln of the launch Traveler horo. Miss; Leah Weir accompanied AlrB. ( Hampton south. , ; i AIR. AND AIRS. D. R. JONI3S nnd daughter, Miss Anna, or v Sail born, North Dakota, arrived on tho Naun Smith yestorday to visit at tlio homo of their sou, D. A. Jones. Thoy hnvo been spending tho winter lu Southern Dakota, which Air. Jones says from their experience bus nothing on North Dakota lu tho way of climate. f tor a visit horo they will return to their homo wlioro Air. Jones Is' .. . . . tlio owner of largo wheat runci-is. AIRT. A. T. HARRIS loft an tlio Nann Smith for n short visit lu San Frnu-cisco. DR. RICHMOND, of Coiiuillo, camo hack this morning from a profes sional visit to Allegany. , ALONZO STHMMKRAIAN wnn nmong tho business visitors today from Allegany. , , , A. WOODWORTIf, or tho Allen &. Lewis company, left for Co qulllo and Powors this morning to look nftor tho trade. AIRS. A. T. I1AINI3S loft on tho Nnnn Smith this nftornoon for u two-woeks' visit in Snn Francisco, AIRS. OANTINR. of Kontuek Inlet. camo buck this morning from a visit with Airs. Gone Terry on Coos Rlvor. JUDGI3 JOHN S. COICI3 roturnod on tho stage from. l3ugeuo yesterday. He has been holding court lu Roso hurg and lu Hiigeuo for several weeks. f mi inc nuicLO ?.$ Hluiico Hotel John Harnett, lUvcrton; OIu Paul son, Coqulllo; Otto Atuglll, Aly?!lo Point; G, 13. .Miller, Camp 1; L. A. Perron, Atyrtlo Point; O, K. Neal, iCniimurl, Cal.; C. J3. Hnrrott and family, I3nrlmurt; Clay Madden. Hromortou; Davo Hrown, Powors; G. P. Stewart, Gardiner; Ruy Cunning- Iinm, Gardiner; I3rucst C. Lloyd, Nortli Head; A. Iloldon, 13 mid re. St. Iiwrenco Hotel Alo'Mny. Alpha Delphian with Atrs. Ilurrjott logg. Tuesday. North Ilond Guild, with Atrs. Nell Him Its. North Hend Club social afternoon, in club rooms. Wednesday. Presbyterian Auxlllnry, with Alra. C. II. Wnltor. Pustlmo club, with Airs. I3dwurd Thomas, In North Hend. . . Prlsclllns, Willi AlrA. Wdl foul I3rIelcson In Huukor urn. - "; ' North Hend ,Molhpdlst In dies ontortufn Union Aid in .Methodist hull. Auction Hrldgo Club, with Airs. F. V. Cuttcrlln. Klostor Club, wjt)i Aim. J. Q. Jarvlu. Thursday. Ncedlccraft Club Ladlon of Nortli Hend entertain their husbands at n St. Patrick's paity nt the homo of Air. nnd Airs. J. At. Thomnu. Arinno-Wls Club, with Alru. W. 13. liongland. Rainbow Club, with Airs. 13. J. Coffelt on South Coo.4 river. Klunoy Club of North Dend, with Atrs. J. Hill. Kustsldu Social Club, with Mis. 13inll Wont. Nohjhborhood Card Club, with Atrs. A. 13. Dlmont. North Hend Junior Class unity., Gonera Club, with Airs. Henry Ross. Klostor Club, witli Airs. J. Q. Jarvls. North Hend Thimble Club, shower for Airs. W. Ilond rlx. A. N. W. Club, with Alra. W. P. Murphy. Fildiy. Past Alaton'n Association, with Airs. C. II. Marsh. Thlmhlo Club party, nt homo of Air. and Alra. C. T. Williams. Kastsldo Royal Nolghbora Club party. Ladles' Art Club, with Airs. H. G. Iloy. Aliilllcoiim Club dance at club rooms for tlio mouthers. Saturday 4 Christian Church Young People's class entertnlu nt St Patrick's party In church hall. ?! ' t! ! i ' ' : i ; I : I, 4 Tuxeclo9s Grip by Walt Mason Tuxedo 13 the gripping smoke, a boon to every buyer you take your pipe of Eiigliah 6ak, of mcerochaum' clay or briar, and fill it with the frarjrant weed, the choicest man can gather; and then you have a smoke indeed; and arc you glad? Well, rather. Tuxedo has no kick or bite, suggests no '.'morning after:" ii "iwsiou ia iu onng aeught, and fill your heart with laughter, t It caught the sunshine of the' south,, when it was green and growing, and brings that suri. shine to your mouth, when out the smoke you're blowing, "Tuxedo's in a class alone," its smokers are declaring; "it has a fragrance all its own, thatbafllei all comparing." And thu Jt grips the men who smoke, and holds their true aifeo ttan ; their trusty, briar pipes they atohc, and never know dejection. 1 C&Qj&Ptu nmiMOm w PARCEL POST YQUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY For roHnblo Ahsdnrln of Tltloana Information nbout COOH HAY HlUh K8TATK, sco Abstracts i Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Alnrshtlold nnd Coqulllo City, Orogon. Oeneral Agenls KiiNtshlo nnd Sengstackeu's Addition. Special attention paid (o usossincutH and pajment of tnxes. IIKMll' SUNGSTACKHN, Mnnngcr. BLANCO The Public Service Hotel has Just hcon thoroughly renovat ed, nnd opened lo (he public Alaich 1st, 1IUII, Soiuo of tho features of thN old hostelry nro. fieo em- j ploy moot hiiroau, free sovvIiik room, , information luillellu and kind Urate STT ... .y ..y Vv. .,., ,1. "'", " " ltyffih"'Tt'l'''l'1"''l 'w' ' i'" "n. j"'1 j'S'Stlj!' "'Tl" JilAlh!" ' " " """'If Vt' Help for Bronchial Trouble and Cough It. 11. AlimnoCIC, county roiulnmsUir, returned thiH mornlUK to IiIh homo lu Coiiuillo nftor an nhBcuco of Hoveral duyn in thin end of the county on toad hualuesa. prohuhly ho lelonsml on tho 10th l'io '"u couiso tluui anywlioro Instead of ImvliiK to serve flfteon ,lrtU' da)B addltloual for the ulleKed hoot IcksIiik. AGED BANDON WOMAN TAKEN TO ASYLUM AIih. i;ilu ,1, Holco, Who Im (15 iii( I'Vohl", Tiiljeu Out This AlorniiiK hy AIoiiiliiiitH Atrs, lOIUu J. Holco, ui;od 05, wnn taken to tho state hospital for the lusano at Sulom tliU morning. Shu hns heen living with a son tit Han don. Sheriff Johnson lirouiiht hor from Coti'lle last nluht t.o that At tendant Hint Hi own and wife who woro sont in after hor could catch tho onrly stngo out thin morning, 'Sho Is aulto feoblo nnd her hnlluclun tlons nro not of u violent chnractor. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost Hiah Efficiency Ho bays that tho war hns benefitted husluesa at Now Orleaim and a creat or hustle is lu evidence theio than eer liefoio. Tho docks nro crowded uud tho ships aio being laden ulth mules uud cotton for Kuiopo, It has hueu twelve ears since ho 4lslt0d the raiiioiui old southern city and he suys theio have heen marked chalices the old landmarks giving away to fluu modern liulldlngH.' Tho .Mississippi Is tho highest it hus been In yoiuu hut so far the loveus hnvo proeuted in consider able daiuagu. .1013 RClllU.hW. JR., nrrlved hero on tho Naun Smith yestorday to visit Ills uncle, V. I'. .Murphy, nnd lUs sister, Airs. It. 11. Dement nt Alyrtlo Point. ntANCI (Ht ANT nnd wlfo camo lu Saturday from Powers for a short stay. Airs. Grant will visit roln Uvea nt Coalodo awhile nnd Air, Ornnt returned to cump yestorduy. Tiiio hkv. john i.Koaiyrr. of tho Coiiuillo Christian church, return ed homo this morning after pleaching yesterday lu North Hend. H. llnsfl. Itosehuru: S. Patterson. Seattle; Alra. A. Frntls, Sunset Hoy; l,,,el,, Tl"1 ml ' "r ,,, M,,,,,(, S. l-'rntls, Sunsot Huy; H. N. Woh-;ls wimiicii. stor, Coos Ulvor; K. W. Cllaplll. Coosi HiaXCO HOTVA, Rlvor; Charles McHown, Coqulllo; H.i ,as Xort,, F,0I,t 8,4w. Aladoclt, Coos Rlvor; Charieo awon,' Alai-.shfleld, Orotfuii Fortluud; Athnio lOugon. San Frnn- oisco; W. C. Moore, Portland; Krnnk XI rant nnd wlfo, Powers; Jewell Sprnguo, Huusor; Clara K. Spraguo, 1 Coos Rlvor; H. V. Roonoy, Hluoj Rldgo; Clay Ataddou, Camp 1; Airs. P. Radford and sou, Camp 1; Atrs. T. ti. Stanley, Cump 1; Lynda L. P.uetow, Coos Rlvor; Lylo 1). Alag- ucss, Coos River; Rohort Uowrou, Helmar; Airs. Lucy Tee I nnd son, Pendleton; Airs. JCIlu Van Clove, Pendleton. t l.loj d Hotel .Mrs. Ray Alartlu, Handon; I. T, Cioodlln, Coiiuillo; S. R. Jolinsou, Portland; I. Hton, Powc-is; neorgo Lonc, Del mar; Tony Klun, Dolninr; P. I. Horry Handon; S. Domenlz, 'Toley'a Honey and Tar Compound acti more llko a food than a medicine." Mr. Will O. Richmond. InBlewoo.1. Cnlir., Hnys: "I wish to recommend oloy'B Honey und Tnr Compound as It has greatly beneittted 1110 tor bronchial trouble ami couuh. It nets ho well in liaimony with uaturo that It In moro like a rood than a mudlclno." Foley's lloney nnd Tar Compound has a ?,u,?.rrully Wick way or soothliiR and henlliiK tlio raw tlcklliiB surface of the throat und bronchial tubes. It cases tho tightness over tho chest, mines the phleRiu easily, nnd helps tlio niuuuuru rui'itiiiK couKIl inai is so ex 11 -. m. t , a, i,...,. n ; cnini coukiih lunmiu; .ii. U. .uuiKiiu, lunvin; i. , thro.U mid stuffy wheezy brJathlnL- haustinir nnd wcaknninir. It Is tho best medlcliio you can buy. and bettor than nnythlni; you can mako. for COUUllH. COldH. Hn.ixmnilln nrnnn whoppliiK cough, la grippe and broni i.w.Hj.uiiviin, HenlliiK , I Wliltler, Coos Rlvor; Paul Zachnr, Cump 1; Jnck Poselk, Powers; P. C. Rodgers, Powoib; (Seorge P. Clinton, Now York; Chillies Clinton, Hrooh lyn; W. J. Potorson, Dolmar. ClmndliM- Hotel It contains no opiateu, and Is acceptable iu uiu muni HfiiHiiivo Hiomacii, Every tiier la a Xrlend. Por sale by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Contral Avo- j nuo. Opposltd Chandler Hotel, Tolo I phono 74. Why Not Enjoy a Modern Kitchen? Your husband's office, store or workship Is up-to-date. Why shouldn't the kitch enwhere you do YOUR work, be mod- ern, too? .Cook and heat with Gas and you will b3 surprised how much more easily and quickly your work will be finished. Gas Makes Housework Light Work By cooking and heating with Gas, not only can you do BETTER work, but MORE work in much less time, without a bit of trouble with fires, fuel or ashes. Gas long ago ceased to be a luxury; it is now a necess ity, lightening the household labor of millions of women. Isn't it time you, too, made housekeeping a pleasure with the aid of Gas? 1 Oregon Power XOTICK, Poiry Transit will hiy iow morning for lopalrs. off tomor- Houcry I lance, Simpson 'nllon, has liovu postponed lo iiuL Katiuday iuenlni;. Dr. J.eUJo, OMoop.Uli, Aluishflohl SHERIFF AI.P. JOHNSON, accom pnuled hy Airs. Johnson nnd child, camo ovior from Coqulllo last ov enlng. The sheriff Is horo today serving legal papers. SI.MMONS, n local contractor. Is expecting to leave very shortly for Rutin, Montana. If ho decides to locate there his family will fol low In about two months. R. A. COPPI.E Is expected homo to day or tomorrow from n slx weolts' Kastern trip. Alls. Copplo nnd the children will remain in California for n fow wooks longor Dr. 1. C, VniiBhnu. Ilonlht, lloom CO, First Mutlouul lluuk bulliHng. Joo Schilling, Alyrtlo Point; J. Cn-j hill, Snn Pranclsco; K. J. Hockor, Portland; V. C. Alondoll, Portlund; Charles S. Hanson, JncUsonvillo; Air. 1 nnd Atis. P, Klnyon, Turhoy River, Iowa; V. I. Hrown and wlfo, Sulom; O. C, Hamlin, Heaver Hill; Robot t H. l)5gen. Seattle; r. P. A. Voge. Portland; Al. V. Kano, Myrtle Point; Alfred Johnson, wlfo and child, Co qulllo; W. H. McConl, Portlnndj'AI. V. Kniio, Alyrtlo Point; Alfrod John- kson, wife and child, L'oqulllo; v. !;. McCord, Portland; E. J. Larson, Pow ers; A. At. OaKes, Portland; J. Con loguo, Lnmpa, D. E. Conlogue, Lam pa;; Airs. W, P. AIcKonna, Laiupa; Atarlo Conlogue, Lanipu; Wultor Con loguo, Lampa; Hon Mitchell. Port land; C. P. Hell, Portland; W. A. Harr, qorvullls; E. S. Conklln, Eu gene; J. Porsjtho, San Pranclsco; E, Jv. Ingram, IWverton; w. J. Swcot, Handon; J. V, Dusttn, Eugene; 0. JJ. Stolnnn, Portland; R. V. Tavenucr, Coos Rlvor; Airs. V. a, Hlndiimrsh, Lakosldo, Co. Jiibby Coal, IJ15.00 ton. Phono 7U. North Pacific S. S. Co. F. A. Kilburn sails direct to EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO MARCH 17TH The Breakwater Sails for ' PORTLAND MARCH 21ST From Smith Terminal Dock THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON Besides First Class Meats We carry a nice line of,. . . Pickled Lamb Tongtio Pickled Pig Fcot Pickled Pig Ears Picklod lIg Snouts Pickled Tripe Norway Herring Codfish, Finnan Haddlo and various kinds of canned fish. FRESH EGGS, 25 CENTS PER DOZEN. .. SMOKHI) COUNTRY SAUSAGE, OARLlO SAUSAOH AM ',,A, ISll SAUSAGE, MEXICAN' STVfiB Phono -100.J. Palace Meat Market Central At- N. U. OSWALD. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES