THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916 EVENING EDITION THREE o o o o o o o BUY AT HOME ja- miH inirjjLi jiiii ilw 'm & '8 jlL r6 a Home Town Trader ! .. ..r Tnww pnnrF.ssioN. iniN THE nuwi xm Sis is y"r homc lown' Your Inl"cst i8 hcre' The town's prosperity Is your prosperity Keep the money In town by spending it in town. In order to spend it wisely Read the Home Paper Ire s a Money-saving Proposition for You In Hardware Whatever you arc in Ihc market for at this time in our line we will be glad to figure with you. Our prices are e lowest and we will he glad to show you that we can save you money. Our goods are guaranteed by us and will be replaced without cost. ' Our slock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Building. Paper and Wall Paper is now complete. nmYcit,zen r10. byy w,lat he consumes of his fellow citizens, employ home labor, eat , home grown fruit and provisions as far as it is possible for him to do so, MIR hill fC tin n nnmmin,!!.. Tl.. r.... ...ill j. l., r . I ! I . hnmiYine. Alr7, r 't7 , .""""'my' i no lamioi wiuioui ci marcei Tor ins products soon n 1 f disgusted. The laborer that sees outside men brought in to perform work that he can ao gets desperate, The merchant that sees .his neighbors' packages of goods on every boat gets id scouragod and wants .to sell out and quit such a community, The banker, postmas- ;,n i e5ipresis agent tJiat ls called llPon wite drafts and money orders payable to far away dealers loses respect for the fellow that robs his own neighbors of that business for the benefit of an outside institution that has no interest in the community, The farmer, laborer ana merchant of this community are worthy of the patronage of every other citizen of the community. They pay taxes that support the schools, build the roads and maintain a decent government of law and order, Your neighbor sits up with you when you are sick and gives you credit when you are broke, but the outside dealer doesn't know you and doesn't care, I wo wings are necessary to make a community worth living It, One is loyalty to your community and your neighbors and friends, and the other is being worthy of the loyalty of your community, neighbors and friends, , , l ?vJ01ilI! in tllis community buy at home what lie' can get at the same price or less, and about $200,000 more annually will be spent in this community, Can you estimate the good this will do in better buildings, more labor, better roads, bet- Ini tni'hir U4Im nKML -u J I ! I'll. II . ' ' icijamioMJiuM generally, ARE HOME PRODUCTS and naturally are for A Home Tirade they are based on the virtues of. the home PURITY - GOODNESS ' EXCELLENCE ' BUY AT HOWIES BUY FOR THE HOME ' BUY SPERRY PRODUCTS Order through your dealer ' Speny Flow Compamty F. D. FLETCHER, Manager Marshficld Branch. Buj Yot Furniture AT HOME See what you arc getting before you buy. Be sure that it is what you want the color, the ma terial and the style or the joy and satisfaction of se curing the new piece for the house will he lost. Our large stdck affords you variety to select from and remember, that we stand behind every purchase and that we are helping to make a greater and better Coos Bay. ' Just now our stock will furnish you many articles that will make your Spring house cleaning and re-arrangement more satisfactory. Jx fiX wo 111 Perry Cemtra! Averaae id hoi on ars. jue Mieu: Has a fine line of Wall Pap )T he Latest Sample Book to select from, 'ne latest Decorations for any room you have mivCSAt,iat wi" meet anV mail or(,er ,10llse' so uui AT HOME, and keep your dollars on Coos Bay. , Best Results in Painting, Papering or Decorating WALL PAPER, PAINTS AND SUPPLIES. E Fo Le Miepx 393 FRONT STREET :: :: PHONE 15-R OOOD.HV muun F to lf1,ar)011 out of m, B 1,yboloBtoYouit ,Q"twmeiniir.r l lloino' wtl1 ,,,fttU?n,'an,vhproJ,8val"o 1,T0ner8t'sUauUr,1,StObU,,a 8ls lion you com t to think ot it, tlioro nro only two 1-liwir, ,iniini.i 41m 'l")n11nr With i. ... ...i i. imnvnlntininnt Dol- lar." The "Dollar with WIhbs" goes to build up tho Par Distant City,, tho Ujlp Motfropolls, with its vico and Icrlmo anil low wages ami poverty. Tho "Dovolopmcnt Dollar" goes tu biltlil up tho Homo Town. It hoU'S Sumner Hardware Co. We Meet, All Catalogue Competition FOR CASH WE CAN SHOW YOU THE GOODS. Hardware Crockery Paints "See Sumner" KEEPING THE DOLLAR HOME Kvory dollar sont out ot town for a purchase enriches l.oiuo ouo olsu. Kvory dollar upent ihflro helps to onrlch tho city. All thliiKH liolng oqunl, our InurchanlH uro outlllod to your first consideration. Tholr money Is your pros Iiorlty. As thuy grow thoy bo eoino greater factors In our city llfo. In many luotanccn you can buy at homo to hotter advnn tago than you can eoniowhoro olsor Look ovur tho advertising in today's Times and see If thai Htatomont Is not true. Compare goods and prlcos ami ascertain whothor or not our local liualucHii men aro "on tho Job." YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY at the m aiy Tavern you patronize Home In dustry as well as Home Trade. We make all our own fcandicsu . They are pure and fresh. We also make our own Ice Cream. Taffy Tavern Central Avenue. Burpee's ski: ont link ok hiikut siwsio AM, Till! XHWKST HITS. Have, u now shipment or Cold Maml IMsliyS ,iIm I-w and liihoitions. Von can I'lillll that klleheu for a very miiuII Miimnni- at !! Moiv. Come in aiitl l""k ' l,w ,,n0' Ui:.-Mi:.MIIKIC, NothliiK over in Burpee's 5-10-l5c Store X, KltOXT ST. COOD KVKXIXd l'olluto thou not my spirit; kooii it pure, And let thy pathway bo tho way of truth, For truth is loftier than an earthly crown, Yields honor and nobility to kliigH, liaises tho lowly Vir tue's Throuo. Zoroastor. This would bo a bottor World If Korms of thought wore. aB ptontlful as other kinds of germs. Wo all think wo can bo Impartial. Ulut no man can rororeo a dog fight fairly If his own dog la mixed up in the fight. This is a rapid age, you bet! And wo as auro as fate Will soon ovolvo some schomo to got Divorces wliilo- you wait. After all, tho man who Is dlsap- pointed in lovo is hotter off than COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS tho man who Is disappointed In mar- Low Cost Hum Efficiency '"" HALT! You Are Wanted Here "WHAT FOR?" YOU ASK. For tho privilege of doing business with your - local dealers, the tradesmen that you know to be reliable, prompt in deliveries and anxious to please you. ALSO, Remember That Your Home Paper Is Your Home Friend "Castt Thy Bread Uponn the Waters for Thout Shaft Fled ft After Mairay Days5 .S5 SPEND YOUR DOLLARS WITH YOUR HOME MERCHANTS AND THEY WILL COME BACK i TO YOU MANY FOLD- ' Al en & Lewis Wholesale Grocers Marshficld, Oruyun A Coicret Example That It Pays to Buy at feme -A Coos County Rancher, who was about to send a $40 grocery order to a Portland Mail Order House mentioned the matter to our Mr. Ray Ollivant, hut said he didn't suppose it was any use as we could not sell as cheaply. Mr. Ollivant said he would give him the figures and if not as low, we would not .expect the order. Every artiole was figured in at tho regular retail price, and the total was $3.60 .ESS than the Portland house, besides a saving of the freight. The Portland house cut prices on a few staples and boosted prices on other articles. Wo would be pleased to figure with anyone ordering groceries from outside houses, and if we can't sell as low or lower on the same quality of goods, we would not expect the order. Bring in your next order and let us figure on it. We may save you money. Anyway, we would like to get acquainted. Ollivant & Nasburg Tho Ci'ood Housekeeping IIOMI-J OF Willi FOODS Second and Commercial, Marshficld Two Telephones, 100 and 171 wmmmmiMmmmmmmimmMwmum&a All Kinds of Job Printing Done at Tho Times Office . JMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMaMWWWWIiatlWMIMMWIWMWWIM IJMMBMWWIM Home Telegraph 1...11.1 .... ,. iniMnn of real men and 1LMIIIU UJ' .. women. Thou let us inako tho dollaiH wo spond "Dovolopmont iJouars, homo-town hulldors, building Tor us .i n,, ,.nii!libora and our children, tanking OUU community more pros- .. n .. 4 s-a 1 1 ml porous, moro happy, moio eu.u.... ml, vnnann wllV il fOIld HlOtllOr knows what tho baby is saying is bq- cause tho uaoy uuw .-... mo din ono 1110- i lines m.i "" "-"- ....i,, tliiim which loacnes .int iy ri--. Tlie y engage public uMontlwi every tluy--Alvii)-H on tho J- Times Wnt Ado brinif rosults. I Service 'I ' " -.;,. i.n. il H I Cs & The Coos and Curry Telephone Company is a home institution, controlled and managed by Coos Bay people. It has 50 employees, who livo in Coos and adjoining counties. Now about your TELEGRAPH charges. Are you keep ing as much of that money at home as possible? Pat rons of Coos and Curry telegraph lines are boosting home industry and keeping the money at home. Besides, the service to all Pacific Coast points is un excelled and the rates are standard, Office always open Curry Telephonic Company i - - w & .