THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916 EVENING EDITION. . J two --- nr tIVLD , i "1 !dl MnrJ IsluyVui i 9iMv ABIM.V' w. I nil II I w urn y aouisiriiTM) wr u I.. A . I "a- il'.7 ' I K7 N -1 l " i ) -tic Personal notices of visitors In tho city, or of Cooa Day pconlo who visit In other cities, together with notices of soclnt affairs, nro gladly received In tho soelnl ilo partment. Telephone 133. Notices of club mootlngs will bo published and secretaries nro kindly requested to fur- nlsli Dninc. VAITINfl 8:00 Hero lu tho parlor 1 sit; . "In a moment or two bIio'11 bo down;" Of course, fllio miiHl prink up Just a bit Tho prcUlcst girl In town! I mark her light step ovorhend An eho gives at tho glass a last touch Vet I'll wagnr, bo checkn uo'cr so red, Slio's nulltlcsa at rougo Jar, or 8:15 Iloigli ho! Tls quarter past, nowl Bho knew that I'd call sharp at olght; It's n llttlo vexatious, I vow. I hopo wp'ro not doomed to bo Into! But then tho' n goddess, n. queen A woman, at best, alio Is, still, PrcdcBtlncd to make, nil norcno, Man milt or bestir, at her will. 8:30 Elght-thlrtyl Great CciiHiir. Coino on, Young lady; wo'ro missing tho fun, A round dozen garbs could I don AVlillo YOU luivo been fusulng with ono. And this In "a moment or two!" Don't hurry, 1 beg or deem that I had other amusements In vluv; Than sitting horo twirling my hut! 8:45 A quarter to ulno! Knlth nud Ixivo! It's moro than I'll stand, I declare! I All! There's n 'rtintla above, A froufrou of silk on tho stair. Slio's coming a quarter to uliin! I must smllo and pretend, I imp pose, But I'll novor By Jovo! Slio's dl vino! God bless her! Sweet as a roso! BIf tho world but know what's lu our hearts, If It but understood, 'Twould bo lvtm liurHli lu Judgment 'Twould bo moro kind and good. Selected. FII18T lnopect ovnry trunk, box, bug and crovlco, and ovury slnglo nrtlrlo that cannot bo used at onco hi tho lioutiohold will bo given to tho ucoily, or mind thorn to Boino charKublo luutltuto. TIioho unfit to nun give to tho rag-muu. But ono thing certain, thoy luivo boon huliidlcd for tho last time. What's tho use of hoarding cl.ithliiK, furniture, old hook and papers for tho moths to destroy or tlmo to cor rode, when perhaps lu your neigh borhood (hero uro thupo who would bo very grateful for thein, JJvoiy spring tlw Humo iirllolrg huvo to bo v :.AM.i.r rf$$ ,t,c,.A"r:. carried downstairs, sunned, beaten, brought upstairs again, and packed away until tho next spring, when tho same tlresomo program has to bo carried out. It Js woll to kcop n good BUppJy of linen, cotton nud woolen rags In a convonlont ploco, ns thoy nro nsqful lu muny ways, and do away with all tho rest. If' n pleco of furuituro has any vuluo anil you do not nocd It, glvo It to tho poor; If It la absolutely worth less, consign It to the woodpile Go through tho store-room, tho pantry, tho closots, tho clipboards, ttiOj bu reaus, tho shed, mid romovo perma nently all articles not lu active use, for you uro going to savo room by diurnrdliiK usoIokb encumbrunros of your hpuschpld, nud also tlmo, above nil, strength, which has hljherto been spout needlessly lu caring for a lot of uuolcss rubbish, KAMI til (JATIIKItl.Vn. Mr. and Mm. V. O. Pratt entor tnlnod Informally Thursdny evening it u family gathorlng lu honor of thi PI st birthday of Mr. Pratt's father, C. C. Pratt. Mr. nud Mia. Fosburg, of Shoroneres, tho latter a daughter of Mr. Pratt, woro unablo to bo present. Those prcsont wito. Mr. and Mm. W. W. Mutton, George Pratt of Shoroacros, Mr. und Mrs. V. O. Pratt, MIshch Dlllu mid Alii.i Pratt and Georgo Piatt and C. U. Pratt Tho ovenlug was spout in rcmlulctM'iit chat and ilollclouu rc frctihinonts woro served. a. x. v. Contributions concerning social happenings, , intended for publication- in tho society department of The Times, must Ijo submitted to tho edi tor not latgr than C 'o'clock p. m., l''r(Idny of qnqji week. (Hxccpllona will bo nllowed only lu cases whero tho event occurred later than tho tlmo mentioned.) J ; HOVAIj NKKJIIItOHS CM'IJ. I - Tho Itfjynl NolghborB Club of Kuut trttlo wiia eulortu.lned Ttjosday aftor noou it tho homo of Mrs. M. A. AlcLnggan. j pleasant social, tlmo followed, and plans woro partially mado for a St. Patrick's pnrty on tho cvoiilng or tho 17lh. Lalo In tho nftornoon, tho hostess Bcrvod re freshments to Mrs. O'Nol.1, Mrs. J. C. Steckel, '.Mm. Win. Stcckol, Mrs. W. C. Weo,vor, Mrs. Krod Moore and Mm. Piircy Pool. Tho club wUI meet again lu two wcoks u'lth Mrs. Whltty. fc t r : I CLUB KVHNINfl PAHTV. I The lCustsldo ltoynl Neighbors club gave a delightful evening p.trty labt Saturday ovenlug at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McLean, tho husbands and families being present as special .guests. Cards, dnucliig, games and music formud ploasaut and varied entertainment for tlio evening, and at n Into hour tho ladles sorved a sumptuous re past. TIiofo present woro: iMr. and Mrs. C. P. Keating, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Cono, Mr. and Mrs. Krol Mooro, Mr. and .Mrs. W. C. Woavor, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. MeUiggnu, Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Stockel, Mr. uuil Mrs, Krml Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Witty, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Poet, Mrs. C. V. Nllorbock and I'M. Kllcrheck, Mrs. Frank Prey, of l.oou Lake; Misses Ninnia. O'Dnnnell, Mnydream, Cath crluo and Mario McLean, Dorothy Mel'Ogghn, (Junovm and Vivian Peel, and Messrs Ira Sturtovmit, L. S. Wlldo, Donald nud Chester Mc Iiggan. 4 I .MKTIIOIUS'P LAIHKS' AID. Mrs. Georgo I Murch extended hor hospltullty to tho A. N. W Club on Thursday afternoon, I'mlr ri'gu,lar mooting day, and alio on trrtntneil tho following special guofls: Mrs. A. T. Lagorstrom, .Mrs. J. A. W'hlltlngton and JIr. V. V. Bowhay, of San Francisco. In deco' rating. Mrs, Murch used :i choice solcctlon of violets, daffodils nud other spring flowers. Sowing and informal chat filled tha .'.ftoruoou houir. r.iittl toward ovotiim: when the liOHtiss servid it duluty liiiirlumn The Ladles' Aid of tho North Bend to tho following: Mrs. F. K. Methodist church met for a business Mrs. Ollva Kdmiiu, Mrs, Carl Kvort- session in tho Wcsloynn class room? lien, Mrs. Lily Frledborg. Mrs. A. Vhurday afternoon and after in-iltoro T. llalues, Mrs. .1. T. llarrlgnu, Mm. of routluo business hud been d.r, Hyde, Mrs. Alexandra Laudo, Mrs.Pused of, mado urrungeiueuts for Kalo Lando, Mrs, 10. Miugiis, Mrs. next Wednesday afternoon when thoy W. P. Murphy, Mrs. Mary McICiilgitt,ll entertain the Union Aid ut tho Mrs. C. F. Mi'Knlght, Mrs. David Methodist chinch. The next husl- Xelton, Mrs. Nuuey Nob) O'tdnnoll, Mrs, II. I Cha'les Ktuuff, Mrs. Auulo Tower, umi parliamentary drill under die Mis. LageiDtrom, Mrs. Whlttlugtoii, leadership of Mrs, A. G. Itaab. I bono TO REMEMBER SPRING Kill G WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, THURSDAY, M.ARCH 1.6 In TRIMMED HATS COATS SUITS ; DRESS FABRICS. IOCONOJIIPAIj PHICKH mill n cor dial welcome, uhetlici a piuclinse Is mado or not. Our Herniation of Authenticity ix Miiiiiixnnv htvlij and QUAMTV OK "STVIiK-CIUKT" COATS mid SUITS, cunriiittei'il ai to tlio workmanship, forms (lie strongest argument for jour IkRsent'o hero (lining tlieo two dajH. HKMKMBKIt Till'; IlA'I'IO. $&$ ' Style ' Do Co Norith Beimdl The Store That Sells the Best For Less Jemeimi FOLGER W. THE FIRST PRINCIPLE Alw.'.ys observed hero Is to sell you food products that uro right, nt prices thai nro right. Wo will observe FOLGER WEEK By salng you ton cents por pound on your purchase Phono us your ordors Sanitary Food Store 208 Central Phono 213 Woods, Mrs. It. O. Holm, Mm. Wal ter Putuuni, Mrs. C. II. Chappell, Mrs. A. L. Gubsor, Mrs. G. A. Per kins nud Miss Betilah Kllilor. 4. .. .;. ci:Li:mtAn:s xixtii iuktii- DAY. I- 4 4 Last Saturday afternoon, John Butler, Jr., son of Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Butler, celebrated his ninth birthday with a party to whlcn n number of his hoy frlonds woro lu vl'iJ. Tho llttlo host's mother, Mm .1 W. Butler, decorated tho homo vary prettily lu tlio color scheme of white and pink nud af forded 11 very plcaiinut afternoon Kitting remarks ucro also givoii by Supt. H. L. Coo. 4 ! ' KKXSIXtiTOXCLPD I A Tho Kensington Club iiiemberH spent n most pleasant afternoon Fri day at Mrs. A, If. Load's home on 'North Tenth street. At tho close of 'tho afternoon, refreshments were ser 'ved nud tho club adjourned to meat a week from, next Friday at the homo of Mrs. .1. S. (Lyons. During tho af ternoon, Mrs. It. Nordrtini and Mrs. Whitblngtou wero elected to member ship. Special gucbtu present yester day woro: Mrs. Wut'klns ami Mrs. .1. W. Mclnturff. Tho mombors otijoy- for tho guiesls In various gumca. lug Mrs. Loud u hospltullty wero Mrs. Ln.lo In tho nftornoon, n iIolIcloiiul'A. O. Itogers. Mrs. W. 11. Kennedy, t, Mrs. David .Motlioillst chuieli. Tlio next busl Noble, Mrs. IJ. r.ess incotlng will fo lu two wcoks 10. Qulst, Vv at which time tho ladles will take (r ia "PRESCRIPTIONS and Mrs. Ilowhny, Tho meeting next Thursday will !. with Mrs. Murpliy. prtfeiit this week woro: Mrs. Ilaab, Mi. A. S. Iflsey. Mrs. Henry lloeek, Mrs. W. H. Ijilnl, Mm. minor FIRST." Tills is the slogan of tlio Hod Cross Pharmiuy, Wo (lvi Pio.Hcrlplions I' At tout Ion nt all times, i 1'Irt.t Quality (lieuilcals and Drugs only are iihihI; Kli-st Quality Hollies, folks, anil Boxes cost us considerably moro than (ho onlluary grade, lint (hat Is Hit kind wo us. Wo glo our llrht atleii lion (o (ho imiucdiato di llciy of I'li'sciiptloiiN lo any part of the city, or to boats am! auto Hues, Wo honestly hiflioto It will pay j on to bring all your prescriptions to The Red Cross Clarke Millinery Central Averame aimmioiuLinice ftlheilir howimu )pnn Of the latest modes A most cordial Invitation Is extend tsl lo all (o liiNpcct tho Latest Cit ations In Millinerjr, blrthdny luncheon was served. Thocu present wero: Mastors, James II. Mills.' Herbert Lewis, Tom Flan agan, It obi it Jnliuson, I'rodorlclc Scln'tter, Luwroneo Bertram, Juiy MclCcovn, Marvin ISwurd aitd tho host, John Butler. J r t t I SPKAKS AT XOIITII BKXD 4 Dr. K. S. ConkUn of OroEon Uni versity spoke nt a public meeting lu .North Bend last Tuesday ovenlug, under tho auspices of tho Motheru and Teachers Club, to a largo and ap preciative audoiiro. Most Interesting was (ho talk glvon by Dr. !:. S. Conklln on "Psychology of tho Crowd." Do showed the spirit or mob rule, the blending of all In dividual inml to "follow tho leador." a fact that accounts for lyuclilugs, for 'tho "going wild" of a political crowd, poplo as a mass doing things which us Individuals they nuver would have done. During such times, ho said, ono entirely loses his porsonallty and becomes a unit lu a group which has but ono mind, a very dangerous pro ceeding, if headed by erratic loaders. LTlio talk was given In bucIi a clear and simple way that oven a child could understand. Tho speaker wiib Intro duced by Mrs. George Watklus, presi dent of the North Bend Mothers mid Teachers Club. An Instrumental duet by Mrs. 0. II, Worrell and Mrs. K, L. Co", a vo- nl solo by Mrs, Coo and selections by the High School Giro Club added much ti the pleasure, of the evening. Mrs. C.F. McGeorogo, Mrs. U.M. Barry Mrs. Malr Da no, Mrs. It. K. Luruwuy, Mrs W. II. DCudlngcr, Mrs. Malison. Mrs. C. W. Cumbers mid tho hostess. SPKCIAL SKIlVICKti SUXDAV Tho Sunday school of Kastport will have an especially Interesting meet ing tomorrow afternoon lu tho school house at three o'clock. Victor P. Morrlu of tho Christian church wi'.ll lKak and tlmro will bo special inu tile. Tho collection reculvod will go toward paying for tho organ for tlio Sunday school. It Is hoped that 'there will ho a largo number out al this service. 4- ((Continued on nngo 7) Order Your Spring Suit, Now BUY FRESH HOMEMADE1 1 OF COURSE WE HAVE IT FOLGEtf'S COFFEE Wo will glvo you tlio bargain week prices, deliver" promptly and recommend It to J'oil. Wo carry tho completo lino of , Fokjcr's Tea, Coffee and Spices Conner & Hoagland Broadwry and Hall Phono 312C. FOLGER WEEK Flndn us prepared with u large I stock of GOLDKX (1ATI0 COKKUK A flno shipment of Beauty of 'Hebron Seed Potatoes Iiiib arrived, 'SII.BS per 100 lbs. Wo also ImVo IOurly Hoco and Commercial Fcrtl '.7.cva. Pioneer Grocery SI Central Avoiiuo. Phono SI PURE FOODS and n PROGRESSIVE GROCERY TlllH IS OUIl AIO'ITO That'll why wo tiro obnervlug FOLGER WEEK We can servo you with this and all tho popular brands of foodstuffs promptly Homo of Advertised (JooiIm OUivant & Nasburg Phouu 100 FIGURE IT UP, MADAM Save ton cents a pound on your coffee this week and ll means Kconoiny In tho month's grocery bill. FOLGER WEEK Is observed at thLs storo and wo will ho pleased to fill your orders promptly. Warner Grocery :tOI Front St. Phono SH. THIS STORE IS ALWAYS TO TIII'J KHOXT That's why you can always count on getting what you want here. This wook It Is FOLGER'S COFFEE Lot us uorvo you and save ten cents a pound. Cook's Grocery Call and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. P Drop Central Avenue Central Avoiiuo Phono 180 ADVERTISED GOODS ARE GUARANTEED GOODS An nilvrutlscmeiil Is a proinlho of iimnufaclurei', pi-otlurer anil niercli- ant. to mako gixxl. When jou buy the guaranteed article, you buy tho best. Voit can mo money (his week by biijlng FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE COFFEE Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is first aid to success in the work of the day 45cCoffee 45cQuality Folger Week March6jtoll Save lOc'a pound Tln 1 lb! .45 2 lb.v '.85 vz lb. r l.oo rtrgutir SpxU l'tlce Wc 5 1,65 ',75 5 lb. 2:00 ,150 Gromn tolll cffl A Jlfftttntt frm ii Telephone or send the order to your grocer today. J.A.Folger&Co, San Francisco v PHAIIMACV. J. live Drown :; I'houo ll! t "PIIKHCHIPTIOXS I'lHST." 111 addition to the BECKER BROS, pianos, for which I have won a host of friends on Coos Bay, I have added to my line of pianos the WISSNER up right and grands. The Wissncr is considered one of tlio finest pianos made, and some of the world famous artists have won their fame with the Wiss ncr as an accessory. HENRIK GJERDRUM. $ We have some very attrac tive patterns in stock and can quickly secure any other you may desire. ' Our prices are reasonable and we guarantee material, fit and workmanship. Come in and let' us show you. J. V. Koski Tailor for Men and Women Market Avenue :: Marshfield Phono 111. J. fe & s SJ J0U Kose Bushes S n IfltOWX IX M.IHSIIFIKI.I) r ftl Cimnas, Dalillus, Gladiolus, pt 3 Plants for Wiiulow Hoes S Marshfield S Wo llnvo N airfs Linoleu FOR THE KITCHEN iar-tr -4ilWhT ULL Ll ! -Vi EffiaL-.--. &exttij2ir&K.Ji..' 3H5:lMFn 4U ' si :S3irirK52 ir.W ' r,-i r-T7,-vrz TTT W-W O'V-rf- ttV$?&X&ttt&tt A-j iiac-Ss vs.a-sii'xm jKfe(GK3I3SSffiS?S2x ke&kkmvm H-T' Jk Florist Co. Edwin G. Scott Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, Plants. Phones: Storo 259-J. Greenhouse- 42G-X 5 slil Cover the Kitchen Floor with NAIRN'S LINOLEUM STOPS THE SCRUBBING that produces round shoulders NAIRN'S LINOLEUM LIGHTEN? THE LABOR Jj HOUSEWORK it is fit for any room and fits the new of every room. ' SIGHTLY, SANITARY, EASY TO CLEAN COSTS LESS BECAUSE IT LASTS LONGER Designs and Colors as effective as they are unusual Ask us to figure on your kitchen Mnson-Gulovsen impany The Quality Name Willi the Sorvjco Famo .n