jr a ( J--. .VfWnj THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 0, 1916 EVENING EDITION. ItX Two For One Sale Now In Full Swing THINK OF IT: Two Suits of Clothes for the price of one, plus $1.00. Two Overcoats or Raincoats for the price of one, plus $1 or One Suit and one Overcoat both for the pries of one, plus $1.00. CHILDREN'S SHOES AT THESE PRICES: 1.00 Shoes nt Hc OOc Shoes, at ' 7u JM.'Jn Shoes, nt 1 (c $1.75 Shoes, nt I $1.-0 2.!M ShooH, nt .' ?.l If.'UlO Shoes, nt ( $-.:) $:).n) Shoes,' at .?1MI." Odd Pairs and Broken Lines at still larger discounts. Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. Four Stores MAIISIIIIKLI) :: IIANDOX :: MYRTLE POINT POWEII3 PLEADS BOOZE COMEDY-THAOEin' exacted TIIK POLICE COUHT IX hrnv to wet puominent mux to SPEAK IX COOS COUXTV NEW JITNEY LINESIHERE ON SATURDAY AUTO STAOICS TO COVEIt COOS AX1) CUIIIIY III KM A HLAXKET Coqulllo (o Ito Huh of Opprrit loin ' Hinges "Work I-'roni Thoro lit All I Dlitotlons Travel on Schedule JltnoyR this spring nro to cover Cooa and Gurry counties llko n blnn kct. Plans havo Just boon porfected to mako Coqulllo tho huh of tlio trndo and from thoro extend linos to Dan don and to Croecont City, to Coos liny, to Powers and out to Rosoburg. Tho lines will cover 3R0 miles of roidB, , F.rcd Slnglo, of tho Coqulllo Murshflqld Btngo lino, Is ono of tho heads In tho now concern. Ho was lioro yesterday and today with 1", C. Stono, completing tho plans. ' Tho project will mean tho putting Jnto use of about GO nutomohilcs and will employ 25 men said Mr. Stone today. Tho lines will iiro tho Cadillac, tho Dodgo and tho Chovrolct cars, tho lattor coming In especially handy on tho run 'from Hundon to CrcKcout City, by way of LnnglolB nnd Cold Hnnch, whoro thoro Is consldorahlo nand and a light but powerful car la necessary. Fred Slaglo will havo chnrgo of tho driving tbotwcou Coqulllo and Coos Hay; tho Ford Ilros., between tho county scat nnd llaudou; Shor rnrd nnd Whltsott, from llaudon to Crescent City; I. Clinton from Co qulllo to Powers and another part ner not yet namod, will titlta tho lino from Coqulllo out to Itosoburg via Myrtlo Point, nrowstor Valloy will also bo In tho route. Tho curs will travol on a time nchodulo so arranged that pusHongorH from ono placo to nnothor will ho nblo to nmlto conuortlous. An agent will ho placed at Muruhfleld to take care of tho business here. Lust summer Mr. Single conducted tho run to Marshflold, but this Is the first tlino that such an Intricate system has boon worked out on n scalo that covers all tho cities In tho two couutlos. Hit. E. S. COXKMX DELAYED UK CAUSE OK STAt.'ES Arrives to Kill Coos County Hates and Will SHtlc at High School on Saturday Evcnliiir Viniilo of Jamaica fllngor KplMido Is Touching" Victim Tells How It "Cramps Your 1h1(1c.s" Tho pleading guilty to clmrco of being drunk nnd tho ultimata flno of fC was UBsessod by Judge Hutlor ngnlnst Donald Camorou, aged 15 Jand a logger, was but a small part of tho comedy-tragedy onactcd late yesterday In tho police court. Catuoron said he Is of Irish des- ! 'cent. A medium shed man ho was, nnd roughly dressed. "Ono of the ( floaters," ho classed himself. Ho hnd gotten drunk on lemon extract and Jamaica ginger. "I havo property In Victoria," ho Hold tho Judge. "It bears mo an In come. Somotlmcs I no ml for the In terest; some years I don't." Even oh ho spokn ho shook all ovor his head, his hands, his whole frnmo j'shook ns though ho had tho palsy. "Need a biacor, I guess," ho ex plained. Had to Mlv It On tho desk sat two bottlo of tho .Inninlcii glngor. Chief Carter motioned to them tin ho asked, "Can you drink that stuff straight?" "Oh no, that Is, you know, not nt rirst. Oh, Indeed no," canio tho ex planation as ho twisted his hat In a roll. "You sco, Mr. Carter, at first you havo to dlluto It with a bit of water and sugar, but after three or four drinks, why you can take It straight, then." . "Dut Is that your Idea of a good tlmo7" ' 'Well no, hut It Is In a dry town." (Jot Xoi-tli IU'itcl llono T DTALKGDDD Last Friday he camo In from Pow- Dr. 13. S. Conkllii. head of tho o with $G0; yesterday ho hud 1.3fi psychology department at tho stato 'lo- Bal tI,,lt ' tIm 'ct'in university, will spoak In Marshflold nonni icon tirinicing nonvny. ai on Saturday .ovonlng 1n tho high l-Ht friends of his bought him whls- rlinl nl.llnrln,il On lln at mm vnll. t ItOV. HO llOUgllt tWO fhlBlCB nt $5 ..v..uu. .... w.. uv.nu j - , .... ...,. ... xllt nivwivi. terday Dr. Conklln arrived from wit- '" " " " 'P"8 01 " "" " ' " f Wu 1. 11.....I If it. Innnnii 11tntl gone aftor bolng three days on tlio "'i i ronil ami ono dnv bohln.I his schod- irion to mm out who inoy got u ulo. BOOST ROAD BDNDS'LENT OPENS TODAY S. HetiMin Writes That Ho Will Try ami Conic O'ov. Wlthycombo Un- nblo to Como nt Present Chns. Hall, president of tho Coos County Good Hoads Association, has been ondoavorlng to got a numbor of promlnont Oregon men to comd to Coos county and talk In behalf lug pornmnont roads which Is to bo submitted at the time of tlio primary election. , ASH WEDNESDAY OUSEUVED HY ciiimar services here Ojieiil'iig if Slv Wcfck Penitential Sea son In Catholic and Kplscopol , Chip dies Today, Ash Wednesday (Dies Cln-J oru in), dorlvcs Its unmo from the an cient practlco In the churchof sprink ling usiies on tho heads of thoso who were put to public ponunco and teni of tho proposed bond issue for build- ipornry excommunication on that day. It Is tho beginning of tho Lonton season which lasts until Easter Sun day, It Is tho great penitential sca- Tlils morning ho received a letter son ot tj10 cluircli, commomorntlng from S. Hcnsoii, tho Portland nill-tll0 fortv .inys H1)Ct uv Christ In the lloiialro philanthropist and good roads onthuslast, saying that ho .would try and bo here. Mr. llonson wilderness. Tlio season has liecn appropriately taken by tho church as a fitting preparation for Hostor, Is now in Pasadena, coiir., aim imaami CBpcclally tho observance of been In rather poor health. It hlslHolv wCQv win, tH 8olomn lessons health pormlts, ho will bo hero. (Jov. Wlthycombo Writes Oovornor James Wlthycombo wrote ns follows In rcsponso to Mr. Hall's Invitation to him to old In tho Coos county campaign. "My sympathies nro entirely with you nnd I wkh I could bo of direct assistance, but ns I havo already ro pllcd to your Fellowship Club, It Is not going' to bo possible for mo to got to Coos county nt thJs enrly ijip.rt of tho year on account of other ongagomonts. "However, I do plan to visit both Coos and 'Curry counties later In tho summer and nm looking forward to again meeting with my friends In your portion of tho stato. I hopu at that time, even if I do not hnvo tho opportunity to assist In your cam paign, to sco Homo of tho results of It In tho nature of road Improve OADS on the Buffering of Christ. In nccordanco with tho nnoient nnd nrlniltlvo custom of tho churches throughout Europe tho Boason has Ibccn Bet apart by tho Episcopal churches on tho Hay for special do-1 .votlonnl services, announcement of i which will bo mndo lator. At North Dciul there will bo n Leuton Mission tho general thonio of which will bo: "Tho Dulldlng of a Posltlvo Chris tian Faith." At Emmnnuol church, Marshflold nt 10:30 there was n scr-j vlco, with an nddross by tho rector: "Why a Lonton Scnson," and nt 17:30 in tho ovonlng there will bo a sorvlco nt Empire. Special services wore also held In I tho Catholic churches. TAXPAYKItS OHOAXIZE LEAGUE. - .1 Afro AvSiksftM!' What You First, Seek in a Corset lUHlinw, lnoiifcrtlwn. (luro iii.r tac B.,dti -" ''rti h .,, What must .von Imvo with hhnito? Comfort in .,.i... .. . w l lout Iieauit may no proscrveii. i uitrnoi h is comlVitlablo, vi i. vn vi.'V'i',. r.'mi.i iMnioi lulu it-, i ii... .....,.., .....v...... . "'""-miiy wcw 0Bt llllll qtlllniiivioi n.V. " ii hi in rn 11 nv.ni I'linic, WHAT FIXAI1I1YV All thco nt a modcintc pi Ice. found lit -v A thlih I JferKfProof Corsets Guaranteed inside out by the malor, hot to rust, breakl $4 the highest 75c the lowest For Sae Only by The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG MARSHFIELD ' ALWAYS BUSY. WIRELESS STATION TO BE DONE AUGUST 1 WILL ADDItESS .MKKTIXH THEUE TOXKJIIT ) from, but Cameron dcclnrod ho did Tonight ho speaks In Myrtlo Point. o Know ami no buck 10 uih .iurj. on Thursdnv at Conulllo. nt Haiidon ! And finally when tho whiskey was on Friday and back to Coqulllo hkoIii " UB0I " " "trt " ' "8"B to address a group of teachers thoro "m 'o' oxiracis ami uio .inmnica Saturday noon and that samo ovo-linger. Thoro was a friend with nlng will bo In Mnrshflold. Ills topic , !" thon. Dr. D. O. ViiiiRliHii. notitft, Itoora 10, First Xiitlounl Hank building Dr. Iicsllo, Osteopath, Muihliflthl will bo "Habits and Happiness." Supt. Tlodgon nsTcutcd to tlio date for Saturday evening as Dr. Conklln nnist leave for Eugonu ngaln on .Sun day morning. Ho coinos horo us a representative of the extension de partment of tho University. On Sunday ho arrived In Florence but found tho day too stormy for tho ( FrP'ml Emptied llottlo . "Wo Bat up In tho room Saturday afternoon a drinking this glngor, Just tfllko Ilooslcrs," confldod Cameron, "'whon Ed, ho got up mill wont ovor to tho window. I saw him smell of a bottlo and then ho says, 'Dan,' ho says, "Dan lis wiiWKey. "Xo! I snld, It can't bo, but It was. to tho Umpqua, but round that tho stiigo had not gouu up tho coast from Coos Hay and so was forcod to stay lust evening In (liinllner. Will Inspect Ho'Kls Xortli of Hay mid In Ten .Mllo DMtilct Will Tnko Up Other .Mutters Tho North- Uond- Chamber of Commerce will meet this ovonlng land Assistant Stato Highway En gineer Cautliio will address tho gathering. Tomorrow ho will visit tint section ilorth of tho liny nnd on Friday Inspect tho roads at Ton Mile. This is the regular meeting of tho Chambor of Coiiunorco ana mo railroad celebration and othor mat ters will probably como up. nutos to make tho trip down tuoL, H0 wo finished that In a hurry." beach and yesterday ho camo through f chief Cm tor wanted further In- ADVEUTISEI) LETTEltH List of advertised loiters romnln lug In tho Marshfleld, Oregon, post- fofflco for tho week ending March 7, 191(1. Persons calling for tho B.inio plonso soy ndvortlscd and pay ono cent for each lottor callod for, Ooorgo, Peter; Hays, It. C; Jon son, Ilanna; Lnnkuo, Mrs. G. E.; Nloml, l.aurl; Poturson, Capt. C. 0. V.; Illng, lloinor Smith, Mrs. M. A.J Tucker, Claude; Van Eaton, 1). II.; White, Mrs. Arthur J. HUOH M'LAIX, P. M. rormntloii. "What does that ginger r,rcol llko when H'b going down?" ho queried. , Horo Cnferou, In anticipation of tho question, was already rubbing his poor hIoiuucIi. Ho looked up. "Oh, It's nwful," ho murmured. "Awful. 'It cramps your lusldos nil out of shape. Hut still" nnd ho paused, "still it follow'n got to do Bomothlng. You know how It Is Mr. Cnrtor." Ho said that ho went (o a drug store nnd bought olio bottlo of tho ginger and lator went back again. "I bought threo bottles and then I 1iiid clennod them out entirely," nnd ho started In with tho grocory Btoros. Judgo Hutlor udiululstored a ho- voro talking too, told Camorou ho i waa killing hlmsolf and that mi un- COKE did not nr- wiortnkor would bo ncodod boforo Dr. II. E. Kplty, Dentist, '-01 Coko lllilg.. Phono tl2l.' Serious Conslileriillon to lie Given Cniiscs of High Taxes nnd Ex penditure of Public .Money. Tho Honlon County Courier Bays:i0f tlio government wireless station About two hundred and fifty 'that tho money may bo used Loforo taxpayers of Ilonton county mot in the end of tho fiscal year and not re Lleutrlt. (t, (.'oiiian Says Money Must 116 SpVnt Heforo Ihul of Fiscal Year Iteliuns South Speed Is necossary In tho erection tho circuit court room nt Corvnllls, Saturday, January 8, ns previously arranged and announced to orgo nlzo n Honton County Taxpayers' Lcaguo for tho purpose of formu- vcrt back to tho treasury, Is tho stato- incut of Llout. It. U. Comau, of tho JAS. BOM tho matter. Ho says actual work will ho started next month mid thut latlug plans mid putting in motion ; tho wholo thing must bo completed a nuichlno Hint will bring about, by August 1. It Is to bo ono of tho n substantial reduction In tho taxes most powerful stntlonti on tho Pa of tho county not a "tomporaryi olficcoast. makeshift, hut n substantial mull. Lieut. Comau wan nt llaudon mid thorough Job that will bo effectual for years to como. That something Is radically wrong nnd that drastic action is nocos- sary was sliown when Mr. Ingle rend n summary of tho increase of taxes for tho past 1-' years In Hon ton county an Incronso of nonrly sovon hundred per cont, or from $13,000 In 1003, to $301,000 for 1914. 3ilbby Coal. $.1.00 toil. Phono 711. pioxeeu iiAimint ok M,itsr FIELD SITCI'MIIS AT THISCO Owned Present Site of Clinmtlcr ll tel .Many Years Ago Wm OtJ War Vctmn iruiu nun iieuii received ncrt rl tho death of Jmucs Ilowcn, a p'.octtl II. S. Navy who Is hero regarding! harbor of Marshfleld, nt San Tni cImco last week. He was 63 juJ old and death was due to a con;' cation of Ills. Howcn wns engaged in the bit!l business hero for ninny jcin i:i loft about a dozen years ago till his family for Cal.fornla. Iloimd ns n drummer boy hi tlio CltllWvl onllstlng when thlrtcon yean M nnd was active In tlio (I, A. It. Itnl Do never lost his longing or Hi snnro drum and often nlaycdltc public occasions In Marshfleld. His wlfo wns formerly M! Wi HIiIbb of Curry county. 8liondN daughters, Misses Mnttle an! M .nlo, aurvlvo him. telephoned a mescago to tho Cnpo Dlanco station fur transfer to Mare Island. Ho had nil answer back Inside of 10 minutes. Ho said, that Mure Island by Au gust 1 will sco tho starting of tho first droadnnught to bo built on tho Pacific. An offort Is bolng mndo to hnvo tho vosael named California. This ship will moan tho employment of botween G.000 ami 8.000 inon nt Mnro Island, nil of whom live In Val-lojo. To get (5001) clwnln and i palling, rail JAY DOVI.K. I'h. : :FOL GEE WEEK JltDdE JOIIX S rlvo homo foday from Itosohurgllong mid Eugeno but It Is oxpoctud ho will como In tomorrow, llo hold (et a Hiacer "Yos I know It. Irut Judgo, can't . SEVEN SPECIALS AT THE FAIR FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. It's too good an opportunity to miss the prices have been greatly reduced to make it pay you handsomely to buy these goods now. Radios' Hair Switches, various shades, 26 to (Ti nc 30 inches long; foimerly sold $3,50 to $5, $1. 100 pieces of Best Rick Rack Braids, ail widths, ci IQc to 20c values, On sale at per piece P Small boy's wool hats, pretty colors, 50c value-. -. 23c 1 lot fancy flowored and plaid silk ribbons, 4 to -i c 5 inches wide; 25c to 35c values, On sale, ycL A? Men's 15c gray wool mixed sox, all sizes, pair 8c 9c 4c court at Eugeno last Saturday In fyou (,t mo havo ono of tho bottles u Bpuclnl case for Jud'.o Sltlpworth bback. JubI to sobor up on you know," who was disqualified. ii0 ploadod. "Look, Judgo, look hero, I am all n tremble and a shak ing now for want of a drink." And vory reluctantly tlio Judgo allowed tho pouring out Into nnothor bottlo of u couplo of good swnllows of tho fiery liquid that ho "might hnvo Boinethlng to Mibor up on" and CmiHMon went slowly out tho door, promising to hoed tho mauy Instruc tions to leave boozo ulono. 1 15c and 20c host flannelettes, beautiful pat tems, suitable for kimonos, etc, on sale at yd. 1 lot Ladies' Handkerchiefs, embroiderod cor ners, 10c value, On sale at .- JF STSF THE FAIR Next to Chandler Hotel. Central Avenue Satisfaction Always or Your Money Refunded -"L&H t The XdCiL Store Iiocklinrt Parsons Drug Co. THE FIRST PRINCIPLE Always observed hero Is to sell you ' food products that nro right, ut prices that aro right. Wo will observe FOLfeER WEEK Hy mixing you ton cents por pound on your purchnso Phono us your orders Sanitary Food Store Phono 213 Save 1 Oc Pooiradl on Yoot Coffee PURE F00DL . M TO) JiJi MA1C1 i 208 Central OF COURSE WE HAVE IT FOLGER'S COFFEE Wo will glvo you tho bnrgaln week prices, dollver promptly nnd recommend it to you. Wo inrry tho complete lino of Folger's Tea, Coffee and Spices Conner & Hoagland Hrondway and llnll Phono 320. ,, F0LGER WEEK Finds up prepared with it largo stock of (.'OLDEN (JATI? COEKEE at a savlnk of ton couts por pound to you. Phono us your order and It will bo filled mid dollvored promptly Pioneer Grocery SI Central Avonuo. Phono 8-t '- NOT JUST IN ONE LINE Hut In tho selection of nil our lines of Food Products wo put your Interests first. F0LGER WEEK Means a saving to you of ten conts por pound on your coffeo. Lot us fill your orders. C. W. Wolcott Phono !7 Save ten cents a pound on Coffee There was a day when roasted rye and other cheap substitutes could be ground and sold for coffee. There was a day when the coarsest flavored coffee could be rdazed and made to appear fairly well, and sell for the best. Not so today. Yon know better. You are able to discriminate to judge by the flavor rati r than by the label, You arc demanding delicate aroma, refined flavor, full rich coffee taste. As r. meant to introduce FOUSRR'S Golden Gate Coffee to a wider circle of families we offer a saving to you' of ten cents a pound for one week. Grocers will collect the difference from us. m riico J'rm 1 lb. .45 2 lb. .85 " II). 1.00 b lb. 2.C0 ire .35 .65 .75 1.50 That's why wc find a growing market for Fol ger's Golden. Gate Coffee, the highest priced in America, because the quality is in the cup. 3W9 &m 45c Coffse 45c Quality Ne;:t week you'll have to pay the regular price. Buy a quantity. Jt keeps well in the airtight tin. Save ten cents a pound. Telephone or send your order to your dealer today J. A. Folger 8c Co. o' San Francisco F O L G E R WEEK TIIIH IS Ol"U MOW) That's why wo aro olscrrlnf F0LGER WEEK Wu can servo you with InM ; nil tho popular brands of foodstuffs promptly Homo of Ailvcrlli.nl Canto Ollivant & Nasburg Phono 109 and U "MU month's groctrf FIGURE IT UP, MADAM Save ton c nls a pound " !" corfeo this wceli Economy In tho bill. F0LGER WEEK . la observed nt thU store Di f will bo plcacod to fill yr " promptly. Warner Grocery :i01 Front St. THIS STORE; IB ALWAVS 'It, Til 'J That's Why you n ,, count on getting wlmt ,0 hoio. This weok it Is i FOLGER'S COF W , Let us servo you nnd s" conts a pound, Cook's Grocery Control Avonuo pbono IS' ADVERTISED GOODS ARE GUARANTEED GOODS An mlVMtlwiiieiit ls n l"J manufacturer, producer w nut to mako o(l. ' , tU teed article, ; wk this tlio giiiiinn host. You can nvo mmiej' """"Wger-s golden GATE COFfW